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Did a creek walk along the remaining pools of the Einesleigh River which in flood must
be an awesome sight. The markers reach 4m in height along the road beyond the bridge
and the river bed is hundreds of metres wide littered with huge stones and extensive
gravel beds. John had a swim/wash in the first pool we came to and forged ahead to the
next larger one. As I trudged along behind, cursing the shifting gravel, I heard from a
distance a very loud splash of what was obviously a substantial croc going into the water.
After I got there John saw his eyes and snout just above the water line giving us the once
over before he submerged again. That made us a bit leery about the next swim, but we
did have one in a smaller pool further upstream on the way back. We also saw his drag
marks and the marks of much smaller ones. We presumed it was a freshwater one, but
you never know – apparently the salties can travel long dis-tances upstream from the
coast when the rivers are in flood. Wr prkt4 thniet nfue 00 yrdz ← Savannah (17/2/06. Sava nnah .
1555 [In 16th c. zavana, a. Sp. zavana, çavana, perh. a Carib word] A treel-ess plain;prop., one of those in parts of tropical
America. ¶ attrib. : s. flow er , a W. Indian name for various species of Echit-es; s. fox , Vulpes cancrivora s. spa rrow , a
sparrow of the genus Passerculus, esp. P savanna, common throughout the gre-ater part of N. America; -w attle , the W.
Indian trees Citharexylum quadrangulare and C. cinereum.) Way n thbankvth Einesleigh rvr …..(4 dleeshn
Tropika – 2) ….. Nth uthr siedvth brj nxt2th hiewae thrzn plark wch se-z: “this plaque is dedicated
¶ to the ¶ memory of members of the Jardine expedition ¶ Frank lascelles jardine,
expedition leader, 23 years of age ¶ archibald j. Richar-dson, government surveyor ¶ roy
m. binney, alfred cowdrey, charles j. scrutton ¶ and aborigines eulah, peter, sambo and
barney ¶ who passed this way on the 14th october, 1864 while droving 254 head of cattle
together with 42 horses from carpentaria downs station to cape york – a journey of 5
months duration. ¶ “such men as these made our nation” ¶ erected by etheridge
shire council on the 28th oc-tober 1989 ¶ gold ¶ gold ¶ gold ¶ the golden shire” (6.20).
Chuezdi (25/2. Tuesday [OE. Tiewesdaeg (rendering L. dies Martis), f. genitive of Tiw, name of a Teutonic deity,
identified with the Roman Mars. Tiw : - OTeut. *Tiwoz, cogn. with L. deus god, Gr. genit. Διός of Zeus (cf. Skr. dyāus).] The
third day of the week.) 16/8/05. Sa-vannah Way zth 6shnv HIGHWAY ONE (4mrli & maeb stil noenzth
PRINCES HIGHWAY) btween Ca-irns&Broome. Wr O 55kz shortv Georgetown →W. Th 1st berd 2
korl dorn woz iethr th Australian Rav-en (Corvus (18/2. ← 13/5/01: the king has died / deserted in
a distant land / inside his rib cage / two crows dance / one that struts and strops his beak /
says / I dance like this / to honour dea-th / the other / shuffles his wings and nods his head / I
dance for you / my empty friend / to int-roduce you to the night & ← no 21 n nthlji ( 13/9/05):
walking down a summer lane / you may not notice / the shadow of / the crow) coronoides)
hooz voisz (11/2. 30/4/05 p6 & 13/9/05 p5) dskriebdn mie z: “high, child like wailing;
series of slow notes, with strangled, dying finish” or th Torresian Crow (Corvus orru) whch
hazn “high-pitched series of staccato honkings, usually rapid but can finish with one or
more longer notes; also a series of harsh, snarling notes, the last note dying away. In the
arid zone, also a loud falsetto stutter” az wr outsiedth raenjvth uthr vrieteez butth ♫♫♫♪♪ ie
herd ddnt krspnd 2 iethr dskrpsh-n. Th maen berd ♫♫♫♪♪ ie kan hnowzth ‘ki-owt’ vth Blue-faced
Honeyeater (Entomyzon cyanot-is). Rliyr 4 Red-tailed Black Cockatooz (Calyptorynchus banksii)
crien n n “metallic, rolling, far-carry-ing ‘creee creee’” ♫♫♫♪♪ flue ovrhed & l&dd n n neer-x
tree. Double-barred Finch (Taeniopygia biche-novii) wth thr “high-pitched ‘floating’ nasal
‘tiaah’” & th Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus) wthtz “high-pitched chitter” r lso nvidns. Th
Bee-eaterzn prtkuelrli komn berd thrueowtth ↑N but ie havnt n th Re-d taeld Blak-Kok@ooz (17/2.
Cockatoo. 1634. [ad. Malay kakatua, through Du. kaketoe; app. infl. by cock] The name of numerous birds of the parrot
kind, esp. the genus Cacatua, inhabiting Australia and the E. Indian islands, distinguished by a crest on the head, which can
be raised or depressed at pleasure 2. Australia. (colloq.) A small farmer 1864.) sins ie w-oz prviusli nth ‫ٱ‬. Th
krokoediel (17/2. Cr ocodil e [ME. cocodrille, cokadrill, etc., a. OF. cocdrille = med. L. cocod-rillus, corruption of L.
crocodilus, a Gr. κροκόδειλος. Refash. after Gr. and L. in 16-17th c.] 1. A large amphibious saurian reptile of the genus
Crocodilus or allied genera. The name properly belongs to the crocodile of the Nile (C niloticus or vulg-aris); but is extended
to other species, and sometimes to all Crocodilia, including the Alligator and the Gavial. 2. fig. A per-son who weeps
hypocritically or with a malicious purpose, as the crocodile was fabled to do 1595. 3. Logic. = CROCODIL-ITE 1727. 4. joc.
A girls’ school walking two and two in a long file 1870; also transf. 5. attrib. 1563. 1. Cokadrilles.. Theise Serpe-ntes slen men, and
thei eten hem wepynge MAUNDEV. 5. Thence came the Prouerb, he shed C. teares, viz fayned teares 1623 ¶ Hence Crocodi●-lian, a. †like a c.;
pertaining to a c.; belonging to the c. family; sb an animal of the c. family) ie sor ystrdi woz lmoest srtaenli nJOH-NSTONI not
nPOROSUS .… 20kz ← Georgetown x n roki pool x throedsied. Thrzn ♀ Red-winged P-arrot (17/2.
