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Thinking Beyond the Wire: Emerging Biologic

Relationships in Orthodontics and

Richard S. Masella and Ping-Lin Chung

Orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) is a biologic event. It involves a series

of sophisticated signal transduction processes that result in alveolar bone
remodeling. Interplay of the gene expression activities between osteoblasts
and osteoclasts regulate the alveolar bone adaptation to orthodontic forces.
The mechanisms that sense and translate the mechanical stimulus into
molecular events have remained a puzzle to current scientists for a long
period of time. The mechanosome is a recently discovered cytoplasmic
communication mechanism that can possibly explain the signaling between
treatment and the bone cell response. That is, it may detect mechanical
loads and in turn activate the downstream nuclear gene expression. Ad-
vancement in molecular biology is likely to make the manipulation of bone
remodeling and control of tooth movement easier and more predictable in
the future. Pharmaceutical intervention and genetic enhancement are ex-
amples of clinical applications promised by current researchers in basic
science. This article reviews the biomedical literature and plots the trend
in understanding the biochemical basis of OTM to date. Future dentofa-
cial orthopedists will likely integrate both conventional orthodontic
mechanotherapy and applications of molecular biology in orthodontic
treatment suggested by concepts in this article. (Semin Orthod 2008;14:
290-304.) © 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.

ngineered alveolar ridge topography and result of periodontal disease is often difficult to
E bone regeneration are commonly used by
periodontal specialists to repair alveolar bone
overcome with hard tissue grafting alone. Even
where successful the outcome is often unpredict-
defects damaged by disease. Some of the indica- able.
tions include periodontal attachment (bone) However, orthodontic tooth movement (OTM),
maintenance, postextraction socket regenera- as demonstrated by clinical findings,1-3 is an al-
tion, and implant site preparation. However, loss ternative method to induce bone regeneration
of vertical bone height (attachment loss) as a and morphotype modification through force-
mediated remodeling. More importantly, orth-
Adjunct Professor of Education Nova Southeastern Univer-
odontics has recently become an important ad-
sity, Fischler School of Education and Human Services, Boynton junct to implant dentistry because orthodontists
Beach, FL. can open edentulous spaces for implant place-
Resident, Advanced Graduate Orthodontics, Department of Devel- ment. Preimplant orthodontics has also been
opmental Biology, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA.
Address correspondence to Richard S. Masella, DMD, Adjunct
performed to generate alveolar bone height at
Professor of Education, Nova Southeastern University, Fischler periodontally compromised areas. Gunduz and
School of Education and Human Services, 3830 Edgar Ave, Boyn- coworkers have shown that bodily tooth move-
ton Beach, FL 33436. Phone and Fax: (561) 737-8193; E-mail: ment into an edentulous area with a transversely
© 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
thinned alveolar ridge resulted in therapeutic
1073-8746/08/1404-0$30.00/0 bone remodeling.1 A dental implant could then
doi:10.1053/j.sodo.2008.07.006 be placed into the orthodontically developed

290 Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 14, No 4 (December), 2008: pp 290-304

Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Orthodontics, Periodontology 291

edentulous site. A case report by Biggs and Bea- tion of orthodontic force triggers remodeling
gle showed that orthodontic intrusive and extru- responses far beyond the ligament. Bone remod-
sive forces were exerted on “hopeless” teeth to eling consists of interplay between osteoclastic
gain alveolar bone height in the future implant resorption and osteoblastic deposition (new bone
site.3 Orthodontic alveolar site development is formation). In general, bone remodeling and
also employed in the replacement of congeni- modeling can occur by a kind of spatial “drift”
tally missing maxillary lateral incisors with sin- that adds new bone tissue on one side of the
gle-tooth implants. The permanent canines are cortex and takes it away from the contralateral
moved distally after being allowed to erupt me- cortex. (These are not fundamentally new con-
sially when lateral incisors are congenitally ab- cepts, but merely embellished. See a classical,
sent. Adequate alveolar ridge width will then be nuanced review by Roberts WE, in Graber T,
established for future implants.3 Vanarsdall R, Vig K, eds: Orthodontics: Current
These newly emphasized clinical phenomena Principles and Techniques. 4th ed. St. Louis,
suggest that facial and alveolar bone may not be Mosby, 2005.) According to Enlow, the perios-
as immutable as previous generations of dentists teal surface receiving new bone in the direction
were taught. The aim of this article is to present of the OTM vector undergoes deposition and
molecular and tissue level biochemical concepts the periosteal surface origin of the vector under-
that might explain exactly how this newly de- goes resorption.4 Yet, the PDL and cribriform
scribed bone malleability can occur and provoke plate activity have been traditionally character-
the reader to innovative solutions to physical ized quite the opposite, with resorption and dep-
and intellectual limits that have challenged our osition occurring on the “pressure” and “ten-
specialty for a century.
sion” side of the ligament, respectively. The
reconciliation of this conceptual dissonance lies
Histochemical Perspectives in viewing the alveolus as a “whole bone” and the
PDL-cribriform plate complex as analogous to
Contrary to some popular perceptions, thera-
endosteal surfaces.
peutic tooth movement is not essentially a func-
Two proposed classical mechanisms attempt
tion of Newtonian mechanics. Tooth movement
to explain the bone physiology reaction to stress:
is a biologic event, in fact encompassing a cas-
the popular but simplistic “pressure-tension”
cade of histological and biochemical reactions.
construct and the “bioelectric” theories. The
Once the mechanical stimulus is applied, a phe-
nomenon referred to as “signal transduction” con- pressure-tension model proposes the tooth as
verts mechanical strain to biochemical events. For lying in a connective fiber “sling” attached to the
the 21st century clinician, only a biologic orien- socket, with fiber stretch (tension) eliciting os-
tation can capture the full scope of orthopedic teogenesis and fiber compression eliciting oste-
tissue engineering concepts that often escape oclastic resorption on the PDL side (frontal re-
our consciousness when we preoccupy ourselves sorption) or endosteal side (undermining or
with mechanical manipulation or the cosmetic “rear” resorption) of the cribriform plate de-
enhancement of individual teeth for popular pending on pressure gradients. While easy to
and even fatuous affectations. In fact, an over- understand in a grossly mechanical way for pa-
emphasis on superficial cosmetic mechanics, ig- tients, it fails to respect myriad biochemical re-
noring a century of scientific theory, in the long sponses by the cells and extracellular matrix
run can produce severe biologically harmful (ECM) of the PDL and alveolar bone.5 The “bio-
treatment outcomes for the patient. Thus, the electric” theory relates tooth movement to the
periodontal biologic message to all orthodon- movement of charged particles produced when
tists, especially in the treatment of a mother’s alveolar bone is flexed. Specifically this refers to
child, is one of profound and prudential cau- hydroxyapatite crystals (immediate and rapidly
tion. This begins with respect for health of the dissipating piezoelectric potential) and the
gingiva and periodontal ligament (PDL). slower ionic flux at fluid-solid interfaces within
The PDL is generally considered a specialized the living osteocyte-cannaliculi syncytium.6 Po-
connective tissue responsible for the dramatic tential differences created by forcing these
alveolar bone remodeling process. Yet, applica- charged particles or electrolytes through narrow
292 Masella and Chung

