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Jewellery, Metalwork and Blacksmithing Titles.

JEWELLERY & METALW R! """" Adorn #ew Jewellery Amanda Mansell 272pp 2008 T&H PB $59.95 Adornment Michael Butor 2 5pp. T&H. H! $"#7.20 A$rica Adorned. An$ela %isher &0 pp. H! H! $99.00 All Wired %&' 'ire Techni(ues )or the Bead*or+er & ,e*eller. M. -areau 2000 "27pp .'P PB $&9.00 The Altered ()ect' Techni*+es, ,ro)ects, -ns&iration. Terr/ Ta/lor "28pp 200# !H! $29.95 Am(er' Window to the ,ast 0.1rimaldi. "99#. T&H. H! $""&.00 America Modern. T.&H. H! $77.00 American Art Jewellery Today 2usan 1rant -e*in. "99 . 22 pp. T&H. H! $98.95 Am+lets' A World o$ .ecret ,owers, /harms and Magic 2heila Paine 200 "92pp T&H PB $"9.95 Anti*+e .il0er .an Pic+)ord. "998. "90pp. Per. H! $&8. 5 Archi(ald !no1 2tephen Martin 34d.5 "995. " 0pp. B'. PB $7#.95 Art & /ra$t o$ Making Jewelry ,oanna 1oll6er$ "7#pp 200# !H! $ 5.00 Art & Elegance o$ Beadwea0ing. !arol 'ilco7 'ells "#0pp. 2002 !PB $25.00 Art 2eco -ronwork. H. !lou8ot. ""2pp. "998. 9ir PB $27. 5 Art 2eco -ronwork & .c+l&t+re. 2.%. !oo+ ... and T. 2+inner 208pp. 2005 Per H! $""0.00 Art 2eco Jewellery 2/l:ie ;aulet 2 0pp. "985 & 2002 T.&H PB $"05.00 """" Art 2eco Jewelery 3 Art 2eco .chm+ck ,a+o6 Ben$el 2002 288pp. B' H! $#9.95 Art Metal$orging. 0a:id Ha*+ins 200 . "5 pp. A02 H!

$89.95 The Art and /ra$t o$ Jewellery ,anet %inch. " &pp. B' print The Art & .o+l $ 4lass Beads' " Bead Artists 2hare their .nspiration & Methods. 2usan ;a/ & ;ichard Pearce. 200&. " &pp. .n$ $ 7.50 The Art o$ Enameling -inda 0art/ 200 "7#pp. !$29.95 The Art o$ 5ine Enameling 9aren -. !ohen 2002 "#0pp. !$ 5.00 The Art o$ Jewellery 2esign 0e6orah 9rupenia. "997. " pp. B'. $7#.95 Art o$ Jewelry Making. Alan ;e:ere. " pp. 2000 !$ &.95 The Art o$ Jewelry' ,a&er Jewelry Marthe -e <an " pp 200# !$ 0.00 """" The Art o$ Jewelry' ,lastic and Resin Techni(ues Pro=ects .nspiration 0e6ra Adelson "28pp. 2008 !$ 0.00 The Art o$ Making Elegant Jewellery Bo1es T. -/d$ate. !-. $& .00 The Art o$ Making 5ine Wood Jewelry Ton/ -/d$ate. "998. " pp. !-. $&2.95 The Art o$ Metal /lay' Techni(ues )or !reatin$ ,e*eller/ & Metal >6=ects 2. Haa6. 200&. " pp. B'. $ 5.00 The Art o$ Resin Jewelry 2herri Haa6 "28pp 200# B' PB $&9.95 Art #o+0ea+ 2omestic Metalwork' %rom 'urttem6er$ische Metall*aren)a6ri+. The 4n$lish !atalo$ue "90#. .ntro 6/ 1raham 0r/. "995. &89pp. Per. $"75.00 Art #o+0ea+ Jewellery <i:ienne Bec+er. "998. 2 0pp. T&H. $#7.00 Art o$ .eed Beading 1ourle/? 0a:is & Tal6ott. "999. "28pp. 2terlin$@!-. $ &.95 A+stralian 4old & .il0er' "85" A "900. 4dB 4:a !8ernisA;/l 88pp. B'. PB $27. 5 A+stralian Jewellery' "9th and 4arl/ 20th !entur/. A. 2cho)ield 28#pp. T>'. $200.00

out o) PB PB H! H! H! H! H! PB PB PB

H! PB H! H!

