Milan Easy Toastmaster Club - Agenda - Tuesday 14th January 2014

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Toastmasters Europe :: View agenda - Tuesday 14th January 2014

Milan Easy Toastmasters Club

President's Distinguished Club - 2014 President's Distinguished Club - 2013
2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 18 !!

Toastmaster "eeting Tuesday 14th January 2014 "eeting $umber 23 %enue Grand Hotel Puccini Time Role Pres enter

#tarting at 19:00


Green Amber Red

1& 00 #eargent at arms President Toastmaster 1& 12 1st

Call to order 'el(ome guests) introdu(e Toastmaster 4 00 3 00 ! 00 4 30 ! 00 3 30 4 00 4 00 5 00

*ndrea +arbiero +arbara /li0ieri

Des(ribe Program, introdu(e 'ord of the Day 1o il (om-uter non lo user2 mai333

Competent Communication Manual - 8 - Get Comfortable With Visual Aids #ele(t 0isual aids that are a--ro-riate for the message and the audien(e) 6se t7o or more 0isual aids (orre(tly 7ith ease and (onfiden(e8 Toastmaster 1& 23 2nd

*ndrea +arbiero 9aia :iertler

'ritten e0aluation "eeting by (han(e at the air-ort 10 00 13 00 14 00

Interpersonal Communication - 1 - Conversing ith !ase 1nitiate a (on0ersation 7ith a stranger) 6se o-en-ended ;uestions to soli(it information for further (on0ersation8 Toastmaster 1& 41 3rd

*ndrea +arbiero <aura =oti

'ritten e0aluation <'1n(ubo di $atale 4 00 ! 00 4 00 > ! 00

"ublic Relations - # - $he Crisis Management %peech Communi(ate about a (om-any (risis that builds and maintains a -ositi0e image for the (om-any) *ns7er ;uestions in a manner that refle(ts -ositi0ely on the (om-any8 Toastmaster 1& !4 Table To-i( "aster 20 15 Club +usiness & *7ards 20 20 9eneral @0aluator 1st @0aluator 2nd @0aluator 3rd @0aluator 9rammarian - @$ 9rammarian - 1T *h Counter Timer 20 41 9eneral @0aluator ?ole @0aluator Toastmaster President 20 !8 @nd of "eeting

*ndrea +arbiero :abio ?igamonti

'ritten e0aluation Table To-i(s %8P8 @du(ation 18 00 1& 00 20 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 30 3 00 1 30 2 00 2 30 3 00 2 30 3 00 2 30 3 00 2 30 3 00 2 30 3 00 1 30 2 00

#ara Ca0aliere %alentina <e0a *ngelo "as(aro <aura Ta0ola *nnagraAia %allaro <uana Polonara :abriAio *rusa Claudio *rni #ara Ca0aliere @ugenio <aurita *ndrea +arbiero

1ntrodu(e e0aluators @0aluate s-ee(h 1 @0aluate s-ee(h 2 @0aluate s-ee(h 3 ?e-ort on @nglish grammar usage ?e-ort on 1talian grammar usage *h (ounter re-ort *nnoun(e time ta.en "eeting e0aluation <eadershi- @0aluation *7ard (eremony Closing

3 00 2 00 3 00 4 00

3 30 4 00 2 30 3 00 3 30 4 00 4 30 ! 00

!e"t #eetin $ : 1& 00 Tuesday 28th Banuary 2014, 9rand =otel Pu((ini "eeting "anager +arbara /li0ieri

1 di 1

11/01/2014 15.49

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