channels within the bone are “streaming poten- conceptual horizons of orthodontic therapy, tak-
tials.”7 ing it from a strict “Newtonian mechanical mod-
At this juncture, it is probably appropriate el’s” (bias) to incorporate biochemical concepts
to avoid falling into a common misconception. and the burgeoning science of tissue engineer-
Neither theory completely explains the OTM ing.
phenomenon; both theories are involved in
the biologic control of tooth movement. Thus,
Bioelectric Model
integration offers insights into techniques that
may allow the dentofacial orthopedist to engi- The PDL histological model that cannot fully
neer an “optimal response” of bone with as explain tooth movement must be supplemented
much alacrity as the holy-grail search for an with physical, chemical and molecular biologic
elusive “optimal force.” Contemporary clinical concepts of biomechanics if OTM is to be fully
and basic science research suggests this may be and accurately conceptualized in a modern sci-
achieved through such seemingly disparate entific context. The “bioelectric” theory claims
methods as electromagnetic manipulation,8 sur- that movement of charged particles may also
gical provocation to accelerate OTM,9 genetic play a role in tooth movement. Two types of
testing and enhancement,10 or even pharmaco- charge movement proposed by researchers in-
logic supplementation in situ. clude piezoelectric and streaming potential sig-
In terms of physical mechanics, the piezoelec-
Pressure-Tension Model
tric effect is a phenomenon where an electric
A more detailed pressure-tension theory states polarity is created in crystals when deformed.
that chemical signals stimulate cellular differen- (When a bone crystal is compressed, tissue ions
tiation and ultimately tooth movement. When in the surrounding fluid also migrate along the
orthodontic forces are applied to the tooth, and easiest axis pathways.) The net movement of
after capillary damping of initially applied force, negative charge in the crystal in one direction is
extracellular fluids of the PDL, a viscoelastic gel, enhanced by the movement of positive charge in
shift distorted cells and ECM. This force alters the opposite direction, creating a net dipole
blood flow within the PDL, namely blood flow is moment. The displacement of electron density
maintained or increased where the PDL is under leads to a voltage across opposite sides of the
tension and restricted in areas of pressure. Mi- crystal, and to an electric current if a conductive
gration of leukocytes into the extravascular material connects the opposite sides. Thus, an
space (a mild, aseptic inflammation) occurs in electric current can be generated between the
areas of both tension and pressure through dif- two oppositely charged surfaces of each crystal
ferent mechanisms. Blood flow is decreased and can flow from one part of the crystal lattice
where the PDL is compressed. The alterations in to another, creating piezoelectric signals.
blood flow induce chemical changes, directly Piezoelectric effects were initially thought to
and indirectly through chemical messengers. be materially effective signals responsible for
This process of “signal transduction,” a biologi- tooth movement because bone consists of an
cal event, is what proximately stimulates cellular inorganic phase of hydroxyapatite crystals and
differentiation and bone remodeling, thus facil- organic phase of mainly type I collagen. When a
itating tooth movement. force is applied against bone, these hydroxyap-
The reader should bear in mind that the atite crystals bend due to the elasticity of the
pressure/tension model may be inaccurate to organic collagen phase, creating a piezoelectric
the extent it is oversimplified and generalized. effect within the bone. However, piezoelectric
In common use it emerges as a rarefied theory phenomena are brief and effete and should not
that may have little predictive power since the be conflated with the longer lasting and appar-
PDL is roughly 0.25 to 0.33 mm wide, a dimen- ently more influential ion flux that occurs simul-
sion smaller than a wire activation seeking to taneously in tissue fluid.
gain the usual rate of activation to elicit the Many studies have shown that dry bone does
expected 1 mm of tooth movement per month. indeed undergo a piezoelectric effect7; however,
This observation suggests a need to widen the in vivo, bone is very complex tissue and is sur-
Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Orthodontics, Periodontology 293