Bar(ara 6eath' Jeweller to the Lost # pp. 2005 T&H. PB $29.95 Basic Jewellery Making Techni*+es. ,in+s Mc1rath ""2pp "99& A02 out o) print Bead' Handmade 2t/le. """pp 200# A02 PB $29.95 Bead and Mosaic' 2imple 2t/le. 9arin Hossac+. "999. ""2pp. CH. H! $&8. 5 Beaded Jewellery With 5o+nd ()ects !arole ;od$ers. 200 . "28pp. !-. PB $&0.00 Beaded Tassels, Braids and 5ringes <alerie !amp6ellAHardin$. "999. "28pp. 2terlin$@!-. H! $ &.95 DDDD Beading $rom #at+re' !reatin$ ,e*elr/ *ith 2tones )rom the 4arth. !r/stal Mc0ou$ald "28pp 2007 !H! $&0.00 Beads o$ Borneo Heidi Munan 2005 " pp T&H H! $ 5.00 Beadwork /reates Beaded Rings ed. ,ean !amp6ell 200 ""8pp .'P PB $29.50

Beadwork Pamela !la66urn. "980. &2pp. Per. PB $9.75 Bea+ti$+l B+tton Jewelry 2usan 0a:is " &pp 2005 .C1E H! $&9.95 Beda77led 8,999 years o$ Jewellery The 'alters Art Museum 2005 # pp P4; PB$"#.95 Beginner:s 4+ide to Enameling 0oroth/ !oc+rell 200 # pp 9A PB $29.95 DDDD Be)ewelled' Beauti)ul Bespo+e %ashion ,e*eller/ to Ma+e and 'ear Fsin$ !r/stals? Beads and !harms. !laire Aristides " pp 2007 B' H! $&9.95 Bernhard .cho(inger ; Jewels #ow< 200& "8 pp B' H! $"20.00 Body ,iercing 0un6ar &-ahn. "998. "00pp. 'a+e)ield. PB $&2.95 Bone /ar0ing' A #= 4+ide to Tools , Techni*+es & Marketing. ,im Timin$s #&pp "995 0, PB $"9.95 Bo1es and Lockets Tim Mc!rei$ht "80pp. "999. Br/n H! $55.00 Bridal Jewellery !lare Gar*oodA'hite 9#pp P4C PB $ 5.00 Brilliance Master&ieces $rom the American Jewelry 2esign /o++ncil !ind/ 4delstein & %ran+ 2tan+us 2008 228pp. !PB $25.00 Br+no Martina77i' 2/m6olic ,e*eller/. 2. P)or8heim 34d.5 "997. "#7pp. !-. H! $"&2.00 B+ried Treas+re' tra0els thro+gh the )ewel (o1. <ictoria %inla/. 82pp A02 PB$&5.00 By7anti+m' Treasures o) B/8antine Art and !ulture. 0a:id Buc+ton. "99 . 2 0pp. T&H. PB $59. 0 /artier Hans Cadelho))er "999 &00pp T&H PB $88.00 /ast -ron 2ecoration' A 'orld 2ur:e/. 4. 1raeme ;o6ertson and ,oan ;o6ertson &&#pp "977? p6 "99 T&H PB $70.00 /eltic !nots $or Beaded Jewellery 2u8en Millodot 80pp 200# 9A PB $29.95 /hanel' 5ine Jewellery. %rancois Baudot 70pp 200& P4; H! $&5.00 /hatelaines' Ftilit/ to 1lorious 47tra:a$ance. !ummins & Taunton. "99#. &""pp. Per. ;eprintin$ /lassical Loo&>-n>Loo& /hains and Their 2eri0ati0es ,ean ;eist 2tar+ & ,. ;. 2mith. "997? "999 2""pp. Br/n. H! $9".90 /olo+r on Metal' 50 Artists 2hare .nsi$hts & Techni(ues. Tim Mc!rei$ht."2#pp.200".9ir. out o) print /olo+ring, Bron7ing and ,atination o$ Metals Hu$hes & ;o*e. &7"pp. "99" T&H. H! $"25.00 The /om&lete Book o$ Jewellery Making. !arles !odina "#0pp 2000 !- PB $29.95@H! $ 9.95 The /om&lete 6and(ook o$ .and /asting !. '. Ammen 2&8pp "979 M!1H PB $ 0.95 DDDD The /om&lete Jewelry Making /o+rse' Principles practice and techni(uesAa 6e$innerHs course )or aspirin$ =e*elr/ ma+ers. ,in+s Mc1rath " pp 2007 .C1 PB $&9.95 The /om&lete Metalsmith Tim Mc!rei$ht. "92pp. spiral 6ound. Br/n PB $29.95 /onser0ation and /are o$ /ollections. 4dB 0. 1ilro/ & ..1od)re/. "998 "8"pp 'A PB $ 0.00 /ontem&orary Bead & Wire Jewelry Cathalie Mornu & 2u8anne ,.4. Tourtillott "27pp 200# !H!