Pa rrot , sb. 1525. [Origin unkn.] 1. A bird of the order Psittaci, or family Psittacidae, and spec. of the genus P-sittacus;
these are scansorial and zygodactyl, and have a short hooked bill and naked cere; many of the species have bea-utiful
plumage, and some are excellent mimics and learn to enunciate words and phrases; hence, much valued as cage-bi-rds,
esp. the Grey Parrot (Psittacus erythacus) of West Africa. 2. Applied contemptuously to a person who mechanically re-
peats the words or imitates the actions of others 1581. 3. Sea-parrot a. The coulterneb or puffin, so called from the shape
of its bill 1668. b. Some kind of fish : see PARROT-FISH 1666. ¶ 1. A very little wit is valued in a woman, as we are pleased with a few
words spoken plain by a p. POPE. Attrib. and Comb., as p.cage, species, etc. ; p.-cry, -echo, -faculty, teacher, etc.; -green , a yellowish green like
the colouring of some parrots; p. tongue , a tongue like that of a p.; spec. a dry shrivelled condition of the human tongue in typhus, etc,; -weed ,
the Tree Celandine, Cocconia frutescens, a tropical American plant; -wor k, merely imitative repetition; -w ras se = PARROT-FISH a. Hence Pa●
rrot is m, mechanical repitition or imitation (rare). Pa●r rot ize v. to parrot (rare). Pa●r rot ry (17/2. nold poemvmien : on a
sheltered isla-nd / underneath some plastic palms / the parrots of utopia / dressed in vivid
green / dance in groups / like clockwork toys / they nod their heads / and look so wise / that no
one dares to cr-iticize (17/2. On A..Z’s behalf I entered this poem (one of 16 collected
together as Bird Suite) into the Josephine Ulrick Poetry Prize 2006 awarded by Griffith
Univers-ity on the Gold Coast, together with The Old Library Suite, Language Suite, &
Manmademan (20/2. ie hav taekn Hz dvies not2 poottn heer soez not2 darkn thmood). I also sent
in two short stories (xrpts ← IN TRANSIT) of his that I particularly admire : The Mail Run
and The Yabbying Expe-dition to the Literature Prize section of the same competition
(20/2. thr skrtri lostn ntri f-ee chk4 $35 (4 1vth storeez (thpoemz wr $22 eech))& thoe H → ♀ nlstv
orlth chk numbrz ♀ nvr dmtdt & H → ♀ nnuthr $35. W wl chk owr bank st8mnt kairfli nxt munth.).
There’s a big financial re-ward ($10K for each comp.) coming,(?) Inshallah! (17/2. but us
rtsts doent kairO $$$z ( . Bartleby & Co. x Enrique Vila-Matas, Vintage 2005 (rkmndd →mi x
LfOrVaEnCkE)))), the mechanical or servile repitition of the sayings, etc., of others.)(Aprosmictus erythropterus)
neerbie. Ystrdi ie sorn ♂. Ie m2 rm-mbr th@ HIGHWAY 1z O 7000kz. Tzth maen koestl strip riet O
thkntnnt & ngr8 faevrtvth GREY NO-MADZ bkoz ue kan toen karvn thO wae bkoztz ld. Fue ♥ drievn
wch moestvm doo uekan get O n O x2 munthz but ie thinkn mor snsbl pproech woodb2 doot oevrn
yeer & ←→ sumvth kreek bedzvth kiend wv bn †n sumv wch hav CROCODILI JOHNSTONII nem.
This (nPied Butcherbird (Cracticus nigrogularis) wch hazn “beautiful flute-like song” haz l&d @
owr feet & Hz feedn mie SALAMI →t) par-tvth hiewaez kraktriezd x nuemrus termiet moundz nth drie
gras & free raenjn slim k@lv vrius shaed-zv brown but th ♂z (BRAHMIN (17/2. Br ahmin, Bra hman
(brā●min, -măn). 1481. [ad. Skr. brahmana, f. brahman praise, worship; Brahmin is general in pop use; latterly writers have
used the more correct Brahman. (Usu. w. capital B.) A member of the highest or priestly caste among the Hindus. Also fig. ¶
Other peple whcihe ben callyd .. bragman whiche ben fayrer than they to fore named CAXTON. Comb.: B.- beads , the corrugated seeds of
Elaeocarpus, used by the Brahmins and others as necklaces; -ox , a humped variety of the ox. Hence Brah minee , a female b. Brah mi ●n ic,
-al, -m a●n ic, - al , a. Brah mi ●n ic ide, - ma ●ni cide , one who has killed, or the act of killing, a B. Brah ●m in is m, -man is m, the principles
and practice of Brahmins.)) r huej (maeb x2 th waetvth ♀z) & neerli lwaez grae … Hz bn feeln ↓♥d @ th
dskuvri ♀ kant →← ngravli nstoeni kreekbedz 4 morthan O 1½ howrz. Ystrdi ♀ thort ♀miet notb aebl2
← from whr ie sor th KROKODILI. X mieslf ie woodv spent x2 daez @ th ● so ie kood ↑→← 1 dae &
↓←→ thnxt z ●n KROKS givz mi nhuej buzz. H wureez ♂z kr-ampn mi stiel but ie kan doo th ←→
trips x mslf. → Georgetown (ptrl) → 150kz W → Croydon (ie bor-tn hmbrgr (11/2. ↑N p15) & H
gotn ‘Womans Day’. ♀ oevrherd n ♀ travlrv simlr aej sae “I’m getting desperate. I’ll have to buy
a magazine.” 95%v orlth veeyaklz w †d pathz wth nth hiewae r 2rst vanz. Iem nn the Club Hotel n
Croydon (11/2. ↑N p14). Heerz n joek ← Incredible Croydon’s Bush Telegraph : “A blonde
tries to go horseback riding even though she has had no lessons or prior experience. She
mounts the horse unassisted and the horse immediately springs into action. It gallops
along at a steady rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to lose her grip and starts to
slide in the saddle. In terror, she grabs for the mane but can’t seem to get a firm grip.
She tries to throw her arms around the horse’s neck, but slides down the side of the
horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious to it’s slipping rider.
Unfortunately, the blonde’s foot has become entangled in the stirrup. She is now at the
mercy of the hooves as her head is struck against the ground she is moments away fr-
om losing consciousness when, to her great fortune, the Woolworth’s manager sees her
and unplugs the horse.” Ie-m havnn 2nd stubi (th ☼z harsh owtsied) … → 150kz W → Normanton
(O 1,500 ppl ½ brjneez (11/2. ← GULF TRIP : “Normanton 03.09.97 ¶ Andrew, last night as I was
dozing in the car on the banks of the Norman River where the biggest crocodile ever measured was
caught just nearby I was overcom-e by a feeling of how inadequately I am expressing my perceptions
of the places I travel through on the cards I’ve been sending. The cards lend themselves to attention
grabbing ‘short grabs’ and to hu-mour but I feel deeply for what I see and am overwhelmed by the
beauty of the places I am visiting. So I am hitting you with this much longer effort of disconnected
observations; I don’t want to discipline myself or impose an order that isn’t inherent in the material.
