Anth 48 VILNIUS 2

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2004 birželio 15d. (tuesday). VDA Hostel Prices July August Sept 20 Lt per night.

Prices for one

place for one night : from 07.15 to 09.20 (*with a common shower) : single ……40 Lt.; Double ……2-
6*-30* Lt. Triple …… 22* - 26* Lt.; 4-5 places room …..18* Lt. All year (prices for a room) Single ……
43 Lt.; Double ……76 Lt.; Triple ……99Lt. Paying is in advance. Bed sheets rent – 5 Lt per complect.
Parking available. (0011) (370) (5) 2120176. doorperson 2120102 (to book). Checkout time – 10am.
Our address : Latako 2, Vilnius. Lietuva. Tel. 2120102; 2120176; fax 2105444. Th@ woz th info on th
kard they h& out. 8 a healthy breakfst wth vegies 4 a change.In th ‘Lietuvos Rytas’ ther iz an rtkl O a
pair of germns (husb& & wife) hoo †d th bordr from pol& on biOs & on their 1st nght got robbd & bash-
d in their 10t. Juozas had xplaind 2 me th@ travlln in a van th way I do back in ozziel& would b mpos-
sbl koz b4 th nght woz out youd get a knock on th wndow. In th sports supplmnt in an rtkl O basktO it
sed 250000 lithos had → SIBIRAS but in ystrdys mmorial evnt (16/9/04 c ‘Vilnius (no.1)’ p11-12) th
speakr hoo ntrojuicd it had sed 800000 → SIBIRAS. In th ČIGONU (gypsy) TABORE (whr they liv in
Vilnius koz they no longr travl) in a program put on x an rgniz8n kalld ‘Involved’ 2 raiz th mage of th
Čigonu kommnty th kops sprung gypsy womn opnly floggn drugs wthn 100 metrs of th main nklosure.
Th meann of th word TABORAS (he lso told me whr th old jwsh cemtry iz) woz xplaind 2 me x a very
suav & rlaxd yng man x th name of STAvNaKiAdUaSsKAS (Dizaineris – projektuotojas of Ašmenos g.
4-9 LT-2001 Vilnius) hoo has bn in many kuntries & seemd 2 me 2 xmplify th mage of th ‘new man’. W
both hav th habt of walkn O @ random in a new place. I sed in nuthr way w wer @ opp. poles : him a
sofstk8d ropean vs me a naïv ozzie. Finally workd out how 2 get a kall thrgh 2 H. I rang frm th ‘pub-lik’
fone just nside th main doors & gave her th fone no.of th lady in th duty room nxt 2 it. H iz missn
me; K8s had her wizdm teeth pulld out; verythn els is OK; sh hasnt got my ‘Melbourne – Kaunas’ pie-
ce yet. Rranged 2 meet taŽuIrŽiYuSs on thursdy @ 12. Th door lady woz telln me how bad life woz
now & how much bettr it had bn undr th kommies. Sh woz kryin (lithos dont kry eazy). Sh sed no11nts
2 listn. Sh sed @ least u kould ndrst& th russkies stealn verythn from us but now our own hav don it &
nyway they r th same mob. Sh has 2 work koz her pnsion is only 300 Lt (uthr old womn hav lso komp-
laind 2 me) & faces th threat of viktion. Very1s kids r workn broad & what do u think they r doin thr sh
askd?. I think shs worried O grls bein PROSTITUTES 2 help famlies back home. I went & drank a
BRENDIS ALITA (x 100 (of mls I think)) in th nearst kafé 4 12 Lt while I read th ppr gain. Whn I woz
havn th huge breakfst in th mornn 4 only 10 Lt (l@te koffee nkluded) a fashionbl yng lady was feedn a
littl lapdog from her own breakfst dish. They wer eatn th same ham wrappd in omlet az I woz. Oh yes!
Whn th studnts r gon in July → August → Septmbr u kan get kkomod8n here 4 20 Lt / day. They hav
2 rent out th studnt 1/4s 2 raiz $$s 4 rnov8ns. …2004 birželio 16d. Got thrgh 2 JOrNiAmIaTsIS (on
my dead stepfthrs side of famly) & → his beautful unit drektly † th road from th cerkvė † th Neris upė
@ th nd of Gedimino pr. It woz mmdi8ly bvious 2 me he woz a persn of rdrly, ffcient, & orthrtiv habts,
prhaps of th kind hoo in th west hav bn most rsponsbl 4 makin it funktion well. Probbly a senior publik
servnt I thght. He has bn ovrcs many times. He fficiently put in place my kontakt wth his sstr JovNiUt-
ŠaIlEiNaĖ in Neringa, (Nida. Kopu g. 31-1) whch evry litho youll evr talk 2 will tell u is an bslute must
on th 2rst tinery. In th list of kontakt +rsss givn 2 me x my mum sh writes “Jonušienė Vitalija
(Izidorius’ niece, sister of Rimas and Saulius Jonaitis. Vitalija’s husband Eduardas (15/9/04.
just finshd readn his book : ‘Likimo Spastuose : sapnu ir tikrovės variacijos’) is an internationally
reknowned painter and sculptor, grew up as an orphan in Siberia. An eccentric full of
ideas. Beside his paintings and wood sculptures, he built a ‘kuršiu’ boat, worked to
preserve ancient ‘kuršiu’ gravestones. Unfortunately, last year he had a severe stroke
and is now severely handicapped and very depressed. Vitalija has to cope with a lot of
hardships. I think she (or perhaps their daughter) lets rooms in their house to summer
guests. Neringa itself is a place of little wonders. Do try to get there. The Hill of Witches
is not far.’’ It so happns I had lready greed wth th Birds 2 go wth thm 2 Kaunas O th 28th or 29th from
their SODYBA in Rimeisiu KAIMAS & then on 2 Nida. Now I hav lodgins thr @ a time whn they r
xpnsiv & hard 2 get. Rimas said its worth vzitn Klaipeda (4mly Memel) 2. Then he (last nght) droppd
me off @ th Kabaila haus O 10pm whr Rasa (th persn I had really kum 2 c here as I had shown her O
4 a day or 2 in Melb. years ago), her mum Meilutė (prof of geolgy), & Rasas sun & her bruthr Algises
sun (hoo is leavn in a munth 2 work as a paintr in swedn) rceivd me graciously 1ce I got past th xtrmly
fiercely yappy dog guardn th ntry. I felt guilty havn kum nnounced & I kould c Rasa woz very tired but
it woz Rimases (hoo is a koupl of years yngr than me) idea. Wev rranged 2 meet in a kafé 4 t on
s@dy 6pm. I woz not prprd 2 make xtra rrangemnts bkoz I dont know what taŽuIrŽiYuSs has in mind
4 me. Rasa droppd me off here @ mdnght whch was kind of her az sh leavs 4 work @ 6am & duznt
get home till 7pm. (sum1s startd up bop muzak in th ‫ &( ٱ‬th plumn in th nxt room is gurgln), probbly a
workmn (hoo work slow here I note). 1 thing Im learnn 2 h8 iz nglsh pop & th slavish mt8n of all things
nglsh). I m off 2 x nuthr fone kard az publik fones r hugely xpnsiv, then a ppr & brunch …. 4pm. Th
doormn sez th aziatik lookn guys hoo spoke a stangely akcntd litho I saw in th foyr a koupl of days
ago wer from peru. They r buskrs & hav gon 2 Kaunas koz they dont like th weathr here (kold & wet).
Read in 2days ‘Lietuvos Rytas’ th@ 2 PROSTITUTES rrestd in Šiauliai wer fined 300 Lt & 500 Lt
rspktvly & their norml skn price from klients (4 lytines paslaugas) is 100 Lt. Th-gh very1 greed wth
me O th hgh kost of publik fones I dskovrd ths mornn th@ what I had thght woz a 50 Lt kard whch I
had used up so fast was only a 50 kredits kard worth 9 Lt. I had probbly paid 50 Lt 4 it & → wthout
waitn 4 th change like th 2rst DICKHEAD th@ I m. If I had bn in th place of th girl in th kiosk I would
hav dun th same.(nip). Now I hav a 100 kredit kard. Ftr bookn th same room 4 liepa (ju-ly) 23-29 I
headd → Olandu g. in search of th old jwsh cemtry. (nip). I wantd 2 pay my rspekt & hom-age (howvr
nadq8 it iz). On th kornr of T Kosciuskos (named aftr Mt Kosciusko in NSW, australias hghst mountn
@ 7000 metrs) g. & Olandu g. I → nside th Šv. Petro ir Povilo bažnyčia whch is bein rstord. 1drfl
though they r th chrchs r wearn off 4 me a bit but I stayd longr in this 1 bkoz I noticed th main feature
of th hgh dome buv th altr woz th st@ue of S.AUGUSTINUS (nip – of Čepkeliu). Then I went in
search of th rmains of th JEWISH CEMETRY. I took a left turn → a small st → what lookd like a
rural/4st l&skape of windin lanes, stairways ↑ woodd hills & narrow tracks. I skd a koupl of ladies 4
drektions & they nswerd in what I rkognized az litho uzed x poles th@ it woz → road I had kum from.
A koupl → x & sh had a large lump nder her eye from what I reckn woz a punch. A large guy → past &
I knew he was polsh (Im gettn good @ this) wthout him sayn a word. I kame 2 nuthr jail (how many
hav I cn?) & then I saw th cemtry xpt it woz a krstian 1. (ncidntly whn Rimas woz drivin me 2 th Kab-
ailas place (in Varšuvos g. (Warsaw st) near whr th ♥ of PILZUTSKI is przervd) w passd nuthr jail.)
Near th ntry → cemtry opp th ntry → jail I saw a guy hoo I thght mght b a cemtry workr bhind a large
metl kontainr or storage ‫ & ٱ‬askd him if he knew whr th SENOS ŽYDU kapinės wer. He sed sumthn
O th graves of th war dead in brokn litho then lapsd in2 polsh sayn sumthn O a telefon. I realized he
woz a VALKATA & whn he pulld out a mobile & motiond 4 me → thrgh th g8 2 whr he woz x th metl
door of what I now sor woz an iron waste dsposl skip bhind whch w would hav bn out of view of th ro-
ad & th ntry → prizn (not th@ ther woz ny1 in sght) I knew he woz goin 2 skon me & mayb push me ↓
th skip & mayb evn shut th iron door on me so I sed DĖKUI & left makin sure he woznt follown. (nip).
