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Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Tamika Parchment and Suzanne Kitler PSY610 January 20, 2014 Matthew Will


Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Psychologists is the leading analysis and researcher that challenges the moral dilemmas. The moral concerns that would come about due to the nature in the experimentation. However, the moral concerns that is available depending on the way the results would be accounted and credited by the psychologist. Under the circumstances this particular analysis of nature to which the research would neglect in furnishing the credit of the graduate colleague, with unkindness facts that he was the one that had compiled the information. As the graduate had assisted in the furnishing he had an understanding in the writing process, up till now the researcher had recorded the primary information in finishing with less than 75% in the concluded paper. Standard 8.11 There are many ethical considerations within this scenario. Although it appears as if the principle researcher developed the hypothesis and outlined the methods of study, his research assistants completed the actual work and contributed to the final discussion. Without regard for the American Psychological Associations (APA) code of ethics, the principal researcher essentially plagiarized his work. Standard 8.11 of the APA Ethical Principals of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (APA, 2014), states that psychologists do not present their portions of anothers work or data as their own, even if citations are properly noted. Standard 8.12 Standard 8.12 of the APA Code of Ethics (APA, 2014) states that psychologists take responsibility and credit only for work they have actually performed or substantially contributed to, and principal authorship and publication credit accurately reflect the contributions of all individuals involved. In this scenario, the research assistants performed the labor intensive work of the study, collected all of the data, and contributed to the written document. Based on the


ethical principles outlined in the Code of Ethics, the research assistants are to be given full credit for the study. Without further information, it is difficult to assess. However, it appears as if the researcher in this scenario should take no credit at all for this study. Standard 8.12.b states that possession of an institutional position does not justify authorship credit. Conclusion Without the ability to gather additional information about this case, it is impossible to determine whether the researcher in this scenario actually contributed to this study or the final paper. Regardless of his claim to 75% of the final paper, his assistants carried out the procedures for the study and collected all of the data. Their contributions were negated by his refusal to credit them, and violates the principal codes of conduct for ethical behavior outlined by the APA. At best, his name should be listed after those of his research assistants.


References American Psychological Association. (2014). American Psychological Association. Retrieved from

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