Moving Pictures

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Written by Stuart Schrader


INT. EVAN ALBRIGHTS DORM ROOM EVAN ALBRIGHT (19), an average looking young man with a smaller physique and an unassuming presence, wakes up slowly in his dorm room. Evan reluctantly crawls out of bed and stumbles to the sink, splashing a handful of tap water on his face. He grabs a towel and rubs his eyes, taking a moment to look in the mirror before setting the towel down. Evan enters the adjoining bathroom to take a shower (offscreen) and returns shortly after, naked but for a towel wrapped around his waist. He brushes his teeth and shaves, then takes a few minutes to comb his hair. After several apparently failed attempts, Evan drops the comb carelessly atop the vanity. After throwing on a pair of khakis and a collard shirt, Evan takes a few more seconds to look in the mirror. His expression reveals that this is a self-conscious impulse, and not one of vanity. Before leaving, Evan snatches a flyer that had been taped to the mirror. It reads Vicarious Labs in large type-font with the question Ever wondered what its like to___ underneath. EXT. DORM HALLWAY Evan closes and locks his door behind him, then walks quickly and with his head down toward the elevators. As the elevator arrives, Evan sees BROOKE LITCHELL(19), a beautiful if stressed looking blonde fumbling with two or three bags whilst trying to lock her door. BROOKE LITCHELL (yelling from down the hall) Will you hold it please? Evan steps silently into the elevator and feverishly begins trying to fix his hair. EVAN ALBRIGHT (under his breath) Fuck fuck fuck fuck. The elevator doors close seconds before Brooke arrives and Evan breathes a heavy sigh of relief. Before exiting the elevator, Evan takes another look at the Vicarious Labs flyer.


EXT. VICARIOUS LABS Looking up from a street-side photo superimposed on the Vicarious Labs flyer, Evan finds himself in the right place. It is a small and unassuming building, nestled among a clutter of other, much taller structures. It is akin more to a small business than corporate venture. Evan observes the building quizzically before making his way inside. INT. Vicarious Labs reception room Evan shuffles into the reception area and stands silently at the receptionists desk. Light jazz from a handheld radio floats around the room. The RECEPTIONIST, a young, pretty twenty-something, talks on the phone and casually looks about the room. She acknowledges Evans presence with a warm smile. RECEPTIONIST No maam only a period of about six or so hours. (beat) Yes maam thats correct. Evan says nothing. Hands in his pockets, he observes the room inconspicuously. It is empty except for him and the receptionist. A few chairs line the rooms edges and a coffee table sits in its center, strewn with old tabloids and informational pamphlets. The Receptionist finishes her conversation and ends the call on her headset. She looks at Evan, who is gazing about the room. RECEPTIONIST (CONTD) Sir? EVAN ALBRIGHT (startled) Oh, yes? RECEPTIONIST Your name? EVAN ALBRIGHT My name? Oh, uhh, Evan Albright. I have an appointment for 12:30.


RECEPTIONIST (looking at the computer) 12:30 thats right. The receptionist presses a few keys on her keyboard, then grabs a clipboard to hand to Evan. RECEPTIONIST (CONTD) Is this your first time here Evan? EVAN ALBRIGHT Thats right. RECEPTIONIST Okay, go ahead and fill all of these out and then when youre ready head through that doorShe motions to a door on the left of the receptions desk RECEPTIONIST (CONTD) And Dr. Griffith will be waiting for you. The receptionist returns to her work. EVAN ALBRIGHT Thats it? RECEPTIONIST Thats it. Evan quietly takes a seat in the corner of the room. Hunched, he looks over the forms hes been given. The first few sheets are general paperwork, but Evan is careful to check and notate wherever indicated. Methodically he works his way through the stack. Evan pauses however, when he reaches the final page. It is blank save for a single line of text at the top: What do you want? Clearly possessed by a certain thought, he impulsively tries to fix his hair and taps his pencil atop the clipboard. He remembers the morning, and letting the elevator doors close. Evans eyebrows furrow in affirmation, and he picks up the pencil and jots down a quick sentence: I want a relationship with Brooke Litchell.


He stares at his sentence for a second, considering. Then he stands and walks into the middle of the room, holding the clipboard at chest-level. RECEPTIONIST (CONTD) All done? EVAN ALBRIGHT Yeah, just through that door? RECEPTIONIST Hell be expecting you. She smiles warmly. INT. DR. GRIFFITHS OFFICE Slowly Evan toes his way into Dr. Griffiths office. It is a large room, with black and white tile floors, a vaulted ceiling, and windows that let in the sunlight. At the far end of the room a larger man sits at a desk facing away from Evan, hunched over a computer screen. A lone chair inhabits the rooms center. Evan doesnt get within fifteen feet of the man before stopping in the office and shoving his hands in his pockets. EVAN ALBRIGHT Dr. Griffith? DR. GRIFFITH, a heavy-set man with wild, unkempt hair and a cape-like lab coat remains facing away from Evan. Evan stands for a few more uncomfortable moments before speaking up again. EVAN ALBRIGHT (CONTD) (a bit louder than before) Dr. Griffith? DR. GRIFFITH Do you think that someone could fall in love with a picture, Evan? Evan is taken aback both by the seemingly absurd nature of the question and by Dr. Griffiths knowing his name. EVAN ALBRIGHT Im sorry, I-Im not sure I understand.


