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Weekly List of Activities by Categories Week1 Tuesday July 2, 2013 to Monday July 8, 2013

Body, Soul, Spirit,

Key Relationships Employment Personal Goal Professional Goal
Ammunition Depot
Ammunition Depot

Daily Things Done
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

Arlene Sabir name
1/29-2/4' 2014 date
spend time w/Naim Body-increase fruits Over see 2 clinics commit to attend Life Group Journaling Prepare to bring Over see 2 clinics
and vegetables intake Grocery shopping this week working Women's Connec- Grandaughter and 9 more added to
Soul-continue to read Spend time w/ son 8-9 hrs/day; 45 hrs/ ting point Grandson from
my payroll
spiritual book FFellowship w/ week overseas
Spirit-practice power womens @connec-
hour prayer ting point
5a-6a power prayer 5a-6a power prayer 5a-6a power prayer 5a-6a power prayer 6a-7:30a power 6a-7:30a power 5a-6a power prayer
8a-5p Work 8a-5p Work 8a-5p Work 8a-5p Work prayer prayer devotion, reading.
7p-8:15 Mastermind spend time w/Naim spend time w/ Naim spend time w/Naim 9:30a-12noon 10a-12noon commit 8a-5p Work
call w/Respond 5 Womens Connecting to attend church 8p-8:15p Partner call
Point spend time w/Naim w/Patricia and Kim
Grocery shopping watch movie, maybe
spend time w/Naim
or dine-in.

Weekly List of Activities by Categories Week2 Tuesday July 2, 2013 to Monday July 8, 2013

Body, Soul, Spirit,
Key Relationships Employment Personal Goal Professional Goal
Ammunition Depot
Ammunition Depot

Daily Things Done
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

Character Contract Statement for:

Weekly Activity Review (Discussion Points for Partner Calls)

Describe the completion of your commitments for current week.

Review previous weeks activities completed
Review previous weeks activities completed

What did I not complete? What did I not complete?

What worked? What worked?

What didnt? What didnt?

What did I learn about myself? What did I learn about myself?

What next?

Arlene Sabir
I am an aunthentic, passionate, faithful, trustworthy daughter of God.
Studying the word about healing. Vocalize my faith in healing to my patients
Power hour prayer.
Praying for the sick
Share the word about healing 2x/week.
That I m not motivated and discipline enough in my studying.
I am more focus on my job; I m concern about how I spend my
time at work.

Personal Goal
I commit to completing (specific activites or tasks)
towards my personal goal before our next team mastermind call.
i.e., 2 conversations, fill out checklist 3 or more days, exercise 60 minutes or more for 3 or more days, etc.

Professional Goal
I commit to completing (specific activites or tasks)
towards my professional goal before our next team mastermind call.
i.e., send 3 applications, schedule 3 appointments, complete 3 face to face meetings, reach $1,000 in customer volume, etc.

Percentage of Goal Completion:
I am % complete on my personal goal to date.

I am % complete on my pnal goal to date.

Power hour prayer
Pray for the sick 2x/week w/ record of evidence.

Personal Goals for:

On or before I choose to

I choose to do each of these things BECAUSE.

Professional Goals for:

On or before I choose to

I choose to do each of these things BECAUSE.

date 6pm, April 12, 2014
be motivated and discipline in my studying w/ the word of God by 15-30 minutes initial
using the tool power hour 10'/10'/10'; increase to power hour 20'/20'/20'
I am passionate about hearing more the voice of God clearly.
date 6 pm, April 12'2014
become vocal about my faith in healing. I want to pray for the sick, begin 2x/week in a consistent
basis. Method: research all scriptures in healing; incorporate w/ my devotion. I would not neglect
the opportunity to ask God to show me in what area He wants me to pray. I keep record of the
evidence. I will ask God to show me evidence
I m passionate to see people get healed.

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