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MECH 200 Graphics II

MECH 200 Graphics II

Greg Watkins, Ph.D., PE OConnell 416 898.4388

MECH 200 Graphics II Lecture 1 Topics

Introduction to your professor Introduction to MECH 200 Parametric modeling overview Review from MECH 100/L Assignment Thumb Drives Virtual Software Library So You Want to Make an A

MECH 200 Graphics II Greg Watkins, Ph.D., PE

BSME North Carolina State University Five years as a Design Engineer at Norfolk Naval Shipyard Concurrent Masters degree program at Old Dominion University Four years as a Project Manager at Advanced Marine Enterprises
Now CSC Advanced Marine

MECH 200 Graphics II Greg Watkins, Ph.D., PE

Eight years as an instructor of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology at Central Piedmont Community College Concurrent Ph.D. program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Five years as an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

MECH 200 Graphics II Greg Watkins, Ph.D., PE

Came to Chico State in fall 2007 Primarily teach:
Capstone Design (a.k.a. Senior Project) Finite Element Analysis Dynamics Advanced Graphics Tech Elective in Modeling and Simulation

Have taught:
Statics, Strength of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods, Materials and Testing Lab, Engineering Analysis, Robotics Automation, Manufacturing Quality Control, Engineering Economics, AutoCAD, Inventor, Pro|Engineer

MECH 200 Graphics II Introduction to MECH 200

Follow-on course from MECH 100/L An advanced course in graphics communication Relies on Parametric Modeling software (SolidWorks) Highlights
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) Fasteners, threads, power transmission tools Top Down assembly design Reverse engineering midterm project Mechanism design and analysis Advanced modeling techniques including surfaces Rendering and animations End-of-semester project

MECH 200 Graphics II Parametric Modeling Overview

Elevates solid modeling into a powerful design tool Modeling more closely matches the actual design / manufacturing process Automates design and revision procedures by use of parametric features Parametric features control model geometry by use of design variables Geometric definitions (i.e. dimensions) can be changed at any time during the design process Continuous link maintained between the 3D model and the 2D drawing

Captures Design Intent

MECH 200 Graphics II Review from MECH 100 Graphics I

MECH 100/L is prerequisite of this course Expect students to have a fundamental understanding of topics from that course Key competencies from MECH 100
Hand sketching Basic solid modeling techniques Drawings from solid models View generation and placement Necessary views Dimension import and placement Drawing template and sheet files Department drawing standards

MECH 200 Graphics II Hand Sketching

A vital skill for mechanical engineers
Especially in todays computer driven environment

Frequent need to make sketches in the field Preferable for early conceptual design Useful method for rapidly communicating ideas Superior choice for brainstorming Readily passed around to generate alternative solutions Working by hand encourages awareness of the big picture

MECH 200 Graphics II Basic Solid Modeling Techniques

Sketches Sketch Plane Extrusions Cuts Fillets Revolved features Thin features Multi-body parts Sweeps & Lofts Assemblies Parametric relations Suggest review of Mountain Board tutorial* if needed to brush up on SolidWorks skills

*Tutorials posted on BB Learn

MECH 200 Graphics II Drawings from Solid Models

View generation
Views generated from solid model Relate to initial sketch plane
Top / Front / Right

View placement
Based on orthographic projection
Front and Top share Width Front and Right share Height Top and Right share Depth

SolidWorks maintains proper view alignment if views are Projected

MECH 200 Graphics II Drawings from Solid Models

Which views? -- Necessary Views
Views needed to clearly and completely describe the object Show the shape most clearly Have the fewest hidden lines Accommodate needed dimensions

Driving dimensions imported from model Placed in correct view Shown in correct format
ANSI and Department standards

Centerlines, notes, etc

MECH 200 Graphics II Dimension Import and Placement

Dimensions should:
Completely specify the objects size Follow ASME Y14.5 & department standards Be convenient for producing the part Sufficiently describe the part (no scaling from drawing) Not refer to inaccessible surfaces or points Not be superfluous or duplicated Only include those needed to produce and inspect the object

Reference Bertoline Chapter 17 Also note Gieseckes 57 Dos and Donts of Dimensioning posted on BB Learn

MECH 200 Graphics II Drawing Template and Sheet Files

Template file formats used in this class
.DRWDOT File Extension
SolidWorks drawing template Includes settings for units, dimension format, etc.