DR. GRIFFITH Youre my 12:30 arent you? Dr. Griffith takes hold of the pair of reading glasses hung about his neck and brings them up to his eyes. He then glances at a sheet of paper. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) (formally) Evan, Albright? EVAN ALBRIGHT Thats-thats right. DR. GRIFFITH Then tell me Evan Albright- Do you think someone can fall in love with a picture? Evan looks at the floor, kicks his feet. EVAN ALBRIGHT I-I guess it depends what the picture is of. Dr. Griffith stops his work and turns in his chair to look at Evan. DR. GRIFFITH Thats a good answer. He turns back around, once again retrieves his reading glasses and sets them more-permanently atop his nose. He handles a small, used-looking journal from the top of his desk. With care he finds the right page. Dr. Griffith spins his chair such that he faces Evan, but his gaze is on the journal. He clears his throat. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) It is Gwen and I - Gwen is my late wife - We are on vacation in the tropics. Our hotel is big, lavish. The beach and surf are paintings. I tell her Come on! Its beautiful out here Honey. Come to the sand with me! But she is stuck inside. She is looking at a photograph, mounted on the hotel lobby wall. I cant get her to move. She says that she has fallen in love with the photograph.


The doctor pauses for a moment before continuing. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) (quieter now) I beg and yell at her and kick and punch the walls of the nice hotel but she doesnt move. And she doesnt look at me. He is quiet, and looks at the floor. Evan stands quietly, baffled at the Doctors sudden show of vulnerability. EVAN ALBRIGHT Was..that a dream? DR. GRIFFITH Yes. Ive been having that one for a while. Dr. Griffith stands suddenly and makes his way across the office floor towards Evan, until he is standing at a friendly distance. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) Im Stanley Griffith. He holds out his hand. EVAN ALBRIGHT Evan Albright. DR. GRIFFITH Are you sure you want to do this Evan Albright? EVAN ALBRIGHT Yes. Im sure. DR. GRIFFITH Why dont you have a seat over here for me then Evan? He motions to a patients chair in the center of the room. Next to the chair is an IV bag, suspended by a tall metal framework. Evan sits and follows Dr. Griffith with his eyes, but does not turn his head to look at the doctor when Griffith walks behind him.


DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) Are you aware of how this whole thing works? Dr. Griffith collects a handful of objects from a desk in the back of the room. EVAN ALBRIGHT Well Ive done a lot of reading, and, I know that I tell you what I want to see, and how I want to see it, and then youre able to show me. DR. GRIFFITH Laymans terms but yes, youre right. With my training in the area I am able to show you what you want to see. Dr. Griffith rolls up next to Evan in his office chair. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) (flipping through Evans paperwork) Alright Evan let me just run through these categories very quickly and make sure everything is as you filled it out. EVAN ALBRIGHT Okay. DR. GRIFFITH Alright, a montage style? Evan nods. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) Tone: bittersweet, mostly hand-held work for that intimate feeling, dates, a fight, general time spent together, shots of you two together, a few of you separate. EVAN ALBRIGHT That all sounds great. DR. GRIFFITH And youre okay with a soundtrack at my discretion?


EVAN ALBRIGHT Sure. Um, whatever you think fits with what youre making. DR. GRIFFITH Thats great Evan, if I could have you lie back flat for me. Evan does so. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) Okay Evan Im going to place this adhesive on your right temple. Its going to be able to tell and show me what youre feeling. It will also allow me to make you feel certain ways and see certain things, but only what youve asked for here today. Is that okay? EVAN ALBRIGHT Okay. Dr. Griffith applies the neuro-patch. It is connected to a smaller machine set atop a medical table that Dr. Griffith has wheeled next to the patients chair. DR. GRIFFITH Alright this next bit will be a bit of a pinch Evan. But once the pinch is over youre going to get very tired. Thats exactly what is supposed to happen, and I encourage you to just try and go to sleep. Is that okay? EVAN ALBRIGHT Thats fine. Dr. Griffith inserts the IV into Evans right arm and taps twice on the overhanging bag to start the drip. Dr. Griffith wheels over to his desk, grabs a pair of headphones connected to a computer, and rolls back over to Evan. He places them on Evans head. DR. GRIFFITH These are for the music, okay Evan? Evan nods meekly, the sedative is quickly taking effect.


