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FACTS -5- 6AM June 29, 1967 - strong typhoon "Gening" in Ilocos Norte brought loo!s "n!

he"#y r"in$ Is"bel %"o Ju"n, &N"n" 'elen( )ent to her store, *i#e +isters ,-poriu-, to loo. " ter the -erch"n!ise to see i they )ere !"-"ge!$ /"!ing in )"ist-!eep loo!, Ju"n su!!enly scre"-e! "Ay" "n! s"n. into the )"ter$ 1er co-p"nions, t)o girls &s"les girlls("tte-pte! to help, but )ere " r"i! bec"use they s") "n electric )ire !"ngling ro- " post "n! -o#ing in sn".e-li.e "shion in the )"ter$ 2"bes, the son-in l"), upon he"ring the electrocution o his -other-in-l"), p"sse! by the 3ity 1"ll o %"o"g to re0uest the police to "s. Ilocos Norte ,lectric 3o-p"ny or IN,%34 to cuto the electric current$ 5he bo!y )"s reco#ere! "boutt)o -eters ro- "n electric post$ - 6AM June 29, 1967- ,ngineer Ju"n, 7o)er 7l"nt ,ngineer o N73 "t the %"o"g 8iesel-,lectric 7l"nt, notice! cert"in luctu"tions in their electric -eter )hich in!ic"te! such "bnor-"lities "s groun!e! or short-circuite! lines$ - 6-69:;AM June 29, 1967- he set out o the %"o"g N73 3o-poun! on "n inspection "n! s") groun!e! "n! !isconnecte! lines$ ,lectric lines )ere h"nging ro- the posts to the groun!$ /hen he )ent to IN,%34 o ice, he coul! not see "ny IN,%34 line-"n$ - ,ngr$ Ju"n "tte-pte! to resuscit"te N"n" 'elen but his e orts pro#e! utile$ Rigor mortis )"s setting in$ 4n the le t p"l- o the !ece"se!, there )"s " hollo) )oun!$ In the " ternoon, the !"ngling )ire )"s no longer there - 8r$ 3"stro e<"-ine! the bo!y "n! note! th"t the )"s gr"yish or cy"notic, )hich in!ic"te! !e"th by electrocution$ 4n the le t p"l-, the !octor oun! "n =electric"lly ch"rge! )oun!" or " irst !egree burn$ About the b"se o the thu-b on the le t h"n! )"s " burne! )oun!$ 5he c"use o > !e"th )"s ,>circul"tory shoc. electrocution" - In !e ense "n! e<culp"tion, IN,%34 presente! the testi-onies o its o icers "n! e-ployees, )hich sought to pro#e th"t &1( on "n! e#en be ore June 29, 1967 the electric ser#ice syste- o the IN,%34 in the )hole r"nchise "re" !i! not su er ro- "ny !e ect th"t -ight constitute " h"?"r! to li e "n! property$ &2( 5he ser#ice lines "n! !e#ices h"! been ne)ly-inst"lle! prior to the !"te in 0uestion$ &:( Also, s" ety !e#ices )ere inst"lle! to pre#ent "n! "#oi! in@uries to persons "n! !"-"ge to property in c"se o n"tur"l c"l"-ities such "s loo!s, typhoons, ire "n! others$ &6( 12 lines-en "re ch"rge! )ith the !uty o -".ing " roun!-the-cloc. chec.-up o the "re"s respecti#ely "ssigne! to the-$ &5( 5hey "lso presente! o)n -e!ic"l e<pert "n! s"i! th"t cy"nosis coul! not h"#e been the note! : hours " ter the !e"th bec"use it is only -"ni est in li#e persons$ &6( %"stly, the !ece"se! coul! h"#e !ie! si-ply either by !ro)ning or by electrocution !ue to negligence "ttribut"ble only to hersel "n! not to IN,%34 bec"use o the inst"ll"tion o " burgl"r !eterrent by connecting )ire ro- the -"in house to the iron g"te "n! ence o steel -"tting, thus, ch"rging the l"tter )ith electric current )hene#er the s)itch is on$ 5he s)itch -ust h"#e been le t on, hence, c"using the !ece"se!As electrocution )hen she trie! to open her g"te th"t e"rly -orning o June 29, 1967 - 3*I9 ")"r!e! 725,;;; -or"l !"-"gesB 765,;;; "ttys ees - 3A9 7:;,229$65 in "ctu"l !"-"ges &i$e$, 712,;;; or the #icti->s !e"th "n! 71C,229$65 or uner"l e<penses(B 75;,;;; in co-pens"tory !"-"ges, co-pute! in "ccor!"nce )ith the or-ul" set in the Dill"-Eey 5r"nsit c"se &:1 +3EA 511( )ith the b"se o 715,;;; "s "#er"ge "nnu"l inco-e o the !ece"se!B71;,;;; in e<e-pl"ry !"-"gesB 7:,;;; "ttorney>s ees ISSUE /4N the leg"l principle o ""ssu-ption o ris." b"rs pri#"te respon!ents ro- collecting !"-"ges ro- IN,%34 HELD: N4$ Ratio 5he -"<i- "#olenti non it in@uri"" relie! upon by petitioner in!s no "pplic"tion in the c"se "t b"r$ It is i-per"ti#e to note the surroun!ing circu-st"nces )hich i-pelle! the !ece"se! to le"#e the

co- orts o " roo "n! br"#e the subsi!ing typhoon$ As testi ie! by s"lesgirls, the !ece"se! )ent to the *i#e +t"r ,-poriu- "to see to it th"t the goo!s )ere not loo!e!$" As such, sh"ll /e punish her or e<ercising her right to protect her property ro- the loo!s by i-puting upon her the un "#or"ble presu-ption th"t she "ssu-e! the ris. o person"l in@uryF 8e initely not$ *or it h"s been hel! th"t " person is e<cuse! ro- the orce o the rule, th"t )hen he #olunt"rily "ssents to " .no)n !"nger he -ust "bi!e by the conse0uences, i "n e-ergency is oun! to e<ist or i the li e or property o "nother is in peril, or )hen he see.s to rescue his en!"ngere! property$ 3le"rly, "n e-ergency )"s "t h"n! "s the !ece"se!>s property, " source o her li#elihoo!, )"s "ce! )ith "n i-pen!ing loss$ *urther-ore, the !ece"se!, "t the ti-e the "t"l inci!ent occurre!, )"s "t " pl"ce )here she h"! " right to be )ithout reg"r! to IN,%34As consent "s she )"s on her )"y to protect her -erch"n!ise$ 1ence, pri#"te respon!ents, "s heirs, -"y not be b"rre! ro- reco#ering !"