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Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

The Long Telegram- any questions?




Greece and Turkey

Pro-Western Governments in Greece and Turkey were on the verge of collapse USSR wants Turkish territory Soviets support Communists in Greek Civil War

Great Britain
Before WWII, Great Britain supported Greece and Turkey militarily and financially. Winter 1946-47 can no longer afford to support the Greeks and Turks

The Fear
Greece and Turkey would fall to Soviet/Communist influence Near East and North Africa were now at risk

The Truman Doctrine March 12, 1947 Policy is announced

The Truman Doctrine

$400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey US will give military and financial aid to nations fighting communism

Can read with partner or small groups Create an OPVL chart Origin
Who, What, When, Where

Read The Truman Doctrine



What part of the story can we NOT tell from this document? What is purposely not addressed?

The Truman Doctrine

Bargaining over territory is out of the question Conflict is Democracy vs. Totalitarianism Soviet Union must change its policy or its system must collapse Breaks the American tradition of isolationism Premise for the Marshall Plan Act of Collective Security (UN) but issue of aid never brought to the UN Enflames the fear of the spread of Communism
Free Peoples vs. Oppressed

Marshall Plan
Reasons for its creation:
Europe entering another postwar depression (unemployment and social unrest) Protect democratic/capitalist trading partners so that the US itself would not fall into a depression America was the only country able to financially aid Western Europe
Protect against the spread of Communism

Who was George Marshall?

Chief of the Army During WWII Sec. of State Under Truman Well Respected

Conditions in Europe
Economic conditions were bad in Europe after WWII Fear that Communism could spread in the poor economic conditions Helping Europe recover = containing Communism

European Recovery Act/Marshall Plan

Map showing amount of aid received by European countries

George C. Marshalls Speech 1947

For the past 10 years conditions have been highly abnormal. The feverish preparation for war and the more feverish maintenance of the war effort engulfed all aspects of national economies. Machinery has fallen into disrepair or is entirely obsolete. Under the arbitrary and destructive Nazi rule, virtually every possible enterprise was geared into the German war machine. The truth of the matter is that Europe's requirements for the next three or four years of foreign food and other essential products--principally from America-are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial additional help or face economic, social, and political deterioration of a very grave character.

Marshall Plan

Churchill's words won the war, Marshall's words won the peace. Dirk Stikker Foreign Minister The Netherlands, 1948-1952

The Marshall speech was greeted as a great act of statesmanship and as an expression of what we felt was genuine idealism on the part of the United States. Halvard Lange Minister of Foreign Affairs Norway, 1946-1965

European Recovery Program/Marshall Plan

Stops Communism by attacking poverty, hunger, despair $13 Billion, equal to $100 billion today European Industries recover: chemical, engineering, steel Reduces poverty Increases cooperation between Western Europe and the United States Western European Economies Improve Greatly Created strong trade markets for the US Communism never gets popular Aid offered to Stalin
Q: How do you think Stalin responded to the Marshall Plan? 16 Countries Helped Not straight cash, credits to purchase

Stalin and the Marshall Plan

Stalin refuses to accept money Does not allow Iron Curtain Countries to accept either Isolates Communist Bloc even more Tightens control on Eastern Europe

Soviet Union Reacts

Creation of the Cominform to organize communist parties around the world Provoke strikes in non-communist nations Solidify existing communist countries Unsuccessful and is disbanded in 1956 Comecon (council for Mutual Economic Assistance) Trade networks made in Eastern Europe Forced to buy Soviet products Raw materials sold at high prices to Eastern Europe while their goods were sold back to Russia at low prices (ends in the 1970s)

A British cartoon of June 1947 shows Truman and Stalin as two taxi-drivers trying to get customers. The 'customers' are labelled 'Turkey', 'Hungary', 'Bulgaria', 'Austria'.

What is the PURPOSE of this cartoon?

Quick Write
Define the following vocabulary words:
Containment Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan

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