Az I woz ← in th drektion of th chrch I woz thinkn it mght b a sgn (dvice from my daemon (in th way
Socrates uzez th word (7/9/04. Last sundy @ litho haus North Melbourne an old guy told me his life
has bn saved a duzn times by his persnl 1(so he woz told x him)))) not 2 search 4 th jwsh STONES
az mayb my motiv woz not az I thght (mpure) & I woz motv8d x mere kuriousty az 2rsts r & nless I
kum on th STONES x chance I shldnt want 2 find thm az I mght b aktn mpiously. Then I ↑ a narrow
muddy track (it woz rainn soldly now) & a guy turnd → it follwn me karryin 1 of thos 2 ltr plastik bottls
of beer they get here & I turnd O koz I thght th track ↑ steeply mght take us out of view → 4st (sum
very large old pines on th skyline) & he said in litho its OK it ↑ 2 such & such st. So I ↑ & then ↓ gain &
finally (aftr askn nuthr lady whr th jwsh cmtry woz) → Olandu g. 2 look 4 th funral parlour (on th site of
th old jwsh 1) near whr I woz told th cemtry woz. Takin th 1st turn 2 th left I woz srprized 2 c a kar pull
up wth 2 guys & th drivr got out, put his stubby on th bonnt of th kar, & had a PISS in full view of th
peopl → x only 150 yrds from th main rd whn he kould eazly hav gon → bushs near x. @ th funral pa-
rlr they seemd bmuzed x my ? but 1 lady sed its gon & whn I sed I had bn told sum stones still kould
b found sh (16/9/04. az I woz leavn I thght I vrheard 1 say “they lways kum lookn 4 th cemtry”) sed 2
look → th road. So I walkd → road & thn → track thrgh what ppeard like 4st kareful 2 keep checkn a
guy I had cn walkn bhind me (koz I m kautious) hadnt taken th same track koz I woz out of shoutn
dstance & thn nxpektdly kame out past a row of dlapd8d metl ‫ٱ‬s or garages → a street & finally →
Olandu rd gain havn Od th funral parlr.(nip). Ftr askn 4 th rght → koz I woz dsorientd I woz walkn ←
Olandu g. (a major thrghfare) → chrch whn I saw a stone rght x th footpath in a grassy verge (7/9/04.
lookn @ th 1941 map of Vilnius (c rght h& side of kuvr map of ‘Vilnius → Melbourne’) its near th kornr
of Olandu g. & Vasaros g.) only 150 yds from whr th guy had had a PISS whch ftr nspektion I realized
woz a STONE. I walkd ↑ past whr th PISSER had PISSED & lookn ↑ hillside saw STONES & I knew
they wer stones from a DESEKR8D jwsh cemtry. 1st I checkd out a small side road → 3 millionairs h-
auses (I would b 2 shamed 2 build such hauses in this kuntry) 1 of whch woz in olde worlde litho kun-
try x bavarian style whch mayb STAvNaKiAdUaSsKAS had dzgnd 4 mayb th@s whn he found th ce-
mtry. I ↑ side of th hill in heavy rain thrgh wet grass past many stones most barely vzibl koz they had
bn knockd down & wer lost in thick growth. Then I woz on a foot trail in a pine 4st & big snails (15/9-
/04. they xport thm 2 france) (x 2 th size of 1s in oz) wth pale bodies wer on th track & I kould just
follow th rmains of what must hav 1ce bn th cemtry wall. Thn I ← & from a hghr spot noticed th@ th
ye olde style haus had a swimmn pool & a fancy PIRTI (sauna) & all 3 hauses had sevrl rch peopls
kars in th yards (koz now its great real st8 backn on2 4st & sol8d from poor peopl x hgh fencin & lek-
troniks). I woz st&n in a spot (wth wet feet & jackt & soakd pants though I had an mbrella koz it woz
rainn & windy all th time) from whr on 1 side I woz lookn down @ th millionrs hauses & nxt 2 me on th
uthr @ STONES lyin in th grass & I thght of th DESOL8N 2 kum. Then I klambrd down aftr nspektn th
STONES (th rmains of a row is barely dscrnbl) & I knew DESOL8N, DESOL8N, DESOL8N. I went →
path long th Neris rvr 2 → from things & ndd up in a shoppn mall like Doncaster or Box Hill wth 3 lvls
kalld EUROPA. This iz whr th newst part of Vilnius iz rizin. I had a very good lunch @ a self serv pla-
ce 4 10 Lt. Lookn O me I kould c what kind of shoppn mall th peopl of Vilnius r dreamn of livn & eatn
in & I woz dsgustd. Evn in th toilt piped anglo pop woz kumn thrgh th speakr systm. In th mall I bought
a flask of Čepkeliu (nip). Then I went back 2 Vilniaus g. 4 a glass of kvietinio alaus (beer) & 2 read th
ppr I had bought in th mornn. (nip). Whr th guy had had a PISS had bn nside (7/9/04. not quite sure
of this now) th ‫ ٱ‬of what had 1ce bn th JWSH STONES. 2004 birželio 17d. As I woz layn on me bed
mid rvo driftn off → what felt az if it mght hav turnd out 2 b a great sleep whch mght hav kontnued wth
a bit of luck thrgh th nght I had a knock on th door & ŠrIiMmAaNnĖtLaIsS (nom-de-plume : erte) (c ‘V-
ilnius (no.1)’ p6) kame in wth a short story x him : ‘Iš Miesto I Miesta’ (‘From town (or city) 2 town (ci-
ty)’). He sed if I really wantd 2 c th kontrasts I had bn telln him O I should go 2 russia (Rimas had said
in russia verythn iz in Moscow or St Petersburg & th rest iz a dzastr; Vaidas wants us 2 vzit Kalinin-
grad (but now u hav 2 get a viza)). & it kkurs 2 me I m doin what any 2rst in 3rd O kuntries duz : I m
cing what (kontrasts, xtrems, th mpossbl stu8ns) they hav 2 liv wth daily. If I had 2 liv here I 2 would
hav 2 stop cing thes things in ordr 2 keep goin on bkoz 0 kan b don O thm. Prhaps it iz only worth
noticin th suffrn O u if u kan do sumthn O it (this woz Simone Weils dlemma whch sh kould solv only x
livn wth & helpn) uthrwize u bkum dsfunktionl. Or prhaps th best an vrage persn kan do is 2 look ftr
himslf so he doznt + 2 th sum of suffrn in th O wth hiz own. In this way u r not bein slfsh @ all. Dont
wurry O th drunks u r nabl 2 help just make sure u dont nkreas th problm x turnn → 1 yourslf. But in th
kase of death th mthod duznt prvide a O slution az your numbr will certainly kum up but u kan @ least
defr your own (Simone Weil ddnt) az long az possbl (though I reckn 70 (ie 3 skor & 10) iz a fair no) &
nsure u dont speed up th@ of uthrs. Th konditions in th prizns in lithol& will mprov now they hav joind
th EU bkoz they will b nspektd x EU rthrities & ovr time will b 4ced 2 komply wth rgl8ns. Prhaps I woz
bein ovr drmatik in dskribin th VALKATA @ th cemtry – he woz probbly just tryin 2 sell me th mobile
he pulld out of th rubbsh. Ftr erte left I went 2 th nearst KAVINE (café/bar) & read th story he gave me
az I 8 rye bread fried in garlik & drank ½ ltr (500 they kall it (if u x BRENDIS ALITA u ask 4 50 or 100
but most go 4 100) of beer. It woz good. It rmindd me of th style bein uzed x up & kumn writrs hoo get
featured in Granta magzine. Woz back here & in bed @ 11.30. Its 8.55 & Im off 2 hav sum breaky &
read th ppr. TŽaIuŽrYiSus is turnn up @ 12. …. 10.40. I had kava LATTE (4.00 Lt) TUNU salotos
(7.40 Lt) Apelsinu sultys, 200ml (2.90 Lt) ie. TARPINE SUMA 13.90 Lt. SUMA 13. 90 Lt. GRYNAIS
200.00 Lt. GRAŽA 186.10 Lt. I know now why it woz a mstake 2 x a nwsppr in Kaunas wth a 200 Lt
bill early in th mornn. U r h&n th girl a note th@ rprznts 2 weeks wages 4 her ie in oz it would mean a
note of ovr $1000. Read in th ppr (spplied x th kavine & savd me buyn 1 4 3 Lt) a survey shows 10%
hav dcided → 4 work lswhr (mainly → great brtain, irel&, & spain whr they r kompetn not wth lokls but
mmgrnts from uthr kuntries in simlar stu8ns) & nuthr 18% knsdrn →. Ovr 200000 r workn ovrcs now.
