Sap-Gui Installation Guaide

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Ismail Ali Abudawood Trading Co.


Installing and configuring

Installing and configuring SAP GUI 710

1- Installing SAP GUI
The installation is as follow 1.1Doubl clic! t" installation icon and #r ss Next

now c"oos t" com#on nt %ou want to install d # nding on t" t" n #r ss Next

1.$nd us r rol and


Ismail Ali Abudawood Trading Co. SAP GUI 710

Installing and configuring


C"oos t" installation dir ctor% for t" d sir d com#on nts and t" n Next

T" installation will now b gin' aft r t" installation "as b s%st m r start is now r (uir d.

n com#l t d #r ss Done'


Ismail Ali Abudawood Trading Co. SAP GUI 710

Installing and configuring

2- configuring SAP GUI

Now we are going to configure SAP GUI to connect to a certain s ste! $.1- Aft r installing SAP GUI' doubl clic! t" SAP "ogon icon found on t" d s!to#

$.$)ou s

Pr ss New Ite! t" following window wit" t" titl #reate New S ste!


Ismail Ali Abudawood Trading Co. SAP GUI 710

Installing and configuring

In SAProuter fi ld t" d fault SAProut r is dis#la% d. If SAProuter fi ld is m#t%' it m ans t" r is no SAProuter s l ct d b% d fault. If %ou n d anot" r SAProut r for t" s l ct d s%st m *in t"is cas User S$ecified S ste!+' s l ct t" wis" d SAProut r ,am from SAProuter dro# down list.

If %ou want to logon to a us r s# cifi d s%st m' #r ss Next. )ou s t" following window-


Ismail Ali Abudawood Trading Co. SAP GUI 710

Installing and configuring


/nt r t" following r (uir d dataDescri$tion- A s"ort d scri#tion of t" s%st m ntr%' l a0 t" D scri#tion fi ld m#t% if %ou want a sugg st d d scri#tion *SAP 1A+ A$$lication Ser%er- T" nam of t" "ost t"at %ou want to conn ct to *abdsa#(lt0$+ S ste! Nu!&er- S# cif% t" s%st m numb r * .g. 00+ of t" SAP S%st m t"at %ou want to conn ct to *00+ S ste! ID- S# cif% t" s%st m ID of t" SAP S%st m t"at %ou want to conn ct to /nt r t" following o#tional data- */C1+ SAProuter String- T" SAProut r string if an SAProut r is n SAProut r is n d d us *23245.66.$&1.1742S2&$66232$1$.114.10$.1&2S2&$66232+ Aft r %ou "a0 nt r d t" r (uir d data' t" buttons Next d d' in our cas if


Ismail Ali Abudawood Trading Co. SAP GUI 710

Installing and configuring


In t" Networ' Settings fi ld c"oos - "ow s$eed connection and t" n #r ss Next

This action has the following effects: a- Menus are loaded only on demand b- Background bitmaps are not transferred (depending on application) c- The list control transfers only the lines that are visible on the screen and the application can query the flag to react to the network condition individually

T" transf rr d datas t for controls is limit d wit" 7SC 8i ld and in#ut "istor% ar not a0ailabl


Ismail Ali Abudawood Trading Co. SAP GUI 710

Installing and configuring

)ou s"ould us t"is flag w" n 0 r n twor! bandwidt" is an issu . : r comm nd %ou us t" o#tion #articularl% for :A, conn ctions' b caus t" lin ca#acit% is usuall% small r t"an for 7A, conn ctions $.5!ow press Next

In t" "anguage Settings and U$load(Download )ncoding fi lds c"oos t" "anguage and )ncoding as d sir d' and t" #r ss *inish to finis" cr ating a n w s%st m


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