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Journey of Recognition News & Updates IntuitionWhat are you Missing? Just the Essentials Breathing

Free TalkEssential Oils Golden Grove Psychic Expo

The human experience is often seen as one of hardship and strug gle because belief systems and tra ditions keep people locked in the past and following the same train track long after the rails have been removedbut our human experience is far more than many might imagine. Simply by taking on a human body and taking on the limitations of time and space we have placed ourselves into an experience like no other. In terms of our day today lives we have also accepted many other limitations lack of abundance, lack of love, lack of joy and so onand we have learned to become victims to our circumstances and act as though we have no way out. Lets take a little journey . . . Imagine for a moment walking out of your front door and seeing an etheric elevatorit is very real but perhaps less physical than you would see in a regular apartment building. The elevator shaft rises up into the clouds and beyond. A sense of knowingness comes over you as you look at this elevator and you walk towards it and step inside. As the doors close the outside world fades away and you begin to feel like you are floating as the elevator begins to drift up wards. Your sense of knowingness builds as you lift up far be yond the clouds. You feel a sense of peace as you let go of the human restraints for a while and your mind may wonder where you are going, but deep within you already know.

0408 857 620

Newsletter written and designed by Keryn Lee

Time and space cease to exist as you know it and you move through various planes and dimensions effortlessly. The eleva
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tor finally stops and the doors open to reveal your own personal space in the higher levels of the angelic realms. You may envision this space as a beautiful garden or a magnificent homewhatever feels right to you. Then you take a deep breath and re member the feeling of this place, re member your connection to all that is, remember who you really are. You begin to explore, noticing differ ent sights, smells, sensations and feel ings, each one bringing you informa tion about this long forgotten place. There is no need to analyse anything or try to figure out what anything means, just allow yourself to experi ence itbecause ultimately you al ready know what it means. Its just that the mind wants to try and make

it fit into an already familiar mental compartment, and this experience will go far beyond that. As you wander and explore you meet up with some familiar angelic be ingsyour spiritual family. You are greeted with great warmth and rev erence for the grand human journey on which you are undertaking. A few of the angels who have never been in physical form are in awe of your ex perience and ask you what it feels like to eat chocolate and cookies, what it feels like to make love to an other human, what it feels like to watch the sun go down. You talk and laugh and share stories as the human worries are forgotten and the recognition of yourself as a spiritual being is realised.
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with Keryn Lee

Bring your Body, Mind and Spirit back into balance using a variety of Intuitive Healing and/or THETA Healing techniques.
Release fears, phobias, habit patterns, stuck beliefs, past lives, and create the foundations for a happier more successful life. Resolve issues from the past energetically to allow all parts of you to come back into balance.

0408 857 620

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Soon you must say goodbye to your spiritual familyknowing that they are always with you in some formand you wander through your home or garden towards the elevator. You step inside and ride the elevator back down through the clouds landing firmly on solid ground. As the doors open you are faced with a some what harsher environment, your physical home and surroundings. It is common to feel the limi tations as you return to your everyday life. Per haps your house seems smaller, more restric tive, or your life seems difficult or more mun dane. Yet through this journey you have gained a new perspective, you retain the memory of who you really are and the knowingness that your life is simply an experience that you have chosen. Perhaps it may seem both frustrating and beautiful at the same time. Take a deep breath and ground yourself back in this reality, then look around you. What limita tions no longer serve you? What do you choose to go beyond? There is no divine plan for you at this point, no lessons to learn, no karma to bearunless you choose to there to be. It all comes down to what experiences bring you joy, what do you still want to play with and what do you want to leave behind. Is lack of abundance/love/joy still serving you? Or are you ready to be the standard for the rest of humanitya human being who acknowl edges their empowerment, who consciously chooses their experiences without fear, doubt, lack or victimhood.

The more you come into this place of sovereignty the more you begin to integrate the human and the divine, thus inviting your soulselfthe an gelic beinginto your physical reality. Then you will truly see that the limitations are of your own making. You can no longer blame others, you can no longer claim that you are stuck and sit waiting for someone to save youbecause YOU are the creator. May this year be one of recognising all that you are. Many blessings, Keryn Lee

In your own heart, lovingly and fully release what you are ready to release. And, if youre not ready to let go, hang on to it. If it still serves you, hang on to it. But, when you are ready to let go, let go completely and see what happens.
channelled by Geoffrey Hoppe (

Over the past few months there have been a number of requests to run a class during the week to help those who are interested in personal and spiritual devel opment but who have been unable to attend my other classes. So I have put together a course titled Choosing Life. It consists of 5 classes that will run fortnightly, each lasting for about 1.5 hours at a cost of $25 per class. The classes will cover some of the basic tools learned in the MasterClass and give participants an opportunity to work on individual issues in a safe and supportive environment. Its about choosing to be here (alive) because many people, at a deeper level, are not really sure what they want. Making a conscious choice shifts energy and the results can be quite amazing. This is a fairly basic class suitable for be ginners, people who want to experience a New Consciousness approach to life and also for those who are more ad vanced and simply want a refresher. I have room for two more people in this class and am also sharing this here to let you know that this class was created due to the requests of people like yourself

who contacted me and let me know what they needed. If you would like to join a class but have time or other limitations, or if you want to cover a subject that is not currently addressed, then please contact me. Quite often there are others who are in the same boat and if I know who you are I can create something to fit your needs. * * *