18 chchnians tried 2 † th bordr → lithol& a kupl of days ago & ystrdy ½ doz pakis wer cght – both gro-
ups kumn † the litho/bielorus bordr. Thr iz an rtkl O th f4rt germn soldier rgniz8ns r makin 2 lok8, kle-
an up & maintain (dont uze nuthn metl koz †s r gettn stoln ← chrchs & 2 days ago 1 was stoln ← a
chrch I had bn in on th day) gravesites of germn (or 2 mark thm) soldiers & priznrs of war from th 2nd
war. Pparntly lithol& & germny signd a blatral greemnt on th m@r in 1996 (8/9/04. a simlr greemnt
has bn made wth zrael). Rturnn 2 th topk I strtd out wth. Wh@ ftn happns whn peopl hav traind
thmslvs not 2 c thos hoo suffr iz th@ wthout realizin it they akt in ways whch kntribute 2 their
plght. Also sually thos hoo hav bn ↑ x Ostances giv thmslvs th kredt (ie they think they r smar-
tr, or mor dlgent, or mor morl, or mor dservn in th eyes of govts or god) 4 their stu8n & klaim
th@ thos hoo hav bn thrown ↓ r thmslvs 2 blame (ie 4 bein old fashiond (or just old) or lazy
from habits 4md in th kommie era; or bein russki drunks; or bein lazy valkatos; or bad studnts
or mmorl etc) but Id take KRISTINA IŠ VILNIAUS (c ‘Vilnius (no.1)’ p10) head of th girl wth th
lapdog any day. & a day will kum whn thos hoo hav bn ↑ will b ↓ & thos hoo hav bn thrwn ↓ will
b ↑ bov thm. @ least its what I hope (& its only 4 thm Im writn (16/9/04. prtntious nonsens – posture
of rligious middlmn) koz th uthrs lready hav mor than they dzerv)…..2004 birželio 18d. Taurius, a
konsdrably larger persn than me, woz an ngineer 4 a faktry supplyin ‘black ‫ٱ‬s’ → soviet air4ce. Th
numrous faktries thrghout lithol& whch used 2 supply th old soviet mltary hav shut down az haz most
of th mnfakturin ndustry. 1 of hiz dghtrs, Rasa, is a doktr. Th uthr, Jurgita, (a dzignr) wth dghtrs Irutė
(6) & Gaia (7) livs wth thm (no sign of husb&), a typkl stu8n in lithol&. Taurius took me → his SODY-
BA 20ks out of Vilnius whr (he sed) they go 2 rkuvr & 2 raffrm their roots. It has a large veggie & flowr
gardn & backs on2 4st & he, like Juozas, fferd H & me th use of it. But thr woz a huge rottweiler roa-
mn free down th lane btween th row of gardns & l8r Jurgita told me how whn sh woz livn thr lone ftr
her husb& left 4 maskd guys broke in & threatnd her & took her komputr (I gave her Dans website ie.
Dan Zizys + model x google so they kould hav a look @ his piks on her partklarly slow komputr) &
now shs 2 skared 2 b thr lone. Taurius rmmbrs (he sez) me as a littl kid az thgh he is 3 years oldr he
used 2 play wth me. They had movd → th Panemunė haus just b4 w had left. He sed my gr&muthr
Felicija woz 97 whn sh died whraz I had lways ‘known’ it 2 b 99. Whn I woz in Kaunas (8/9/04. c ‘Mel-
bourne → Kaunas’ p9) Alvingas muthr Elvira had sed 93. On th road → Trakai (a big 2rst trap (8/9/04.
Howard Jacobson lso vsitd (c ‘Vilnius (no.1)’ p2)) thgh beautfully stu8d) I mntiond his dad had bn a
mmbr of th kmmnst party (@ litho haus in Melb an old lady hood bn a studnt of Jonas (my fathrs, &
Juozases fathrs bruthr & th fathr of Taurius) had 1ce fixd me wth a meannful & kkus@ry stare & vol-
nteerd sum naskd 4 info thgh I ddnt evn know hoo sh woz) & he sed he nevr had bn. Then he sed he
woz of very changabl views & may hav bn a sympthizer 4 while. Then he sed he may hav pplied 2
join & bn rjktd but had nevr bn a mmbr (8/9/04. c ‘Melbourne → Kaunas’ p8). W may hav bn talkn O
diffrnt periods. TIME! But th most xtrordnry news 4 me woz 2 find out th@ Juozases mum had not
died in SIBIRAS but had rturnd durin Kruschevs d-stalnz8n & livd wth Juozo dad. Her sentnce had bn
4 10 yrs & sh had bn an aktiv supportr of th PARTIZANS (c ‘Šiauliai’ p8 & ‘Melbourne → Kaunas’ p5)
kkordn 2 Taurius supplyin thm wth medk8n. I had thght & writtn sevrl times th@ sh had died wthn
100ks ← Juozases dads kamp & he had only found out whn he got back. Taurius hoo had kontinued
2 liv in th haus in Panemunė in Kaunas ftr w left (prhaps in th very room I spnt my 1st 3 years) sez th
bridge ovr th NEMUNAS (NIEMEN) rivr whch konstutes my singl mmry of lithol& from my chldhood
woz blown up x th rtreatn germns th day b4 th russkies rrived O a munth ftr our famly had fled west-
wds. It woz a huge xplosion. They had 2 take sheltr in their cellrs & th wndows of th hauzes in th str-
eet (nkludin ours) wer blown out. Ftrwds thr woz a famin. Az w wer torkn w wer drivin thrgh 4st & th
roadside woz blue wth LUPINAI (lupins) in th ‫ ٱ‬of Žemieji Paneriai az w passd th turnoff → GENO-
CIDO VIETA whch is whr th jws of Vilnius wer → 2 b murdrd ← th ghetto in th city. It woz rainn, Taur-
ius made no sggestion, & I had no nkln8n 2 c nuthr PAMINKLAS. @ th time Taurius woz xplainn th
meann of th litho word STRIBAS (plural : stribai) whch derives ← ruski word meann guardians of th
peopl but in litho it iz a driziv (do not b kareless O how u uze it in nfamliar kumpny or l8 @ nght or ftr a
few drinks) term 2 dskribe KOLABORATAI (collabr8rs) & NAIKINTOJAI (xtermn8rs). Th last of thm left
th kuntry whn it gaind ndpndnce. Taurius knfirmnd what Juozas had sed th@ they wer drawn from th
same type of peopl hoo had killd th jws. He sed RUSLAVAS hoo had STRANGLD A SKOOLGRL
durin a tterrorg8in now livd in MOSCOW & nuthr famous name in lithol&, DUŠANSKIS, livs in ZRAEL.
In Trakai he paid 2 x 8 Lt 4 tickts → th kastl & muzeum & wldnt allow me 2 rkompns him. Thr woz a
sound stage bein set up in th 4 ‫ ٱ‬an evnt in th evnn. L8r I xplaind 2 him I hadnt bn → singl muzeum
(8/4/04. I had 4gottn O th genocido muzeum (c ‘Vilnius (no.1)’ p9,10)) or → a place whch charges 2
→ durin my stay in lithol& & Id get mor njoymnt → O th kastl or → shors of th beautful lakes or havn a
beer but w bought 2 bottls of giro (KVASS) nsted of beer koz he had 2 drive. Whn I went 2 pay & ask-
d how much th lady bhind th bar said :”5 Lt kadangi geras lietuvis jei rusas tai būtu 6 Lt” (5 Lt koz your
a good litho 4 a russki its 6). L8r Taurius took me 2 th rmains of th oldr KESTUTIS kastl nxt 2 th walls
of whch in a haus no longr thr he had livd as a kid while Jonas his dad was teachn in th ‫ٱ‬. He sed his
dad had bn very klose 2 th KARAIMAI (not 2 b konfused wth TOTORIAI (from hoom he klaimd th rus-
kis got their partklar kind of swear words based on fmale (partkulrly muthrs) rgans) but whn w went 2
c nside th KINESA it was lready klosed. Thr r only 300 KARAIMAI left in Trakai. Back in th city w had
a long dinnr of cepelinai etc & beer & Taurius opnd a bottl of br&dy & w lookd @ old fotos & I talkd
him out of his very prsistnt f4ts 2 get me 2 kum on a 3 day kayakin trip early nxt munth az I will b in
Nida then & I sed Id go mushroomn whn Im here gain th week b4 I leav lithol&. He told a joke O a
jwsh (lots of jwsh jokes he sed & I sed like irish jokes in oz I spose) guy hoo woz komplainn his wife
hadnt writtn a lettr 4 ages & his friend skd how long had sh bn away & th jw said th@s th troubl, shs
here @ home all th time. BLAT NA CHUI! …. Az I woz leavn I kalld → duty room, ppsit th bookn room
whr their boss iz, & askd if 1 of th ladies had a needl & thread so a tear in th sleev of me jackt kould b
fixd & th lady hoo had kried (O 4 years ldr than me – most pnsionrs hav 2 work @ sumthn 2 make
nds meet. A singl womn (men die much yngr bkoz of alkohism) wth no kids 2 supprt (Taurius did a 24
hr stint @ a multstorey kar park day b4 ystrdy; he & his wife get help from their dghtrs; they rglarly sell
flowrs & seedlns @ th markt) her in old age is in real strife bkoz no1 in th guvmt heatd units kan get
out of payin O 300 Lt/munth in wintr evn if they dont want th heatn (& all th uthr charges r hgh 2) – 3
munthly dfaults puts u out on th street) nsistd on fixn it on th spot from a sewn kit sh had wth her. Sh
wouldnt kcept paymnt then sh & th uthr old lady nsistd I sit down & share their breakfst of LAŠINIAI
(pure smoked f@ in this kase whch kkordn 2 th friend of th lady hoo sewd me sleev sh had made her-
slf) on bread & radshs & then t wth sugr & I wouldnt kcept th cheez offrd koz I knew I woz goin → ritzy
KAVINE ftrwds 2 read th ppr ovr a l@te & salad & fresh orange juice. I s@ 4 a long time as th lady ?n
me (hoo woz quite smart) ŽAVĖJOSI @ th 1drful things I woz telln her O ozziel&. Meanwhile th womn
hoo had sewn my sleev woz kursn th thievs hoo had left her dstitute (u kan hav workd az a doktr 4 30
yrs & 300 Lt iz still all u will get 4 a pnsion so u nevr know hoo th old krow beggn in th street haz bn in
her 4mr life (just konfirmd x PIKjTuUrRgNiAtIaTE hoo I met in Pilies g. near whr sh & Algis hav a
fl@-)) & woz O 2 burst → tears. Th VADOVAS of bookns from th room th uthr side of th ntry doors
woz gettn nkreasnly agit8d pacin in & out of his room. I sppose he woz rsponsibl 4 th good image of
