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International Institute of Management, Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Class: VII Semester Electronics

& Communication Engineering Session: 2013-2014 Subject: ANTENNA & WAVE PROPAGATION(7EC1) Tutorial Sheet: Unit 01 Name of Faculty: Vishakha Goyal Lectures per week: 3 Tutorial per week: 1 Q No 1 Question Give the statement of reciprocity theorem and prove it with diagrams. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 2.28-2.32) Explain radiation from a current element in free space for half wave antenna. Ref:(K.D.Prasad Page No 1117-1119) Explain following (1)Antenna Polarization (2)Half power Bandwidth Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 2.52 and 2.43) Calculate the approximate gain and bandwidth of paraboloidal reflector antenna at operating frequency 4 GHz, diameter 20 meters and efficiency 55%. (Hint:Gain 14.4 and HPBW 0.525 degree and 0.2625 FNBW degree) Define HPBW and FNBW and find their values for a field pattern E() = Cos Cos 2 (0<<90) (Hint:HPBW 66 degree and FNBW 180 degree ) Define the following (1) Beam efficiency (2) Directivity (3) Antenna Apertures(4) Antenna cross polarization Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 2.51,2.44,2.35 and 2.53) Define the difference between Antenna bandwidth and beam width. Do them any relationship. Ref:( R.P.Yadav Page No 2.43 and 2.62) Prove that the radiation resistance of hertzian dipole is Rr =802 (dl /)2. Ref:( R.P.Yadav Page No 1117-1119) Find the directivity, efficiency and effective area of an antenna if its Rr =85 , Rl =15. The power gain is 12 db and antenna operates at a frequency of 200 MHz. (Hint:directivity 18.645,efficiency=85%,effective area =3.38) The field pattern for an antenna is E () = Cos2 for 0< <90.Calculate the HP,HP and beam area. (Hint:HPBW 41 degree and FNBW 90 degree ) Find the relation between antenna gain and directivity. If the normalized field pattern is given by En = sin (/2n) X sin (n/2)/sin (/2). Where = dr (cos -1) /n ,dr=/2, n=10. Calculate its gain (Hint:Gain =17.8 ) Write the units of Beam Area, Radiation Resistance, Radiation intensity, Directivity, Beam Width, Beam efficiency. Ref:(Class Room Notes) Marks RTU, Year 10 RTU,2008

2 3

10 6

RTU,2011 RTU,2009
















International Institute of Management, Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Class: VII Semester Electronics & Communication Engineering Session: 2013-2014 Subject: ANTENNA & WAVE PROPAGATION(7EC1) Tutorial Sheet: Unit 04 Name of Faculty: Vishakha Goyal Lectures per week: 3 Tutorial per week: 1 Q No 1 Question Explain the different mode of propagation and compare these for their frequency range, distance of propagation and applications. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 7.1 -7.5) Derive the expression for the refractive index of the ionosphere and compare it optical fibre. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 7.32) Explain propagation with ranges, polarization in space wave, sky wave, ground wave. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 7.16 -7.30) Explain the role of temperature variation and environment conditions on wave propagation Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 7.1) Explain the role of multiple hop transmission and also discuss the reason of multiple hop transmission Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.31) What is shadow zone.find the expression for maximum usable frequency. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.10-8.12) Find the expression for maximum distance of propagation for a given height of transmitting and receiving antenna. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 7.16) A communication system is to be established at a frequency of 60MHz with a transmitter power of 2KW. The field strength of the directive antenna is 5 times that of a half wave antenna, Ht=60cm, Hr=6 cm. Field strength of 100V/m is required to give satisfactory reception. Find the range of the system. (Hint:LOS 37.08km, range 0.000128V) A VHF communication is to be established with 35 W transmitters at 90 MHz .find the distance up to which LOS communication may be possible if the height of transmitter 40 meter and height of receiver 25 meter respectively. Also determine the field strength at receiving end. (Hint:LOS 46.63km, Er=0.000006595V,wavelength=3.3) Marks 10 RTU, Year RTU,2012

2 3

8 10

RTU,2012 RTU,2011








International Institute of Management, Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Class: VII Semester Electronics & Communication Engineering Session: 2013-2014 Subject: ANTENNA & WAVE PROPAGATION(7EC1) Tutorial Sheet: Unit 05 Name of Faculty: Vishakha Goyal Lectures per week: 3 Tutorial per week: 1 Q No 1 2 Question Discuss the different causes of attenuation and fading in tropospheric scatter propagation. Ref:(K.D.Prasad Page No 1191) Discuss the Duct propagation Ref:(K.D.Prasad Page No 1160) A sky wave is incident on D layer at an angle of 35 degree. Find the angle of refraction if the frequency of transmitted wave is 70MHz. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.45) Find the critical frequency if the maximum electron density is 1.3 X 106 electron /CM3 Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.44) Explain the effects of Earths magnetic field, solar activity and Oblique incidence. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.36-8.40) Explain the virtual height, maximum usable frequency, critical frequency and skip zone. Ref:(K.D.Prasad Page No 1160) What is the critical angle of propagation for D layer if the transmitter and receiver are separated by 450 KM? Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.57) Explain the characteristics of ionosphere layer and also layer detail during day and night time. Ref:(K.D.Prasad Page No 1117-1119) Calculation of MUF and skip distance when earth is flat and Compare the slow and fast fading Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.12) Classification of small scale fading. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.29) When the maximum electron density of the ionosphere layer corresponds to refractive index of 0.95 at the frequency of 20 MHz. Ref:(R.P.Yadav Page No 8.49) Marks 6 RTU,2011 6 RTU,2011 RTU, Year

