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Aspect- Oriented Programming(AOP) ABSTRACT In software engineering, the programming paradigms of Aspect- Oriented programming(AOP), and Aspect- Oriented

Software development (AOSD) attempt to aid programmers in the separation of concerns, specifically cross-cutting concerns, as an advance in modulari ation! AOP does so using primarily language changes, while AOSD uses a com"ination of language, environment, and method! Separation of concerns entails "rea#ing down a program into distinct parts that overlap in functionality as little as possi"le! All programming methodologies$%&including procedural programming and o"'ect-oriented programming$%&support some separation and encapsulation of concerns (or any area of interest or focus) into single entities! (or e)ample, procedures, pac#ages, classes, and methods all help programmers encapsulate concerns into single entities! *ut someconcerns defy these forms of encapsulation! Software engineers call these crosscutting concerns, "ecause they cut across many modules in a program!+ogging offers one e)ample of a crosscutting concern, "ecause a logging strategy necessarily affects every single logged part of the system! +ogging there"y crosscuts all logged classes and methods! AOP is a new technology for separating crosscutting concerns into single units called aspects! An aspect is a modular unit of crosscutting implementation! It encapsulates "ehaviors that affect multiple classes into reusa"le modules! INTRODUCTION Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a promising new technology for separating crosscutting concerns that are usually hard to do in o"'ect-oriented programming ! ,ow a days, o"'ectoriented programming (OOP) has "ecome the mainstream programming paradigm where real world pro"lems are decomposed into o"'ects that a"stract "ehavior and data in a single unit! OOP encourages software re-use "y providing design and language constructs for modularity, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism! Although OOP has met great success in modeling and implementing comple) software systems, it has its pro"lems! Practical e)perience with large pro'ects has shown that programmers may face some pro"lems with maintaining their code "ecause it "ecomes increasingly difficult to cleanly separate concerns intomodules! An attempt to do a minor change in the program design may re-uire several updates to a large num"er of unrelated modules! AOP is a new technology for separating crosscutting concerns into single units called aspects! An aspect is a modular unit of crosscutting implementation! It encapsulates "ehaviors that affect multiple classes into reusa"le modules! .ith AOP, we start "y implementing our pro'ect using our OO language (for e)ample, /ava), and then we deal separately with crosscutting concerns in our code "y implementing aspects! (inally, "oth the code and aspects are com"ined into a final e)ecuta"le form using an aspect weaver! As a result, a single aspect can contri"ute to the implementation of a num"er of methods, modules, or o"'ects, increasing "oth reusa"ility and maintaina"ility of the code!


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Wardriving is searching for .i-(i wireless networ#s "y moving vehicle! It involves using a car or truc# and a .i-(i-e-uipped computer, such as a laptop or a PDA, to detect the networ#s! It was also #nown as 0.i+Ding0 (.ireless +an Driving)!1any wardrivers use 2PS devices to measure the location of the networ# find and log it on a we"site! (or "etter range, antennas are "uilt or "ought, and vary from omnidirectional to highly directional! Software for !ardriving is freely availa"le on the Internet, nota"ly, ,etStum"ler for .indows, 3ismet for +inu), and 3is1ac for 1acintosh! Wardriving was named after wardialing "ecause it also involves searching for computer systems with software that would use a phone modem to dial num"ers se-uentially and see which ones were connected to a fa) machine or computer, or similar device! Introd"ction o# Wardriving WarDriving is an activity that is misunderstood "y many people!4his applies to "oth the general pu"lic, and to the news media that has reported on WarDriving! *ecause the name 5WarDriving06 has an ominous sound to it, many people associate WarDriving with a criminal activity WarDriving originated from wardialing, a techni-ue populari ed "y a character played "y 1atthew *roderic# in the film .ar2ames, and named after that film! .ardialing in this conte)t refers to the practice of using a computer to dial many phone num"ers in the hopes of finding an active modem! A .arDriver drives around an area,often after mapping a route out first, to determine all of the wireless access points in that area! Once these access points are discovered, a WarDriver uses a software program or .e" site to map the results of his efforts! *ased on these results, a statistical analysis is performed! 4his statistical analysis can "e of one drive, one area, or a general overview of all wireless networ#s! 4he concept of driving around discovering wireless networ#s pro"a"ly "egan the day after the first wireless access point was deployed! 7owever,.arDriving "ecame more well-#nown when the process was automated "y Peter Shipley, a computer security consultant in *er#eley, 8alifornia! During the fall of 9:::,Shipley conducted an ;<-month survey of wireless networ#s in *er#eley, 8alifornia and reported his results at the annual Def8on hac#er conference in /uly of 9::;!4his presentation, designed to raise awareness of the insecurity of wireless networ#s that were deployed at that time, laid the groundwor# for the 5true5 .arDriver!

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