th stablshmnt 2 2rsts. This went on & on & th 2 good womn grilln me O 1drl& (“ah! kaip norėčiau pa-
matyti australia”) wer nglektn their duties till fnally th boss (8/9/04. fathr of ‘erte’ (c p3) & a 4mr ngi-
neer I dskovrd l8r) found an xkuse 2 kum in & send 1 of thm off on what woz no doubt an nvntd err&. I
left 2 get me mbrella koz its real kold & rainn az its bn 4 days & th ppr says will go on & on (koldr than
u r 2day in Melbourne, honey). Whn I woz in th ritzy KAVINE wth th uthr ritzy peopl hoo I kould c wer
mghtly 1drous @ my msm@chd sox (1 red, 1 purpl) I realized I woz no diffrnt 2 th grl I had cn feedn
th littl doggie on her lap from her own pl8. How rdkulous it woz 4 me (spoilt, rch, favourd x chance,
good kompanions & parentn , eaz @ meetn new peopl, health etc. ) 2 magine I woz writn 4 such wo-
mn az th doorwomn or on their b1/2 az I had klaimd ystrdy. I m writn out of slf ndulgnce az I do very-
thn els. (Ystrdy evnn ftr I had nsnu8d myslf → knvrs8n mung 4 yng peopl (1 studyin flology) & 1 askd
(ftr I had sed Im goin 2 take th gaps out from btween th words 1 day & givn thm my last 2 pieces) why
do I do it & I askd him if u kan tell me why a paintr hoo iznt selln 4 a livn keeps on paintn Ill answr yo-
ur ?.) Ftr readn th ppr wth th help of a dlcious salad wth avokado, grapes, olivs & uthr nxpektd itms I
kame back 2 my room ← th ritzy KAVINE 2 write th ntry. On th way in I gave thm th kopy of Lietuvos
Rytas whch had kost 3.50 Lt koz I had finshd (lots of †s & metl frames off piktures & kash takins @
srvices r bein stoln daily (nip)) readn it & they woz very gr8ful & sed r u sure u hav fnishd readn it & I
hope their boss hoo woz in hiz room on th uthr side iznt dark on me ….2004 birželio 19 d. I hav a
serious sleep dfcit. I lready had 1 th nght b4 last whn I had thght I woz set 4 a good nght bkoz I had
orgnized my last beers 2 koincide wth th rrival of darkness. I got 2 me room (203, 1 of a pair wth 204,
sharin showr & toilt from a small passage w hav in kommn; 204 has 3 beds) in a pleazntly soprifik st8
@ O 11.30. I knew sum yng guys had rrived nxt door in th evnn but thr woz no sgn of thm ntil just az I
woz dozin off they got back wth a grl @ mayb 12.30. Th lock on th outside door nly opns wth a loud
klang/r@tl/klick & then they wer talkn & yackn on wth their own room door opn az if they wer x thm-
slvz. Th grl rarely joind in. Finally I put on me ndrpants (I sleep naked) & → their room whr th PRO-
STITUTE (9/9/04 but mayb sh woz a sstr, or friend, or partnr of 1 of thm) woz prparin herslf 4 th LYT-
INES PASLAUGAS while th 3 guys, all pleaznt nuff studnt types, wer sittn O ch@n loudly in a lngu-
age I ddnt rkognize. So I stood in th doorway sayn “hullo, hullo Im ntrojuicn meslf” (speakn in nglsh) &
1 nswrd “w r not dsturbn u?” & I sed “Im sayn hullo so youd know (since thr woz no reazn they would
hav) u hav a nghbr, goodnght”. But they wer in & out & left th door opn & wer FUCKING (9/9/04 or
doin pushups, or xrcizn on a st8nry bike I hadnt noticed, or it woz a prodkt of my fevrsh magin8n) all
nght th 1 grl & whn sh left it woz wth a klip/klop like a hors koz sh woz wearn hgh heels. Thes rooms
hav partklarly poor soundproofn az they r dzignd 4 use x studnts not az hotl rooms. Whn th door peo-
pl leav 4 th nght @ O 11.30 (9/9/04. not true (c ‘Vilnius → Melbourne’)) u uze a swipe kard → front
door & thn ↑ 2nd floor (1st in nglsh) passage thn your keys 1st → passage 4 th joint rooms & then a 2nd
key → your own room. 2 ← u dont need 2 uze th swipe kard so a PROSTITUTE kan → x herslf 1ce
sh iz → your (9/9/04 freudian slip?) room koz th lock 2 th littl passage joinn th rooms opns wthout a
key from th nside. Th grl leavs b4 th studnts in th rest of th kademy wake up & b4 th door staff rrive
(9/9/04. theyr thr all nght (c ‘Vilnius → Melbourne’)). Surely very1 (9/9/04. xpt me!) in this buildn kno-
ws its how it iz but if not thn th very meek lady (2 hoom I had givn th Malūnininkas bkoz it woz 2 stro-
ng 4 me & hoom I sor ystrdy karryin out a big bundl of laundry wth th help of her young =y meek
lookn sun) hoo kleans up daily in evry room certnly does. So last nght ftr talkn 2 a frnchmn (w greed
th big (Arkikatėdra – Bazilika (c no 1 on kuvr map of ‘Vilnius (no.1)’) woz krap; he rkommndd th same
cerk-ve I had gon 2 @ th nd of Gedimino pr. & I rkommndd th newly rstord Šv Dvasios cerkve (no 19
on kuvr map) I had viztd ystrdy (whr I thght they wer providin a beautful pikture 4 blievrs az I had bn 4
th door ladies wth me talk of ozziel& & why not az its O all th poor r evr gunna get – talk, talk, talk, talk
(& rtual etc.)); he woz a rep 4 sum frnch kumpny & had livd here b4 & sed if u thnk this is bad u shou-
ld c th ukraine; he said Vilnius old town is beautful x any st&rds but france is ooh la la but xpensiv &
peopl thr hav bkum cynkl; his main problm here woz th borin food!; he woz probbly gay whch xplains
why evn wth his lmitd nglsh he woz eazier 2 talk 2 than 4 nstance th vrage Kaunas type strght) I got
home early in daylght & though I noticed my nghbrs wer still in took a 1x10mg Temazepam tab hopin
vs hope theyd take a break 4 1 nght so I kould rkovr then I kould srvive a few nghts of anythn if nces-
sary. But 2nght they brght their grls ndvidually (przumably while th uthrs danced etc @ TiFANNY PU-
B (oh yes! Th frnchmn said u kould nevr hav cellr bars like it in france bkoz they would not pass th fire
safety rgl8ns) just O th kornr). Th 1st 2 nevr xchanged a singl word wth th grls & I listnd 2 th finl BUMP
& GRIND of th 2nd 1 & they both had a showr whch iz stu8d bhind th wall XACTLY WHER MY HEAD
IS. Then whn th 3rd guy kum in wth his grl (th uthrs havn left havn workd out a systm so each pair ko-
uld b lone) he ddnt hav a showr ftrwds & I did hear th KURVA (9/9/04. or grlfriend)(prostitute) (or pro-
vider of lytinės pauslaugos whch is probbly th poltkally korrkt term now) talkn on her mobile (in rus-
sian (9/9/04. ?) & then all woz quiet but then MUZAK startd up & Id had nuff & I put on me ndrpants
gain & I strode → their room & thr woz a kallow yth on th bed dmonst8n his super dooper (probbly
worth O $5000) laptop 2 th KURVA kurld up bside him. So I sed in nglsh “look I m a writr & I write 4
hours a day & I sually do it in th mornn & I NEED SUM SLEEP” & he kept turnn down th volume, &
then sum mor & sayn “is th@ all rght?” & th girl (hoo woz a good lookr) woz makin pacifyin motions @
me & I left th room tryin 2 look az paind & njurd az I kould. They wer quiet thn & I did probbly get a bit
of sleep & I hope 2 goodnss they leav 2day but why should they since th weeknd haz nly startd. This
mornn whn I had me KRAP & SHOWR I noticed I had left me toothpaste & toothbrush @ th wash-
basin whch I hope they wrnt uzin as I heard 1 of thm brush his teeth durin th nght. Lso th STUPID
SK&NAVIAN (9/9/04. I spose th false dduktion woz based on kombn8n of xpnsiv laptop & blond hair
& prjudice) shldnt be shown off a laptop worth a 4tune 2 a KURVA koz if he goes wth her 2nght & sh
has a mindr he mght bump him on th head & uze his swipe kard & keys 2 kum in & KNOCK IT OFF.
Im goin 4 me reglar, moral, salad & orange juice & l@te & read of th ppr ….. Im back (11.30 am) & I
dont feel 2 bad. I reckn th way 10 mgs of Temazepam ffekts me iz th@ I hav a sleep wthout known it.
Made a dcision. Im dskardn ‘Th Chronicle of the Catholic Church’ books & lso Eva Hoffmans ‘After
Such Knowledge’. Im bord wth Hoffmans burbl & whats th point of great tomes of kkus8ns vs uthrs. Id
rathr read lists of what I do wrong, @ least then I kan do sumthn O thm. Very1 shuvs books @ me : th
genocide centr, th jesuits in Kaunas, Eva is soundn mor preachy th furthr I read but a littl while ago I
bought a book of 1 : 15000 maps of Vilnius bkoz th front nside kuvr is llustr8d x an 1840 (9/9/04. ddnt
uze it) map & th back 1 x a 1940 (9/9/04. uzin it 4 ‘Vilnius → Melbourne’) map whch would make gre-
at front pages 4 2 of th Vilnius rtkls. X doin it my way I m lghtnn my load. Gave me ppr 2 th door lady
gain hoo thinks Im famous & thght sh heard me ntrviewd on radio ystrdy. Thr iz a rport in it O a 2nd
year semnry studnt & his muthr hoo got rrstd in Šiauliai koz they wer dvrtizin in th newsppr 4 workn
grls so as 2 send thm → EUROPA az KURVAS. Sum germns kame → kavine az I woz readn & it
kkurs 2 me I hav 2 ask myslf 4 an xpln8n 4 th viscral dslike germns so ftn rouz in me. Mayb its bkoz
they r so loud & konfdnt mung lithos in prportion 2 th value of th mark vs th Lt? Its probbly th same
wth ozzies in Bali. Mayb loudness btween peopl iz prportional 2 th strngths of their rspektiv kurrncies?
