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Agilent Technologies 8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set

Agilent Technologies E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application

Reference Guide
E1963A W-CDMA Mobi l e Test Appl i cati on Revi si on A.01
1000-1749 (not orderabl e)
Copyri ght Agi l ent Technol ogi es 2000-2001
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
I nformati on contai ned i n thi s document i s subject to change wi thout noti ce.
Al l Ri ghts Reserved. Reproducti on, adaptati on, or transl ati on wi thout pri or wri tten permi ssi on i s prohi bi ted,
except as al l owed under the copyri ght l aws.
Thi s materi al may be reproduced by or for the U.S. Government pursuant to the Copyri ght Li cense under the
cl ause at DFARS 52.227-7013 (APR 1988).
Agi l ent Technol ogi es, I nc.
Learni ng Products Department
24001 E. Mi ssi on
Li berty Lake, WA 99019-9599
Edition/Print Date
Al l Edi ti ons and Updates of thi s manual and thei r cr eati on dates are l i sted bel ow.
November 2001 - E1963B W-CDMA Mobi l e Test Appl i cati on Revi si on A.01
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Safety Summary
The fol l owi ng general safety pr ecauti ons must be observed duri ng al l phases of oper ati on of thi s i nstrument.
Fai l ure to compl y wi th these precauti ons or wi th speci fi c warni ngs el sewhere i n thi s manual vi ol ates safety
standards of desi gn, manufacture, and i ntended use of the i nstrument. Agi l ent Technol ogi es I nc. assumes no
l i abi l i ty for the customers fai l ure to compl y wi th these requi rements.
Thi s pr oduct i s a Safety Cl ass 1 i nstr ument (provi ded wi th a protecti ve earth termi nal ). The pr otecti ve
featur es of thi s pr oduct may be i mpai red i f i t i s used i n a manner not speci fi ed i n the oper ati on i nstructi ons.
Al l Li ght Emi tti ng Di odes (LEDs) used i n thi s pr oduct are Cl ass 1 LEDs as per I EC 60825-1.
Thi s product has been desi gned and tested i n accordance wi th I EC Publication 1010, "Safety Requi rements for
El ectroni c Measuri ng Apparatus," and has been suppl i ed i n a safe condi ti on. Thi s i nstructi on documentati on
contai ns i nformati on and warni ngs whi ch must be fol l owed by the user to ensure safe operati on and to
mai ntai n the pr oduct i n a safe condi ti on.
Thi s i nstrument i s i ntended for i ndoor use i n an i nstal l ati on category I I , pol l uti on degree 2 envi ronment. I t i s
desi gned to operate at a maxi mum rel ati ve humi di ty of 95% and at al ti tudes of up to 2000 meters. Refer to the
speci fi cati ons tabl es for the ac mai ns vol tage requi rements and ambi ent oper ati ng temperature range.
Venti l ati on Requi rements: When i nstal l i ng the product i n a cabi net, the convecti on i nto and out of the product
must not be r estr i cted. The ambi ent temper atur e (outsi de the cabi net) must be l ess than the maxi mum
operati ng temperature of the product by 4 C for ever y 100 watts di ssi pated i n the cabi net. I f the total power
di ssi pated i n the cabi net i s greater than 800 watts, then forced convecti on must be used.
Veri fy that the pr oduct i s set to match the avai l abl e l i ne vol tage, the correct fuse i s i nstal l ed, and al l safety
pr ecauti ons ar e taken. Note the i nstr ument's exter nal marki ngs descri bed under Safety Symbol s.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
To mi ni mi ze shock hazard, the i nstrument chassi s and cover must be connected to an el ectr i cal pr otecti ve
earth ground. The i nstrument must be connected to the ac power mai ns through a grounded power cabl e, wi th
the ground wi re fi rml y connected to an el ectr i cal ground (safety ground) at the power outl et. Any i nterr upti on
of the protecti ve (groundi ng) conductor or di sconnecti on of the protecti ve earth termi nal wi l l cause a potenti al
shock hazard that coul d resul t i n personal i njury.
Onl y fuses wi th the r equi r ed r ated curr ent, vol tage, and speci fi ed type (nor mal bl ow, ti me del ay, etc.) shoul d be
used. Do not use r epai r ed fuses or short-ci r cui ted fuse hol der s. To do so coul d cause a shock or fi re hazar d.
Do not operate the i nstrument i n the pr esence of fl ammabl e gases or fumes.
Oper ati ng per sonnel must not remove i nstr ument covers. Component repl acement and i nter nal adjustments
must be made onl y by qual i fi ed servi ce personnel .
I nstruments that appear damaged or defecti ve shoul d be made i noperati ve and secured agai nst uni ntended
operati on unti l they can be repai r ed by qual i fi ed servi ce personnel .
WARNING The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the
like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury.
Do not proceed beyond a WARNING sign until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
CAUTION The CAUTI ON si gn denotes a hazard. I t cal l s attenti on to an operati ng procedure, or the l i ke,
whi ch, i f not cor r ectl y performed or adher ed to, coul d r esul t i n damage to or destr ucti on of par t or
al l of the product. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTI ON si gn unti l the i ndi cated condi ti ons are ful l y
under stood and met.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Safety Symbols
Cauti on, refer to accompanyi ng documents
Warni ng, ri sk of el ectr i c shock
Earth (ground) termi nal
Al ternati ng curr ent
Fr ame or chassi s termi nal
Standby (suppl y). Uni ts wi th thi s symbol are not compl etel y di sconnected from ac mai ns
when thi s swi tch i s off.
Product Markings
CE - the CE mark i s a regi stered trademark of the European Communi ty. A CE mark accompani ed by a year
i ndi cated the year the desi gn was pr oven.
CSA - the CSA mark i s a regi stered tr ademark of the Canadi an Standards Associ ati on.
Agilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the
factory. Agilent Technologies further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United
States National I nstitute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the I nstitutes calibration
facility, and to the calibration facilities of other I nternational Standards Organization members
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Agilent Technologies Warranty Statement for Commercial
Agilent Technologies 8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set
Agilent Technologies E1962B cdma2000 Mobile Test Application
Duration of Warranty: 1 year
1. Agi l ent Technol ogi es warr ants Agi l ent Technol ogi es hardware, accessori es and suppl i es agai nst defects i n
materi al s and workmanshi p for the peri od speci fi ed above. I f Agi l ent Technol ogi es recei ves noti ce of such
defects duri ng the warranty peri od, Agi l ent Technol ogi es wi l l , at i ts opti on, ei ther repai r or repl ace
pr oducts whi ch pr ove to be defecti ve. Repl acement pr oducts may be ei ther new or l i ke-new.
2. Agi l ent Technol ogi es warr ants that Agi l ent Technol ogi es software wi l l not fai l to execute i ts pr ogrammi ng
i nstructi ons, for the peri od speci fi ed above, due to defects i n materi al and workmanshi p when properl y
i nstal l ed and used. I f Agi l ent Technol ogi es recei ves noti ce of such defects duri ng the warr anty peri od,
Agi l ent Technol ogi es wi l l repl ace software medi a whi ch does not execute i ts pr ogrammi ng i nstructi ons due
to such defects.
3. Agi l ent Technol ogi es does not warrant that the operati on of Agi l ent Technol ogi es products wi l l be
uni nterrupted or error free. I f Agi l ent Technol ogi es i s unabl e, wi thi n a reasonabl e ti me, to repai r or repl ace
any product to a condi ti on as warranted, customer wi l l be enti tl ed to a refund of the purchase pr i ce upon
pr ompt return of the pr oduct.
4. Agi l ent Technol ogi es pr oducts may contai n remanufactured parts equi val ent to new i n performance or may
have been subject to i nci dental use.
5. The warranty peri od begi ns on the date of del i very or on the date of i nstal l ati on i f i nstal l ed by Agi l ent
Technol ogi es. I f customer schedul es or del ays Agi l ent Technol ogi es i nstal l ati on more than 30 days after
del i very, warranty begi ns on the 31st day fr om del i ver y.
6. Warr anty does not appl y to defects resul ti ng fr om (a) i mpr oper or i nadequate mai ntenance or cal i brati on,
(b) softwar e, i nterfaci ng, par ts or suppl i es not suppl i ed by Agi l ent Technol ogi es, (c) unauthor i zed
modi fi cati on or mi suse, (d) operati on outsi de of the publ i shed envi ronmental speci fi cati ons for the pr oduct,
or (e) i mproper si te pr eparati on or mai ntenance.
8. Agi l ent Technol ogi es wi l l be l i abl e for damage to tangi bl e property per i nci dent up to the greater of
$300,000 or the actual amount pai d for the product that i s the subject of the cl ai m, and for damages for
bodi l y i njury or death, to the extent that al l such damages are determi ned by a court of competent
juri sdi cti on to have been di rectl y caused by a defecti ve Agi l ent Technol ogi es product.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for Agilent
Technologies products. For any assistance, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Service and Support
Any adjustment, mai ntenance, or repai r of thi s product must be performed by qual i fi ed personnel . Contact
your customer engi neer through your l ocal Agi l ent Technol ogi es Servi ce Center. You can fi nd a l i st of l ocal
servi ce repr esentati ves on the Web at:
http://www.agi l ces/Engl i sh/i ndex.html
I f you do not have access to the I nternet, one of these centers can di rect you to your nearest representati ve:
United States Test and Measurement Call Center
(Tol l free i n US)
(800) 452-4844
(31 20) 547 9900
(905) 206-4725
J apan Measurement Assistance Center
(81) 426 56 7832
(81) 426 56 7840 (FAX)
Latin America
(305) 267 4288 (FAX)
Australia/New Zealand
1 800 629 485 (Austr al i a)
0800 738 378 (New Zeal and)
(852) 2599 7777
(852) 2506 9285 (FAX)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Regional Sales Offices
United States of America:
Agi l ent Technol ogi es(tel ) 1 800 452 4844
Test and Measurement Cal l Center
P.O. Box 4026
Engl ewood, CO 80155-4026
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Canada I nc.(tel ) 1 877 894 4414
2660 Matheson Bl vd. E
Mi ssi ssauga, Ontar i o
L4W 5M2
Agi l ent Technol ogi es(tel ) (3120) 547 9999
European Mar keti ng Or gani zati on
P.O. Box 999
1180 AZ Amstel veen
The Netherl ands
J apan:
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Japan Ltd.(tel ) (81) 456-56-7832
Measurement Assi stance Center (fax) (81) 426-56-7840
9-1 Takakura-Cho, Hachi oji -Shi ,
Tokyo 192-8510, Japan
Latin America:
Agi l ent Technol ogi es(tel ) (305) 267 4245
Lati n Ameri ca Regi on Headquarters(fax) (305) 267 4286
5200 Bl ue Lagoon Dri ve,
Sui te #950
Mi ami , Fl ori da 33126
U.S. A.
Australia/New Zealand:
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Austral i a Pty Ltd.Austral i aNew Zeal and
347 Burwood Hi ghway(tel ) 1 800 629 485 (tel ) 0 800 738 378
Forest Hi l l , Vi ctori a 3131(fax) (61 3) 9272 0749(fax) (64 4) 802 6881
Asia Pacific:
Agi l ent Technol ogi es(tel ) (852) 3197 7777
24/F, Ci typl aza One,(fax) (852) 2506 9233
111 Ki ngs Road,
Tai koo Shi ng, Hong Kong
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN45014
Manufacturers Name: Agilent Technologies UK Ltd. Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Manufacturers Address:
Electronic Products & Solutions
Group - Queensferry
South Queensferry
West Lothian, EH30 9TG
Scotland, United Kingdom
24001 E. Mission Avenue
Liberty Lake
Declares, that the product
Product Name:
8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set
Model Number: E5515B
Product Options: This declaration covers all options of the above product.
Conforms with the following European Directives:
The product herewi th compi l es wi th the requi rements of the Low Vol tage Di recti ve 72/23/EEC and the
EMC Di recti ve 89/336/EFC (i ncl udi ng 93/68/EFC) and carri es the CE Marki ng accordi ngl y.
EMC Standard
I EC 61326-1:1997+A1:1998/EN
CI SPR 11:1990 /EN 55011:1991
I EC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998 /EN
I EC 61000-4-3:1995 /EN 61000-4-3:1995
I EC 61000-4-4:1995 /EN 61000-4-4:1995
I EC 61000-4-5:1995 /EN 61000-4-5:1995
I EC 61000-4-6:1996 /EN 61000-4-6:1996
I EC 61000-4-11:1994 /EN
Li mi t
Group 1 Cl ass A
4kV CD, 8kV AD
3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz
0.5V si gnal l i nes, 1kV power l i nes
0.5 kV l i ne-l i ne, 1 kV l i ne-ground
3V, 0.15-80 MHz
1 cycl e, 100%
I EC 61010-1:1990+A1:1992+A2:1995 /EN 61010-1:1993+A2:1995
Canada CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992
Supplemental Information:
The product was tested i n a typi cal confi gurati on wi th Agi l ent Technol ogi es test systems
14 December 2000
R.M . Eva ns / Q ua lity M a na g e r
14 December 2000
W.V.Rola nd / Re lia b ility & Re g ula tory
Engine e ring M a na g e r
For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent, or distributor.
Authori zed EU-representati ve: Agi l ent Technol ogi es Deutschl and GmbH, Herrenberger StraBe 130, D71034 Bobl i ngen, Germany
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN45014
Manufacturers Name: Agilent Technologies UK Ltd. Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Manufacturers Address:
Electronic Products & Solutions
Group - Queensferry
South Queensferry
West Lothian, EH30 9TG
Scotland, United Kingdom
24001 E. Mission Avenue
Liberty Lake
Declares, that the product
Product Name:
8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set
Model Number: E5515C
Product Options: This declaration covers all options of the above product.
Conforms with the following European Directives:
The product herewi th compi l es wi th the requi rements of the Low Vol tage Di recti ve 72/23/EEC and the
EMC Di recti ve 89/336/EFC (i ncl udi ng 93/68/EFC) and carri es the CE Marki ng accordi ngl y.
EMC Standard
I EC 61326-1:1997+A1:1998/EN
CI SPR 11:1990 /EN 55011:1991
I EC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998 /EN
I EC 61000-4-3:1995 /EN 61000-4-3:1995
I EC 61000-4-4:1995 /EN 61000-4-4:1995
I EC 61000-4-5:1995 /EN 61000-4-5:1995
I EC 61000-4-6:1996 /EN 61000-4-6:1996
I EC 61000-4-11:1994 /EN
Li mi t
Group 1 Cl ass A
4kV CD, 8kV AD
3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz
0.5kV si gnal l i nes, 1kV power l i nes
0.5 kV l i ne-l i ne, 1 kV l i ne-ground
3V, 0.15-80 MHz
1 cycl e, 100%
I EC 61010-1:1990+A1:1992+A2:1995 /EN 61010-1:1993+A2:1995
Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992
Supplemental Information:
The product was tested i n a typi cal confi gurati on wi th Agi l ent Technol ogi es test systems
01 May 2001
R.M . Eva ns / Q ua lity M a na g e r
01 May 2001
W.V.Rola nd / Re lia b ility & Re g ula tory
Engine e ring M a na g e r
For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent, or distributor.
Authori zed EU-representati ve: Agi l ent Technol ogi es Deutschl and GmbH, Herrenberger StraBe 130, D71034 Bobl i ngen, Germany
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN45014
Manufacturers Name: Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Manufacturers Address:
24001 E. Mission Avenue
Liberty Lake
Declares, that the product
Product Name:
8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set
Model Number: E5515T
Product Options: This declaration covers all options of the above product.
Conforms with the following European Directives:
The product herewi th compi l es wi th the requi rements of the Low Vol tage Di recti ve 72/23/EEC and the
EMC Di recti ve 89/336/EFC (i ncl udi ng 93/68/EFC) and carri es the CE Marki ng accordi ngl y.
EMC Standard
I EC 61326-1:1997+A1:1998/EN
CI SPR 11:1990 /EN 55011:1991
I EC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998 /EN
I EC 61000-4-3:1995 /EN 61000-4-3:1995
I EC 61000-4-4:1995 /EN 61000-4-4:1995
I EC 61000-4-5:1995 /EN 61000-4-5:1995
I EC 61000-4-6:1996 /EN 61000-4-6:1996
I EC 61000-4-11:1994 /EN
Li mi t
Group 1 Cl ass A
4kV CD, 8kV AD
3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz
0.5V si gnal l i nes, 1kV power l i nes
0.5 kV l i ne-l i ne, 1 kV l i ne-ground
3V, 0.15-80 MHz
1 cycl e, 100%
I EC 61010-1:1990+A1:1992+A2:1995 /EN 61010-1:1993+A2:1995
Canada CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992
Supplemental Information:
The product was tested i n a typi cal confi gurati on wi th Agi l ent Technol ogi es test systems
14 December 2000
W.V.Rola nd / Re lia b ility & Re g ula tory
Engine e ring M a na g e r
For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent, or distributor.
Authori zed EU-representati ve: Agi l ent Technol ogi es Deutschl and GmbH, Herrenberger StraBe 130, D71034 Bobl i ngen, Germany
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Manufacturers Declaration
Thi s statement i s provi ded to compl y wi th the requi rements of the German Sound Emi ssi on Di recti ve, from 18
January 1991.
Thi s pr oduct has a sound pr essur e emi ssi on (at the operator posi ti on) < 70 dB(A).
Sound Pr essur e Lp < 70 dB(A).
At Operator Posi ti on.
Normal Operati on.
Accordi ng to I SO 7779:1988/EN 27779:1991 (Type Test).
Di ese I nformati on steht i m Zusammenhang mi t den Anforderungen der
Maschi nenl rmi nformati onsverordnung vom 18 Januar 1991.
Schal l druckpegel Lp < 70 dB(A).
Am Arbei tspl atz.
Nor mal er Betr i eb.
Nach I SO 7779:1988/EN 27779:1991 (Typprfung).
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\
Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
How i s an adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
I nput Si gnal Requi rements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Tr i gger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Measurement Cal i br ati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Audi o Level Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
How i s an Audi o Level measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
How i s an anal og audi o measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
De-Emphasi s State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Expandor Reference Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Tr i gger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Audi o Anal yzer Bl ock Di agram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Audi o Fr equency Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Channel Power Measurement Descri pti on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
How i s a Channel Power Measurement Made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
I nput Si gnal Requi rements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tr i gger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Measurement Cal i br ati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Di storti on Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
How i s a Di storti on measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
How i s a Loopback Bi t Error Rati o measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Mobi l e Stati on (UE) Control Duri ng FDD Test Mode Operati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
I nput Si gnal Requi rements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Tr i gger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
SI NAD Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
How i s a SI NAD measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Thermal Power Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
How i s a thermal power measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
I nput Si gnal Requi rements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Tr i gger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Waveform Qual i ty Measurement Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
How i s a waveform qual i ty measurement made? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
I nput Si gnal Requi rements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Tr i gger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Measurement Cal i br ati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Test Adherence to Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Ther mal Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Channel Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Adjacent Channel Leakage RAti o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Waveform Qual i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Fr equency Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Ampl i tude Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Call Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
FDD Test Operati ng Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
UE (Mobi l e Stati on) Control Duri ng FDD Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Downl i nk Channel Setti ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Noi se Sources on the Downl i nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Other Downl i nk Si gnal Setti ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Upl i nk Setti ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Recei ver Control Setti ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
CW Operati ng Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
CW Test Mode Operati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Programming: Getting Started Guide for
E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application Revision A.01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
I ntr oducti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Conventi ons used i n thi s Getti ng Star ted Gui de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
How to use thi s Getti ng Started Gui de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Useful on-l i ne l i nks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
About the Programmi ng Exampl es Presented i n thi s Gui de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Step 1: Set Up the Test Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
I ni ti al i ze the Test Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Set Up General Operati ng Condi ti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Step 2: Confi gure Test Set and Mobi l e Stati on Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Set Up the Downl i nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Set Up the Upl i nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Step 4: Make a Connecti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Step 5: I NI Ti ate and FETCh Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
I NI Ti ate a Set of Concurrent Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
FETCh Measurement Resul ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Step 6: Reconfi gure Test Set and Mobi l e Stati on Connecti on Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Step 7: End the Connecti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Step 1: Set Up the Test Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Step 2: Confi gure Test Set and Mobi l e Stati on Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Step 4: Make Connecti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Step 5: I NI Ti ate and FETCh Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Step 6: Reconfi gure Test Set and Mobi l e Stati on Connecti on Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Step 7: End Connecti on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
General Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
Pr ogrammi ng an Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Pr ogrammi ng an Audi o Level Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Pr ogrammi ng an Audi o Frequency Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Pr ogrammi ng a Channel Power Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Pr ogrammi ng a Di storti on Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Pr ogrammi ng a Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
Pr ogrammi ng a SI NAD Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Pr ogrammi ng a Thermal Power Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Pr ogrammi ng a Waveform Qual i ty Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Returned Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Pr eset Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Recei ver Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Manual Versus Automati c Recei ver Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Fr ont Panel Access to Recei ver Control s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
Expected Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
GPI B Equi val ent Commands for Recei ver Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Effects on Recei ver Control When Changi ng Operati ng Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Status Subsystem Overvi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
Concurrent Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Concurrent Measurements For The E1963A Test Appl i cati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Measurement Ti meouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Ti meout Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Measurement Progress Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Tr i ggeri ng of Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Stati sti cal Measurement Resul ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
I ntegri ty I ndi cator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Exampl e Pr ogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
I nval i d Measurement Resul ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Deal i ng Wi th Semi col on Separated Response Data Li sts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Test System Synchroni zati on Overvi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Commands used for synchroni zati on: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Measurement Event Synchroni zati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
I NI Ti ate:DONE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Pr ogrammi ng Exampl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Operati ng Consi derati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
GPIB Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
Di agram Conventi ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
ABORt Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Syntax Di agram and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
ABORt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
AFGenerator Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
AFGenerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
CALi brati on Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Cal i brati on Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178
Syntax Di agram and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
CALi brati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
CALL Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Syntax Di agrams and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
CALL:AWGNoi se:POWer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
CALL:CHANnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
CALL[:CELL]:CLPControl :UPLi nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
CALL[:CELL]:CONTr ol :DOWNl i nk:FREQuency:AUTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
CALL:DPCHannel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
CALL:DTCHannel :DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
CALL:FDDTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
CALL:MS:POWer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
CALL:OCNSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
CALL[:CELL]:OPERati ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
CALL:PI CHannel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
CALL[:CELL]:POWer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201
CALL[:CELL]:RFGenerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
CALL[:CELL]:SCODe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
CALL:STATus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
CALL:TOTal :POWer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
CALL:UPLi nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
DI SPl ay Subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Syntax Di agram and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
DI SPl ay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
FETCh? Subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Syntax Di agrams and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
FETCh:AFANal yzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
FETCh:WACLeakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
FETCh:WBERror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
FETCh:WCPower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
FETCh:WTPower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
FETCh:WWQual i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
I NI Ti ate Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Syntax Di agrams and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
I NI Ti ate Programmi ng Exampl es (how I NI T commands ar e used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
I NI Ti ate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
READ? Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Syntax Di agram and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Pr ogram Exampl e - READ:WTPower? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
READ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
RFANal yzer Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
RFANal yzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
RFGenerator Subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Syntax Di agrams and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
RFGenerator: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OUTPut282
SETup Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Syntax Di agrams and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
SETup[:ALL]:CONTi nuous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284
SETup:AFANal yzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285
SETup:WACLeakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
SETup:WBERr or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
SETup:WCPower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
SETup:WTPower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
SETup:WWQual i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312
STATus Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Syntax Di agrams and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317
STATus:OPERati on: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318
STATus:PRESet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
STATus:QUESti onabl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Status Byte Regi ster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Standard Event Status Regi ster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
SYSTem Subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Syntax Di agrams and Command Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
SYSTem:APPLi cati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .386
SYSTem:BEEPer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
SYSTem:COMMuni cate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391
SYSTem:CONFi gure:I NFormati on:HARDwar e:VERBose? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
SYSTem:CORRecti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
SYSTem:CURRent:TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
SYSTem:DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
SYSTem:ERRor? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
SYSTem:MEASurement:RESet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
SYSTem:PRESet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
SYSTem:ROSCi l l ator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
SYSTem:SYNChroni zed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
SYSTem:TI ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
SYSTem:TZONe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
SYSTem:UTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
I EEE 488.2 Common Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
See al so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Manual Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413
Maki ng Measurements on a Mobi l e i n FDD Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
A. Synchroni zi ng the UE to the test set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
B. Sel ect measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
How Do I Change the Measurement Setup? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
A. Sel ect a measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
B. Set up the measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
How Do I Turn Off a Measurement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
How Do I Confi gure the Test Set for My Test System? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
A. Confi gure i nstrument i nformati on and setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
B. Set ampl i tude offsets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
C. Check the message l og. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
WCDMA Measurements Usi ng FDD Test Operati ng Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Measuri ng Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Measuri ng Channel Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Measuri ng Loopback Bi t Error Rati o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Measuri ng Thermal Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Measuri ng Waveform Qual i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Fr ont Panel Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429
Rear Panel Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .431
Remote/Local Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Pr i nti ng Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Pr i nti ng and Savi ng Screen I mages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
I nstrument Status Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Cal l Processi ng Event Synchroni zati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .445
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Cal l Processi ng Subsystem Overl apped Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .447
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Troubl eshooti ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Possi bl e Setup I ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
I nterpreti ng I ntegri ty I ndi cator Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
Possi bl e Setup I ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
I nterpreti ng I ntegri ty I ndi cator Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
Channel Power Troubl eshooti ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Possi bl e Setup I ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
I nterpreti ng I ntegri ty I ndi cator Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Tr oubl eshooti ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Possi bl e Setup I ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
I nterpreti ng I ntegri ty I ndi cator Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Thermal Power Troubl eshooti ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Possi bl e Setup I ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
I nterpreti ng I ntegri ty I ndi cator Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Waveform Qual i ty Troubl eshooti ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Possi bl e Setup I ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
I nterpreti ng I ntegri ty I ndi cator Val ues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Error Message Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Fi xed Ti mer Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Manual User Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
WCDMA and FDD Manual User Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
-400 through -499 Error Message Descri pti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
-300 through -399 Error Message Descri pti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
-200 through -299 Error Message Descri pti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
-100 through -199 Error Message Descri pti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
+100 through +199 Error Message Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
+200 through +299 Error Message Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
+300 through +399 Li nk Control Devi ce-Speci fi c Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
+400 through +499 Error Message Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
+500 through +599 Test Appl i cati on Hardware Devi ce-Speci fi c Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
+600 through +699 Error Message Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
+700 through +799 Error Message Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
+800 through +899 Error Message Descri pti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Bl ock Di agram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Obtai ni ng I denti fi cati on I nformati on (*I DN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .492
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .492
Hardware Confi gurati on Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .494
W-CDMA Revi si on I nformati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
A.01. 00 rel ease - November 2001 (I ni ti al Test Appl i cati on Rel ease) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
Adjusti ng the Bri ghtness of the Test Sets Di spl ay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .497
Di spl ay Mode (Track/Fast) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Wri ti ng Messages to the Di spl ay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Test Set Beeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Ti mebase Descri pti on/Confi gurati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Confi gur i ng the Test Sets LAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Confi gur i ng the Test Sets GPI B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Confi guri ng System Ti me and Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Test Appl i cati on Swi tchi ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Test Appl i cati on Revi si ons and Li censes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Test Appl i cati on Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Descri pti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Rel ated Topi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Measurement Description
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Measurement Description
How is an adjacent channel leakage ratio measurement made?