10 RTU,2011 5


16 RTU,2012 8 RTU,2012 5 RTU,2011 16


9 10

12 RTU,2008 4 RTU,2008 RTU,2011



International Institute of Management, Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Class: VII Semester Electronics & Communication Engineering Session: 2013-2014 Subject: ANTENNA & WAVE PROPAGATION(7EC1) Tutorial Sheet: Unit 02 Name of Faculty: Vishakha Goyal Lectures per week: 3 Tutorial per week: 1 Q No 1 2 3 4 5 Question Define the normal and axial mode and polarization of helical antenna Design a three elemant yagi uda antenna to operate at a frequency of 570 MHz. Draw the feed arrangements for microstrip patch antenna. Calculate the design data of a rhombic antenna to operate at 50 MHz if the elevation angle is 30 degree. Write the difference between (i) Resonant and nonresonant antenna (ii)Square and circular loop antenna(iii) Spiral and Helical antenna(iv)Wide band and Narrow band antennas. Draw the radiatiion pattern for (i)Log periodic antenna with reflector ground plane(ii)Rhombic Antenna(iii)Microstrip patch antenna(iv)Crossed dipole antenna. Explain the helical antenna for normal mode operation and derive the expression for axial ratio(i) P(Phase velocity)=1,M=0 and M=1 Derive the field component for a loop antenna and also draw the radiatiion pattern. What means frquency independent antenna and also define log periodic antenna. Some short questions (i)Which antenna is used for radio receiver. (ii)Which antenna has highest directivity(iii)Difference b/w /2 dipole and folded dipole.(iv)Which antenna has high power gain Design an yagi uda antenna for receiving the national channel (DDI)4754MHz with three director element. Design a log periodic antenna for receiving the receveing range 40 MHz to 110 MHz .Explain the i/p Impedance variation with frequency and no of element Calculate angular aperture for a paraboloid reflector antenna for which aperture number is (i)0.25(ii)0.50(iii)0.60.given the diameter of reflector mouth is 10 m.Calculate the position of focal point with reference to reflector mouth is each case. Marks 6,6 10 6 10 8 RTU, Year RTU,2011,2 012 RTU,2011 RTU,2011 RTU,2011 RTU,2012


7 8 9 10 11 12

8 8 8 8 8 8

RTU,2012 RTU,2012 RTU,2010 RTU,2010 RTU,2010 RTU,2010



International Institute of Management, Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Class: VII Semester Electronics & Communication Engineering Session: 2013-2014 Subject: ANTENNA & WAVE PROPAGATION(7EC1) Tutorial Sheet: Unit 03 Name of Faculty: Vishakha Goyal Lectures per week: 3 Tutorial per week: 1 Q No Question Marks RTU, Year 1 Explain the principle for achieve the radiation pattern without the sidelobe in an antenna array 3.Using it find the relative amplitude distribution for an 6 element array. Prove that the normalized field for a N element array is given by En =sin (n/2)/sin (/2).find their expression for its HPBW and FNBW Write the conditions for(i)linear array(ii)END fire array(iii)Broad band array Draw the radiation pattern for a binomial array that consists and elements.calculate gain and FNBW. What are the effect of ground on antennas. Find the relative excitation levels of a binomial array of 5 elementand 7 element. Define the principle of pattern multiplication and explain by considering an array of 8 element spaced at /2. Find out null to null beamwidth of a broadside array when array length is 15 and no of element 30. Explain what is meant by colinear,endfire and broad side disposition of an antenna array.Define gain and directivity. Find out null to null beamwidth of a end fire array when array length is 15 and no of element 30. Obtain the pattern of a 2 element array fed 180 degree out of phase (end fire)and spaced at /2. Find the FNBW for broadside array with N-isotropic source. Draw the radiation pattern of 16 isotropic element fed in phase and spaced at /2. Explain the effect of ground conductivity on (i)Radiation Pattern(ii)Effective length of antenna. What is antenna loading ,how does it to remove the radiation efficiency of an antenna . Calculate the radiation pattern for 8 isotropic point source of equal amplitude and spaced with 0.2 apart,using pattern multiplication Which method is used for impedance measurement ? Explain it. 8 RTU,2012 8 6 10 6 8 6 5 8 5 5 10 8 6 8 6 8 RTU,2012 RTU,2012 RTU,2012 RTU,2011 RTU,2012,2010 RTU,2011 RTU,2011 RTU,2010 RTU,2011 RTU,2011 RTU,2010 RTU,2010 RTU,2010 RTU,2010 RTU,2010 RTU,2010

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