Writing this gives me an excuse to sit in various places in the town (Normanton) and pretend that I
am not noticing what is going on around me. There is a life size model of the largest croc near the
municipal offices and it’s a bloody monster – a dinosaur. The freshwater ones I saw a couple of days
ago were impressive enough. Once you get past a certain line you can’t go swimming at all and I’m
north of it. You can’t even swim at the only beach near Karumba (Port on the actual gulf). People
warn you not to sit by the water’s edge, partic-ularly in the evening. Nor even to walk in long grass
bird spotting as you might stumble into a croc’s nest. The bastards tear out of the water to protect
their eggs. All this was told to me by a guy in Kaja-bbi who had a plastic leg having lost the original
one to a croc while swimming. Actually he told me 2 different stories in the space of 10 minutes which
makes me think he lost it in a car accident; don’t want to be the only person to prove his story true
but. I had to drive on a shit road to get to Kajabbi and was the only non local in town so I guess I was
the only one around to listen to a yarn. I am ass-ured today that quite a large croc lives right under
the bridge near where I was last night and that he is cheeky enough to bask on the boat ramp on
occasions and can be seen on most days if you sear-ch for him. I am writing this at the railway station
which is famous but I wont go into that coz its tourist stuff. As I travelled north I intersected with the
tourist crowd at Longreach, briefly only as I then went west along the beef road to Winton while the
tourists go along the Matilda Highway. Even though one myself I am avoiding the tourist stream as
much as possible and successfully till now. I slept on the river bank by myself whereas most other
tourists here prop at the caravan park at $6/night. I don’t kn-ow why I hate tourists so much. They
look dull eyed to me and pasty faced. They ask the locals stup-id educational type questions and
believe the lies the locals tell them. They drive 4x4s on sealed roa-ds towing trailers and collapsible
caravans and carrying boats and mountain bikes. The Cloncurry-No-rmanton road is being upgraded
into a 2 lane track. When I drive off the single lane to allow a tourist 4x4 full use of the bitumen so
that he wouldn’t bust my windscreen most are stupid enough to still keep one wheel off the edge of
the road, even when I signal to them by pointing at the road. Lot of them are pensioners who are as
clean as if they were in the big city. Their need to be clean means they are dependent on caravan
parks for the laundry facilities. Some of the younger ones dress in army camouflage gear and wear
bandanas (esp. pig shooters) or dress up like Krokodill Dundees. I took the detour through Kajabbi to
avoid that crowd but even when I sleep off the sealed road (eg. Corella Creek 20ks north of Cloncurry
(18/2. ← GULF TRIP: “27.08.97 Cloncurry ¶ +Roo! I think that I is fadin away or at least getting
hazier. DON’T worry tho because I am allright. Ive worked out now that I am livin in a PARALLIL
universe. Cept I don’t know what its parralil to. Gunna find out but! Mea-nwhiles am havin a bonzer
time and still headin N. Regards to the entire faculty. ¶ a…z”)) in some gr-eat spot by a river where I
see brolgas etc I have not met a single 4x4 or anyone for that matter, yet the dirt tracks I take to get
there don’t go far. So where are the tourists in the 4x4s? I figure they are all either in caravan parks
or actually burning up and down the highways of Australia coz I see heaps on the road and I know
that they are addicted to all that info junk you get at inquiry places. The prom-otional literature
advertises ‘spots’ to go to but seeing as in this country those spots are 100s of ks apart if you try to
take them in you’ve got to spend most of your time driving and paying heaps for pet-rol. Its good for
the economy but encourages them to look at their surroundings in a particular way. The tourist way of
seeing and behaving is initially fostered by television at home and is compounded by a belief most of
us share in ‘education’, the value of the ‘printed word’ etc. Its almost impossible to get out of that
mind set so I am trying very hard and I think successfully. Why go to Wave Hill to wat-ch birds and a
pretty (but not typical) gorge with flowing water when nothing could be more beautiful than this town
itself. The yards are all shaded by mango trees which cast 100% shade (but are very messy I’m told)
but the wide main strip is harsh under the brilliant sun. Can’t find a shady spot for me car and I’ve got
food in it. The three pubs are something again. They really know about drinking here and the relaxed
feel. Windows and doors are all open to the beautiful savannah night (Normanton is on the transition
line between the dry and wet tropics). The town is 70% aboriginal and many men an-d women drink
from morning. Not unusual to see women wandering the streets can in hand. They are tolerant to
drunks here and I am told there are good relationships between the races and it feels that way.
Aborigines (not called Koories here) blend beautifully into a tropical night. Many, especially wo-men
and kids, are barefoot. Yet a govt. employee at the inquiry place in Longreach (I was asking wh-ere I
could get fresh water) told me that Karumba was the place to go to not Normanton as there are no
blacks there because they believe it is inhabited by evil spirits. This place is not like Wilcannia at all
which is the only other aboriginal town I’ve been to on this trip. Wilcannia, mate, is a hell hole. You
don’t leave your car out of sight and there are stones and sticks on the verandah roofs from fights
and everything is permanently boarded up but its still a must for a photographer. It looks fantastically
hard. Danius (20/2. bak ← b-in nrtstnrzdnsndonesia nmarch; kort↑ wth Jane (27/2. &gaen thsmornn
@th Errol Patisserie (1/3. 2dae torkd2 Stepas) 4 kofi&gosp) hooz lredi bak @ th oepnnv Together
@th bird’s gallery larst week) would love it I think. Kate tells me there are great murals in Mexico
but it would be hard to beat the ones in Wilcannia. They try to keep the kids out of mischief by
supplying th-em with spray cans but most of the kids seem to be dodging school to lounge about the
streets anyw-ay. By the way in the ‘café’ I am going to now for a hamburger there are two concrete
table and ben-ch affairs. Yesterday one was occupied by four aboriginal kids and the other one had a
white guy with a huge gut lying flat on his back asleep, all in the shade of a large mango tree. There
are plants here with large flowers that perfume the night air. If when I get old I decide to go via
alcoholic poisoning thi-s is one place where I might do it. I suggested as much to Danius. Interested?
The weather is perfect now I reckon but a bloke nearby reckons the best season is not here yet. I
suppose the reason I go on and on is because others don’t feel the way I do about these places.
