The Believer and His Destiny: Consecrated Unto The Purpose of God

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Biblical Perspectives The Believer & His Destiny

Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher

The Believer and His Destiny

Consecrated Unto The Purpose
Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher

! "od


Introductory Remarks.

The purpose o! this lesson #ill be catch a $li%pse o! #hat "od&s overall purpose is !or the church in these last days and then to see ho# #e %ust be totally consecrated to that purpose in order !or us to !ul!ill the destiny "od has $iven to each o! us' Proverbs 19:21 (NIV) Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 16:9(NIV) determines his steps. In his heart a man plans his course, but the LOR

(n order !or Proverbs )*+, to co%e into play in our lives, our lives %ust !irst be totally consecrated or sancti!ied unto the -ord' 1. # Definitions of Consecration: Webster s+ To %ake, declare, or set apart as sacred+ To dedicate to so%e service or $oal' .ake holy+ sacred' Honored as holy+ hallo#ed' !reek+ )/01' e$kaini2o, en$3kahee3nid432o5 !ro% ")/0*5 to rene#, i'e' inau$urate+33consecrate, dedicate' 61' ha$ia2o, ha$3ee3ad432o5 !ro% "/75 to %ake holy, i'e' 8cer'9 puri!y or consecrate5 8%entally9 to venerate+33hallo#, be holy, sancti!y' Hebre"+ *,/:' ;adash, ka#3dash45 a pri%' root5 to be 8causat' %ake, pronounce or observe as9 clean 8cere%onially or %orally9+33appoint, bid, consecrate, dedicate, de!ile, hallo#, 8be, keep9 holy 83er, place9, keep, prepare, proclai%, puri!y, sancti!y 83ied one, sel!9, < #holly'

1 Thessalonians 5:23 No! may the "od o# peace $imsel# sancti#y you completely% and may your !hole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the comin& o# our Lord 'esus (hrist. 2 Timothy 2:21 )here#ore i# anyone cleanses himsel# #rom the latter, he !ill be a
Biblical Perspectives 3 The Believer and His Destiny )

Consecrated Unto The Purpose o! "od

Ken Birks, Pastor/ Teacher

vessel #or honor, sancti#ied and use#ul #or the Master, prepared #or every &ood !or*. =s you see, "od&s $oal is !or us to be totally consecrated or set apart !or His purpose and the destiny He has called us to' (t is only as #e are consecrated that #e can be prepared !or "od&s #ork in our lives and thus !ul!ill the destiny He has !or us'' (n the ld Testa%ent vessels al#ays had to be consecrated be!ore they could be used !or the service o! the tabernacle or te%ple' Leviticus 8:10 +lso Moses too* the anointin& oil, and anointed the tabernacle and all that !as in it, and consecrated them.

II. !od s #ur$ose in the %arth.

"od&s purpose in the earth today is %uch %ore than >ust $ettin$ a bunch o! people saved and $oin$ to heaven' ?esus is in the process o! buildin$ a church in #hich the $ates or the authority o! hell #ill not be able to prevail a$ainst' (t is a church that is bein$ desi$ned to co%e into the !ul!ill%ent o! all that the prophets have prophesied and to !ully restore all that #as lost in the !all' Acts 3:19-21 ,Repent there#ore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times o# re#reshin& may come #rom the presence o# the Lord, ,and that $e may send 'esus (hrist, !ho !as preached to you be#ore, ,!hom heaven must receive until the times o# restoration o all thin!s, !hich "od has spo*en by the mouth o# all $is holy prophets since the !orld be&an. Acts 3:21 "#$%& $e must remain in heaven until the time comes #or "od to restore everythin&, as he promised lon& a&o throu&h his holy prophets. '(hesians 5:26-2) that $e mi&ht sancti#y and cleanse her !ith the !ashin& o# !ater by the !ord, that $e mi&ht present her to $imsel# a &lorious church, not havin& spot or !rin*le or any such thin&, but that she should be holy and !ithout blemish. # We Have & Res$onsibility To 'erve The #ur$ose of !od (or )ur !eneration.

?ust as David served the purpose o! "od !or his $eneration, so #e %ust serve
Biblical Perspectives 3 The Believer and His Destiny :

Biblical Perspectives The Believer & His Destiny

Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher

the purpose o! "od !or our $eneration' Acts 13:36 (NIV) ,-or !hen avid had served "od's purpose in his o!n &eneration, he #ell asleep% he !as buried !ith his #athers and his body decayed ' Think o! all the people in David&s day that bene!itted !ro% the kin$do% blessin$s because David served "od&s purpose' Think o! all the people #ho are $oin$ to bene!it !ro% the blessin$ o! the kin$do% because #e have chosen to consecrate our hearts to "od !or His purpose in this $eneration' @e %ust be like the sons o! (ssachar' 1 *hronicles 12:32 o# the sons o# Issachar !ho had understandin& o# the times, to *no! !hat Israel ou&ht to do, their chie#s !ere t!o hundred% and all their brethren !ere at their command% Psalms 1+:2 )he LOR loo*s do!n #rom heaven upon the children o# men, )o see i# there are any !ho understand, !ho see* "od.

