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A Church Planting Movement Among The Russian-Speaking Peoples of Ufa

We believe that Gods heart is to bring glory to Himself thru the ignition of a church-planting movement among the Russian-speaking peoples of Ufa & Bashkortostan Russia

Team Ufa Strategic Plan for Church Planting, 2012-2013 Continuing Steps
!ur concise strategic plan as of "uly #$%# thru "une #$%& consists of the follo'ing segments(
%) *obili+ing prayer for the ,ords 'ork to be manifested through the ,ords church in Ufa and Bashkortostan via monthly email team prayer calendar online & as email attachments via individual team member net'orks and -ompassion .et submissions #) /lanting of %$ ne' self-reproducing 0mother simple1apartment1house groups & churches in the mega-city of Ufa 'hich take on the responsibility of guiding their o'n church-planting 'ork through apartment1house1simple settings 2) 3nvolving a multiplicity of volunteers from U45 and other countries 'orking in partnership 'ith e6isting evangelical churches in Ufa for the purposes of seed-so'ing prayer'alking 74, all forms of evangelism and leadership training) *ost all volunteers 'ill need to come to Ufa using either religious activity visa invitations provided by the Russian Baptist Union in *osco' 'ith House of /rayer -hurch in Ufa legally responsible for teams presence1activities) &) 7ngage key partners in the U45 to adopt specific segments of Ufa as 8irtual 4trategy -oordinators 'orking in concert 'ith 9eamUfas team strategy leader to develop implement and evaluate church planting strategies for those segments 3n the ne6t #-2 years 'e desire to motivate the appro6) &:$-:$$ evangelicals ;'ith 'hose churches 'e are involved in some 'ay for church planting< in systematically prayerwalking the key sectors of Ufa 'here 'e desire to see at least %$ ne' key groups1churches planted over the ne6t fe' years) We also desire to 'ork 'ith the e6isting evangelical & Russian Baptist churches to instigate a passion among them for reaching the lost of their neighborhoods through creati e e angelism and greater risk-taking by taking the lead and modeling for them ne' approaches for prayer, prayerwalking, personal evangelism, lea!ership training, sports evangelism, business as mission, mens and womens evangelistic ministries, & intentional church planting. We see 'ell-prepared and e6perienced "S# teams as a crucial segment in our evangelism efforts to reach university students1professors1teachers business professionals and the civil service sectors of Ufa) 9herefore 'e are doubling our efforts in coming years to partner 'ith such teams to help us in this regard) We intend to involve our team ;and local believers 'ho are fluent in 7nglish & are on same page 'ith us regarding church planting< in continuing groups in 7nglish in order to maintain contact 'ith especially those 'ho become believers and those 'ho continue to seek the truth) 5dditionally 'e are seeking Gods person;s< to come serve 'ith us in the !e elopment of uni ersity ministry for the purposes of church-planting) Ufa has =$ $$$ students in over &$ universities institutes and colleges) What could God do for the purposes of church planting and evangelism if even %> ;=$$< of those students became discipled and 'elltrained in basic church planting principles so that they not only plant churches in the mega-city of Ufa but also became flaming evangelists and church planters in their o'n villages during study breaks and summer vacations? We desperately need help developing such 'ork@ We need help training students in basic leadership skills ho' to lead an evangelistic bible study ho' to facilitate small group dynamics etc) We *U49 break the po'er of the lie that only a highly-trained or highly- educated or 0ordained believer can lead a group and start a ne' church regardless of 'hat Russian Baptist tradition believers & unbelievers think about that kind of a paradigm) We must be true to the primary .9 pattern of organic church 'hich most typically takes the form or model of house apartment storefront or cell groups including 'ithin emerging e6amples of medium- to large-type e6isting churches) We continue to ask the ,ord for His person;s< to come minister 'ith 9eamUfa and trigger church planting by 'ay of %<sports e angelism coor!ination #< stu!ent e angelism team lea!ership 2< $% teacher ass&t'"S# facilitating &<general church planting'church !e elopment in close association 'ith 9eamUfas team strategy leader -hris -arr)