Helen likes softer environme-nts. Certain lefty, socialist, arty mates of mine actually hate Australia
and accuse it of lacking ‘soul’. My generation of lithos are so caught up in practicalities that they
appear dead to matters of spirit (2-6/2. but ie maekn xspshn4 SaTlRbUiNnGaA teechn nglshn
nDruskininkai & thrtnn2 transl8 stufv mien → lithoe – nmposbl tarsk ie woodv thort). Besides they
spend so much effort beating their ridiculous litho identity drum (20/2. wth poljeez (21/2. n z iem
njewl pasport holdr ( August 18 pp2,3,4) & hv voetd boethn lithoel& & EU lekshnz (24/2. ← The
Age p15 nn rtkl tietld Subscribe to Australian values (& H sez (ritn nfue weeksgoe): Everyone
seems to be asking what it means to be an Australia-n these days – Thorpie had a go in
the weekend paper and that mealy-mouthed humbug John Howard is forever telling us
what it means and frothing on ab-out our core values – so Ive decided to join the throng,
seeing as how I’m really well qualified to put in my sixpenneth worth (see – how many of
youse know what that old Australianism means?). I was born here 63 years ago and my
parents were born here 30 years before that. Their forebears were English, Scot-tish and
Irish, so I reckon I’m true-blue. And here’s what qualities and qualif-ications I believe you
need to be one of us:  You live here most of the time  You are a citizen of the
country, either by birth or choice (choice gets you more brownie points, as presumably
you’ve looked around and decided Australia is better than the rest)  You pay your
taxes when required to do so  You obey the laws (27/2. “There are no tests for
Australian-ness except obeying the law” – ABtBoOnTyT). And that’s all it takes . That’s
all I’ve done all this time. Being courteous and treat-ing others as you would like to be
treated is desirable but not mandatory as long as you abide by the last  above. ¶ You
absolutely DON’T need the follow-ing to be an Australian :  White skin (the
original inhabitants didn’t have

this so it can’t be considered essential or even preferable, given the rates of me-lanoma
some of us suffer)  Christian religious habits/beliefs (the original inhabitants didn’t
have this either, and still had a satisfyingly rich spiritual life underpinned by an intimate
and essential relationship with country)  A flag flying in your front yard, in your hand,
on your car/caravan, or wrapped around you at any time, not even on Australia Day
(flags are bits of rag nail-ed on sticks delineating US from THEM and promoting divisive
tribalism in most instances. If you have to fly a flag, get a nice blue one from the United
Nations)  The ability to sing Advance Australia Fair or know any of the ver-ses or even
the tune (no doubt criminals, terrorists, 5-year-olds in primary sch-ools and most
politicians can be trained to do this, so it means absolutely no-thing. I think there’s even
a dog who can bark it). Likewise Waltzing Matilda  Recitations of patriotic verses with
your hand over your heart or repititions of the affirmation published before Australia Day
2006 (see previous point, tho-ugh obviously the dog can’t do it)  A sprig of wattle, a
spray of gum leaves or any other native flora on your lapel (many true-blue Aussies
cannot recognize any native flora beyond these, and some have made their fortunes
from cutt-ing down large swathes of said flora thus contributing to the distressing envir-
onmental damage evident whenever you travel outside the major urban areas eg.
salinity, soil erosion, river destruction, habitat destruction, pollution etc.)  A fondness
for cuddly koalas, kangaroos, emus, echidnas, galahs or any oth-er native fauna (many
true-blue Aussies cannot recognize any native fauna beyond these, and many haven’t
even seen these in the wild, and some have contributed to the destruction of their
habitat by the environmental damage mentioned above)  A capacity to barrack loudly
and mindlessly for any Aust-ralian sportsperson or sporting team at any level in any
competition anywhere and to make excuses when we lose/don’t win medals, trophies etc
or behave ba-dly like Shane Warne  A belief that Australians are the best, brightest,
funni-est, kindest etc (they aren’t because those qualities are personal and individ-ual
and human and therefore are shared around the world by all its people in varying
degrees probably along a normal distribution curve)  A willingness to bury your head
in the sand and refuse to discuss difficult and urgent quest-ions such as the slow
undermining of democratic rights, the growing disparity between the haves and have-
nots, the demonizing of those who look or behave differently, the loss of national
independence by toadying to the US and the general dumbing down of society so that
you are only concerned with celebr-ities, reality TV and your immediate personal
gratification.) or don’t bother coming here COpSeTtEeLrLO (4/3. is that Peter Hanson or
Paul(ine) Costello?) s: “A person who does not acknowledge the supremacy of civil law
laid down by democratic processes cannot truthfully take the pledge of allegiance. As
such they do not meet the condition for citizenship. ¶ There are some beliefs, some
values so core to the nature of our society that those who refuse to accept them refuse
to accept the nature of our society. ¶ If someone cannot honestly make the citizenship
pledge, they cannot honestly take out citizenship. If they have taken it out already they
should not be able to keep it where they have citizenship in some other country.” (25/2.
mien: thoetz liekli thr r fuewr bad lorz nn dmkrasi than nn dktaetrshp eevnn dmkr@k mjorti kan goe
badrmad r b sbvrtd x bad leedrz (eg th sntnsnv Socrates). Thr wil lwaez b sum bad lorz. 2 dsobei
nbad lor znot =2 dsobein th ruelv lor. 2 obei nbad lor =z dsrspkt4 thruelv lor. Ue must dsobei nlor ue
noe 2b bad (eg jewdshl mrdr, kiln nuthr (kluednn wor), b-in parti2, kndoenn, fsltaetn r b-in kmplst, r
faeln 2@mt 2prvnt torchr etc) fue r2b ngood prsn. Uthrwiez GOOD&BAD luez thr meenn.))) 2 lithoe
przdnt Adamkus (22/2. just gotn emael ← Egle 2ltminoe ♀ & John ( Melbourne → Sydney pp15,
16 & 12/4/03 - 24/4/03 pp11,12) rhavn lunch wthth GG & Adamkus (haz rloezn Melb) nCanberra
nxt week (4/3. foloe↑ emael: “… we’ve just had a fascinating weekend on the ‘presidential
bandwagon’, including lunch with the GG (a sub-standard toadying old geezer who isn’t
fit to wipe Sir William Deane’s boots!) at Govt House on Monday – it was a treat to meet
Adamkus and his wife and see the litho flag flying in Canberra!”) hoozn Melbourne n25/2 4n
rspshn (23/2. briLgAita sed ♀d maekth przntaeshn fthei koodnt fiend ni1ls) gvn xth lithoe kmuenti @th
old Nth Melb townhorl (ARTS HOUSE)(23/2. ie to-ld Bronius larst week ie ddnt mxt wth przdnts &
such bthei OZ r lithoe butf thr wozn meelv KALDŪNAI (pelmeni) 4 $7 nn ☼di @ lithoe haus (n Errol
st) heed fiend mi thr) (wen ie told H th przdntv the Ov lit-hoel& woz → Melb ♀ sed: “couldn’t care
less”).) they can’t see what’s immediately around them. Their kids are preoccupied also with working
the identity thing too. They prefer to go to lifuania (28/2. but nth meentiem iev gon mieslf (
Melbourne → Kaunas ; Šiauliai ; Vilnius 1 ; Vilnius (no 2) ; → (no 1) ; →(no 2) ; Vilnius →
Melbourne) &m goengaen soon) to invent for themselves an illusory past when the things right here
they ignore. Is there anywhere in Europe where you can get such dramatic contrasts as the one
between Wilcannia and Eulo, or White Cliffs and Ivanhoe N.S.W., or Normanton and Hungerfor-d?
