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- Expresar habilidad - Expresar posibilidad o imposibilidad - Expresar o pedir permiso

- We can drive very well - can!t tal", !ve got a very sore throat

CAN (presente)

- #an sit down$ - &he can!t be at school. t!s holiday.

- Be able to complementa a can cuando indica habilidad y posibilidad: infinitivo, futuro, present perfect y gerundio, e.g. will be able to play the guitar in a year.

- En negativa expresar deducci%n y prohibici%n.

- 'ou cannot smo"e here. - (ane could drive before she was )*. - #ould you pass the salt, please$

- Expresar habilidad en pasado. - +edir algo educadamente. - Expresar posibilidad o imposibilidad en el pasado. - ,acer especulaciones (posibilidad remota) - ,acer sugerencias.

COULD (pasado)

- t was so hot couldn!t wal" in the sand.

- -his passport could be his.

- We could play bingo today. - -hey said they could do it themselves. - 'ou could have bought some more food. - 1ay leave the classroom$ - 'ou may go to the toilet. - #uando 12' indica posibilidad indica 3ue algo no es seguro. (3ui/4, tal ve/, - -he headmaster may visit the puede 3ue) class today. - -hat may be the thief that was arrested by the police.

- .empla/a a can en el estilo indirecto

- Expresar una cr0tica.

- +edir algo.


- Expresar permiso. - Expresar posibilidad (presente o futura)

- ,acer especulaciones.

- Expresar posibilidad (m4s - -hey might invite us to the dudosa) party.

- ,acer especulaciones - -hey might have bro"en the window6 - 'ou should do more physical exercise

- 5a posibilidad es muy dudosa (pudiera ser 3ue)


- 7ar y pedir conse8os (deber0a)

- Expresar obligaci%n - 'ou should be more tolerant moral o 3ue algo no es lo adecuado 3ue esperabamos

- #riticar acciones pasadas - ,acer un ofrecimiento

- &he should have been 3uiet

- !ll carry the suitcase for you. - Will you bring me a coffee, please$ - &hall open the window$ - What shall we do tonight$ - shall spea" to the headmaster - Would you li"e some tea$ - When was a child, would go fishing.


- +edir algo educadamente - ,acer un ofrecimiento - +edir sugerencias


- -omar decisiones

- ,acer un ofrecimiento


- .utinas en el pasado (afirm.) (sol0a) - Expresar obligaci%n (autoridad fuerte)

- 'ou must go to school - ,29E -: complementa a 1;&- en los tiempos 3ue este carece, e.g. &he had to get up early yesterday.

MUST (presente)
- En negativa: expresar prohibici%n - Expresar deducci%n (afirmativa) - Expresar necesidad - #on sentido pasivo - En negativa: ausencia de obligaci%n = don!t have to - 'ou mustn!t smo"e in hospitals - -hey must be happy. -hey!ve won the lottery - <eed we go now$ - -he trees need pruning.


- 'ou needn!t get up early at wee"ends

- 7ar conse8os

- 'ou ought to do more physical exercise - 'ou ought to be more tolerant

- Expresar obligaci%n moral


- Expresar h4bitos o rutinas - used to play tennis, but now en el pasado play bas"et - Expresar obligaci%n (> suave) - 'ou have to be )* to drive a car


- En negativa: ausencia de obligaci%n

- 'ou don!t have to wear a uniform in this school


- 7ar conse8os o sugerencia - t!s getting dar", we!d better (ser0a me8or) go home now - > infinitivo: preferir algo ? - !d rather stay at home su8etos iguales (prefiero) - > :raci%n en pasado simple: (preferir0a) su8etos diferentes - !d rather she studied harder - !d rather listen to music than dance

- > infinitivo > than > infinitivo


- Expresa @estar acostumbrado a..@

- !m used to going to bed late.

- Expresa @ acostumbrarse - can!t get used to his way of a..@ coo"ing.

MODALES PERFECTOS: &e refieren al pasado: expresan conclusiones, suposiciones y con8eturas 3ue hacemos sobre hechos pasados y se forman con un modal > have > participio. o 1;&- > ,29E > +2.- # + : A conclusiones l%gicas en el pasado, e.g. &heila was absent yesterday. &he must have been ill. o #:;57 > ,29E > +2.- # + : A indica 3ue hubo posibilidad de hacer algo en el pasado pero realmente no se hi/o, e.g. ,e could have helped us, but he came too late. A en negativa, expresa la incredulidad de 3ue lo ocurrido sea cierto, e.g. &he couldn!t have said those words. A para hacer una suposici%n en el pasado, e.g. &he didn!t come to the party. &he could have been ill.

o o

12' B 1 C,- > ,29E > +2.- # + : A expresan una suposici%n sobre el pasado, e.g. #all her again. &he may B might not have heard you the first time. &,:;57 B :;C,- -: > ,,29E > +2.- # + : A para lamentar 3ue no se sigui% un conse8o en el pasado, e.g. &he loo"s worse. &he should B ought to have seen a doctor last wee". A para lamentar 3ue no se haya cumplido lo 3ue esper4bamos, e.g. -hey should have been home by now. A en negativa demuestran nuestra opini%n cr0tica sobre algo 3ue no deber0a haber ocurrido, e.g. !m very angry with her. &he shouldn!t have been so rude.

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