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1French 121, SUMMER I 2013 Dept. of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Professor: Mr. AGBA Office: HU !

" Office Hours: % 1!&1 AM ' B( appoint#ent )elep,one: ++1&+-.&"!// *e1site: ,ttp:22333.#(frenc, Classroo#: HU 1$ Class ti#e: M)*)H 1!:!+AM&1 :$!PM %LLC Hours: M&)H -&.0 % -&+ Blac41oard site:

5le#entar( %renc,. $ credit ,ours. Practice and furt,er de6elop#ent of essential listening, spea4ing, reading, and 3riting s4ills. 77ADM8998O: O:L; B; PLAC5M5:) 9CO<5 O% % O< 9UCC599%UL COMPL5)8O: O% %<5:1!=. C<5D8) MA; B5 <5C58>5D %O< O:L; O:5 O% )H5 %OLLO*8:G: %<5: 1!=211! O< 1 1. REQUIRED MATERIALS : Chez Nous ?$t, 5dition@ online 1oo4 ?includes M( %renc, La1@ 1( >ald#an, Pons, ' 9cullen. *If buying used Chez Nous materials, please verify that you have a code for the materials since it is not
transferable.You will need that code to sign up for my French a.

My French Lab Course ID of h!s c"ass !s# C<9CD>;&+!!+!$ REC$MME%DED MATERIALS# English Grammar for Students of French. AacBueline Morton, ),e Oli6ia ' Hill Press, !! . Oxford Starter French Dictionary, <e6ised 5dition. OCford Uni6ersit( Press, !!". Online dictionaries ?, or 333.frenc, LEAR%I%& $UTC$MES: 9tudents 3,o successfull( co#plete t,is course s,ould 1e a1le to do t,e follo3ing: 1. Communication D de#onstrate an understanding of t,e #ain ideas and #an( supporting details of 3ritten and spo4en co##unication in t,e present and past ti#e fra#es on topics of personal interest suc, as friends, fa#il( and pets0 pasti#es0 tra6el0 ,o#e and uni6ersit( life0 s,opping0 food0 ,olida( and cele1rations0 etc. D engage in oral and 3ritten eCc,anges 3it, a focus on pro6iding and o1taining 1asic infor#ation, eCpressing feelings and preferences, descri1ing and narrating, gi6ing directions, and eCc,anging opinions on topics of personal interest suc, t,ose #entioned a1o6e. . Cultures D de#onstrate an understanding of cultural infor#ation and relations,ips 1et3een cultural perspecti6es, products, and practices, especiall( as t,e( relate to t,e %rancop,one countries featured in t,e teCt. D use appropriate cultural 1e,a6ior in social and transactional situations ?#a4ing tra6el arrange#ents, s,opping, getting #edical care, etc.@ ". Connections D use t,e %renc, language to reinforce and learn ne3 infor#ation in acade#ic areas suc, as ,istor(, geograp,(, art, ant,ropolog(, and literature. $. Comparisons

D de6elop insig,ts into t,eir o3n language and culture t,roug, readings and classroo# acti6ities 3,ic, deal 3it, %rancop,one spea4ers in t,e studentsE co##unit( and a1road. D +. Communities D 1e #ade a3are of opportunities to practice and ,ear t,e %renc, language outside of t,e classroo# in acti6ities suc, as concerts, #o6ies, lectures, eC,i1its, festi6als, and con6ersational eCc,anges 3it, %rancop,ones. &RADI%& S'STEM# Class preparation: F8ncludes t3o BuiGGes ? 1! H @ , M( %renc, La1 ? 1!H@ 0 listening eCercises ?+ H @ , 3or41oo4 assign#ents, teCt1oo4 eCercises, ot,er ,o#e3or4 ? 1! H@ I Class participation: Oral eCa# ?1@: 5Ca#s ? @: %inal eCa# ?cu#ulati6e@:

"+H !H 1!H !H 1+H

&RADI%& SCALE: ),e follo3ing grading scale 3ill 1e used to deter#ine t,e se#ester grade for %<5: 1 1. =!&1!!: A --&-=.=: BJ -!&-..=: B .-&.=.=: CJ .!&...=: C /-&/=.=: DJ /!&/..=: D CLASS (RE(ARATI$%# All assign#ents #ust 1e co#pleted 1( t,e designated due date. All ,o#e3or4 and 3ritten assign#ents are to 1e done in 1lue or 1lac4 in4 or t(ped. All teCt1oo4, 3or41oo4, and la1 #anual eCercises #ust 1e 3ritten out co#pletel( if (ou 3is, to recei6e full credit. CLASS (ARTICI(ATI$%# <egular class attendance and participation is essential for successful co#pletion of t,e course. Uni6ersit( polic( states t,at a1sence fro# #ore t,an 1! percent )2 c"asses* of t,e sc,eduled class sessions, 3,et,er eCcused or uneCcused, is eCcessi6e and t,e instructor #a( c,oose to eCact a grade penalt( for suc, a1sences. ;our instructor 3ill infor# (ou of specific policies. 7Be ad6ised t,at (our participation grade is not Kust co#ing to class, it is a1out spea4ing, 6olunteering and 1eing acti6el( engaged in classroo# discussions. 77Being late 1( #ore t,an "! #inutes 3ill result in an a1sence for t,e da(. 3 "a es + 1 absence, $RAL E-AMS: ),e oral eCa#s 3ill 1e gi6en on .U%E 23 during t,e class ,our. One prepares for t,is eCa# during regular class da(s. ),ere are no #a4e&up oral eCa#s. E-AMS an/ FI%AL E-AM#

),ere 3ill 1e " eCa#s and 1 final eCa#. )(picall(, listening, reading, 3riting, culture, 6oca1ular( and gra##ar are all integrated into eac, eCa#. ),e final eCa# is cu#ulati6e. :o #a4eLup eCa#s are e6er per#itted. F9ee page for t,e Uni6ersit(Es Attendance Polic(.I. The use of any e"ec ron!c /e0!ce /ur!n1 an e2a3 4!"" resu" !n a 5ero on ha e2a3,

CLASSR$$M 6E7A8I$R: All students are eCpected to co#e to class full( prepared to participate in all acti6ities and to spea4 %renc, in class. %ailure to co#e to class prepared can ad6ersel( affect (our success and t,e success of (our class#ates since pair 3or4 and group interaction are necessar( for successful de6elop#ent of (our con6ersational s4ills in %renc,. Please ensure t,at (our cell p,one and all electronic de6ices ?earpieces, earp,ones, MP" pla(ers@ are turned off during class. ;our p,one and electronic de6ices s,ould 1e put a3a( during class. A ringing or 6i1rating cell p,one, listening to an MP" pla(er, or teCt&#essaging during class is disrupti6e and 3ill negati6el( affect (our class participation grade. An( teCting during class 3ill 1e reported to t,e Uni6ersit( as a 1e,a6ioral incident. S9ec!a" %ee/s# ),e Uni6ersit( of 9out, Carolina pro6ides upon reBuest appropriate acade#ic acco##odations for Bualified students 3it, disa1ilities. )o deter#ine if (ou Bualif(, please contact t,e Office of Disa1ilit( 9er6ices at ...&/1$ to #a4e arrange#ents. 8f t,e( certif( (our needs, (our instructor 3ill 3or4 3it, (ou to #a4e appropriate arrange#ents. 9tudents 3,o do not co#pl( 3it, Uni6ersit( rules on sc,olastic integrit( are su1Kect to disciplinar( penalties, including t,e possi1ilit( of failure in t,e course and2or dis#issal fro# t,e Uni6ersit(. 9ince dis,onest( ,ar#s t,e indi6idual, all students and t,e integrit( of t,e Uni6ersit(, policies on sc,olastic dis,onest( 3ill 1e strictl( enforced. %or furt,er infor#ation, 6isit t,e Office of Acade#ic 8ntegrit( 3e1site at ,,t#l.Dis,onest( includes using an online translator or outside assistance, ot,er t,an t,e %renc, tutoring center ?HU !-@, to ,elp (ou 3it, (our ,o#e3or4. 8f (our instructor suspects c,eating of an( t(pe, including t,e use of an online translator or if (ou ,a6e recei6ed outside ,elp, (ou 3ill recei6e an auto#atic Gero on t,e assign#ent and 3ill 1e su1Kect to ot,er disciplinar( penalties.