$ 5.00 /ontem&orary Ja&anese Jewellery. "28pp. 2002 B' out o) print /ontem&orary Jewellers in A+stralia and #. =. P. Anderson. "70pp. "998 T.&H H! $88.00 /ontem&orary .il0er' !ommissionin$? 0esi$nin$? !ollectin$. B.2. ;a6ino:itch "#0pp. 2000 B' H! $7#.95 /ost+me, Te1tiles & Jewellery o$ -ndia. Traditions in ;a=asthan. <. Bhandari 200 2"#pp B' H! $59.95 The /ra$t o$ .il0ersmithing. Ale7 Austin. !200 "#0pp PB $&0.00 /reating Wire & Beaded Jewelry -inda ,ones. "28pp. 200 . Per PB $29.95 /reati0e Yo+r wn Jewellery' Taking -ns&iration $rom M+se+m Master&ieces !ris 0upou/ " 5pp. 200 T&H PB $#0.00 /reati0e /lay Jewellery. -eslie 0ier+s. " pp. "995. !-. PB $&2.95 DDDD /reati0e Em(ellishments' %or Paper? ,e*elr/? %a6ric and More. 2herrill 9ahn ""2pp 2007 .C1 PB $ 5.00 /reati0e Wire Jewellery 9ath/ Peterson ""2pp. 2002 B' PB $ 9.95 /reati0e Metal . Techni(ues? !oncepts and Pro=ects %or Metal 'or+in$ . -. 1ale 2000 "80pp T>' PB $ 9.95 **** /rochet Jewellery' 0 Beauti)ul and Fni(ue 0esi$ns. 'ae=on$ 9im & Anna Pul:erma+her "28pp 2007 9A PB $&8.95 /rocheted Wire Jewelry' -nno0ati0e 2esigns & ,ro)ects (y Leading Artists Arline M. %isch "28pp 200# !H! $ 0.00 /rystal Beaded Jewellery' Rings, #ecklaces and ther .&arkling Jewels !hristine and 2/l:ie Hoo$he 78pp 2005 9A PB $29.95 /+$$ Links 2usan ,onas & Maril/n Cissenson. "99". ""2pp. T&H. PB $ #.50 DDDD 2e Main A Main? 5rom 6and to 6and' Passin$ on 2+ill and 9no*AHo* in 4uropean !ontemporar/ ,e*eller/. " 0pp 2008 T&H PB $59.95 2ecorati0e -ronwork Marian !amp6ell "997. " &pp. -> H! $99.00 2ecorati0e Metalworking !harles P. Holt8man. "&7pp. Mc1H. PB $25.25 2esigning and /reation o$ Jewelry. @ rd Edition ;o6ert <on Ceumann &"8pp "982 .C1. PB $ 0.00 2esign Lang+age. Tim Mc!rei$ht. "99# Br/n H! $22.00 2esigning and Making Jewellery 2arah Macrae. "#0pp 2002. Per. H! $98.00 2esign -n .teel . Mel B/ars "59pp. 200& T&H. PB $88.00 2esign .o+rce(ook' ,e*eller/. 'end/ ;amsha*. "999. CH. H! $ &.95 2iamonds and ,recio+s .tones Patric+ <oillot "27pp "997 T&H PB $"#.95

A999 Years o$ rnament' An .llustrated Hand6oo+ o) Moti)s. 4:a 'ilson. "99 208pp. T&H. $#5.95 Easy Beaded Jewelry 2. ;a/ & 2. 'il+e " &pp 200 !$& .95 """" Elegant Wire Jewelry 9ath/ %re/ ""2pp 2007 !$ 0.00 Enamelling ;uth Ball "28pp 200# A02 $&9.95 Enamelling on ,recio+s Metals ,eanne 'er$eAHartle/ 2002 Per. $99.00 Enamels, Enameling, Enamelists' 1lenice -esle/ Matthe*s. "79pp. ;enn print Ethnic Jewellery edB ,ohn Mac+. 208pp. "988? 2002 T&H. $#0.00 Ethnic Jewellery %rom A)rica? Asia and Paci)ic .slands I The ;ene :an der 2tar !ollection Pepin :an ;oo=en 2##pp 200 'B $72.95 """" E1hi(ition @B Mi7ed Media 0emonstrations J 47plorations 2usan Tuttle 2008 "#0pp. !$ 0.00 E1*+isite Beaded Jewelry. -. Musante "27pp 200 .C1 $ 5.00

