Service Level Agreetment

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It is important that roles and responsibilities are clarified as to ensure level of service provided from both parties involved is seamless. This document will act as a working agreement to ensure consistency for the project and it responsibility to the school. The following are agreed outcomes from the meeting held at Pye Bank on Tuesday 20th uly 200!. The hire charge for the building is still under negotiations on a long term basis. "urrently it has been agreed that a set charge will be will be invoiced to the project for #aturday and #unday for the space used i.e. community room and meeting room until #eptember 200!. $e are encouraging parents in the community to take a more active role in supporting their child with their education% we have envisaged that parents and other support agencies will contribute their time into the project. It will be the projects responsibility to maintain good behaviour from the young people attending the project and we will ensure that any damage caused by the students will be replaced. &owever the students have been made aware of this and agreement has been made to respect the e'uipment available to them in the school. (ttendance sheets)registers will be kept to monitor students on school building. The overall responsibility of security of the school will be managed by the caretaker *P+, B(-./. 0each &igh staff will not take any responsibility for young people who are not involved in the project. It was agreed that this agreement would be reviewed on a 1 months basis as to clarify any gaps etc. (ll payments for the hire of the school will be dealt with 0each &igh 2 managing agents B"(T. Invoices need to be sent to2 3(4 +45#(3 (6I ) P(56 &(I-, B50-70,(8, "4995-IT+ ("TI4- 34059 :2 B50-70,(8, 04(; #&,33I,6; #1 <;; 0::! 2=2 >00> :. 0,#450",# +ou have agreed that whiteboards and flip chart easel will be made available to us. (ccess to the photocopier is still under negotiations 2. ;,#I7-(T,; #P(", "urrently we are using the community room? the meeting room and the hallway area. This will continue until #eptember.

In #eptember we will also have access to the "omputer room. The use of the IT facilities will be made available to us when appropriate passwords have been logged into the system. $e also have full use of the community room kitchen area where you will provide us with space to store refreshments etc. +ou have agreed to allow the use of the utensils in the kitchen. The project will continue to use the disabled toilet. 5se of any other space in the building will need to be negotiated with you. 1. #T40(7, #P(", +ou have agreed that the project can store it resource bo@es in either the community storage space or in the office attached to the community room. The project also re'uires space for a filing cabinet to store student files etc. you have agreed that space for this will be provided in the office attached to the community room. !. ,AIP9,-T T8 and video will be made available to the project B. I-#50(-", (-; 6I(B6IT+ .ashmir ,ducational trust has insurance which cover any work delivered at local schools with young people. *Please see attached/. C. ,9,07,-"+ "4-T("T -59B,0#2 P+, B(-. 8ince Tel number2 2=2 C20< 0ita #torr Tel number2 2=C0!=2 ;erek 9o@am Tel number2 0,("& &I7& 2 #hanaD .han Tel number2 0==<< C2: 2!! ) 2=2 C1CC (ftab (hmed Tel number2 2B0< 101 ) 2!2 B>:1 -srine (hmed Tel number2 0=>10 1B<=!0

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