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AdvertoriAl Profit formulA

aRe DeaD!
ByDan Castle
Ex-National Newspaper Editor and Personal
Designer to the Worlds Leading Marketing Experts
AdvertoriAl Profit formulA
Please Note
this is Not a FRee e-book
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Published January 2011
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AdvertoriAl Profit formulA
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 i
About Dan Castle ......................................................................................1
How to grow your business using this manual ....................................2
Increase your sales, profit and personal wealth
using the secrets the national newspapers
DONT want you to know ......................................................................4
Why advertising your business is the greatest
investment you could ever make ............................................................6
EXPOSED:The real reason why 97% of adverts fail to
demand attention and pull a response
Are you making this mistake with your advertising? ....................8
5 Case Studies ......................................................................................11
The ineffective Ad-Trap test ..............................................................16
You have to sell the sizzle NOT the steak ..................................18
The FIVE biggest advertising myths and facts ..............................22
REVEALED:The four Response Winning Secrets the
national press DONT want you to know...
Response Secret 1 ..............................................................................25
Why you should NEVER let a newspaper design your ad ........30
Response Secret 2 ..............................................................................31
Response Secret 3 ..............................................................................34
Response Secret 4 ..............................................................................43
The accumulative power of the Response Secrets......................47
EXCLUSIVE:The 3 Super-Growth strategies guaranteed to
supercharge your marketing success...
Super-Growth Strategy 1: ..................................................................49
Super-Growth Strategy 2: ..................................................................54
Super-Growth Strategy 3: ..................................................................56
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 1
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD!
About Dan Castle
Described as a 'British Super-Hack,' Dan Castle has over 12
years experience working from the bottom to the top in
national newspapers. From Coffee-Boy at The Sunday Mirror
to Assistant Editor on the Irish edition of The Sun, Dan Castle
has done it all.
His career spans top-selling national titles such as
The Sunday Mirror, The Mail on Sunday, The Daily Mirror,
The Times, The People and The Sun. He has also assisted
heavily with the launch of two regional papers and three
best-selling magazines.
He has designed over 2,300 top-selling front pages and
countless more inside spreads, pages, features and pull-outs.
Quite frankly, what he doesn't know about demanding
attention and capturing interest through copywriting and
design isn't worth knowing.
For the first time since leaving the industry in 2010, he
reveals the very same billion copywriting, design and response
secrets the national press use to sell millions of editions every
day - and how you can apply the very same powerful
techniques and design approach to your marketing material.
On a mission to lift the lid on the industry in order to help
business owners just like you, Dan Castles National Newspaper
Copywriting and Design Secrets WILL increase your sales,
multiply your profits and super-charge your personal wealth
the minute you apply them guaranteed.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 2
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
How to grow your business
using this manual
Before we get started, I would quickly like to cover how
I intend this report to be used. I say report, but as it's grown,
I've come to think of it more as a 'how to' instruction manual.
This means, as you read it through and apply each and
every technique that I've revealed to your advertising
material, you WILL see an increase in response.
Because of this, you need to read every page in the
order I have written them. I know only too well you will be
tempted to flick ahead to certain parts - this is fine, feel free.
Just as long as you realise that, to truly benefit from the
information I have revealed, you need to read each part in
full and in the order I have presented them.
Just like with any other instruction manual, jumping
ahead a few steps will certainly speed up the time it takes to
repair the problem. But unless you fix every little step along
the way, your repair won't hold. Sooner or later it will break,
leaving you to start all over again - often with more parts
than you started with!
It's like fixing a car engine. In order to get the engine
running again, a few short-cuts can be made. Okay, the
engine will run well enough and it may get you to the nearest
garage. But in order to fix it so that it really purrs along and
operates at its full potential, the problem needs to be
diagnosed. Then, if needs be, every single cog, piston, belt,
nut and bolt may require cleaning, fixing or tuning before it's
put back into its correct position.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 3
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Only when the engine has had a complete overhaul will
the problem be truly fixed - and the same is true of your
Just like fixing an engine requires an instruction manual,
so does fixing your advertising.
Tests have proven that by highlighting or underlining
text, you are five times more likely to remember the
information you read. Therefore I want you to read this
manual with a pen and a highlighter close to hand.
This is the reason behind the printing of blank left hand
pages and wide margins to the inside of each page. Please use
this space to make notes, draw arrows or anything else that
may help you.
Finally, you must act upon the advice. Simply knowing
how to increase your response is not the same as actually
increasing it. You have taken action in claiming this manual.
In order to get a return on your advertising investment, you
must now take that action one step further.
Remember: the techniques revealed in this manual are
the very same billion copywriting, design and response
techniques the national newspapers use to ensure they sell in
excess of a million editions daily.
This means the minute you apply the copywriting,
design and response secrets I have exposed in this manual in
the specific order I have revealed them, you will immediately
drive your response rate up 20% 500% - often even more.
So grab a pen, a highlighter and then turn the page as
we start to pick the lock of successful advertising.
You must take
action - simply
knowing how
to increase
response is
NOT the same
as actually
increasing it
The wide
are perfect
for jotting
down notes
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 4
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Increase your sales, profit
and personal wealth
using the secrets the
national newspapers
DONT want you to know
Theres a joke that goes around every newspaper newsroom to-
wards the end the night when the advertisements are placed
on the pages just before they are sent to the printers.And heres
the sad thing if you have ever advertised in a local or national
newspaper or magazine, this jokes on you. Let me explain...
You see, in the newsroom, hours are spent carefully
writing, designing and crafting each and every page.
Meticulous attention is given to what key response-pulling
words are used in the headlines and what attention-
demanding fonts are used to present each article.
Every photograph is hand-picked (often from hundreds)
for its story appeal and every column, caption, colour, word,
paragraph and rule is painstakingly positioned to guarantee
every page and every story demands attention and captures
interest the minute you turn the page.
And then the adverts arrive on the pages.
Big blobs of creative randomness with no skill and no
attention given to the techniques required in order to capture
the eye as it scans over a page. Just large squares of bold
here I am, heres my product, buy me! sales messages.
Presented in fancy fonts too hard to read and flooded with
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 5
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
colours that actually do their best to repel the eye. Nearly all
carry a large in-your-face logo, phone number and dreary
So this is the joke that goes around every newsroom and
magazine design department every day:
Why do companies insist on wasting their money with
these crazy looking adverts? We spend hours crafting our
pages so that they capture awareness. When will they realise
they should just copy us?
Well finally, the joke stops here...
Ive left my position as Assistant Editor on a national
newspaper to lift the lid on the local and national newspaper
industry in order to help business owners just like you
generate substantially more from your advertising
Frankly, if you want to dramatically increase the
response you garner from your advertising efforts, its critical
you rapidly adopt and implement the powerful copywriting
and design techniques the national newspapers use to sell
millions of editions daily.
This means, the minute you apply the closely guarded
and powerfully influential copywriting and design secrets I am
about to reveal to your next advertising campaign, you WILL
immediately increase your sales, multiply your profits and
boost your personal wealth guaranteed!
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 6
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Advertising your business
is the greatest investment
you could ever make
If you want to become financially independent, there are two
ways you can do it. You can invest in a passive growth vehicle,
like stocks and shares or property. Or you can generate it your-
self by marketing your business.
If you have the patience and are willing to wait, you can
invest in trusts, annuities or mutual funds but these take time to
mature and you have to be prepared for the long-haul.
But in business you are in control of your results - meaning
you can accumulate wealth considerably faster.
Heres an example...
Lets say you are in the garden centre business. You specialise
in growing low maintenance garden plants and sell them at your
store. Your latest stock of plants are fully grown and ready to be
sold, so you decide to run an advert in your local newspaper.
Your advert cost you 1,000. Every plant you sell costs the
customer 29 from which you make 24 profit. Currently you sell
an average of 50 plants from every advert. So you make 200 profit.
(50 plants x 24 profit = 1,200 minus 1,000 ad cost = 200 profit).
But what if I could show you how to increase the number of
plants you sell without increasing the size of your advert?
What if I showed you a way of transforming your advert
content in order to incorporate the key elements of response the
national newspapers use in order to sell millions of editions daily?
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1: Part 1 7
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
What if I showed you how to use these copywriting and design
secrets to significantly increase your response?
With the right choice of words, design and response-
elements in your advert, your sales can increase by 20%, 50%,
100%, 200%, 500% or more and all for the same ad spend.
But before you accuse me of being overzealous, let me
illustrate why advertising your business is the greatest
investment you could ever make.
Lets assume you apply the Winning Response Secrets I
am about to reveal to your next advert and sales increase by
just 50%.
Heres what would happen...
Previously, you were making 200 profit per 1,000
advert. In other words, you were achieving a 20% growth on
your money: (1,000 to 1,200 = 20%.) Not bad.
Your new advert increases your sales by 50%. Now you
sell 75 plants instead of 50. Your profit skyrockets from 200
to 800 per advert - a 400% increase in profit on the same
1,000 investment (75 plants x 24 profit = 1,800 minus
1,000 ad cost = 800 profit.)
You have increased your return on investment simply by
recognising and gaining leverage on an asset you already have
in this case, your advertising.
This is what makes advertising your business the greatest
investment you could ever make. No other investment I know
of can generate such high returns with such little or no risk.
The truth is, if you want to be financially independent,
there are two ways you can do it, you can invest - or you can
scientifically advertise and grow your business with my help.
your business
is the greatest
you could
ever make
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 8
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
EXPOSED: The real reason
why 97% of adverts fail
to demand attention and
pull a response are you
making the same mistake?
Pick up any newspaper or magazine, what are you guaranteed
to find at least one of on every page? Thats right adverts. In
fact were surrounded by advertising and its not just in our
favourite newspaper or magazine.
Advertising is absolutely everywhere and, as technology
advances, it will only create more inventive places and ways
for businesses to project their sales message.
From the minute we open our eyes to last thing at night,
we are under constant ad-attack from businesses trying to
make us part with our hard-earned money. Just think about
all the places we find adverts...

