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Church Opening Today: Jim Hider Church Opening Next week: Tim Pauli Ushers this week: Tim

Pauli, Karen Savelle, Diane Parker & Ron Gray Ushers next week: Dale Lynn Bast, John Waldie & Bill or!es Greeters this week" #harles & $ar%aret Lu&ton Greeters next week: Dou% & Kathy Baker Coffee this week: 'nne $arie Pauli CONGREGATIONA ETTER ' letter (rom the Kno) Board o( $ana%ers re%ardin% our insuran*e is availa!le (or &i*k u& in the narthe)+ Please remem!er to &i*k u& your letter and read throu%h it+ The *on%re%ation ,ill !e asked to vote on the ne)t ste& in the &ro*ess !ased on the in(ormation shared in this letter+ -( you have any .uestions, &lease email Phil 'n,ender at an,ender+&+e/%mail+*om OUR !EE" # $I%%ION & Don0t (or%et to sto& at the ood Bank ta!le and &ur*hase an item+ 'll (ood items have &ri*es marked+ Sim&ly make your *hoi*e and &la*e it in a !o) !elo,+ Then &ay !y &uttin% the money into the *ash !o)+ So sim&le !ut ea*h donation makes su*h a di((eren*e in the lives o( those in need+ "INTAI ON T'E ROA( Last July, ,e had a (antasti* 1 days ,ith 2Kintail 3n The Road4+ Thanks to the %ood ,ork o( the &lannin% team, volunteers and the Kintail Sta((, ,e had an ama5in% time+ We &lan to have K3TR at our *hur*h a%ain this summer+ We are in need o( mem!ers (or our Plannin% Team, in*ludin% someone to *o6*hair ,ith Bev Hider+ Please s&eak ,ith $ark Ged*ke, Bev Hider or $ary Dou%all to learn more+

$inister: Rev+ $ark Ged*ke 178 191 ::79 or !y email at m%ed*ke/kno)strat(ord+*om (irector of $usic: Su5anne Strahan Office Ad)inistrator: Kathy Baker Treasurer: Shannon 'r*her Office: *+,&-.+&/0.0 kno)s/,i%htman+*a O11ICE 'OUR% ,a)& +p) Tuesday through 1riday

"NO2 3RE%4#TERIAN C'URC' 1e5ruary -6 -/+7 ++:// a) $inister6 Rev+ $ark Ged*ke $usi* Dire*tor ; Su5anne Strahan

3RE3ARATION 1OR !OR%'I3 6 Prayer, $editation and <isitin% 3RE U(E: -m&rom&tu ; S*hu!ert, arr+ =etterall

!E CO$E AN( ANNOUNCE$ENT% CA TO !OR%'I3: Leader" #ome, all ,ho are &oor in s&irit> *ome, all ,ho mourn> *ome, all ,ho are meek> *ome, all ,ho hun%er and thirst a(ter ri%hteousness+ People: Come, all who would be merciful; come, all who would be pure Leader" Let us *ome to%ether ; the ,eak, the sim&le, the &o,erless, the (oolish+ People: Let us confess that the source of our life is Christ Jesus. Let us worship the God of every blessing. ?$aren #+ Tira!assi, Tou*h Holiness, Resour*es (or Worshi&, ed+ !y Ruth #+ Du*k, $aren #+ Tira!assi, The Pil%rim Press@ O3ENING '#$N: A BCB 'll &raise to thee


3ur ather ,ho art in heaven, hallo,ed !e thy name, thy kin%dom *ome, thy ,ill !e done on earth as it is in heaven+ Give us this day our daily !read+ or%ive us our tres&asses as ,e (or%ive those ,ho tres&ass a%ainst us+ Lead us not into tem&tation !ut deliver us (rom evil+ or thine is the kin%dom, the &o,er and the %lory (orever and ever+ 'men
3A%%ING O1 T'E 3EACE: Leader" The Pea*e o( #hrist !e ,ith you Congregation: nd also with you. ANT'E$: HalleluyaD Pelo Tsa Rona ; trad+ South '(ri*an, arr+ 'nders Ey!er%

C'I (REN9% '#$N: A 9CF $ake me a *hannel o( your &ea*e C'I (REN9% TI$E: This little li%ht o( mine+ -0m %onna let it shineG+ Hide it under a !ushelH Eo, -0m %onna let it shineG+ Won0t let anyone !lo, it outD -0m %onna let it shineG+ Let it shine in my hometo,n+ -0m %onna let it shineG %CRI3TURE REA(ING: 7 #orinthians 7"7F67: $atthe," 1"767I %ER$ON: Blessed 're Jou