Or mayb they think litho prstitutes r th same as germn prstitutes & treat lithos kkordngly? Iz it 2 do wth
th sound of th lnguage? Or mayb its got sumthn 2 do wth my most vvid singl early chldhood mmry of
bein givn a mghty wallop (klosed h&) a† th face x a NUN whn my mum left me @ a germn kndrgrtn 4
a koupl of days whn I woz O 5 just ftr th war? 4got 2 mntion th@ ystrdy ftr my prambul8ns → cerkve
& railway st8n 2 get info O buses 2 Ukmergė (ystrdy evnn 4got my 100 (or 200) point fone kard in th
fone x th door ftr On Ukmergė 4 info O th bus 2 Molėtus) I met up wth JOrNiAmIaTsIS kumn home
from work, briefkase in h&, & w had a really long & s@sfyin konvrs8n st&n (shftn from 1 leg 2 th uthr)
on th footpath. He iz a persn not only of klarity & prcision of thght but of real humlity. Earlier I had bn 2
a suprmrkt 2 x a flask of Čepkeliu & I askd th checkout grl 2 drekt me 2 th toilt (th guys nxt door hav
srfaced & theyr leavn 2nght. 1s from stonia, 1 from l@l& & 1 is a talian) & it turnd out I had 2 → thrgh
a video stor → 2 it & th girl thr sed it woz kkupied & whn I sed Id wait sh stared blankly @ me till th
penny droppd & I left. I → th 1 in th libary a block way & talkd 2 th libarian on 750 Lt/munth (c ‘Vilnius
(no.1)’ p6) & w greed on a lot of things. Ncidntly th suprmrkt iz ownd x a frnchmn kkordn 2 JorNiA-
mIaTsIS & hed nevr get way wth th ploy of xkludn th publk from a toilt whch iz part of th suprmrkt x
law if he woz in france. Things like this (& th konstant kold & rain) wer makin me dprssd I told JorNiA-
mIaTsIS & they dprss him 2. Iv just noticed I hav no idea whr th → 2 th ‫ ٱ‬I look out @ from my wnd-
ow iz. Im going ↓ 2 nvstig8. & Im feeln bettr. I hav 2 point out th@ last nghts evnts r kapabl of a kom-
pltely dffrnt (& evn oppst) ntrprt8n az thr iz a grl wth thm now & th talian lookd @ me blankly whn I
askd O prices & sed sh iz a l@l&r (theyr on their way, wev just dun our good xs 2 each uthr (they
ppologized))…. 2004 birželio 20 d. IT WILL NOT WORK. (nip). 8.45 am …. 8 breakfst @ th sual
place. W@chd th sual girl rrangin th chairs & tabls undr th Coca Cola PICA awnn of PICERIA DaAN-
TONIO / PIZZA ITALIANA (DiaCnAdSrTeRaO (hoo iz in Roma rght now I sppose), LfOrVaEnCkE &
me should hav lunch here 1 day) @ 20 Pilies g. It woz drizzln. Th floks of 2rsts lookd dzml ndr their
mbrellas. In th wndow on th 2nd (1st) floor a yng womn woz watrn a plant kuvrd in deep blue flwrs han-
gn in her wndow. Flowrs r mportnt in lithol&. BUT THERE IS NO HOPE I heard meslf think. I woz get-
tn rrt8d x a yng merikan in stupid lookn baggy mt8n street pants telln his dotin audience of lithos of all
th places hed bn 2 (& it woz verywhr) & how many euros it kost & whch woz th best rout & how he tw-
std his ankl x 3. His happy loud $ voice filld th O room whr I (& sum uthrs) had kum 2 b medit@v 2
quiet (nglsh & frnch) muzik. & he duz this very year in many kafes I thght so I tor off a piece of ppr
(from Lietuvos Rytas @ 3.5 Lt whch I had bght earlier & realized 2 l8 woz th same az ystrdys) & printd
in red ink (wth th fountain pen givn 2 me x DiaCnAdSrTeRaO whch he got from th St8 Libary of Vict-
oria in Melbourne) th words ULTIMATE BORE & rolld it up in2 a littl ball. Ftr payn me bill az I walkd
past their tabl I threw th littl ball → their tabl but it bounced off & past th yank & ↓ floor. Th tabl went
silent. Az he woz reachn ↓ undr 2 search 4 it I woz walkn out th rstront door 2 write this ntry & get my
mbrella. (nip). I m goin 2 th frnchmns suprmrkt whr u kant uze th toilt (nip) 2 x nuthr flask of Čepkeliu
& then mayb 2 th st8 libary of Vilnius 4 a PISS. I lso hav th +rss of an old lady hoo used 2 b in charge
of th main hosptl of Vilnius in soviet days & hoom I showd O a bit of oz & evn took 2 WHITE CLIFFS
(c ‘29/4/04 – 1/5/04’ pp2 -10) (I KAN HEAR TH YANK (I hav both doors opn) TALKN IN TH PASS-
AGE – they r bookd in2 1 of th rooms here!) years & years ago. (JEZUS IM GLAD I DDNT KOP HIM
in room 204). I got th +rss whn KABArIaLsAaITĖ (hoos 15 year old son has bn seriously dpressd &
hoo specializes in teachn kids (& lektrn O what kind of teachrs they need) hoo r nabl 2 find (or prhaps
ther is 0) a place in th O. Whn w kame back (sh lso has offrd 2 take my dskardd books off my h&s &
cheapr kkomod8n if I need & 2 show me th ČIGONU TABORAS & th peopl hoo liv on th main rubbsh
dump (9/9/04 I wuz glad sh ddnt follow thrgh wth thes whn I ← in th last week of my stay in lithol& (c
‘Vilnius → Melbourne’) az it would hav put me → th pozition of a voyeur) of Vilnius) past my lodgins O
11.30 I ddnt nvite her → drop in (koz of Hs rights of xcluzivty whch I kannot guarntee but m kontraktd
2 & I do not knownly (while in possssion of full faktualties) or prmedt8ly nnul) (27/7/O4 – thank you
for your carefully legalistic declaration of fidelity. Be careful you don’t hit your head
crawling through the loopholes – helenz) & w went → a sumwhat wkwrd partn @ a taksi. Her
mum (still lektrn in geolgy though in her 70s) haz nvited me 4 t @ 6 on mondy whr Ill lso meet Rasas
bruthr Algis. Their fathr Vytenis is my mums yngst bruthr & I 1ce took him → BROKEN HILL in NSW
whr h tried 2 † a floodd kreek wth his passprt in his pockt koz he had bn told x his bruthr he woz
xpektd in Sydney a day earlier than need b & all this woz still in th soviet era. Vyten-is like many of my
relos lekturd in mathm@iks. He died whn he broke thrgh ice on a lake skiin home from his SODYBA.)
kame O @ 6 pm az / greemnt so w kould go out 4 t (whch w did @ th KAVINE x th Vilnia whr th
st@ue of th mrmaid iz. But Rasa ddnt feel like eatn & only drank wine while I 8 & dra-nk & w talkd & I
feel w wer klose (but from so dffrnt Os). W talkd mostly O her suns dffkulties (& my xprience of uthr
ZONAS) & greed it woz ssntial 2 b honst in thes stu8ns but sh sed 1st u hav 2 b abl 2 b honst wth
yourslf (az if sh wer dvided → 2)) & I mght knock on her door if Im in th ‫ ٱ‬ftr I get th Čep-keliu
trauktine. Yes it is drizzln outside & th prdiktion 4 2morrow iz 4 rain all day all ovr lithol& …. I did kall
in nxpektdly on ŠVlEaIiSmTaYTĖ az sh woz ntrtainn 3 uthr ladies 1 of hoom woz her sstr. They treatd
me like royalty thgh I kould tell (I dont think they would bjekt 2 me sayn) mmedi@ly from their body
lnguage etc they wer mmbrs of th old NOMENKLATURA. Laimas sstr in partiklar 1td 2 hear me say
what I thght of lithol& (& litho grls etc etc) like ozzies sumtimes ask YANKS & they say how 1drful oz
iz but Im not like a yank & I say it az I c it whch sh found a challnge az if it m@rs a SHIT what a yank
sez O oz or an ozzie hoo haz bn here only a few weeks O lithol&. I 8 dlicious ROMA (rum in litho)
icekream & I rkommnd it 2 DiaCnAdSrTeRaO hoo is in ROMA. Laima & sstr offrd 2 show me & 2 let
me uze their pparntly magnifcent lakeside SODYBA in th kuntry. I sed mayb nxt year if Im here wth H.
They all lookd in good health & I had th mprssion peopl of their vintage dont do any bettr in Melbourn.