-"ges "s " result o the !e"th c"use! by IN,%34As negligence Reasoning - IN,%34 c"n be e<oner"te! ro- li"bility since typhoons "n! loo!s "re ortuitous e#ents$ /hile it is true th"t typhoons "n! loo!s "re consi!ere! Acts o Go! or )hich no person -"y be hel! responsible, it )"s not s"i! e#entu"lity )hich !irectly c"use! the #icti-As !e"th$ It )"s through the inter#ention o petitioner>s negligence th"t !e"th too. pl"ce$ - In ti-es o c"l"-ities such "s the one )hich occurre! in %"o"g 3ity on the night o June 2C until the e"rly hours o June 29, 1967, e<tr"or!in"ry !iligence re0uires " supplier o electricity to be in const"nt #igil to pre#ent or "#oi! "ny prob"ble inci!ent th"t -ight i-peril li e or li-b$ 5he e#i!ence !oes not sho) th"t !e en!"nt !i! th"t$ 4n the contr"ry, e#i!ence !iscloses th"t there )ere no -en &line-en or other)ise( policing the "re", nor e#en -"nning its o ice$ - IN,%34 )"s negligent in seeing th"t no h"r- is !one to the gener"l public"$$$ consi!ering th"t electricity is "n "gency, subtle "n! !e"!ly, the -e"sure o c"re re0uire! o electric co-p"nies -ust be co--ensur"te )ith or proportion"te to the !"nger$ 5he !uty o e<ercising this high !egree o !iligence "n! c"re e<ten!s to e#ery pl"ce )here persons h"#e " right to be" 5he negligence o petitioner h"#ing been sho)n, it -"y not no) "bsol#e itsel ro- li"bility by "rguing th"t the #icti->s !e"th )"s solely !ue to " ortuitous e#ent$"/hen "n "ct o Go! co-bines or concurs )ith the negligence o the !e en!"nt to pro!uce "n in@ury, the !e en!"nt is li"ble i the in@ury )oul! not h"#e resulte! but or his o)n negligent con!uct or o-ission" Disposition 3A !ecision, e<cept or the slight -o!i ic"tion th"t "ctu"l !"-"ges be incre"se! to76C,229$65, is A**IEM,8
Rigor mortis &%"tin9 rigor "sti ness", mortis "o !e"th"( is one o the recogni?"ble signs o !e"th, c"use! by che-ic"l ch"nges in the -uscles " ter !e"th, c"using the li-bs o the corpse to beco-e sti "n! !i icult to -o#e or -"nipul"te$ In hu-"ns, it co--ences " ter "bout three to our hours, re"ches -"<i-u- sti ness " ter 12 hours, "n! gr"!u"lly !issip"tes until "ppro<i-"tely 26 hours " ter !e"th$

G.R. No. L-53 !" No#em$er %& "'(' THE IL)C)S N)RTE ELECTRIC C)*+AN,& petitioner, #s$ H)N)RA-LE C)URT )F A++EALS& .First Di#ision/ LILIAN 0UAN LUIS& 0ANE 0UAN ,A-ES& 1IRGINIA 0UAN CID& GL)RIA 0UAN CARAG& an2 +URISI*A 0UAN& respon!ents$ Herman D. Coloma for petitioner. Glicerio S. Ferrer for private respondents. +ARAS& J.:

+ought to be re#erse! in this petition is the 8ecision G o the respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls> *irst 8i#ision, setting "si!e the @u!g-ent o the then 3ourt o *irst Inst"nce &3*I( o Ilocos Norte, )ith the ollo)ing !ispositi#e portion9 /1,E,*4E,, the "ppe"le! @u!g-ent is hereby set "si!e "n! "nother ren!ere! in its ste"! )hereby !e en!"nt is hereby sentence! to p"y pl"inti s "ctu"l !"-"ges o 7:;,229$65B co-pens"tory !"-"ges o 75;,;;;$;;B e<e-pl"ry !"-"ges o 71;,;;;$;;B "ttorney>s ees o 7:,;;;$;;B plus the costs o suit in both inst"nces$ &p$ 27 Eollo( '"sic"lly, this c"se in#ol#es " cl"sh o e#i!ence )hereby both p"tties stri#e or the recognition o their respecti#e #ersions o the scen"rio ro- )hich the !ispute! cl"i-s origin"te$ 5he respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls &3A( su--"ri?e! the e#i!ence o the p"rties "s ollo)s9 *ro- the e#i!ence o pl"inti s it "ppe"rs th"t in the e#ening o June 2C until the e"rly -orning o June 29, 1967 " strong typhoon by the co!e n"-e "Gening" bu ete! the pro#ince o Ilocos Norte, bringing he"#y r"ins "n! conse0uent loo!ing in its )".e$ 'et)een 59:; "n! 69;; A$M$ on June 29, 1967, " ter the typhoon h"! "b"te! "n! )hen the loo!)"ters )ere beginning to rece!e the !ece"se! Is"bel %"o Ju"n, on!ly c"lle! N"n" 'elen, #enture! out o the house o her son-in-l"), Antonio 2"bes, on No$ 19 Guerrero +treet, %"o"g 3ity, "n! procee!e! north)"r! to)"r!s the !irection o the *i#e +isters ,-poriu-, o )hich she )"s the o)ner "n! proprietress, to loo. " ter the -erch"n!ise therein th"t -ight h"#e been !"-"ge!$ /"!ing in )"ist-!eep loo! on Guerrero, the !ece"se! )"s ollo)e! by Ai!" 'ulong, " +"lesgirl "t the *i#e +isters Grocery, "lso o)ne! by the !ece"se!, "n! by %in!" Alon?o ,st"#illo, " seller "t the 2J 3ine-", )hich )"s p"rtly o)ne! by the !ece"se!$ Ai!" "n! %in!" )"l.e! si!e by si!e "t " !ist"nce o bet)een 5 "n! 6 -eters behin! the !ece"se!, +u!!enly, the !ece"se! scre"-e! "Ay" "n! s"n. into the )"ter$ 5he t)o girls "tte-pte! to help, but e"r !issu"!e! the- ro- !oing so bec"use on the spot )here the !ece"se! s"n. they s") "n electric )ire !"ngling ro- " post "n! -o#ing in sn".e-li.e "shion in the )"ter$ Hpon their shouts or help, ,rnesto !el" 3ru? c"-e out o the house o Antonio 2"bes$ ,rnesto trie! to go to the !ece"se!, but "t our -eters ")"y ro- her he turne! b"c. shouting th"t the )"ter )"s groun!e!