Adjacent channel l eakage rati o measures the rel ati ve power at 5 MHz and 10 MHz offsets fr om the upl i nk
channel . Power i s measured through a Root-Rai sed Cosi ne (RRC) fi l ter wi th a rol l off of =0.22, and a
bandwi dth equal to the chi p rate (3.84 MHz). The 5 MHz measurements are referred to as the upper and
l ower fi rst adjacent channel s; the 10 MHz measurements are referr ed to as the upper and l ower second
adjacent channel s. Thi s measurement i s defi ned i n 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.10, v3.2.0, Adjacent Channel
Power Leakage Rati o (ACLR).
Measurements for i ndi vi dual offsets can be turned off to i ncr ease measurement speed when these
measurements are not needed.
Measurements can be di spl ayed i n ei ther numeri c or graphi cal form. When the graphi cal di spl ay i s used
(shown bel ow), l i mi ts can be set for each offset to for m a l i mi t l i ne. When a l i mi t i s exceeded, the status
changes from Pass to Fai l .
Input Signal Requirements
For thi s measur ement the test sets recei ver uses autorangi ng to adjust for the l evel of the si gnal bei ng
measured; ther efore the expected si gnal l evel does not need to be speci fi ed duri ng measurement setup.
The fr equency of the si gnal bei ng measured must be i n the range of 800 MHz to 1000 MHz, or from
1700 MHz to 1990 MHz.
The l evel i nto the test sets RF I N/OUT connector must be i n the range of +5 dBm to +28 dBm, i n a
3.84 MHz bandwi dth.
Trigger Source
The tri gger sour ce defaul ts to Auto for the adjacent channel l eakage rati o measur ement, and tri es to use
pr otocol tr i ggeri ng i f the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s synchroni zed to the test set. I mmedi ate tr i ggeri ng i s used i f
the mobi l e stati on i s not synchroni zed.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Measurement Description
Measurement Calibration
Thi s measurement shoul d be cal i brated usi ng the Cal i brate Measurements functi on (CAL:MEAS?) under any
of the fol l owi ng condi ti ons:
The E1963A W-CDMA test appl i cati on was just acti vated and thi s measurement has not been cal i brated
yet. I f you were usi ng a di ffer ent test appl i cati on previ ous to acti vati ng the W-CDMA test appl i cati on, or i f
you have just recei ved your Agi l ent 8960 Seri es 10 test set wi th the W-CDMA test appl i cati on i nstal l ed, you
must cal i brate thi s measurement before usi ng i t.
The temperature has changed by 10 C or more si nce the l ast cal i brati on. I f thi s si tuati on exi sts, the
i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue i s changed and a message i s di spl ayed i ndi cati ng Uncal i brated Due to
Temper atur e.
One year has el apsed si nce the l ast cal i br ati on.
Related Topics
Programmi ng an Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Measurement
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Troubl eshooti ng
Test Adherence to Standards
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements
Stati sti cal Measurement Resul ts
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Audio Level Measurement Description
Audio Level Measurement Description
How is an Audio Level measurement made?
Audi o Level measures the AC vol tage of the si gnal appl i ed to the fr ont-panel AUDI O I N connectors, and i s one
of the Audi o Anal yzer measurements. Audi o Level can be measured for si gnal s i n the frequency range of
100 Hz to 20 kHz, at l evel s fr om 1 mV
to 20V
. The measurement i s made after any fi l teri ng i s appl i ed,
and can be made usi ng an rms or peak detector. The type of detector bei ng used for the measur ement i s
di spl ayed next to the measur ement val ue.
When measur i ng ver y l ow vol tages, i t may be hel pful to use the Audi o Anal yzer s adjustabl e bandpass fi l ter
and the r ms detector to r educe noi se components.
Thi s measurement i s not affected by the Ampl i tude Offset setti ng.
Related Topics
Programmi ng an Audi o Level Measurement on page 104
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33
Audi o Anal yzer Bl ock Di agram on page 35
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Audio Analyzer Measurement Description
Audio Analyzer Measurement Description
How is an analog audio measurement made?
The Audi o Anal yzer can measure Audi o Level (V), SI NAD (dB), Di storti on (%), and Audi o Fr equency.
Measurements are made through the test sets front panel AUDI O I N connectors. When measuri ng a mobi l es
audi o output, the audi o si gnal may come fr om ei ther an acousti c coupl er or fr om a test i nterface connecti on to
the mobi l es audi o ci r cui tr y.
See Audi o Anal yzer Bl ock Di agram .
The AUDI O I N connectors feed the i nputs to a fl oati ng-i nput di fferenti al ampl i fi er, wi th each i nput havi ng an
i mpedance of about 100,000 ohms to chassi s ground. For best noi se i mmuni ty, connect the audi o si gnal and i ts
gr ound reference to the two i nput ports through shi el ded coaxi al cabl es, or i nput the si gnal to the AUDI O I N
HI connector and ground the AUDI O I N LO connectors center contact.
None of the anal og audi o measurement resul ts are affected by the Ampl i tude Offset setti ng.
SINAD/Distortion State
Sel ect On or Off to enabl e or di sabl e the SI NAD and Di storti on measurements. When On, these measurement
resul ts are di spl ayed bel ow the Audi o Level measurement and the SI NAD/Di storti on Fundamental Fr equency
must be entered to speci fy the audi o frequency for the measurement (range: 100 Hz to 10 kHz). When Off, four
dashes are di spl ayed i n pl ace of the measurement resul ts.
Audio Frequency State
Sel ect On or Off to enabl e or di sabl e the Audi o Fr equency measurement.
Filter Type
None - no fi l teri ng i s pr ovi ded (defaul t).
100 Hz BW Band Pass Fi l ter (Tunabl e) - The 100 Hz BW BPF Center Frequency setti ng i s avai l abl e when
thi s fi l ter i s sel ected, and can be set i n the range of 300 Hz to 15 kHz.
50 Hz to 15 kHz
300 Hz to 15 kHz
Detector Type
Sel ect ei ther Peak or RMS (defaul t) for maki ng and di spl ayi ng an Audi o Level measurement (does not affect
other measurements). The type of detector sel ected i s di spl ayed next to the Audi o Level measurement resul ts.
A 1-vol t rms si newave i nput si gnal woul d measur e 1.414 V
when the Peak detector i s used. A 1-vol t peak
i nput si gnal woul d measure 0.707 V
when the RMS detector i s used.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Audio Analyzer Measurement Description
Expected Peak Voltage
The Expected Ampl i tude sets the anal og audi o cl i ppi ng l evel and must be set. Thi s vol tage i s al ways the
absolute peak audi o i nput si gnal vol tage expected at the AUDI O I N connectors, and must be i n the range of
7.07 mV
(5 mV
r ms
) to 20 V
. Remember, measuri ng a 1-vol t rms si newave i nput si gnal woul d requi re a
1.414 V
expected vol tage val ue to avoi d cl i ppi ng (over-dr i vi ng) the i nput.
De-Emphasis State
Set to On or Off (defaul t) to enabl e or di sabl e 750 mi crosecond de-emphasi s.
Expandor Reference Level
Set val ue from 10 mV/kHz to 10 V/kHz, or Off (defaul t). Enteri ng a numeri c val ue automati cal l y turns the
state to On. Enteri ng Off di sabl es the expandor (state = off).
Trigger Source
Audi o Anal yzer measurements use i mmedi ate tr i ggeri ng and are conti nuousl y re-tri ggered by the anal yzer
any ti me the Tri gger Arm parameter i s set to Conti nuous. Tri gger ti mi ng i s i ndependent of any mobi l e
pr otocol si gnal i ng.
Related Topics
Audi o Anal yzer Bl ock Di agram on page 35
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
Audi o Level Measurement Descri pti on on page 32
Audi o Fr equency Measurement Descri pti on on page 36
SI NAD Measurement Descri pti on on page 41
Di stor ti on Measur ement Descri pti on on page 39
Programmi ng an Audi o Fr equency Measurement on page 106
Programmi ng an Audi o Level Measurement on page 104
Programmi ng a SI NAD Measurement on page 111
Programmi ng a Di storti on Measurement on page 108
Stati sti cal Measurement Resul ts on page 152 (Mul ti -measur ements)
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148
Measurement Ti meouts on page 146
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Audio Analyzer Block Diagram
Audio Analyzer Block Diagram
Related Topics
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on
Measur ement
Recei ver and
Sampl er
100 Hz BW BPF
50 Hz - 15 kHz
300 Hz - 15 kHz
100 Hz BW BPF
Center Fr eq.
750 s De-emphasi s Expandor
SI NAD/Di storti on
Fr eq.
SI NAD/Di storti on
Filter Type
De-Emphasis State
SINAD/Distortion State
Detector Type

Expected Peak
Expandor Reference
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Audio Frequency Measurement Description
Audio Frequency Measurement Description
Related Topics
Programmi ng an Audi o Fr equency Measurement on page 106
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33
Audi o Anal yzer Bl ock Di agram on page 35
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Channel Power Measurement Description
Channel Power Measurement Description
How is a Channel Power Measurement Made?
Channel power i s a band-l i mi ted power measurement that measures power present at the test sets RF
I N/OUT port duri ng a user-speci fi ed i nterval . The measurement measures power usi ng a Root-Rai sed Cosi ne
(RRC) fi l ter wi th a rol l off of =0.22, and a bandwi dth equal to the chi p rate (3.84 MHz).
Thi s i s the power measurement to use for the Transmi t Off Power test (3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.5.1, v3.2.0).
Al though i t i s speci fi ed up to +28 dBm, the channel power measurement i s not as accurate as the thermal
power measurement at hi gher power l evel s. Use the thermal power measurement to measure Maxi mum
Output Power (3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.2). See Thermal Power Measur ement Descri pti on .
Differences in Thermal Power and Channel Power Measurement Results
Because the channel power measurement i s a fi l ter ed (band-l i mi ted) measurement, i ts resul ts are typi cal l y
about 0.25 dB l ower than the thermal power measurement resul ts.
Input Signal Requirements
Thi s measurement does not autorange, ther efore the expected power l evel from the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s
set usi ng the cur rent MS Target Power setti ng, or by usi ng manual r ecei ver power control and speci fyi ng
the expected power l evel . See Recei ver Control .
The fr equency of the si gnal bei ng measured must be i n the range of 800 MHz to 1000 MHz, or from
1700 MHz to 1990 MHz.
The l evel i nto the test sets RF I N/OUT connector must be i n the range of -61 dBm to +28 dBm, i n a
3.84 MHz bandwi dth.
Trigger Source
The tr i gger source defaul ts to Auto for the channel power measurement, and tri es to use pr otocol tr i ggeri ng i f
the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s synchroni zed to the test set. I mmedi ate tr i ggeri ng i s used i f the mobi l e stati on i s not
synchroni zed.
RF Ri se tri ggeri ng i s pr ovi ded to measur e power duri ng PRACH bursts. The bursts on state l evel must be
>-40 dBm, and the off state l evel must be <-60 dBm, for thi s tri gger to work correctl y.
Thi s measurement can be made over a peri od of .1 ms to 10 ms by al teri ng the Measur ement I nterval . The
measurement can be made duri ng a speci fi c ti mesl ot by changi ng the Tri gger Del ay.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Channel Power Measurement Description
Measurement Calibration
Under cer tai n condi ti ons, thi s measur ement shoul d be cal i br ated usi ng the Cal i br ate Measur ements functi on
(CAL:MEAS?). Thi s functi on corrects for gai ns, l osses, and ti mi ng fl uctuati ons wi thi n the test set. A mobile
station (UE) must not be transmitting into the test set during this calibration.
Cal i brate thi s measurement under any of the fol l owi ng condi ti ons:
The E1963A W-CDMA test appl i cati on was just acti vated and thi s measurement has not been cal i brated
yet. I f you were usi ng a di ffer ent test appl i cati on previ ous to acti vati ng the W-CDMA test appl i cati on, or i f
you have just recei ved your Agi l ent 8960 Seri es 10 test set wi th the W-CDMA test appl i cati on i nstal l ed, you
must cal i brate thi s measurement before usi ng i t.
The temperature has changed by 10 C or more si nce the l ast cal i brati on. I f thi s si tuati on exi sts, the
i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue i s changed and a message i s di spl ayed i ndi cati ng Uncal i brated Due to
Temper atur e.
One year has expi red si nce the l ast cal i brati on.
Related Topics
Programmi ng a Channel Power Measurement
Channel Power Troubl eshooti ng
Test Adherence to Standards
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements
Stati sti cal Measurement Resul ts
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Distortion Measurement Description
Distortion Measurement Description
How is a Distortion measurement made?
Di storti on i s an audi o qual i ty measurement that compares the audi o si gnal l evel from the mobi l e at a speci fi ed
(desi red) fr equency to the l evel of si gnal s pr esent at other fr equenci es. The audi o si gnal s from the mobi l e are
typi cal l y measured after di gi tal demodul ati on of the tr affi c channel .
The test set makes two measurements to deter mi ne di storti on. Fi r st, the test set measur es the total audi o
si gnal l evel i nto the Audi o Anal yzer. Next, a pr eci se notch fi l ter i s then used to remove the si gnal at the
speci fi ed fr equency. The remai ni ng si gnal l evel i ndi cates the l evel of unwanted si gnal s (di storti on). Di storti on
i s expressed as a percentage of the total audi o si gnal .
Di storti on can be measured i n the range of 100 Hz to 10 kHz. For i nformati on on usi ng the Audi o Anal yzer, see
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33.
The di stor ti on measur ement can be used to per form the audi o har moni c di stor ti on test. For exampl e, i n the
AMPS system two audi o si gnal s are used: a 1004 Hz tone and the 6000 Hz SAT. The 1004 Hz tone i s notched
out to make the measurement.
Related Topics
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
Programmi ng a Di storti on Measurement on page 108
Test Adherence to Standards on page 45
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Loopback Bit Error Ratio Measurement Description
Loopback Bit Error Ratio Measurement Description
How is a Loopback Bit Error Ratio measurement made?
When the test set measur es l oopback bi t err or r ati o, i t sends a known data pattern on the downl i nk dedi cated
tr affi c channel (DTCH) to a mobi l e stati on (UE) that i s confi gured i n l oopback mode 1 (see 3GPP TS 34.109.
v3.1.0). The mobi l e stati on decodes the data and r e-transmi ts i t on the upl i nk DTCH. The test set anal yzes the
upl i nk data to see how cl osel y i t matches the data bi ts ori gi nal l y sent on the downl i nk. The measurement
resul t i s the r ati o of i ncor rectl y r ecei ved bi ts to the total bi ts sent to the UE, expressed at a per centage (%).
Thi s measurement i s typi cal l y perfor med at l ow cel l power l evel s to measure the sensi ti vi ty of the mobi l e
stati ons recei ver; the l ower the l evel of si gnal that the mobi l e stati on can recei ve and sti l l corr ectl y decode the
data, the better the sensi ti vi ty. The recei ver sensi ti vi ty test i s descri bed i n 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 6.2, v3.2.0,
Reference Sensitivity Level. Thi s measurement can al so be used for the Maximum I nput Level test, 3GPP TS
34.121, secti on 6.2, v3.2.0.
The number of data bi ts to send duri ng the measurement i s sel ectabl e by the user. However, the actual
number of bi ts used to anal yze the data i s al ways the l argest even mul ti pl e of the number of bi ts needed to fi l l
a DTCH transpor t bl ock for the transmi tted for mat. For the 12.2 kbps r efer ence measurement channel (RMC)
used i n FDD Test oper ati ng mode, the tr ansport bl ock i s 244 bi ts.
Mobile Station (UE) Control During FDD Test Mode Operation
The FDD Test oper ati ng mode does not pr ovi de radi o bearer setup control of the mobi l e stati on (UE) for test
mode operati on. The operator must confi gur e the mobi l e stati on i n l oopback mode 1 and synchroni ze i t to the
test sets downl i nk si gnal i n order to make thi s measurement i n FDD Test operati ng mode. Refer to FDD Test
Oper ati ng Mode .
The upl i nk tr ansport format must i ncl ude both the DTCH and the DCCH; however, onl y the DTCH
i nformati on i s used for the l oopback bi t er r or rati o measur ement.
Input Signal Requirements
The expected power i nto the test set must be set i n or der to mai ntai n the l i nk wi th the mobi l e stati on. Thi s
i s done usi ng the MS Target Power setti ng or by usi ng manual recei ver power control and speci fyi ng the
expected power l evel . See Recei ver Control .
Trigger Source
The tri gger sour ce i s al ways protocol .
Related Topics
Programmi ng a Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Measurement
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Troubl eshooti ng
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SINAD Measurement Description
SINAD Measurement Description
How is a SINAD measurement made?
SI NAD i s a recei ver audi o qual i ty measur ement that i s typi cal l y used for mobi l e stati ons operati ng on an
anal og system, such as AMPS. I t i s the rati o of Si gnal +Noi se+Di storti on di vi ded by Noi se+Di storti on,
expr essed i n dB. SI NAD i s measured usi ng the test sets Audi o Anal yzer. SI NAD can be measured i n the range
of 100 Hz to 10 kHz. For i nformati on on usi ng the Audi o Anal yzer, see Audi o Anal yzer Measurement
Descri pti on .
The SI NAD measurement i s used to determi ne recei ver RF sensi ti vi ty. SI NAD i s usual l y measured ei ther of
two ways:
Reduce the Cel l Power fr om the test set unti l 12 dB SI NAD i s di spl ayed (re-tr i ggeri ng for each
measurement), or
Set the Cel l Power fr om the test set to a speci fi ed l ow l evel and veri fy a 12 dB SI NAD r eadi ng.
Difference in Agilent 8960 Series 10 and 8920B Test Set SINAD Measurements
I f you have pr evi ousl y used the Agi l ent 8920B RF Communi cati ons Test Set to measure SI NAD, you may
noti ce that the Agi l ent 8960 Seri es 10 test sets SI NAD val ue may be l ower by up to 0.8 dB when measuri ng 12
dB SI NAD. Thi s i s due to the more pr eci se di gi tal notch fi l ter used by the 8960, causi ng a more accurate noi se
measurement to be made. The 8920B uses an anal og fi l ter that does not have as ti ght a fi l ter notch as the
Related Topics
Programmi ng a SI NAD Measurement
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on
Test Adherence to Standards
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Thermal Power Measurement Description
Thermal Power Measurement Description
How is a thermal power measurement made?
Thermal power i s a broadband, unfi l tered measurement that measures al l power pr esent at the test sets RF
I N/OUT connector usi ng a thermal detector. Because of i ts hi gh accuracy when measuri ng power up to +28
dBm, thi s i s the preferred measurement to use for hi gher power measurements, such as the Maxi mum Output
Power test (3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.2, v3.2.0).
The ther mal power measurement automati cal l y zeroes i tsel f for each measurement; no other cal i brati on i s
requi red. To meet speci fi ed performance, the test set must be operated i n the temperature range of 20 C to
55 C.
The ther mal power measurement i s not as fast as the channel power measurement, and i s not i ntended to
measure si gnal l evel s bel ow -10 dBm. Use the channel power measurement to measure power l evel s fr om
-11 dBm to -61 dBm, or when maxi mum measurement speed i s r equi red. See Channel Power Measurement
Descri pti on on page 37.
Differences in Thermal Power and Channel Power Measurement Results
Because the thermal power measurement i s an unfi l tered measurement, i ts resul ts are typi cal l y about 0.25 dB
hi gher than the fi l tered channel power measurement resul ts.
Input Signal Requirements
For thi s measur ement the test sets recei ver uses auto-r angi ng to adjust for the l evel of the si gnal bei ng
measured; ther efore the expected si gnal l evel does not need to be speci fi ed duri ng measurement setup.
For speci fi ed accuracy, the frequency of the si gnal bei ng measured must be i n the range of 800 MHz to 1000
MHz, or 1700 MHz to 1990 MHz.
The l evel i nto the test sets RF I N/OUT connector must be i n the r ange of -10 dBm to +28 dBm for gr eatest
accuracy (al though si gnal s can be measured down to -20 dBm wi th degraded accuracy).
Thi s measurement i s unfi l tered, so al l si gnal s pr esent at the RF I N/OUT connector affect the measurement
resul ts.
Trigger Source
No synchroni zati on between the test set and the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s needed, so i mmedi ate tr i ggeri ng i s
al ways used for thi s measurement. No tri gger del ay i s avai l abl e.
Related Topics
Programmi ng a Thermal Power Measurement
Thermal Power Troubl eshooti ng
Stati sti cal Measurement Resul ts
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements
Test Adherence to Standards
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Waveform Quality Measurement Description
Waveform Quality Measurement Description
How is a waveform quality measurement made?
Thi s measurement compares the recei ved si gnal s I Q modul ati on characteri sti cs to an i deal si gnal to
deter mi ne the composi te er r or vector magni tude (EVM), fr equency er r or, ori gi n offset, phase err or, and
magni tude error of the recei ved si gnal .
The fr equency error resul t sati sfi es the requi rements for 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.3, v3.2.0, Frequency Error.
The error vector magni tude resul t sati sfi es the requi rements for 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.13.1, v3.2.0, Error
Vector Magnitude.
The measurement i s made duri ng one user-sel ected ti mesl ot.
RF I n/Out Ampl i tude offsets entered do not affect these measurement resul ts unl ess the recei ved si gnal l evel
becomes too l ow to accuratel y detect rel ati ve I /Q modul ati on vector transi ti ons.
Early Release Measurement Differences From 3GPP TS 34.121, section 5.13, v3.2.0
The i ni ti al FDD Test Mode-onl y rel ease of thi s test appl i cati on was desi gned to be used for the Transmi t
Modul ati on test i n 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.13, wi th the fol l owi ng excepti ons:
Thi s rel ease onl y supports the 12.2k reference measurement channel (RMC).
Peak Code Domai n Error (secti on i s not avai l abl e i n thi s rel ease, si nce that measurement i s
i ntended for mul ti -code si gnal s and onl y one code i s used i n FDD test mode.
Input Signal Requirements
Thi s measurement does not autorange, ther efore the expected power l evel from the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s
set usi ng the cur rent MS Target Power setti ng, or by usi ng manual r ecei ver power control and speci fyi ng
the manual power l evel . See Recei ver Control .
The fr equency of the si gnal bei ng measured must be i n the range of 800 MHz to 1000 MHz, or from
1700 MHz to 1990 MHz.
The l evel i nto the test sets RF I N/OUT connector must be i n the range of -25 dBm to +28 dBm.
Maxi mum measurabl e EVM = 35%
Maxi mum measurabl e frequency error = 1 kHz
Trigger Source
The test set must be synchr oni zed to the mobi l e stati on (UE) to make a waveform qual i ty measurement;
therefore protocol tri ggeri ng i s al ways used. The measurement i s performed duri ng one ti mesl ot. The ti mesl ot
to use for the measurement i s sel ectabl e (0 to 14).
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Waveform Quality Measurement Description
Measurement Calibration
Under cer tai n condi ti ons, thi s measur ement shoul d be cal i br ated usi ng the Cal i br ate Measur ements functi on
(CAL:MEAS?). Thi s functi on corrects for gai ns, l osses, and ti mi ng fl uctuati ons wi thi n the test set. A mobile
station (UE) must not be transmitting into the test set during this calibration.