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"""" 5a(ric Jewellery' C8 2esigns to make %sing .ilk, Ri((on, B+ttons and Beads Teresa 2earle "28pp. 2007 A02 PB $&9.95 5a(+lo+s Jewelry $rom 5o+nd ()ects' /reati0e ,ro)ects, .im&le Techni*+es. Marthe -e <an "#0pp 2005 !PB $22.00 @ H! $ 0.00 5a(+lo+s Wo0en Jewelry' ,laiting, /oiling, !notting, Loo&ing & Twining with 5i(er & Metal. Mar/ Hettmansper$er "#0pp. 2005 !PB $&0.00 DDDD 5elted Jewelry' 20 2t/lish 0esi$ns. !andie !ooper ""2pp 2007 !H! $&0.00 5i(er & Bead Jewelry Helen Banes "28pp. 2002 !-. PB $&0.00 H! $ 5.00 5indings, The Jewellery o$ Ramona .ol(erg <ic+i Halper 59pp. 2002 Fnirep out o) print 5indings & 5inishings 2haron Bateman ""#pp 9A 200& PB $ .95 5ine Art Metal /asting' An -ll+strated 4+ide to Mo+ldmaking & Lost Wa1 ,rocesses ;ichard ;ome & Hamish Goun$ &20pp 200& 0-2 H! $&75.00 The 5ine Art o$ the Tin /an' Techni(ues and .nspirations. Bo66/ Hansson. "99#. !-. H! $ 5.00 The 5ine Art o$ the Tin /an' Techni(ues & .nspirations. Bo66/ Hansson. "#0pp ;e:ised edition? 200 !PB $2 .95 """" 5inger Rings 0iana 2caris6ric+ & Martin Heni$ 200& 80pp. .C PB $2&.95 5irst .te&s in Enameling ,in+s Mc1rath 200& 9#pp !PB$ 0.00 899 Bracelets' An -ns&iring /ollection o$ E1traordinary 2esigns. 4dB M. le <an 08pp 2005 !PB $ 0.00 899 Brooches' -ns&iring Adornments $or the Body. 4dB M. le <an &#0pp 2005 !PB $ 0.00 """" 899 Earrings' #ew 2irections in /ontem&orary Jewelry. 4d. Marthe -e <an 08pp 2007 !PB

$ 0.00 DDDD 899 Metal Dessels' !ontemporar/ 47plorations o) !ontainment. 08pp 2007 !PB $ 0.00 """" 899 #ecklaces' /ontem&orary -ns&irations o$ a Timeless 5orm. 4d. Marthe -e <an 20pp 2007 !PB $ 0.00 DDDD 899 ,endants and Lockets' !ontemporar/ .nterpretations o) !lassic Adornments. 20pp 2008 !PB $ 0.00 DDDD 899 Wedding Rings' !ele6ratin$ a !lassic 2/m6ol o) !ommitment. 20pp 2007 !- PB $ 0.00 DDDD 5old$orming !harles -e*tonABrain "59pp 2008 B;GC H! $59.95 5o+r /ent+ries o$ .il0er. ,ersonal Adornment in the Eing 2ynasty and A$ter. Mar$aret 0uda 208pp 2002 .CT PB $ 9.95 5riedrich Becker' Jewellery. !inetics. ()ects. &0 pp "997 B' H! $"92.50 4ems' Their .o+rces, 2escri&tion & -denti$ication. 8th Edition. 'e6ster ;ead "9#2@200& "02#pp .C1 $&00.00 4eorg Jensen? A Tradition o) 2plendid 2il:er. ;e:ised and 47panded 2 nd edition ,anet 0ruc+er. 200" Per $2 5.00 4oldsmithing & .il0erwork !arles !odina "#0pp 200& !$50.00 4oldsmithFs Art' 5000 Gears o) ,e*elr/ and Hollo*are. Hermann 2chadt. "99#. 2 0pp. B'. $"07.80 The 4ra&hic Art o$ the Enamel Badge 9en 2e(uin. "7#pp. "999 T&H. $&2.95 4ray .treet Worksho&, /ele(rating G8 years, An Antholo$/. pp. 200" $29.95 4reat Wire Jewellery .rene Peterson #0pp. "998 !$25.00 6and 5elted Jewelry. C8 Art$+l 2esigns. !arol Hu6er !/pher "20pp 200# $& .95 6ardwear. Jewelry $rom a tool(o1. Hannnah ;o$$e "&&pp 200# TH 6at ,ins 4:e 4c+stein & ,une %ir+ins. &2pp. Per print 6istory o$ Beads HTheI' %rom &0?000 B! to the Present. -ois 2herr 0u6in &# pp "987? 200#3p@6 ed5 T&H $59.95 9A H! &"2pp H! H! H! PB PB H! PB H!$29.95 out o) PB