Laimas unit iz wthn mnutes walk of Gedimino pr. I m ntrn a few notes I put in my littl book earlier
wthout bothrn 2 polsh thm up : whn I got back ystrdy nght @ 12.30 ftr a beer ftr leavn Rasa @ th taxi
th lady hoo kries & 2 hoom I gave me ppr woz still @ her post; az I woz leavn this mornn th guy in
charge (Bronius) told me O a norwegian hoo woz bookd here hoo slept all day very day aftr kumn in
Oly ROOTED each mornn (but I bet hed just gon out 4 brekky); l8r I sed 2 him Vilnius kould bkum th
kaptal (EUROPOS SOSTINĖ) of europ (9/9/04. Vaidas rekns I wldnt say so if Id bn 2 Amsterdam – it
kldnt evr happn here he sez) 4 such m@rs; think O it this way : if in Šiauliai (mor here or in Kaunas &
esp in Klaipeda whch is th centr of th service ndustry (an eazy 2 learn skill)) th charge is 100 Lt ie 1
weeks wages its quivalnt 2 chargin $1000 in ozziel&. Hoo kould rzist?; I skd myslf th ? what kan lithos
do well & all I found wer rtsts (eg RUeDgIiNdSiKuAsS; & 2 yng grls buskn wth rkordr (trills, nrgy &
mprviz8ns wer bettr than nythn Iv heard in Melbourn) & th uthr wth flute (very wistful & dark)), kottage
food ndustry whch wll b wiped out x th suprmrkts (th ladies say MAXI & MINI chain r litho ownd & xp-
&n → pol& etc), & th KAVINĖS whch r groovy but sum of th best opn air 1s hav 2 klose down in wintr
(but boy thos cellrs kould b bumpn & grindn); th rl8nship of th old rch st8s whch r th ownrs of
kkumul8d KAPITAL 2 th new poor EU mmbrs iz simlar 2 th rl8nshp th RISTOKRACY (& their
kontnuin ownrshp & kontrol has bn nshrined in laws they hav made 4 th purpose) used 2 hav
2 th peasnts (providers of work, service ndustry, LYTINES PASLAUGAS) hoom they ownd; th
lokl NEW RICH kaptlists dont know how 2 +ministr kapitl – only how 2 make kavines. They got rch x
bein quick 2 grab what woz left of soviet st8 assets & dont hav th kind of skills kkumul8d in th west
ovr genr8ns. They (very1 duz sez Rasa) liv 4 th momnt koz it may not last (they r rght); europ will not
nvst in lithol& xpt in 2rsm. Bettr 2 nvst in asia whr 4 400 Lt/munth peopl will work hardr, quickr, smartr,
& will steal less & kant go off as eazly 2 work in europ 4 mor; th womn bringn up kids & workn x thm-
slvs koz their husb&s hav left dzerv evry pportunity they get 4 male LYTINES PASLAUGAS & mayb (I
1dr) they mght prfr th style of 4rgnrs (UŽSENIEČIAI) 2 th@ of th guys hoo left thm; went 2 th libery
gain 4 a PISS but it woz klosed; an old womn I gave cents 2 ystrdy sor me kumn & smiled & thankd
me 4 0.05 Lt. It is mazin how dartngly their eys spot u puttin your h& ↓ your pockt from a dstance & th
trmor whch they kannot dsguize whch runs thrgh their body 4 a pttance – must make th rch feel great
; bkoz parnts hav workd so hard 2 pull their kids thrgh th kids help their parnts in rturn but ther r sgns
of a new genr8n kumn hoo may not; th krooks hoo stole th peopls wealth flaunt thmslvs (drivin thrgh
puddls 2 splash uthrs) b4 th poor in grotesque mit8n of what they think is westrn sofstk8n whch they
get from 2rst trips (like mine) & w@chn telly; I m fueld x lokohol & lack of sleep yet Im not xpriencin th
loss of =ibrium & special type of ntnsity I get whn Im short of sleep in Melbourn. Mayb th real ssue iz
not shortage of sleep but bein in synk wth nght (dark) & day (lght) ie th Oadian rhythms & th days r
long now. Th long nghts of wntr kould lead 2 dprssion. Th@s strght from th HORSES MOUTH. (9.50
pm) …. LfOrVaEnCkE & DiaCnAdSrTeRaO will b pleazd 2 know I spent a very l@n day. I went 2 a
ritzy talian place kalld st VALENTINO / PIZZA ITALIANA RESTORANAS whr whn I skd 4 fried bread
wth garlk (ČESNAKAS) they sed they ddnt hav any & gave me pizza sticks nstead. So I bought a did-
eli beer (dideli = 0.5 ltr, maža = 0.3 ltr, litra = 1 ltr) & it kost 8 Lt, x 2 th norml price (but @ least they
wer abl 2 change a 200 Lt note). Abov th bar wer th words : REPETITA IUVANT so I skd thm what it
meant & they sed they ddnt know koz they wernt real talians. L8r I fnishd off @ a nuthr bar klose 2
home whr I w@chd portugal beat spain 1-0 as I drank nuthr dideli wth a pl8ful of fried rye bread wth
ČESNAKAS. Arriverdeči. 2004 birželio 21 d. Im racin thrgh this ntry az Im due @ th Kabailas @ 6pm
.Thr woz nuthr ncidnt nstg8d x a kranky old man whn I woz havn breakfst @ th kavine I threw th ppr
ball @ th yank in. Sum kids wer yackn way (not nearly as loud az th yank had bn) & a litho guy eatn
@ th wndow told thm 2 w@ch their lnguage & they quietnd rght down. L8r I askd him whthr he had
bjektd 2 th use of th word BLAT whch you hear all th time & kant work out th meann of koz it kkurs in
any kontxt. It provd 2 b th kase & he xplaind it woz sailors slang but I lready knew it means loose wo-
mn or pro. Its used 4 mphsis not az strong az FUCK but strongr than MERDE (9/9/04. I woz l8r krrktd
– it is fully az strong az fuck) in frnch. Whn he had left I skd th yng guys why they had quietnd down
whn told x sum1 a few tabls way ie. woz he an mportnt persn. They sed it woz bkoz he woz an INTE-
LEKTUALAS. How do u know I skd? But they kouldnt nswr. Woz he in th role of a senior citzn or par-
nt? I sggsted & they greed.1 of thm sed he hadnt gon krook on thm but just skd. L8r az I woz sheltrn
from a humdingr of a thundrstorm (like a summr 1 in oz) I talkd 2 2 womn (lezbos?) & they turnd out 2
b from the gold koast in Queensl& of oz. I gave thm my writn. Got thrgh 2 H @ 3.30 (10.30 oz time).
Shs goin 2 Townsville @ th nd of nxt week 4 th 2 weeks of th skool holdays wth Jenny. I passd on th
rgards Laima sed 2 pass on ystrdy. H had bn 2 Fed ‫ ٱ‬wth Ben & had koffee & gon thrgh th gallry &
whn they got home Dan kookd thm a meal. Shs gettn chummy wth sum of th talian guys @ th Errol &
KcOoTnZAgBeAoSrIgSe (9/9/04. met him on me brthdy (19/8) @ Borders in Lygon st. wth a suitkase
full of kopies of his new book on th deadly threat 2 civliz8n posed by terrrsm (bom xploded out front of
oz mbassy in Jakarta 2day) he is tryin 2 flog. But u nvr gave me a komplmntry kopy thght I giv u my
stuff free so I kant say nuthn good O it 2 all me readrs.) sends his rgards 2 me. Sh sez Eglė has met
a ŽItŽoYmS from canada (Iv cn his name on th ntrnet) hoo is viztn lithol& O now & has givn him th
Kabailas +rss. Nuthr guy I giv my stuff 2 @ th Errol, Dave (an x broker) told her 2 tell me 2 b kareful. I
sggestd H take her long srvice leav in July/August (9/9/04. whch shs doin)nxt year so w kan b sure of
summr weathr & thn rtire so w kan travl mor. Id lov 2 spnd munths in th Kimbrlies or th tropkal Quee-
nsl& koast etc. etc. – in fakt most oz wintrs whn not here. H haz lready typed th ‘Melbourne → Kau-
nas’ piece so sh knows what Im up 2 & should get th nxt 1 b4 sh → Townsville. ‘Melbourne → Kau-
nas’ is O 8000 words whch means so far Iv writtn O 30000 all 2gthr. Sh woz 1drn how I find time 4 it
in btween all th drinkn – th nswr iz I do it @ th same time. Im off 2 th Kabailas 4 t. 4got 2 say earlier H
said 2 x2 th amount I giv th beggrs so Im lso givn from her…. 2004 birželio 22 d. I found my way 2 th
Kabailas in Varšuvos g. (9/9/04. c kuvr map of ‘Vilnius → Melbourne’ just buv ‘RASOS’ @ bottm rght)
thrgh rain. Dspite my best f4ts I woz splashd x a kar . Th streets of old town wer not dzgnd 4 kars (x
th way I did walk O th ‫ & ٱ‬still dont know how th kars get → ‫ ٱ‬I look out on) & nlike good old ozziel&
th drivers dont slow down & try not 2 splash u. They lso do their best 2 run u ovr on zebra †ngs. 1ce
gain I woz treatd like guest, rl@v, & roylty. I say k@gorkly – I do not treat peopl howvr klose they r 2
me az well az I m bein treatd. I feel stingy & mean x komparson (ystrdy on th fone H said th@ th bru-
thr (Saulius) of JOrNiAmIaTsIS has offrd free kommod8n 4 me & I havnt evn vzitd him). I woz @ th
head of th tabl xpt whn Algis (Rasas bruthr) woz thr koz he woz @ th uthr nd then & he is tallr (him &
Paul (10/9/04. Paul & Suzette (16/9/04. haznt read ‘Šiauliai’ koz Paul reads my pieces (thgh they r
sent in both names) 1st & dcides if they r suitbl readn 4 her) r kumn ovr 4 a bbq on sundy @ our place
in Ivanhoe, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) hav measurd thmslvs 2 c hoo iz th tallr KABAILA & Algis
wins but mayb Pauls dad (my mums bruthr lso named Algis) woz tallr in his yth & it is hard 2 say hoo
iz th largest of thm thgh it is known th@ whn he is in lithol& my mums bruthr @nds th ARKIKATĖDRA
– BAZILIKA (10/9/04. c no 1 on kuvr map of ‘Vilnius (no.1)’) whch is probbly th largst chrch in Vilnius)
& larger (& mayb woz on a hghr chair) & mor mposin than I m. I m a persn hoo rquires a lot of space
& ftn talks ovr peopl & m used 2 @ntion so I m very senstiv 2 komptition. He sez th grls @ TiFANNY