Cal i brate thi s measurement under any of the fol l owi ng condi ti ons:
The E1963A W-CDMA test appl i cati on was just acti vated and thi s measurement has not been cal i brated
yet. I f you were usi ng a di ffer ent test appl i cati on previ ous to acti vati ng the W-CDMA test appl i cati on, or i f
you have just recei ved your Agi l ent 8960 Seri es 10 test set wi th the W-CDMA test appl i cati on i nstal l ed, you
must cal i brate thi s measurement before usi ng i t.
The temperature has changed by 10 C or more si nce the l ast cal i brati on. I f thi s si tuati on exi sts, the
i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue i s changed and a message i s di spl ayed i ndi cati ng Uncal i brated Due to
Temper atur e.
One year has expi red si nce the l ast cal i brati on.
Related Topics
Programmi ng a Waveform Qual i ty Measurement
Waveform Qual i ty Troubl eshooti ng
Test Adherence to Standards
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements
Stati sti cal Measurement Resul ts
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test Adherence to Standards
Test Adherence to Standards
The fol l owi ng i nformati on descri bes the i mpl ementati on of the measurements i n the E1963A Mobi l e Test
Appl i cati on and thei r compl i ance wi th establ i shed standards.
Thermal Power
Thermal power i s an unfi l tered, broadband RF power measurement, that i s i ntended for the Maxi mum Output
Power test (3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.2). At the ti me of thi s wri ti ng, the 3GPP standard speci fi es that thi s
measurement be made over 1 ti mesl ot (667 s); however, the i mpl ementati on of thi s measurement i n the
Agi l ent 8960 requi res 10 ms.
Channel Power
Channel power i s a fi l tered RF power measurement, usi ng a Root-Rai sed Cosi ne (RRC) fi l ter wi th a rol l off of
=0.22, and a bandwi dth equal to the chi p rate (3.84 MHz). Thi s measurement meets the requi rements for the
fol l owi ng tests: Transmit Off Power (3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.5.1).
Adjacent Channel Leakage RAtio
Adjacent channel l eakage rati o (ACLR) measures RF power at +/-5 MHz and +/-10 MHz offsets fr om the
carri er (center) frequency, usi ng a Root-Rai sed Cosi ne (RRC) fi l ter wi th a rol l off of =0.22, and a bandwi dth
equal to the chi p rate (3.84 MHz). Thi s measurement meets the requi rements defi ned i n 3GPP TS 34.121,
secti on 5.10, Adjacent Channel Power Leakage Rati o (ACLR).
Waveform Quality
Wavefor m qual i ty per for ms the fol l owi ng measurements: er ror vector magni tude (EVM), fr equency er ror,
ori gi n offset, phase error, magni tude error. The frequency error resul t meets the requi rements for 3GPP TS
34.121, secti on 5.3, Fr equency Error.
For thi s r evi si on of the W-CDMA test appl i cati on , the er ror vector magni tude resul t meets the requi rements
for 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.13.1, Error Vector Magni tude, wi th the fol l owi ng excepti ons:
Thi s rel ease onl y supports the 12.2k reference measurement channel (RMC).
Peak Code Domai n Error (secti on i s not avai l abl e i n thi s rel ease, si nce that measurement i s
i ntended for mul ti -code si gnal s and onl y one code i s used i n FDD test mode.
Frequency Error
Fr equency error compar es the expected upl i nk channel frequency to the measured upl i nk channel frequency,
and i s i ncl uded wi th the waveform qual i ty measurement resul ts. See Waveform Qual i ty .
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Test Adherence to Standards
Loopback Bit Error Ratio
Loopback BER compares the data i t sends on the downl i nk si gnal to the data i t recei ves on the upl i nk si gnal ,
wi th the UE operati ng i n l oopback mode 1 (as per 3GPP TS 34.109, secti on, Loopback of RLC SDUs).
Thi s i s typi cal l y done when measuri ng the sensi ti vi ty of the UE recei ver. Thi s measurement meets the
requi rements of 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 6.2, Reference Sensitivity Level.
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Amplitude Offset
Amplitude Offset
Ampl i tude offsets compensate for l oss or gai n between the test sets RF I N/OUT front panel connector and the
mobi l e stati ons RF connector.
To access the ampl i tude offset feature, pr ess the SYSTEM CONFI G key, fol l owed by the RF I N/OUT Amptd
Offset key, F5.
Ampl i tude offset setti ngs ar e pr eser ved dur i ng power cycl es or i nstrument preset.
Setting Up Amplitude Offsets and Frequency Points
Up to 20 frequency poi nts can be assi gned an ampl i tude offset. Negati ve ampl i tude offset val ues shoul d be
entered when there i s a l oss through the RF cabl i ng and test fi xtures and posi ti ve val ues shoul d be entered
when ther e i s a gai n.
The RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset tabl e di spl ays the current (on/off) state of the ampl i tude offset feature.
There are al so 20 rows for enteri ng frequenci es and 20 rows for enteri ng correspondi ng offset val ues. To enter
val ues i n the tabl e use the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset Setup menu.
To set up ampl i tude offsets r emotel y, one comma-separ ated str i ng i s sent to set up frequency poi nts and
another comma-separ ated str i ng assi gns the corr espondi ng ampl i tudes.
MHZ,1879.8 MHZ
!sets the first 4 frequencies in the amplitude offset table.
OUTPUT 714;SYSTEM:CORRECTION:SGAIN -2.55,-3.12,-3.68,-4.23
!sets the first 4 amplitude offsets in the amplitude offset table.
Turning amplitude offsets on/off
When the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset State i s on, al l offsets that are not i ndi vi dual l y turned off are appl i ed
and the wor d Offset appear s i n the I nstr ument Status Area of the test sets di spl ay.
I f the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset State i s off, none of the ampl i tude offsets are appl i ed.
!Sets the RF IN/OUT Amplitude Offset State to On
NOTE I f the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset State i s turned off , none of the ampl i tude offsets ar e on,
even if values are entered for the individual offsets.
Examples of Amplitude Offset Behavior
When the ampl i tude offset tabl e entr i es accuratel y represent the l oss i n al l components (cabl i ng, connectors,
and test fi xturi ng) i n the si gnal path between the test set and the mobi l e stati on, the test set wi l l make the
necessary adjustments i n both r ecei ver and tr ansmi tter measurements.
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Amplitude Offset
Mobile Station Receiver Example
When you set a tr ansmi t power l evel , the test set uses the ampl i tude offset val ue to adjust the power so that
the test sets tr ansmi t power l evel refer s to the power l evel recei ved at the mobi l e stati on.
For exampl e, wi th the test sets tr ansmi t power set to 85 dBm and a 3 dB ampl i tude offset the actual power
l evel tr ansmi tted from the test set wi l l be automati cal l y offset to 82 dBm. Wi th a 3 dB l oss i n the si gnal path
the mobi l e stati on wi l l recei ve 85 dBm, the actual setti ng.
Figure1. Amplitude Offset Mobile Station Receiver Example
Mobile Station Transmitter Example
When you measure power fr om the mobi l e stati on, the di spl ayed and queri ed val ues are offset to show the
l evel at the mobi l e stati on.
For exampl e, wi th the mobi l e stati on tr ansmi tti ng 12 dBm and a 3 dB ampl i tude offset i s entered, the
measured power at the test set woul d be 9 dBm. The di spl ayed power l evel i s automati cal l y adjusted to 12
dBm to show the l evel at the mobi l e stati on.
I f the expected power, whi ch can be set manual l y or automati cal l y i s 12 dBm, the test sets i nter nal har dware
adjusts i tsel f to recei ve 9 dBm whi ch i s the actual power from the mobi l e stati on after 3 dB l oss i n the network.
Figure2. Amplitude Offset Mobile Station Transmitter Example
Agilent 8960
Transmit Power setting = 85 dBm
Amplitude offset = 3 dB
3 dB network
Power = 82 dBm Power = 85 dBm
Agilent 8960
Expected Power setting = 12 dBm
Amplitude offset = 3 dB
3 dB network
Power = 9 dBm Power = 12 dBm
Signal Flow
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Amplitude Offset
Amplitude Offsets Between Frequency Settings
I f mobi l e stati on testi ng i s performed at frequenci es that do not have ampl i tude offsets assi gned to them, the
test set wi l l esti mate an ampl i tude offset based on the nearest setti ngs. For exampl e, the fol l owi ng screen
shows fi ve ampl i tude offsets for frequenci es rangi ng fr om 890.2 MHz to 1710.2 MHz.
Figure3. RF IN/OUT Amplitude Offset Setup
For test fr equenci es between the l owest (890.2 MHz) and hi ghest (1710.2 MHz) fr equency poi nts that are not
entered i n the tabl e, the test set wi l l cal cul ate offsets usi ng pi ece-wi se l i near i nterpol ati on.
The graph shown i n Fi gure 4. i s a conceptual representati on of the test sets ampl i tude offset confi gurati on
usi ng the setti ngs from the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset tabl e i n Fi gure 3. RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset
Setup. Each of the fi ve poi nts ar e shown on a non-scal ed fr equency versus ampl i tude offset gr aph. At a test
fr equency of 890.4 MHz, whi ch i s mi dway between poi nt number one (-1 dB) and poi nt number two (-2 dB) the
test set appl i es an offset of -1.5 dB. Be awar e that si nce ampl i tude offsets ar e i n uni ts of dB, thi s pi ece-wi se
l i near i nterpol ati on does not produce a l i near tr ansi ti on fr om poi nt to poi nt.
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Amplitude Offset
Figure4. Amplitude Offset Interpolation
I f testi ng i s done outsi de the range of fr equenci es bounded by the l owest and hi ghest fr equency entri es, the
test set si mpl y uses the ampl i tude offset that i s pai red wi th the nearest frequency poi nt.
IMPORTANT I t i s hi ghl y recommended that ampl i tude offsets are set up for each test fr equency. Thi s
el i mi nates i naccur aci es due to the mi smatch between the test sets l i near i nterpol ati on and the
actual frequency response of the RF path between the test set and mobi l e stati on.
Related Topics
SYSTem:CORRecti on
Amplitude Offset Interpolation
800 890.2 890.6 891 914 1710 2000
Frequency (MHz)

Offset at 890.4 MHz
woul d equal -1.5 dB
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Call Processing
Call Processing
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FDD Test Operating Mode
FDD Test Operating Mode
Duri ng fr equency di vi si on dupl ex (FDD) test mode operati on, cal l processi ng operati ons, such as base stati on
ori gi nati on (pagi ng) and l ocati on regi strati on, are not avai l abl e to establ i sh a connecti on between the test set
and the UE
(mobi l e stati on). I nstead, when FDD test mode i s sel ected, the test set i mmedi atel y starts
tr ansmi tti ng a downl i nk si gnal contai ni ng a dedi cated physi cal channel (DPCH) that i s confi gured as a
12.2 kbps reference measurement channel (RMC). The downl i nk si gnal al so contai ns the over head channel s
requi r ed to al l ow the UE to synchr oni ze to the test set and decode tr ansmi tted data; the pr i mary common pi l ot
channel (CPI CH), pri mary common control physi cal channel (P-CCPCH), and the synchroni zati on channel
(SCH). The pagi ng i ndi cator channel (PI CH) i s al so i ncl uded, and OCNS and AWGN are avai l abl e i f desi red
(see Noi se Sources on the Downl i nk ).
To synchr oni ze wi th the test sets downl i nk si gnal , the UE must be manual l y control l ed by the operator to
pl ace i t i n the correct confi gurati on for i t to recei ve the downl i nk si gnal . After the UE has synchroni zed to the
test set, the UE must be contr ol l ed by the oper ator to begi n tr ansmi tti ng a corr espondi ng upl i nk si gnal that
al so consi sts of a dedi cated physi cal channel (DPCH) confi gured as a 12.2 kbps RMC (descri bed i n 3GPP TS
25.101, Annex A.2.1, UL Reference Measurement Channel (12.2 kbps).
The test set can perfor m ther mal power, channel power, waveform qual i ty, and adjacent channel l eakage rati o
(ACLR) measurements on the upl i nk si gnal . Loopback bi t error rati o (BER) can be tested i f the UE pr ovi des a
l oopback mode that confor ms to 3GPP TS 34.109, secti on, Loopback of RLC SDUs. For ei ther the
l oopback BER or modul ati on qual i ty measurements to functi on, the upl i nk dedi cated physi cal data channel
(DPDCH) spr eadi ng factor must be the mi ni mum al l owed for the channel type; whi ch i s 64 for the 12.2 kbps
reference measurement channel . Addi ti onal l y, for the l oopback BER measurement, the upl i nk DPDCH
tr ansport format must be set so both the dedi cated tr affi c channel (DTCH) and dedi cated contr ol channel
(DCCH) are pr esent (however, the test set wi l l i gnore the contents of the DCCH so the actual content of thi s
channel i s not rel evant).
The test set i gnor es tr anspor t for mat combi nati on i ndi cator (TFCI ) and tr ansmi t power control (TPC) bi ts sent
on the upl i nk.
The fol l owi ng exampl e sel ects FDD Test oper ati ng mode vi a GPI B:
UE (Mobile Station) Control During FDD Test Mode
I n FDD Test operati ng mode, the test set does not negoti ate wi th the UE to set up a cal l , or provi de any other
form of i nteracti ve control of the UE. User-sel ected patterns of power control (TPC) or transport format
i ndi cati on (TFCI ) commands can be sent to the UE on the downl i nk, but the test set does not assume or veri fy
that the UE r esponded.
1. UE stands for User Equipment, and is the term used in the 3GPP standards. This may be a mobile station (cellular phone) or any
other transceiver device using the W-CDMA protocols.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FDD Test Operating Mode
Synchronizing the UE to the Test Sets Downlink to Make Measurements
When the test set and the UE are synchroni zed, the UE upl i nk fr ame starts 1024 chi ps after the recei vi ng the
correspondi ng downl i nk fr ame. Measurements that requi r e synchroni zati on wi l l not tri gger correctl y (or at al l )
i f thi s ti mi ng rel ati onshi p does not exi st. The fol l owi ng test set control s must match your UE confi gurati on to
be abl e to get i t to synchroni ze to the test sets downl i nk and tr ansmi t an upl i nk si gnal that the test set can
recei ve and measure:
Downl i nk Channel - The UE must be set to r ecei ve the downl i nk si gnal on thi s channel .
Upl i nk Channel - The UE must be set to tr ansmi t an upl i nk si gnal on thi s channel .
Downl i nk Channel Codes - The UE must be set to expect the fol l owi ng code setti ngs fr om the test set on
the downl i nk:
Pri mary Scrambl i ng Code
PI CH Channel i zati on Code
DPCH 12.2 RMC Channel i zati on Code
Transport Format Combi nati on I ndi cator Pattern (TFCI ) - I f the UE i s confi gured to respond to TFCI , the
appropri ate TFCI val ue must be entered on the test set and the UE must be abl e to decode the TFCI and
correctl y confi gure i tsel f to accept the downl i nk data (i n thi s case, the format for the 12.2k RMC).
Cel l Power - the power l evel out of the test set must be hi gh enough for the UE to recei ve the downl i nk
si gnal and decode the data.
Upl i nk Scrambl i ng Code - The scrambl i ng code the UE i s tr ansmi tti ng on the upl i nk si gnal .
MS Tar get Power - The power l evel that the UE i s expected to be tr ansmi tti ng at.
Downlink Channel Settings
The downl i nk si gnal consi sts of the fol l owi ng channel s:
Common pi l ot channel (CPI CH): Used by the UE (mobi l e stati on) to fi nd the pr i mary scrambl i ng code and
to hel p deter mi ne i ts tr ansmi t power dur i ng open l oop power contr ol .
Pri mary common control physi cal channel (P-CCPCH): Contai ns the broadcast channel (BCH) that
normal l y pr ovi des system i nformati on to the UE. I n FDD Test operati ng mode, thi s channel consi sts of
pseudo-r andom bi t sequence (PRBS) data and a val i d system frame number (SFN).
Synchroni zati on channel (SCH): I ncl udes the pri mary and secondar y synchroni zati on channel s (PSC and
SSC) that contai n ti mi ng i nfor mati on to al l ow the UE to synchr oni ze to the test set (or base stati on).
Page i ndi cator channel (PI CH): Used to al er t the UE that i t i s bei ng paged. I n FDD test mode, the test set
onl y pr ovi des a user speci fi ed bi t pattern to al l ow the operator to veri fy that the UE i s corr ectl y decodi ng
thi s channel .
Dedi cated physi cal channel (DPCH): Contai ns the dedi cated physi cal control channel (DPCCH) whi ch
i ncl udes the transmi t power control (TPC) and tr ansmi t format combi nati on i ndi cator (TFCI ), and the
dedi cated physi cal data channel (DPDCH) whi ch contai ns the user data (whi ch i s al ways the 12.2 kbps
RMC for thi s test mode).
The rel ati ve l evel , desi red l evel , spreadi ng factor, and channel code for each of these channel s, i s di spl ayed i n
the Downl i nk Code Channel I nformati on wi ndow on the test set.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FDD Test Operating Mode
Channel Codes
The fol l owi ng downl i nk channel codes can be speci fi ed:
Pri mary scrambl i ng code (CALL[:CELL]:SCODe ). This value must match the UE expected downlink
scrambling code in order for the UE to decode the downlink channels and synchronize to the test set. The
current setti ng i s di spl ayed i n the Downl i nk Code Channel I nformati on wi ndow on the test set. Thi s val ue
i s used to confi gure the secondary synchroni zati on channel (S-SCH).
PI CH channel i zati on code (CALL:PI CHannel ).
DPCH 12.2 RMC channel i zati on code (CALL:DPCHannel )
Channel Levels
The rel ati ve l evel of al l FDD test channel s can be i ndi vi dual l y set or turned off (al though the P-CCPCH and
the SCH are control l ed together). The l evel of each acti ve channel i s a fr acti on of the total cel l power, expressed
i n dB. I f the summed l evel of al l channel s i s l ess than one, OCNS i s turned on to account for the di fference. See
Noise Sources on the Downlink
Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)
AWGN can be summed i nto the downl i nk si gnal to si mul ate outsi de si gnal i nterference. When enabl ed, the
AWGN l evel must be set wi thi n +/-10 dB of the cel l power setti ng. See CALL:AWGNoi se:POWer .
Orthogonal Channel Noise Simulator (OCNS)
OCNS i s used to si mul ate addi ti onal users on the downl i nk. OCNS i s automati cal l y enabl ed when the sum of
the l evel s of al l the enabl ed downl i nk physi cal channel s i s l ess than the cel l power setti ng. OCNS i s made up of
the fol l owi ng 16 separate code channel s: 2, 11, 17, 23, 31, 38, 47, 55, 62, 69, 78, 85, 94, 113, 119, and 125. Al l
channel s use a spreadi ng factor of 128. The curr ent setti ng i s di spl ayed i n the Downl i nk Code Channel
I nformati on wi ndow on the test set.
As i ndi vi dual downl i nk channel l evel s ar e adjusted, the composi te OCNS l evel i s automati cal l y set to a val ue
equal to the di ffer ence between the summed downl i nk channel l evel s and the cel l power setti ng. The fr acti on
of the composi te OCNS power that i s al l ocated to each of the code channel s maki ng up the composi te OCNS
vari es for each channel , and cannot be changed. See CALL:OCNSource .
Other Downlink Signal Settings
Cell Power
Thi s setti ng speci fi es the combi ned power l evel of al l code channel s on the downl i nk fr om the test set,
expr essed i n dBm/3.84 MHz (i ncl udi ng OCNS, i f used). This does not include AWGN power.
The Cal l Setup Screen di spl ays a wi ndow enti tl ed Generated Power Level Information. The Total RF
Power l i sted i n that wi ndow i s the sum of the Cell Power and AWGN Power l evel s. The power l evel at the RF
I N/OUT or RF OUT ONLY connector i s the Current Level of the Total RF Power plus any ampl i tude
offsets that have been enter ed. See Ampl i tude Offset for more i nformati on on enteri ng ampl i tude offsets.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FDD Test Operating Mode
MS Target Power
Thi s setti ng speci fi es the expected power l evel fr om the UE (mobi l e stati on). When usi ng automati c recei ver
control (the defaul t setti ng), the test set uses the MS Tar get Power setti ng to set the i nput r ange for i ts
measurement and upl i nk recei vers. I f the tr ansmi tted l evel fr om the UE i s above or bel ow the range expected
by the recei vers, an Under Range or Over Range message and i ntegri ty i ndi cator are produced. Thi s setti ng i s
not used duri ng manual recei ver control .
Thi s setti ng does not anti ci pate a change i n UE power output when sendi ng cl osed l oop power control changes
or tr ansmi t power control (TPC) commands duri ng FDD Test mode operati on. I t i s onl y used to i ndi cate the
expected power l evel from the UE as determi ned by the user. See Recei ver Control for i nformati on on setti ng
the expected power l evel i nto the test set.
Transport Format Combination Indicator Pattern
The TFCI pattern tel l s the UE whi ch tr ansport formats to use for communi cati ons between the downl i nk
physi cal channel s pr otocol l ayer (L1) and the medi um access contr ol (MAC) l ayer. I n FDD Test mode, thi s
val ue does not cor respond to any speci fi c tr ansport channel for mat; i t i s pr ovi ded to al l ow the user to
determi ne i f thei r UE i s correctl y decodi ng thi s val ue.
I f the UE is configured to respond to the TFCI , this value must match the UE transport format configuration in
order for the UE to decode the downlink channels and synchronize to the test set. See CALL:FDDTest .
Power Control Settings
Power control commands can be sent by speci fyi ng the upl i nk cl osed l oop power control data or by sendi ng
tr ansmi t power contr ol (TPC) step up/step down bi t patter ns. However, the user must ver i fy that the UE
cor rectl y decoded the power contr ol data, ei ther by veri fyi ng that the power l evel fr om the UE di d change or by
l ooki ng at the UE decoded downl i nk data. I f the UE power output does change i n response to the change or der,
the user must change the test sets expected power l evel (MS Target Power) when maki ng measurements that
do not use autorangi ng. See MS Tar get Power . See al so CALL[:CELL]:CLPContr ol :UPLi nk and
CALL:FDDTest:CLPControl :UPLi nk:MODE for a descri pti on of the GPI B commands for power control .
Paging Indicator Settings
Downl i nk pagi ng i ndi cator channel data can be set to al l ones or al l zeroes. However, the user must veri fy that
the UE has corr ectl y decoded the page i ndi cator data. See CALL:PI CHannel :DATA .
Traffic Channel (DTCH) Data
Downl i nk dedi cated traffi c channel (DTCH) data of var i ous types can be sent. To deter mi ne i f the UE has
cor rectl y decoded the data str eam, you can use the test sets l oopback bi t error rati o measurement or use your
UE bui l t i n bi t error reporti ng (i f avai l abl e). See CALL:DTCHannel :DATA .
Downlink Channel
When the RF generator fr equency control (RF Gen Fr eq Ctr l ) i s set to auto, the downl i nk channel setti ng
automati cal l y adjusts the center fr equency for the test sets RF generator based on the speci fi ed channel
number. See CALL:CHANnel .
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FDD Test Operating Mode
RF Generator Frequency
To set a downl i nk frequency that does not correspond to a defi ned channel number, you can set the RF
generator fr equency control to manual . When manual RF generator control i s used, the downl i nk channel (DL
Channel ) control i s repl aced by the RF generator frequency (RF Gen Freq Ctrl ) control to al l ow manual entry
of the RF generator fr equency. See CALL[:CELL]:CONTrol :DOWNl i nk:FREQuency:AUTO and
CALL[:CELL]:RFGenerator:FREQuency .
Uplink Settings
Closed Loop Power Control Data
Cl osed l oop power control data can be set usi ng four formats: al ternati ng (up/down) bi ts, al l up bi ts, al l down
bi ts, 10 up bi ts & 10 down bi ts. See CALL:FDDTest:CLPContr ol :UPLi nk:MODE .
Uplink Channel
When the test set i s usi ng automati c r ecei ver contr ol (the defaul t), the upl i nk channel setti ng sets the test sets
recei ver s to the expected UE upl i nk channel fr equency. I f manual recei ver control i s sel ected, the
Measurement Fr equency and Upl i nk Frequency setti ngs are used to manual l y enter the recei ver frequenci es.
See CALL:UPLi nk:CHANnel . See al so Recei ver Control for i nformati on about automati c and manual
recei ver setti ngs.
Uplink Scrambling Code
Thi s setti ng tel l s the test set whi ch scrambl i ng code to use to decode the upl i nk si gnal fr om the UE (mobi l e
stati on). This setting must match the UE uplink scrambling code to make waveform quality and loopback bit
error ratio measurements. See CALL:UPLi nk:DPCHannel :SCODe .
Receiver Control Settings
The expected power i nto the test set, and the frequency of the si gnal bei ng measured, can be set ei ther
automati cal l y or manual l y. Automati c r ecei ver contr ol i s the defaul t mode, and provi des the si mpl est form of
operati on. Manual control i s typi cal l y used to enter val ues that ar e di ffer ent fr om those normal l y set duri ng
automati c control . See Recei ver Control for more i nformati on on how manual and automati c recei ver control
are used.
