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Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

13, 14 e 15 de Octubre de 2010 Tecnolgico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de Mxico

Cogeneracin en Industrias Azucareras

Helgo Ackermann IPROSUCAR Consultoria e Engenharia Ltda IPRO do Brasil

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Comparison of main parameters

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010 Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Mass and Energy Balance Production of Sugar, Ethanol and Energy

Main Parameters Diffuser Milling per day Milling per hour Days of crop Sugar on cane Extraction recovery Industrial recovery Mix: Sugar / Ethanol Prod. ethanol hidr. Prod. ethanol anhydr. Prod. sugar V.H.P. Process vapour consumption Bagasse per hour Vapourr total Vapour for process Vapour for condensation Installed capacity Eletr. energy back pressure Eletr. energy condensation Eletr. energy total Eletr. energy consumption Eletr. energy sold Power potential Eletr. energy sold crop m/d m/d t/d kg/TC t/h t/h t/h t/h MW MW MW MW MW MW Kwh/t cane MWh/crop Eletrical energy, installed and generation 277,38 560,52 407,67 137,00 35+35+45 72,71 34,91 107,62 25,00 82,62 107,6 396.576 t/d t/h t/h % % % Sugar and ethanol production 30:70 568,00 1.010,00 963,6 407,7 24.000 1.000,00 200 14,60 98,00 88,08

Conceptual study for a new 24.000 tc/d factory - Summary ART split: 30% sugar / 70% ethanol

Notes: 1- Fiber on cane (mean) = 13,50% 2- Boilers - 65 kgf/cm2 485oC 3- 5% storage of bagasse for stops and start up

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Variation of Parameters
Diffuser and Milling Production Mix

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Comparative of Main Parameters

Conceptual study for a new 10.000 tc/d factory: Comparison of diffuser milling models ART split: [60% sugar/40% ethanol] + [40% sugar/60% ethanol]
Notes: 1- Fiber mean on cane = 11,66% 2- Boilers - 67 kgf/cm2 520oC 3- 5% storage of bagasse for stops and start up
Main Parameters 60 % sugar / 40 % ethanol Diffuser Total cane Time efficiency Days of crop Days of milling Milling per day Milling per hour Sugar on cane Mix: Sugar / Ethanol Prod. ethanol anhydr.. Prod. sugar V.H.P. m/d m/crop t/d t/crop Process vapour consumpt. kg/TC Bagasse per hour Vapour total Vapour for process Vapour for condensation Installed capacity Eletr. energy back pres. Eletr. energy condens. Eletr. energy total Eletr. energy sold Power potential Eletr. energy sold crop t/h t/h t/h t/h MW MW MW MW MW Kwh/t cane MWh/crop t % days d t/d t/h % 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 Sugar and ethanol production 60:40 430,4 89.523 869,3 180.814 318,6 104,26 207,79 132,75 63,13 30+20 27,9 18,0 45,9 10,4 35,5 110,2 177.216 60:40 425,7 88.546 857,8 178.422 285,7 104,45 193,39 119,04 62,67 30+20 25,2 17,9 43,0 12,5 30,5 103,3 152.256 40:60 610,9 127.067 579,1 120.457 303,1 104,06 207,40 126,30 68,50 30+20 26,8 19,5 46,3 10,4 35,9 111,2 179.213 40:60 603,2 125.466 572,4 119.059 276,0 104,45 193,38 115,01 66,16 30+20 24,5 18,9 43,3 12,5 30,8 104,0 153.754 Milling 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 40 % sugar / 60 % ethanol Diffuser 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 Milling 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21

Potencial on eletrical energy, installed and generation

Eletr. energy consumption MW

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Comparative of Main Parameters