We wake up to adverts on the radio

We dig through flyers and blind mail-shots to find our

morning post

They pepper our newspapers and magazines

We are handed leaflets in the street

We pass billboards and a-boards on nearly every road

We sit behind buses and taxis shrouded in ads

They arrive in our inbox almost hourly

They pop up uninvited on our computer screens

Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 9
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED

They interrupt our favourite television shows and call

us on the phone...
My point is, consumers are under constant ad-attack.
From morning to night were offered:

The latest iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia or app

Faster Laptops, desktops or touch-screen tablets

Car, health, home, travel, pet or wedding insurance

Health food, fast food, organic or free-range food

Furniture, property, conservatories and summer houses

Holidays, breaks for days or weekends away

Gifts for our loved ones, gifts for ourselves

City cars, luxury cars, small vans, large vans

Kids clothes, sports clothes and this seasons must-haves

Bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms

Jewellry, watches, perfume

CDs, DVDs, the most futuristic, flattest, 3-D, HD TVs

Cheap electric, gas, telephone calls or super-fast

The list is truly endless. Frankly, we are under
advertising-attack! Were not safe in our homes, on the
street or at work. Regardless of where we turn, we are under
constant advertising-fire. We live under a continuous barrage
of sales messages constantly pressuring and tempting us to
part with our savings.
And heres the first critical mistake 97% of business
owners make with their adverts, leaflets, company brochures,
sales letters or product catalogues they style them to appear
just like any other ad, leaflet, brochure, letter or catalogue.
In response to
people have
switched off to
regular styled
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 10
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
This approach to advertising is nothing more than a
waste of your precious cash resources. In response to
constant ad-attack, people have simply switched off to
regular advertising. Theyve grown numb towards the constant
bombardment of adverts that hit them every day.
Frankly, we have evolved strategies to ignore regular-
styled advertising. More specifically, we have grown numb to
one particular style of advertising institutional-styled
What is institutional-styled advertising?
Institutional-styled advertising is the most commonly
adopted style of advertising we see around us everyday. In
fact, 97% of the adverts, leaflets, brochures, letters and
catalogues I see on a daily basis are institutionally styled.
Take a look at the selection of adverts over the
following five pages. Although they range from service
providers to retail, they all have one thing in common. They
all look like regular adverts. In other words they look just like
all the other adverts that fill local and national newspapers
and magazines on a daily basis.
They all feature:

Prominent company logos

Large photos

Large lines of type stating the offer

Bullet points of information

Fancy fonts

Large phone numbers

Colourful backgrounds and creative shapes

All have been creatively designed

Look at these five examples...
styled adverts,
pleasing, will
always fail to pull
a response
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 11
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Although amusing
at first with its
large puppy image,
this advert is a
typical example of
ineffective image
or institutional
styled advertising.
A large phone
number, company
name and bold
colour panels are
immediate advert
The truth is,
people are immune
to this regular style
of advertising.
It does nothing to
demand attention
from the page.
Before being re-
styled, this ad was
hardly pulling a
single response.
On page 28, youll
discover why this
advert now consis-
tently pulls orders
every time it runs.
Ads that
look like
ads fail to
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 12
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Placing your
company logo at
the top of your
advert is the
biggest mistake I
see businesses
make with their
Many businesses
feel their logo
must feature on
their advert as a
way of keeping
their name out
there.The truth is,
placing a company
logo anywhere on
your ad only helps
your advert look
like an advert!
Logos can actually
drive response
down. Prior to
being re-styled, this
advert was failing
to generate a
single response
no coupons were
collected at the
the checkout.
logos are
an advert
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 13
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Simply stating the
prospective benefits
you can expect to
receive from using
your service or
product will almost
always fail to stir a
response. Listing
features with bullet
points, like this ad, is
another big mistake
I see businesses
making with their
adverts everyday. Its
a myth that people
wont read your
advert if you fill it
with copy tests
have proven adverts
filled with informa-
tive and interesting
copy always out-pull
ads that use bullet
points. Response to
this advert was
extremely low.
Turn to page 36 to
see why it now
pulls in over 50
enquiries every
time it appears.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 14
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Failing to motivate
action is the
number one error
made by 97%
percent of adverts
that run in local
and national news-
papers and maga-
zines. Relying on a
customer to take
action is crazy! It
only takes a second
for them to notice
something else on
the page and you
will lose their
focus forever.
Therefore you
must call for action
at the end of your
Prior to being re-
styled this kitchen
advert was running
at a loss.
The new version
on page 45 now
calls for action
every time it
appears in print.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 15
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Displaying your
products on your
ad and then
expecting new
business to come
to you is not the
most effective way
to use your adver-
tising space.
The here I am,
heres my products,
call me approach
to advertising will
always fail to
generate much
response. Instead,
your advert should
locate prospective
customers in your
area that are inter-
ested in what it is
you sell. Before this
advert was re-
styled, response
was very low. It
now pulls 400%
more response
every time it runs.
Find out why on
page 53
Your ads
near you
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 16
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
This is institutional-styled advertising these ads and
leaflets follow the institutionally adopted name, rank and
Serial Number approach to advertising.
Let me explain:
NAME: This is the company name or logo. Often the
name will feature prominently at the top of the advert.
RANK: This is represented either by a large picture of
the product for sale or large type stating the service offered.
Serial Number: Often found at the bottom of the ad
the serial number is the contact details of the company,
usually a large telephone number and address.
This is the number one critical mistake 97% of business
owners make when producing their marketing material. They
adopt the institutionally styled name, rank and serial number
approach often simply because they dont know otherwise.
FACT: Adverts that look like adverts, leaflets that
look like leaflets and brochures that look like run-of-
the-mill company brochures will almost always fail to
demand any attention. As soon as you fully grasp this,
you can start to twist the odds of successful
advertising in your favour.
Take this quick test to see if your
marketing material has fallen into
the institutional advertising trap:
Does your company name or logo feature prominently on
your adverts, leaflets, brochure or sales letters?
Do you have a large picture of your product on your ad?
Do you state in a large font the service that you offer?
Do you have established since line printed on your advert?
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 17
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Do you use bullet points to explain what your product
or service offers?
Was it designed by a creative design agency?
Was it designed by you or did a friend produce it for you?
Did a newspaper, magazine or printer design it for you,
possibly even for free in order to secure the sale?
Do you show a picture of your office building on your ad?
Is it colourful or does it feature a coloured background?
Is it creative and graphically appealing?
If you answered YES to one or more of these questions,
I urge you to cancel your next insertion, print run or mail-
shot immediately! You are not getting the maximum return
possible from your advertising spend.
By answering yes you have identified your advertising is
institutional meaning it looks like any other ad, leaflet,
brochure, catalogue or sales letter out there. You have fallen
into the institutional advertising trap. Your style of
advertising has joined the 97% of adverts, leaflets and
brochures that are inadvertently styled to appear like adverts.
REMEMBER: Consumers live under advertising-
attack and in defence against this they have simply
switched off. They have put up their barriers and
no longer pay attention to the constant onslaught
of advertising that surrounds them on a daily basis.
My advice, if youve think or know your advertising is
institutionally styled, is to cancel and put on hold all your
advertising activity immediately. Youve fallen into the
ineffective ad-trap that imprisons 97% of business owners.
In order to break free and garner the maximum from
your marketing material, it is essential you adopt the secret
design and copywriting techniques the national newspapers
use to sell millions of editions daily.
Have you fallen
into the
ad-trap that
imprisons 97%
of business
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 18
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
People want results -
you have to sell the
sizzle NOT the steak
The real reason 97% of adverts fail to pull a response is quite
simply because hardly anyone pays any attention to the
adverts that pepper a newspaper or magazine page.
For reasons you now know, people have grown immune
to advertising that institutionally appears like advertising.
Sure, institutional-styled adverts will pull some response, but
it will only attract people who have made up their mind and
already decided they want to buy.
In order to catch a sale, institutional-styled adverts
literally hang around on a page waiting for someone
who is on the verge of buying anyway to drift by.
In fact, on average, Name, rank and Serial Number
styled adverts only attract one to ten per cent of potential
buyers as they pass over the page. This leaves 90% to 99%
more potential buyers, who would otherwise be interested in
your product or service, free to turn the page!
The problem with the institutional approach is two fold.
Firstly, 97% of adverts are inadvertently designed to look like
adverts and, as you now know, ads that look like ads are
simply ignored.
Secondly, institutional-styled adverts fail to give the
customer a single reason to respond. So they fail to sell the
results of the product or service on offer.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 19
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Name, rankand Serial Numberstyled adverts simply
stand on a page, shouting Here I am! Buy my product! Call me!.
Do you really think this approach to selling is the most effective
way of trying to educate a person on the reasons why their life
would be enhanced if they owned your product or
used your service?
Do you think a car salesman would hit his target if every
time a prospective customer wondered on to the forecourt, he
pounced on them, banged his hand on the car roof and yelled
My names Dave! Buy this car! Call me!
This selfish me-the-business style of selling will almost
always fail to stir a response. Institutional-styled advertising
not only fails to capture attention, it also fails to educate
prospects on the reasons why customers should invest in your
products or service.
Simply shouting Here I am, come and get it! is never
going to attract the maximum response possible. In short, you
cant sell to people. In order to turn the odds of winning a sale in
your favour, you need to understand that people will only buy
from you once they have decided they want or need what it is
you offer.
Therefore its critical your advertisements educate and
inform people on the advantages from which they can
expect to benefit once they own or use your service.
Why? Because results sell! Imagine you own a restaurant.
Instead of advertising your menu and prices, sell the experience
of dining in your lovely surroundings and paint the picture of
how taking a loved one to your establishment for a special
occasion will make that occasion a memorable one.
If you install double-glazing, dont just sell your latest
UPVC range of windows. Instead sell the increased security your
windows will offer or the savings that can be made through
Results sell,
you are selling
the sizzle NOT
the steak
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 20
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
You must
educate your
prospects on
the benefits and
results they can
expect from
using your
product or
enhanced insulation. Offering a free report educating people on
The five biggest mistakes people make when updating their double-
glazing may just persuade people already thinking about
renewing their windows to get in touch.
If you sell furniture, dont just tell people the latest sale
prices of your sofas, tell them how modern and comfortable
their living room will look and how jealous their friends will
be when they visit.
Running a competition to give away a complete furni-
ture suite would be a great way of collecting the contact de-
tails of readers who are currently thinking about upgrading
their furniture. It may cost you to give a suite away for free,
but how valuable would the contact details of 100, 200 even
500 ready-to-buy prospects be in comparison?
If youre an osteopath, dont advertise your opening
hours and address. Tell people how visiting you will finally put
stop to sleepless nights in pain from that constant backache.
Offering a free consultation under the banner Exclusive
Reader Offer would certainly ensure you capture names and
addresses of people in your area who were in pain and would
benefit from your service.
Another example of ineffective Name, rank and Serial
Number styled advertising can be found in local directories
and Yellow Pages. They contain page after page of institution-
ally styled Here I am! Use my service! Call me! adverts. In
fact, if you swapped all the logos around, no one would ever
know the difference!
REMEMBER:Whatever type of business you are in,
whatever it is you are selling, you are actually only
selling one thing RESULTS!
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 21
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
This typical Yellow
Pages advert was
failing to generate
business for this
client.After testing
a new advert
approach in the
local paper, the new
Yellow Pages ad
now generates
streams of bookings
pages ad
The problem with
Yellow Pages ads is
they all look the
same.You could
almost swap the
logos and no one
would notice!
The new version
of this adverts
out-pulls the
original by 370%
All look
the same
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 22
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
The five biggest
advertising design
myths and facts
Institutional Design Myth 1:
Before it is printed, advertisements must first look good.
Fact: Many business owners judge their advertising
solely on the look and feel of their material. For years,
well-meaning advertising sales people have sold the need to
advertise on the theory it pays to keep your business name in
front of the customers.
Very few companies actually expect this to generate
sales. In fact, one thing that amazes me is the number of
advertising award ceremonies held across the world in which
advertising agencies battle it out for prizes given for
graphically appealing advertisements.
REMEMBER: It doesnt matter how good your
advertising looks, its the response you get from it
that counts. I am not saying your advertising
shouldnt look good. All I am saying is your
primary goal when planning to advertise should be,
Will this advert pull a response?
Institutional Design Myth 2:
Your company name or logo needs to be prominent on your
marketing material, irrespective of how familiar your company
or service is to your prospective customers, clients or patients.
Fact: You should always place your company name
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 23
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
or logo at the bottom of your material, never at the top.
Think about it logos are an advertisement give-away.
Institutional Design Myth 3:
Avoid using reply coupons or response forms because they
look old-fashioned and unprofessional.
Fact: Many design agencies frown on reply coupons
and response forms because, once again, they dont look
good. However, a reply coupon or response form has the
ability to double your advertising response-rate immediately.
Institutional Design Myth 4:
Limit the amount of words you use on your adverts. Instead
use bullet points and plenty of artistic white space.
Fact: This is the biggest myth and number one
mistake business owners make with their marketing. You
cannot ever hope to get a high response to your advertising if
you dont give people a reason (or several reasons) to
This means that your advertisement needs to be
crammed full of information. Contrary to popular belief, an
advertisement crammed full of relevant copy always and
substantially wins over an advertisement with lots of artistic
white space.
The reason for this is simple...
People crave information, especially when they are about
to spend their money. Think back for a moment. What was the
last expensive item you bought? For me, it was a SLR digital
camera for the studio. Now, I bet, just like me when you
bought your latest investment, you craved information about it?
People crave