III. Distinctive *arks of Consecrated #eo$le.

The !ollo#in$ are various attitudes or characteristics that should be in the process o! bein$ developed in our lives' (! these ;ualities are in us then #e can be assured that #e are pressin$ into the process o! bein$ consecrated or sancti!ied unto "od&s purpose' =s a result #e are in position to !ul!il the destiny "od has charted out !or us' 1. )ur )verall +ifestyle *ust be an %,am$le of Bein- a +ivin- 'acrifice.

=s born3a$ain, Apirit3!illed Christians, #ho have a destiny to !ul!ill, #e are to present ourselves unto "od as livin$ sacri!ices' ,omans 12:1 (NIV) )here#ore, I ur&e you, brothers, in vie! o# "od's mercy, to o##er your bodies as livin& sacri#ices, holy and pleasin& to "od..this is your spiritual act o# !orship. o not con#orm any lon&er to the pattern o# this !orld, but be trans#ormed by the rene!in& o# your mind. )hen you !ill be able to test and approve !hat "od's !ill is..his &ood, pleasin& and per#ect !ill. =s a result o! sacri!icin$ ourselves to "od #e #ill be trans!or%ed by the rene#in$ o! our %inds an be able to discern the $ood and acceptable and per!ect #ill o! "od' Bou can&t really understand or be involved in the purpose o! "od #ithout the ele%ent o! sacri!ice in your li!e'
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Consecrated Unto The Purpose o! "od

Ken Birks, Pastor/ Teacher

.. We *ust Be /essels 0nto Honor.

2 Timothy 2:19-21 Nevertheless the solid #oundation o# "od stands, havin& this seal/ ,)he Lord *no!s those !ho are $is,, and, ,Let everyone !ho names the name o# (hrist depart #rom ini0uity., 1ut in a &reat house there are not only vessels o# &old and silver, but also o# !ood and clay, some #or honor and some #or dishonor. )here#ore i# anyone cleanses himsel# #rom the latter, he !ill be a vessel #or honor, sancti#ied and use#ul #or the Master, prepared #or every &ood !or*. @ith a !ull understandin$ o! your identity as to #ho you are in the kin$do% o! "od and #hat your purpose is co%es a $reater %otivation and desire to put o!! the old nature and its lusts' = person #ho has not truly repented is lackin$ in vision and purpose' Cision #ill cause us to be constrained in the thin$s o! "od'

1. We &re 2ot To Be %ntan-led With The &ffairs )f The World.

2 Timothy 2:+ No one en&a&ed in !ar#are entan&les himsel# !ith the a##airs o# this li#e, that he may please him !ho enlisted him as a soldier. 1 -ohn 2:15-1) o not love the !orld or the thin&s in the !orld. I# anyone loves the !orld, the love o# the -ather is not in him. -or all that is in the !orld% the lust o# the #lesh, the lust o# the eyes, and the pride o# li#e% is not o# the -ather but is o# the !orld. +nd the !orld is passin& a!ay, and the lust o# it% but he !ho does the !ill o# "od abides #orever. Bou #ill !ind that i! you are not $ivin$ yoursel! to the purpose o! "od that your desires and a!!ections #ill !all back on the #orld and its desires to the point that you $et entan$led #ith it and as a result you are unable to ade;uately serve "od and His purpose'

3. Decisions in +ife Take )n a 2e" #ers$ective.

Bour decisions in li!e beco%e based on "od&s overall purpose and destiny !or your li!e rather than your o#n sel!ish a%bitions and desires !or the %o%ent' .atthe/ 6:33 ,1ut see* #irst the *in&dom o# "od and $is ri&hteousness, and all these thin&s shall be added to you.

Biblical Perspectives 3 The Believer and His Destiny

Biblical Perspectives The Believer & His Destiny

Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher

Bour decisions are based on the #hole rather than the part' Bou base your decisions in li!e on ho# they #ill a!!ect pursuin$ "od&s purpose rather than the e%otional #hi% o! the %o%ent' Proverbs 19:21 (NIV) Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

4. 2ot *y Will5 But !od s Will In Times of Testin-.

