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KRSMA Estates announces entry in Indian Wine market Launches its first range of international award-winning, su er- remium

!outi"ue wines

#angalore, $%st &anuary '(%):- KRSMA Estates, founded by Krishna Prasad and Uma Chigurupati, Managing Dire tors of the Rs !"## rore $yderabad based pharma ompany %ranu&es 'ndia, today forma&&y announ ed its entry into the 'ndian (ine mar)et, (ith the &aun h of its first range of super-premium bouti*ue (ines+ ,he &aun h by KRSMA Estates has been mu h a(aited e-er sin e it reated a history of sorts by bagging a doub&e go&d for its .Chardonnay "#!/0 and a go&d for .Cabernet Sau-ignon "#!", besides a si&-er for its 0Sau-ignon 1&an "#!/0, at the .China 2ine 3 Spirits A(ard "#!/4+ 't added to its a &aim by re ei-ing ra-e re-ie(s from (or&d-reno(ned (ine onnoisseurs at the 2or&d 2ine Symposium in 5o-ember "#!/+ KRSMA Estates has &aun hed the Chardonnay "#!/, Cabernet Sau-ignon "#!!, Sangio-ese "#!" and Sau-ignon 1&an "#!" pri ed at a range from Rs+67# to Rs+!7##8bott&e+ 9n&y "### ases of the (or&d- &ass (ine ha-e been produ ed, (hi h (i&& be a-ai&ab&e in the 1anga&ore mar)et initia&&y, before KRSMA forays into other domesti mar)ets &i)e De&hi, %oa et +, and internationa& mar)ets this year+ KRSMA has partnered (ith premium out&ets su h as Madhu&o)a :i*uor 1outi*ue, Drops, C&assi A& obe-, De(ar 2ines and Cyber 2ines to retai& its first range and (i&& soon be a-ai&ab&e at restaurants and hote&s a ross the ity+ Krishna Prasad and Uma ha-e in-ested &ose to Rs 6 rores, e-er sin e they forayed into the (ine business and started KRSMA Estates in "##6+ Ma;ority of this has been in estab&ishing a (or&d- &ass !6# a re -ineyard, of (hi h <7 a res are u&ti-ated, (ith /# a res yie&ding and a =#,### &itre high-end bouti*ue (inery, &o ated 6# )m from $ampi, so that the (ines an be hand- rafted from -ineyard to (inery+ ,hey ha-e a&so in-ested signifi ant&y in other aspe ts of produ tion in &uding importing e*uipment and ma hinery, pa )aging materia&s su h as bott&es from >ran e and &abe&s from Austra&ia, to ensure it ref&e ts the high *ua&ity of the (ine+ Spea)ing at the &aun h Krishna Prasad said, ?Despite ha-ing emerged a&most t(o de ades ba ), 'ndian (ines ha-e not appea&ed to the g&oba& pa&ate and ha-e been strugg&ing to reate a p&a e for themse&-es on the internationa& (ine map+ 2ith KRSMA estates, (e aim to fi&& this gap and ater to a gro(ing audien e of dis erning (ine &o-ers and onnoisseurs (ho ha-e e@perien ed some of the best brands from around the (or&d+ KRSMA (i&& be amongst the first 'ndian (ines that (i&& ater to the tastes of a g&oba&&y e@posed audien e and the internationa& a(ards and response at g&oba& (ine fairs reiterates our firm be&ief+0

2e ha-e rushed fi-e har-ests sin e (e estab&ished the -ineyard (ay ba ) in "##6, and (inery in "#!#, but this is the first time it (i&& be a-ai&ab&e on she&-es+ A ombination of iron-ri h s hist type soi&, minima& rainfa&&, and oo& nighttime temperatures during ripening, pro-ides us (ith f&a-oursome grapesA the most essentia& omponent for ma)ing good (ine+ 2e tru&y be&ie-e that good (ine is first made in the -ineyard+ 2e (ant to p&a e $ampi $i&&s on the (or&d map and gain re ognition for 'ndia as a produ er of high *ua&ity (ines0, says a proud Uma, Dire tor of KRSMA Estates+ *+er+iew of the Indian Wine market, A ording to a ,e hnopa) report, the o-era&& 'ndian (ine mar)et an be estimated at B+67 &a)h ases or '5R RS !67 rores at (ho&esa&e pri e+ ,hough &o( penetration has resu&ted in &o( per apita onsumption, the mar)et is steadi&y gro(ing at a CA%R of "#-"7C+ 'ndia4s (ine onsumption has in reased drasti a&&y and it onstitutes <7C of sa&es of a& oho& in 'ndia+ Domesti and imported mar)ets a ount for 6#C and /#C respe ti-e&y+ 2hi&e imported (ines ha-e traditiona&&y managed to attra t ustomers, a s&e( of 'ndian (inema)ers and nationa& brands are at hing up+ Karnata)a gro(s o-er /,/#,### tonnes of grapes and produ es /+7 mi&&ion &itres of (ine annua&&yA has o-er !6 (ineries+ Karnata)a omes se ond in the &ist of (ine produ ers and 1anga&ore is third in the &ist of (ine drin)ers, after De&hi and Mumbai+ A!out KRSMA Estates, ,he stepping stone for KRSMA Estates (as &aid in "##6 by the su essfu& entrepreneurs, Krishna Prasad and Uma Chigurupati, (ho are a&so the managing dire tors of %ranu&es 'ndiaA Rs !"## rore $yderabad based Pharma Company+ KRSMA is spread o-er !6# a re -ineyards near $ampi+ KRSMA Estates has (or&d &ass e*uipment and ma hinery, pa )aging materia&s to ensure it ref&e ts the high *ua&ity of the (ine+ KRSMA 2ines ha-e (on doub&e go&d and si&-er at the .China 2ine 3 Spirits A(ard "#!/4+ A&so, it has re ei-ed, ra-e re-ie(s from (or&d-reno(ned (ine onnoisseurs at the 2or&d 2ine Symposium in 5o-ember "#!/+

For media enquiry please contact: Suman Prasad, 8123533197 (suman@pr u!"com# $ idananda %&, 897'9357'8 (c idananda@pr u!"com#

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