rounded by a wet environment. When charged Pascal’s law, which states that when there is an
ions or electrolytes within solution are forced increase in pressure at any point in a confined
through a narrow channel, the term “streaming fluid, there is an equal increase at every other
potentials” more accurately portrays the bioelec- point in the container. Differential stresses and
tric signals or potential differences created strains in the periodontium can therefore only
along that channel. While certain ions of the be developed at the interface of more solid
same sign are attracted to the channel walls, parts: bone, tooth, the collagen fibers of the
other charged ions of opposite charge become PDL, and the surrounding alveolus and facial
concentrated in the remaining fluid that is bones. This perspective calls for a wider concep-
passing through. Osteocyte cell processes in tualization to explain OTM more accurately with
cannaliculi apparently “communicate” at a gap emerging histometric, biochemical, cellular ge-
junction. These types of signals are somewhat netic, and molecular biological concepts.16
analogous to action potentials through nerves at Also, Baumrind found that bone deflection
synapses. Thus, the mechanotransduction sys- can be produced routinely by forces lower than
tem, the osteocyte-cannaliculi syncytium, facili- those required to produce consequential changes
tates cell-to-cell “communication” as the ion flux in PDL width. This further strengthens his point
occurs from fluid movement within the Haver- that seeing the PDL as a viscous gel system may be
sian systems (osteons) in bone under variable more productive in everyday clinical practice. If
strain.7 fluid in the periodontium were to be “squeezed
The bioelectric theory incorporates both the out” in one region by orthodontic force, it would
piezoelectric and the streaming potential types have to be squeezed out in all regions, thus
of potential differences and ionic movement, producing an immediate “damping” phenome-
implying that structural alterations throughout non. He also questioned the observation of “un-
the bone are conducted and/or triggered by dermining resorption” in pressure-tension the-
ionic charge differences. Thus, when an orth- ory, since similar marrow space activity is also
odontic force is applied to the tooth, the tooth observed in the “tension” side of the periodontal
pushes against the bone, bending the crystalline ligament during OTM.
structure of alveolar bone and collagen and tis- Baumrind therefore proposed an alternative
sue fluid far beyond the PDL.11,12 hypothesis: When orthodontic appliances are
Electric stimulation can enhance cellular en- placed, forces delivered to the tooth are trans-
zymatic phosphorylation activities in periodon- mitted to all the tissues in the region of force
tal tissues and may be a potent method in accel- application.14 All three structures, tooth, PDL,
erating alveolar bone turnover.8 Therefore, in and alveolar bone, are deformed. The amount
theory, electric and electromagnetic influences of deformation (measured as microstrain) is de-
can modify the bone remodeling involved in termined by the elastic properties (elastic mod-
OTM, even when externally applied as therapeu- ulus) of each tissue component. In contrast to
tic adjuncts to healing as demonstrated in the the narrow “pressure-tension” model, remote ar-
“electric braces” research of Davidovitch and co- eas of bone may be involved in tooth movement
workers.8 as Melsen suggested in 200111; the results of
orthodontic intrusion could be perceived as
bending of alveolar bone produced by the pull
Contemporary Concepts from Sharpey’s fibers.
The Baumrind Model
Further Reductionist Analysis
The research conducted by Baumrind and co-
workers gave orthodontists an interesting perspec- Piezoelectric effects and the pressure-tension
tive on OTM as early as 1965.13,14 In contrast to the models suggest that when the mechanical force
“pressure-tension” theory of Schwarz,15 Baumrind on bone is removed, the once-loaded system
proposed that the PDL is a continuous hydrostatic reverts back to its original homeostatic or steady
system; any force delivered to it will be transmitted state of dynamic equilibrium. However, it should
equally to all regions of the PDL. Such a model be remembered that studies from Johnson state
refers to a kind of “viscoelastic system,” recalling that the effects of forces on the bone are trans-
294 Masella and Chung