The main team goals from our team strategy plan (TSP)*
9o continually develop revise & implement a global prayer and advocacy strategy on behalf of the peoples of Ufa1Bashkortostan to impact lostness and church planting 9o totally saturate1evangeli+e Ufa 'ith the gospel through 'hatever means possible 9o mobili+e further short- and long-term team personnel volunteers and volunteer teams and resource support 9o directly1indirectly plant & attempt to verify the planting of hundreds ;#$$A< of ne' indigenous churches and groups 'hich 'ill be self-supporting & self-reproducing ;the maBority of these churches could very 'ell be planted after our team e6its<C a key element of 'hich 'ill be training1mentoring of indigenous church planters and churches planting churches and to also evaluate the entire team strategy plan at regular 2-D month intervals

Team Ufa Core +alues

E3ntentional commitment to the ,ord in our personal 'alk to His Word the -77 regional vision 'ith prayer as a tool to bring do'n 4atanic strongholds through truth encounters EFle6ibility and 'illingness to take risks in order to push to the edge of lostness in Ufa E-ultural sensitivity & proper respect for local believers and other Great -ommission -hristians E-ommitment to cultural & linguistic competency in order to gain access to folks in their heart language E4ervanthood to our families and fello' believers and to the lost in order to gain a hearing for the good ne's E3ntentionally seeking out persons of peace in places of authority and influence E5ttitude is everythingC it affects behavior speech and intra-team relationships as 'ell as relationships 'ith RBU1G-- partners and govt1authority figures in UfaC 'e 'ill live out the spirit of 7ph) &(%-D & #:-2# E5ctive commitment to the 3*Bs 7urasian 5ffinity Groups ;75G< 0-R!44 culture identity1vision1mission statements and values( Identity Statement( Being a -ross -ulture 5mong 7uropean /eoples@ Vision Statement( !ur vision is a multitude from every language people tribe and nation kno'ing and 'orshipping our ,ord "esus -hrist Mission Statement( !ur mission is to make disciples plant multiplying groups and churches and develop indigenous leaders among all 7uropean peoples C !SS"cultural values( %) -ommunity( 'e do nothing in isolation or as individuals but as a community of gro'ing "esus follo'ers #) Risk-taking( nothing attempted nothing gainedC 'e are not interested in Bust 0maintaining or 0functioning or 0getting by 2) !ver'helming passion( 'e are consumed by glorifying God by being satisfied in Him as 'e live as global -hristians &) 4ervanthood( 'e 'ant to meet each others needs the needs of the lost and the needs of fello' believers :) 4piritual 8itality( if 'e arent gro'ing 'e are dyingC each of us should be in the Word and in communal fello'ship The ,i-lical -asis for our Continuing Steps is -ase! upon $atthew 13 an! $ark .* The Para-le of the Sower 9he parable of the 4o'er provides the best biblical picture of the priorities 'e use to accomplish Gods plan to see every Russianspeaking resident of Ufa set free to 'orship "esus -hrist & find hope for their hearts) Components of the Parable of the Sower 9here are four components to this parable( 9he 4pirit the 4o'er the 4oil and the 4eed) 1. Holy Spirit( 9he Holy 4pirit prepares empo'ers and completes the process of salvation and church planting) !ur responsibility 'ith the 4pirit is to Boin God in His 'ork) 9hrough prayer and living Gods 'ord 'e Boin God in His 'ork of eGuipping the so'er preparing the soil planting the seed and celebrating the harvest) !ur priority is to pray our 'ay into preparation empo'erment and completion of Gods desire for residents of Ufa) The Sower( 9he 4o'er is the !ne 'ho guide the process of farming) 5 farmer spends his time doing three things( preparing the soil planting the seed and gathering the harvest) *ost of the farmers time is spent preparing soil in the same 'ay 'e are responsible to prepare hard rocky and thorny soil to become fertile soil) !ur priority 'ith the 4o'er is to develop Holy 4pirit-lead lay church planters) The Soil( 9here are three kinds of barren soil( hard rocky and thorny and three kinds of fertile soil( thirty fold si6ty fold and one hundred fold) Hard soil does not understand the gospel so it needs time to know rocky soil lacks depth and needs the skills to grow and thorny soil is choked out by 'orldly cares so it needs support) 9he fertile soil has three kinds of e6plosive