.SLDDRT File Extension

SolidWorks Drawing sheet format Includes title block, logos, notes Also incorporates properties linked to file variables
o Name / Date / Title / Drawing Number / Revision / Material / Surface Finish

Two sets of template files

Inches Millimeters

Latest versions available on BB Learn

MECH 200 Graphics II Sheet Properties

Department drawing templates link certain document properties to title block text fields Fill in common fields automatically by changing document properties rather than editing text Linked fields:
PartNo Revision Description DrawnBy DrawnDate Material Finish

MECH 200 Graphics II Sheet Properties

PD Menu File, Properties
Custom tab Property Name dropdown Select property Enter Type and Value

MECH 200 Graphics II CSU Chico Drawing Standards

Linked from MMEM Department Home Page Includes
Summary of standards Link to Standards document

MECH 200 Graphics II Weekly Assignment

Get an ECST account before your lab session

Add funds to your Go Print card Buy your book and bring it to Lab

MECH 200 Graphics II Weekly Assignment

Problem 17.1 on page 866
Scale hand sketch of necessary views on A-size sketch pad
Do not use drawing instruments

Figure 17.79
Sketch problem number 3 with each grid square = .25 inches

Figure 17.80
Sketch problem number 4 with each grid square = 6 mm

Fully dimension as instructed in problem 17.1 Add name and lab section number to each sheet

MECH 200 Graphics II Weekly Assignment

Figure 10.141 Slide Base
SolidWorks part file that properly captures design intent Multiview A-size drawing
Top, front, and right side of part is shown in Isometric view Necessary views including Isometric Add appropriate annotations (centerlines) Do not add Dimensions

MECH 200 Graphics II Weekly Assignment

Multiview A-size drawing, contd
Change the file properties as follows:
PartNo = drawing number per department standards with the following assignment identifiers: a = Hw1 and x = 3 Description = Slide Base DrawnBy = Your Name DrawnDate = Due date in the proper format (see department drawing standards)

Submit hardcopy print along with hand sketches Staple all paper submissions together

MECH 200 Graphics II Flash Drives

Data storage is needed for this class
Most students utilize a USB Flash drive Also recommend a cloud based storage service such as Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. as a back-up

Flash drives
Are often lost
Found drives should be turned in to MMEM Office (OCNL 419)

Can become corrupted, infected, and useless Should be backed up Should not be the only location of class files

Policy Statement
A lost flash drive is not an accepted excuse for missed work

MECH 200 Graphics II Student Download of SolidWorks 2013

Student version of SolidWorks 2013 is freely available to enrolled Chico State Students Does not contain Toolbox and many other advanced modules used in this class Download Link

SDK-ID Number

MECH 200 Graphics II Virtual Software Library (VSL)

VSL has been enabled for MECH 200-01 Access to SolidWorks 2013 and other software
Getting Started: Direct link to the VSL:

MECH 200 Graphics II So You Want to Make an A

Attend the lectures
Presentations can be reviewed online, but key information is lost if not heard first hand

Attend the labs

Required to receive a grade on the in-class assignments Essentially a free 10%

Start the weekly assignments early

Preferably before the lab session I am happy to help with weekly assignments during the lab

Take advantage of the lab session

Many students leave once the in-class assignment is complete I am happy to help with weekly assignments during the lab

MECH 200 Graphics II So You Want to Make an A

Begin the projects early
Midterm and Final projects total 50% of your grade The most common reason for poor performance on the projects is underestimating the time required to complete them

Turn your work in on time

I am continually amazed at how many students submit work late (same day only) accepting a letter grade deduction

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