duced into another form in which “a biochem- moved beyond a restricted limit of malocclusion
ical cascade remains activated long after the with relative impunity. While clinical data demon-
mechanical stimulation has been removed.”12 strate that this may be possible, especially in the
These studies report that strain-induced fluid transitional dentition, others contend that moving
flow stimulates the production and/or release of teeth “off the alveolar housing” risks bony and
various bioactive substances, including potent ultimately gingival dehiscence. Fortunately, re-
morphogens, directly from osteoblasts and osteo- searchers have observed that in monkeys reappo-
cytes. Coincidentally, these substances include sec- sition of labial bone can occur in a coronal direc-
ond messengers and inflammatory mediators tion after teeth in extreme labial position with
mentioned previously, namely prostaglandin E2 bone dehiscence and consequent gingival reces-
(PGE2), inorganic phosphate 3 (IP3), calcium, cy- sion were moved to a more normal position.18
clic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), and ni- Several variables play a role in his hypothesis:
trous oxide (NO), a particularly important mor- (1) the skeletal or bone units and the functional
phogen in osteoblasts and osteocytes. Specifically, matrices (the nonskeletal remainder including
NO is shown to regulate bone remodeling by in- the related cells, tissue, organs, fluid, and even
hibiting resorption and by possibly stimulating os- spaces); (2) the hierarchy of bone organization
teoblastic proliferation. This is important because ranging from the level of the whole skeleton
a recent animal study suggested a more optimal (higher attributes) to the level of a single bone
response (enhanced osteoclasia) can be engi- cell (lower attributes); and (3) the intrinsic
neered by injecting L-arginine, an NO precursor, (genomic) and extrinsic (epigenetic) factors. All
in situ during OTM.16 NO also exerts effects within three variables contribute to the entire skeletal
endothelial cells, causing vasodilation of blood ves- system’s development and adaptation to func-
sel walls, resulting in multiple and variable cell tional loads.
migration and differentiation. Thus, osteoblasts Moss stated that the lower attributes of single
and endothelial cells both respond to fluid flow bone cells cannot predict the higher attributes
similarly, and therefore, both play a role at the of the whole skeleton or bone tissue in the hier-
most fundamental molecular level in mediating archy of bone organization. G.D. Singh, relying
bone remodeling through altering the dynamic on the accuracy of finite element analysis meth-
balance between osteoblast and osteoclast activi- odologies, elaborates on the FMH by asking us
ty.16 to view spatio-temporo matrices as affecting mor-
phogenesis in an attempt to achieve a structural
balance and physiologic tissue homeostasis. His
Functional Matrix Hypothesis of Moss
term for this natural adaptive phenomenon is
A fundamental epistemological schism has plagued the spatial matrix hypothesis (SMH).19 We pro-
orthodontics for nearly a century. This is not idle pose that the modern orthodontic clinician
internecine or ideological bickering because the should consider a coherent, comprehensive,
polar philosophical “truths” can have profound and fully integrated theoretical systems ap-
clinical ramifications such as extracting teeth, flat- proach that appreciates the biology from the
tening facial profiles, or risking gingival dehis- intracellular biochemical dynamics of single
cence on teeth in growing children. The vexing bone cells, through tissue level interactions, to
question is whether the alveolar form in any one the clinical changes we induce in skeletal form
patient is fundamentally immutable in health and grossly.
disease or whether alveolar bone, like liquids or This concept has been shared by medical
gels in a container, assumes the shape of its con- physiologists and orthopedists for many years
taining matrix following the movement of the under the rubric Utah Paradigm of Bone Physi-
teeth. Moss17 nicely synthesizes these aforemen- ology.20 This model suggests that a “nephron-
tioned concepts and orchestrates them into the equivalent” entity called the basic multicellular
functional matrix hypothesis (FMH), arguing that unit (BMU) is largely responsible for regional
shape and dimensions of alveolar bone, through bone remodeling. Wilcko and Ferguson9 have
single-generation phenotypic plasticity, can indeed presented compelling evidence and clinical
be defined by a functional matrix (“container”), studies of dentoalveolar surgical techniques that
the dental roots. If he is correct then teeth may be demonstrate this phenomenon at work in a very
Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Orthodontics, Periodontology 295

meaningful and clinically practical way. They does not occur. The daunting clinical challenge
cite the regional acceleratory phenomenon for each practitioner is to become sensitive to
(RAP) of medical orthopedist, H.M Frost, as the the fact that strain for each patient in a widely
essential operative physiologic mechanism re- biodiverse biological and psychosocial milieu.
sponsible for their astonishing clinical revela- This is where an understanding of biochemistry
tions and stable treatment outcomes. sharpens the “mind’s eye” to see and think be-
The surgical techniques included buccal and yond bends in a wire.
lingual full-thickness flaps, a kind of scarification Observing this at the biochemical and molec-
of the cortical plates (selective decortication), ular level, a single bone cell undergoes its own
concomitant bone grafting/augmentation, and mechanotransduction through a series of bio-
primary flap closure. Their treatment of Class I chemical cascades whereas a whole multicellular
cases of severe crowding and constricted maxil- system such as the osteocyte-cannaliculi syncy-
lary alveoli were completed in approximately 6 tium can function as a connected cellular net-
months. They suggested that the incorporation work utilizing the summation of the biochemical
of the bone augmentation into a decortication attributes of many cells. The bioelectric theory
surgical protocol makes it possible to complete concedes just this, in that each small contribution
the orthodontic treatment with a more intact from the simple flow of fluid after deformation
periodontium. As a workable, pragmatic clini- can actually lead to an enormous change through
cal guideline, the Utah Paradigm developed biochemical amplification. This is the tissue level
through the collaboration of Drs. Harold M. mechanism thought to be responsible for gross
Frost and Webster S.S. Jee, conceptually compat- anatomical alteration in alveolar bone shape
ible with Baumrind’s model, explains and pre- and dimension. The self-regulatory (second or-
dicts OTM behavior in the larger periodontal der) cybernetic mechanism is called a “mech-
context in a manner superior to the classic pres- anostat,” a concept developed by the Frost and
sure-tension construct. Thus, the best course for Jee collaboration. This is a biological “machine”
the clinician is a full integration of all theories that determines whole-bone strength and forms
because even the novel approach of the Wilcko- a tissue-level negative feedback system. Two
Ferguson studies may depend on intrinsic bio- thresholds define a range of bone strains that
chemical mediators to enhance the effects of determine the organ’s form and function by
natural ligands or pharmaceutical agents such switching on and off the necessary biologic
as recombinant bone morphogenetic protein mechanisms that increase or decrease its local
(rhBMP-2). physiologic activity.20,22
Williams, Singh, and Damon have also al- Moss’ FMH, Singh’s SMH, and the Utah Par-
luded to principles that mimic both the RAP and adigm in synthesis allow us a fully integrated
FMH in their nonsurgical approaches to alveolar intellectual infrastructure within which molecu-
and dentofacial orthopedic therapy, “osteoblas- lar or ionic triggering of intrinsic or genomic
tic recruitment,” “spatial matrix,” and “physio- factors, which ultimately lead the system to ex-
logically adaptive force,” respectively.21 press the necessary biological tools for bone re-
While enterprising clinical innovators and modeling, can be organized. With orthodontic
keen scientific observers, they are not initiators forces as the extrinsic or epigenetic factor, as
of this concept, because according to Melsen, seen in Baumrind’s model, the skeletal compo-
the woven bone formation seen “ahead of” alve- nents are manipulated to allow the movement of
olus in the direction of the movement could be teeth through this functional matrix of bone,
interpreted as an expression of RAP.11 Accord- tissue, and fluid, and redefining it structurally
ing to Frost, any regional noxious stimulus, and functionally.
chemical, surgical, or mechanical, of sufficient
magnitude can evoke RAP.22 The extension of
Specific Molecular Mechanisms
the affected region and the intensity of the res-
ponse vary directly with the magnitude and the Transcription factor (TF) biology is a key com-
nature of the stimulus as long as it occurs above ponent of the molecular response to orthodon-
a minimal effective strain (MES), the borderline tic force. TFs are specialized proteins formed in
strain below which appropriate bone modeling the cytoplasm that migrate into the nucleus and
296 Masella and Chung