Conceptual Study for a new 10.000 tc/d factory: Comparison of diffuser milling models ART split: 60% sugar / 40% ethanol
Main Parameters Diffuser Total cane Time efficiency Days of crop Days of milling Milling per day Milling per hour Sugar on cane Extraction recovery Industrial Recovery Spec. ethanol prod. Mix: Sugar / Ethanol Prod. ethanol hidr. Prod. Sugar V.H.P. m/d m/crop t/d t/crop Proc. vapor consumpt. Bagasse per hour Vapour total Vapour for process Vapour for condensation Installed capacity Eletr. energy back pres. Eletr. energy condens. Eletr. energy total Eletr. energy consumption Eletr. energy sold Power potential Eletr. energy sold crop kg/TC t/h t/h t/h t/h MW MW MW MW MW MW Kwh/t cane MWh/crop t % days d t/d t/h % % % l/t 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 98,0 91,2 40,15 Sugar and ethanol production 60:40 401 83.408 869,3 180.814 322 104,3 207,8 140,7 63,1 30+20 27,9 18,0 45,9 10,4 35,5 110,2 177.216 60:40 396 82.368 857,8 178.422 289 104,5 193,4 126,7 62,7 30+20 25,1 17,9 43,0 12,5 30,5 103,2 152.256 +5 + 1.040 + 11,5 + 2.392 + 33 - 0,2 + 14,4 +14,0 +0,4 + 2,3 + 0,1 + 2,9 - 2,1 + 5,0 +7,0 + 24.960 Milling 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 97,0 90,0 39,61 + 1,2 + 0,54 Difference

Notes: 1- Fiber on cane (mean) = 11,66% 2- Boilers - 67 kgf/cm2 520oC 3- 5% storage of bagasse for stops and start up

Potencial on eletrical energy, installed and generation

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Comparative of Main Parameters

Conceptual Study for a new 10.000 tc/d factory: Comparison of diffuser milling models ART split: 40% sugar / 60% ethanol
Main Parameters Diffuser Total cane Time efficiency Days of crop Days of milling Milling per day Milling per hour Sugar on cane Extraction recovery Industriel Recovery Spec. ethanol prod. Mix: Sugar / Ethanol Prod. ethanol hidr. Prod. Sugar V.H.P. m/d m/crop t/d t/crop kg/TC t/h t/h t/h t/h MW MW MW MW MW MW Kwh/t cane MWh/crop t % days d t/d t/h % % % l/t 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 98,0 91,2 60,22 Sugar and ethanol production 40:60 602 125.216 579,6 120.557 307 104,1 207,4 134,9 68,5 30+20 26,7 19,5 46,3 10,4 35,8 111,0 178.906 40:60 594 123.552 571,9 118.959 280 104,45 193,4 123,2 66,2 30+20 24,4 18,9 43,3 12,5 30,8 103,9 153.708 + 2,3 + 0,6 + 3,0 - 2,1 + 5,0 +7,1 + 25.198 +8 + 1.664 + 7,7 + 1.598 + 27 - 0,35 + 14,0 +3,5 +11,7 Milling 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 97,0 90,0 59,42 + 1,2 + 0,8 Difference

Notes: 1- Fiber on cane (mean) = 11,66% 2- Boilers 67 kgf/cm2 520oC

Proc. vapour consumpt. Bagasse per hour Vapour total Vapour for process Vapour for condensation Installed capacity Eletr. energy back pres. Eletr. energy condens. Eletr. energy total Eletr. energy cons. Eletr. energy sold Power potential Eletr. energy sold crop

Potencial on eletrical energy, installed and generation

3- 5% storage of bagasse for stops and start up

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Cane sugar split to crystal sugar and ethanol % ART - 30% sugar/70% ethanol
Sucrose in cane 1.000,00 t/h cane 14,60 % sucrose content 0,71 % AR (invert sugar) 16,08 % ART 146,00 t /h sucrose 160,78 t/h ART 100,0 %sucrose 2,0 % % sucrose % invert Bagasse losses 278,20 t/h bagasse 2,87 t/h sucrose 3,13 t/h ART Filter losses 0,00 t/h (filter mud) 0,00 t/h sucrose 0,00 t/h ART Undetermined & other losses 5,40 t/h sucrose 5,95 t/h ART Distillery losses 9,00 t/h sucrose 10,09 t/h ART