Related Topics
CW Oper ati ng Mode
Recei ver Control
Programmi ng: Getti ng Started Gui de for E1963A W-CDMA Mobi l e Test Appl i cati on Revi si on A.01
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CW Operating Mode
CW Operating Mode
CW operati ng mode pr ovi des an unmodul ated carri er of adjustabl e fr equency and ampl i tude, manual
adjustment of the measurement recei ver and demodul ati on (upl i nk) recei ver fr equenci es, and manual setti ng
of the expected CW i nput power.
NOTE Manual recei ver control setti ngs made whi l e usi ng the CW operati ng mode can affect manual
recei ver setti ngs made i n other oper ati ng modes (such as FDD Test mode). When changi ng
operati ng modes and usi ng manual recei ver setti ngs, al ways veri fy that the manual recei ver
setti ngs are correct for the new operati ng mode.
CW Test Mode Operation
When the test sets oper ati ng mode i s set to CW:
No over the ai r si gnal i ng i s used. Therefor e there i s no synchroni zati on between the mobi l e stati on (UE)
and the test set.
No demodul ati on or channel decodi ng i s avai l abl e.
An unmodul ated RF si gnal can be generated whi l e anal yzi ng another si gnal (at the same frequency or at a
di ffer ent frequency). No i nter acti on exi sts between these contr ol s.
Wi th the excepti on of mobi l e reported val ues (whi ch are onl y avai l abl e i n Acti ve Cel l mode), al l test set
measurements are accessi bl e. However, measurements requi ri ng protocol tri ggeri ng, such as waveform
qual i ty, cannot be made. I mmedi ate tri ggeri ng shoul d be used for most measurements because no overhead
si gnal i ng i s occurri ng. Protocol tri ggeri ng wi l l ti me-out (i f ti me-outs are enabl ed) or report an i ntegri ty
i ndi cator other than zero (0) and not pr ovi de val i d resul ts. RF Ri se tr i ggeri ng i s meant for bursted si gnal s,
such as a PRACH burst, and may or may not work wi th other si gnal s.
Expected CW power, measurement recei ver frequency, and upl i nk recei ver fr equency are avai l abl e as
manual setti ngs onl y; no automati c control i s pr ovi ded.
CW Mode Operation
The fol l owi ng command exampl es show you how to control each functi on for CW oper ati ng mode:
1. Sel ect CW operati ng mode:
2. Set the cel l power output l evel to be tr ansmi tted by the test set:
3. Set the RF generator frequency:
OUTPUT 714;CALL:RFGenerator:FREQuency 870 MHZ
4. Set the expected CW power l evel to be r ecei ved by the test set:
OUTPUT 714;RFANal yzer:CW:EXPected:POWer 23 DBM
5. Set the measur ement recei ver fr equency:
OUTPUT 714;RFANal yzer:MANual :MEASurement 870.030 MHZ
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CW Operating Mode
6. Set the upl i nk (demodul ati on) recei ver frequency. (Not typi cal l y used i n CW operati ng mode):
OUTPUT 714;RFANal yzer:MANual :UPLi nk 870.030 MHZ
Related Topics
FDD Test Operati ng Mode
Recei ver Control
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Programming: Getting Started Guide for E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application Revision A.01
Programming: Getting Started Guide for
E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application Revision
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Programming: Getting Started Guide for E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application Revision A.01
The Getti ng Started Gui de i s organi zed around the basi c set of tasks a control pr ogram normal l y perfor ms
when testi ng a mobi l e stati on i n a manufacturi ng envi ronment.
Conventions used in this Getting Started Guide
Throughout thi s Getti ng Started Gui de the term test set refers to an Agi l ent Technol ogi es 8960 Seri es 10
wi rel ess communi cati ons test set wi th the E1963A W-CDMA mobi l e test appl i cati on i nstal l ed.
The vari abl e Testset used i n the steps of the Getti ng Star ted Gui de r efers to the test sets GPI B addr ess.
How to use this Getting Started Guide
The most effecti ve way to use thi s Getti ng Started Gui de i s wi th the Programmi ng Fl owchart i ncl uded i n the
fr ont i nsi de pocket of thi s gui de and the 8960 User Documentati on. Thi s documentati on i s found i n two
l ocati ons:
the 8960 Fami l y Support Si te (updated fr equentl y) on the I nternet, or
the User Documentati on CD-ROM shi pped wi th your test appl i cati on.
Each step on the Programmi ng Fl owchart i s i l l ustrated wi th exampl e pr ogram code i n thi s gui de. Usi ng thi s
Getti ng Started Gui de, the Programmi ng Fl owchart, and the on-l i ne i nformati on about 8960 programmi ng,
you wi l l be abl e to generate a control program to perform fundamental mobi l e stati on manufacturi ng tests.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming: Getting Started Guide for E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application Revision A.01
Useful on-line links
Go to the 8960 Fami l y Support Si te on ei ther the CD-ROM or the I nternet. The CD-ROM shoul d sel f-l aunch to
i ts home page. The URL for the websi te i s:
http://www.agi l nd/8960support/
Navi gate to the Programmi ng page for thi s test appl i cati on. The i l l ustrati ons on the back of the Programmi ng
Fl owchart show you how to navi gate to thi s page.
The fol l owi ng l i nks are under the headi ng Getti ng Started on the Programmi ng page:
Programmi ng: Getti ng Started Gui de
Thi s onl i ne versi on of thi s gui de contai ns l i nks to more detai l ed i nformati on about each step whi ch may
be useful as you devel op your control program.
Control Program Exampl es
These exampl es are for you to downl oad. You may want to use these as templ ates for your own control
pr ogram or to execute.
The control program expl ai ned i n the Getti ng Started Gui de i s al so avai l abl e here for you to downl oad. I t
i s a ful l y functi onal control pr ogram.
About the Programming Examples Presented in this Guide
Programming Language:
Programmi ng exampl es presented i n thi s gui de are wri tten i n the HP BASI C pr ogrammi ng l anguage, al so
known as RMB or Rocky Mountai n BASI C. The use of HP BASI C i s not an endorsement of the HP BASI C
pr oduct.
Line Numbers
Al l of the pr ogrammi ng exampl es i n the gui de wi th l i ne numbers are secti ons fr om a control pr ogram exampl e
avai l abl e on-l i ne for you to downl oad.
Code that i s not part of the downl oad control pr ogram exampl e does not have l i ne numbers. Thi s code may
represent an al ternate method of performi ng the task or may i l l ustrate a feature not used by the control
pr ogram exampl e.
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Programming: Getting Started Guide for E1963A W-CDMA Mobile Test Application Revision A.01
Syntax used in Programming Examples:
The programmi ng exampl es use the shortened form of the command syntax to mi ni mi ze GPI B bus
tr ansacti ons. The shortened form of a command i s defi ned by use of capi tal l etters i n the command syntax.
For the command syntax:
the shortened form woul d be:
The programmi ng exampl es do not i ncl ude opti onal nodes. Opti onal nodes i n the command syntax are
defi ned by encl osi ng the node i nsi de the [ ] br ackets. For exampl e, the command syntax:
CALL[:CELL]:POWer[:SAMPlitude] -80dBm
appear s i n the programmi ng exampl es as:
Progr ammi ng exampl es make extensi ve use of compound commands usi ng the ; and the ;: separ ator s. Refer
to the on-l i ne i nformati on for the defi ni ti on and use of these command separators.
Complex Commands
Compl ex commands are used to confi gure the state and assi gn val ues to parameters si mul taneousl y. Compl ex
commands can be used to save progr ammi ng steps and mi ni mi ze GPI B bus tr ansacti ons.
The syntax bel ow turns the state of the parameter on.
The syntax bel ow i s used to assi gn a val ue to the parameter.
Both of the above acti ons can be accompl i shed wi th one syntax command:
The command above sets the par ameter state to ON and the val ue of the parameter to 10 seconds. Note
that i n thi s exampl e the opti onal command mnemoni c :STI Me has been i ncl uded to cl ari fy that thi s
compl ex command was used to set both the state and the val ue.
Thi s command can be shortened further by removi ng the opti onal command mnemoni c :STI Me, as shown
bel ow.
OUTPUT Test_set;"SET:DTXP:TI M 10 S"
Thi s i s the format that wi l l be used throughout thi s gui de.
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Step 1: Set Up the Test Set
Step 1: Set Up the Test Set
I n thi s step you i ni ti al i ze the test set and set up general operati ng condi ti ons.
I ni ti al i ze the Test Set
Set Up General Operati ng Condi ti ons
Initialize the Test Set
Fully Preset the Test Set
I t i s i mportant to start each pr oducti on sessi on wi th the test set i n a known state. Sendi ng the *RST command
resets al l par ameter s to thei r defaul t val ues, ends al l measurement pr ocesses, and sets al l measur ement
tr i gger s to si ngl e.
Clear the Error Queue
At the start of each producti on sessi on i t i s useful to cl ear the error queue so that you know any messages
l ogged are rel evant to the curr ent pr oducti on sessi on.
Programming Example
250 ! Fully preset the test set
260 OUTPUT Testset;*RST
270 ! Clear the error queue
280 OUTPUT Testset;*CLS
Set Up General Operating Conditions
Turn Debugger On
The debugger i s useful whi l e you are devel opi ng code. When i t i s on, the test set al erts you when you send an
i ncorrect command. You shoul d turn i t off once your code i s compl ete.
Set Operating Mode
You must set the operati ng mode to FDD Test Mode.
Set Amplitude Offsets
You can account for path l oss i n your system by setti ng ampl i tude offsets. You can speci fy up to 20
fr equency/ampl i tude pai rs.
Programming Example
320 ! Turn debugger on
340 ! Set operating mode to FDD Test Mode
360 ! Set amplitude offsets
370 OUTPUT Testset;SYST:CORR:FREQ 800MHZ,900MHZ,1900MHZ,2000MHZ
380 OUTPUT Testset;SYST:CORR:SGA -0.7,-0.8,-1.0,-1.1
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Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
I n thi s step you confi gure the parameters that al l ow a connecti on to be made between the test set and user
equi pment.
Set Up the Downl i nk
Set Up the Upl i nk
Set Up the Downlink
Set Downlink Power
You must set the downl i nk power (cel l power).
Set Downlink Frequency
You must set the frequency at whi ch the downl i nk wi l l transmi t, by speci fyi ng ei ther the channel or the
fr equency.
To speci fy the downl i nk channel , send the fol l owi ng command:
I f you choose to speci fy the downl i nk frequency rather than channel , you must fi rst set control of the downl i nk
output fr equency to manual (automati c off), and then set the downl i nk fr equency, as shown i n the
pr ogr ammi ng exampl e bel ow.
Set Downlink Primary Scrambling Code
You can set the downl i nk pri mar y scrambl i ng code.
Set Up Downlink Physical Channels
There are several downl i nk physi cal channel s and an AWGN (Addi ti ve Whi te Gaussi an Noi se) source whi ch
you can confi gure. You can set the power l evel of each physi cal channel (rel ati ve to cel l power) and the absol ute
power l evel of the AWGN source. For some of the physi cal channel s you can al so speci fy the channel i zati on
code. You can speci fy the downl i nk DPCH type (12.2k RMC i s the onl y opti on at thi s ti me) and data type (such
as PRBS15).
Programming Example
470 ! Set downlink power
480 OUTPUT Testset;CALL:POW ;Rf_level
490 ! Set downlink frequency
520 ! Set downlink primary scrambling code
540 ! Set up DPCH
570 OUTPUT Testset;CALL:FDDT:DPCH -10.3
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
590 ! Set up CPICH
600 OUTPUT Testset;CALL:FDDT:CPIC -3.3
610 ! Set up P-CCPCH
630 ! Set up PICH
650 OUTPUT Testset;CALL:FDDT:PICH -8.35
660 ! Set up AWGN
Set Up the Uplink
Set Power Control Bits
You can speci fy whi ch cl osed l oop power control bi t sequence i s sent on the downl i nk DPCCH.
Set Expected Uplink Power
You must speci fy what upl i nk power l evel the test set shoul d expect. You can do thi s one of two ways.
You can set the MS Target Power (once Acti ve Cel l mode i s i mpl emented i n the test set, thi s command wi l l
force the user equi pment to the speci fi ed output power. I n FDD Test Mode, si nce the 8960 i s not performi ng
acti ve cl osed l oop power control of the upl i nk, thi s command does not change the user equi pments output
power ). Setti ng the MS Target Power automati cal l y sets the r ecei vers expected power accor di ngl y.
You can al so set the recei ver s expected power by setti ng control of the expected power to manual (automati c
off) and then setti ng the expected power val ue, as shown i n the pr ogrammi ng exampl e bel ow.
Set Expected Uplink Frequency
You must i ndi cate to the 8960 at what frequency the user equi pment wi l l tr ansmi t. (Unl i ke other technol ogi es,
i n W-CDMA the upl i nk channel i s not automati cal l y determi ned based on the downl i nk channel . The offset
between the upl i nk and downl i nk may vary based upon whi ch band cl ass you are operati ng i n. So, you must
speci fy the upl i nk fr equency.) You can speci fy the expected upl i nk fr equency by channel or by frequency.
To speci fy the expected upl i nk channel , send the fol l owi ng command:
I f you choose to speci fy the fr equency r ather than the channel , you must fi rst set control of the expected
fr equency to manual (automati c off), and then set the upl i nk frequency, as shown i n the programmi ng exampl e
bel ow.
For some testi ng scenari os you may choose to perform measurements on a frequency other than that whi ch the
user equi pment i s usi ng for i ts si gnal i ng l i nk. To accommodate thi s, i n addi ti on to the commands to set
expected upl i nk channel or fr equency, there i s a command to set the measurement fr equency. To set the
measurement fr equency you must set measurement fr equency control to manual (automati c off) and then set
the measurement fr equency, as shown i n the pr ogrammi ng exampl e bel ow. Thi s i s onl y necessary i f you want
to perform measurements on a frequency other than the upl i nk channel or frequency.
Set Expected Uplink Primary Scrambling Code
You must i ndi cate to the 8960 what pri mary scrambl i ng code the user equi pment i s usi ng.
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Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
Programming Example
710 ! Set power control bits to all up to force UE to max power
730 ! Set expected uplink power
760 ! Set expected uplink frequency and measurement frequency
810 ! Set expected uplink primary scrambling code
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Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
I n thi s step you set up measur ement par ameter s. Thi s confi gur es the measurements so that they ar e ready to
execute i n step 5.
Many of the measurements have onl y generi c measurement parameters avai l abl e, such as measurement
count, ti meout, tr i gger arm and tri gger sour ce.
There i s a command avai l abl e to set al l measurement tri ggers to si ngl e (SET:CONT:OFF), whi ch i s the
recommended tri gger arm confi gurati on for remote use of the test set. However, i f you sent the *RST command
i n step 1, al l measurement tr i ggers wi l l al ready be set to si ngl e.
Some measur ements have measur ement-speci fi c parameter s avai l abl e. Consul t the pr ogrammi ng refer ence
materi al avai l abl e on the I nternet to fi nd out more about measurement-speci fi c parameters.
Programming Example
880 ! Set all measurement triggers to single
900 ! Set up thermal power
920 ! Set up channel power
950 ! Set up waveform quality
970 ! Set up ACLR
990 ! Set up Loopback BER
1000 OUTPUT Testset;SET:WBER:TIM 10;COUN 15000
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Step 4: Make a Connection
Step 4: Make a Connection
I n thi s step you establ i sh communi cati on between the test set and user equi pment such that measurements
can be made.
When the test set i s oper ati ng i n FDD Test Mode, you do not send any commands to the test set for thi s step.
Fr om the previ ous steps, the test set shoul d al ready be proper l y confi gured and tr ansmi tti ng i ts downl i nk
si gnal so that the user equi pment can detect and synchroni ze to i t. I n thi s step you ei ther i mpl ement a pause
i n your program and wai t for the user equi pment to be manual l y confi gured and begi n transmi tti ng, or send
appropri ate test mode commands to confi gure the user equi pment and begi n i ts transmi ssi on.
Duri ng thi s step, the user equi pment must begi n transmi ssi on of a 12.2k RMC DPCH at the proper power
l evel , fr equency and pri mary scrambl i ng code. I t must be synchroni zed to the test set for waveform qual i ty and
tr ansmi t i n l oopback mode 1 for l oopback BER.
Programming Example
1060 PRINT Configure UE for 12.2k RMC Now.
1070 PRINT
1080 PRINT UE Synchronization required for Waveform Quality.
1090 PRINT UE loopback Mode 1 required for loopback BER.
1100 PRINT
1110 PRINT 8960 DL is 2.0 GHz
1120 PRINT 8960 UL Expected Frequency: 1.9 GHz
1130 PRINT 8960 UL Expected Power: 0 dBm
1140 PRINT 8960 UL Expected Primary Scrambling Code: 0
1150 PRINT
1160 PRINT When UE is configured and transmitting, press F2.
1170 PAUSE
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Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
I n thi s step you I NI Ti ate measurements, FETCh the resul ts, and veri fy the resul ts are val i d.
I NI Ti ate a Set of Concur r ent Measurements
FETCh Measurement Resul ts
INITiate a Set of Concurrent Measurements
The test set i s capabl e of performi ng concurrent measurements. To start the measurement pr ocess you
I NI Ti ate a set of concurrent measurements.
FETCh Measurement Results
To r etr i eve measur ement resul ts as they compl ete, you must set up a l oop usi ng the I NI T:DONE? quer y.
Dependi ng upon the output of the quer y, the pr ogram wi l l ei ther wai t for a measurement to compl ete, FETCh
the resul t of a compl eted measurement, or conti nue the pr ogram once al l measurements are compl ete. Once a
measurement resul t i s FETChed, you shoul d check i ts i ntegri ty i ndi cator to veri fy that the resul t i s val i d.
Programming Example
1280 ! INITiate a set of concurrent measurements
1300 ! FETCh the measurement results (using a subroutine)
1310 Fetch_results
1780 SUB Fetch_results
1800 ! Determine if any measurements are done
1820 ENTER 714;Measdone$
1830 SELECT Measdone$
1850 ! FETCh measurement result
1870 ENTER 714;Integrity,Power
1880 ! Verify measurement result is valid
1890 IF Integrity=0 THEN
1900 ! For valid result, print result to screen (using a subroutine)
1910 Print_results(Measdone$,Power)
1920 ELSE
1930 ! For invalid result, invoke error handler (using a subroutine)
1940 Meas_error(Measdone$,Integrity)
1950 END IF
1980 ENTER 714;Integrity,Power
1990 IF Integrity=0 THEN
2000 Print_results(Measdone$,Power)
2010 ELSE
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Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
2020 Meas_error(Measdone$,Integrity)
2030 END IF
2060 ENTER 714;Integrity,Evm,Ferr,Ooff,Perr,Merr
2070 IF Integrity=0 THEN
2080 Print_results(Measdone$,Evm,Ferr,Ooff,Perr,Merr)
2090 ELSE
2100 Meas_error(Measdone$,Integrity)
2110 END IF
2140 ENTER 714;Integrity,Negfive,Posfive,Negten,Posten
2150 IF Integrity=0 THEN
2160 Print_results(Measdone$,Negfive,Posfive,Negten,Posten)
2170 ELSE
2180 Meas_error(Measdone$,Integrity)
2190 END IF
2220 ENTER 714;Ber,Integrity
2230 IF Integrity=0 THEN
2240 Print_results(Measdone$,Ber)
2250 ELSE
2260 Meas_error(Measdone$,Integrity)
2270 END IF
2290 ! Exit loop when all measurements are complete
2300 UNTIL Measdone$=NONE
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Step 6: Reconfigure Test Set and Mobile Station Connection Parameters
Step 6: Reconfigure Test Set and Mobile Station Connection Parameters
I n thi s step you change character i sti cs of the l i nk between the test set and user equi pment.
For exampl e, to change the upl i nk fr equency, you must pause the program to wai t for the user equi pment to be
confi gured to tr ansmi t at the new fr equency. You must al so change the expected upl i nk frequency and
measurement fr equency accordi ngl y, as shown i n the pr ogrammi ng exampl e bel ow.
I f you change the test set confi gurati on, such as downl i nk frequency or pr i mary scrambl i ng code, you must
confi gure the test set and then al l ow the user equi pment to fi nd the new confi gurati on and synchroni ze to i t
before pr oceedi ng wi th measurements.
Programming Example
1410 PRINT Change UE UL Frequency to 1.850 GHz.
1420 PRINT
1430 PRINT UE Synchronization required for Waveform Quality.
1440 PRINT UE loopback Mode 1 required for loopback BER.
1450 PRINT
1460 PRINT When UE is configured and transmitting, press F2.
1470 PAUSE
1480 ! Change expected uplink frequency
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Step 7: End the Connection
Step 7: End the Connection
I n thi s step you end the communi cati on between the test set and user equi pment, and prepare for the next
pr ogram acti on.
Once you have ended the user equi pment tr ansmi ssi on, to pr epare for testi ng the next user equi pment, you
shoul d parti al l y preset the test set. Thi s stops al l measurement pr ocesses but does not reset al l parameters to
thei r defaul t val ues. That way you do not need to reset the parameters whi ch are constant for al l user
equi pment i n the test batch.
Programming Example
1630 PRINT Testing complete, end UE transmission.
1640 ! Partially preset the test set
1650 OUTPUT Testset;SYST:PRES3
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Step 1: Set Up the Test Set
Step 1: Set Up the Test Set
The fol l owi ng i nformati on provi des addi ti onal detai l s on Step 1 of the Programmi ng Fl owchart. Thi s
i nformati on i s appl i cabl e to al l test appl i cati ons.
I n thi s step you i ni ti al i ze the test set and set up the gener al oper ati ng condi ti ons.
I ni ti al i ze the Test Set
Set Up General Operati ng Condi ti ons
Initialize the Test Set
Ful l y Pr eset the Test Set
I t i s i mpor tant to get the test set to a known state before each pr oducti on sessi on.
Sendi ng the *RST command ful l y pr esets the test set, whi ch ends al l cal l processi ng and measurement
pr ocesses and restores al l val ues to defaul ts.
Cl ear the Error Queue
Before each pr oducti on sessi on, i t i s useful to cl ear the error queue of any ol d messages. That way, you know
that any messages l ogged ar e r el evant to the cur r ent pr oducti on sessi on.
Sendi ng the *CLS command cl ears the error queue.
Set Up General Operating Conditions
Turn Debugger On
Whi l e devel opi ng your code, i t i s very useful to enabl e the GPI B debugger usi ng the
SYST:COMM:GPI B:DEB ON command. When the debugger i s on, the test set al erts you when you send an
i ncorrect command, and i t al so tel l s you whi ch symbol or l etter i n the command i s i ncorr ect.
NOTE You shoul d turn the debugger off once you have fi ni shed devel opment and your code i s stabl e.
Set Oper ati ng Mode
The test set contai ns a base stati on emul ator (BSE), whose pr i mary purpose i s to pr ovi de enough cal l
pr ocessi ng to al l ow parametri c measurements of a mobi l e stati ons RF si gnal .
An i mportant char acter i sti c of the test sets base stati on emul ator i s i ts operati ng mode. The oper ati ng
mode sets the way i n whi ch the base stati on emul ator i nteracts wi th the mobi l e stati on.
Acti ve cel l mode i s used when emul ati ng a normal cel l . Acti ve cel l mode al l ows acti ve si gnal i ng between the
mobi l e stati on and BSE. The mobi l e stati on camps to the BSE si gnal , and an actual cal l i s establ i shed.
I n test mode, the mobi l e stati on synchroni zes to the BSE si gnal and transmi ts an appr opri ate si gnal whi ch
the test set anal yzes.
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Step 1: Set Up the Test Set
The test sets operati ng mode i s set usi ng the fol l owi ng command:
Set Ampl i tude Offsets
To achi eve accurate measurement resul ts, i t i s i mportant to account for l osses i n the cabl i ng and fi xturi ng
between the mobi l e stati on and test set. You must deter mi ne what the l osses ar e for your test setup and
then speci fy the appropri ate fr equency-dependent ampl i tude offset val ues.
You can speci fy ampl i tude offsets for up to 20 frequenci es usi ng the fol l owi ng commands:
Set Di spl ay Mode
To achi eve a sl i ghtl y faster test executi on speed, you can di sabl e the front panel di spl ay on the test set
usi ng the DI SP:MODE FAST command.
Command to Set the Test Sets Operating Mode
Command Example
Commands to Set Amplitude Offsets
Command Example
SYST:CORR:FREQ <freq1>, <freq2>,
SYST:CORR[:SGAi n] <offset1>,
<offset2>, <offset3>
SYST:CORR -0.7, -1.0, -1.2
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Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
The fol l owi ng i nformati on provi des addi ti onal detai l s on Step 2 of the Programmi ng Fl owchart. Thi s
i nformati on i s appl i cabl e to al l test appl i cati ons.
I n thi s step you confi gure the parameters that al l ow a connecti on to be made between the test set and mobi l e
stati on. Thi s mai nl y i nvol ves setti ng up channel s and power l evel s.