JacksonFs 6allmarks' 4n$lish? 2cottish? .rish 2il:er and 1old Mar+s )rom "&00 to the Present 0a/. .an Pic+)ord 34d.5 Poc+et 4dition. "72pp. Per. PB $2".95 Ja&anese ,atinas 4ito+u 2u$imori "05pp 200 B;GC H! $&9.95 Jeweled B+gs & B+tter$lies Cissenson & ,onas. "20pp. 2000 T&H. H! $55.00 The Jeweler:s 2irectory o$ 2ecorati0e 5inishes' %rom 4namelin$ and 4n$ra:in$ to .nla/ and 1ranulation. ,in+s Mc1rath "27pp 2005 .C1 PB $ 5.00 Jewellery' %undamentals o) Metalsmithin$. Tim Mc!rei$ht. "997. " &pp. Br/n H!

$55.00 Jewellery 6and(ooks' Electro$orming -eslie !urtis " pp 200 A02 PB $&9.95 Jewellery 6and(ooks' The Ring Book ,in+s Mc1rath reprint 200 "28pp A02 PB$&9.95 Jewellery Making Man+al 2/l:ia 'ic+s "7&pp. "995. Pen PB $&9.#0@H! $52.80 """" Jewellery Making Basics e:er/thin$ /ou need to +no* to start ma+in$ 6eauti)ul =e*eller/ Cicola Hurst 2008 "28pp. PB $ .95 Jewellery Mo0es 47hi6ition catalo$ue? "&0 =e*ellers )rom 25 countries. C2M. "998 PB $ 9.50 Jewellery & .il0ersmithing Techni*+es !arles !odina "#0pp. 2002 A02 H! $75.00 The Jewelry Engra0ers Man+al ;. Allen Hard/ & ,ohn ,. Bo*man. "97#. " &pp. -o. PB $"8.#5 Jewellery' !oncepts and Technolo$/. >ppi Fntracht. 8 0pp. 0-2. H! $"80.00 Jewelry and 4ems' !ontemporar/ ,e*elr/ and >6=ect 0esi$n. Pre)ace 6/ ;ol) Muller. "99#. "#5pp. B'. H! $"&2.00 DDDD Jewelry With a 6ook' !rocheted %i6er Cec+laces? Bracelets & More. Terr/ Ta/lor "28pp 2007 FC.! H! $&9.95 Jewels and Jewellery !lare Phillips "#0pp 2000? reprint 200& A02 PB $55.00 Jewels #ow< Bernhard 2cho6in$er 200& "8 pp B' H! $"20.00 Jewels o$ Mind and Mentality. 0utch ,e*elr/ 0esi$n "950A2000 4dB G. ,oris 2000 &#0pp .04A H! $79.00 DDDD J+lie Bly$ield 2tephanie ;ado+ and 0ic+ ;ichards """pp 2007 'A94 H! $ 5.00 Made To Wear' !reati:it/ in !ontemporar/ ,e*eller/. ,anice 'est. "28pp. "998 Per H! $9&.50 Make Yo+r wn 4reat Earrings ,ane -a%erla. "998. "28pp. !-. PB $27. 5 DDDD Making /onnections' A 6and(ook o$ /old Joins $or Jeweler:s and Mi1ed Media Artists. 2usan -enart 9a8mer " 2pp 2008 9A H! $80.00 Making 5antastic Jewellery Paola ;omanelli "#0pp. 200" !H! $ 9.95 DDDD Making 6andmade Lam&work Beads & 4lass Jewelry Ha:a & 0ann/ ;onat "27pp 2008 T>' PB $29.95 Making Metal Jewelry' Pro=ects? Techni(ues? .nspiration ,oanna 1oll6er$ ""2pp 200# !PB $2 .95 Making ,olymer /lay Jewellery 2ue Heaser. "997. "27pp. CH. H! $&#.&0 Making .il0er /hains, 1len %. 'as8e+ ""2pp. 200" !PB $ 29.95 Manhole /o0ers Mimi Melnic+ "99 252pp A2T PB $57.95 Marketing and .elling Yo+r 6andmade Jewelry' The !omplete 1uide to Turnin$ Gour Passion into Pro)it. <i+i -areau 9 pp 200# PB $& .95 The Marshall 4+ide to Anti*+e /hina and .il0er' An .llustrated 1uide to Ta6le*are? .denti)/in$