attach to very short nucleotide segments of ultimately affecting ribosomal activity (transla-
DNA. This binding of TFs either promotes gene tion; Fig 3).
expression or suppression. The overall process Investigations into the relationship between
by which molecules transmit mechanical force bone stress and cellular responses have been
into bone cell genomes is the forementioned performed for some time, but the exact path-
“signal transduction” (Figs 1, 2). ways remain unclearly defined. Pavalko and co-
We may ask how bone cells sense the pres- workers discuss an interesting concept termed
ence of mechanical load. This is done through the “mechanosome,” which is conjectured to
physical distortion of the force-affected cells. function as an intermediate biochemical path-
This cell deformation triggers a whole complex way.23 A proposed genomic communication sig-
of molecular events or biochemical cascade nal, the mechanosome may mediate external
(pathways) exemplified in Fig 2. It is important mechanical stimuli from the extracellular matrix
to bear in mind that orthodontic force directed to influence architectural transcription factors
into the PDL and adjacent alveolar bone causes
in the nucleus. While very little experimental
structural alterations in tensegrity (tensional in-
data have explicated the exact nature of a mech-
tegrity) of the cytoskeleton and nucleus; (see:
anosome, it serves as an interesting working hy-
pothesis23 (Figs 4, 5). In the words of Pavalko
ingber) and functional changes in the extracel-
and coworkers23:
lular matrix, the cell membrane and the nuclear
matrix proteins. This is immediately followed by We propose that mechanical information is relayed from the
nucleotide activation by single or multiple TFs bone to the gene in part by a succession of deformations,
and subsequent gene suppression or expression changes in conformations, and translocations. The load-

Figure 1. Intracytoplasmic schematic of bone cell showing nuclear envelop on the left. Various cytoplasmic proteins
are evident, with a helical protein touching the nuclear envelope as part of signaling. Signal transduction from cell
membrane via second messengers to nuclear pores. The mechanosome is conjectured to work with second messen-
gers activated by external mechanical stimuli from the extracellular matrix taking in data to architectural transcription
factors. Many molecular biologists emphasize the importance of studying morphogenesis as a transcriptional event so
tissue engineering may be based on pharmaceutical aids. (Source: The Signal Trans-
duction Lab, as envisioned by Audre Geras. Reprinted with permission. ©2008 Audra Geras, Geras Healthcare
Productions. (Color version of figure is available online.)
Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Orthodontics, Periodontology 297

Figure 2. The image demonstrates most graphically, with the well-investigated NF-␬B pathway, the complexity of
the molecular biology of signal transduction at the cellular level. It is conjectured that orthodontic and
dentofacial orthopedic forces evoke similar complicated biochemistry, yet the burgeoning knowledge of this
molecular biology opens a new frontier for pharmaceutically facilitated OTM. (Source: Copyright ©2006 Reprinted with permission.) ( Reprinted
with permission.) (Color version of figure is available online.)

induced deformation of bone is converted into the deforma- While there is dispute about the exact nature
tion of the sensor cell membrane. This, in turn, drives of these mechanisms it would seem that Ingber’s
conformational changes in membrane proteins of which some
work intimates what Pavalko has stated, indeed
are linked to a solid-state signaling scaffold that releases
“bending bone ultimately bends genes.”23,24
protein complexes capable of carrying mechanical informa-
tion, “mechanosomes,” into the nucleus. These mechano-
Recent studies have investigated the molecu-
somes translate this information into changes in the geometry lar mechanisms of PDL cells regulating the bone
of target gene DNA, altering gene activity; bending bone remodeling process. When compressive force is
ultimately bends genes. not present, PDL cells secrete osteoprotegerin
298 Masella and Chung

Figure 3. Stimulus at the cell membrane, for example, cell deformation, triggers a whole complex of molecular
events or biochemical cascade exemplified in Fig 2, immediately followed by nucleotide activation by single or
multiple transcription factors and subsequent gene suppression or expression ultimately affecting ribosomal
activity (translation). (Source: Reprinted with permis-
sion.©2001 Terese Winslow (Color version of figure is available online.)