Psychic Expo Update

In December I reported that the local Psy chic Expos were changing gear and Burn side was possibly going to be scrapped. Well, the good news is that there will be another event there in May however it will be on a Saturday this time due to Mothers Day being on the Sunday. (Ill remind you closer to the date about this, but just wanted to let you know that we will be out that way soon.) The Golden Grove expo is also changing and will be a two day event this time, which will be held on March 1st and 2nd, so come along and say hi.

Golden Grove Psychic Expo

Come and Join the FUN

Saturday 1st March & Sunday 2nd March

Visit my stall for: Tarot Readings, Intuitive Healing & Energy Balancing, Theta Healing, Essential Oils, Book, CD, Workshop Information
Plus you will find other stalls offering: Jewellery, Crystals, Palm Readers, Clairvoyants, Tarot Readers, Mediums, Books, Tarot Cards and more.

Golden Grove Arts Centre

The Golden Way, Golden Grove 10am-6pm ONLY $5 entry and kids under 15 FREE

with Keryn Lee

Did you know that we actually have between 17 and 37 senses, not just the five commonly recog nised onessight, taste, hearing, touch and smell according to current scientific research. And these senses all contribute to the stimuli we receive daily that is con verted into impulses that can be re ceived by the brain. Interestingly, we take in 11 million bits of information per second yet only retain 16 bits in our conscious aware ness, which means there is a lot going on within our bodies at a very subtle level. (Think of radio waves that still impact our bodies when the radio is turned off, but we dont recognise them consciously.)

Adding to this, the mind processes data in a way that will keep the human organism stable and oper ating within what it deems as normal parameters and it does this by lumping data into manageable chunks and discarding anything that doesnt fit a predictable and established pattern. This results in masses of information that never reaches our conscious awareness simply because it is does not come through the normal range of fre quencies accepted by our senses, or because it is not cognitive (having underlying thought interpretation). Some of this data is what we call intuitive/psychic awarenesswe experience hunches, gut feelings and random insights that dont necessarily come through the five senses and have little or no under lying supporting datawe just know something, or feel it and often cant explain why or how. Its these intuitive insights that often lead to new inventions, synchronistic occurrences, avoidance of dangerous or unpleasant situations, finding the per fect job and much more, simply because we listened to a gut feeling or an inner knowingness that proba bly seemed crazy at the time. This level of intuition is not unusual in our society, it may not always be recognised or acknowledged, but we are using it all the time. Through lack of understanding, previous genera tions relegated physic phenomena to the gypsyfolk, witches and those who were considered evil. Mys tery schools were shrouded with secrecy to protect students who were serious about their metaphysi cal studies. And in more recent times newagers took the rap for being weird crystalwearing hippies. This is now changing. There is a real shift taking place and the scientific community is beginning to
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with Keryn Lee

Empowering you to discover your own wisdom
Interactive sessions that provide insights and inspirations as we observe the flow of ener gies and current challenges in your life. Pro viding clear, practical guidance and intuitive insights.

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agree with, and prove, what the spiritual community has known for agesthat just because our intuition thus far hasnt fit any perceived logical criteria does nt mean its not there. This means that new ideas, new teachings and new perspectives are beginning to permeate our society and the mystical veil is be ing lifted. Psychic phenomena is becoming far more widely accepted. What has been seen as woowoo is be coming more mainstream and will soon be consid ered quite natural. This will encourage more and more people to tap into their own natural abilities and learn how to tune in to their own inner wisdom and receive their own guidance. We are complex beings. There are many facets to our bodies, our minds and our spirits that we do not yet understand, but the brain has learned to discard valid sources of input simply because it doesnt con form to the established patterns that is has come to understand as normal. The exciting part of this is that the brain can quite easily be trained to do things differently. It can learn to work in harmony with the physical body and the soul and to bring forward a level of sensory data that, for the most part, it currently ignores. What personal insights are you missing out on? What answers lie inside you waiting to be discov ered? For most people, their current level of intui tion and psychic ability is minimal compared to the potentials that are just a breath away. If you are interested in developing these abilities I am offering a Developing Intuition Course that will run weekly for seven weeks. Beginners will find simple, effective tools and more advanced students will find a new consciousness approach that provides some new insights into the old teachings.