$ Ai!" "n! %in!" pro!!e! ,rnesto to see. help ro- Antonio 2"bes "t the 2J 3ine-" buil!ing )hich )"s our or i#e bloc.s ")"y$ /hen Antonio 2"bes )"s in or-e! by ,rnesto th"t his -other-in l") h"! been electrocute!, he "cte! i--e!i"tely$ /ith his )i e J"ne, together )ith ,rnesto "n! one Joe Eos, 2"bes p"sse! by the 3ity 1"ll o %"o"g to re0uest the police to "s. the people o !e en!"nt Ilocos Norte ,lectric 3o-p"ny or IN,%34 to cut o the electric current$ 5hen the p"rty )"!e! to the house on Guerrero +treet$ 5he loo!)"ter )"s rece!ing "n! the lights insi!e the house )ere out in!ic"ting th"t the electric current h"! been cut o in Guerrero$ 2"bes instructe! his boys to ish or the bo!y o the !ece"se!$ 5he bo!y )"s reco#ere! "bout t)o -eters ro- "n electric post$ In "nother pl"ce, "t "bout 69;; A$M$ on th"t "te ul !"te, June 29, 1967, ,ngineer Antonio Ju"n, 7o)er 7l"nt ,ngineer o the N"tion"l 7o)er 3orpor"tion "t the %"o"g 8iesel-,lectric 7l"nt, notice! cert"in luctu"tions in their electric -eter )hich in!ic"te! such "bnor-"lities "s groun!e! or short-circuite! lines$ 'et)een 69;; "n! 69:; A$M$, he set out o the %"o"g N73 3o-poun! on "n inspection$ 4n the )"y, he s") groun!e! "n! !isconnecte! lines$ ,lectric lines )ere h"nging ro- the posts to the groun!$ +ince he coul! not see "ny IN,%34 line-"n, he !eci!e! to go to the IN,%34 4 ice "t the %i e 5he"tre on Ei?"l +treet by )"y o Guerrero$ As he turne! right "t the intersection o Guerrero "n! Ei?"l, he s") "n electric )ire "bout :; -eters long strung "cross the street ""n! the other en! )"s see-ing to pl"y )ith the current o the )"ter$" &p$ 66, 5+N, 4ct$ 26, 1972( *in!ing the 4 ice o the IN,%34 still close!, "n! seeing no line-"n therein, he returne! to the N73 3o-poun!$

At "bout C91; A$M$, ,ngr$ Ju"n )ent out o the co-poun! "g"in on "nother inspection trip$ 1"#ing le"rne! o the !e"th o Is"bel %"o Ju"n, he p"sse! by the house o the !ece"se! "t the corner o Guerrero "n! M$1$ !el 7il"r streets to )hich the bo!y h"! been t".en$ Hsing the resuscit"tor )hich )"s " st"n!"r! e0uip-ent in his @eep "n! e-ploying the s.ill he "c0uire! ro- "n in ser#ice tr"ining on resuscit"tion, he trie! to re#i#e the !ece"se!$ 1is e orts pro#e! utile$ Rigor mortis )"s setting in$ 4n the le t p"l- o the !ece"se!, ,ngr$ Ju"n notice! " hollo) )oun!$ 7rocee!ing to the IN,%34 4 ice, he -et t)o line-en on the )"y$ 1e tol! the- "bout the groun!e! lines o the IN,%34 In the " ternoon o the s"-e !"y, he )ent on " thir! inspection trip prep"r"tory to the restor"tion o po)er$ 5he !"ngling )ire he s") on Guerrero e"rly in the -orning o June 29, 1967 )"s no longer there$ M"ny people c"-e to the house "t the corner o Guerrero "n! M$1$ !el 7il"r " ter le"rning th"t the !ece"se! h"! been electrocute!$ A-ong the sy-p"thi?ers )"s 8r$ Jo#encio 3"stro, Municip"l 1e"lth 4 icer o +"rr"t, Ilocos Norte$ Hpon the re0uest o the rel"ti#es o the !ece"se!, 8r$ 3"stro e<"-ine! the bo!y "t "bout C9;; A$M$ on June 29, 1967$ 5he )"s gr"yish or, in -e!ic"l p"rl"nce, cy"notic, )hich in!ic"te! !e"th by electrocution$ 4n the le t p"l-, the !octor oun! "n "electric"lly ch"rge! )oun!" &,<h$ 3-19 p$ 1;1, 5+N, No#$ 2C, 1972( or " irst !egree burn$ About the b"se o the thu-b on the le t h"n! )"s " burne! )oun!$ &,<h$ 3-2, pp$ 1;21;:, Ibid$( 5he certi ic"te o !e"th prep"re! by 8r$ 3"stro st"te! the c"use o > !e"th "s ,>circul"tory shoc. electrocution" &,<h$ IB p$ 1;:, Ibid.($ In !e ense "n! e<culp"tion, !e en!"nt presente! the testi-onies o its o icers "n! e-ployees, n"-ely, 3onr"!o Asis, electric engineerB %oreto Abi@ero, collectorinspectorB *"bico Abi@ero, line-"nB "n! Julio Agc"oili, presi!ent--"n"ger o IN,%34 5hrough the testi-onies o these )itnesses, !e en!"nt sought to pro#e th"t on "n! e#en be ore June 29, 1967 the electric ser#ice syste- o the IN,%34 in the )hole r"nchise "re", inclu!ing Are" No$ 9 )hich co#ere! the resi!ence o Antonio 2"bes "t No$ 1C Guerrero +treet, !i! not su er ro- "ny !e ect th"t -ight constitute " h"?"r! to li e "n! property$ 5he ser#ice lines, !e#ices "n! other IN,%34 e0uip-ent in Are" No$ 9 h"! been ne)ly-inst"lle! prior to the !"te in 0uestion$ As " public ser#ice oper"tor "n! in line )ith its business o supplying electric current to the public, !e en!"nt h"! inst"lle! s" ety !e#ices to pre#ent "n! "#oi! in@uries to persons "n! !"-"ge to property in c"se o n"tur"l c"l"-ities such "s loo!s, typhoons, ire "n! others$ 8e en!"nt h"! 12 lines-en ch"rge! )ith the !uty o -".ing " roun!-thecloc. chec.-up o the "re"s respecti#ely "ssigne! to the-$ 8e en!"nt "sserts th"t "lthough " strong typhoon struc. the pro#ince o Ilocos Norte on June 29, 1967, putting to streets o %"o"g 3ity un!er )"ter, only " e) .no)n pl"ces in %"o"g )ere reporte! to h"#e su ere! !"