when they
are about to
spend their
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 24
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
I wanted to know everything there was to know about
digital cameras before I handed over a single penny. I wanted
to know the difference between digital and optical zoom,
what features were most useful and what cameras would be
compatible with the computers and so on.
It frustrated me that every leaflet or brochure I picked
up from the local shops just showed pictures with bullet
points of information. Sure, the brochures were colourful and
glossy, but all I wanted was a simple sheet of information
telling me all there was to know about digital cameras!
REMEMBER: The More You Tell, The More You
Sell... Your advertisement is nothing more than
Institutional Design Myth 5:
You should always use a design agency to create your adverts.
Fact: Every profession has its professionals. You
should only ever use a design agency that understands and
uses news-styled advertising principles. All other creative
design agencies will never get anywhere near the results you
should expect from your advertising.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 25
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Response Secret 1:
Newspapers are masters
at demanding attention
Now you know the real reason why 97% of adverts, leaflets,
brochures, sales-letters and product catalogues fail to pull a
response. So what about the remaining winning 3%?
3% of adverts I see running in national and local
newspapers and magazines understand fully that institutional-
styled advertising fails to pull a response simply because it
fails to capture attention from the page.
They understand that no one looks at the adverts.
Theyve switched on to what it is people are really looking at
on the pages. The winning 3% have realised its the news
articles and editorial features that surround the adverts that
get all the attention.
People read news, NOT adverts
In response to this, the winning 3% mimic the
newspapers and magazines at their own game and style their
adverts so that they appear like news stories or features, just
like the editorials that surround them on the page.
FACT: People do not notice or pay particular
attention to advertisements when they scan
over a page. Theyre too busy looking at the
editorials that surround them.
What does this mean? Copy the masters at their own
game by styling your next advertisement so it appears like a
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 26
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
news article on the page and you WILL increase response
20%-500%, often even more. Guaranteed.
You may not realise it but newspapers and magazines
are masters at attracting your attention through powerful,
age-old design techniques. Every single page from the front
page to the back is crammed full of specific attention-
grabbing optical design techniques.
Used correctly, these design techniques capture your
attention and draw your eye across a page in a predetermined
pattern. Highly skilled page designers in newsrooms across
the country engineer their pages knowing exactly what will
capture your eye, where it will lead it and how to draw it
deeper into an article.
I can remember my first day like it was yesterday. Eager
to impress, I spent roughly an hour designing my first ever
national newspaper page. I chose what pictures to use. I
chose what fonts and what size of font were most suitable. I
chose the colours that looked best and where I would place
them. I chose what column width to use and how many
columns were required. In short, I chose what went where
and what wouldnt. After a while of moving the elements of
the page around and then moving them back again, I was
confident I had produced a masterpiece. Convinced the editor
would share my confidence and be equally impressed, I took
it to his office for approval...
Imagine my horror when he quickly pointed out that I
had forgotten to leave space for the main headline! My
picture choice was also ineffective and I had positioned them
in the wrong place. The fonts I had chosen were hard to read
and too small in places. My columns were too wide to be of
any use and my colours clashed!
Your adverts
must be
engineered to
catch and lead
the eye
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 27
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
TS TRUE! You can have one
or more carpets cleaned for
only 39 per room. No catch-
es, no minimum number of
rooms. Just a straight 39 per
room, for one or more rooms!
But you must hurry. Heres
why. Theres a good reason
Swan Cleaning-one of the two
largest carpet cleaning com-
panies in Europe-is offering Ex-
press Newspaper readers this
substantial cleaning discount.
Its to introduce their ad-
vanced new cleaning system.
The brand new Dry-Force
machine cleans fast and
effectively-and leaves your
carpets 100% dry and usable in
less than 60 minutes.
The first real advance in
carpet cleaning for years
Since the dawn of cleaning,
the method used to clean car-
pets had been to spray water
onto your carpet to soak it, and
then extract the water (and
dirt) with a powerful vacuum.
There is no doubt this time-
honoured system is effective.
But it leaves your carpets wet
and unusable for up to 24 hours.
Its a real nuisance!
Especially at this time of
year when its colder. You
dont want to leave the
windows open for hours to
help dry the carpets.
Your carpets will be 100%
dry in 60 minutes or less...
or you dont pay a penny!
This new Dry-Force system
bookings are being taken
weeks in advance.
But the Kent depot has only
just received delivery of the
new machines.
Thats why they have
agreed to make a special,
one-time-only offer to Gazette
Newspaper readers.
But they told me they have
to limit the offer to 21 days,
otherwise they wont be able to
handle the volume of bookings
that they will receive. (I believe
it-this machine is impressive.)
For this reason, I urge you
to pick up the phone right now
and book your Express News-
paper 39-a-room Dry-Force
carpet clean. Call Swan Clean-
ing on 01304 888 564 now.
If youre not 100% delight-
ed you get your clean FREE
The Swan Cleaning guaran-
tee to you is simple. If-for any
reason whatsoever-you are not
impressed and delighted with
the quality and effectiveness
of the clean, or you dont
agree that your carpets are
100% dry and usable within
just 60 minutes, tell them
the same or next day, and
they will give you a 100%
refund or cancel the invoice.
No questions asked.
Personally, I have never known
a carpet cleaning company to be
this confident. You cant loose a
penny by accepting this special
offer. And you will end up with
beautifully cleaned carpets for
pennies on the pound! Call Swan
Cleaning now on 01304 888 564.
really works! The first time I
saw it demonstrated, I was
Heres how it works. A
circular, revolving pad is
impregnated with cleaning
fluid. It gently rubs your
carpet and extracts dirt-like
rubbing your hands together
when washing them.
This rubbing motion means
far less water is needed to
extract the dirt.
Thats the secret. The pad
picks up so much dirt its
incredible. Youll be surprised
at how dirty the pad is after
Because substantially less
water is needed, your carpets
are dry within 60 minutes of
cleaning. In fact, Swan
Cleaning guarantees it.
If your carpets are not
completely and utterly dry
and usable (you can replace
your furniture and walk in and
use the room as normal)
within only 60 minutes after
cleaning, just tell them and
they will cancel your invoice.
Thats how effective this
new Dry-Force system is. They
are also including free stain
Hurry-offer available
for next 21 days only
This Dry-Force cleaning is
becoming so popular with
customers in other areas,
Have your carpets
professionally cleaned
and stain protected
for just 39 per room
(Normal price 79.99)
New system leaves your carpets 100% dry and usable
in less than 60 minutes... or you dont pay a penny
Exclusive Offer For Every Gazette Reader
People dont buy
newspapers and
magazines to look
at the adverts.
They buy them to
read the articles
that surround
them. Style your
next advert so that
it appears like a
mini news story on
the page and you
will dramatically
increase the
amount of atten-
tion you demand
from the page.Test
prove editorials
receive 600% more
interest than adverts
This carpet cleaning company generated 5,850
in 37 days simply by switching their advertising from
regular-styled to news-styled
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 28
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
I had no cross-heads to keep the reader glued to the
copy and I had styled my copy wrongly. I had no drop-caps
and no bold intro. My line spacing was a mess, my space
between paragraphs was out, my line indents were missing
and my tracking was too tight...
The list went on. To be honest, Im surprised I wasnt
sacked there and then on the spot! Instead, he sat me down
and explained in detail how I had failed to create a natural
flow for the eye across the page.
In a nutshell, I had failed to apply the science behind
laying out a successful newspaper page.
Many people dont realise it, but newspapers use science
when setting out their pages just like supermarkets use science
to keep you in their stores.
From the lighting in the fruit and veg aisle to the tiles
they use on the floor, everything is very carefully thought-
out. Often the bakery is positioned next to the entrance as
nothing triggers a hunger better than the smell of fresh bread.
Frequently, supermarkets will avoid having clocks on display
to ensure you loose track of time while browsing the aisles.
Most choose to do away with windows for the same reason.
After all, the last thing they want you to do is realise that its
dark outside or finally stopped raining.
Just like supermarkets, newspapers and magazines use
science to keep you interested in what you are reading. From
where they position the headline and what font they use to
present it, what photos they show and where they place the
photos in relation to the headline. What caption they give the
photo and where they decide to print it, everything is done
for a purpose.
Nothing is placed on a page without careful considera-
tion. Every element of every page is meticulously engineered
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 29
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
in order to ensure it attracts maximum attention.
Where the headline goes in relation to the second, much
smaller headline, known as the sub-deck, where the pictures
go in relation to the headline, where the text should go, how
the text should be styled and what typefaces should be used,
these are all very carefully considered.
Should a by-line sit on the first or second column, how
many lines should a drop-cap descend. Should the page carry
a kicker panel or possibly a reversed out panel. Will a pull
quote work better than a cross-head at demanding attention,
what colours should be used, how many columns should the
text be arranged in.
Will the opening paragraph be bold or will a serif font
work better, what line spacing will help, is the tracking too
tight, does a headline need kerning? Will indents be required
or will paragraph spacing be used, will underscores attract the
eye or will they make the page appear too busy?
Sounds technical, right?
Every design element of a newspaper page is scientifically
selected in order to ensure the eye is attracted and then drawn
in and over a page. Newspaper page-designers use science to
influence what you look at and in what order.
It is these very same design techniques that the winning
3% of adverts I see running daily use to guarantee they grab
your attention off the page.
In short, styling your advert so that it appears like an
editorial news story or feature article on the page will sky-
rocket the response it garners. Increases of 20%-500% (often
more) can be made overnight simply by switching from
institutional to news-style advertising.
Styling your
advert so that it
appears like
news will
rapidly your
increase sales
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 30
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Why you should never
let a newspaper design
your advert for FREE
In order to secure your business, newspapers will almost always
offer to design your advert for free. In fact, they have a small
department of designers whose job it is to churn out these free
adverts all day long.
If a newspaper designs your advert, the chances are that
a graphic designer with absolutely no marketing experience
whatsoever will design it in under fifteen minutes.
The designers who design the adverts are NOT the same
highly skilled page designers that design the newspaper pages.
REMEMBER: The ONLY reason a newspaper will
offer to design your advert is because they want
to secure your business.Adverts that are designed
by in-house advert designers will HARDLY EVER
pull a response.
Only ever
use a design
studio that
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 31
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Response Secret 2:
You have only four seconds
to capture interest
Styling your advertisements so that they appear like news
articles, editorial features or exclusive reports on a page will
certainly ensure you win more attention.
But to truly drive up response, sales and your bottom
line profits, your advertising needs to capture your
prospective customers interest. In brief, you need to convert
their attention towards your ad, leaflet or brochure into
genuine interest.
So how do you turn attention into interest? By giving
your advert a strong, benefit-orientated headline. Tests have
proven that headlines alone can increase response by 500%.
But why are they so effective at capturing interest? Its all
down to the way people read newspapers and magazines.
The next time you see someone reading a newspaper,
take a second to actually watch how they read it. Watch
closely as they turn each page. More importantly, pay
attention to their eyes. As they turn each page, youll notice
how their eyes dart randomly across the page. What is it they
are looking at? Its the headlines!
FACT: You have just four seconds to capture a
prospective customers interest from the page.
Headlines sell papers. A newspaper or magazine without a
headline on its front page simply wouldnt sell. How would it
attract readers on the newsstands? How would it direct people
to read its pages if these pages were awash with pictures and
stories presented with no particular hierarchy or order.
Logos are an advert
giveaway. Remember
you have just four
seconds to capture
a potential
customers interest.
Replace your
company log with a
compelling headline
like the advert
shown here and you
will dramatically
increase your
response. This
garden centre sold
75 black bamboo
plants from one
insertion in a
gardening magazine
printed in Ireland.
This advert runs
monthly featuring a
new plant each time.
your logo
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 32
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Get one of these
stunning Chinese
Black Bamboo...
HIS stunning, unusual black bamboo (Phyl-
lostachys nigra) was introduced from China
in 1827, and has thrived in this country ever