0,00% % sucrose % invert 3,7 % % sucrose % invert 6,16% % sucrose % invert 88,08 %Industrial efficiency Sucrose to process 128,73 t/h sucrose 141,62 t/h ART 28,5 %sucrose 27,3 %ART Pure Sucrose in bag 41,67t/h sucrose 43,86t/h ART 1000 t pure sucrose per day

59,6%sucrose 60,8%ART Sucrose & Invert to Ethanol 87,07t/h sucrose 97,76t/h ART 1544 m ethanol per day (water free)

11,8%sucrose 11,9%ART Sum of losses 17,27 t/h sucrose 19,17 t/h ART

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Variation of Parameters
Humidity 50 a 52 % (influence on generation of electrical power)

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Comparative of Main Parameters

Main Parameters 60 % sugar / 40 % ethanol Total cane Time efficiency Days of crop Days of milling Milling per day Milling per hour Sugar on cane t % days d t/d t/h % Diffuser Milling 2.080.000 2.080.000 2.080.000 2.080.000 85 85 85 85 245 245 245 245 208 208 208 208 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 416,67 416,67 416,67 416,67 15,21 15,21 15,21 15,21 Sugar and ethanol production 60:40 60:40 60:40 60:40 430,4 89.523 869,3 180.814 425,7 88.546 857,8 178.422 40 % sugar / 60 % ethanol Diffuser 2.080.000 2.080.000 85 85 245 245 208 208 10.000 10.000 416,67 416,67 15,21 15,21 40:60 610,9 127.067 579,1 120.457 298,7 52,0 112,94 216,81 124,45 78,10 30+23 26,8 22,3 49,0 10,4 38,6 117,6 192.691 40:60 Milling 2.080.000 2.080.000 85 85 245 245 208 208 10.000 10.000 416,67 416,67 15,21 15,21 40:60 603,2 125.466 572,4 119.059 276,0 50,0 104,45 193,38 115,01 66,16 30+20 24,5 18,9 43,3 12,5 30,8 104,0 153.754 277,5 52,0 113,23 206,26 115,61 76,73 30+23 24,9 21,9 46,8 12,5 34,3 112,3 171.226 40:60

Comparison of diffuser milling models Humidity of bagasse comparison 50% / 52% ART Split: [60% sugar/40% ethanol] + [40%sugar/60% ethanol] Notes:
1- Fiber mean on cane = 11,66% 2- Boilers 67 kgf/cm2 520oC

Mix: Sugar / Ethanol Prod. ethanol anhydr.. m/d m/crop Prod. sugar V.H.P. t/d t/crop Proc. vapor consumpt. kg/TC Bagasse humidity Bagasse per hour Vapour total Vapour for process Vapour for condensation Installed capacity Eletr. energy back pres. Eletr. energy condens. Eletr. energy total Eletr. energy cons. Eletr. energy sold Power potential Eletr. energy sold crop % t/h t/h t/h t/h MW MW MW MW MW MW Kwh/t cane MWh/crop

318,6 313,7 285,7 292,1 303,1 Potencial on eletrical energy, installed and generation 50,0 52,0 50,0 52,0 50,0 104,26 113,09 104,45 112,79 104,06 207,79 217,13 193,39 206,53 207,40 132,75 130,69 119,04 121,70 126,30 63,13 30+20 27,9 18,0 45,9 10,4 35,5 110,2 177.216 72,95 30+23 27,8 20,8 48,6 10.4 38,2 116,6 190.694 62,67 30+20 25,2 17,9 43,0 12,5 30,5 103,3 152.256 71,65 30+23 26,0 20,4 46,4 12,5 33,9 111,1 169.229 68,50 30+20 26,8 19,5 46,3 10,4 35,9 111,2 179.213

3- 5% storage of bagasse for stops and start up

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Variation of Parameters
Fiber (influence on the generation of electric power)