-"ge! electric lines, n"-ely, "t the southern "ppro"ch o the M"rcos 'ri!ge )hich )"s )"she! ")"y "n! )here the IN,%34 lines "n! posts coll"pse!B in the e"stern p"rt ne"r the resi!ence o the l"te Go#ernor +i-eon M"n!"cB in the "r north ne"r the !e en!"nt>s po)er pl"nt "t the corner o +egun!o "n! 3"stro +treets, %"o"g 3ity "n! "t the "r north)est si!e, ne"r the pre-ises o the Ilocos Norte N"tion"l 1igh +chool$ *"bico Abi@ero, testi ie! th"t in the e"rly -orning be ore 6 o>cloc. on June 29, 1967 he p"sse! by the intersection o Ei?"l "n! Guerrero +treets to s)itch o the street lights in Are" No$ 9$ 1e !i! not see "ny cut or bro.en )ires in or ne"r the #icinity$ /h"t he s") )ere -"ny people ishing out the bo!y o Is"bel %"o Ju"n$ A )itness in the person o 8r$ Antonio 'riones )"s presente! by the !e ense to sho) th"t the !ece"se! coul! not h"#e !ie! o electrocution +ubst"nti"lly, the testi-ony o the !octor is "s ollo)s9 /ithout "n "utopsy on the c"!"#er o the #icti-, no !octor, not e#en " -e!icoleg"l e<pert, c"n specul"te "s to the re"l c"use o !e"th$ 3y"nosis coul! not h"#e been oun! in the bo!y o the !ece"se! three hours " ter her !e"th, bec"use cy"nosis )hich -e"ns l"c. o o<ygen circul"ting in the bloo! "n! ren!ering

the color o the purplish, "ppe"rs only in " li#e person$ 5he presence o the elong"te! burn in the le t p"l- o the !ece"se! &,<hibits 3-1 "n! 3-2( is not su icient to est"blish her !e"th by electrocutionB since burns c"use! by electricity "re -ore or less roun! in sh"pe "n! )ith points o entry "n! e<it$ 1"! the !ece"se! hel! the leth"l )ire or " long ti-e, the l"cer"tion in her p"l- )oul! h"#e been bigger "n! the in@ury -ore -"ssi#e$ &3A 8ecision, pp$ 1C-21, Eollo( An "ction or !"-"ges in the "ggreg"te "-ount o 725;,;;; )"s institute! by the heirs o the !ece"se! )ith the " ores"i! 3*I on June 26, 196C$ In its Ans)er &Di!e, Eecor! on Appe"l, p$ 55, Eollo(, petitioner "!#"nce! the theory, "s " speci"l !e ense, th"t the !ece"se! coul! h"#e !ie! si-ply either by !ro)ning or by electrocution !ue to negligence "ttribut"ble only to hersel "n! not to petitioner$ In this reg"r!, it )"s pointe! out th"t the !ece"se!, )ithout petitioner>s .no)le!ge, c"use! the inst"ll"tion o " burgl"r !eterrent by connecting " )ire ro- the -"in house to the iron g"te "n! ence o steel -"tting, thus, ch"rging the l"tter )ith electric current )hene#er the s)itch is on$ 7etitioner then con@ectures th"t the s)itch to s"i! burgl"r !eterrent -ust h"#e been le t on, hence, c"using the !ece"se!>s electrocution )hen she trie! to open her g"te th"t e"rly -orning o June 29, 1967$ A ter !ue tri"l, the 3*I oun! the "cts in "#or o petitioner "n! !is-isse! the co-pl"int but ")"r!e! to the l"tter 725,;;; in -or"l !"-"ges "n! "ttorney>s ees o 765,;;;$ An "ppe"l )"s ile! )ith the 3A )hich issue! the contro#erte! !ecision$ In this petition or re#ie) the petitioner "ssigns the ollo)ing errors co--itte! by the respon!ent 3A9 1$ 5he respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls co--itte! gr"#e "buse o !iscretion "n! error in consi!ering the purely he"rs"y "llege! !ecl"r"tions o ,rnesto !e l" 3ru? "s p"rt o theres gestae$ 2$ 5he respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls co--itte! gr"#e "buse o !iscretion "n! error in hol!ing th"t the strong typhoon "Gening" )hich struc. %"o"g 3ity "n! Ilocos Norte on June 29, 1967 "n! the loo! "n! !eluge it brought in its )".e )ere not ortuitous e#ents "n! !i! not e<oner"te petitioner-co-p"ny ro- li"bility or the !e"th o Is"bel %"o Ju"n$ :$ 5he respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls gr"#ely "buse! its !iscretion "n! erre! in not "pplying the leg"l principle o ""ssu-ption o ris." in the present c"se to b"r pri#"te respon!ents ro- collecting !"-"ges ro- petitioner co-p"ny$ 6$ 5h"t the respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls gr"#ely erre! "n! "buse! its !iscretion in co-pletely re#ersing the in!ings o "ct o the tri"l court$ 5$ 5he in!ings o "ct o the respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls "re re#ersible un!er the recogni?e! e<ceptions$ 6$ 5he tri"l court !i! not err in ")"r!ing -or"l !"-"ges "n! "ttorney>s ees to !e en!"nt corpor"tion, no) petitioner co-p"ny$ 7$ Assu-ing arguendo th"t petitioner co-p"ny -"y be hel! li"ble ro- the !e"th o the l"te Is"bel %"o Ju"n, the !"-"ges gr"nte! by respon!ent 3ourt o Appe"ls "re i-proper "n! e<horbit"nt$ &7etitioners Me-or"n!u-, p$ 1::, Eollo( '"sic"lly, three -"in issues "re "pp"rent9 &1( )hether or not the !ece"se! !ie! o electrocutionB &2( )hether or not petitioner -"y be hel! li"ble or the !ece"se!>s !e"thB "n! &:( )hether or not the respon!ent 3A>s substitution o the tri"l court>s "ctu"l in!ings or its o)n )"s proper$ In consi!ering the irst issue, it is 4ur #ie) th"t the s"-e be resol#e! in the " ir-"ti#e$ 'y " prepon!er"nce o e#i!ence, pri#"te respon!ents )ere "ble to sho) th"t the !ece"se! !ie! o electrocution, " conclusion )hich c"n be pri-"rily !eri#e! ro- the photogr"phe! burnt )oun!s &,<hibits "3", "3-1", "3-2"( on the le t p"l- o the or-er$ +uch )oun!s un!oubte!ly point to the "ct th"t the !ece"se! h"! clutche! " li#e )ire o the petitioner$ 5his )"s corrobor"te! by the testi-ony o 8r$ Jo#encio 3"stro )ho "ctu"lly e<"-ine! the bo!y o the !ece"se! " e) hours " ter the !e"th "n! !escribe! the s"i! burnt )oun!s "s " " irst !egree burn" &p$ 166, 5+N, 8ece-ber 11, 1972( "n!