since- if you hurry, you can get one of only 417
young black bamboo we have secured at a price
youll love!
It has become one of the most sought after
bamboo in Europe because of its unusual black
cane colouryou might have seen it pictured; its
thick canes mature to a gorgeous shiny black, and
its leaves are bright green. The contrast
with other plants in your garden is
fantastic. The problem is there is more
demand than supply.
Why the black bamboo
is unusual
The black bamboo is slow growing
and non invasive. The canes take up
to 3 years to mature from an intense
deep green to the deep solid black it
is famous for. With masses of delicate,
foliage that shimmers in the slightest
breeze, contrasting with the jet black
canesgiving an oriental mystical effect.
We have managed to secure 417 beautiful spec-
imens from a specialist Italian grower. These plants
come supplied to you as fresh, young, well rooted
plantsapprox 4ft in height with between 3 to 5
canes per plant. And will mature into stunning black
bamboo within 2 years.
Even better, you should expect to pay 60 - 100
or more for a mature black bamboobut we are making
these 417 plants available for just 29 plus p&p
Why is this fantastic bamboo
available for this low price?
Frankly, we want to impress you so much with
this introductory offer, that you will want to become
one of our long- term customers. Thats the reason
we want to ETHICALLY BRIBE YOU with this
MAD black bamboo offer!
We think that when we give you such a great
offer, and you experience our high quality service
and excellent healthy plants, it is quite likely you
will want to buy more plants from us in the future...
but there is absolutely no obligation.
I mean it!
If you want, you can take advantage of this offer,
and never buy another plant from us in your life.
But we bet you will! Plus, we will send you an in
depth cultural guide to help you get the best from
your black bamboo plants and numer-
ous special offers that you can take
advantage of now.
Every plant you ever buy from
Orchard Home and Garden - includ-
ing this stunning black bamboo- is
100% guaranteed to be of the high-
est pedigree, carefully prepared and
packed, and perfectly healthy on
arrival at your address.
Iffor any reason whatsoeveryou
don't agree that the black bamboo you
receive is stunning and 100% healthy, simply return
the plant within 30 days, for a prompt and cour-
teous full 100% refund. No questions asked.
But hurry! As this is such a fantastic unrepeat-
able offer, and for this reason we must restrict this
offer to 1 plant per person only, as there are only
417 of these plants available at this MAD 29 price!
Get your magnificent, low
maintenance black bamboo today!
Simply call freephone 1800 513 8976 with your
credit card ready for 31.95 (lines open Monday
To Saturday 9am to 5pm) or send a cheque payable
to Orchard Home and Garden, Dublin Road,
Celbridge, Kildare. Confirmation of your order and
receipt of your payment will be sent by first class
post. Plants will be individually reserved and
dispatched at the perfect planting time.
But hurry, it is so unique we can only get
417 on a first-come, first-serve basis...
Hurry: Stock are limited
This garden centre switched its advertising style
and sold all 417 black bamboo plants in just one month
generating 13,000 in the process
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 33
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Headlines are critical when it comes to selling
newspapers and magazines. Choosing the right story for the
front cover and writing the best headline to sell that story is
big business. Get the combination right and youll be
rewarded with record sales of that edition. Get it wrong and
even your army of loyal readers will turn their backs on you
and select your competitors edition that day.
Getting the cover story and headline right is the make-
or-break moment in the newsroom. You could have a
potential top-selling edition on your screen with pages
crammed full of exclusive stories, pictures and interesting
features. But if you select the wrong cover story or choose
the wrong headline appeal or wording youll fail to sell the
volumes of papers required to cover the cost of all those
exclusive stories, pictures and interesting features you, as
editor, commissioned to fill your paper.
Writing the correct headline is essential. They sell papers.
They summarise succinctly and poignantly the content of an
article. They label or head-up a story with the sole purpose of
capturing the glance of a potential paying customer. So if
headlines are used to capture interest, imagine what will
happen if you put a headline on your next advertisement!
When it comes to writing winning headlines for your
ads, dont panic if you cant think of a good one. Ask others
for help. In the newsroom, headlines are accepted from
anyone designers, reporters, illustrators or photographers.
The only condition is that it has to be the best headline for
the story. My point is you dont have to be a newspaper
editor to write a big-selling headline.
David Ogilvy
calls the
ticket on the
meat I call it,
The single
most essential
element of any
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 34
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Response Secret 3:
Stir a desire for your
product or service
Mastering how to demand attention and capture interest will
certainly help you increase the response your advertising
garners, but these two skills alone will never unlock the
maximum return possible from your advertising investment.
In order to unlock the true potential from your
advertising spend and maximise your return, you must create
a desire a desire to own your product or use your service.
Appearing like news or an editorial article certainly
guarantees youll grab attention and a powerful headline will
convert attention into interest, but to get people responding
in their droves, you need to arouse their desire for your
product or service.
In short, you have to make them want and need what it is
you are offering. Institutional-styled adverts consistently fall
down at this hurdle. Bullet points and short sentences not only
make the ad look like an ad, they also fail to stir a desire.
The winning 3% of advertisers understand and take full
advantage of the biggest human trait we possess. They
understand that people love to read. More, importantly, they
know that we as humans subconsciously cant stop ourselves
from reading.
MYTH: People wont read your advert if its filled
with lots of words (copy).
FACT: People will ignore your advert if it appears like
a run-of-the-mill institutional-styled advertisement.
Its a myth people
wont read your
advert if you fill it
with copy. The fact
is, people WILL
read it if its
informative and
interesting. Instead
of paying a news-
paper to run your
advert - why dont
you write a report
on the benefits of
using your product
or service. Then
pay the newspaper
to run your
feature instead.
Remember people
love to read - they
do NOT love ads.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 35
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
HIS breakthrough
laminate flooring
is so real it fools most
It had me fooled, and
Ive been in the flooring
business since I left school,
18 years ago.
This looks and feels so
realeven right up close
that your family and friends
wont be able to tell the dif-
ference either.
Better than wood
in many ways
The benefits of this
advanced laminate wood
flooring over traditional
wood are numerous.
First, it is almost impos-
sible to dent or scratch.
Second, it doesnt stain.
You can spill a whole bot-
tle of red wine or dark beer
onto it, and you simply
wipe it clean with NO
staining whatsoever. Its
super resilient.
Third, it is ultra hard-
wearing. It NEVER dents,
scratches, or warps (one of
the problems often experi-
enced with natural wood).
See this extraordinary
flooring today!
If you are thinking of hav-
ing a new floor fitted, look
at this extraordinary wood
laminate optionyoull
be astonished and delight-
ed at the beautiful real
wood look it creates in
your home.
A company you
can trust
One organisation that
supplies and fits this
rangeThe Expert Flooring
Company, based in Can-
terburya company you
can trust.
Ask them to visit your
house and show you this
range. I think youll be im-
Plus you can rest assured
that you are in expert
hands. Directors John and
Samantha Gibbon are lam-
inate flooring experts. In my
opinion, there is not a bet-
ter company from which
you can get expert advice
and fitting.
Best of all, John and
Samantha insist on giving
you a 100% guarantee of
absolute delight.
They say, If for any r
eason you dont agree the
laminate flooring you have
fitted looks just like real
wood, and is fitted truly
expertly in every detail,
simply say so and we will
either refit your floor at no
extra cost, or remove it,
make good, and cancel
your invoice. No quibble.
Call Expert Flooring now
on 0800 451 3021, or you
can write to:
21 Brokenhurst Close,
Canterbury Kent
Looks, feels and fits so like
REAL solid wood flooring, even
most experts cannot tell the
difference... PLUS, its up to 2-
times less costly to supply and fit!
in laminate
wood flooring
You dont have to be a marketing expert, professional
graphic designer or copywriting ninja to create
ultra-high converting news-styled advertorials like this
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 36
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
An advert
crammed full of
copy will always
win out over an
advert with
lots of artistic
white space
We humans are programmed to learn. We love to read
in order to educate ourselves. Its the reason over 200,000
new books are published every year in the UK alone and
why books, periodicals, encyclopedias, manuscripts, novels
and reports fill the shelves of libraries globally.
The newspaper and magazine industry base their entire
business model on this trait of ours. Its the reason the Inter-
net has become the worlds largest information bank fuelled
by our passion to read and increase our knowledge. After all,
why else are you reading this report?
The Which brand know this. Theyve built a lucrative
publishing business around the fact that people want to know
as much as possible about a product before they purchase it.
They test, review and rate products tirelessly, printing their
findings in a whole range of magazines and online.
Therefore, in order to get the ultimate response from
your advertising, you have to harness the desire we have to
read. This means your advert needs to be full of benefit-
loaded information.
Contrary to popular belief, an advertisement crammed
full of relevant copy always wins out over an advertisement
with lots of artistic white space...
REMEMBER: On average, editorials receive six times
more readership than ads. Meaning adverts that
are perceived as editorial news articles are 600%
more likely to pull a response than adverts that are
designed to look like adverts, simply because six
times as many people look at them!
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 37
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Use your advert to give the reader a reason or reasons
to respond. Tell them in detail the benefits and results they
can expect to gain by using your product or service. Heres a
a few benefits you could write about.
Enhance: Will owning your product enhance their life?
Will it enhance their looks? Social life? Family life? Would using
your service enhance their performance at work? In the Gym?
Or in life generally?
Feel Good: Would using your product make them feel
good? Will it make them feel younger? More attractive? Would it make
them more likable and acceptable? Could your service relieve some-
one in pain? Or teach them a new skill?
Help: Will purchasing your product or enlisting the help
of your service make their life easier? Will it help them save time?
Money? Keep their job? Get promoted? Get something done faster?
For Example...
A car salesperson realises that its not just a car he is selling.
As soon as he spots a potential customer on the forecourt, he
immediately starts selling him the benefits of owning the car he is
Hell tell the buyer how smoothly the car drives, how fast it
can go and how economical it is. If its a family viewing the car,
hell inform the prospective owner how safe the car is, how many
airbags it has or what European rating it has against impacts.
In brief, its the benefits of owning the car that appeal
to the customer. A good sales person will adjust their sales
pitch accordingly, trying to trigger the emotional buttons that
are likely to lead to a sale.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 38
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Another example is the travel agent. No holiday compa-
ny is in the business of selling foreign countries. They are in
the business of selling results. They focus on how relaxing the
holiday will be and how much fun you will have. They sell
you the feeling of being pampered while laying on a beach.
Essentially, they paint the picture that their holiday package
will give you two fantastically relaxing and stress-free weeks
away from the office.
A clothing company doesnt just sell a new range of
clothing They sell the way you will look, be perceived and
feel whilst you are wearing their latest line.
You see, benefits and results sell!
Your advertisement is nothing more than your best sales
pitch in print. Styling your advert so that it appears like an
editorial article will certainly ensure it demands attention.
A powerfully crafted headline will guarantee attention is
converted into interest. But to really boost the response you
garner from your advertising, you need to create a strong
desire within any prospective customer to want or use your
product or service. Selling the benefits and results they can
expect to receive from investing in your product or service is
the ONLY way to achieve this.
As the great copywriter, John E. Kennedy, once said:
Advertising is salesmanship in print - the more you tell the
more you sell.
The truth is, people WILL read your editorial-styled
advertisement just as long as its filled with targeted, interesting
copy that applies to them at that moment in their life.
Heres another real life example...
I recently decided to take a holiday and drive down
through Europe into Spain. I soon realised, while planning
Advertising is
salesmanship in
print, the more
you tell - the
more you sell
John. E. Kennedy
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 39
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
my road trip, that a satellite navigation system would make
the whole journey that much more easy and enjoyable.
I would be able to do away with the maps and the
hassle that they bring. Instead, I could sit back and take in
the scenery, interrupted occasionally by the reassuringly
accurate voice of the system.
But with so many systems available, it was impossible to
just go out and buy the first sat-nav system I could find. I
had to study the market. With so many options, how would I
find the right one for me? With prices ranging from 50-
400+ I soon realised that there was more to sat-nav systems
than I had anticipated.
In order to choose the right one, I set about educating
myself. I needed to become an expert. I needed to know:

How the systems operated?

What makes were the best?

What makes I should avoid?

What could I expect for my money?

How could I be sure I was getting a good deal?

Would I need to consider buying updates?

Would it update itself for free?

What makes were easiest to use?

Would it give me live traffic updates?

Would it connect to my laptop?

Would it navigate across Europe?

I had endless questions to which I desired answers
I had endless
questions to
which I desired
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 40
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
before I could choose what system was right for me. In short,
I needed to know everything about satellite navigation
systems. I needed to be an expert on the subject.
This is the same psychological process everybody goes
through when about to make a purchase. People ha-
bitually feel they need to know everything about a prod-
uct before theyre confident enough to justify
parting with their money. Its critical you fully
understand this. Ensuring your advertisement answers
peoples questions through benefit-loaded copy is the
key to out-marketing every one of your competitors.
Like most people, I turned to the Internet for answers.
I visited electronic stores and questioned the staff. I spoke to
friends who owned them and read reviews in magazines.
After a week of investigating, I finally knew how they
worked, what systems up-dated automatically, which ones were
new to the market, which systems had caused people headaches
across Europe and which one were the easiest to use.
I knew what system offered the best value for money
and what system came with European maps installed straight
out of the box. I knew which systems to avoid and which
ones offered more than I would require.
Eventually, when I had educated myself enough to
answer my questions, I felt confident enough to go ahead and
make a purchase. I bought the best one I could find in my
price range. It worked great and Im pleased to say it got me
all the way to Spain and back with ease!
With this in mind, what advert do you think I would
have responded to had these been running in my local
newspaper while I was in the market for a new sat-nav system?
Dont just list
specifications. Its
benefits that sell.
Bring your products
to life by reporting
on them and then
present your advert
like a news story
for maximum
Tests have proven
that adverts filled
with compelling
headlines and
informative copy
always sell more
products. One of
the techniques I
use to write my
advert copy is to
list all the benefits
of using the prod-
uct or service then
I simply write a
short story about
how they enhance
a persons life.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 41
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Heres an incredible new Sat-Nav
system that thinks its a tour guide
HERES the smartest Sat Nav you can buy! It
so advanced it actually thinks its a personal
Tour Guide. First, it allows you to avoid traffic
jams as they happen. How? Because thanks to the
tech-wizards at Road Angel this breakthrough new
sat-nav system has a 24hr live connection to the
internet. Meaning LIVE up-to-the-minute information
is beamed to you wherever you are in Europe.
Second, because of its genius Google search
function points of interest can be found in real
time, meaning for the first time ever, those cute
little restaurants and mini urban art galleries are
finally included in searches you make on the road.
Youll love the NEW
breakthrough features..
Until now, satellite navigation systems have essentially
been passive systems. Receiving location signals from satel-
lites and providing routing information accordingly. Thats
now changed. The new Road Angel i2000 can update your
route as you drive to avoid traffic jams as they happen.
Whats more, with just one press of a button you can
locate the nearest fuel stop, press another and the sys-
tem will alert you to where the nearest safety camera are
installed helping you avoid speed checks as you drive!
Plus, this machine comes with preinstalled European road
maps fully updated on a hourly basis. Finally, you can
cruise the German Autobahn or navigate the twisted streets
or Paris like a real local with the revolutionary Road An-
gel i2000 personal tour guide.
Advanced Features: - LIVE System with an internet connection - HotTraffic helps you avoid traffic jams - Fuel Pricing
System which will save you money on fuel - Safety Camera Database helps you avoid speed checks - Google Local Search allows you to
find points of interest that were previously inaccessible -Britain and European coverage -Easiest to use system yet... Plus lots more...
The Sat-Nav that
thinks its a tour
guide Road Angel
i2000 only 299
while stocks last
100% 365-Day Guarantee
Our guarantee is simple and complete. If-for any rea-
son-you don't agree that the Road Angel i2000 is the
most advanced, easy to use and useful satellite naviga-
tion system on the market, you may simply return it
within 365 days and receive a 100% refund, no ques-
tions. Buy this Sat Nav today without risk-it's exceptional!
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 42
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Before anyone makes a purchase, regardless of how big
or small, they desire to know as much as they can about what
it is they are going to invest in. Its human nature. Before
people are ready to part with their hard-earned money, they
want to be sure that they are going to get a good deal, that
they are investing in the best available option and that they
are going to get exactly what they want in return.
Whether its a new sat-nav system, a new car, a family
holiday, a new laptop, new suit, new watch, television,
dinning room carpet, kitchen, bathroom or bicycle, people
want to know as much as they possibly can about the item
before they hand over their savings.

Will I be able to return it if it doesnt look right?

What if it breaks in the first year?

Am I getting the best value?

Can I afford it? Do I really need it?

Do I trust the person Im buying from?

Is it a scam? Is it too good to be true?

Is it excessive? What will my friends think?

The more questions you answer in your editorial-styled
advertisement, the more people will perceive you to be the
expert in your field. This is why simply displaying your
products, shop front, latest prices or opening times will fail to
stir the maximum response possible from your advert.
Anticipate and answer your customers buying concerns
through benefit-loaded copy and give justifiable reasons-why-
to-act and youll sky-rocket your response rate immediately.
REMEMBER:The more you tell, the more you sell.
Your advertisement is nothing more than
The more
questions you
answer in your
advert, the more
people will
perceive you to
be an expert in
your field
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 43
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Response Secret 4:
Call for action
or lose a sale
One of the biggest marketing mistakes I see being made daily
is that companies neglect to effectively ask for action.
This applies to advertisements, leaflets, sales letters,
brochures, catalogues and even television and radio
advertisements. Put bluntly, every day we are surrounded by
marketing that fails to ask for action. If your marketing
doesnt specifically ask for action, then its no more than a
waste of your valuable cash resources.
By failing to give a compelling reason to respond, you
are failing to garner the maximum response possible from
your marketing material. Large numbers of people will simply
not respond to marketing unless they are specifically
motivated into taking some sort of action.
If you do nothing but just add a call to action to your
current marketing material, I guarantee you will increase
response. This in turn will increase sales and ultimately your
chances of boosting your profits.
As Ive already exposed, 97% of businesses advertise in
an institutional-style. They believe that by simply showing
their product, customers will rush to buy it!
This is simply not true. Every salesperson knows that, if
they dont ask for an order, they will not make a sale.
Therefore it is critical that every piece of marketing you put
out asks prospective customers to take action.
Failing to call for
action is the biggest
mistake most
businesses make
with their advertis-
ing. Place a coupon
on your ad and you
will increase
response immedi-
ately. Even if you
want people to
telephone or visit
your website you
should use a coupon.
Coupons subcon-
sciously motivate
action. For years the
scissor logo has
been associated with
taking action - this
alone can increase
response by 3%
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 44
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Here are six critical qual-
ities you should expect
from the best companies
in the UKIncluding Hove.
1.You should not have to pay
a fortune. Even the most ex-
perienced, specialist kitchen
supply-and-fit companies will
offer you competitive prices
and value for money.
In fact, you can often get
greater value from the best
companies because they are
large enough to fit upper-
range kitchens for mid-range
2.Kitchen fitting is a skilled
actually highly skilledjob.
Look for a company with its
own installations team, who
have many years experience.
3.Choose a company that of-
fers you a complete, start-to-
finish servicebuilding work,
floor and wall tiling, electrical,
plumbingand project manage
your whole job.
4.Ask for and expect FREE
computerised 3D planning. You
should be offered unlimited al-
terations until your design is
exactly how you want it.
5.You should be offered 100%,
5-year guarantee on all in-
stallation work plus furniture.
No quibbles.
6.The best companies have a
minimum of two to three hun-
dred modern and traditional
door styles for you to select
from, each with factory built
colour-matched rigid cabinets
(never flat pack).
A company you can trust
Bowerswood kitchens are one
of the best, meticulous and
skilled kitchen suppliers and fit-
ters I have found.
They really take an interest
in your job, and put an awful lot
of care and attention into build-
Not all kitchen companies are the same
ing and finishing your kitchen
to craftsmen standards.
A kitchen youll be
proud of for years
They have a large range of
styles you can choose from
all of a beautiful high quality
that they make available at
some of the best prices for this
quality of kitchen.
This company is impressive.
They discuss every large and
tiny detail with youand care
about your finished kitchen
as if they were installing it for
one of their best friends.
They also have an excellent
range of appliances from most
of the best-known and reliable
manufacturers, plus worktops
including Granite, Corian and
solid wood, sinks, taps and a
large range of great and var-
ied accessories.
John Bowersfounder and
managing director insists on
Get a FREE, new kitchen colour plan
and quote from Bowerwood kitchens

guaranteeing the work his

team do for you.
100% guarantee on ALL
your work and furniture
He says, We put our money
where our mouth is! If any-
thing at all is not 100% right
for you, or if anything goes
wrong, we make it a priority
to come back and correct it im-
mediately, totally at our cost.
We promise the best value in
kitchens, and we make sure
that promise is lived up to.
My Advice?
If youre thinking of having a
new kitchen fitted, call The
Kitchen Gallery now.
Ask them to come and measure
your kitchen, then give you a
colour plan and quotation com-
pletely FREE of charge, and
without obligation.
They are more than pleased to
do this for you. Their number is
01273 475443, and their showroom
is at: 9-11 George Street, Hove.
YES PLEASEI would like to discuss and then get a free,
no-obligation colour plan and quotation for my new kitchen
from Bowerswood Kitchens. I am delighted to hear that this
company takes so much interest and care with every customer.
I am not quite ready to have a free colour plan made but
please rush me a free, full colour brochure showing a range
of beautiful kitchens Pauls company fits (no obligation).
Post Code: Tel:
Bowerswood Kitchen
This kitchen company was failing to pull a single
response with their regular styled advert this new
version pulled 22 enquiries the FIRST day it ran
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 45
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Dry Cleaning Voucher
THIS Coupon entitles the bearer to receive a
two-for-one offer on cloth garments only. It can be
redeemed at any branch of Blanksons. You must
present this coupon when your order is deposited
Terms and conditions: Only one
voucher per order. Lowest priced
garment cleaned for free. Voucher
cannot be used in conjunction with
any other offer. Valid until 01/11/12

avoid using
coupons as they
look messy -
truth is, coupons
actually increase
response as they
motivate action