(OPG) to inhibit the differentiation of the oste- genesis resulting in alveolar bone resorption and
oclasts.25 Secretion of OPG by PDL cells pre- subsequent OTM. Increased RANKL expression
vents resorption of alveolar bone and subse- in compressed PDL cells was also observed in
quent disruption of the PDL. This osteoclastic patients with severe external apical root resorp-
inhibitory mechanism maintains the teeth in the tion induced by orthodontic treatment.27 This
alveolar socket in the physiologic but dynamic resorption was mainly caused by upregulated
steady state. Tooth eruption is the only period of osteoclastogenesis. The RANKL-OPG ratio can
time when the secretion of OPG by dental folli- be used as a potential diagnostic assay and as the
cle (precursor of PDL cells) is not present be- determinant factor for root resorption.
cause osteoclast formation and activation are PDL cells, therefore, influence osteoclast
necessary to form an eruption pathway.26 differentiation through RANKL stimulation
Orthodontic treatment, however, changes and OPG inhibition. Orthodontic compressive
this secretion process. Compressive force trig- force significantly increased the release of
gers the secretion of another factor, called the RANKL and decreased that of OPG in human
ligand receptor activator of NF-␬B (RANKL) PDL cells in a time- and force magnitude-
from PDL cells (Fig 2). RANKL is an important dependent manner in gingival crevicular fluid
regulator of osteoclast differentiation and activ- (GCF).28 Such increase of RANKL levels was
ity. Upregulation of RANKL induces osteoclasto- approximately 16.7-fold, and the decrease of
Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Orthodontics, Periodontology 299

Figure 4. Schematic illustrating pathways associated with the mechanosome hypothesis presently under inves-
tigation. Note interplay between biochemical factors and the structural tensional integrity (tensegrity) of the
cytoskeleton, ably studied by Professor Ingber. (Source: Pavalko FM, Norvell SM, Burr DB, Turner CH, Duncan
RL, Bidwell JP: A model for mechanotransduction in bone cells: the load-bearing mechanosomes. J Cell Biochem
88:104-112, 2003. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) (Color version of figure is available

OPG was 2.9-fold, as compared to the control. periodontitis.30 Indeed, reciprocating trauma,
Local transfer of OPG gene to periodontium moving a tooth in and out of a prematurity
neutralized the RANKL-mediated osteoclasto- under parafunction, may even alter the qualita-
genesis induced by compressive force and inhib- tive nature of the subjacent bacterial flora creat-
ited OTM.29 ing a pathological bacterial biofilm (dental
plaque) dynamic clinically undetectable by the
Clinical Significance busy orthodontist.31
However, OTM, dangerously characterized as
Bone Response a kind of “controlled version of occlusal
The understanding of biochemical mechanisms trauma,” differs from irreversible trauma in that
of OTM allows the orthodontist to control the OTM produces a net displacement of the tooth
nature of tooth movement so physiologic varia- in space. The difference that distinguishes dis-
tion does not become pathologic. Reciprocal ease from therapy, where similar physiologic
oscillating force on a tooth constitutes the “jig- processes are at work, is the ability to control the
gling” movement associated with the occlusal clinical outcome. This is why the biologic ap-
trauma and accelerated irreversible bone loss in proach to orthodontic care and an intellectual
300 Masella and Chung

Figure 5. The load-bearing mechanosome explains mechanotransduction in bone cells in general, yet the exact
role in surgical or nonsurgical dentofacial orthopedics awaits further research. The reader is encouraged to
further investigate this promising new frontier in the molecular biology of the orthodontic specialty. (Source:
Pavalko FM, Norvell SM, Burr DB, Turner CH, Duncan RL, Bidwell JP: A model for mechanotransduction in
bone cells: the load-bearing mechanosomes. J Cell Biochem 88:104-112, 2003. Reprinted with permission of
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

appreciation of periodontal pathophysiology, al- attachment loss and self-perpetuating disease be-
veolar bone dynamics, and biologic engineering yond the reach of oral hygiene aids even when
of the surrounding bone tissue is so critical to used assiduously.
successful therapy. When physiologic force can
be modulated to benefit and protect the patient
The Pharmacological Dimension
from therapeutic excess, the orthodontist or
more specifically the dentofacial orthopedist, is In the future, pharmacologic products may be
acting as kind of “applied biological scientist” used in regulating the rate of orthodontic tooth
and not merely a technically proficient artisan movement. They may work by regulating the cyto-
who can move clinical crowns. kines, growth factors, or systemic factors involved
This is true not merely for adult patients. in bone remodeling. Drugs that can influence the
Capelli and coworkers published compelling rate of tooth movement can be characterized into
epidemiological and microbiological data sug- five main categories: hormones, bisphosphonates,
gesting that frank attachment loss may be vitamin D metabolites, fluoride, and nonsteroidal
demonstrated in significant adolescent co- anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).33
horts.32 Without some biological awareness, the Systemic hormones such as estrogen, androgen,
clinical artisan, focusing on mechanistic art, may and calcitonin cause an increase in bone mineral
jeopardize the patients’ long-term periodontal content, bone mass, and a decrease in the rate of
health since an increase in postdebonding tissue bone resorption. As a result, they could delay
tonus mimics but hides subjacent periodontal OTM. On the other hand, thyroid hormones and
Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Orthodontics, Periodontology 301

