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Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6

Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6
4. 5.a) Q6 b) 3.a) b) 2.a) b)

Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6

Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6

Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6

Q6 Q6 Q6


Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6

Code No: C0708 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M.Tech I SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, APRIL/MAY-2013 ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEMS (ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS) Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1.a) Explain the design procedure of compensator through root locus approach. b) Explain the characteristics of three term (PID) control actions. Also explain at least one method for design of the same.

Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6

Explain the characteristics of Lead compensator. Consider a system with open-loop transfer function G ( s ) = 4K . Design suitable
s(s + 2) Q6

compensator for the system so that the static velocity error coefficient Kv is 20 sec-1, the phase margin is at least 500, and the gain margin is at least 10 db. Explain the second order eigen values sensitivities for linear systems. Explain the first order eigen vector sensitivities for linear systems.

Explain the following: i) Confluent Eigen values associated with a single Jordan block. ii) Confluent Eigen values associated with a number of non- distinct Jordan blocks. Explain the different types of inherent nonlinearities and intentional nonlinearities. Derive describing function for the nonlinear element described by: y =x , where 'x' is the input to the nonlinear element (sinusoidal signal) and 'y' is the output of the nonlinear element. Explain the isocline method for construction of phase plane portrait. Determine the locations and types of singular points of the nonlinear system described by following:

6.a) Q6 b)

Q6 7.a)
b) 8.a) Q6

&1 = 0.3 0.1 x + x - 0.188 x 2 x - 0.75 x 3 x 1 2 2 1 2 3 & x 2 = 0.25 x - 0.1 x + 0.047 x + 0.188 x x 2 2 1 2 1 2




Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6


Explain the Krasovskiis method for stability analysis of nonlinear systems. Determine the stability of the origin at the following system:
3 x1 = x1 - x 2 - x1

and x 2 = x1 + x 2 - x 3 2

Consider the following system

1 .0 x 1 . x1 = 0 1.0 1.0 x 2 x 2

Q6 b)

Determine the stability at the origin of the system using Liapunovs stability theorem. Determine whether or not the following quadratic form is negative definite.
2 2 Q = - x1 - 3x 2 2 - 11x 3 + 2 x1x 2 - 4 x 2 x 3 - 2x1x 3 .



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