Set Up Channel s
Set Cel l Power
Set Mobi l e Stati on Transmi t Power
Set Up Addi ti onal Connecti on Par ameter s
Set Up Channels
Setti ng up channel s i nvol ves speci fyi ng the channel associ ated wi th ever y band and channel type (for exampl e,
anal og or di gi tal ), and then setti ng the acti ve band and channel type.
Speci fy Channel Numbers
Al l of the test sets test appl i cati ons can test i n more than one fr equency band (for exampl e, US Cel l ul ar, US
PCS, or Korean PCS). To produce the most effi ci ent code, you shoul d confi gure the channel i nformati on for
each band i n advance. Then, to move to a new band duri ng testi ng, you onl y need to send the command to
change bands. You do not need to al so speci fy the channel of the new band. Thi s reduces test ti me.
To set up the channel number for the vari ous bands, use one of the fol l owi ng commands (dependi ng upon
whi ch test appl i cati on you are usi ng):
Commands to Set the Channel for a Band
Command Example
CALL:<channel mnemoni c>:<band mnemoni c>
<num val ue>
CALL:SET:<channel type mnemoni c>:<band
mnemoni c> <num val ue>
CALL:CHAN:<channel type mnemoni c>:<band
mnemoni c> <num val ue>
PCS 384
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Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
Thi s pr acti ce al so appl i es to test appl i cati ons whi ch test both anal og and di gi tal channel types. I n thi s case
you shoul d speci fy the channel for the anal og and di gi tal channel types i n advance. Then, swi tchi ng
between them requi res onl y one command to i ni ti ate the change, and not an addi ti onal change to speci fy
the channel of the new channel type.
I f you speci fy channel s i n advance as descri bed, the onl y ti me you need to speci fy a channel duri ng testi ng
i s i f you move to a new channel wi thi n the same band and channel type.
Set Acti ve Band and Mode
Once you have speci fi ed the channel i nformati on for each band and channel type, you must set the acti ve
band usi ng one of the fol l owi ng commands (dependi ng upon whi ch test appl i cati on you are usi ng):
I f the test appl i cati on you are usi ng supports testi ng of both anal og and di gi tal channel types, then you
must al so set the channel type usi ng the fol l owi ng command:
Acti ve Cel l and Test Mode Consi derati ons
The functi on of the CALL commands di ffer dependi ng upon whether you are i n acti ve cel l or test mode.
I n acti ve cel l mode, when you use the CALL commands to set the channel number s, the test sets output
fr equency and recei ver frequency are set. A message i s al so sent to the mobi l e stati on to set i ts fr equency.
However, i n test mode, si nce the BSE does not send cal l pr ocessi ng i nformati on to the mobi l e stati on, the
CALL commands onl y confi gure the test sets output fr equency and recei ver frequency. You need to al so
send the appropri ate test mode commands to the mobi l e stati on to set i t to the cor r ect frequency.
I n test mode, i nstead of usi ng the CALL commands to confi gure the test sets frequenci es, you may prefer to
manual l y control the RF generator and RF anal yzer usi ng the CALL:RFG and RFAN commands,
respecti vel y. I n ei ther case, you must sti l l send the appr opri ate test mode commands to the mobi l e stati on
to move i t to the pr oper frequency.
Commands to Set the Active Band
Command Example
CALL:<channel mnemoni c>:BAND <band mnemoni c> CALL:TCH:BAND
CALL:SET:<channel type mnemoni c>:BAND <band
mnemoni c>
CALL:BAND:<channel mnemoni c> <band mnemoni c> CALL:BAND:DI G2000
Command to Set the Active Channel Type
Command Example
CALL:<channel mnemoni c>:TYPE <channel type
mnemoni c>
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Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
Set Cell Power
To set the output power of the test set, use the fol l owi ng command:
Acti ve Cel l and Test Mode Consi derati ons
You can use the CALL:POW command to set the cel l power i n both acti ve cel l and test mode. However, i n
test mode you may pr efer to manual l y contr ol the output power of the test set usi ng the CALL:RFG
Set Mobile Station Transmit Power
I n acti ve cel l mode, use one of the fol l owi ng commands to set the mobi l e stati on transmi t power l evel
(dependi ng upon whi ch test appl i cati on you are usi ng):
I n addi ti on to setti ng the mobi l e stati on tr ansmi t l evel , these commands al so automati cal l y confi gure the test
sets recei ver at the expected i nput l evel , whether i n acti ve cel l or test mode. However, i n test mode, you must
al so send the appr opr i ate test mode commands to the mobi l e stati on to command i t to output at the cor r ect
l evel . Thi s i s due to the fact that the BSE i s not transmi tti ng cal l processi ng commands to the mobi l e stati on.
Manual l y Setti ng Expected Power
Sendi ng the CALL commands i n Tabl e , Commands to Set Mobi l e Stati on Transmi t Power, automati cal l y
sets the expected i nput l evel of the test sets recei ver. However, there i s another opti on for setti ng the
recei ver s i nput l evel i n both acti ve cel l and test mode. I t i s often benefi ci al to manual l y set the expected
i nput power l evel usi ng the RFAN commands, rather than usi ng the CALL commands.
When you set the expected power manual l y, you tel l the test set exactl y what power l evel to expect.
Wher eas the CALL commands si mpl y tel l the test set the range of i nput l evel to expect, based on the
defi ni ti on of the mobi l e stati on power l evel (for exampl e, an AMPS/136 mobi l e stati on transmi tti ng at
power l evel 3 has an output l evel i n the range of +20 dBm to +26 dBm).
Command to Set Cell Power
Command Example
CALL:POW <num val ue> CALL:POW -75
Commands to Set Mobile Station Transmit Power
Command Example
CALL:MS:TXL:<band mnemoni c> <num
val ue>
val ue>
CALL:SET:MS:<channel type
mnemoni c>:TXL:<band mnemoni c> <num
val ue>
<num val ue>
CALL:<channel mnemoni c>:MS:TXL:<band
mnemoni c>:BURS <num val ue>
BURS <num val ue>
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Step 2: Configure Test Set and Mobile Station Parameters
Set Up Additional Connection Parameters
Dependi ng upon the test appl i cati on you are usi ng, there may be other connecti on parameters to speci fy, such
as ti mesl ot, ti mi ng advance, vocoder, or data r ates and types.
I n acti ve cel l mode, you may al so choose to set up networ k parameter s, such as base stati on i denti fi er number s
(for exampl e, SI D) and col or codes.
Al l of these parameters are confi gured usi ng the CALL subsystem.
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Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
The fol l owi ng i nformati on provi des addi ti onal detai l s on Step 3 of the Programmi ng Fl owchart. Thi s
i nformati on i s appl i cabl e to al l test appl i cati ons.
I n thi s step you set up the condi ti ons under whi ch the measur ements operate. You do thi s by confi guri ng
measurement parameters.
Measurement Parameters Overvi ew
Generi c Measurement Parameters
Measurement-Speci fi c Measur ement Par ameter s
Measurement Parameters Overview
There are two di ffer ent types of measurement parameters:
Generi c Measurement Parameters
Measurement-Speci fi c Measurement Parameters
The SETup subsystem i s used to confi gure measurement parameters. Each i ndi vi dual measurement
parameter can be set and queri ed usi ng the associ ated SETup subsystem command. The general hi er archy of
the SETup subsystem command str ucture i s as fol l ows:
SETup:<measurement mnemonic>:<measurement parameter> <parameter setting/value>
NOTE Not al l measurements use al l measurement parameters. Refer to the GPI B syntax l i sti ng for the
detai l ed l i st of measur ement par ameters for i ndi vi dual measurements.
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Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
Generic Measurement Parameters
There are three types of generi c measurement parameters:
Measurement Count (used by most measurements)
Measurement Count State
Measurement Count Number
Measurement Ti meout (used by al l measurements)
Measurement Ti meout State
Measurement Ti meout Ti me
Measurement Tri gger (used by most measurements)
Tri gger Arm (used by al l measurements)
Tri gger Source (not appl i cabl e to anal og measurements)
Tri gger Del ay (not appl i cabl e to anal og measurements)
Measurement Count Parameters
The measurement count parameters control measurement averagi ng. The STATe command turns aver agi ng
on or off, and the NUMBer command determi nes the number of averages. The SNUMber command i s a
compl ex command whi ch al l ows you to turn averagi ng on and set the number of averages i n one command.
Example1. Programming Example:
sets the mul ti -measurement count state to ON and set the number of averages to 10 for the di gi tal transmi t
power measurement.
Statistical Measurement Results Parameters
Parameter Command Syntax
Measurement Count
SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:COUNt:STATe <ON|1|OFF|0>
Measurement Count
SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:COUNt:NUMBer <numeric
Measurement Count
Number and State
SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:COUNt[:SNUMber] <numeric
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Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
Measurement Timeout Parameters Measurement ti meout parameters control the maxi mum ti me that a
measurement executes. TI Me sets the amount of ti me and STATe determi nes i f the ti meout i s i n use. The
STI Me command i s a compl ex command whi ch enabl es you to set both parameters i n one command.
Example2. Programming Example:
sets the measurement ti meout state to ON and set the measur ement ti meout ti me to 10 seconds for the di gi tal
tr ansmi t power measurement.
Measurement Trigger Parameters There are three measurement tri gger parameters. They control the
armi ng of a measurement, the source of the tr i gger, and the tr i ggers del ay.
The tri gger ar m par ameter deter mi nes whether the test set makes one measur ement and then stops
(si ngl e), or automati cal l y re-arms upon compl eti on of one measurement and repeats the pr ocess
(conti nuous). The recommended setti ng when wri ti ng a control program i s si ngl e (CONTi nuous OFF).
The tri gger sour ce par ameter sel ects the sour ce of the measur ement tr i gger si gnal . The r ecommended
Tri gger Source setti ng when wri ti ng a control program i s AUTO.
NOTE Tri gger source i s al ways I MMedi ate for anal og measurements and cannot be changed by the user.
The tri gger del ay parameter control s the del ay between the tr i gger event (the poi nt i n ti me at whi ch the
tr i gger si gnal i s recei ved) and the start of sampl i ng. Negati ve val ues i ndi cate that the sampl i ng shoul d
occur pr i or to the tr i gger event.
NOTE Tri gger del ay i s not appl i cabl e to anal og measurements.
Measurement Timeout Parameters
Parameters Command Syntax
Ti meout Ti me and
SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:TIMeout[:STIMe] <numeric
Ti meout State
SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:TIMeout:STATe <ON|1|OFF|0>
Ti meout Ti me
SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:TIMeout:TIME <numeric
Measurement Trigger Parameters
Parameter Command Syntax
Tri gger Arm SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:CONTinuous <ON|1|OFF|0>
Tri gger Source SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:TRIGger:SOURce <AUTO|IMMediate|PROTocol|RISE>
Tri gger Del ay SETup:<meas-mnemonic>:TRIGger:DELay <numeric value>[<suffix>]
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Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
NOTE You can set the Tri gger Arm for al l measurements to si ngl e (CONTi nuous OFF) usi ng the
fol l owi ng command syntax:
Example3. Programming Example:
sets the tri gger arm to si ngl e for al l measurements.
Example4. Programming Example:
sets the tri gger source to AUTO for the di gi tal transmi t power measurement.
Example5. Programming Example:
sets the tri gger del ay to 10 mi cr oseconds for the di gi tal transmi t power measurement.
Measurement-Specific Measurement Parameters
Measurement-speci fi c measurement parameters set up operati ng condi ti ons for a speci fi c measurement. For
exampl e:
Setti ng the channel power measurement speed i n I S-2000
Setti ng ORFS frequency offsets i n GPRS
Setti ng number of bi ts for the FBER measurement i n GSM
Refer to the GPI B syntax l i sti ng for the detai l ed l i st of measurement parameters for i ndi vi dual
Example6. Programming Example:
sets the I S-2000 channel power measurement speed to fast.
Example7. Programming Example:
sets the fi rst ORFS offset to 400 kHz.
Example8. Programming Example:
OUTPUT Test_set;"SET:FBER:COUN 10000"
sets the number of fast BER bi ts to test to 10,000 bi ts.
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Step 3: Set Measurement Parameters
Example9. Program Example Setting Both Generic and Measurement-Specific Measurement
! Set trigger arm to single for all measurements:
! *****************************************************
! Configure Modulation Accuracy Measurement:
! Example of using a complex command to set both the
! measurement count state and number at the same time.
! Sets trigger source to auto.
! Sets timeout state to ON and time to 15 sec.
! Turns the EVM10 State ON
! ******************************************************
! Configure Digital TX Power Measurement:
! ******************************************************
! Configure Frequency Stability Measurement:
! ******************************************************
! Configure Analog TX Power Measurement:
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Step 4: Make Connection
Step 4: Make Connection
The fol l owi ng i nformati on provi des addi ti onal detai l s on Step 4 of the Programmi ng Fl owchart. Thi s
i nformati on i s appl i cabl e to al l test appl i cati ons.
I n thi s step you make a connecti on between the mobi l e stati on and test set. How you do thi s depends upon
whether you are i n acti ve cel l or test mode. I n acti ve cel l mode you establ i sh a phone cal l between the test set
and mobi l e stati on. I n test mode, you command the mobi l e stati on to synchroni ze to the test sets si gnal and
begi n tr ansmi tti ng back an appr opri ate si gnal .
Establ i sh a Cal l i n Acti ve Cel l Mode
Make a Test Mode Connecti on
Establish a Call in Active Cell Mode
To test a mobi l e stati on i n acti ve cel l mode, you must fi rst establ i sh a cal l between the test set and mobi l e
stati on. Your control pr ogram must i ssue the commands necessary to i ni ti ate the cal l connecti on pr ocess,
ei ther to the test set (for a base stati on ori gi nated cal l ) or to the mobi l e stati on (for a mobi l e stati on or i gi nated
cal l ). Your control progr am must then deter mi ne when the cal l has successful l y connected so that i t can
pr oceed to testi ng. The control pr ogram must al so determi ne i f the cal l has not been successful l y connected so
that i t can take appr opri ate acti on.
Call States At any i nstant i n ti me a cal l can be i n a stabl e state such as the i dl e or the connected state, or i n
one of many transi tory states such as al erti ng, handoff, regi steri ng, rel easi ng or pagi ng. These ar e referred to
as tr ansi tory states because the amount of ti me whi ch the cal l can spend i n any of these states i s l i mi ted by
the mobi l e stati ons pr otocol . The cal l i s not al l owed to stay i n a transi tory state i ndefi ni tel y.
NOTE I f repeat pagi ng or repeat regi strati on are on, i t i s possi bl e for the cal l pr ocess to stay i n one of the
tr ansi tory states beyond the ti me speci fi ed by the mobi l e stati ons pr otocol ti mer s.
Call Connection Synchronization Commands The test set has a set of commands desi gned speci fi cal l y
for cal l connecti on and rel ease synchroni zati on.
Call Connection Synchronization Commands
Synchronization Command Command Syntax
Cal l -Connected-State Query CALL:CONNected[:STATe]?
Cal l -State-Change Detector Arm CALL:CONNected:ARM[:I MMedi ate]
Cal l -State-Change Detector Ti meout CALL:CONNected:TI Meout
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 4: Make Connection
Cal l -Connected-State Query
The CALL:CONN? query al l ows the control program to determi ne i f a cal l i s i n the connected state or i n the
i dl e state.
I f the cal l i s i n one of the transi tory states, the query wai ts unti l the cal l reaches the i dl e state or connected
state before returni ng a val ue.
Cal l -State-Change Detector Arm Command
The test set has a cal l -state-change detector whi ch can be used to tempor ar i l y hol d the r esponse to a
CALL:CONN? quer y unti l the cal l state has moved from i dl e to connected or vi ce ver sa.
Wi thout the cal l -state-change detector, the CALL:CONN? query onl y hangs i f the cal l i s i n a tr ansi tory
state. Otherwi se, i t i mmedi atel y returns a 1 or 0. Therefore, i f a cal l connecti on pr ocess i s started and the
CALL:CONN? quer y i s sent befor e the cal l state has transi ti oned fr om i dl e to one of the transi tory states,
the query i mmedi atel y returns a 0. Thi s i ndi cates that the cal l i s i n the i dl e state (and therefore that the
connecti on attempt fai l ed). I n real i ty, the cal l l i kel y connected, but not unti l after the CALL:CONN? query
i mmedi atel y returned a 0.
When the cal l -state-change detector i s armed dur i ng a connecti on attempt, i f the CALL:CONN? quer y i s
sent whi l e the cal l state i s sti l l i dl e, the query wai ts unti l the state changes to connected, and then returns
a 1.
The CALL:CONNected:ARM[:I MMedi ate] command i s used to ar m thi s cal l -state-change detector.
Cal l -State-Change Detector Ti meout Command
I f the cal l -state-change detector i s ar med and a cal l connecti on i s attempted but the cal l state never
changes from the i dl e state, the CALL:CONN? query hangs the bus. Thi s easi l y happens i f the mobi l e i s
badl y br oken, the mobi l e i s not connected to the test set, or no one pushes the send button on the mobi l e.
The CALL:CONNected:TI Meout command i s used to set the ti meout val ue for the cal l -state-change
The ti meout ti mer i s started whenever the cal l -state-change detector i s ar med, and shoul d be set to the
maxi mum amount of ti me the control program shoul d wai t between armi ng the detector and the begi nni ng
of the connecti on pr ocess (when the cal l state moves fr om the i dl e state). I f the ti mer expi res before the cal l
state has moved from the i dl e or connected state, the cal l -state-change detector i s di sarmed, whi ch rel eases
the CALL:CONN? query i f i t i s currentl y hangi ng.
Responses Returned by the CALL:CONN? Query
Response Meaning
1 The cal l i s i n the connected state.
0 The cal l i s i n the i dl e state.
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Step 4: Make Connection
Process for Making a Base Station Originated Call Figure5. Process for Making a Base Station
Originated Call
NOTE I t i s not necessar y for you to send the CALL:CONN:TI M and CALL:CONN:ARM commands as
they are automati cal l y sent by the test set duri ng a base stati on ori gi nated cal l or base stati on
rel ease.
Set pagi ng number.
Star t
Set pagi ng r epeat
Or i gi nate a cal l .
Enter response from
CALL:CONN? query.
Cal l connected?
Pr oceed wi th control
progr am.
I nvoke err or
handl er.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 4: Make Connection
Example10. Programming Example
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:PAG:PNUM 0000574016! Set paging number
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:PAG:REP ON ! Set paging repeat state
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:ORIG ! Start a base station originated call
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN? ! Hanging GPIB query
ENTER Test_set;Call_connected ! Program hangs here until
! origination passes or fails
IF NOT Call_connected THEN
! <put error handler here>
! Call is connected so proceed with control program
Process for Making a Mobile Station Originated Call Figure6. Process for Making a Mobile
Station Originated Call
Star t
Ori gi nate a cal l
fr om mobi l e stati on.
Enter response from
CALL:CONN? query.
Cal l
Proceed wi th
control pr ogram.
I nvoke err or
handl er.
quer y command.
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Step 4: Make Connection
NOTE The test set cannot ori gi nate a cal l from the mobi l e stati on. You must physi cal l y di al a number on
the mobi l e stati on and pr ess send, or send commands to a test bus bui l t i nto the mobi l e stati on.
For mobi l e stati on ori gi nated cal l s where the cal l i s ori gi nated by physi cal l y di al i ng a number (as
opposed to usi ng a test bus) ensure that the cal l -state-change detector ti meout ti me i s l ong
enough to al l ow the number to be di al ed.
Example11. Programming Example
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN:TIM 10 ! Set timeout time to 10 seconds
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN:ARM ! Arm the change detector
DISP Initiate a call from the mobile
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN? ! Initiate a call connected state query
ENTER Test_set;Call_connected ! Program hangs here until
! origination passes or fails
IF NOT Call_connected THEN
! <put error handler here>
! Call is connected. Proceed with the control program.
Make a Test Mode Connection
To make a connecti on between the test set and mobi l e stati on i n test mode, you must send the appr opri ate test
mode commands to the mobi l e stati on to command i t to synchr oni ze to the test sets si gnal and begi n
tr ansmi tti ng.
You may al so want to make a qui ck power measurement to ensure that the connecti on has been made.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
The fol l owi ng i nformati on provi des addi ti onal detai l s on Step 5 of the Programmi ng Fl owchart. Thi s
i nformati on i s appl i cabl e to al l test appl i cati ons.
Thi s step i nvol ves maki ng measurements on the mobi l e stati on.
The test set has mul ti pl e si gnal paths and processors, whi ch means you can make measurements concurrentl y
and reduce test ti me. Maki ng concurrent measurements i nvol ves starti ng a group of measurements, fetchi ng
the resul ts of the measurements as they compl ete, and then veri fyi ng that the resul ts are val i d.
Concurrent Measurement Process
Al ternati ve Measurement Process
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
Concurrent Measurement Process
Figure7. Process for Making Concurrent Measurements
Start a Set of Concurrent Measurements The I NI Ti ate command i s used to start measurements. Each
i ndi vi dual measurement can be started usi ng the I NI Ti ate command. For starti ng measur ements, the syntax
of the I NI Ti ate command i s as fol l ows:
INITiate:<measurement mnemonic>[:ON]
More than one measurement can be started usi ng a si ngl e I NI Ti ate command. For exampl e:
Start a set of concur rent
measurements usi ng
I NI Ti ate command.
Determi ne
i f a measurement
i s done usi ng
I NI Ti ate:DONE?
quer y.
I NI Ti ate:DONE? query
r eturns WAI T (no
measur ements are done).
I NI Ti ate:DONE? query
r eturns NONE (al l
measurements are done).
Conti nue
pr ogr am
I nvoke Error Handl er
I NI Ti ate:DONE? query
retur ns name of
measurement that i s done.
Use FETCh? query to
obtai n a set of measur ement
r esul ts.
I s measurement
resul t val i d?
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
starts the tr ansmi t power measurement and the phase and frequency error measur ement. These
measurements then run concurrentl y.
Determine if a Measurement Is Done Use the I NI Ti ate:DONE? quer y command to deter mi ne whi ch
measurement has compl eted.
Thi s command i s a query onl y and returns onl y one response per query. The responses returned and thei r
meani ngs ar e shown i n the fol l owi ng tabl e:
Once a measurement i s reported as bei ng compl ete vi a the I NI Ti ate:DONE? query i t i s removed fr om the done
l i st (i t i s not reported agai n). To use the I NI Ti ate:DONE? quer y pr operl y, your control pr ogram shoul d
i mmedi atel y fetch a measurements resul ts once i t i s r eported as bei ng compl ete.
Obtain a Set of Measurement Results I n or der to mi ni mi ze bus tr affi c and r educe test ti me, the test sets
measurements are desi gned to return mul ti pl e measured val ues i n response to a si ngl e measurement request.
For exampl e, i f a tr ansmi t power measurement wi th aver agi ng i s i ni ti ated there are fi ve measurement resul ts
avai l abl e. These are:
1. Measur ement i ntegr i ty val ue
2. Aver age val ue
3. Mi ni mum val ue
4. Maxi mum val ue
5. Standard devi ati on val ue
The test set can return the measurement resul ts i n a vari ety of formats to sui t your needs usi ng the FETCh?
subsystem. The general structure of the FETCh? command i s as fol l ows:
FETCh:<measurement mnemonic>:<result format>?
For exampl e, the transmi tter power measurement r esul ts can be returned as:
Table1. Responses Returned from INITiate:DONE? Query
Response String Meaning
mnemoni c>
MEASUREMENT1 i s done.
mnemoni c>
MEASUREMENT2 i s done.
WAI T There are one or more measurements that are i n progress,
but none of those measurements are done yet.
NONE No measurements are i n progress.
Example FETCh? Result Formats
Command Results Returned
FETC:TXP? Measur ement i ntegr i ty and aver age val ue
FETC:TXP:POW:ALL? Mi ni mum, maxi mum, aver age and standar d
devi ati on val ues
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
Example12. Concurrent Measurement Process Programming Example
! Start a Set of Concurrent Measurements:
! Determine if a Measurement Is Done:
ENTER Test_set;Meas_done$
! Obtain a Set of Measurement Results:
SELECT Meas_done$
ENTER Test_set;Avg_tx_power
ENTER Test_set;Max_rms_phas_er
EXIT IF Meas_done$=NONE
FETC:TXP:POW:AVER? Average val ue onl y
FETC:TXP:POW:MI N? Mi ni mum val ue onl y
FETC:TXP:POW:MAX? Maxi mum val ue onl y
FETC:TXP:POW:SDEV? Standar d devi ati on val ue onl y
FETC:TXP:I NT? Measur ement i ntegr i ty val ue onl y
Example FETCh? Result Formats
Command Results Returned
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Step 5: INITiate and FETCh Measurements
Validate Measurement Results Val i dati ng measurement resul ts i s extremel y i mportant. The test set
returns a resul t i f i t i s capabl e of maki ng a measurement, even i f thi s resul t i s obtai ned under adverse
condi ti ons.
The measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator i s a measurement resul t and therefore i s queri ed usi ng the FETCh
subsystem. A val ue of 0 i ndi cates that the measurement i s val i d. A val ue other than 0 i ndi cates that an error
occurr ed duri ng the measurement process.