ENSURE your coupons include the familiar scissor icon -

this can actually help increase response by up to 3%
At the very least, you want your prospective customer to
call or write for more information, a free sample, a free
consultation, demonstration or similar.
Here are the 6 most effective ways to call for action:
1 Phone, write, fax or email for further information
or a free brochure, report or information pack
2 Phone, write, fax or email for a free sample
3 Visit your store for a free sample, demo or test
4 Request a home visit for a free demo or test
5 Request a 30-day free, no-obligation trial
6 Give a limited offer if you buy today, week or month
One of the best ways to illustrate your call to action is
by using a coupon. Coupons have a powerful effect on
people. By asking a prospective customer to physically cut
out a coupon and return it, you increase the chance of their
responding to your ad or leaflet considerably.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 46
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
The accumulative
power of the AIDA
Response Secrets
As you now know, people dont buy a newspaper or magazine
to read the adverts.They buy their favourite title in order to sit
down and read the editorials that surround the ads on the pages.
The thing is, while graphic designers have been working
away advancing their creative skills by creating fancy colour
blends, drop shadows and artistic arty shapes and swirls,
newspaper designers have been fine tuning their skills and de-
sign techniques too.
The only difference is, newspaper designers understand
the scientific design skills required in order to demand atten-
tion, capture interest, stir desire and motivate action.
The winning 3% of advertisers know this. They
understand its the editorials that get all the attention on the
page. This is why they style their adverts using the AIDA
formula to ensure they capture the same level of attention as
the news stories that surround them on the page. So what ex-
actly does AIDA mean?
A = Attention
Ensure you demand attention off the page by styling
your advert so that it appears like an editorial news story
NOT a typical run-of-the-mill advertisement.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 47
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Master Inner Circle magician,
Darren Smith (aka Mr Magic) says
there are three qualities you should
expect from a professional childrens
1, The magician should first and foremost be
excellent with children. If the magician cannot
capture the attention and interest of the
children, the magic will not work!
2, The magician should be within
the Inner Magic Circlethe higher
the membership, the better the skills.
3, The price of your magic party does
not need to be extortionate. But also,
you might be disappointed with the
cheapest magician.
An Inner Circle Magician
You Can Trust...
Darren Smith (Mr Magic) is one of the UKs
most experienced and loved childrens
entertainers. He has a magical ability to make
even shyest children enjoy the party.
He is an Associate Member of The Inner
Magic Circle, the highest level attainable
by examination, and a published author.
His magic is mind-blowing; extraordi-
nary. Plus youll be delighted with his
price, and the 100% money-back
guarantee he gives you!
Advice from an Inner Circle Magician
Call him today on 0800 181
6845 for a free copy of his
book and to ask about your
childs next party, or go to
Incredible Mr Magic reveals seven
of the most amazing childrens party
secrets ever claim your copy now
A powerfully
targeted headline
and FREE report
offer ensures this
advert demands
attention and calls
for action.
OT ALL letting agents
are the same. To help you
identify the best agent for your
property, here are three crit-
ical things you should expect
even demand:
1, The agent should already pos-
sess a good source of waiting ten-
ants, so that often a tenant can be
provided almost instantly (rather
than having to wait for advertis-
ing response).
2, The agent should advertise on
all the TOP UK property web sites
to attract the best tenants in your
particular area.
3, The agent should ideally be fo-
cused ONLY on landlords and pro-
viding tenants (rather than being
a general estate agent).
One agent who is providing such
a service is Cupid Lettings, owned
and run by co-proprietors Ken and
Sandra Jenkins.
Their entire agency is focused on
providing high quality tenants for
landlords, and managing the prop-
erty and the let so that you, the
landlord, can virtually forget about
your property and simply receive
good monthly income, without has-
sle or concern.
They even provide you with 12
months rent guaranteeFREE
for the first 12 months.
Letting property is their thing.
They love the business and do it
very well indeed.
Certainly, with what I have seen
of their dedication, I would trust
my property to only them.They
even provide you with an iron-clad
guarantee of satisfaction...
Theyll refund 100% of the
fees you pay!
Yes, if you are dissatisfiedin
any waywith the professional and
expert agency service they provide,
they will refund 100% of the fees
you have paid, promptly and cour-
teously, any time during the first
3 months.
Thats how certain they are that
youll get a better result by letting
your property with them. I dont
think youll find a better guaran-
tee of expert letting and manage-
ment service than that!
If youre interested in speaking
to either Andrew or Kim about let-
ting your property, call them on
01304 784 321 between 96pm,
Monday to Saturday.
If youve just let
your property, dont
read this It will
break your heart!
01304 784321
Educate prospects
with interesting
and informative
copy to ensure
they perceive you
as the leading
industry expert.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 48
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
I = Interest
Headlines attract interest. You have just four seconds to
capture a prospective customers interest as they scan past
your headline on the page. Put a headline on your advert and
you will increase your readership by 600%
D = Desire
The more you tell - the more you sell. Its a myth that
people wont read your advert if its full of copy. They will!
People love to read. Tests have proven that compelling head-
lines plus interesting, informative copy sells more products.
A = Action
Fail to give a compelling reason to respond and you will
fail to garner the maximum response possible from your mar-
keting material. You MUST ask for action.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 49
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Super-Growth Strategy 1:
Direct action that
demands Response
Adopting the four Winning Response Secrets Ive revealed will
certainly ensure your advertising demands attention, captures
interest, arouses desire and then calls for action.
Fully understanding and applying these techniques to
your next advertisement, leaflets, brochure or product
catalogue will certainly increase the odds of successful
advertising in your favour.
But in order to boost your percentage increase by
hundreds or even thousands, you need to overhaul the core
marketing strategies that operate behind the visual aspect of
your advertising.
This means, to truly skyrocket your response, you
need to fine-tune your marketing mechanics.
Let me explain what I mean in more detail and show
you how you can revamp your current marketing
I want to take you on a little fishing trip. So pack your
rod and grab some bait and join me as we head off on the
first of two fishing adventures.
Fishing trip No1 The Institutional
Style of Catching Sales
Okay, so I told a little lie you dont actually need a
fishing rod or any bait for that matter on this trip. Instead,
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 50
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
well be using the typical, run-of-the-mill, institutionally styled
advertisement shown earlier on page 16 and well use the
conservatories on offer as our bait.
Naturally, the first thing we have to do in order to catch
anything is cast our bait out into the river. In this case, well
place our advert in a local paper and sit back while we wait
for someone to come along and bite.
Now Im not sure if youve ever been fishing before but,
apparently, part of the fun is the waiting, the anticipation,
the uncertainty of not knowing whether youll catch a fish or
whether youll be going home empty-handed. Im certain this
all makes for a fun sport. But when it comes to investing
your precious cash resources into advertising, I wouldnt
settle for catching the odd few fish that pass by hungry.
This marketing approach will only ever catch a sale
when someone comes along who is keen to purchase a
conservatory. It sits on the page like a worm on a hook,
waiting for the odd fish whos in the market to buy a
conservatory to come drifting past.
Sure, it will work to some extent. After all, theres
always someone wanting a new conservatory, fireplace, car,
bike, carpet, washing machine, computer, shed, watch or
stereo. The only problem is, waiting around for the right
person to come along and take your bait is not the most
effective way of advertising.
FACT: Institutional-styled advertising only ever
attracts one to ten per cent of potential new customers.
This means 90% to 99% more potential customers, who
would otherwise be interested in your product or
service, fail to respond simply because they ignore
run-of-the-mill advertising.
advertising - the
rod and reel
approach to
catching a sale
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 51
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
What you really need is a far more efficient and success-
ful way of catching customers as they pass over your advertise-
ment. Its a form of fishing so powerful, you not only capture
people who are hungry and ready to buy now, but also the
nearly ready, the slightly ready, the unsure and the curious.
Its called Direct Response Marketing. Direct Response
Marketing is inarguably the most efficient and responsive
method of marketing you can use when it comes to planning
and structuring the mechanics behind your next advertising
In other words, when you switch your mind-set and,
more importantly, your marketing tactics to Direct Response,
you will join the small percentage of companies who demand
the highest profit return from every pound they invest in
Fishing trip No2 Sailing the Direct
Response Trawler
Now join me as we take to the sea on our second
fishing trip of the day. We are on board a news-styled Direct
Response fishing trawler equipped with hi-tech sonar and
large nets ready to help catch massive amounts of prospective
customers or clients in one sweeping movement.
Naturally, the first thing we have to do is style our
advert using the four Winning Response Secrets that weve
already covered.
Now let's look at this style of advert in action. First the
headline, Seven critical qualities you should expect from a
high-quality conservatory company. This acts like a sonar It
focuses in on our target audience. With it's curiosity appeal,
this headline attracts a wide spectrum of prospective customers.
Change your
advertising to
Direct Response
and multiply your
sales instantly
Your advert must
request a direct
response. By filling
your ad with a head-
line, long copy and
then presenting it like
news, you guarantee
to increase your
response.Theres no
law taht says advert
have to look like
adverts. Instead of
paying a newspaper
to run your creative
styled advert, why
not pay them to run
an editorial feature
reporting on the
benefits that can be
expected from
using your product
or service
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 52
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Seven critical qualities
you should expect
from a high-quality
conservatory company
An essential guide to choosing the right conservatory
company whether your budget is large, medium or small
FREE: The Smart Persons Guide To Choosing a
Reputable Conservatory Company by expert, Keith
Mockford, reveals how to guarantee you get the best
conservatory for whatever budget you have.