th"t they )ere "electric"lly ch"rge!" &p$ 1;2, 5+N, No#e-ber 2C, 1972($ *urther-ore, )itnesses %in!" Alon?o ,st"#illo "n! Ai!" 'ulong "!!e! th"t " ter the !ece"se! scre"-e! "Ay" "n! s"n. into the )"ter, they trie! to ren!er so-e help but )ere o#erco-e )ith e"r by the sight o "n electric )ire !"ngling ro- "n electric post, -o#ing in the )"ter in " sn".e-li.e "shion & supra($ 5he oregoing there ore @usti ies the respon!ent 3A in conclu!ing th"t "&t(he n"ture o the )oun!s "s !escribe! by the )itnesses )ho s") the- c"n le"! to no other conclusion th"n th"t they )ere "burns," "n! there )"s nothing else in the street )here the #icti- )"s )"!ing thru )hich coul! c"use " burn e<cept the !"ngling li#e )ire o !e en!"nt co-p"ny" &3A 8ecision, p$ 22, Eollo($ 'ut in or!er to esc"pe li"bility, petitioner #entures into the theory th"t the !ece"se! )"s electrocute!, i such )"s re"lly the c"se )hen she trie! to open her steel g"te, )hich )"s electric"lly ch"rge! by "n electric )ire she hersel c"use! to inst"ll to ser#e "s " burgl"r !eterrent$ 7etitioner suggests th"t the s)itch to s"i! burgl"r "l"r- )"s le t on$ 'ut this is -ere specul"tion, not b"c.e! up )ith e#i!ence$ As re0uire! by the Eules, "e"ch p"rty -ust pro#e his o)n " ir-"ti#e "lleg"tions$" &Eule 1:1, +ec$ 1($ Ne#ertheless, the 3A signi ic"ntly note! th"t "!uring the tri"l, this theory )"s "b"n!one!" by the petitioner &3A 8ecision, p$ 2:, Eollo($ *urther-ore the 3A properly "pplie! the principle o res gestae$ 5he 3A s"i!9 %in!" Alon?o ,st"#illo, " seller, "n! Ai!" 'ulong, " s"lesgirl, )ere )ith the !ece"se! !uring th"t "te ul -orning o June 29, 1967$ 5his 3ourt h"s not been o ere! "ny su icient re"son to !iscre!it the testi-onies o these t)o young l"!ies$ 5hey )ere one in the " ir-"tion th"t the !ece"se!, )hile )"!ing in the )"ist-!eep loo! on Guerrero +treet i#e or si< -eters "he"! o the-, su!!enly scre"-e! "Ay" "n! s"n. into the )"ter$ /hen they "ppro"che! the !ece"se! to help, they )ere stoppe! by the sight o "n electric )ire !"ngling ro- " post "n! -o#ing in sn".e-li.e "shion in the )"ter$ ,rnesto !el" 3ru? "lso trie! to "ppro"ch the !ece"se!, but he turne! b"c. shouting th"t the water was grounded$ 5hese bits o e#i!ence c"rry -uch )eight$ *or the sub@ect o the testi-onies )"s " st"rtling occurrence, "n! the !ecl"r"tions -"y be consi!ere! p"rt o the res gestae$ &3A 8ecision, p$ 21, Eollo( *or the "!-ission o the res gestae in e#i!ence, the ollo)ing re0uisites -ust be present9 &1( th"t the princip"l "ct, the res gestae, be " st"rtling occurrenceB &2( th"t the st"te-ents )ere -"!e be ore the !ecl"r"nt h"! ti-e to contri#e or !e#iseB &:( th"t the st"te-ents -"!e -ust concern the occurrence in 0uestion "n! its i--e!i"tely "tten!ing circu-st"nces &7eople #s$ Ner, 2C +3EA 1151B 7eople #s$ '"lb"s, 122 +3EA 959($ /e !o not in! "ny "buse o !iscretion on the 3A> p"rt in #ie) o the s"tis "ction o s"i! re0uisites in the c"se "t b"r$ 5he st"te-ents -"!e rel"ti#e to the st"rtling occurrence "re "!-itte! in e#i!ence precisely "s "n e<ception to the he"rs"y rule on the groun!s o trust)orthiness "n! necessity$ "5rust)orthiness" bec"use the st"te-ents "re -"!e instincti#ely &/esley #s$ +t"te, 5: Al"$ 1C2(, "n! "necessity" bec"use such n"tur"l "n! spont"neous utter"nces "re -ore con#incing th"n the testi-ony o the s"-e person on the st"n! &Mobile #s$ Ascr" t 6C Al"$ :1($ 5here ore, the "ct th"t the !ecl"r"nt, ,rnesto !e l" 3ru?, )"s not presente! to testi y !oes not -".e the testi-ony o %in!" Alon?o ,st"#illo "n! Ai!" 'ulong he"rs"y since the s"i! !ecl"r"tion is p"rt o the res gestae$ +i-il"rly, /e consi!ere! p"rt o the res gestae " con#ers"tion bet)een t)o "ccuse! i--e!i"tely " ter co--ission o the cri-e "s o#erhe"r! by " prosecution )itness &7eople #s$ Eeyes, C2 7hil$ 56:($ /hile it -"y be true th"t, "s petitioner "rgues &#i!e petitioner>s Me-or"n!u-, p$ 1:5, Eollo(, ,rnesto !e l" 3ru? )"s not "n "ctu"l )itness to the inst"nt )hen the !ece"se! s"n. into the )"ist!eep )"ter, he "cte! upon the c"ll o help o Ai!" 'ulong "n! %in!" Alon?o ,st"#illo )ith the .no)le!ge o , "n! i--e!i"tely " ter, the o the !ece"se!$ In "ct the st"rtling e#ent h"! not yet ce"se! )hen ,rnesto !e l" 3ru? entere! the scene consi!ering th"t the #icti- re-"ine! sub-erge!$ Hn!er such " circu-st"nce, it is un!eni"ble th"t " st"te o -in! ch"r"cteri?e! by ner#ous e<cite-ent h"! been triggere! in ,rnesto !e l" 3ru?>s being "s "nybo!y un!er the s"-e contingency coul! h"#e e<perience!$ As such, /e c"nnot honestly e<clu!e his shouts th"t the )"ter