Example13. Programming Example
ENTER Test_set;Integrity,Avg_dig_pow
IF Integrity=0 THEN
PRINT AVG DIG POW= ;Avg_dig_pow
PRINT DTXP Measurement Error
PRINT DTXP Measurement Integrity is ;Integrity
Alternative Measurement Process
You may choose to test i n a sequenti al way rather than use the concurrent measurement pr ocess.
For i nstance, i nstead of usi ng the I NI T:DONE? query to determi ne when a measurement i s compl ete, you may
choose to i ni ti ate a set of measur ements and then si mpl y fetch them sequenti al l y.
Example14. Programming Example
ENTER Test_set;Avg_dig_pow
ENTER Test_set;Max_EVM1
I n thi s exampl e, the test set starts both measurements at the same ti me. However, i f the MACC measurement
fi ni shes fi rst, the resul ts ar e not fetched unti l the DTXP measurement fi ni shes. Ther efore, thi s process
requi res that you understand the or der i n whi ch measurements wi l l compl ete i n order to opti mi ze your testi ng
Example Integrity Indicators
Value Returned Description
(message also appears on test set)
0 Normal
1 No Resul t Avai l abl e
2 Measurement Ti meout
5 Over Range
6 Under Range
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 6: Reconfigure Test Set and Mobile Station Connection Parameters
Step 6: Reconfigure Test Set and Mobile Station Connection Parameters
The fol l owi ng i nformati on provi des addi ti onal detai l s on Step 6 of the Programmi ng Fl owchart. Thi s
i nformati on i s appl i cabl e to al l test appl i cati ons.
After performi ng a set of measurements on the mobi l e stati on usi ng the confi gurati on establ i shed i n step 2,
you may want to change thi s confi gurati on and test the mobi l e stati on agai n. Thi s step i nvol ves changi ng
testi ng condi ti ons such as channel , mobi l e stati on tr ansmi t power l evel , or cel l power.
Change Channel s
Change Other Connecti on Parameters
Change Channels
I n a manufacturi ng envi r onment i t i s common to test a mobi l e stati on on more than one channel . Some or al l
of the tests may be performed on mul ti pl e channel s, to veri fy the mobi l e stati ons performance i n a range of
operati ng frequenci es.
Perform a Handoff (Handover) in Active Cell Mode
I f you are operati ng i n acti ve cel l mode, to change channel s you perform a handoff (handover) to the new
channel . The control program sends the commands to i ni ti ate the handoff (handover), and then determi nes
whether the transi ti on was successful l y compl eted. Thi s i s accompl i shed usi ng the CALL:STATus? quer y.
The CALL:STATus? query i mmedi atel y returns the state of the cal l at the ti me the query i s recei ved.
After i ssui ng the commands to perfor m a handoff (handover ), you shoul d send the CALL:STAT? quer y to ver i fy
that the cal l i s sti l l connected before resumi ng testi ng.
Example Responses Returned from the CALL:STAT? Query
Response Meaning
I DLE The cal l i s i n the I dl e state
ALER The cal l i s i n the Al erti ng transi tory state.
HAND The cal l i s i n the Handoff transi tory state.
PAG The cal l i s i n the Pagi ng transi tory state.
CONN The cal l i s i n the Connected state.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 6: Reconfigure Test Set and Mobile Station Connection Parameters
Figure8. Process for Performing a Handoff (Handover)
Test Mode Considerations I n test mode, you can ei ther change the test sets frequenci es by usi ng the
handoff (handover) commands, or di rectl y control the RF generator and RF anal yzer.
I n ei ther case, you must al so send the appropri ate test mode commands to the mobi l e stati on to move i t to the
new channel .
Change Other Connection Parameters
You may al so choose to change the mobi l e stati on transmi t power l evel or cel l power, or other connecti on
par ameter s such as ti mesl ot or ti mi ng advance.
Send commands to
change channel .
Send the CALL:STAT?
query command.
Enter r esponse from
CALL:STAT? query.
Cal l connected?
Pr oceed wi th control
progr am.
I nvoke err or
handl er.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 7: End Connection
Step 7: End Connection
The fol l owi ng i nformati on provi des addi ti onal detai l s on Step 7 of the Programmi ng Fl owchart. Thi s
i nformati on i s appl i cabl e to al l test appl i cati ons.
I n thi s step you rel ease the cal l (i n acti ve cel l mode) or end the mobi l e stati on transmi ssi on (i n test mode).
Rel ease the Cal l i n Acti ve Cel l Mode
End the Mobi l e Stati on Test Mode Tr ansmi ssi on
Parti al l y Preset the Test Set
Release the Call in Active Cell Mode
I n acti ve cel l mode, you can rel ease the cal l wi th the mobi l e stati on i n one of two ways:
Rel ease fr om the Base Stati on
Rel ease fr om the Mobi l e Stati on
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 7: End Connection
Releasing an Active Call from the Base Station
Figure9. Process for Releasing an Active Call from the Base Station
Example15. Programming Example
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:END ! Initiate a base station release.
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN? ! Send call connected state query.
ENTER Test_set;Call_connected ! Program hangs here until state
! change or timer expires.
IF Call_connected THEN ! Check if disconnection successful
! <put error handler here>
! Call is disconnected so proceed with control program
Cal l connected?
Proceed wi th control
progr am.
I nvoke err or
handl er.
query command.
Enter response from
CALL:CONN? query.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 7: End Connection
Releasing an Active Call from the Mobile Station Figure10. Process for Terminating an Active
Call from the Mobile Station
NOTE The test set cannot i ni ti ate a cal l di sconnecti on from the mobi l e stati on. You must manual l y push
the end button on the mobi l e stati on or send commands to a test bus bui l t i nto the mobi l e stati on.
For a mobi l e stati on rel ease where the cal l i s termi nated by physi cal l y pushi ng a button on the
phone (as opposed to usi ng a test bus) ensure that the cal l -state-change-detector ti meout ti me i s
l ong enough to al l ow the end button to be pushed.
Proceed wi th control
progr am.
I nvoke err or
handl er.
Star t
query command.
Termi nate the cal l
from mobi l e stati on.
Enter response fr om
CALL:CONN? query.
Cal l connected?
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 7: End Connection
Example16. Programming Example
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN:TIM 5 !Set timeout time to 5 seconds.
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN:ARM !Arm the change detector.
DISP Terminate the call from the mobile station.
OUTPUT Test_set;CALL:CONN? !Initiate call connected state query.
ENTER Test_set;Call_connected !Program hangs here until state
!change or timer expires.
IF Call_connected THEN !Check if disconnection successful.
! <put error handler here>
! Call is disconnected so proceed with control program
End the Mobile Station Test Mode Transmission
I n test mode, you must send the necessar y test mode commands to end the mobi l e stati on tr ansmi ssi on.
Partially Preset the Test Set
At thi s poi nt, i t i s good practi ce to parti al l y pr eset the test set by sendi ng the SYST:PRES3 command. Thi s
command stops al l measur ement and cal l pr ocessi ng processes, but does not reset al l val ues to defaul t.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Step 7: End Connection
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
General Programming
General Programming
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming an Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Measurement
Programming an Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Measurement
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WACLeakage:CONTinuous OFF !Set the adjacent
20 !channel leakage ratio measurement to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WACLeakage:TIMeout 1S!Set a timeout value of 1 second
40 !in case the measurement cannot be made.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt 5!Set multi-measurements to 5 and
60 !enable multi-measurements.
70 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WACLeakage:TRIGger:SOURce AUTO !Set the trigger source
80 !to use automatic triggering.
90 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WACLeakage:LOWer2:STATe OFF !Turn off the lower
100 !second alternate (-10 MHz) measurement.
110 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WACLeakage:UPPer2:STATe OFF !Turn off the upper
120 !second alternate (+10 MHz) measurement.
130 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:WACLeakage!Start the adjacent channel leakage
140 !ratio measurement.
150 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WACLeakage?!Query the returned integrity indicator, and the
160 !measurement values for each offset.
170 ENTER 714;Integrity,Low_1st_alt,Hi_1st_alt,Low_2nd_alt,Hi_2nd_alt !Enter the
180 !returned values into variables.
190 IF Integrity<>0 THEN !Integrity <> 0 indicates an valid measurement.
200 PRINT Measurement problem; check for signal level over/under range condition.
210 ELSE
220 END IF
230 END
Returned Values
Integrity stor es the returned i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue (see I ntegr i ty I ndi cator ); 0 means a successful
measurement wi th no errors.
Because mul ti -measurements are bei ng used, Low_1st_alt and Hi_1st_alt ( 5 MHz) measur ements
return the average adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurement val ues for those offsets, i n dB. I f
mul ti -measurements were not bei ng used, the returned val ues woul d be a si ngl e measurement val ue for
each fr equency offset.
Because the Low_2nd_alt and Hi_2nd_alt ( 10 MHz) measurements are turned off i n thi s exampl e, the
returned val ues are al ways 9.91E+37 (NAN).
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming an Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Measurement
Related Topics
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Troubl eshooti ng
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Measurement Descri pti on
I NI Ti ate
Ampl i tude Offset
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming an Audio Level Measurement
Programming an Audio Level Measurement
Thi s secti on pr ovi des an exampl e of how to make an audi o l evel measurement wi th the Audi o Anal yzer
(AFANal yzer ) vi a GPI B.
The fol l owi ng procedure assumes that an audi o source i s connected to the AUDI O I N connectors. See Audi o
Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on .
1. Confi gure audi o anal yzer measur ement parameters usi ng the SETup subsystem. Even though defaul t
setti ngs exi st for each par ameter, i t i s a good i dea to del i ber atel y set each parameter to make sure the
setti ng i s corr ect for the speci fi c audi o anal yzer measurement you are maki ng.
2. Start the audi o anal yzer measurement usi ng the I NI Ti ate subsystem.
3. Use the FETCh? subsystem to obtai n audi o anal yzer measur ement resul ts.
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:CONTinuous OFF !Set the audio analyzer
20 !measurements to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:PEAK:VOLTage 3V !Set the Expected Amplitude level for
40 !audio input voltage in Vpeak.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:SDIStortion:STATe OFF !Turn off the SINAD and
60 !distortion measurements since
70 !they are not being used.
80 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:FILTer NONE !Bypass all audio filters.
90 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:DEMPhasis:STATe OFF !Turn off de-emphasis.
100 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:EXPandor:STATe OFF !Turn off the expandor.
110 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:DETector RMS !Specify the RMS detector for the
120 !audio measurement.
130 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:TIMeout 3S !Set a timeout value of 3 seconds
140 !in case the measurement cannot be made.
150 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:AFANalyzer !Start the AF Analyzer measurement.
160 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:AFANalyzer:VOLTage? !Fetch the Audio Level result.
170 ENTER 714;Audio_level !Enter the returned value into a variable.
180 END
Returned Values
The r esul ts r etur ned by thi s progr am are:
Integrity returns the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator (0 means a successful measurement wi th no
err ors). SeeI ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153.
Audio_level returns the anal og audi o l evel i n vol ts rms.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming an Audio Level Measurement
Related Topics
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
I NI Ti ate on page 263
SETup:AFANal yzer on page 285
FETCh:AFANal yzer on page 224
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming an Audio Frequency Measurement
Programming an Audio Frequency Measurement
Thi s secti on pr ovi des an exampl e of how to make an audi o fr equency measurement wi th the Audi o Anal yzer
(AFANal yzer ) vi a GPI B.
The fol l owi ng procedure assumes that an audi o source i s connected to the AUDI O I N connectors. See Audi o
Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on .
1. Confi gure audi o anal yzer measur ement parameters usi ng the SETup subsystem. When more than one
audi o frequency si gnal may be pr esent, use the 100 Hz bandpass fi l ter to i sol ate the desi red si gnal for
measurement (see the Programmi ng Exampl e bel ow).
2. Start the audi o anal yzer measurement usi ng the I NI Ti ate subsystem.
3. Use the FETCh? subsystem to obtai n audi o anal yzer measur ement resul ts.
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:CONTinuous OFF !Set the audio analyzer
20 !measurements to single trigger mode.
30 ! OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:PEAK:VOLTage 3V !Set the Expected peak voltage
40 !for the audio input level in Vpeak.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:FREQuency:STATe ON !Enable audio frequency meausurement.
60 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:FILTer TBPass !Select the 100 Hz bandpass filter.
70 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:FILTer:TBPass 6000 Hz !Set the 100 Hz bandpass
80 !filters center frequency to 6 kHz (example; to measure SAT frequency).
90 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:TIMeout 3S !Set a timeout value of 3 seconds
100 !in case the measurement cannot be made.
110 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:AFANalyzer !Start the AF Analyzer measurement.
120 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:AFANalyzer:FREQuency? !Fetch the Audio Frequency result.
130 ENTER 714;Audio_frequency !Enter the returned value into a variable.
140 END
Related Topics
Audi o Fr equency Measurement Descri pti on on page 36
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33
I NI Ti ate on page 263
SETup:AFANal yzer on page 285
FETCh:AFANal yzer on page 224
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a Channel Power Measurement
Programming a Channel Power Measurement
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WCPower:CONTinuous OFF!Set the channel power
20 !measurement to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WCPower:TIMeout 1S!Set a timeout value of 1 second
40 !in case the measurement cannot be made.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WCPower:COUNt 5!Set multi-measurements to 5 and
60 !enable multi-measurements.
70 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WCPower:INTerval:TIME 666.7US!Set the measurement interval
80 !for 1 timeslot (666.7 us).
90 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WCPower:TRIGger:SOURce AUTO !Set the trigger source
100 !to use automatic triggering.
110 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:WCPower!Start the channel power measurement.
120 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WCPower?!Query the returned integrity indicator and the
130 !average channel power measurement.
140 ENTER 714;Integrity,Wcpower!Enter the returned values into variables.
150 IF Integrity<>0 THEN !Integrity <> 0 indicates an invalid measurement.
170 PRINT Measurement problem; check for signal level over/under range condition.
171 ELSE
180 END IF
190 END
Returned Values
Integrity stor es the returned i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue (see I ntegr i ty I ndi cator ); 0 means a successful
measurement wi th no errors.
Wcpower returns the average channel power measurement val ue i n dBm.
Related Topics
Channel Power Troubl eshooti ng
Channel Power Measurement Descri pti on
I NI Ti ate
Ampl i tude Offset
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a Distortion Measurement
Programming a Distortion Measurement
Thi s secti on pr ovi des an exampl e of how to make di storti on measurements vi a GPI B. Di storti on
measurements are not typi cal l y made when testi ng W-CDMA mobi l es, but are more common when testi ng
AMPS or other anal og mobi l es. The programmi ng exampl e bel ow i s typi cal for an AMPS mobi l e.
SI NAD and Di storti on measurements ar e affected by the same STATe and I NI Ti ate commands, so both
measurements are enabl ed and tri ggered at the same ti me. However, measurement resul ts are queri ed
separatel y. See Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33.
The fol l owi ng pr ocedure assumes that the mobi l es audi o output i s connected to the AUDI O I N connectors and
the mobi l e i s on an anal og voi ce channel (AVC). The AVC i s bei ng modul ated wi th a 1004 Hz tone at 8 kHz
peak devi ati on, and a 6000 Hz SAT at 2 kHz peak devi ati on. I t i s al so assumed that the Cel l Power from the
test set i s set to -50 dBm (I S-137 standard).
1. Confi gure audi o anal yzer measur ement parameters usi ng the SETup subsystem.
2. Start the audi o anal yzer measurement usi ng the I NI Ti ate subsystem.
3. Use the FETCh? subsystem to obtai n audi o anal yzer measur ement resul ts.
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:CONTinuous OFF !Set the audio analyzer
20 !measurements to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:PEAK:VOLTage 3V !Set the Expected Amplitude level for
40 !audio input voltage in Vpeak.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:SDIStortion:STATe ON !Turn on the SINAD and
60 !distortion measurements.
70 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:SDIStortion:FREQuency 1004 HZ !Specify the audio
80 !frequency to use for the measurements.
90 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:FILTer CMessage !Select the c-message filter.
100 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:DEMPhasis:STATe OFF !Turn off de-emphasis.
110 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:EXPandor:STATe OFF !Turn off the expandor.
120 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:TIMeout 3S !Set a timeout value of 3 seconds
130 !in case the measurement cannot be made.
140 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:AFANalyzer !Start the AF Analyzer measurement.
150 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:AFANalyzer:INTegrity? !Query the integrity indicator to
160 !verify that a reliable measurement was made.
170 ENTER 714;Integrity !Enter the returned value into a variable for comparison
180 !with possible integrity indicator values (not shown here).
190 IF Integrity=0 THEN !Only fetch measurement result if integrity indicator is 0.
200 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:AFANalyzer:DISTortion? ! Fetch the Distortion result.
210 ENTER 714;Distortion !Enter the returned value into a variable.
220 END IF
230 END
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a Distortion Measurement
Returned Values
The r esul ts r etur ned by thi s progr am are:
Integrity returns the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator; 0 means a successful measurement wi th no
err ors. See I ntegr i ty I ndi cator on page 153.
Distortion returns the Di storti on measurement val ue i n percent (%).
Related Topics
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
Di stor ti on Measur ement Descri pti on on page 39
I NI Ti ate on page 263
SETup:AFANal yzer on page 285
FETCh:AFANal yzer on page 224
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a Loopback Bit Error Ratio Measurement
Programming a Loopback Bit Error Ratio Measurement
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WBERror:CONTinuous Off!Set the loopback BER
20 !measurement to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WBERror:TIMeout 10S!Set a timeout value of 10 secondS
40 !and enable timeouts in case the measurement cannot be made.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WBERror:COUNt 12200!Set the bits to test to 12200.
60 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:WBERror!Start the measurement.
70 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WBERror?!Query the returned integrity indicator and the
80 !average thermal power measurement.
90 ENTER 714;Integrity,Ber_percent,Bit_errors,Bits_tested !Enter the returned
100 !values into variables.
110 IF Integrity<>0 THEN !Integrity <> 0 indicates an invalid measurement.
120 PRINT Measurement problem; check for signal level over/under range condition.
130 ELSE
140 END IF
150 END
Returned Values
Integrity stor es the returned i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue (see I ntegr i ty I ndi cator ); 0 means a successful
measurement wi th no errors.
Ber_percent, Bit_errors, and Bits_tested store the returned val ues for the bi t error rati o (i n %), the
number of bi t errors measured, and the number of bi ts tested, respecti vel y.
Related Topics
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Measurement Descri pti on
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Troubl eshooti ng
I NI Ti ate
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a SINAD Measurement
Programming a SINAD Measurement
Thi s secti on pr ovi des an exampl e of how to make SI NAD measurement vi a GPI B. SI NAD measurements are
not typi cal l y made when testi ng W-CDMA mobi l es but, are more common when testi ng AMPS or other anal og
mobi l es. The pr ogrammi ng exampl e bel ow i s typi cal for an AMPS mobi l e.
SI NAD and Di storti on measurements ar e affected by the same STATe and I NI Ti ate commands, so both
measurements are enabl ed and tri ggered at the same ti me. However, measurement resul ts are queri ed
separatel y. See Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33.
The fol l owi ng pr ocedure assumes that the mobi l es audi o output i s connected to the AUDI O I N connectors and
the mobi l e i s on an anal og voi ce channel (AVC) that i s bei ng modul ated wi th a 1004 Hz tone at +/8 kHz peak
devi ati on. I t i s al so assumed that the Cel l Power from the test set i s set to a mi ni mum usabl e l evel (typi cal l y
about -116 dBm).
1. Confi gure audi o anal yzer measur ement parameters usi ng the SETup subsystem.
2. Start the audi o anal yzer measurement usi ng the I NI Ti ate subsystem.
3. Use the FETCh? subsystem to obtai n audi o anal yzer measur ement resul ts.
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:CONTinuous OFF !Set the audio analyzer
20 !measurements to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:PEAK:VOLTage 3V !Set the Expected Amplitude level for
40 !audio input voltage in Vpeak.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:SDIStortion:STATe ON !Turn on the SINAD and
60 !distortion measurements.
70 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:SDIStortion:FREQuency 1004 HZ !Specify the audio
80 !frequency to use for the measurements.
90 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:FILTer CMESsage !Select the c-message filter.
100 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:DEMPhasis:STATe OFF !Turn off de-emphasis.
110 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:EXPandor:STATe OFF !Turn off the expandor.
120 OUTPUT 714;SETup:AFANalyzer:TIMeout 3S !Set a timeout value of 3 seconds
130 !in case the measurement cannot be made.
140 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:AFANalyzer !Start the AF Analyzer measurement.
150 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:AFANalyzer:INTegrity? !Query the integrity indicator to
160 !verify that a reliable measurement was made.
170 ENTER 714;Integrity !Enter the returned value into a variable for comparison
180 !with possible integrity indicator values (not shown here).
190 IF Integrity=0 THEN !Only fetch measurement result if integrity indicator is 0.
200 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:AFANalyzer:SINAD? !Fetch the SINAD result.
210 ENTER 714;Sinad !Enter the returned value into a variable.
220 END IF
230 END
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a SINAD Measurement
Returned Values
The r esul ts r etur ned by thi s progr am are:
Integrity returns the i ntegri ty i ndi cator (0 means a successful measurement wi th no errors). See
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator on page 153.
SINAD returns the SI NAD val ue i n dB.
Related Topics
Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33
AFANal yzer Troubl eshooti ng on page 451
I NI Ti ate on page 263
SETup:AFANal yzer on page 285
FETCh:AFANal yzer on page 224
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a Thermal Power Measurement
Programming a Thermal Power Measurement
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WTPower:CONTinuous Off!Set the thermal power
20 !measurement to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WTPower:TIMeout 2S!Set a timeout value of 2 secondS
40 !and enable timeouts in case the measurement cannot be made.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WTPower:COUNt 5!Set multi-measurements to 5 and
60 !enable multi-measurements.
70 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:WTPower!Start the measurement.
80 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WTPower?!Query the returned integrity indicator and the
90 !average thermal power measurement.
100 ENTER 714;Integrity,Wtpower!Enter the returned values into variables.
110 IF Integrity<>0 THEN !Integrity <> 0 indicates an invalid measurement.
120 PRINT Measurement problem; check for signal level over/under range condition.
130 ELSE
140 END IF
150 END
Returned Values
Integrity stor es the returned i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue (see I ntegr i ty I ndi cator ); 0 means a successful
measurement wi th no errors.
Because mul ti -measurements are bei ng used i n thi s exampl e, Wtpower stores the returned average ther mal
power measurement val ue i n dBm. I f mul ti -measurements were not bei ng used, the returned val ue woul d
be a si ngl e thermal power measurement val ue.
Related Topics
Thermal Power Troubl eshooti ng
Thermal Power Measurement Descri pti on
I NI Ti ate
Ampl i tude Offset
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a Waveform Quality Measurement
Programming a Waveform Quality Measurement
Programming Example
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WWQuality:CONTinuous Off !Set the waveform quality
20 !measurement to single trigger mode.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WWQuality:TIMeout 1S!Set a timeout value of 1 second
40 !in case the measurement cannot be made.
50 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WWQuality:COUNt 5 !Set multi-measurements to 5 and
60 !enable multi-measurements.
70 OUTPUT 714;SETup:WWQuality:TSLot 11 !Set the measurement to
80 !measure waveform quality during timeslot 11.
90 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:WWQuality !Start the waveform quality measurement.
100 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WWQuality? !Query the integrity indicator and all
110 !results for the waveform quality measurement.
120 ENTER 714;Integrity,Evm,Freq_err,Orig_off,Phs_err,Mag_err !Enter the
130 !returned integrity indicator and measurement values into variables.
140 IF Integrity=0 THEN !See if the integrity value = 0 (valid measurement).
150 ELSE
170 PRINT Measurement problem; check for signal level over/under range condition.
180 END IF
190 END
Returned Values
Integrity stor es the returned i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue (see I ntegr i ty I ndi cator ); 0 means a successful
measurement wi th no errors.
Evm returns the maxi mum error vector magni tude resul t.
Freq_err r etur ns the worst case fr equency er r or resul t.
Orig_off returns the maxi mum ori gi n offset resul t.
Phs_err r etur ns the maxi mum phase err or resul t.
Mag_err returns the maxi mum magni tude error resul t.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Programming a Waveform Quality Measurement
Related Topics
Waveform Qual i ty Troubl eshooti ng
Waveform Qual i ty Measur ement Descri pti on
SETup:WWQual i ty
I NI Ti ate
FETCh:WWQual i ty
Ampl i tude Offset
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Preset Descriptions
Preset Descriptions
The test set i s capabl e of accepti ng sever al di ffer ent pr eset commands.
At no ti me duri ng a preset oper ati on, does transmi t power exceed the l ast user setti ng of the transmi t power.
The i nput power i s not set to any val ue l ower than the l ast user setti ng of the i nput power. Thi s i s to avoi d
power spi kes on the output and possi bl e recei ver damage on the i nput duri ng transi ti ons associ ated wi th
pr eset operati ons.
Partial Preset
Parti al pr eset saves setup ti me because measurement setup parameters remai n unchanged. Thi s i s the
recommended way to pl ace the test set i n a known condi ti on.
When you fast swi tch between for mats i n a fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on the test set behaves as i f a parti al
pr eset has occurr ed. The tabl e bel ow l i sts some key parti al pr eset resul ts.
Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;SYSTEM:PRESET3 !Command for a partial preset when user in
!remote operation.
SYSTEM:PRESET3 i s the recommended command for a parti al pr eset operati on. The SYSTEM:PRESET[1]
command i s not r ecommended for use at thi s ti me.
Press the green Preset key on the front panel to perform a parti al pr eset.
Table2. Partial Preset Behavior
Function Partial Preset Result
Tri gger Arm no change
Measurement parameters no change
Cal i brati on data no change
Enabl e regi sters no change
Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
regi sters
no change
Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
regi sters
no change
Contents of RAM no change
Contents of output queue no change
Contents of error queue no change
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Preset Descriptions
Full Preset
A ful l pr eset requi res you to sel ect new measurements and confi gure thei r parameters. I f measurement
par ameter s do not need to be changed, use a par ti al pr eset to save ti me.
Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;*RST !Recommended command for a full preset, sets trigger arm to single.
OUTPUT 714;SYSTEM:PRESET2 !Command for a full preset, sets trigger arm to continuous.
The *RST common command i s the recommended command for a ful l preset oper ati on.
NOTE Tr ansmi t power i s not set to OFF dur i ng a ful l pr eset, transmi t power i s set to the defaul t val ue.
Maskabl e Message Di spl ay
no change
Operati ng Mode Acti ve Cel l
Measurements aborted and i nacti vated
Measurement resul ts NAN
Measurement i ntegri ty
i ndi cator
1 = no resul t avai l abl e
Transmi t Power State ON
Cel l Acti vated State ON
Cal l i n progress aborted
Cal l Control Status I dl e
Cal l Counters cl eared
Cal l Error Counters cl eared
SACCH cl eared
Pendi ng Servi ce request not cl eared
Table2. Partial Preset Behavior
Function Partial Preset Result
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Preset Descriptions
Status Preset
The STATUS:PRESET command sets the status system as defi ned i n SCPI 1995 Vol ume 2: Command
Reference secti on 20.7. Al l of the enabl e regi sters are set to 0, al l PTR regi sters are set to 1, and al l NTR
regi ster s ar e set to 0.
Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:PRESET !Presets the STATus subsystem.
Related Topics
Table3. Full Preset Behavior
Function Full Preset Result
Tri gger Arm Conti nuous (manual
operati on ful l preset or
Tri gger Arm Si ngl e (remote operati on ful l
preset, *RST command)
Measurement Parameters al l set to defaul ts
Maskabl e Message Di spl ay
On (manual operati on ful l
Maskabl e Message Di spl ay
Off (remote operati on ful l
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Receiver Control
Receiver Control
The test set normal l y sets al l recei ver parameters automati cal l y. You can al so control the test sets recei ver
parameters manual l y rather than al l owi ng the test set to control them. Thi s abi l i ty i s referr ed to as manual
recei ver contr ol .
Manual Versus Automatic Receiver Control
Auto mode r ecei ver contr ol i s the defaul t for al l oper ati ng modes except CW (see CW Operati ng Mode ).
Usi ng automati c recei ver control , the recei vers expected power and frequency setti ngs are set
automati cal l y accordi ng to the setti ngs you enter on the Cal l Setup Screen.
Manual mode can be used to over r i de some or al l of the automati c recei ver setti ngs. You can manual l y set
the recei ver s expected power, the measur ement downconverters tune frequency (Measurement
Fr equency), and the demodual ti on downconver ters tune fr equency (Upl i nk Fr equency) by hi ghl i ghti ng the
setti ng, pr essi ng the knob, and enteri ng or sel ecti ng the new val ue. A ful l or parti al preset of the test set,
i ncl udi ng cycl i ng power, r etur ns the test set back to auto mode.
Figure11. Selecting Auto or Manual Receiver Control
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Receiver Control
Front Panel Access to Receiver Controls
To access r ecei ver contr ol setti ngs on the test sets front panel whi l e usi ng FDD Test operati ng mode, press the
CALL SETUP key, pr ess the More key unti l 3 of 3 i s di spl ayed, and sel ect Receiver Control (F12). See Fi gur e
11. Sel ecti ng Auto or Manual Recei ver Control .
I n CW oper ati ng mode, r ecei ver contr ol i s accessed by pr essi ng F12.
Expected Power
To make accur ate measur ements, the test set needs to know how much power to expect at i ts RF I N/OUT por t;
thi s i s referred to as the Expected Power. I f a measurement uses autorangi ng (such as the thermal power and
ACLR measurements), the expected power l evel i s cal i brated by the test set before maki ng the measurement
and does not need to be set by the user. For measurements that do not use autorangi ng, i t gets the expected
power val ue fr om the MS Target Power setti ng duri ng automati c recei ver control , or by the user speci fyi ng the
Manual Power val ue wi th the recei ver Power Control set to Manual . Refer to Fi gure 11. Sel ecti ng Auto or
Manual Recei ver Control .
The test set uses the expected power l evel to establ i sh a range of acceptabl e i nput l evel s i nto i ts recei vers. I f
the recei ved si gnal i s above or bel ow the acceptabl e range, an Over Range or an Under Range message i s
di spl ayed and the i ntegri ty val ue for the measurement i s set to 5 or 6 (respecti vel y).
You can enter an expected power l evel setti ng that i s beyond the actual capabi l i ty of the test sets har dware.
Thi s i s because expected power i s i ntended to refl ect the potenti al range of RF power at the mobile station
(UE). Thi s range of RF power i s meant to accommodate the use of a gai n or l oss network between the mobi l e
stati on and the test set. See Ampl i tude Offset on page 47 for detai l s about enter i ng ampl i tude offsets.
The upper and l ower l i mi ts of expected power provi de boundari es for the combi nati on of ampl i tude offset and
expected power. I f you set expected power to +52 dBm and the ampl i tude offset to 3 dB, the cal cul ated
recei ver power wi l l be +49 dBm, but the test set shal l be set to +43 dBm, the upper l i mi t of the hardware.
GPIB Equivalent Commands for Receiver Control
The fol l owi ng setti ngs control the test sets r ecei vers:
Power Control (Except for CW Mode)
The expected power fr om the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s set manual l y by enabl i ng manual power control usi ng
theRFANal yzer:CONTrol :POWer:AUTO command, and by usi ng the
RFANal yzer :MANual :POWer[:SELected] command to set the l evel .
CW receiver power
When usi ng the CW operati ng mode, the expected power fr om the mobi l e stati on i s set manual l y usi ng the
RFANal yzer :CW:EXPected:POWer command.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Receiver Control
Measurement receiver frequency
Measurement recei ver fr equency commands are used to manual l y tune the test sets measurement
downconverter i nput si gnal path (see Bl ock Di agram ). Thi s path i s used by the channel power, wavefor m
qual i ty, and adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurements.
The commands are:
RFANal yzer :MANual :MEASurement[:MFRequency] (to speci fy a fr equency and turn manual mode on)
RFANal yzer :CONTrol :MEASurement:FREQuency:AUTO (to turn manual mode on/off)
RFANal yzer :MANual :MEASurement:FREQuency (to speci fy a fr equency)
Demodulation (uplink) receiver frequency
Demodul ati on recei ver fr equency commands are used to manual l y tune the test sets demodul ati on
downconverter i nput si gnal path (see Bl ock Di agram ). The demodul ati on downconverter si gnal path i s part
of the functi on that demodul ates i nformati on from the mobi l e stati ons (UE) upl i nk channel transmi ssi on. Thi s
path i s used by the l oopback bi t error rati o measurement.
The commands are:
RFANal yzer :MANual :UPLi nk[:MFRequency] (to speci fy a fr equency and turn manual mode on)
RFANal yzer :CONTrol :UPLi nk:FREQuency:AUTO (to tur n manual mode on/off)
RFANal yzer :MANual :UPLi nk:FREQuency (to speci fy a frequency)
Effects on Receiver Control When Changing Operating Mode
After sel ecti ng the operati ng mode and setti ng one or more recei ver control s to manual , the recei ver control
setti ngs r emai n as you set them unti l you change operati ng mode. Changi ng operati ng mode causes some or
al l recei ver par ameter s to r etur n to automati c contr ol .
Related Topics
RFANal yzer
CW Oper ati ng Mode
FDD Test Operati ng Mode
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Subsystem Overview
The fol l owi ng pages present an overvi ew of the enti re status subsystem, i ncl udi ng test appl i cati ons whi ch may
or may not be l oaded i n your test set.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Overview of STATus Reporting Structure
Extension 8it 0
peration 6ompIete
6ommand Error
evice ependent Error
Extension 8it 0
1 ExternaI Time
Power-up 8eIf test FaiI
uery Error
Execution Error
Power n
8ase (in use)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure For STATus QUEStionable and STATus OPERation
Extension 8it
68M 8ummary
6MMon 8ummary
AMP8 8ummary
TA136 8ummary
I6itaI 95 8ummary
I6itaI 2000 8ummary
6MA 8ummary
TA 2000 8ummary
I6itaI 136 8ummary

Extension 8it
68M 8ummary
6MMon 8ummary
AMP8 8ummary
TA136 8ummary
I6itaI 95 8ummary
I6itaI 2000 8ummary
6MA 8ummary
TA 2000 8ummary
I6itaI 136 8ummary
Extension 8it
68M 8ummary
6MMon 8ummary
AMP8 8ummary
TA136 8ummary
I6itaI 95 8ummary
I6itaI 2000 8ummary
6MA 8ummary
TA 2000 8ummary
I6itaI 136 8ummary
Extension 8it
68M 8ummary
6MMon 8ummary
AMP8 8ummary
TA136 8ummary
I6itaI 95 8ummary
I6itaI 2000 8ummary
6MA 8ummary
TA 2000 8ummary
I6itaI 136 8ummary
8it 10
8it 9
8it 10
8it 1
Some status regi ster s ar e not functi onal at thi s ti me.
12 6PR8 8ummary
F 8ummary
6PR8 8ummary
W6MA 8ummary
F 8ummary
W6MA 8ummary
6PR8 8ummary
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure For STATus OPERation KEYPressed Register

F1 softkey
F3 softkey
F2 softkey
F9 softkey
F8 softkey
8it 14

F4 softkey
F6 softkey
F10 softkey
F5 softkey
F7 sofkey
F11 softkey
F12 softkey
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structures for the COMMon Registers
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 1
Extension 8it
ata 8ummary
8it 1
Audio AnaIyter
8it 1
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
Extension 8it
400 Messages
600 Messages
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus IdIe
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus 6onnected
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus AIerting
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus Registering
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus handover
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus 6hanging
88 riginating
Registering (88 Initiated)
Extension 8it
ata 6onnection 8tatus Attached
ata 6onnection 8tatus IdIe
8tarting ata 6onnection
8it 14
ata 6onnection 8tatus Transferring
ata 6onnected 8tatus ff
ata 6onnection 8tatus ata 6onnected
ata 6onnected 6ontroI 8tatus 6hanging
RuI MaskabIe Messages 10
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus Paging
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus ReIeasing
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus 8et up Reguest
6aII 6ontroI 8tatus Access Probe
2 8wept Audio
8 PP Active 8tate
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the GSM Registers
8TATu8 uE8TIhA8LE 6ALL 68M
Extension 8it
Radio Link FaiIure
ate Link FaiIure
ho Response to Page
Identification FaiIure
6hanneI Assignment > Frames
8it 2
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 2
Extension 8it
utput RF 8pectrum
Power vs. Time
Tx Power
ecoded Audio
8it Error
Fast 8it Error Rate
8it 2
Extension 8it
86h 6hanging
6ontroI 8tatus 6hanging
88 isconnecting
88 riginating
8it 2
Immediate Assignment FaiIure
handover FaiIure
6hanneI Mode hot 8upported 900 Messages
500 Messages
300 Messages
T6h 6hanging

Phase/Freg Error
AnaIog Audio
I/ Tuning
ynamic Power
6hanneI Assignment FaiIure 400 Messages
600 Messages
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure For the GPRS Registers
Extension 8it
etach FaiIure
Attach FaiIure
ownIink Immediate Assignment FaiIure
upIink Immediate Assignment FaiIure
8it 12
ho ata Received RecentIy
Routing Area update FaiIure
8tart ata 6onnection FaiIure
ownIink Timed ut
M8 unexpectedIy Ended T8F
End ata 6onnection FaiIure
Extension 8it
utput RF 8pectrum
Power vs. Time
Tx Power
8it 12
Phase/Freg Error
Reserved for future use
11 68ER
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 12
900 Messages
500 Messages
300 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the AMPS Registers
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 3
Extension 8it
Freguency 8tabiIity
AnaIog Transmit Power
8it 3
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
Freguency ModuIation
400 Messages
600 Messages
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
MuI MaskabIe Message
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the DIGital136 Registers

Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 4
Extension 8it
Loopback 8ER
ModuIation Accuracy
igitaI Transmit Power
igitaI ynamic Power 6
8it 4
Adjacent 6hanneI Power
igitaI I Adjust
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structures for the TA136 Registers
Status Reporting Structure for the DIGital95 Registers
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 5
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
8it 6
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
MuI MaskabIe Message
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the DIGital 2000 Registers
8it 7
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
MuI MaskabIe Message
Extension 8it 0
8it 7
handoff Waveform uaIity
Extension 8it 0
8it 7
F-86h 8ynchronited
6ode 6hanneI Time and Phase
T8 Frame Error Rate
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the CDMA Registers
8it 8
Extension 8it
8ervice ption or Radio 6onfiguration rejected by M8
Traffic channeI preambIe not received
8ervice connect compIetion not received
6aII drop timer timed out
8it 8
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
MuI MaskabIe Message
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
MuI MaskabIe Message
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Extension 8it
A Power
8it 8
6 Power
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the TA 2000 Registers

8TATu8 uE8TIhA8LE ERRR8 TA 2000
8it 9
8TATu8 uE8TIhA8LE 6ALL TA 2000
handoff compIetion not received
ReIease order not received
8it 9
6arrier not detected on new channeI
Extension 8it
M8 reject order received
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
300 Messages
500 Messages
900 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
MuI MaskabIe Message
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
MuI MaskabIe Message
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
8it 9
Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the FDD Registers
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 2
Extension 8it
6hanneI Power
Adjacent 6hanneI Leakage
ThermaI Power
8it 2
900 Messages
500 Messages
300 Messages
Waveform uaIity
8it Error
400 Messages
600 Messages
MuI MaskabIe Error
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Reporting Structure for the WCDMA Registers
Extension 8it
200 Messages
100 Messages
800 Messages
700 Messages
8it 2
8it 2
900 Messages
500 Messages
300 Messages
400 Messages
600 Messages
MuI MaskabIe Error
ho bits are defined at this time
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Status Data Structure - Register Model
The general i zed status regi ster model consi sts of a Condi ti on Regi ster, Transi ti on Fi l ters, an Event Regi ster,
an Enabl e Regi ster, and a Summary Message Bi t.
0 &
1 &
2 &
14 &
Positive and hegative
Transition FiIters seIect
which transitions of
6ondition 8its wiII set
corresponding Event 8its.
8ummary Message 8it LogicaI R
Event EnabIe Register
(8eIects which Events can set
the 8ummary Message 8it.)
Event Register
(Latched 6onditions.)
6ondition Register
Positive Transition FiIter
hegative Transition FiIter




S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Condition Register
A condi ti on i s a test set state that i s ei ther TRUE or FALSE (a GPI B command error has occurr ed or a GPI B
command err or has not occur r ed). Each bi t i n a Condi ti on Regi ster i s assi gned to a par ti cul ar test set state. A
Condi ti on Regi ster conti nuousl y moni tors the hardware and fi rmware states assi gned to i t. There i s no
l atchi ng or bufferi ng of any bi ts i n a Condi ti on Regi ster ; i t i s updated i n real ti me. Condi ti on Regi sters are
read-onl y. Condi ti on Regi sters i n the test set are 16 bi ts l ong and may contai n unused bi ts. Al l unused bi ts
return a zero val ue when read.
Transition Filters I n the test set, the Transi ti on Fi l ters are i mpl emented as two regi ster s: a 16-bi t posi ti ve
tr ansi ti on (PTR) regi ster and a 16-bi t negati ve tr ansi ti on (NTR) regi ster.
For each bi t i n the Condi ti on Regi ster, a Transi ti on Fi l ter bi t determi nes the state transi ti ons whi ch wi l l set a
correspondi ng bi t i n the Event Regi ster. Transi ti on Fi l ter s may be set to pass posi ti ve transi ti ons (PTR),
negati ve transi ti ons (NTR) or ei ther (PTR or NTR). A posi ti ve transi ti on refers to a condi ti on bi t whi ch has
changed fr om 0 to 1. A negati ve transi ti on refers to a condi ti on bi t whi ch has changed fr om 1 to 0.
A posi ti ve tr ansi ti on of a bi t i n the Condi ti on regi ster wi l l be l atched i n the Event Regi ster i f the corr espondi ng
bi t i n the posi ti ve tr ansi ti on fi l ter i s set to 1. A posi ti ve transi ti on of a bi t i n the Condi ti on regi ster wi l l not be
l atched i n the Event Regi ster i f the corr espondi ng bi t i n the posi ti ve tr ansi ti on fi l ter i s set to 0.
A negati ve transi ti on of a bi t i n the Condi ti on regi ster wi l l be l atched i n the Event Regi ster i f the
correspondi ng bi t i n the negati ve transi ti on fi l ter i s set to 1. A negati ve tr ansi ti on of a bi t i n the Condi ti on
regi ster wi l l not be l atched i n the Event Regi ster i f the cor r espondi ng bi t i n the negati ve tr ansi ti on fi l ter i s set
to 0. Ei ther tr ansi ti on (PTR or NTR) of a bi t i n the Condi ti on Regi ster wi l l be l atched i n the Event Regi ster i f
the correspondi ng bi t i n both transi ti on fi l ters i s set to 1. No tr ansi ti ons (PTR or NTR) of a bi t i n the Condi ti on
Regi ster wi l l be l atched i n the Event Regi ster i f the corr espondi ng bi t i n both transi ti on fi l ters i s set to 0.
Transi ti on Fi l ter s are read-wri te.
Transi ti on Fi l ter s are unaffected by a *CLS (cl ear status) command.
Transi ti ons Fi l ter s are set to pass posi ti ve transi ti ons (al l 16 bi ts of the PTR regi ster are set to 1 and al l 16 bi ts
of the NTR regi ster are set to 0) at power on or after recei vi ng the *RST (reset) command.
Event Register The Event Regi ster captures bi t-state transi ti ons i n the Condi ti on Regi ster as defi ned by the
Transi ti on Fi l ter s. Each bi t i n the Event Regi ster corr esponds to a bi t i n the Condi ti on Regi ster. Bi ts i n the
Event Regi ster ar e l atched, and, once set, they remai n set unti l cl eared by a query of the Event Regi ster or a
*CLS (cl ear status) command. Thi s guarantees that the appl i cati on cant mi ss a bi t-state transi ti on i n the
Condi ti on Regi ster. There i s no bufferi ng; so whi l e an event bi t i s set, subsequent transi ti ons i n the Condi ti on
Regi ster correspondi ng to that bi t are i gnored. Event Regi sters are read-onl y. Event Regi sters i n the test set
are 16 bi ts l ong and may contai n unused bi ts. Al l unused bi ts return a zero val ue when read.
Event Enable Register The Event Enabl e Regi ster defi nes whi ch bi ts i n the Event Regi ster wi l l be used to
generate the Summary Message. Each bi t i n the Enabl e Regi ster has a corr espondi ng bi t i n the Event
Regi ster. The test set l ogi cal l y ANDs correspondi ng bi ts i n the Event and Enabl e regi sters and then performs
an i ncl usi ve OR on al l the resul ti ng bi ts to generate the Summary Message. By usi ng the enabl e bi ts the
appl i cati on pr ogram can di rect the test set to set the Summary Message to the 1 or TRUE state for a si ngl e
event or an i ncl usi ve OR of any group of events. Enabl e Regi sters are read-wri te. Enabl e Regi sters i n the test
set are 16 bi ts l ong and may contai n unused bi ts whi ch correspond to unused bi ts i n the associ ated Event
Regi ster. Al l unused bi ts return a zero val ue when read and are i gnored when wri tten to. Enabl e Regi sters are
unaffected by a *CLS (cl ear status) command or queri es.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Standard Event Status Register Model
Summary Message Bit The Summar y Message i s a si ngl e-bi t message whi ch i ndi cates whether or not one
or more of the enabl ed events have occurr ed si nce the l ast readi ng or cl eari ng of the Event Regi ster. The test
set l ogi cal l y ANDs correspondi ng bi ts i n the Event and Enabl e regi sters and then perfor ms an i ncl usi ve OR on
al l the resul ti ng bi ts to generate the Summary Message. By use of the enabl e bi ts, the appl i cati on pr ogram can
di r ect the test set to set the Summar y Message to the 1, or TRUE, state for a si ngl e event or an i ncl usi ve OR of
any group of events.
The Summary Message i s TRUE, l ogi c 1, i f the regi ster contai ns some i nformati on and an enabl ed event i n the
Event Regi ster i s set TRUE.
The Summary Message i s FALSE, l ogi c 0, i f the queue i s empty and no enabl ed events are TRUE. Regi sters
can be cl eared by readi ng al l the i nformati on from the queue. Regi sters can al so be cl eared usi ng the *CLS
(cl ear status) command.
8ummary Message 8it
8tandard Event 8tatus EnabIe Register
(8eIects which Events can set the 8ummary Message 8it.)
LogicaI R
8tandard Event 8tatus Register
(Latched 6onditions.)




S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
Service Request Enabling Register Model
Status Bye Register The Status Byte Regi ster i s an 8 bi t regi ster that pr ovi des si ngl e bi t summary
messages, each summary message summari zes and overl ayi ng status data structure. Summary messages
al ways track the curr ent status of the associ ated status data structure. Servi ce request enabl i ng determi nes i f
one or more of the summary messages wi l l generate a message. Devi ce status reporti ng i s defi ned i n I EEE
488.2-1992, 11.1.
The Status Byte Regi ster contai ns the STB and RQS (or MSS) messages from the test set. The Status Bute
Regi ster can be read wi th ei ther a seri al pol l or the *STB? common query. The val ue for bi t 6 i s dependent on
whi ch method used.
When readi ng wi th a seri al pol l the status byte and the RQS message are returned as a si ngl e data byte. The
RQS message i ndi cates i f the SRQ i s TRUE. The Status Byte Regi ster i s not affected by a seri al pol l , the RQS
i s set to FALSE when pol l ed.
The *STB? quer y al l ows you to read the status byte and the MSS. The response repr esents the sum of the
bi nary wei ghted val ues of the Status Byte Regi ster from bi t 0-5 and 7.
The Master Summary Status (MSS) message fr om bi t 6 i ndi cates when ther e i s at l east one reason for
requesti ng ser vi ce.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 7
read by 8eriaI PoII
8tatus 8yte Register
read by *8T8?
8ervice Reguest
EnabIe Register
---8ummary Message 8its---
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Subsystem Overview
The Message Avai l abl e (MAV) summary message fr om bi t 4 i s TRUE when there i s a message i s i n the output
The Status Byte Regi ster i s cl eared wi th the *CLS common command. The output queue and the MAV are not
affected by the *CLS command.
Service Request Enable Register The Servi ce Request Enabl e Regi ster i s an 8 bi t regi ster that enabl es
cor respondi ng summar y messages i n the Status Byte Regi ster. Enabl i ng the servi ce r equest wi th the *SRE
command al l ows you to choose whi ch bi ts i n the Status Byte Regi ster wi l l tri gger a servi ce r equest.
The Servi ce Request Enabl e Regi ster i s read wi th the *SRE? query. The returned val ue i s the sum of the
bi nary wei ghted val ues of the Servi ce Request Enabl e Regi ster, wi th a range of 0 through 63 or 128 through
The val ue of the unused bi t 6 wi l l al ways be zero.
System Synchronization Bit Bi t 12 of the status operati on condi ti on regi ster i s pul sed when the
SYSTem:SYNChr oni zed command i s sent. Thi s al l ows the status system to i ndi cate that:
the i nput buffer i s synchroni zed to the poi nt where thi s command i s parsed
al l pr i or sequenti al commands ar e compl eted
al l pr i or over l apped commands have star ted
Related Topics
STATus Subsystem on page 316
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Concurrent Measurements
Concurrent Measurements
A number of measurements can be i ni ti ated (wi th the I NI Ti ate command) whi l e other measurements are
bei ng made, and the test set wi l l perform as many operati ons si mul taneousl y as i ts archi tecture al l ows. Thi s
techni que i s referred to as concurrency. Performi ng measurements concurrentl y can greatl y i mprove test
Operating Considerations
The test set has three paral l el si gnal paths to i mprove measurement throughput.
Demodul ati on downconverter path.
Measurement downconverter path.
Power detector path.
Si nce measurements ar e DSP (di gi tal si gnal processor) based, and there are four A/D converters avai l abl e to
di gi ti ze or sampl e the i nput si gnal for anal ysi s by the DSP, the test set wi l l al ways have the capabi l i ty to
per for m one tr ansmi tter measurement, one recei ver measur ement, and mai ntai n the r adi o l i nk concur rentl y.