corticosteroids increase osteoclast bone resorption accelerate OTM in both animals and humans.
and inhibit osteoblastic function, respectively, Oral administration of misoprostol, a prosta-
which might increase the rate of OTM contribut- glandin E1 analog, has been shown to enhance
ing to a less stable orthodontic result. OTM with minimal root resorption.37 Adminis-
Drugs such as bisphosphonates, vitamin D me- tration of prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane
tabolites, and fluorides can delay OTM. Bisphos- A2 (TxA2) analogs in rats have been shown to
phonates, contemporarily popular in our society, increase the number of osteoclasts, osteoclastic
are potent blockers of bone resorption. They in- bone resorption, and rate of OTM.38 Therefore,
hibit osteoclastic metabolism and decrease num- while some pharmaceutical agents hold promise
bers of osteoclasts. Vitamin D3 regulates the phys- of enhanced bone remodeling, long-term admin-
iologic amount of calcium and phosphorus. istration of NSAIDs or ASAs should be avoided
Research shows that vitamin D3 also increases during orthodontic therapy.
bone mass and reduces fractures in osteoporotic Cytokines OPG and RANKL could become
patients.34 Fluoride stimulates the growth and syn- the next targets of pharmaceutical approach
thetic activity of osteoblasts and bone formation. in controlling tooth movement. As previously
In the form of sodium fluoride, it inhibits the described, OPG released by PDL cells inhibits
osteoclastic activity and reduces the number of the differentiation of osteoclasts and prevents
active osteoclasts. bone resorption. RANKL, however, induces oste-
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), oclastogenesis resulting in alveolar bone resorp-
commonly employed analgesics in daily dental tion. In fact, Keles and coworkers recently de-
treatment, also have been shown to reduce bone signed a constant orthodontic force model and
resorption and delay the bone response to respec- demonstrated that tooth movement is reduced
tive tooth-borne pressure. They inhibit cyclooxy- when OPG is systemically administrated in mice.39
genase enzyme involved in prostaglandin synthe- Biological modulators could be administrated lo-
sis. Aspirin and other acetylsalicyclic acids (ASAs), cally to control undesired tooth movement at an-
such as ibuprofen, are able to slow down orth- chor units or systemically to enhance post treat-
odontic tooth movement as may indomethacin- ment stability.
related agents.35
Locally applied statins may also have some
future relevance to alveolus engineering be- Twenty-first Century Research and
cause they are capable of inducing both angio- Clinical Protocols
genesis and regional osteogenesis necessary for
Genetic Tests
regeneration. Statin, a coenzyme A reductase
inhibitor, increases BMP-2 gene expression for Proinflammatory cytokines play an important role
bone formation by blocking the mevalonate in periodontal diseases. Interleukin-1␤ (IL-1␤), in
pathway in cholesterol production. In an in vivo particular, has been well demonstrated in bone
study, the amount of new bone formed by statin destruction commonly seen in adult periodonti-
mixed with a collagen carrier was quantitatively tis.10 IL-1␤ is increased in inflamed gingival tis-
assessed and results showed that 308% more new sue and GCF in patients with periodontitis.40
bone was formed in defects grafted with statin than Treatment with scaling and root planing de-
those grafted with the carrier alone. Immunolocal- creases IL-1␤ levels in the GCF.41
ization studies on the early healing of the defects The IL-1 gene cluster on human chromo-
grafted with statin showed vascular endothelial some 2q13 contains 3 genes. Two genes (IL-1␣
growth factor (VEGF), BMP-2, Cbfa-1 expression, and IL-1␤) encode proinflammatory cytokine
and new bone formation occurred 1 day earlier proteins IL-1␣ and IL-1␤, respectively. The third
than those grafted with the carrier alone.36 gene (IL-1RN) encodes a related protein (IL-
Prostaglandins and leukotrienes have the po- 1ra) that acts as a receptor antagonist.42 Recent
tential to enhance tooth movement and are foci research has improved public knowledge on the
for clinical investigations. They stimulate bone role of the proinflammatory cytokine in OTM.
resorption by increasing the number of oste- Both IL-1␤ and tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣)
oclasts and activating existing osteoclasts. The have been implicated in osteoclastic bone re-
injection of prostaglandin has been shown to sorption accompanying OTM. Studies from Al-
302 Masella and Chung