'#$N: A9FC Tea*h me, God, to ,onder O11ERING O11ERTOR#: 'ndante %ra5ioso ; $o5art, arr+ Landon

O11ERTOR# 3RAI%E: ACI1 We &raise you, 3 God 3RA#ER O1 (E(ICATION ?to%ether@ Holy 3ne, ,hose heart a!ounds ,ith %i(ts, re*eive this o((erin% as si%n o( our intention to live surrounded !y your mer*y, ins&ired !y your S&irit, o&en to the Koy o( your &resen*e, hos&ita!le to one another, and %enerous to,ard your ,orld+ 'men ?Ld,in L+ Beers, Tou*h Holiness, Resour*es (or Worshi&, ed+ !y Ruth #+ Du*k, $aren #+ Tira!assi, The Pil%rim Press@ 3RA#ER% O1 T'E 3EO3 E: ?res&onsive@ '!idin% in your love, we put our trust in you. C O%ING '#$N: AB97 Love Divine, all loves e)*ellin% ?v 7, I, C@ 4ENE(ICTION '#$N: A911 Go ye, %o ye into the ,orld 3O%T U(E: $ar*h (rom Floridante ; Handel, arr+ Ho&son
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

GUE%T %3EA"ER 3n Sunday, e!ruary IB, $ike $asse ,ill !e our %uest+ He is a leader o( the #rossin% Brid%es &ro%ram that runs at our *hur*h and su&&orts you in our *ommunity+ Rev+ $ark ,ill hel& lead Sunday S*hool that day+

A thank you to everyone ,ho has si%ned u& to set6u& and *lean6u& *o((ee and treats on Sunday mornin%s+ - still re.uire I &eo&le (or this month and June+ The Si%n6u& sheet is in the *hur*h o((i*e or *onta*t 'nne $arieMTim Pauli at either 1786I976N97: or at tim&auli/ro%ers+*om I$3ORTANT NOTICE Pre&aration o( the 'nnual Re&ort ,ill !e%in shortly+ or those ,ho ,ill !e su!mittin% re&orts, &lease do so as soon as &ossi!le+ The (inal deadline (or your re&ort is 1e5ruary +7; Jour re&ort is to !e %iven to Kathy Baker in the o((i*e+ Thanks
#OUT' GROU3 GOE% TU4ING 3n Sunday, e!ruary 8th, the youth ,ill have lun*h in the Ban.uet Hall (ollo,in% ,orshi&+ Then, ,e %o to the River <alley Winter Tu!e Slide in St+ $arys, 3E+ The *ost is O7: &lus ta) &er &erson+ -( you have any .uestions, &lease *onta*t one o( the leaders" Shannon or Wendell 'r*her, $ark Ged*ke, Heather Hislo& or Sarah Hislo&+ Special thanks to Nadine Shumont, Tom Drake and Heather Hislop for their contributions towards our lunch that day!!! !L!C"#$% & PP$#%"'!%" $( ")*+"!!+, ,%$- P)!+./"!)# % C0*)C0, +") "($)1 An annual con re ational meetin of the church will be held on Sunday, !arch ", "#$%. At said meetin , the con re ation shall elect and appoint Nine &'( Trustees for a one &$( year term in accordance with the )ri inal Trust Deed. *andidates must be members of +no, -resbyterian *hurch, Stratford in full communion. Nominations will be recei.ed in the church office up to $"/## p.m. on Thursday, February "0, "#$%. Nomination forms are a.ailable in the office. Nominee name&s( must be submitted on the form pro.ided, must be a member of +no, -resbyterian *hurch, Stratford in full communion and be supported by two &"( members and1or adherents of +no, -resbyterian *hurch, Stratford. Trustees that were elected for the "#$2 term are 3lmer Dred e, 4illiam Forbes, -atrick Scott, Strahan and 5ohn 4aldie.

"NO2 3'OTO (IRECTORIE% We have some e)tra *o&ies o( our *hur*h &hoto dire*tory+ We have a (e, availa!le (or sale at O7F ea*h+ The remainder ,ill stay ,ith Rev+ $ark to !e used as %i(ts to ne, mem!ers to hel& them %et to kno, our *hur*h (amily+

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