Choosing Life
Starts February 26th

Developing Intuition
Weekly ClassApril 2nd Events

Essential Oils FREE Talk

Sunday 23rd February (See pg 10)

Golden Grove Psychic Expo

Sat 1st & Sun 2nd March

Cosmic Pages Free Talk

Saturday 22nd March
You will have a chance to practice with other peo ple in a safe and supportive environment as you experience your own wisdom and knowingness. Classes will be fun because intuition loves to play and has little interest in logical learning. You will learn to tune in to others, connect with your own angelic team, expanding into other reali ties, connecting with your own body, a simple healing technique, various exercises for opening the psychic centres and others for clearing blocks that prevent you using your psychic and intuitive abilities, and much more. By request, this is going to be a morning class. We start at 10am on Wednesday April 2nd. See the following page for more details. If you are inter ested in this class being run in the evenings or on weekends let me know as this may be possible later in the year.


Develop your natural intuitive and psychic abilities

This SEVEN WEEK INTENSIVE is designed to expand your intuitive abilities in a safe and supportive environment. Release blocks that limit your intuitive/psychic/healing abilities. Experience an inter-dimensional journey and learn to expand your awareness into other realities. Participate in exercises to open the third eye easily and safely. Having fun practicinguse your intuitive abilities to read Tarot cards intuitively, for sensing energy, connecting with your angels, crystals, plants, and to play with images and symbols. Learn how to keep your body balanced and trust the messages you receive. Learn body scanning, how to work with other people, creating an inner landscape and more.

Starts Wed April 2nd, 2014

Location: Wynn Vale Pay in full: $185

Payment Option: $45 deposit plus $20 per class x 7 weeks.

0408 857 620


Aromatherapy is said to be a safe and gen tle method of healing and enhancing the body, mind and spirit through the use of natural oils which come from aromatic plants, trees and grasses. The use of these oils is often seen as a valuable alternative to chemicalbased medicines. In some cases this may be true, however, I have found many essential oils that did not live up to these expectations and in fact, usually caused me headaches so I rarely used them. The problem with most essen tial oils is that they contain synthetic ingre dients instead of a pure essential oil. Chemicals are used in the growing and dis tillation processes and plant stock is often inferior quality or a slightly different spe cies. All of which negates the whole idea of a safe and effective alternative medicine. Over the past six months or so I have come across a particular brand of essential oils on numerous occasions and each time the oils spoke to me. By this I mean that there was an energetic connection and I felt drawn to them in some way, and each time I walked away, storing that experience but also let

ting it go because I thought it had no real relevance to me. It was weeks later that a gut feeling drew me to investigate these oils further and I then realised why I was drawn to them. The integrity, the passion, and the potentials. I found a man, Dr Gary Young, who was in tensely passionate about providing the best quality therapeutic essential oils in the world. From his own beginnings in the farming world to his insatiable desire for knowledge and science that would see him develop what is said to be the worlds most respected organic essential oils company. In his audio recording The Missing Link (which is on my website) he describes how essential oils work within the body and why he feels his oils are superior quality. One reason is that Dr Youngs essential oils are scientifically documented to carry the highest level of oxygenating molecules of any substance known to man. Why is this important? Because our bodies need oxygen to transport nutrients, hor mones, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, pro


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teins and amino acids to the cells. And they need the cell walls to be receptive enough to receive those nutrientswhich is often not the case due to environment and life style. Pure, unadulterated therapeutic essential oils can permeate the cell walls, they can literally push chemi cals out of the cells and help to reestablish normal cell function. Unfortunately there are far too many companies that are claim ing their oils are pure when they are not. Heres how you telltotally pure essential oils CAN be ingested, so check for labels that say something like Not for internal use. At this point, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to test these oils for myself. I diffused oils in the house to purify the air after cooking, I used them if my children had trouble sleeping, insect bites and so on, and I tested them on myself and others. I was seriously impressed with the results, (which Ill share more about next month). Overall, I found Young Living essential oils to be extremely wellbalanced energetically both from an intuitive perspective and from actual scientific results. For this reason they work in total harmony with the body, acting as a catalyst for healing (often with almost immediate results) and greater wellbeing.

These essential oils provide a wonderful way for you to communicate with the in nate intelligence of your body. The body recognises this and responds to your signal thereby initialising the healing process. If you are interested in trying Young Living essential oils you are welcome to come and check out what I have on hand (by appt only). You can arrange for a free talk in your home with a few friends or contact me with any questions. Also check out the Essential Oils link on my website.

I will be giving a free talk about Young Liv ing essential oils on Sunday February 23rd at 2pm at Wynn Vale. Come and experi ence these oils for yourself, learn how they work in the body, why they differ from other essential oils, how they con nect us to the earth, their therapeutic value and more. (Bookings essential 0408 857 620.)

Independent DistributorMember No: 1610881


Take a few long, slow deep breaths and allow yourself to feel into the presence of your I AM. Feel yourself expand into this awareness of who you are. Feel these words: I am that I am. Breathe them. Say them in your mind, feel them echo in your body feel the response of your cells as they awaken in this moment. Breathe. I am that I am. and indeed you are . . . .


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