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Formal Style

(from Swales, John M and Feak, Christine B. Academic Writing for Graduate Students, Second Edition. 2004. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. I. Level of vocabulary 1. Choose single verbs rather than phrasal or prepositional verbs for more formal style; Example: decreasing According to some biologists, coming up with clear proof of the number of frogs has been difficult. According to some biologists, offering clear proof of the decreasing of frogs has been difficult.


2. There is always more than one way to express an idea: always choose a more formal alternative. Example: Crash test dummies are really important for automotive crash tests. Crash test dummies are an integral part of automotive crash tests. I. Level of grammar 1. Avoid contractions. Example: Export figures wont improve until the economy is stronger. Export figures will not improve until the economy is stronger. 2. Use the more appropriate negative form: Not any = no Example: The analysis didnt yield any new results. The analysis yielded no new results. Not much = little Example: The government didnt allocate much funding for the program. The government allocated little funding for the program. Not many = few Example: This problem doesnt have many viable solutions. This problem has few viable solutions.

3. Limit the use of run-on expression: and so forth, etc. Example: These semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, etc. These semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, and other electronic devices. 4. Avoid addressing the reader as you (except if you are writing a textbook or instructions). Example: You can see the results in Table 1. The results can be seen in Table 1. 5. Avoid direct questions. Example: What can be done to lower costs? We now need to consider how costs can be lowered. 6. Place adverbs within the verb. Example: Actually, very little is known about the general nature and prevalence of scientific dishonesty. Very little is actually known about the general nature and prevalence of scientific dishonesty. Example: This model was developed by Krugman (1979) originally. This model was originally developed by Krugman (1979). 7. Use split infinitive where necessary. Example: We need to meet the needs of those enrolled in the program adequately. We need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program. Example: Neural networks have the ability to classify new patterns correctly. Neural networks have the ability to correctly classify new patterns. 8. Aim for an efficient use of words. Example: It may be difficult to make a decision about the method that we should use. Choosing the proper method may be difficult.

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