OUVE got to choose
your conservatory
company carefullynot
all are the same.
To help you identify the best
conservatory company, no matter
whether you want a large,
medium or tiny conservatory,
here are seven critical qualities
you should expect:
1, You dont have to pay a
fortune. Even a quality con-
servatory designer and in-
staller is able to do a first class
job at a competitive price.
2, Designing and building
conservatories is a skilled pro-
fession. Look for a company
who has many years of experi-
ence building conservatories.
3, Choose a company that
will freely give you expert ad-
vice about the various designs
that are available, the best po-
sition and size of your conser-
vatory (inches difference can
often make a world of differ-
ence to you), and the best ma-
terials, glass and shading.
4, Your conservatory should
be checked and passed at every
stage by a project manager to
confirm build quality.
5, The best conservatory
companies belong
to the Guarantee
Gui l d. The
Guild safe-
guards your
deposit. On
completion of
Even more impressive, they
put their money where their
mouth is by guaranteeing that
you must be 100% delighted
with every aspect of your new
conservatory before they class
your job as finished.
10 Important Questions
You Must Ask Before You
Ever Agree To Let A
Conservatory Company
Start Work
Get this Smart Persons
Guide To Choosing a Reputable
Conservatory Companyits
chock full of hardline advice
and information that can save
you headaches, and money!
Most of all, it reveals how to
select an excellent, reputable
and reliable company that
will give you a greater value
and best built conservatory for
your budget.
Get your copy todayits
free and without obligation.
your conservatory, the Guild
issues you with a Certificate of
Cover which honours the com-
panys guarantee should they
cease to trade. The Guilds
number is 0870 7704400.
6, You should receive a firm
estimated start and completion
date and expect the installers
to attend your site every day
until completion, plus leave
your site clean each evening.
7, You should be designated
a project manager who you
can speak to about any aspect
of your conservatory as its be-
ing built.
A conservatory company
you can trust:
One companys approach is
simplethey see you, their
customer, as The Boss.
MD Keith Mockfords fa-
ther in-law founded the com-
pany 32 years ago and based it
on providing true value and
good, old fashioned, meticu-
lous workmanship.
He wants YOU to have the
very best conservatory built
with the highest quality of
craftsmanship that you can get
anywhere. Plus they are sur-
prisingly competitively priced.
The company, Maple Leaf
Ltd, has been in this business
for 32 years. Few other com-
panies have more experience
in building modern day con-
SIMPLY cut out and return this ad
to the address below or Freephone
0800 216112 and ask for a free
copy of The 10 Important Ques-
tions... booklet. It will be sent to
you by first class post, same day.
Quote REF: YPC1
Maple Leaf Ltd
Maple Leaf House, Canterbury Road,
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1AW
This News-Styled Advertorial pulls over 300% more
response than the regular styled version it replaced
and all for the same advertising pound
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 53
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Ranging from the people ready-to-buy through to those
thinking about buying, the headline captures the interest of a
wide spectrum of possible prospective customers. Just like
sonar tells the captain where the fish are, a powerful headline
will find where your potential customers are.
Yet simply knowing where the fish are is only half of a
fishermans job. Next we have to net each and every one of
our interested prospects and pull them on board.
To do this we need to give them a solid reason to
respond, in this case the offer of a free information booklet
titled, 10 Important questions you must ask before you ever
agree to let a conservatory company start work.
As you know from Winning Response Secret 3, people
crave information when theyre thinking about making a
purchase. This advert recognises this and, instead of trying to
sell a conservatory straight off the page, it offers the reader
the option of free impartial advice. At the same time, it
positions itself at the forefront of the customers mind. Who
do you think that person will buy from when they finally
make the decision to invest in a conservatory?
Unlike institutional-styled advertising that sits on a page
waiting for someone to bite, news-styled Direct Response
advertising captures a far higher response by appealing to a
wider audience.
Just like a fishing trawler catches more than one type of
fish, so too will this style of marketing.
Naturally, some of your catch will be ready to purchase
instantly, while some will require nurturing a little in order to
reach a positive buying decision. Others may take a little
longer or need even more help and information before they
feel confident and ready to buy from you.
News styled
Direct Response
captures a far
higher response
than the regular
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 54
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Super-Growth Strategy 2:
Load your ad with a
reason to respond
Nine out of ten news-styled Direct Response adverts I see
running tirelessly in the national press are based on a two-
step selling strategy.
First-Step: The news-styled advertisement works at the
front-end of the campaign, capturing prospective customers
names and addresses every time they telephone to claim a
free booklet, trial, demonstration, more information or gift
thats being offered in the advertisement.
Second-Step: As soon as a customer contacts the busi-
ness, they are sent their free booklet, gift or whatever along
with a letter explaining in more detail the benefits of using
your service or buying your products.
Heres an example...
In order to increase sales, the conservatory company fea-
tured in the previous pages concentrated on advertising a free
information booklet as opposed to just their conservatories.
They realised the only way of selling a conservatory was in per-
son because customers would often have concerns and a multi-
tude of questions preventing them from buying.
In response to this, instead of simply trying to sell off
the page with a Here I am! Heres my product! Buy me!
styled advert, they switched their marketing approach and
converted their advertisement into a locating device.
By offering free advice, they postured themselves as the
industry experts. Then as soon as they collected contact de-
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 55
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
tails from their prospective customers, they posted them their
free booklet along with a professionally printed voucher enti-
tling them to 1,000 off the cost of a new conservatory.
After a week, the people concerned were invited to attend
an exclusive evening event, where they could have a glass of
wine and browse the wide selection of luxury conservatories
available. Thus flooding the showroom with customers.
In brief, the advertisements sole purpose was to gener-
ate enquiries. Once the company had the contact details
of interested prospects, they were free to regularly post
offers and newsletters in order to nurture a sale.This is
two-step Direct Response marketing at work.
News-styled Direct Response marketing can be also be
used to sell straight off the page. This is known as one-stepping.
One-stepping is where the customer orders directly off
the page by telephone, coupon or is directed to a website to
order. However, one-stepping is generally only effective for
lower ticket price items such as books, DVDs, clothing and
other items that are easily posted.
Two-stepping is the most common method of Direct
Response marketing, but in order to work effectively, an
advertisement must tirelessly capture streams of response at
the front-end every time it is run. What you offer up-front in
your advert as a capturing device will greatly influence the
performance your ad will achieve.
WARNING: Do NOT confuse Direct Response
marketing with direct mail. Direct mail is usually
associated with cheap and unprofessional junk mail.
Its un-targeted and widely regarded as wasteful.
Direct Response marketing is a completely different
method of marketing from Direct Mail.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 56
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
Super-Growth Strategy 3:
Out-promote your
competition with
irresistible offers
Whether its a free information booklet, trial, sample,
demonstration or gift, loading your advert or leaflet with a
response-motivating offer is essential. Knowing the Lifetime
Value of your customers or clients gives you great leverage when
it comes to planning your front-end offer.
The Lifetime value of a customer is their average
purchase spend, multiplied by the number of times they buy
from you a year, multiplied by the number of years they
remain your customer.
Knowing the lifetime value of your customers or clients
allows you to work out how much you can afford to give-
away at the front-end of your advertising campaign in order
to buy fresh business.
For example:
You own a salon and your regular customers spend on
average 40 each time they visit, 33 of which is clear profit.
Lets assume they visit your salon once a month and remain
loyal to your salon for 3 years.
This means every new customer you attract to your
salon is ultimately worth 33 (profit per visit) x 12 (visits per
year) x 3 (years they stay loyal) = 1,188.
Advertorial Profit Formula: Part 1 57
Why Regular Styled Adverts Are DEAD! Newspaper Secrets: REVEALED
If youre not sure how many times your regular
customers buy from you or how many years they
stay loyal to your business, a good average to as-
sume is three. On average, a customer or client will
buy from you three times a year for three years.
Use the same method of calculation for any type of
business. It works the same regardless. Even if you just
approximate the extra sales, you will start to get some idea of
what every customer is really worth to your business.
Why is it so important
to know this?
Knowing the Lifetime Value of your customers gives you
HUGE marketing leverage. Frankly, knowing your customer
Life Time Value helps you determine exactly how much you can
spend up-front to buy new customers or clients.
The hairdresser, for example, could comfortably afford
to advertise a free colour, cut or treatment, safely knowing
that the Lifetime Value of every new customers the offer at-
tracts would more than cover the 7 hard cost of giving away
the free front-end offer.
Lifetime Profit Value
Average Sale Per Customer:
Less Cost of Sale:
Equals - Profit Per Sale:
Multiply By No of Sales Per Year
(If unsure use the average of 3 times a year)
Equals - Profit Per Year:
Multiply By No. Of Years as Customer:
(Again, if unsure use the average of 3 years)
- 7
= 33
x 12
= 396
x 3
= 1188
You try:
Grab a pen and work out your customer lifetime value now

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