pub r not prostitutes whch goes 2 show how mstaken 1st mprssions of a travllr kan b. He woz proud
2 show me his kard koz he has just bkum a lektrer @ law skool. Iz ther a Kabaila hoo does not lek-
ture peopl? My mum prhaps less than th uthrs koz sh woz nly a skool teachr & it iz possbl th@ Pauls
bruthr Rimas (though wth multpl ºs, phds etc & an xpert on hertage arktkture) doznt but I wldnt bet on
it. I m ŽIŽYS x KABAILA & az I xamin my tap roots I note th Ks bristl wth qualfk8ns – 3 prfsors in th
medi8 famly but dspite th@ I outtalk th lot koz I talk fastr (thgh @ least 1 is mor ggresiv than me). Me-
ilutė (hoo @ an age whn I do not xpekt 2 b abl 2 get up from a chair works full time (prof of geol) &
has just had nuthr of her txt books (many books publshd x this side of th famly) publshd) s@ low do-
wn @ th side of th tabl & Rasa still lowr & a bit apart (so it is wth men & womn) on th sofa. L8r whn
Algis had left I felt nkum4tabl in my kingly psition & shiftd 2 b lowr down on th sofa nxt 2 Rasa. W
talkd O rl@vs & I kritcized very1. Its my role – they konstrukt, I dkonstrukt. They want 2 show me
verythn 4 free but I guard my space : 2 no avail koz my very mov is known x TELEFON b4 I think 2
make it & Eglė (hoo had writtn 2 Rasa 2 show me th hill of †s & 2 ntrjuice me 2 th JONINĖS fstvl (sta-
rtn 2morrow & what a great name 4 a book : ‘THE LONGEST DAY’ (but not as long as a day in th life
of Ivan Denisovich x Solzhenitsin))) had sed on th fone sh hoped Id rmmbrd 2 O my mum on her brth-
dy on th 4th of this munth but I hadnt evn workd out how th fone workd then & sent a kard a few days
l8 whch sh should hav x now. I talkd silly & so did Algis (w woz tryin 2 outdo each uthr?), Meilutė nevr
stops worryin O her kids but woz lways sensbl & then slurry coz w knockd off a bottl of Čepkelui trau-
ktine & 1½ bottls of wine, Rasa woz th quietst & summd us all up. Algis is loud, Meilutė tired, Rasa
mellow & th famly dynamiks woz overt & ntens. Ftr 11 Rasa kalld a taksi & kame out wth me 2 make
sure I got in az sh ddnt want 2 b rsponsbl 4 me makin my way home x myslf in th nght undr th nflu-
ence just az I had made sure sh took a taksi (though sh would hav prfrrd 2 walk) on s@rdy @ a sim-
lar time of nght. I → a near x bar ATSIPALAIDUOTI wth a DIDELI & s@ ndr an awnn listnn 2 a guit-
arist (& NB Juanita (10/9/04. hoo had 1ce tried 2 xplain 2 me th meann of th spansh word DUENDE &
haz a xbition on on 2/10/04 (1 day ftr Hs brthdy) @ 292 Smith st Collingwood) & Ren) & he woz playn
koustik & th meldies wer l@n (not th sual nglsh krap) & I kldnt c his face koz it woz hiddn x a sort of
kowl. He had 2 kids helpn hoo wer hassln peopl walkn x wth rquests 4 money 4 th muzikian & az I
listnd 2 him play evr so quietly, & verythn so ndrst8d, & xquizit nuances in th txture of th no-
tes from f4tlss pluckn I realized I will nevr b abl 2 xplain 2 u th meann of th word DUENDE. I
gave th largest (I m stingy) tip I hav givn in europ & az I walkd past I glanced → his face nside th kowl
& it woz dark & strange (mayb south merikan I 1st thght) & ugly & I rlized he woz a ČIGONAS …. On
the way 2 my now rglar eatn spot this mornn I met EVrAoNdS hoo with ROMA (not 2 b knfuzed wth
rum or th place whr u lways do az they do) rceiv my writin in their lettr box (h& dlivrd x me) in Melb-
ourn & hoom I meet @ litho haus in Errol st Nth Melb. I told him I woz goin 2 don8 th Alfonsas Eidin-
tas (c ‘Vilnius (no.1)’ p4) book 2 th litho libery thr & he volnteerd th@ th lithos r in a st8 of dnial O th
murdr of th jws. W kompared our mprssions ovr a prtraktd l@te & he woz mazed x th beauty & kraktr
of th grls he woz seein & th uglness in ppearnce & bhviour of th guys. I 2 kommnt on what I c but it
nevr means its how it iz. Each of us cz dffrntly. Theyv bn 2 tibet & r goin 2 mongolia & many uthr xotik
places. He iz in raptures @ th beauty of lithol&s 4sts sumthn I havnt cn nuff of. I sed Id pass this pie-
ce of writin → thm prsnally l8r in th year @ litho haus. Now Im goin 2 find sumwhr 2 read th ppr. (12.-
15) Oh yes, I xchanged hullos wth th INTELEKTUALAS hoo had tickt off th kids 4 sayn BLAT.… Im
barely movn from th spot 2day. Just bn talkn 2 KAaRlAgZiIsJA hoo kame † me drinkn a glass of dark
beer in Pilnies g. whr I had settld down finally 2 read th Lietuvos Rytas. (Leif Olson woz wth me &
took Algises partkulars az hiz dghtr iz in or runs a jazz group in sweden & Algis iz th koordn8r of th
‘Jumbo Jazz, Blues & World Music Festival’. Leif sez he haz just bought ‘Jews, Lithuanians and the
Holocaust’ x Alfonso Eidintas az I had rkommndd rkommndd 2 me x KOmZyLkOoVlSaKsIS @ litho
haus in Melbourne.) He thinks he iz goin 2 Ukmergė on thursdy 2 th place of sum friends of Lelija &
Mykolas & I suggestd if he finds out 4 sure he should kontakt me & well → 2gethr sharin petrl kosts.
He sez he iz back here permnntly & feels az if he has lwayz blongd & duznt miss ozzl& a bit but will b
thr 4 6 weeks @ th nd of th year 2 c his dad & his mum (Aliutė : sstr of L&bergis th leadr of th party I
had votd 4 & new lithuanias 1st prezdnt (woz known az th nly muziklogist prezdnt or th fluxus (10/9/04.
last mundy starrd in an opra brought ← Melbourne x Algis (c ‘Melbourne → Kaunas’ p7) staged in th
main theatr in Gedimino pr.(c bottm of kuvr map 2 ‘Vilnius (no. 1)’) przdnt))). Prior 2 th@ ftr gettn back
here ftr talkn 2 EVrAoNdS I woz lockn th door 2 my room 203 az Leif woz lockn his door (210/211)
drektly † th pssage from mine & w mmedi8ly got in2 konvrs8n & went out 2gthr 4 a drink & a ch@
(Algis had spottd us from his wndow he sez). Here iz hiz kurrkulum vitae :” Leif Olson // Drama teacher,
theatre director and translator // Studied drama and theatre in Göteborg Sweden, in Oxford England and in Denmark./ Came
in contact with Creative Drama through Mr Tony Butterfield, Oxford, and has developed those ideas in teaching and theatre
work.// TEACHING DRAM A : on different levels, mostly age levels 17-20. At present teaching at Västerhöjdgymnasiet,
Skö-vde, Sweden where he teaches drama, improvisation, physical theatre and speech. Every year he puts on plays with
his students : Shakespeare, Stindberg among others. // This year : The Tempest, Hamlet and a play by Maxim Gorkij. //
DIRE-CTING : Since 1970. Mostly historical plays on Swedish medieval history written by himself. Ex “The Saga of
Husaby”, “The Road to Husaby”, both about our first christian king, Olof Skotkonung, who was baptized at Husaby, in 1000.
Leif Olson lives in an area with the most ancient history. Latest production : “The Ballad of Jarl Birger”. Leif Olson prefers
producing plays in the open, or in places not intended for theatre like barns, parks, factories, squares. // Other plays : A
Midsummer Nights Dream, The Lesson by Ionesco, plays by Roumanian/French playwright Matei Visniec, and Israel
Horovitz, some Strindberg plays and plays by other Swedish writers. // Musicals : Godspell, Oliver, Smike, The Beauty and
the Priest, Annie and West Side Story, and a Guilbert and Sullivan opera. // TRAN SL ATING : French and American plays
and poetry into Swedish for example. Queneau : Exercices de Style, Visniec : Three clowns looking for a job, Sarrazac :
Harriet (for Radio Sweden), Hunstad : The Tragical comedy, Brendan Behan : Richard’s cork leg, Dell : Nostradamus, Ritsos
: Ismene, Alex-andre Dumas : Christine – queen of Sweden. Some years ago he translated Lettres de Louise Jacobson, a
collection of authentic letters written by a young French jewish schoolgirl from her prison cell the months before her
deportation in 1943. // RADIO : Programmes for Radio Sweden on culture, mostly on international theatre. Leif Olson has
interviewed and port-rayed personalities in the theatre world : Roger Blin (who discovered Beckett), Jean Louis Barrault,
Antoine Vitez, Israel Horvitz, Jerome Savary, Tadeusz Kantor, Jeanne Moreau, Derek Jacobi and others. He also gives
regular reports from the Avignon Theatre Festival, and other theatrical events. Presents poetry on the radio. //
PERF ORMING : Has performed in several productions and in salons littéraires. Often reads poetry, mostly working with
musicians. Arranges playreadings every two weeks where actors voices and speech are trained. Also : Theatre games,
improvisations to an audience. His voice is also heard in drama and documentary films. // PL ANS : to write a play or an
opera about a Swedish princess (Inge-gerd) in the 11th century who married a Russian king (Yaroslav) and became Sankta
Irina of Russia. Other plans : a play in collaboration with French actors in Pau, Bearn in Southern France. // Leif Olson,