There was a french photographer in Hungerford recently who took 3 thousand! (20/2. 300z mor liekt
ie rekn) shots of the place. She’s picked out 26 for an article that’s coming out soon in the french
geographic magazine. I am sure she would have found Yowah just as exciting. After crossing the div-
iding range at Kilmore I’ve been travelling entirely in flat country more or less the way Burke and Wills
did. I recommend it even if much of the road has been dirt and belted shit out of the car. One of the
big divides in Australia which is fast disappearing is the different feel of towns that can only be reach-
ed by dirt to the ones connected by bitumen. Its fast disappearing; there is only 20ks left to go before
Ivanhoe N.S.W. is all bitumen from the south. Soon White Cliffs will be all bitumen from Wilcannia. Al-
ready there is a café in White Cliffs advertising cappuccinos and gourmet food and I love coffee and
the food smelt beaut just like in all the other gourmet places but hey! you should have seen the size
of the hamburger I got at Quilpie and it was delicious for $3.50 (some aboriginal kids just wanted to
find out what all the writing was about and tried the automatic bite too. I showed them the poster whi-
ch they recognized instantly. One of these kids is proud coz he goes to the Christian school which is
right next to the govt. one I got the poster from). Of the 3 pubs one is a ‘white’ pub and its v. comfy
though they are all great. I saw two very beautiful women there both of whom work for the pub. The
dinners were being brought out by a perfect eurasian girl and the barmaid was an aussie in her 40s
but wow! she had style. Her partner was coloured (you get that way with race here). Gintas was tell-
ing me at the North Star (20/2. woznth krnrv Abotts4d & Provost sts but haz bn dmolsht & rplaest x
uents) he’s doing a trip soon. If he is still in Melbourne suggest he goes due north : Melbourne – Boo-
roorban (great place to overnight) – White Cliffs – Wanaaring – Hungerford – Yowah. At the very least
he should get great weather. If you decide to accompany him turn it into a tax deduction by studying
gardens. Its amazing how neighbouring towns can have completely different attitudes and the defiant
gardens are defiant + (eg at Yowah, I took a snap for you). While your at it flash your qualifications at
some of the councils and tell em to plant a few shade trees in the main street for the likes of me even
at the expense of softening the visual appeal of the town. The biggest event here is the race day cum
rodeo. The rodeo is organized by the librarian at the school. She tells me there is no chapter of AA
here which says something about the lack of rigid morality. In White Cliffs there is a single member,
Jock, the guy I know from way back. Naturally he is the president of the branch. There are about 5
different churches here but hardly anyone attends according to her, though sky pilots of various deno-
minations do come a-visiting from bigger centres. The churches are no bigger than a room each and
are tucked away on the edge of town. I am writing this in the Albion, the White Man’s pub because I
can rely not to be interrupted. I put the Style File on the backburner till today because it had the pot-
ential to take up too much of my attention and I’ve been spending time in the bush for the last few
days anyway. I made an entry today because I wanted an aborigine for this place and I probably wont
be in a predominantly aboriginal town again on this trip. Lots of aboriginals here are pitch black and
some have tribal scars still but I photographed a lighter guy. His name is Ronnie Barney (38) and he
is a stockman. He said: “I was born in Mornington Island and I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve worked
only in cattle all the way up to the top of the Cape and right back into the Northern Territory. Cattle is
all I know and I’ve been horsbreaking.” Later I saw him on the front verandah of the pub (not the Al-
bion) with his wife and he was crying. In the photo he looks withdrawn the exact opposite to Ian Pike
of Eulo, the innovative date farmer who I found out in the next town (Yowah) is also a councillor. That
reminds me, I sent you a magazine produced by one of the two women that entertained me in Yowah
and who also drew the cartoons. Originally she’s a yank. The woman I photoed there is called Gwen
and she contributed an article. They are very proud of that mag. And it features 43 of the Yowah soc-
ial set. I put a leaf inside the magazine so the post may not send it because they may have an attitu-
de to sending vegies through the mail. Back to Normanton: there is a tragedy going on here and all
over Queensland. The aborigines have been dispossessed and this place is all they know while the
Jo Bjelke lookalike, Ian Pike, is standing tall. Its fucken unfair. You should see the aboriginal kids –
they look so right, so beautiful, so alert and chirpy. A large fraction of them are going to end up perm-
anently drunk. Just saw a guy here who would have been a knockout for the Style File, a very black
stockman but in bare feet unlike the previous bloke. Someone should really put themselves out for
this Style File idea – it’s got heaps of potential. If I photograph anyone else here it will be a young
aboriginal woman but I don’t dare broach the subject in case someone misinterprets what I’m doing.
There is a computer nerd in this place (son of a shop owner) so I left the Style File no. with Ronnie
Barney and told him he’d be able to get his pic pulled off the computer by the nerd next year. Abori-
ginal stockmen are coming in here (it’s Friday) to cash their pay checks. Every new guy I see I thinks
“that’s the guy I should have fotoed”, but I’m not going to get sucked in by the Style File. ¶ A…Z 03-.
09.97 Normanton.”)); iem nth Albion Hotel whr iev s@ n b4; nth wae mi&H koodnt dsied 2 stop off-
th roed nth savana thoe w nspktd sevrl ●s; zw wer nspktnn ● x th Norman rvr 20kz b4 ue get here 3
Sarus Cranez (Grus antigone) →d riet parst us. Tzth 1st tiem iev n Sarus Kraenz kleerli from kloe-
s↑.) & wr goen2 spndth niet x th KROKODIEL nfstd Norman rvr neer whr ie had stopt 6 (11/2. but tw-
oz 8) yeerz go. Tzn grasi, priev8 ‫ ٱ‬nth Karumba siedvth brj. Tzn xlnt ● kloes2 town. W 8 t nth old worf
ndr wch n KROKz noen2 liv but w nevr sor him. Rli-er w fnsht off owr larst KOKONUT from wch ie ha-
d drunk th MILK ystrdi – n smbolk moemnt ie thort z w r →2 n nue faezvth trip (6.10). Wnzdae (25/2.