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Comparative of Main Parameters

Conceitual study for a new 10.000 tc/d factory: Fiber comparison: 12,17% and 13,44% ART split: 60% sugar / 40% ethanol Notes:
1- Fiber on cane (mean) = 12,17% / 13,44% 2- Boilers 67 kgf/cm2 520oC 3- 5% storage of bagasse for stops and start up
Main Parameters Milling Total cane Time efficiency Days of crop Days of milling Milling per day Milling per hour Sugar on cane Fiber on cane Extraction recovery Mix: Sugar / Ethanol Prod. ethanol hidr. Prod. Sugar V.H.P. Proc. vapor consumpt. Bagasse per hour Vapour total Vapour for process Vapour for condensation Installed capacity Eletr. energy back pres. Eletr. energy condens. Eletr. energy total Eletr. energy cons. Eletr. energy sold Power potential Eletr. energy sold crop m/d m/crop t/d t/crop kg/TC t % days d t/d t/h % % % Sugar and ethanol production 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 12,17 97,0 60:40 409,9 85.259 826,8 171.974 293,9 2.080.000 85 245 208 10.000 416,67 15,21 13,44 97,0 60:40 409,8 85.238 826,56 171.924 285,4 118,8 228,4 118,9 92,9 30+23 26,1 26,5 52,6 12,5 40,1 126,3 200.179

Potencial on eletrical energy, installed and generation t/h 108,2 t/h t/h t/h MW MW MW MW MW MW Kwh/t cane MWh/crop 206,0 122,5 70,5 30+23 26,1 20,1 46,2 12,5 33,7 110,9 168.230

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Modern Concepts

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010 Destillery with modern concepts Start up September 2010

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Modern Concepts
New sugar Factory

Evaporation station (Roberts and Falling Films)

Drawing in 3D

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Modern Concepts New Sugar Factory

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Modern Concepts

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Cogeneration in cane sugar factories some aspects

Power export proves nowadays as a substantial source of revenue and has become possible in the last years in most cane sugar producing countries. Power export potential between 100 125 kWh/t cane up to 200 kWh/t cane. 1800 2000 cane sugar factories can export 156 179 TWh/a or 20 MW/factory. Prices of 50 60 /MWh (Brazil, India) and carbon credits of 5-10 /t CO2 make power export attractive. Factory models have been investigated that allow steam on cane demands between 26 34 % steam on cane. Plants of this type have been already implemented in Brazil, India and Pakistan.
Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann 25 IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Base data for the process calculations

Cane crushing rate
Effective crop length Sugar & Fibre content in cane Imbibition rate Bagasse moisture Sugar recovery extraction Exhaust steam pressure Evaporators Boiler steam pressure/temperature Sugar colour

10.000 t cane/day
180 days 14% 35 or 44% on cane 50% 97 or 98% 240 kPa(a) [2,4 bar(a)] 4 or 5 effect Falling film tubular with multistage distributor 10 900 kPa(a), 535 C [~109 bar(a)] < 45 IU in case of the concepts with attached refinery 350 - 600 IU in case of the raw sugar factory concepts

Factory power consumption for: Refined sugar production (1) Raw sugar production (2) Overall sugar recovery

(1) 25 kWh/t cane for diffuser concepts and 30 kWh/t cane for mill extraction concepts (2) 20 kWh/t cane for diffuser concepts and 25 kWh/t cane for mill extraction concepts 89.5 90.5% at 30 % molasses purity

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Technologies employed
Diffuser plus dewatering mills or milling tandem (6 mills) Recycling of clarifier underflow in case of the diffuser models Defecation in the juice purification Partly direct contact heaters and plate/platular heaters for liquid/liquid applications Optimum usage of heating with condensate Tubular Falling Film Evaporators (FFE) Stepwise flashing of condensates by condensate cigars CIP (clean in place) system for heaters and evaporators Minimisation of evaporator condenser loss Batch pans for seed massecuite and refinery products R1, R2 and R3 Continuous pans for the raw house operation Syrup/molasses wash layer system for A sugar Crystal seed technology in the raw house High pressure boilers with 109 bar and 535 C Extraction/condensing turbo alternators Fully electrified drives (no steam turbines) Reasonable degree of automation
Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann 27 IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Tube/plate heaters versus direct contact heaters