PI 121 1 A, S-53 391 GO TENE, Swed en tel OO4 6-51 152 1 33 Mail : liefo l@yahoo. com ” Its 5.45 pm. Im
goin out 4 th 3rd (or iz it th 4th) time & mayb Ill get a bit furthr down th street & get a meal or evn →
walk a bit … Met th 2 womn from Queensl& I gave my stuff 2 ystrdy xept 1 of thm is from holl&. 8
cepelinai. Bought Čepkeliu trauktine …. 11.45 pm. Met KAaRlAgZiIsJA & PIKjTuUrRgNiAtIaTE gain
az I woz sittn listnn 2 th buskr wth DUENDE hoo it turns out iz 1 of th pruvians (11/9/04. but c ‘Vilnius
→ Melbourne’) I mntiond in ‘Vilnius (no.1)‘ p (10/9/04. kant find whr) & he livs in th room nxt 2 mine
(10/9/04. Algis had told me so but he woz wrong) ie room 201. OlLeSiOfN joind us @ th tabl & him &
Algis stablshd a konnxion. W walkd back 2gthr past th pruvian buskr & w tippd him well. Algis &
Jurgita ↑ their fl@ & me & Leif → Latako 2, rooms 10/11 & room 203, & Ill probbly hear th pruvian
buskr whn he gets back l8r 2 room 201. So I finsh off (10/9/04. changed me mind) my 4th piece of
writn (1 / week) in lithol&. Hope H is still speakn 2 me whn I get back 2 oz. 2morrow iz THE
LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR & in th short nght thr will b much skrewn (10/9/04. its a trdition) but I
plan 2 B ALONE. 2004 birželio 23d. (wdnsdy). Az I woz lstnn 2 th pruvian wth DUENDE ystrdy I
woz sharin th tabl wth a man hoo woz O → but stayd on & w got talkn O th pruvian hoo pparntly has
bn here on & off 4 a koupl of years (& 4 th last 3 munths iz 1 of a group) & hoo sumtimes pulls out his
guitr nywhr & plays wthout kollktn money, but lwayz very quietly, az he woz then in bizzy Pilies g. so u
kouldnt hear him @ all. Th man I woz talkn 2 hoo turnd out 2 b a jazz fan woz sayn he should b playn
loudr & I woz sayn it ppeard he knew what he woz doin & th jazz fan sed yes it seems he iz dliber8 &
it woz a PARADOX. I greed. A jazz muzikian th jazz fan (knew all th jazz fstvls in Vilnius & hadnt
heard of KAaRlAgZiIsJA) knew walkd up & startd ch@n & I marvlld @ th way his features (esp face)
& mannr gave him away az a muzikian – so I knew he woz 4 real (but I still kant put my fingr on th
dffrnce xaktly). Then Algis & Jurgita joind us & I had in ffect put Algis, th fan, & th muzikian 2gthr &
strght way they wer ngoti8n O sum group or uthr. It turns out ther r lready various jazz festvls in
Vilnius & I korrkt my bsrv8n a year or so ago th@ Algis had bkom a drek-tor of “The Vilnius Jazz
Festival”. This 1 iz an naurgurl fstvl & here r th full partklars on th kard Algis h&s out : “JUMBO //
Jumbo Jazz, Blues & World Music Festival // September 3-5, 2004, Viln-ius, Lithuania //
Gedimino pr. 24 Vilnius, Lithuania // Algis Karazija // Co-ordinator // mob ph. +370 615 99449
// P.D. 187, LT-01003, Vilnius, Lithuania // Email :” I heard Algis (az I woz talkn
2 Jurgita) say th mjorty of th muzikians r kumn from Melbourn & I happn 2 know most of thm but
specially of kours KEdSaMnIiNuAsS (c ‘16/2/04 – 27/2/04’ p 6) hoom Iv mntiond ma-ny times, iz a
nghbr & hoos parnts I lso know & so duz EVrAoNdS 2 hoom I had bn talkn in th mornn mung uthr
things O th book x EaIlDfIoNnTsAaSs whch I bght 4 th littl litho libery @ litho haus in Errol st. North
Melb. It woz then OlLeSIOfN had turnd up & ftr goin off 4 a meal † th road kame back 4 ng-oti8ns wth
Algis. So in ffect it seemd az if I had put 2gethr a JAZZ (DŽIAZO) fan + JAZZ (DŽIAZO) muzikian +
theatr drectr + KAaRlAgZiIsJA az if it woz me th@ woz th KO-ORDINATOR whn th kard sez klearly
he iz. Prhaps th@s what its all O. It woz ftr th@ w walkd back in th gathrn dark & tippd th muzikian
wth DUENDE hoo had st8nd himslf @ a spot furthr up th street in th drektion of Latano g. hoo is a
PARADOX … Woz nvolvd in a kurious ncidnt @ th PO whr I had gon 2 send my ‘Vilnius (no. 2)’ rtkl of
O 10000 words (sorry honey) 2 Melbourne. I woz in a Q whch woz goin 2 take ½ hour + 2 wait in whn
I noticed a smartly drssd guy kum in & st& near th front of it ntndn 2 jump it. Then I rlized thr wer 3
wndows servn th publk & he woz 3rd in line @ th middl 1 while I woz O 15th in th longst BE-KOZ THR
WOZ NO SYSTM. So I sed 2 th lady bhind me hold my place 4 me & I went 2 th shortst line of what
had ppeard 2 b Q jumprs & gestkl8n wth large motions of my rms said loudly this Q starts here & th@
1 → thr & I took my place in th shortst & kalld out 2 th back of th longst Q 4 th lady not 2 hold my
place nymor. I wrote a quick note 2 H az I stood in th short line koz I woznt goin 2 looz my place. I
nsistd on writin th +rss on th nvelope sh gave me on th spot 4 th same reazn. Th kurious thing iz no1
kame from th long Q 2 st& bhind me in th short 1. Thr is a LESSON IN THER sumwhr. Earlier I gave
‘3/4/04 – 12/4/04’ & ‘24/4/04 – 1/5/04’ 2 th guy in th frnch ltr@ure bookshop bkoz Leif Olson had sed
th frnch lady hoo owns it iz xllntly kquaintd wth th frnch AVANT GARDE (I h8 th term only slghtly ‹
POST MODERNISM but m nabl 2 void (OuLiPo) uzin it) tradtions of wriitn 2 pass on 2 her. Leif iz
himslf far bettr read in thes (he transl8s mainly from frnch) than I hoo m in th PARADOXkal position of
dstributin my stuff in ozziel& & now in lithol& whr such 4ms of writn r az good az nknown & r not
ppreci8d. What I m doin in writin iz not dssmilar 2 what th pruvian iz doin wth his guitar MUZIK. W r
friends but lone. W r out of place & space. Earlier I read th ppr @ what iz now my rglar eatn spot. It
sez th mnimum wage is ffcially 450 Lt & th@ 13% of workrs get undr 600 Lt. Most hosptalty ndustry
workrs get undr 600 Lt. 10% of salries r btween 900 & 1300 Lt. Th middl range of govt workrs get
1200 -1500.… Only a few 100 yds down th road, @ th kornr of Pilies & ŠV Jono (St Johns) g., I →
Leif Olson gain kumn th uthr way & w s@ down @ th nearst streetside tabl whr he had t & bskits & I
drank dark (red) beer wth fried bread sticks (rye) wth garlk. I xplaind 2 him what KEdSaMnIiNuAsS
does & how th HISTRIONICS & SLAVE PIANOS r kumn 4 th Jumbo Džiazo evnt on Sept 3-5 bein
rgnized (ko-ordn8d) x Algis. Then Algis himslf (sez very1 lready knows O Jurgita (hoo has nevr bn on
an roplane & has only cn th c 1ce @ Klaipeda (whr KRISTINA IŠ VILNIAUS (c ‘Vilnius (no.1)’ p10)
has gon)) on th FLG (th fucken lithuanian grape-vine)) joind us @ th tabl. Ftr Leif was gon sum
MORMONS walkd x. Th MORMONS INVADE LITHUANIA (24/8/04. & so hav th Hare Krishnas) Algis
sed. He sez (told x Veronika Povilionienės (c ‘Vilnius 1’ p11) hoo will lso b pr4mn in th OPERA (11/9-
/04 O th korrspndnce btween Mačiunas & L&sbergis hoo had bn friends @ skool & both of hoos fat-
hrs had bn rkitekts. Jane hoom I met 2day in Errol st whn me & H went thr 4 our mornn koffee & ppr,
sed Danius sed (ovr th mobile) he woz very happy wth how it went) writtn x SLAVE (11/9/04. Neil
Kelly & Rohan Drape rote th muzik) PIANOS (& th libretto x KEdSaMnIiNuAsS (possbly a rl@v of
KEoSlMeIgNaAsS (grew up in SIBIRAS & traind in Moscow x hoom Leif had cn a play he drektd last
nght th@ woz th most movn theatr evnt he had cn in 20 yrs (Leif iz here now & has just xplaind th@
he met him gain last nght but saw th play a month ago))))) husb&) they offr 2 check out your famly
tree then rtrospktvly konvrt your ncestrs 2 MORMONS so az 2 b abl 2 klaim how very numrous they r
(on ppr). A bit l8r Algis pointd 2 th buildn nxt door (SIGNATORU NAMAI whr th dklar8n of lithos 1st
ndepndnce (1919 I think) woz signd) & sed th@s whr his fathr (now in Melbourne), Gediminas, had
livd as a child & sum of th furnture nside rginally blongd 2 Povilas Karazija, Algises gr&fathr, & talkn of
tabls & Karazijai th writin tabl I got 4 my 21st brthdy whch iz still in use in our Ivanhoe haus in Melb-
ourne AUSTRALIA woz built x Gediminas Karazija from a dzign x Povilas his gr&fathr (so sez Algis).
But I reckn he got th dzign from a furnture magzine koz its of th swdish or sk&navian style whch was
poplar in th 60s …. Met th x ballrina gain (c ‘Vilnius (no.1)’ p1) & her sun & her husb& hoom sh had
wantd me 2 meet & hoo works in staind glass. His name iz rBoUlLaAnVdAaSs. He has ‘new age’ not-
ions & iz knowldgabl O rtsts like Mačiunas & Mekas. I gave him th last 2 pieces of me writin. I woz
telln thm I had left 3 (gave th 3rd l8r) of my pieces wth th shop ssstnt of th frnch ltr@ure bookshop 2
giv 2 th ownr & th ballrina sed th@s Karolina & → 2 her kumn → us wth her dghtr 20 yrds way. Karo-
lina Masiulytė-Paliulienė of J. Masiulio Knygynas @ Didžioji 1, 01128 Vilnius iz not frnch but dspite
her litho srname speaks litho wth dffkulty. Sh haznt got my pieces yet & I told her Id send this 1 bkoz
sh iz in it. Sh sed th KOINCIDENCE of th meetn iz made mor signfkant bkoz 2day iz JONINĖS. Th
time iz 1 mnute → mdnght.


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