(n ti%es o! testin$ and hardship your prayer is DEot %y #ill,F but Bour #ill be done, -ord'F This is #here your heart really beco%es consecrated unto "od, because you reali2e there %ay be an easier #ay out at ti%es' 2 Timothy 2:3 2ou there#ore must endure hardship as a &ood soldier o# 'esus (hrist. ?esus could have taken the easy #ay out #hen He #as in a$ony, concernin$ the Gather&s #ill !or His li!e, in the $arden o! "ethse%ane the ni$ht be!ore His cruci!iHion' He chose rather to endure the hardness o! the #ay' (t #as in this co%%it%ent that ?esus !ul!illed the ulti%ate destiny and callin$ !or His li!e' .atthe/ 26:+2 +&ain, a second time, $e !ent a!ay and prayed, sayin&, ,O My -ather, i# this cup cannot pass a!ay #rom Me unless I drin* it, 2our !ill be done.,

6. Consecrated #eo$le Walk Circums$ectly5 Redeemin- The Time.

'(hesians 5:15-1) 3ee then that you !al* circums(ectly, not as #ools but as !ise, redeemin& the time, because the days are evil. )here#ore do not be un!ise, but understand !hat the !ill o# the Lord is. ),,' akribos, ak3ree3boce45 adv' !ro% the sa%e as "),*5 eHactly+ 33circu%spectly, dili$ently, per!ect 83ly9' = person #ho has been consecrated or sancti!ied unto "od&s purpose #ill be like the sons o! (ssachar %entioned earlier in the lesson, #ho not only had an understandin$ o! their ti%es, but also kne# #hat to do' = person #ho has not been consecrated unto "od&s purpose is usually aclueistic #hen it co%es to bein$ a#are o! si$ni!icant thin$s that are takin$ place in the kin$do% real%'

7. (ervency +evel Is *aintained 0nder &ll Circumstances.

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Consecrated Unto The Purpose o! "od

Ken Birks, Pastor/ Teacher

,omans 12:11 not la&&in& in dili&ence, #ervent in spirit, servin& the Lord% Eo %atter #hat season or di!!iculty you are in you %aintain your level o! !ervency, because you kno# all thin$s #ork to$ether accordin$ to the purpose o! "od' ,omans 8:28 +nd !e *no! that all thin&s !or* to&ether #or &ood to those !ho love "od, to those !ho are the called accordin& to $is purpose.

8. & Consecrated #erson Deli-hts In !od s Will.

Psalms +0:8 I deli&ht to do 2our !ill, O my "od, +nd 2our la! is !ithin my heart., There are %any hindrances, hardships, trials and oppositions that co%e our #ay as #e >ourney throu$h our destiny in "od' (t #ill take havin$ a true deli$ht in "od&s purpose and #ill to keep us on track or to keep us !ro% $ettin$ detoured alon$ the #ay'

9. There Is !enuine Deli-ht In !ivin- To !od s #ur$ose.

Because Kin$ David had set his a!!ection on the House o! "od he !ound hi%sel! $ivin$ over and above all that he had actually prepared to $ive' 1 *hronicles 29:3 ,Moreover, because I have set my a##ection on the house o# my "od, I have &iven to the house o# my "od, over and above all that I have prepared #or the holy house, my o!n special treasure o# &old and silver/ Ulti%ately David&s $ivin$ heart #as a %a>or part o! hi% !ul!illin$ the destiny "od had !or hi%' =s you deli$ht yourselves in $ivin$ in the sa%e #ay David did, you #ill be able to !ul!ill your destiny as #ell' 2 *orinthians 9:) 3o let each one &ive as he purposes in his heart, not &rud&in&ly or o# necessity% #or "od loves a cheer#ul &iver.

1:. Consecrated #eo$le Walk in the Divine Blessin- ; Inheritance of !od.

Acts 20:32 ,3o no!, brethren, I commend you to "od and to the !ord o# $is &race, !hich is able to build you up and &ive you an inheritance amon& all those !ho are sancti#ied.
Biblical Perspectives 3 The Believer and His Destiny *

Biblical Perspectives The Believer & His Destiny

Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher

=s lon$ as you continue to pursue "od&s purpose !or your li!e you #ill be #alkin$ on the path #here all o! His treasures and inheritance are available to you' Bou #ill need your inheritance and "od&s blessin$ to !ul!ill the destiny "od has !or you' '(hesians 1:1)-18 that the "od o# our Lord 'esus (hrist, the -ather o# &lory, may &ive to you the spirit o# !isdom and revelation in the *no!led&e o# $im, 45 the eyes o# your understandin& bein& enli&htened% that you may *no! !hat is the hope o# $is callin&, !hat are the riches o# the &lory o# $is inheritance in the saints,

I/. Concludin- Remarks.

.y prayer is that #e #ould all beco%e %ore and %ore consecrated to "od&s purpose, reali2in$ that there really isn&t anythin$ else #orth livin$ !or' @e each have a destiny in "od to !ul!ill' The ;uestion is Do you #ant to $ive your li!e !or itI

Biblical Perspectives 3 The Believer and His Destiny

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