)"s groun!e! ro- the res gestae @ust bec"use he !i! not "ctu"lly see the o the !ece"se! nor he"r her scre"- "Ay$" Neither c"n /e !is-iss the s"i! !ecl"r"tion "s " -ere opinion o ,rnesto !e l" 3ru?$ /hile /e conce!e to the sub-ission th"t the st"te-ent -ust be one o "cts r"ther th"n opinion, /e c"nnot "gree to the proposition th"t the one -"!e by hi- )"s " -ere opinion$ 4n the contr"ry, his shout )"s " tr"nsl"tion o "n "ctu"lity "s percei#e! by hi- through his sense o touch$ *in"lly, /e !o not "gree th"t the t".ing o ,rnesto !e l" 3ru?> testi-ony )"s suppresse! by the pri#"te respon!ents, thus, is presu-e! to be "!#erse to the- pursu"nt to +ection 5&e(, Eule 1:1$ *or the "pplic"tion o s"i! Eule "s "g"inst " p"rty to " c"se, it is necess"ry th"t the e#i!ence "llege! to be suppresse! is "#"il"ble only to s"i! p"rty &7eople #s$ 5ul"le, %-72::, 1C M"y 1955, 97 7hil$ 95:($ 5he presu-ption !oes not oper"te i the e#i!ence in 0uestion is e0u"lly "#"il"ble to both p"rties &+t"ples1o)e 7rinting 3o$ #s$ 'l!g$ "n! %o"n Assn$, :6 7hil$ 621($ It is cle"r ro- the recor!s th"t petitioner coul! h"#e c"lle! ,rnesto !e l" 3ru? to the )itness st"n!$ 5his, precisely, )"s %in!" Alon?o ,st"#illo>s suggestion to petitioner>s counsel )hen she testi ie! on cross e<"-in"tion9 I$ An! th"t ,rning !e l" 3ru?, ho) "r !i! he re"ch ro- the g"te o the houseF A$ /ell, you c"n "s. th"t -"tter ro- hi- sir bec"use he is here$ &5+N, p$ :;, 26 +ept$ 1972( 5he oregoing sho)s th"t petitioner h"! the opportunity to #eri y the !ecl"r"tions o ,rnesto !e l" 3ru? )hich, i truly "!#erse to pri#"te respon!ent, )oul! h"#e helpe! its c"se$ 1o)e#er, !ue to re"sons .no)n only to petitioner, the opportunity )"s not t".en$ 3o-ing no) to the secon! issue, /e tip the sc"les in the pri#"te respon!ents> "#or$ 5he respon!ent 3A "cte! correctly in !isposing the "rgu-ent th"t petitioner be e<oner"te! ro- li"bility since typhoons "n! loo!s "re ortuitous e#ents$ /hile it is true th"t typhoons "n! loo!s "re consi!ere! Acts o Go! or )hich no person -"y be hel! responsible, it )"s not s"i! e#entu"lity )hich !irectly c"use! the #icti->s !e"th$ It )"s through the inter#ention o petitioner>s negligence th"t !e"th too. pl"ce$ /e subscribe to the conclusions o the respon!ent 3A )hen it oun!9 4n the issue )hether or not the !e en!"nt incurre! li"bility or the electrocution "n! conse0uent !e"th o the l"te Is"bel %"o Ju"n, !e en!"nt c"lle! to the )itness-st"n! its electric"l engineer, chie line-"n, "n! line-"n to sho) e<ercise o e<tr"or!in"ry !iligence "n! to neg"te the ch"rge o negligence$ 5he )itnesses testi ie! in " gener"l )"y "bout their !uties "n! the -e"sures )hich !e en!"nt usually "!opts to pre#ent h"?"r!s to li e "n! li-b$ *ro- these testi-onies, the lo)er court oun! "th"t the electric lines "n! other e0uip-ent o !e en!"nt corpor"tion )ere properly -"int"ine! by " )ell-tr"ine! te"- o line-"n, technici"ns "n! engineers ) "roun! the cloc. to insure th"t these e0uip-ents )ere in e<cellent con!ition "t "ll ti-es$" &7$ 6;, Eecor! on Appe"l( 5he in!ing o the lo)er court, ho)e#er, )"s b"se! on )h"t the !e en!"nt>s e-ployees )ere suppose! to !o, not on )h"t they "ctu"lly !i! or "ile! to !o on the date in 0uestion, "n! not on the occ"sion o theemergency situation brought "bout by the typhoon$ 5he lo)er court -"!e " -ist".e in "ssu-ing th"t !e en!"nt>s e-ployees )or.e! "roun! the cloc. !uring the occurrence o the typhoon on the night o June 2C "n! until the e"rly -orning o June 29, 1967, ,ngr$ Antonio Ju"n o the N"tion"l 7o)er 3orpor"tion " ir-e! th"t )hen he irst set out on "n inspection trip bet)een 69;; "n! 69:; A$M$ on June 29, 1967, he s") groun!e! "n! !isconnecte! electric lines o the !e en!"nt but he saw no I !"C# lineman$ 5he IN,%34 4 ice "t the %i e the"tre on Ei?"l +treet )"s still closed$ &pp$ 6:-66, 5+N, 4ct$ 26, 1972( ,#en the )itnesses o !e en!"nt contr"!ict the in!ing o the lo)er court$ 3onr"!o Asis, !e en!"nt>s electric"l engineer, testi ie! th"t he con!ucte! " gener"l inspection o the r"nchise "re" o the IN,%34 only on $une %&' ()*+, the !"y ollo)ing the typhoon$ 5he re"son he g"#e or the !el"y )"s th"t "ll their #ehicles )ere sub-erge!$ &p$ ::7, 5+N, July 2;, 197:( Accor!ing to Asis, he "rri#e! "t his o ice "t C9;; A$M$ on $une