Wedn esday [OE. Wódnes daeg ‘day of (the god) Woden’, tr. late L. Mercurii dies ‘day of Mercury’. N.E.D.] The fourth day
of the week. Also attrib. b. In names of certain days of the ecclesiastical calendar, as ASH WEDNESDAY. Also Good W.,
Holy W., Spy W. (Anglo-Ir.), the W. before Easter.) 17/8/05. Normanton (vrj daeli sumr max - 35º C & thrzn sh-
ortjv shaed treez; doo not drink nth PURPLE PUB ztzn IKON 4 th GREY NOMADZ owt 2 find kloezu-
re x drievn riet O OZ & maenli 2rsts drink thr big-noetn thmslvz (18/2. let’s make a pact not to
bash the buggers (25/2. Bugg er . ME. [a. F. bougre :- L. Bulgarus Bulgarian, heretic, usurer.] 1. A heretic : used
esp of the Albigenses. (Hist.) 2. One who commits buggery; a sodomite. In decent use only as a legal term. 1555 b. A coar-
se term of abuse; also, in Eng dial and in U.S., = ‘chap’, ‘customer’, etc. Hence Bu •gger v. to commit buggery with. Also
ab-sol. ¶ Bugg ery . ME. [f as prec.] †a. Abominable heresy. b. Sodomy. Now only as a technical term in criminal
law.)any more – we are all tourists once we step outside our own suburb (19/2. mea culpa,
m-ea culpa, mea maxima culpa!)); doo not ▲ nth karvn ‫( ٱ‬xpt wen wet) z thrz nlimtd ●s → thNorman
r-vr nth Karumba siedvth brj; thr wozn Black-necked Stork AKA Jabiru AKA Ephippiorhynchus asiat-
icus neer whr w wer & n wild Brolga AKA Grus rubicundus & tz maet wer vztn th nfo ◘ ← faemus
‘Gulflander’ traen taeks 2rsts n n 50k O trip 4 $40 eech paedn $$$) … → 70kz NW → Karumba & Ka-
rumba Beach (th 3 THINGZ u must doo wen u kum heer r : 1) eet prornz (w duntn n Karumba Kafé
wch lso maeksn gr8 x2 shot l@é (18/2.The young waiter (German tourist doing a lo-ng
working holiday) was wearing a T-shirt which at first glance looked like one advertising
Alitalia (20/2. best wishz2 &drea & Barbara proud pairntsvn nue Leonardo) ai-rlines, whose motto
is “You’re safe in our hands”. On closer inspection, the bra-nd had been changed to
Genitalia with the accompanying motto underneath.)) 2) eet npeesv BARRAMUNDI wch ie wil
soon do ← th saem shop (@ Karumba Beach (17/2. ← GU-LF TRIP ( nthljin 13/9/05): “30.08.97.
QLD ¶ IN KARUMBA there is a tropical beach with jabiru, brolgas, and pelicans that you can watch
from the beer garden of the pub but you cant swim in bec-ause there are many nasty things in it
besides krokodills. ¶ IN KARUMBA I saw two men with plastic legs but I didn’t ask them what
happened as I knew what they would say. ¶ IN KARUMBA there is a shop which claims to sell the
best fish and chips in all of Australia. I said they were pitting themselves against the Greeks of
Melbourne so they gave me a very big serve with a huge fillet of barramundi and it was very nice. ¶
IN KARUMBA I walked to the end of the beach where the mangroves start and there was an old man
there sitting on a cane chair starkers with his knees spread wide apart. I looked between his legs
because past experience has taught me that it makes naked people cross their legs (girls faster) but
he won. He was a hard core nudist. He was doing a cryptic crossword. He was good at it. ¶ IN
KARUMBA I walked back along the beach to where the steps take you up into the beer garden
overlooking the sea and watched the sunset with the jabiru, the brolgas and the pel-icans. Then I had
a couple more stubbies. ¶ a …z”) ie bort npees 6 (11/2. 8) yrz goe); & 3) havn beer @ ☼↓ @th
☼↓Hotel (but iev lredi td & tz nli mdrvoe) vrlookn THE GULF OF CARPENTARIA; roetn kard 2
SA&NrIeGwA (18/2. 1 ‘The Teacher’ priez nth fakuelti 4 2005 (25/2. iel pootn mie 2bobzwrth wth ♂z
postgrad klars (MA vrktkchrn l&zkaepn) nn fue weeks & wil dstrbuet nkopiv Savannah → eech)); H
hazn mesj ← K8 wshn mi nHAPPY BIRTHDAY; nth wae heer w sor 00zv Brolgas & sum Sarus kra-
enz n poolz (& padks) nxt2th roed; Hz reedn th ♀’z Day.) … Th ☼z ↓n oevr th GULF. Radjah Sheldu-
ck (Tadorna radjah race: rufitergum) r siftn thrue thtiedl mud; tzth 1st tiem iev n th speesz. H wa-
sht her h&z nth H2Ovth GULF (26/2. →(no 1) p9). Wr O 2 → pub 2 pae homj 2 th ☼↓. Thrzdae
(2-5/2. Th ursday . [OE. Þunres-, pur(e)sdaeg, ‘day of Thunor or Thor’, infl. by ON. Þórsdagr; so (M)Du. Donderdag, G.
Donn-erstag; Teut. rendering of late L. dies Jovis (It. giovedì, F. jeudi) day of Jupiter.] 1. The fifth day of the week. 2. Holy
Thur -sday . a. Thursday in Rogation Week, Ascension Day ME. b. Maundy Thursday, Sheer Thursday 1645.)