(o"!cy on Scho"as !c In e1r! y#

If you ha0e any o her :ues !ons concern!n1 h!s course an/ ! s 9o"!c!es, 9"ease a"; o 3e as soon as 9oss!b"e,


PD M Points de dpart >C M !ie et culture 9L M Sons et lettres %% M Formes et fonctions CP M Chapitre prliminaire 0 C1 ?C , C", etc.@ M Chapitre 1 ? , ", etc.@0 L1 ?L , L", etc.@ M "e#on 1 ? , ", etc.@0 >C: M !enez chez nous $ Cha9! re 9r="!3!na!re>Cha9! re ? @EEA Aune " C7A(TERB LESS$% CP.L1 ' L PP: & = Te2 boo;# PD, >C ?Acti6ities P&1 to P&$0 >ideo@ %%1, %% ?Acti6ities P&+ to P&1!@ Lisons ?Acti6it( P&11@ PD ?Acti6ities P&1 to P& 1"@ >C ?Acti6ities P&1$ to P&1+@ Te2 boo;# 9L ?Acti6ities P&1/ to P& 1-@ %%1 ?Acti6ities P&1= to P& @ %% ?Acti6ities P& " to P& +@ Te2 boo;# Ncoutons ?Acti6it( P& /@ Acti6ities P& . to P&"! Aune $ C1.L1 PD, >C ?Acti6ities 1&1 to 1&"0 >ideo@ Te2 boo;# 9L ?Acti6ities 1&$ to 1&/@ %%1 ?Acti6ities 1&. to 1&=@ %% ?Acti6ities 1&1! to 1& 1"@ Lisons ?Acti6it( 1&1$@ Aune + C1.L Te2 boo;# PD, >C ?Acti6ities 1&1+ to 1&1=@ 9L ?Acti6ities 1& ! to 1& 1@ 4 I% CLASS Course 8ntroduction 0 In ro/uc !on o MFL 7$ME@$RA <'ou 4!"" be ass!1ne/ ho3e4or; af er each c"ass,

Aune / C1.L"

%%1, %% ?Acti6ities 1& to 1& .@ Parlons ?Acti6it( 1& -@ Te2 boo;# PD, >C ?Acti6ities 1& = to 1&"1@ %%1 ?Acti6ities 1&" to 1& "$@ %% ?Acti6ities 1&"+ to 1& ".@

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C .L

Aune 1!

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Aune 11 Aune 1 Aune 1"

CP2C12C CP2C12C C".L1

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Aune 1$


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Aune 1=


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C"2C$ C+.L1



C+.L 2"


Te2 boo;# %% ?Acti6ities +&"! to +& ".@ Ncri6ons ?Acti6it( +& "-@ Acti6ities ?+&"= to +&$ @ $ra" E2a3 Te2 boo;# %% ?Acti6ities /&11 to /&1$@ (ar"ons )Ac !0! y ?D1E* Te2 boo;# %%1, %% ?Acti6ities /& to /& .@ Ncoutons ?Acti6it( /& -@ Te2 boo;# PD, >C ?Acti6ities /& = to /&" @ %%1 ?Acti6ities /&"" to /& "+@ %inal <e6ie3 %inal 5Ca#

Aune " Aune $

$ra" E2a3 C/.L1



Aune . Aune -


7),e instructor reser6es t,e rig,t to #odif( t,is sc,edule as necessar(.

My French Lab Course ID of h!s c"ass !s# C<9CD>;&+!!+!$

RFI - Journal en franais facile link : ,ttp:22333.rfi.fr2radiofr2podcast2Kournal%rancais%acile.C#l This link works be er wi h In erne !"#lorer$ %or tec,nical issues 3it, M(%renc,La1: 1. <un t,e 1ro3ser tune up . )r( a different 1ro3ser if t,at doesnEt 3or4
3. %or re#aining issues, please contact tec,nical support. 9tudents can c,at 3it,

tec, support: ,ttp:22 $.pearsoned.cust,, e#ail tec, support or call student telep,one support 1 p#O-p# 5), M&% P -!!&/..&/"".. %

$. Once (ou ,a6e contacted tec, support and reported t,e issue (ou 3ill 1e gi6en an !nc!/en nu3ber, An( contact 3it, tec, support 3ill result in an incident nu#1er. 9o t,at (our grade is not affected, please pro6ide t,e incident nu#1er to (our instructor. Once (ou recei6e t,e incident nu#1erQand if t,e pro1le# is not resol6ed 32in $ ,ours t,e professor 3ill send t,is nu#1er along 3it, t,e students contact infor#ation to M%L staff. More infor#ation: How To Video page with FAQ through short videos: ay ist! ist"#$F%&%&'(&'&)*AA)&
How to a ow pop+ups based o, the -rowser you are usi,g: http://.)/pearso,ed.custhe,swers/detai /a0id//**/


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