1. DC heaters are inexpensive and easy to integrate with low space demand 2. Allow an approach temperature of 0.5 2 K while tubular or plate heaters require 4 8 K 3. Almost no cleaning or down time 4. Constant performance 5. High load flexibility with minimum performance change 6. Drawback in the juice dilution and 2-3 % o.c. higher steam demand
Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann 28 IPRO do Brasil






Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Falling Film Evaporators

Defecation or sulfitation are both suitable Sugar hydrolysis and colour formation are similar or lower than in conventional Robert plants Five effect plants of Tubular or Plate FFE have been installed in Brazil (3), India (4), Pakistan (1) in total approx. 250 300 FFE including other installations The most crucial aspects are the juice distributor design and CIP system.
29 IPRO do Brasil

Five effect FFE evaporation plant at Almoiz, Pakistan

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Results of the diffuser scenarios

Scenario 1 Diffuser (refined sugar) Sugar extraction Imbibition rate Process steam on cane (during crop) Excess bagasse for offcrop operation Annual sugar production (pure sucrose) Power production (crop) Power production off-crop Total annual power export Specific total power export % % o.c. % t t MW MW MWh kWh/t cane 98 44 34,2 182.015 227.866 90,4 % recovery 34,305 32,454 205.525 114 Scenario 2 Diffuser (refined sugar) 97 35 33,5 194.778 225.543 89,5 % recovery 33,38 34,746 209.240 116 Scenario 3 Diffuser (raw sugar) 98 44 30 221.364 228.339 90,6 % recovery 30,12 39,49 220.093 122

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Results of the mill scenarios

Scenario 4 Mills (refined sugar) Sugar extraction Imbibition rate Process steam on cane (during crop) Excess bagasse for off-crop operation Annual sugar production (pure sucrose) Power production (crop) Power production off-crop Total annual power export Specific total power export % % o.c. % t t MW MW MWh kWh/t cane 98 44 31,7 171.420 226.860 90 % recovery 31,61 31,05 180.139 100 Scenario 5 Mills (refined sugar) 97 35 29,4 194.534 224.836 89,2 % recovery 29,72 35,17 185.855 103 Scenario 6 Mills (raw sugar) 98 44 26 221.832 227.117 90,1 % recovery 26,33 40,18 197.046 109

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010 Evaporation plant operation Scenario 4 (Sugars)

Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann


IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Diffuser based plants are more power export efficient than mill based plants 13 - 14 kWh/t cane more power export is possible with diffuser based plants The steam on cane demand can be as low as 27.2 32.8 % (refined sugar) or 21.8 25.2 % (raw sugar) Refined sugar production requires approx. 4.2 to 5.7 % additional steam on cane Diffuser based plants require approx. 2.5 4 % more steam on cane compared to mill based plants Diffuser based plants allow approx. 0.3 0.5 % higher sugar recovery as mill based plants (700 1200 t/year for the given scenarios) The reduction of imbibition rate from 44 to 35 % o.c. allows for 0.7 - 2.3 % less steam but the power export is only affected by 2 - 3 kWh/t cane Critical technologies like Falling Film and Falling Film Plate evaporators as crucial tools for very high steam efficiency have been successfully adapted to the cane sugar industry and proven in practise
Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann 33 IPRO do Brasil

Seminario Internacional de Cogeneracin 2010

Thank you for listening !

Ing. Helgo Ackermann
IPROSUCAR Consultoria e Engenharia Ltda IPRO do Brasil Piracicaba, So Paulo, Brasil Tel. (55) (19) 3402-1100
Eng. Helgo P. H. Ackermann 34 IPRO do Brasil

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