18/8/05. I b-rort H 4000kz (tz probli O 15000kz → hiwae1 O OZ) 2 n ☼↓ (vri1 woz foetografn) & ♀
sed twoz ordnri!! L8r @ niet O 1½ kz ↑N w wer @kt x mrdrus mijz. Ftr x2 howrz w got owtv bed &
spraedth nsiedvth van & went 4 n→. Tdunth trik 4 nfue mnitz & then w wr ndr @k gaen. W wernt evn
shor thei wer mijz zw koodnt thm ntl th ☼↑ thsmornn. Their so tieni thei eezli → th mesh wndoez but
thr bie-tzr feers. Tzth pries w paed 4 ▲n neer ♂groev. Nfue mor bitsv nfo O Karumba & ‫ ٱ‬: thrz zink
proessn dun x Pasminco (28/2. 16/2/04 – 27/2/04 p6) butth loeklz hoo need werk kmplaen th@
thei flie thr werkrz n (2 weeks on, 1 week off) thoe thei had promst werk 4 loekls wen thei set↑;
nNormanton, Kar-umba & Karumba Beach th RAPTORZ aka BERDZVPREI aka HORKS aka BLAK
KIET aka Milvus nigrans r x farth moest vzbl komn berd zthei konstntli O vrhed; th komn finchzth
Double-barred Finch (Taeniopygia bichenovii) but thsmornn ie sor sum Zebra Finchz (Taeniopygia
guttata) nbit owtsied town; wv bn n 00zv Brolgaz & Sarus kraenz nth ‫ ٱ‬of10 riet x throedsied – mie
sez Sarus wr 1st rkorddn Queensl& n 1967 but H red nn nshnl parks bord th@ reesnt DNA testn
shoez thei hav bn he-er 40,000 yrz; n ♀ w torkt2 sed ♀ hadnt n eni kraenz but thr vrwhr; this ‫ ڤ‬zth
EPI-●v KROKODILI POROSI (thmoest daenjrus KROK (11/2. ← Warringal Orchid Society inc.
(Heidelberg) vwch H zn mmbr: “ An old snoozer in Queensland had owned a large property
for several years. He had a dam in the next paddock de-signed like a swimming pool. He
put in picnic tables, some mangos, avocado and papaw trees. ¶ One evening the old
farmer decided to stroll down to the dam, as he hadnt been there for a while. On the way
he grabbed a bucket to bring back some fruit. As he neared the dam, he heard voices
shouting and laughing with glee. ¶ Coming closer he saw it was a bunch of young sheilas
skinny-dipping in his dam. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went
to the deep end. One of the sheilas shouted to him ‘We’re not coming out until you
leave!’ ¶ The old bloke frowned. ‘I didn’t come down here to perv on you ladies
swimming starkers or make you get out of the dam naked.’ Holding the bucket up he
said ‘I’m here to feed the crocodile.’ ¶ Moral : old fellas might walk slow but they can still
think fast.”) nth O O) nOZ & 2dae w rednth ppr n POROSUS 8 n ♂ neer Cooktown; w went → kravn
□ 2 showr etc & wosh kloethz &th oenr let us doot 4 0; ie rekn twoz 30ºC ystrdi & ie rekn twilb gaen
2dae … → ↓S (n10d 2bn Melb mid sept) → whr th roed †z th Flinders rvr 60kz ← Normanton (heer 4
th niet; POROSI nhbt th poolz; sor th 3 lrjst berdzvth ‫ ٱ‬nth saem poolv H2O – Brolga/Sarus, Pelican,
Jabiru (5.25))…The sunset was spectacular last night only for the fact that the people in
the pub were lining the boundary of the beergarden filming, pho-tographing or e-mailing
it on their mobiles. The only person who seemed to be photographing it for another
reason than that everyone else was, was a guy down on the beach with a tripod shooting
the pelicans which landed right on the dot, as if for the purpose. The after-sunset sky was
spectacular though – deep orange-y red which made the shallow sheets of water seem
silver against the mud-flats. Ive been trying to work out what the Grey Nomads do on
their jour-ney – this is probably a non-comprehensive list : a) drive a lot b) park in cara-
van parks for lengthy periods while the women wash and cook and read and knit and
yack on to each other and the men fish or read or yack on in the pub c) make lots of cups
of tea/coffee whilst on the road (morning T, lunch, after-noon T, dinner, supper cuppa). A
hell of a lot of them have such huge rigs (car-avans, trailers, boats, extra car, bus-sized
motor homes) that they cant get off the bitumen at all. Some have destinations in view –
Tamworth Country Music Festival, Motor-Home Conventions, Golf Tournaments etc. Many
of them do all the tourist spots. Some of them have absolutely no idea about the country
they are travelling through – the woman of the couple we met today in the shaded BBQ
near the Karumba Sports Complex didn’t know that the big birds on the side of the
Normanton-Karumba road were brolgas. All that however means absolutely nothing (20/2.
meenzn bit) as most of them are obviously enjoying them-selves. Friedae (25/2. Fr iday [OE.
frígedaeg ‘day of (the goddess) Fríg’ ; a Com. Wger. transl. of the late L. dies Veneris, day of (the planet) Venus. The OE.
name Fríg corresponds to ON. Frigg, name of the wife of Odin (not to Freyja), and is the fem. of the Oteut. Adj. * frijo-
‘beloved, loving’ ; see FREE.] 1. The sixth day of the week. 2. A reception or enter-tainment given on that day 1836. 3.