%& "n! " ter brie ing his -en on )h"t to !o they st"rte! out$ &p$ ::C, lbid( 4ne or t)o !"ys " ter the typhoon, the IN,%34 people he"r! "ru-ors th"t so-eone )"s electrocute!" so he sent one o his -en to the pl"ce but his -"n reporte! b"c. th"t there )"s no !"-"ge! )ire$ &p$ :C5, Id$( %oreto Abi@ero, chie line-"n o !e en!"nt, corrobor"te! ,ngr$ Ju"n$ 1e testi ie! th"t "t "bout C9;; A$M$ on June 29, 1967 ,ngr$ Ju"n c"-e to the IN,%34 pl"nt "n! "s.e! the IN,%34 people to inspect their lines$ 1e )ent )ith ,ngr$ Ju"n "n! their inspection l"ste! ro- C9;; A$M$ to 129;; noon$ &pp$ 66;, 665, 5+N, J"n$ 2C, 1975( *"bico Abi@ero line-"n o !e en!"nt, testi ie! th"t "t "bout 69;; on June 29, 1967 the typhoon ce"se!$ At th"t ti-e, he )"s "t the -"in buil!ing o the 8i#ine /or! 3ollege o %"o"g )here he h"! t".en his "-ily or re uge$ &pp$ 51;-511, Ibid.( In ti-es o c"l"-ities such "s the one )hich occurre! in %"o"g 3ity on the night o June 2C until the e"rly hours o June 29, 1967, e<tr"or!in"ry !iligence re0uires " supplier o electricity to be inconstant vigil to pre#ent or "#oi! "ny prob"ble inci!ent th"t -ight i-peril li e or li-b$ 5he e#i!ence !oes not sho) th"t !e en!"nt !i! th"t$ 4n the contr"ry, e#i!ence !iscloses th"t there )ere no -en &line-en or other)ise( policing the "re", nor e#en -"nning its o ice$ &3A 8ecision, pp$ 26-25, Eollo( In!ee!, un!er the circu-st"nces o the c"se, petitioner )"s negligent in seeing to it th"t no h"r- is !one to the gener"l public"$$$ consi!ering th"t electricity is "n "gency, subtle "n! !e"!ly, the -e"sure o c"re re0uire! o electric co-p"nies -ust be co--ensur"te )ith or proportion"te to the !"nger$ 5he !uty o e<ercising this high !egree o !iligence "n! c"re e<ten!s to e#ery pl"ce )here persons h"#e " right to be" &Astu!illo #s$ M"nil" ,lectric, 55 7hil$ 627($ 5he negligence o petitioner h"#ing been sho)n, it -"y not no) "bsol#e itsel ro- li"bility by "rguing th"t the #icti->s !e"th )"s solely !ue to " ortuitous e#ent$ "/hen "n "ct o Go! co-bines or concurs )ith the negligence o the !e en!"nt to pro!uce "n in@ury, the !e en!"nt is li"ble i the in@ury )oul! not h"#e resulte! but or his o)n negligent con!uct or o-ission" &:C A-$ Jur$, p$ 669($ %i.e)ise, the -"<i- "#olenti non it in@uri"" relie! upon by petitioner in!s no "pplic"tion in the c"se "t b"r$ It is i-per"ti#e to note the surroun!ing circu-st"nces )hich i-pelle! the !ece"se! to le"#e the co- orts o " roo "n! br"#e the subsi!ing typhoon$ As testi ie! by %in!" Alon?o ,st"#illo &see 5+N, p$ 5, 26 +ept$ 1972( "n! Ai!" 'ulong &see 5+N, p$ 6:, 26 +ept$ 1972(, the !ece"se!, "cco-p"nie! by the or-er t)o, )ere on their )"y to the l"tter>s grocery store "to see to it th"t the goo!s )ere not loo!e!$" As such, sh"ll /e punish her or e<ercising her right to protect her property ro- the loo!s by i-puting upon her the un "#or"ble presu-ption th"t she "ssu-e! the ris. o person"l in@uryF 8e initely not$ *or it h"s been hel! th"t " person is e<cuse! ro- the orce o the rule, th"t )hen he #olunt"rily "ssents to " .no)n !"nger he -ust "bi!e by the conse0uences, i "n e-ergency is oun! to e<ist or i the li e or property o "nother is in peril &65A 3$+$3$ Negligence&176&5(, p$ :;1(, or )hen he see.s to rescue his en!"ngere! property &1"rper "n! J"-es, "5he %") o 5orts$" %ittle, 'ro)n "n! 3o$, 1956, #$ 2, p$ 1167($ 3le"rly, "n e-ergency )"s "t h"n! "s the !ece"se!>s property, " source o her li#elihoo!, )"s "ce! )ith "n i-pen!ing loss$ *urther-ore, the !ece"se!, "t the ti-e the "t"l inci!ent occurre!, )"s "t " pl"ce )here she h"! " right to be )ithout reg"r! to petitioner>s consent "s she )"s on her )"y to protect her -erch"n!ise$ 1ence, pri#"te respon!ents, "s heirs, -"y not be b"rre! ro- reco#ering !"-"ges "s " result o the !e"th c"use! by petitioner>s negligence &ibid$, p$ 1165, 1166($ 'ut petitioner "ss"ils the 3A or h"#ing "buse! its !iscretion in co-pletely re#ersing the tri"l court>s in!ings o "ct, pointing to the testi-onies o three o its e-ployees its electric"l engineer, collectorinspector, line-"n, "n! presi!ent--"n"ger to the e ect th"t it h"! e<ercise! the !egree o !iligence re0uire! o it in .eeping its electric lines ree ro- !e ects th"t -"y i-peril li e "n! li-b$ %i.e)ise, the s"i! e-ployees o petitioner c"tegoric"lly !iso)ne! the "t"l )ires "s they "ppe"r in t)o photogr"phs t".en on the " ternoon o June 29, 1967 &,<hs$ "8" "n! ","(, suggesting th"t s"i! )ires )ere @ust hoo.e! to the electric post &petitioner>s Me-or"n!u-, p$ 17;, Eollo($ 1o)e#er, "s the 3A properly hel!, "&t(he in!ing o the lo)er court $$$ )"s b"se! on )h"t the !e en!"nt>s e-ployees )ere suppose! to !o, not on )h"t they "ctu"lly !i! or "ile! to !o on the date in 0uestion, "n! not on the occ"sion o the emergency situation brought "bout by the typhoon" &3A 8ecision, p$ 25, Eollo($ An!