gro'th( thirty si6ty and one hundred fold our Bob is to give fertile soil the gospel seed) !ur priority is to find and enable Holy 4pirit prepared soil) 4. The Seed: 9he gospel seed 'orks best 'hen it is planted in the fullness of time) God is the !ne 'ho makes the seed and transforms the seed into a plant) !ur Bob is to plant seed 'here God can use it the best)

Bearing r!it( Bearing fruit is the result of the four components of the parable of the so'er coming together under Gods direction-'e call it church planting) !ur priority here is the planting of healthy reproducible churches) Hour church1group can Boin us in each step of the 'ay) !pportunities include mobili+ing prayer prayer'alking training and serving 'ith so'ers) Hou can help prepare soil through sharing conferences training 'itnessing apologetics support groups family conferences) Hou can Boin us in planting the gospel seed using relational apologetics 4hare "esus Without Fear sports activities 74, events humanitarian 'ork and many other forms of evangelism) Hou can partner 'ith us to develop1implement church-planting strategy in specific districts of Ufa by becoming a 8irtual 4trategy -oordinator -hurch) Hou can help us celebrate the harvest by training the net'orking churches on ho' to plant daughter and granddaughter churches) /lease partner 'ith us by Boining God in His 'ork because Gods desire is to see every Ufa resident set free to 'orship "esus -hrist)

2012-2013 Sample Partnering Possibilities

%) 9eamUfa -hurch /lanting 4ummits in U45 ;likely in late summer1fall #$%# in 9ulsa areaC possibly in *arch #$%2 location 9BI< #) 5 church-to-church partnership bet'een your church and one or more of Ufas churches facilitated and in cooperation 'ith 9eamUfa #) J5n 5merican -hristmas1.e' Hears in UfaK ;Iec-"an<C cultural interchange events especially 'ith students via House of /rayer -hurch in Ufa complete 'ith -hristmas music concerts and an 5merican-led -hristmas partyC this could also be accomplished via 3*Bs Hands !n service avenue 2) J5n 5merican 3ndependence Iay in UfaKC a cultural and religious celebration through music food fire'orks storytelling etc led by 5merican volunteer teams in pro6imity 'ith "uly &C 'ould also include evangelistic picnics 7nglish -lub meetings etc) &) 5 tailor-made strategic partnership mission opportunity for your church@ We are al'ays looking for groups that are 'illing to negotiate so as to best use their giftings and play off of their strengths 'hile at same time plugging them in to best help fulfill our team strategies) 9'o such approaches 'ould be sports ministries or ministries to women or men) :) Become a /rayer -hampion -hurch by accepting responsibility to assist 'ith timely distribution of regular and urgent prayer needs design1distribution of prayer and advocacy1mobili+ation tools and systematically praying for Ufa in coordination 'ith 9eam Ufa D) 5ssist 9eamUfa to reali+e business evangelism strategies through the opening of a dual-purpose language study center and coffee house in Ufa) 9he language study center 'ould provide employment opportunities *on-4at during daytime hours for several believers and meet an e6ploding need in Ufa 'hile giving opportunity to affect students through relational evangelism and Biblical 'orldvie' influence) 9he coffeeshop 'ould provide an avant-garde opportunity for missional believers to connect 'ith all kinds of Ufa residents in a 0safe-place community space setting of normal everyday life 'ith good coffee1tea1desserts1snacks free Wi-Fi and musical opportunities in an e6cellent ambient atmosphere) /lease contact 9eamUfa leaders -hris & 7ileen -arr at( ''')connectufa)org ''')connectufa)blogspot)com http(11imbeurope)org1e6plore1author1teamufa


"uly #M #$%#

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