attrib. as F. morning. 1592. ¶ 1. Black F.: applied to various historic dates of disastrous events which took place on Friday, as May 11, 1866,
when a panic ensued on the failure of Overend, Gurney & Co.; etc. Good F. : the Friday before Easter Day, observed in commemoration of Christ’s
crucifixion.) 19/8/05. Ie (24/2. blud prshrz ↑ oevr thlarst yeer (27/2. KAaB-lAgIiLsA 1s sed →mi: noe tork z
z n10s z nold ♂ torknO ♂z hlth)) (TOE (ngroen nael (17/2. lsoe hav2 uezn toe-sepraetr 2 stop big toe
from †n oevr 2nd toe nleft foot (25/2. &zv 2dae n riet foot 2))) → FOO-T (forln rch n riet 1) → NEE
(diki) → KOK (soft (17/2 ue kan fiendth ☼ueshn n The Complete Essays (18/2. ♂z rspnsbl 4 both
thterm & thgenre) of Montaigne)(25/2. 4got 2 mnshn th need 4 nskruetop kntaenr soe ie doent hav2
get ↑ → toilt ½ nduzn tiemz/niet. Orlsoe hav2 wair bzorbnt ndrpants (28/2. “No matter how much
ye shake yer peg / The last wee drap runs doon yer leg” – rBoUbRbNiSe) & sins ielb goen2
lithol& this yeer noenli th kloethz iem wairn iel hav2 washm @ niet & pootmn nth mornn b4 theiv dried
owt prprli)) → RS (ichi) → Z (worti (2 mor 4 dDaOvIiGd 2 freezoff wen w get bak (12/2. nchuezdae
7/2 (18/2. ie gaev ♂m n: “3/Dec/05 ¶ Dr David Doig, ¶ I write this note to put it on record with you
(& Ivanhoe Medical Clinic) that I forbid any medical intervention or procedure to be performed on me
(by you, a hospital, or anyone else) 2 prevent me from dieing (27/2. thwerst kaesz ie noev rn ♀ wth
dvan-st ltzhiemrz hoo woz treetd4 nuemoenia x10; n nknshz ♀ @th nersnhoem Vi ( Oct 27 p9)
woz @ h-oo woz fed x ntueb ↓ stumk; Guantanamo hungr striekrz hoo r tied↓ &havn tueb shuvd →
nostrl ↓ gult; SCHIAVO ( 2/4/05 – 8/4/05 p2 (2/3. “The doctors (“They need not worry about
doing their job badly, since the damage turns to their profit.” (3/3. saem4 loiyrz (4/3. &thr
kmpeetn 4n shairvth $$$ spoilz))) are not co-ntent with having control over the sickness;
they make health itself sick, in order to prevent people from being able at any time to
escape their authority” – Montaigne Essays II: 37))) without specific prior permission being giv-
en by me or my wife Helen (to whom Ive written a will giving power of medical attorney). I request you
retain this instruction on my medical file. ¶ Yours Faithfully ¶ (signature) (signature of witness (me))”
(25/2. 13/9/05 p1)) ♂ froezoff 10 nkluedn 1 huej 1 & mi z rn mes))) → GUT (runi (17/2. npoem
← Death & Fame x GIaNlSlBeEnRG (d.1997) givn 2mi x DRUaMlMeOcND: “Here We Go
’Round the Mulberry Bush ¶ I got old & shit in my pants / shit in my pants / shit in my
pants / I got old & shit in my pants / shit in my pants again // We got old and shit in our
pants / shit in our pants / shit in our pants / We got old and shit in our pants / shit in our
pants again // You’ll be lucky if you get old / & shit in your pants / & shit in your pants /
You’ll be lucky if you get old / & shit in your pants again (January 1, 1994” ))) →
STUMK/EESOFAGUS (valv not werkn (12/2. 80mgzv Somac/dae; hadn ndskpi & nhstoepthlji @th
Royal Melb Hosptl n 31/1-/06 & tz OK)) → HED (THROET (pnia – karnt zzzz (18/2. tz mie bigst prlbm
– m ksprmntn wth valium, temazepam, stilnox & kombnaeshnz n kaes ie karnt zzzz wen ie goe →
EUROPA) nbak & getn wers) → MOWTH (1 krown, 1 brj, 1 gap (12/2. wen mie (4mr) Ivanhoe dntst
bkaem poplktk & rued ftr ie rkst ♀ f thr wr prolbmz getnn brj dun oevrcs ie dsiedd 2 gtt dun nxt tiem
iemn lithol& (20/2. August 18 p-2))) → NOEZ (left nostrl (27/2. ← GULF TRIP: “ 25.08.97.
Windorah Q.L.D. ¶ WHAT IS HAPPENIN? There is hair growin out of my NOSTRILS and out of my
EAR (4got2 mnshnth tinitus, thxostosis (left O bordowt), & th@ iem goen def) HOLES and I am in the
middle of Queensland and I don’t know wh-ere I am going? You must HELP! me Android. You’re a
shrink aren’t ya? DO SUMTHIN. LONG LIVE the Prof.!! ¶ a … z ) kloezn↑) → Z (need x3
mgnfkaeshn glarsz) → BRAEN (knfuezd (20/2. & bmu-ezd (25/2. & pporld (27/2. snsv doom @th
pproechn k@strof maeb nfunkshnv mie oen dsntgraeshn ( 16/2/04 – 27/2/04 p5, 16, 19) – iem
@th ●v mie O ( Sept 20 p19))))))) woek nth ndvth old korzw-ae (thrzn rotn karksvn smorl (2½ ft)
KROKODILUS JOHNSTONII @ thuthr nd) 2 thsowndv xotk berd ♪♫♫ 0v wch ie rkniezd. L8r (b4 ☼↑)
H sang “Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Jo-orn,
Happy Birthday to You.” Z ♀ s@↑ ♀ fartd. 6 (12/2. ← The Age p3: “Sexercise: how a grapple
a day keeps the doctor away. ¶ It can help reduce stress, soothe pain, cure insomnia
(24/2. doesn’t seem to be working for you A..Z (25/2. duzsoe! Helpsheeps)), low-er the risk
of a heart attack and, as if that wasn’t enough, make your hair shine and your wrinkles
vanish (25/2. r u-e, H (26/2. but it’s helping my hair to vanish and my wrinkles to shine)). ¶
“Forget about jogging round the block or struggling with sit-ups,” says the British
Government’s patients’ helpline, National Health Service Direct. The key for healthy
living is “a bout of ‘sexercise’”. ¶ “Regular romps”, according to an offi-cial posting on the
home page of the NHS Direct website, will bring health rewards, from staying fit and
burning calories to combating cancer. ¶ “Orgasms even release pain-killers into the
bloodstream, helping keep mild illnesses like colds and aches and pains at bay and
produce extra oestrogen and testosterone hormones,” the site says. “These hormones
will keep your bones and muscles healthy, leaving you feeling fabulous inside and out.
The increased pro-duction of the hormones will make your hair shine and your skin
smooth. And if you’re worrying about wrinkles, orgasms even help prevent frown lines
from deepening.” ¶ The aftermath helps too: “The toptastic, ‘post-coital’ period after sex
may be one of the few times you’ll completely let go, surrender and relax … and awake
the next morning ready for seconds.” …. ¶ GUARDIAN”). Th ↑n ☼ lluemn8d th topsvth
branchzz ‫( ﺲﺚבּשבל عىמפ‬l8r H sed ( nz w wer soe chumi larst niet 2) “You’re not doin too badly for a
sixty-four year old” (18/2. but notn p@chn talianstalian Berlusconi (23/2. hazhadn fais↑ kkrdn 2
Wally (27/2. hoo werks@th knsuel8 (vive la france) lsoe sez: thkween znold bag; prins Charles zugli;
HoWARd zn-staetsmn; Bush zstuepd; De Gaulle woz ntljnt; Magda Zubanski zn toetldiot; Thorpie
zgae; thpoep zn-jrmn) @th Errol Patisserie) (20/2. “Let us learn to be no more avid for glory
than we deserve. Boasting of every useful or blameless action is for men in whom such
things are rare and unusual: they want them to be valued at what it cost them! The more
glittering the deed the more I subtract from its moral worth, because of the suspicio-n
aroused in me that it was exposed more for glitter than for goodness: goods displayed
are already half way to be-ing sold.” Montaigne. Essays III:10)) but ie giv orl kredt → ♀). Tz
8.30am & wr → Cloncurry O 310kz ↓S ….


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