"s oun! by the 3A, )hich /e h"#e "lre"!y reiter"te! "bo#e, petitioner )"s in "ct negligent$ In " li.e -"nner, petitioner>s !eni"l o o)nership o the se#er"l )ires c"nnot st"n! the logic"l conclusion re"che! by the 3A )hen it hel! th"t "&t(he n"ture o the )oun!s "s !escribe! by the )itnesses )ho s") the- c"n le"! to no other conclusion th"n th"t they )ere >burns>, "n! there )"s nothing else in the street )here the #icti- )"s )"!ing thru )hich coul! c"use " burn e<cept the !"ngling li#e )ire o !e en!"nt co-p"ny" &supra($ "/hen " stor- occurs th"t is li"ble to prostr"te the )ires, !ue c"re re0uires pro-pt e orts to !isco#er "n! rep"ir bro.en lines" &3ooley on 5orts, 6th e!$, #$ :, p$ 676($ 5he "ct is th"t )hen ,ngineer Antonio Ju"n o the N"tion"l 7o)er 3orpor"tion set out in the e"rly -orning o June 29, 1967 on "n inspection tour, he s") groun!e! "n! !isconnecte! lines h"nging ro- posts to the groun! but !i! not see "ny IN,%34 line-"n either in the streets or "t the IN,%34 o ice &#i!e, 3A 8ecision, supra($ 5he oregoing sho)s th"t petitioner>s !uty to e<ercise e<tr"or!in"ry !iligence un!er the circu-st"nce )"s not obser#e!, con ir-ing the negligence o petitioner$ 5o "ggr"#"te -"tters, the 3A oun!9 $ $ $e#en before June 2C the people in %"o"g )ere "lre"!y "lerte! "bout the i-pen!ing typhoon, through r"!io "nnounce-ents$ ,#en the ire !ep"rt-ent o the city "nnounce! the co-ing o the big loo!$ &pp$ 5:2-5:6, 5+N, M"rch 1:, 1975( At the IN,%34 irregul"rities in the lo) o electric current )ere note! bec"use ""-peres o the s)itch #olts )ere -o#ing"$ An! yet, !espite these !"nger sign"ls, IN,%34 h"! to )"it or ,ngr$ Ju"n to re0uest th"t !e en!"nt>s s)itch be cut o but the h"r- )"s !one$ As.e! )hy the !el"y, %oreto Abi@ero "ns)ere! th"t he ")"s not the -"chine ten!er o the electric pl"nt to s)itch o the current$" &pp$ 667-66C, Ibid$( 1o) #ery ch"r"cteristic o gross ine iciencyJ &3A 8ecision, p$ 26, Eollo( *ro- the prece!ing, /e in! th"t the 3A !i! not "buse its !iscretion in re#ersing the tri"l court>s in!ings but te!iously consi!ere! the "ctu"l circu-st"nces "t h"n! pursu"nt to its po)er to re#ie) 0uestions o "ct r"ise! ro- the !ecision o the Eegion"l 5ri"l 3ourt, or-erly the 3ourt o *irst Inst"nce &see sec$ 9, '7 129($ In consi!ering the li"bility o petitioner, the respon!ent 3A ")"r!e! the ollo)ing in pri#"te respon!ent>s "#or9 7:;,229$65 in "ctu"l !"-"ges &i$e$, 712,;;; or the #icti->s !e"th "n! 71C,229$65 or uner"l e<penses(B 75;,;;; in co-pens"tory !"-"ges, co-pute! in "ccor!"nce )ith the or-ul" set in the Dill"-Eey 5r"nsit c"se &:1 +3EA 511( )ith the b"se o 715,;;; "s "#er"ge "nnu"l inco-e o the !ece"se!B 71;,;;; in e<e-pl"ry !"-"gesB 7:,;;; "ttorney>s eesB "n! costs o suit$ ,<cept or the ")"r! o 712,;;; "s co-pens"tion or the #icti->s !e"th, /e " irthe respon!ent 3A>s ")"r! or !"-"ges "n! "ttorney>s ees$ 7usu"nt to recent @urispru!ence &7eople #s$ M"n"n0uil, 1:2 +3EA 196B 7eople #s$ 5r"y", 167 +3EA :C1(, /e incre"se the s"i! ")"r! o 712,;;; to 7:;,;;;, thus, incre"sing the tot"l "ctu"l !"-"ges to 76C,229$65$ 5he e<clusion o -or"l !"-"ges "n! "ttorney>s ees ")"r!e! by the lo)er court )"s properly -"!e by the respon!ent 3A, the ch"rge o -"lice "n! b"! "ith on the p"rt o respon!ents in instituting his c"se being " -ere pro!uct o )ish ul "n! specul"tion$ A)"r! o !"-"ges "n! "ttorney>s ees is un)"rr"nte! )here the "ction )"s ile! in goo! "ithB there shoul! be no pen"lty on the right to litig"te &,spiritu #s$ 3A, 1:7 +3EA 5;($ I !"-"ge results ro- " person>s e<ercising his leg"l rights, it is damnum abs,ue in-uria &Auyong 1i"n #s$ 35A, 59 +3EA 11;($ /1,E,*4E,, the 0uestione! !ecision o the respon!ent, e<cept or the slight -o!i ic"tion th"t "ctu"l !"-"ges be incre"se! to 76C,229$65 is hereby A**IEM,8$ +4 4E8,E,8$ .elencio/Herrera 0Chairperson1' 2adilla' Sarmiento and Regalado' $$.' concur. Footnotes G 7enne! by then Acting 7resi!ing Justice %our!es 7$ +"n 8iego "n! concurre! in by Justices +"-uel *$ Eeyes "n! %ino M$ 7"t"@o$

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