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Bianca Wright

September 23, 2013


Fee schedule The cost accountants along with the director of sports connection present the follow fee schedule for your review. The fee schedule consists of two pants: 1 passes and 2 other programs. Passes Citizens may purchase weekly, monthly, or daily passes. Three levels of weekly and monthly passes are available: (1) full access to all Sports connections facilities and program; (2) fitness center only. And (3) Pool only. Fees can also be paid to reserve a locker for one private use only. A no-change full access pass is also available to citizens meeting the criteria established by the grant specifications. Citizens are asked to complete an application form that will be reviewed by the Advisory Council. If approved, these individuals will receive a pass at no change Figure 9 outlines the fees for each type of pass. Other programs Additional revenue is also generated from the assessment of special fees for the driving range putting green, and batting cage. Figure 9 outlines these programs also note that rates are bases on number the of balls and/or the amount of time the area. In addition, to accommodate the number of dual working parents using the fitness facility, Sports connection offers a daycare facility for parents using the fitness facility. Fees are based on (1) hourly rates or (2) an after school package that include fitness programs for the children in daycare. To meet the grant specification fully, comprehensive educational programing is required. For this reason a fee schedule was developed to generate revenue from classes that would require a licensed instructor. Members will be asked to complete surveys, and additional course will be added accordingly meet the criteria of the grant may complete a special application to waive fees for these program. Sponsorships Two major organizations have joined Sports connection and community their Foundation in efforts to promote fitness, good health and recreational activities for young people Central University Athletics Department and first Bank. First, the athletics director at Central University proposed a partnership with sports connection and the university to promote interest in girls, soccer tennis, and volleyball. The plan includes university coaching staff providing educational programming and team coaching for these three areas. Sports Connection staff will coordinate the registration and class meetings, provide the appropriate equipment, schedule playing fields and set up the game/ match schedules.

Bianca Wright

September 23, 2013


Second, the board of directors of first bank has offered to sponsor a fun Run On the morning of the grand opening of sport connection. Their staff will design t-shirts for all participants who sign up for the various races. Free Monthly passes to sports connection will be given to ten lucky winners. First bank has indicated a desire to continue the Fun Run each year and designate the proceeds go to a scholarship fund for youth desiring to participate in one of the team sports.

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