hashimi and coworkers43 have shown the in- The findings of genetic components such as
creased levels of IL-1␤ in vivo mRNA expression IL-1␤ involved in periodontitis and OTM will
during orthodontic treatment. And such in- allow orthodontists to employ genetic suscep-
creased levels of IL-1␤ are measurable in GCF tibility testing for possible complications be-
and gingival tissues of patients.40 fore orthodontic treatment when the clinical
Research has shown that such increased process is rendered more practical and con-
IL-1␤ expression is associated with the poly- ceptually more refined. Presently a reliable
morphisms of IL-1␤ gene clusters. IL-1␤ gene and practical market to patient sampling is in
has 2 alleles at the ⫹3954 position. Allele 1 of the development stage. GCF or buccal muco-
the IL-1␤ gene results in low production of sal epithelial cells can be collected and as-
IL-1␤. On the other hand, allele 2 is associated sessed for IL-1␤ genetic polymorphisms. In
with adult periodontitis. A change in IL-1␤ this way, orthodontists can screen patients for
allele to allele 2 at ⫹3954 position can result DNA markers suggesting susceptibility to peri-
in a 4-fold increase in IL-1␤ production lead- odontitis or EARR. Orthodontists can then
ing to bone destruction in adult periodonti- better inform patients of periodontal and
tis.44 Kornman and coworkers10 reported that orthodontic risks. Currently, a genetic suscep-
patients who were nonsmokers and positive for tibility test is available for severe chronic peri-
allele 2 at IL1␣ – 899 and IL1␤ ⫹3954 loci had odontitis based on the study by Greenstein
a 6.8 times greater chance of having severe and colleagues.47 In the future, similar genetic
periodontitis than those who did not possess tests could be developed to assess the risk of
these alleles. IL-1 genotype can thus be a EARR or even manipulate sufficient limited
strong predictor of susceptibility to severe pe- inflammatory events to facilitate movement or
riodontitis in adults. enhance stability. Such tests offer an intrigu-
Research has demonstrated that IL-1␤ gene ing tool for biologic orthodontists and dento-
polymorphism at the ⫹3954 position can also facial orthopedists to develop a thorough bio-
predispose patients to external apical root re- logically based diagnosis and treatment plan.
sorption (EARR), in which dental hard tissues
are attacked by osteoclasts. Individuals homozy-
gous for the IL-1␤ allele 1 have a 5.6-fold in-
creased risk of EARR greater than 2 mm, as Recently, developments in clinical practice have
compared with heterozygocity for the IL-1␤ al- incorporated OTM as a sophisticated therapeu-
lele 1. The diallelic variation of IL-1␤ gene be- tic adjunct in dental arch development, bone
tween individuals results in different expression regeneration, and preprosthetic periodontal
levels of IL-1␤, leading to various physiological therapy. The relationships between orthodon-
responses of apical roots to orthodontic forces. tics and periodontology are closer than ever and
Decreased IL-1␤ expression in individuals ho- complicated also by the popular incorporation
mozygous for the IL-1␤ allele 1 may result in of dental implants and temporary anchorage
relatively less catabolic bone resorption at the devices (TADs). These evolutionary develop-
cortical bone interface with the PDL, which in ments in the orthodontic specialty suggest the
turn may traumatize the root of the tooth, trig- presence of equally sophisticated biological
gering a cascade of fatigue-related events lead- events within the PDL and alveolar bone dur-
ing to root resorption.45 Recent studies by Jager ing OTM.
and coworkers in rats have shown that inhibition In the past, scholars have proposed several
of cytokine activity by soluble receptors to IL-1 theories regarding bone remodeling during
and TNF-␣ reduces the number of osteoclasts on OTM, which in light of modern cell biology can
the bone surface and inhibits OTM.46 Although be viewed as overly simplistic and unproductive
such application of soluble receptors does not by contemporary societal needs and 21st century
seem to be a specific treatment regimen for patient expectations of applied biological sci-
preventing root resorption in the course of ence. Contemporary models include Baum-
OTM, there is progress toward prediction of rind’s viscoelastic13 and Johnson’s fluid flow the-
unwanted side effects in creation of adjunctive ories,12 which may help link clinical practice
pharmaceutical therapy. with pharmacologic and tissue engineering, a
Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Orthodontics, Periodontology 303

nascent science already being developed in Acknowledgments

other fields of clinical care. Recent discoveries of We greatly appreciate the invaluable insights and sugges-
the interplay between RANKL and OPG mole- tions from Dr. Neal C. Murphy, Lecturer at the Department
cules in regulating bone remodeling demon- of Orthodontics at UCLA School of Dentistry, Associate
strate the potential of molecular biology in wid- Professor in Orthodontics at Case Western University. Dr.
Murphy is a great teacher. Carpe Diem! We wish to acknowl-
ening the clinical horizon of dentofacial edge Shelby Padua, UCLA School of Dentistry, for proof-
orthopedics. It is possible that a combination of reading and contributing to this study. Thanks also to Dr.
all the theories can be synthesized under the Chin-Yu Lin, Director of Orthodontics at Harvard School of
theories proposed by Moss, Singh, Frost, and Jee Dental Medicine, for giving insights and providing refer-
and the intrepid research of Drs. Wilcko and ences on the molecular basis of OTM. Thanks also to the
advice tendered by Dr. A. Lala, Lecturer at Harvard School
Ferguson.9 of Dental Medicine. Special appreciation is extended to
The biochemical mechanisms of OTM mimic Joseph P. Bidwell, PhD, whose development of the “mech-
on a smaller scale some inflammatory events that anosome model,” in collaboration with colleagues at Indiana
occur during occlusal trauma and the acceler- University-Purdue University at Indianapolis consortium of
ated bone loss in periodontitis. Consequently, clinicians and scientists, helped stimulate interest in the
fascinating molecular genetic biology that underlies the sci-
clinicians who ensure that concomitant peri- ence and art of the orthodontic specialty.
odontal care accompany their mechano-thera-
peutic protocol can minimize the likelihood of
permanent damage to the periodontal tissues References
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