EVAN ALBRIGHT (slurring, clearly sedated) Doct..Doctor Gr-Griffith? DR. GRIFFITH Its best not to talk now Evan, just let the sedative workEVAN ALBRIGHT W-wha-what was the..the phphotograph? DR. GRIFFITH What photograph? EVAN ALBRIGHT W-with your wi-wife. What was it? Dr. Griffith opens his mouth and then shuts it. Evan drifts off to sleep. INT. EVAN ALBRIGHTS DORM ROOM Evan Albright wakes up quickly. He springs out of bed and heads for the shower (offscreen). He returns in a towel, brushes his teeth at the sink and combs his hair. He dresses quickly and spends little time looking in the mirror before exiting his room. He moves gingerly and with a self-confident grace. INT. DORM HALLWAY Evan strides down his dorm hallway, casually, letting his fingers run along the wall as he walks. A few dorms down Brooke Litchell is fumbling with several bags and her keys. The elevator arrives. BROOKE LITCHELL (from down the hall) Will you hold it please? Evan waits a moment, then holds his arm out to stop the elevator just in time. Brooke enters the elevator, winded. BROOKE LITCHELL (CONTD) Thank you! EVAN ALBRIGHT No problem.


As the elevator descends the two face forward. Just prior to the doors opening, Evan shoots Brooke an underhanded glance and a wry smile. Brooke meets his gaze and looks away. Then she too, smiles. MONTAGE -Evan sees Brooke in the library. She comes over and speaks with him, then writes her phone number on his assignment. -Evan anxiously awaits Brooke at the entrance to a movie theater. She arrives, they embrace, and the two head inside together. -At dinner the two converse intimately. As Brooke laughs, Evan lets his hand touch hers on the table. -Brooke and Evan sit on the steps leading up to a library. Evan sits a few steps up, and Brooke reclines on his legs. Brooke reads a book and Evan closes his eyes in the sun. INT. DR. GRIFFITHS OFFICE Dr. Griffith sits hunched over his desk, a neuro-patch stuck onto his right temple. Its chord is connected to the same machine as Evans. On Griffiths desk is a monitor that continues playing video footage from Evans elaborate fantasy. The music now emanates directly from the monitor. Quietly, the Receptionist enters from the lobby. Holding a clipboard she walks across the sun-laden floor. She watches Evan with a tender, almost pitiful expression. RECEPTIONIST Dr. Griffith? Dr. Griffith does not look up from his work. DR. GRIFFITH Yes Casey? CASEY Those forms that need your signature. DR. GRIFFITH Shit, sorryHe spins around in his chair.


DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) Bring them here. Casey walks to Dr. Griffith and hands him the clipboard. As he peruses through the documents, signing occasionally, Casey regards Evan. CASEY (sympathetically) Is he lonely? Dr. Griffith glances up from his papers to look at Casey, but she is looking at Evan. He is as in love with her as she is oblivious. DR. GRIFFITH What makes you say that? MONTAGE CASEY (V.O.) I dont know. Some people look lonely. Cant you just feel it off him? He moves like hes afraid people will notice. -Evan sits on his floor playing a video game and Brooke lies up against him and toys with her phone. Both look content. They do not speak to one another, only let time pass. CASEY (V.O.) Thats probably why he came here you know? To see what its like to try and share his life with someone. (beat) He just looks lonely. -Evan lays on his bed and looks at the ceiling. The sunset seeps into his window. He thinks about Brooke. INT. DR. GRIFFITHS OFFICE Dr. Griffith watches Casey as she watches Evan. Casey turns to look at Dr. Griffith. CASEY Are you done, Doctor? DR. GRIFFITH Oh, sorry, yes.


He hands her the forms, then wheels his chair over to look a little closer at Evan. DR. GRIFFITH (CONTD) What about me Case, do I lookDr. Griffith looks up to finish posing his question but Casey is gone. His gaze floats down to the floor, then he wheels slowly and pitifully back over to his desk. Sitting in thought, Dr. Griffith reaches for a picture frame on his desk. In the picture is a gorgeous woman, laughing and reaching towards the camera, as if to stop the picture from being taken. MONTAGE -Evan and Brooke are at dinner, but their expressions are passive and disinterested. -Evan and Brooke walk along the street together, both are agitated. They argue. Brooke walks away from Evan, frustrated. He calls after her, then sits down slowly on the curb. -At a table outside Evan and Brooke converse, both with somber expressions. Brooke stands and hugs Evan, then departs. Evan sits back down. -Evan plays his video game alone, sits on the library steps alone, and lies once more on his bed facing the ceiling. While thinking of Brooke, he closes his eyes. INT. DR. GRIFFITHS OFFICE Evan wakes up slowly, groggy and disoriented. Upon sitting up and checking his surroundings, Evan finds that he is completely alone. The equipment remains, and Evan detaches the neuro-patch. His IV has already been removed. Evan stands slowly, surveys the room once more, and leaves. It is sunset, and Evan makes his way across a college campus and back to his dorm. In the parking lot in front of his dormitory building, Evan sees Brooke walking out and in his direction. He freezes and watches as she walks by. She is looking at her phone, and does not notice Evan at all.


Evan stands still for a time, watching her go. Then he begins to walk toward his dorm once more. As he walks, he retrieves a pair of headphones from his backpack. He puts a headphone in each ear and then plugs the pair into his iPhone. Music begins to play as Evan enters his dorm building. As Evan waits for the elevator a GIRL, a shy and quietly beautiful brunette, walks up beside him. The elevator arrives and both enter, turn around, and face forward. Just prior to the elevators doors closing, Evan turns his head to face the Girl directly. EVAN ALBRIGHT Hi. FADE OUT.

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