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Unit Two Vocabulary - Cells

Eukayotes (Eukaryotic Cell): a cell that contains a nucleus and other membranecovered organelles Nucleus: membrane-covered organelle that contains DNA and controls all activities within the cell Producer (autotrophic): organisms that make their own food: plants, plant-like protists, cyanobacteria Consumer (heterotrophic): an organism that eats producers or other organisms for energy ecomposer: an organism that gets energy by breaking down the remains of dead or decaying organisms and absorbing the nutrients !se"ual #eproduction: a single parent produces offspring that are identical to the parent. $e"ual reproduction: a type of reproduction in which male and female reproductive cells combine to form offspring with genetic material from both cells. %inary &ission: simple cell division, one cell divides into two new, identical cellsused by bacteria type of ase!ual reproduction"#. i''usion: the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration can occur across cell membranes or outside cells#. (smosis: the diffusion of water N!: found in all the cells of all living things-contain the blueprint for life-instructions or making proteins. Photosynthesis ) the process by which a plant takes in carbon dio!ide and water and in the presence of sunlight makes sugar and o!ygen$ occurs in chloroplast Cellular respiration (respiration): a process in which cells use o!ygen to release energy stored in sugars$ occurs in mitochondria

Cell *embrane: the outer layer of a cell that allows needed materials to enter and leave a cell Cell +all: a structure found in plant cells that surrounds the cell and provides strength and support for the cell #ibosome: a small organelle in which proteins are made from amino acids *itochondria: cell organelle in which food molecules are broken down to make A&' for the cell (N()*+# Chloroplast: an organelle found in plants and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs Vacuoles (lar,e): a large structure found in plant cells that stores water and other li,uids -ysosomes: an organelle that digests food particles, wastes and foreign invaders within a cell Cytoplasm: a thick, gelatin-like material contained within the cell membrane$ most of the work of the cell is carried out here. Passi.e transport: the movement of materials through a membrane without any input energy !cti.e transport: the process of using energy to move materials through a membrane. Endocytosis: the process in which a cell membrane surrounds a particle and encloses it in a vesicle to bring it into the cell E"ocytosis: the process used to remove large particles from a cell$ during process a vesicle containing the particles fuses with the cell membrane.

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