Period? 0etail and 0esi$n. Tim %orrest. "998. "#0pp. CH. H! $5 .95 The Master Jewelers 4dB A. 9enneth 2no*man. "990. 2#2pp. T&H. PB $##.00 """" Masters' Beadwea0ing Ma)or works (y Leading Artists !arol 'ilco7 'ells 2008 &00pp. !PB $ 0.00 Masters o$ Their /ra$t' !la/. 1lass. Metal. %i6re. 'ood. Tradition and .nno:ation in the Australian !ontemporar/ 0ecorati:e Arts. Coris .oannou. "997. 2# pp. T&H. H! $9&.50 Master Works. 0ecorati:e & )unctional art. !omp. 6/ 2all/ Milner. 2000. "95pp. 1A. H! $59.95 """" Master&ieces o$ Ancient Jewelry E1*+isite ()ects $rom the cradle o$ /i0ilisation ,udith Price 2008 " pp. B' H! $ 9.95 Metal Techni*+es 5or /ra$tsmen >ppi Fntracht. 50"pp. 0-2 H! $"&8.50 The Metal /ra$t Book. ,.4.9il6/ & 0.Mor$enthal. " pp !PB $&9.95 Metal /ra$t 2isco0ery Worksho&' /reate %ni*+e Jewellery, Art 2olls, /ollage Art & More -inda & >pie >HBrien. "27pp 2005 !PB $&9.95 Metalworking' A Manual o) Techni(ues Mi+e 1eor$e. "#0pp. Per. H! $5 .95 Metals Technic' A !ollection o) Techni(ues )or Metalsmiths. T. Mc!rei$ht 34d.5 !ontri6utorsB 0a:id -aPlant8? 9ris Pat8la))? M. 1ood? J others. "992. "50pp. Br/n. PB $&5.00 Michael Rowe. ;ichard Hill &Martina Mar$etts. 200& "2#pp Ash1 H!$77.00 Mineral /ollectorFs 6and(ook Barr/ 9rause. "92pp. !-. H! $ &.95 Minerals & 4ems. 1. 4. Harlo* & ,.,. Peters. 2&5pp. "99 P4; H! $22.95 """" Modern Jewelry 5rom Mod+lar ,arts. Marthe -e <an "27pp 2007 !H! $ 0.00 Mok+me 4ane .an %er$uson "28pp. 2002 A02 PB $ &9.95 Mok+me 4ane, A /om&rehensi0e .t+dy 2te:e Mid$ett "55pp. 200" 42P H! $85.00 #ew /lay' Techni(ues and Approaches to ,e*eller/ Ma+in$. Can ;oach "99" " pp .C1 PB $52.00 #ew 2irection in Jewellery . 4dB !atherine 1rant 2""pp 2005 BAM PB $79.50 #ew 2irections in Jewellery GG -in !heun$? Becc/ !lar+e? .ndi$o !lar+e "89pp 200# BAM PB $80.00 #ew 4eneration o$ Ja&anese .wordsmiths Tamio Tsuchi+o 255pp. 2002 B' H! $99.95 #ew /lay' Techni(ues and Approaches to ,e*eller/ Ma+in$. Can ;oach "99" " pp .C1 PB $52.00 The #ew Jewellery' /ontem&orary Materials & Techni*+es . !arles !odina "#0pp 2005 .C1 H! $#9.95 GJth /ent+ry A+stralian .il0er ,. B. Ha*+ins. 2 <olumes. Per. H! $220.00 #orth American -ndian Jewelry and Adornment' %rom Prehistor/ to the Present. -ois 2herr 0u6in. "999. #05pp. T&H. H! $"59.50

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;HCK. !-


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