The test sets abi l i ty to perform mul ti pl e transmi tter, or mul ti pl e recei ver tests concurrentl y wi l l depend on
the avai l abi l i ty of resources wi thi n the test set and avai l abi l i ty of the si gnal to be tested.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Concurrent Measurements
Concurrent Measurements For The E1963A Test Application
Thi s tabl e shows the concurrency consi derati ons for the E1963A W-CDMA Mobi l e Test Appl i cati on .
Tabl e Key:
Yes - the pai r of measurements can be i ni ti ated si mul taneousl y and the measur ements are performed
concurrentl y, resul ti ng i n decreased test ti mes.
No - the pai r of measur ements can be i ni ti ated si mul taneousl y, however, the measurements ar e perfor med
seri al l y.
Related Topics
Bl ock Di agram
Measurement Thermal
Adjacent Channel
Leakage Ratio (ACLR)
Waveform Quality Loopback BER
Loopback BER Yes Yes Yes Yes ____________
Waveform Quality Yes No No _______________ Yes
Adjacent Channel Leakage
Ratio (ACLR)
Yes No ___________________ No Yes
Channel Power Yes __________ No No Yes
Thermal Power _________ Yes Yes Yes Yes
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Measurement Timeouts
Measurement Timeouts
The pri mary use of measurement ti meouts i s to regai n control of the test sets GPI B i n cases wher e the bus
coul d potenti al l y hang.
The ti me normal l y requi red for a measurement to compl ete may vary greatl y dependi ng on the i ndi vi dual
measurement, i ts setti ngs, i ts mul ti pl e measurement count val ue, and so forth. Because of thi s, you may need
to set the ti meout l onger than the defaul t for measurements where a l arge number of mul ti pl e measurements
are requested or where measurement tri ggers may be i nfr equent.
Be car eful when setti ng a ti meout that i s shor ter than the defaul t. I t i s possi bl e to speci fy a ti meout that i s so
short the measurement does not even have a chance to begi n. Measurement ti meouts shoul d al ways be at l east
sever al seconds l ong.
Ti meout uni ts defaul t to S (seconds). The seconds suffi x i s an opti onal part of the command. I f you want MS
(mi l l i seconds), US (mi croseconds) or NS (nanoseconds), you must speci fy these uni ts i n the suffi x.
Timeout Values
Al l measurements i n the CDMA 2000 Mobi l e Test appl i cati on defaul t to a ti meout val ue of 10 seconds, except
FER. The FER measurement ti meout defaul t i s 200 seconds.
Related Topics
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
SETup Subsystem
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Measurement Progress Report
Measurement Progress Report
The measurement progress report i s a query of how far al ong a mul ti -measurement cycl e has progressed.
When the mul ti -measurement count i s greater than one, the measur ement progress report wi l l i ndi cate the
number of measurements that have compl eted. The returned val ue wi l l be the l ast update and not the actual
number, because the val ue i s updated peri odi cal l y and not for each mul ti -measurement cycl e. Every
measurement has the measurement progress report avai l abl e.
Programming Example
OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WACLeakage:ICOunt? !Returns the approximate number of
!Adjacent Leakage Ratio (ACLR) measurements completed while using
Related Topics
Stati sti cal Measurement Resul ts
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Triggering of Measurements
Triggering of Measurements
Tri gger Source Descri pti on
Tri ggeri ng Process Descri pti on
Tri gger Arm (Si ngl e or Conti nuous) Descri pti on
Tr i gger Del ay Descri pti on
Tri gger Qual i fi er Descri pti on
Trigger Source Description
A measurement tri gger causes hardware (for exampl e, a sampl er) to captur e data whi ch i s used by a
measurement al gori thm to pr oduce a measurement resul t. Not al l of the tr i gger source choi ces are avai l abl e i n
ever y measurement, or every test appl i cati on.
RF Rise Trigger Source: When RF ri se tr i gger i ng i s sel ected, a measur ement dependent threshol d i s used
to defi ne the tri gger poi nt on the envel ope of the si gnal bei ng measured. The envel ope ampl i tude must fal l
bel ow thi s threshol d and remai n there for a measurement-dependent peri od of ti me before the tr i gger i s
armed. After the tri gger i s armed, a tri gger wi l l occur as the envel ope ampl i tude i ncreases and passes through
the thr eshol d.
Protocol Trigger Source: When pr otocol tr i ggeri ng i s sel ected, a data capture i s tri ggered by a pr otocol
gener ated si gnal . The test sets protocol engi ne knows when the DUTs si gnal shoul d be present and generates
a tri gger si gnal for use by the measurement to tri gger the data captur e.
External Trigger Source: When external tri ggeri ng i s sel ected, the user suppl i es an external tri gger si gnal
vi a the rear panel TRI G I N connector i n order to tri gger data capture. The tr i gger wi l l occur on the ri si ng edge
of thi s si gnal .
Immediate Trigger Source: When i mmedi ate tr i ggeri ng sel ected, the tr i gger occur s as soon as any
pr e-tri gger sampl es requi r ed by the measurement al gori thm are taken. Data capture i s tri ggered when the
measurement i s i ni ti ated.
Auto Trigger Source: When auto tr i ggeri ng i s sel ected, the test set automati cal l y chooses the best tri gger
sour ce for that measurement. Thi s tr i gger sour ce setti ng i s conveni ent because the measurement tr i gger
doesnt need to be changed when swi tchi ng par ameters. Auto tri gger source i s the best choi ce for most user s.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Triggering of Measurements
Triggering Process Description
The tri gger i ng process contr ol s the pr esent and future states of the test set dur i ng the measur ement cycl e.
Tri ggers are set up usi ng the SETup commands and can be set up when a measurement i s i n the i nacti ve
state. A measurement i s acti vated (sel ected) wi th an I NI Ti ate command. I f a measurement i s i ni ti ated whi l e
i n i ts measurement cycl e, i t wi l l termi nate that measurement and restart i t. The acti ve state i s not a si ngl e
state but a col l ecti on of any state other than the i nacti ve state. Deacti vati ng (de-sel ecti ng) the measurement i s
accompl i shed through an I NI Ti ate:<MEAS>:OFF command.
Manual l y, a measurement i s acti vated by sel ecti ng i t fr om the Measurement Selection menu. A
measurement i s deacti vated by pr essi ng the Measurement Selection key, scrol l i ng to measurement i n the
Measurement Selection menu, and then pressi ng F4 (Close Measurement).
Figure12. The Test Sets Measurement States
Idle State
Wait for
Acti ve State
Acti vate
Deacti vate
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Triggering of Measurements
Measurement States
The fol l owi ng exampl es descri be states of the test set under vari ous condi ti ons. Refer to Fi gur e 12. on page
Example17. Inactive State
I f the test set has just been powered on, or any form of preset has been performed, then the measurement state
i s i nacti ve.
Example18. Wait for Trigger State
I f a measurement has been i ni ti ated wi th the I NI Ti ate command but has not been tri gger ed, or a
measurement has been sel ected from the Measurement Sel ecti on menu but has not been tr i ggered, then the
measurement state i s wai t for tri gger.
Example19. Measuring and Idle States (Trigger Arm Single)
I f the tri gger arm i s set to si ngl e, the tr i gger source i s avai l abl e, and the tr i gger qual i fi er (opti onal ) i s sati sfi ed,
the measurement state transi ti ons to measuri ng and measurement resul ts are now avai l abl e to the user. The
state then transi ti ons to i dl e (awai ti ng another I NI Ti ate).
Example20. Measuring State (Trigger Arm Continuous)
I f the tr i gger arm i s set to conti nuous, the tri gger source i s avai l abl e, and the tri gger qual i fi er (opti onal ) i s
sati sfi ed, the measurement state transi ti ons to measuri ng and measurement resul ts are now avai l abl e to the
user. The measurement i s conti nual l y tri ggered unti l the measurement i s deacti vated. Measurement resul ts
are onl y avai l abl e after the measurement compl etes and before i t rearms. The measurement i s deacti vated
usi ng the I NI Ti ate:<MEAS>:OFF. or Close Measurement.
Trigger Arm (Single or Continuous) Description
Tri gger ar m determi nes i f a measurement wi l l make one measurement then return to i dl e (si ngl e), or
automati cal l y rearm on compl eti on of a measurement and repeat the pr ocess (conti nuous).
NOTE When operati ng the test set r emotel y, the recommended setti ng for the tri gger ar m par ameter i s
si ngl e. Thi s ensures proper operati on of the I NI T:DONE? quer y whi ch i s used to control the
retri eval of measurement resul ts when measurements are i ni ti ated concurrentl y.
When a conti nuousl y armed measur ement gets a resul t, i t i s avai l abl e to any currentl y pendi ng
(wai ti ng, hangi ng) FETCh? query. Then another measurement cycl e i s started i mmedi atel y. At
thi s poi nt the resul ts are no l onger val i d. The I NI T:DONE? query i s used to determi ne when
there i s a compl eted measurement wi th val i d resul ts that can be fetched. I f you l ook for a
conti nuousl y armed measurement wi th val i d resul ts that can be fetched usi ng I NI T:DONE? then
you ar e unl i kel y to get anythi ng but WAI T. Each ti me the Test Set i s queri ed, i t i s 99% l i kel y to be
maki ng another measurement. Even i f i t di d return a measurement name, by the ti me the
control program determi nes whi ch FETCh? query to send, i t i s too l ate to fetch the resul ts and
the FETCh? query just hangs unti l the next measurement cycl e i s done, nul l i fyi ng the effi ci ency
pr ovi ded by the I NI T:DONE? query.
Pressi ng the Start Single key on the fr ont panel wi l l cause al l currentl y acti ve measurements wi th tr i gger
arm set to si ngl e to arm and make the measurement.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Triggering of Measurements
Pressi ng Shift, Start Single (Stop) causes al l measurements wi th tri gger arm set to si ngl e to abort the
I t i s unnecessar y for you to arm a measur ement i f the tr i gger arm i s set to conti nuous. When i n conti nuous
mode, the measurement i s automati cal l y r ear med after compl eti ng a measurement.
Trigger Delay Description
Tri gger del ay control s the del ay ti me between the tri gger and the start of sampl i ng. Resol uti on i s 1
nanosecond per measurement and the uni ts are i n seconds. A negati ve val ue i ndi cates the sampl i ng shoul d
occur pr i or to the tri gger. The defaul t i s zero seconds whi ch i s preferred for most measurements.
Trigger Qualifier Description
When the tri gger qual i fi er i s on, the test set sampl es the i nput si gnal when a tr i gger i s recei ved. I t then
determi nes i f the i nput si gnal was val i d by l ooki ng at i ts power l evel . I f the power l evel duri ng sampl i ng di d
not meet the r equi r ements of a val i d si gnal , the state returns to wai t for tr i gger wi thout pr ocessi ng the
sampl es. Tri gger qual i fi er i s avai l abl e for GSM/GPRS TX Power and Phase Fr equency Error measurements
onl y.
I f a val i d si gnal i s present, then i t i s qual i fi ed, and the sampl es ar e processed.
Related Topics
I ntegr i ty I ndi cator
Table5. Trigger Arm Default Settings
Action Trigger Arm
Default Setting
Power up of test set Conti nuous
Manual Ful l Preset Conti nuous
*RST (Remote) Ful l Preset Si ngl e
Parti al Preset No change
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Statistical Measurement Results
Statistical Measurement Results
Most measurements have a setup wi ndow that pr ovi des for the entr y of a mul ti -measurement count val ue.
Thi s speci fi es how many measurements the test set wi l l perform to obtai n a set of val ues from whi ch to
cal cul ate the fol l owi ng stati sti cal measurement resul ts:
Aver age (ari thmeti c mean) of measurement set
Mi ni mum val ue from measurement set
Maxi mum val ue fr om measurement set
Standard Devi ati on of measurement set
Operating Considerations
The advantages of usi ng the mul ti -measurement feature to obtai n stati sti cal measurement data i ncl ude:
reduced ti me associ ated wi th GPI B bus tr affi c, and r educed ti me confi gur i ng har dwar e. Thi s i s because the
number of measurements speci fi ed i n the mul ti -measurement count val ue are performed duri ng one
measur ement cycl e.
Programming Example
OUTPUT 714;SETUP:WACLeakage:COUNt 10 !Enters an Adjacent Channel
!Leakage Ratio (ACLR) count of 10, and turns the multi-measurement
!count state on.
Related Topics
Measurement Progress Report
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Integrity Indicator
Integrity Indicator
November 14, 2001
The test set can eval uate i ts own perfor mance and make a determi nati on as to the val i di ty of a measurement
resul t. The test set eval uates the condi ti ons surroundi ng a measurement and reports to the user i ts eval uati on
of these condi ti ons i n a parameter cal l ed the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator. A measurement i ntegri ty
i ndi cator val ue i s returned for every compl eted measurement. I t i s recommended that the user take advantage
of thi s featur e i n ever y measur ement.
The returned val ue defi nes whether or not a probl em was encountered by the measurement process. I t i s not,
however, guaranteed to be the onl y or root cause of the measurement probl em. Thi s i s because some of the
condi ti ons surroundi ng a measurement may i nteract, and the test set may have i nsuffi ci ent i nformati on to
determi ne the root cause of the measurement probl em. However, i n most cases, the val ue returned i s the most
l i kel y cause of the pr obl em.
Not al l of the i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ues ar e avai l abl e for each measurement or test appl i cati on, i f a val ue
doesnt appl y i t wi l l not be avai l abl e.
Exampl e: Questi onabl e Resul t for PGSM (15) and Questi onabl e Resul t Due To Channel Mode (16) ar e GSM
onl y i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ues.
NOTE GSM and GPRS measurements return i ntegri ty i ndi cators (8, 9, 11) when the measur ement
synchroni zati on i s set to mi dambl e.
Integrity Indicator Message
0 Normal : I ndi cates the measurement compl eted successful l y wi thout error and the resul t i s
1 No Resul t Avai l abl e: I ndi cates that there i s no measurement resul t and returns NAN (not a
2 Measurement Ti meout: I ndi cates that a measurement has ti med out. The measurement ti meout
state must be set to ON.
3 Hardware Not I nstal l ed: I ndi cates that a pi ece of hardware i s not i nstal l ed i n the test set, or the
hardware has fai l ed i n a way whi ch l eads the i nstrument control l er to bel i eve i t i snt i nstal l ed.
4 Hardware Error: I ndi cates that a hardware fai l ure has occurred. These i ncl ude fai l ures such as a
phase l ock l oop out-of-l ock, defecti ve DSP sampl ers, or power detectors that can not be cal i brated.
5 Over Range: I ndi cates that the i nput si gnal i s over range. The ampl i tude of the devi ce-under tests
(DUTs) si gnal i s causi ng the vol tage at a DSP sampl er to be above i ts maxi mum i nput l evel or the
frequency i s too hi gh or the vol tage measured i s beyond the maxi mum vol tmeter range, ei ther
posi ti ve or negati ve.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Integrity Indicator
6 Under Range: I ndi cates that the i nput si gnal i s under range. The ampl i tude of the DUTs si gnal i s
not hi gh enough for the DSP sampl er to produce accurate resul ts wi th the measurement al gori thm.
7 Burst Short: I ndi cates that the burst durati on i s too short, or part of the burst was not sampl ed due
to i mproper tri ggeri ng.
8 Tri gger Earl y or Fal l Earl y: I ndi cates that the DUTs burst ampl i tude fel l prematurel y or, due to an
earl y tri gger (earl y rel ati ve to a transmi tted burst) the measurement sampl i ng operati on
termi nated before the fal l i ng edge of the burst.
9 Tri gger Late or Ri se Late: I ndi cates that ei ther the ri si ng edge of the DUTs burst was l ate or, due
to a l ate tri gger (l ate rel ati ve to a transmi tted burst) the measurement sampl i ng operati on di dnt
start unti l after the ri si ng edge of the transmi tted burst.
10 Si gnal Too Noi sy: I ndi cates that the measurement al gori thm has found the si gnal measured to be
too noi sy to provi de accurate resul ts.
11 Sync Not Found: I ndi cates that the mi dambl e was not found therefore the measurement was not
synchroni zed.
12 Oven Out of Range: I ndi cates that a temperature control l ed oven (other than the i nternal ti mebase
oven) i s outsi de of i ts operati ng range. The power meters oven i s checked and i ts condi ti on reported
wi th thi s val ue. (The i nternal ti mebase generates a temporary error message (out of l ock) that i s
sent to the system error queue and the di spl ay. Thi s i s not an i ntegri ty i ndi cator val ue, i t i s an error
13 Uni denti fi ed Error: I ndi cates errors whi ch are not covered by the other i ntegri ty val ues. Exampl es
i ncl ude: parameter errors, al gori thm memory errors (too many measurements), measurements
unavai l abl e (unabl e to control ), autorange unabl e to converge, defaul t cal i brati on data used.
14 PCM Ful l Scal e Warni ng: I ndi cates that the PCM si gnal has reached pl us or mi nus ful l scal e. The
measurement made wi l l be accurate on the PCM si gnal but woul d typi cal l y i ndi cate an overdri ven
or osci l l ati ng el ement i n the DUT.
15 Questi onabl e Resul t for PGSM: I ndi cates that the user attempted to make an FBER measurement
i n a phase 1 system. FBER i s onl y possi bl e i n a phase 2 GSM system. Thi s i ndi cator i s avai l abl e
onl y when the sel ected broadcast band i s PGSM.
16 Questi onabl e Resul t Due To Channel Mode: I ndi cates that the channel mode was set to Enhanced
Ful l Rate Speech whi l e a Decoded Audi o measurement was acti ve. Decoded Audi o i s not supported
for EFR Speech.
Integrity Indicator Message
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Integrity Indicator
Example Program
10 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:DAPower !Start Digital Average measurement
20 OUTPUT 714;FETCH:DAPower? !Request measurement results.
30 ENTER 714;Integrity,Tx_power !Read measurement results.
40 IF Integrity = 0 THEN !Permits measurement to be printed if integrity indicator
50 !indicates a successful measurement
60 PRINT Analog TX Power =;Tx_power!if 0 then measurement was successful
80 PRINT Measurement integrity questionable, integrity value = ;Integrity !If
90 !integrity
100 !not zero
110 !then print
120 !integrity
130 !value.
17 Can not Correl ate: I ndi cates that the test sets i nternal l y generated reference si gnal does not
correl ate wi th the recei ved si gnal .
Some condi ti ons that coul d cause thi s i ntegri ty i ndi cator resul t i ncl ude the fol l owi ng:
an i nput si gnal that i s corrupted
the i nput si gnal i s extremel y di storted
the i nput si gnal i s off by more than 10 ms.
the frequency of the i nput si gnal devi ates more than al l owed
somethi ng i s wrong wi th the l ong-code mask comi ng from the mobi l e I D

18 Frequency Out Of Range: I ndi cates that a Channel Power Measurement was attempted at a
frequency for whi ch there i s no cal i brati on data. The test set di spl ay wi l l i ndi cate 4 dashes.
19 Uncal i brated Due To Temperature: I ndi cates that the current temperature of the test set i s
di fferent than the cal i brati on data temperature by more than 10 degrees C, when attempti ng a
Channel Power Measurement.
20 Potenti al Recei ver Saturati on: I ndi cates that an i nput si gnal i mmedi atel y pri or to the measured
i nput was hi gh enough to potenti al l y saturate the recei ver hardware.
21 Parameter Error: I ndi cates that a measurement setup parameter has been set i n a way that gi ves
i nval i d measurement resul ts.
22 Unsupported Confi gurati on: I ndi cates that some parameter, other than a measurement setup
parameter has been set so that i t causes an i nval i d measurement resul t. Typi cal l y thi s woul d be a
base stati on emul ator parameter.
23 Cal l Processi ng Operati on Fai l ed: I ndi cates that a cal l processi ng operati on, (base stati on
emul ator) needed i n the course of maki ng the measurement coul d not compl ete.
Integrity Indicator Message
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Integrity Indicator
140 END IF
150 END
Related Topics
Error Messages
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Invalid Measurement Results
Invalid Measurement Results
I nval i d measur ement resul ts are returned by the test set when condi ti ons such as si gnal l evel ar e not wi thi n
the pr esent measurement range. Three di fferent i nval i d measurement resul ts are provi ded i n or der to hel p
you under stand the condi ti on that caused the i nval i d resul t.
9.9E+37 = I NFi ni ty (I nfi ni ty)
-9.9E+37 = NI NF (Negati ve I nfi ni ty)
9.91E+37 = NAN (Not A Number )
9.9E+37 (INFinity)
9.9E+37 i s returned by the test set when the measurement i s out of range and resul ts are far above the
pr esent measurement range.
-9.9E+37 (NINFinity)
-9.91E+37 i s returned by the test set when the measurement i s out of range and resul ts are far bel ow the
pr esent measurement range.
9.91E+37 (NAN)
9.91E+37 i s returned by the test set when the measurement i s out of range but i t can not be determi ned i f
measurement resul ts are far above, or far bel ow the measur ement range.
I f a measurement exceeds i ts measurement ti meout val ue before a val i d resul t i s determi ned, 9.91E+37 i s
FETCH? and READ? Invalid Results
When a FETCH? or READ? query i s performed on a measurement wi th i nval i d resul ts, the i ntegri ty i ndi cator
returns a val ue of 1, i ndi cati ng No Resul t Avai l abl e.
Manual Users Invalid Results
Manual user s wi l l general l y see four dashes , ---- on the test set di spl ay. When the measurement ti meout
val ue has been exceeded, Measurement Ti meout i s di spl ayed as wel l as the four dashes.
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Dealing With Semicolon Separated Response Data Lists
Dealing With Semicolon Separated Response Data Lists
I n accordance wi th I EEE 488.2-1992 Secti on 8.4.1 the test set uses the semi col on (;) as the response message
uni t separator (RMUS). The RMUS separates sequenti al response message uni t el ements from one another
when mul ti pl e response message uni t el ements are sent i n a response message. Thi s condi ti on woul d occur
when combi ni ng mul ti pl e queri es i nto a si ngl e GPI B tr ansacti on.
Query Response Data Types Used By Test Set
The test set can r etur n the fol l owi ng data types i n response to quer i es:
character data (char): ASCI I characters A-Z (65-90 deci mal ), underscore (95 deci mal ), di gi ts (48-57
deci mal ).
stri ng data: ASCI I char acters encl osed i n quotes (for exampl e, 5551212 or PGSM)
numeri c r esponse data (nr 1): numer i c data i n the for m +/- dddddddd
numeri c r esponse data (nr 3): numer i c data i n the for m +/- ddd.ddd E +/- dddd
Semicolon Separated Response Data Lists Containing Mixed Data Types
Probl ems can occur when tryi ng to enter semi col on separated response data l i sts contai ni ng mi xed data types.
For exampl e: I f the fol l owi ng command stri ng i s sent to the test set, the test set wi l l respond by constructi ng a
response message whi ch contai ns mul ti pl e response message uni t el ements (that i s, one response message
uni t el ement for each query i tem contai ned i n the command stri ng). Some response message uni t el ements are
stri ng data type, some are character data type and some are nr3 data type.
An exampl e r esponse message generated by the test set i n r esponse to the above OUTPUT statement woul d
Constructi ng the fol l owi ng data entry statement wi l l account for mul ti pl e responses from the query:
ENTER 714;Imsi$,Pcl,Rev$,Sban$,Onum$,Mcc,Mnc,Lac
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Dealing With Semicolon Separated Response Data Lists
I n the Basi c pr ogrammi ng envi ronment the above ENTER statement wi l l fai l wi th an I nsuffi ci ent data for
ENTER error. Some pr ogrammi ng l anguages, Basi c for exampl e, cannot use the semi col on character as a data
i tem termi nator for stri ng vari abl es. I n thi s exampl e Basi c wi l l attempt to enter data i nto I msi $ unti l i t sees a
LF (l i ne feed) data i tem termi nator. The test set does not send the LF unti l al l the data has been sent.
Consequentl y when Basi c sees the LF i t termi nates entr y of data i nto I msi $ and starts to l ook for data to enter
i nto Pcl . Si nce the test set i s no l onger sendi ng any data the er r or message I nsuffi ci ent data for ENTER i s
gener ated.
One possi bl e workaround i s to enter al l the data i nto a si ngl e stri ng vari abl e, repl ace al l semi col ons wi th l i ne
feeds and then enter the data from the stri ng i nto the i ndi vi dual data i tems. For exampl e:
DIM Response$[500]
ENTER 714;Response$
WHILE Semicolon
ENTER Response$;Imsi$,Pcl,Rev$,Sban$,Onum$,Mcc,Mnc,La
Semicolon Separated Response Data Lists Containing Only Numeric Data Types
Semi col on separated r esponse data l i sts contai ni ng onl y numer i c data types do not present the types of
pr obl em associ ated wi th semi col on separ ated r esponse data l i sts contai ni ng mi xed data types. The number
bui l di ng routi nes i n most l anguages wi l l use any non-numer i c character (that i s, anythi ng other than +/-
0123456789 E .) as the data i tem termi nator. Consequentl y when the number bui l di ng routi nes encounter the
semi col on the data i tem i s termi nated. The fol l owi ng exampl e i l l ustrates thi s:
ENTER 714;Integrity,Min_power,Max_power
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test System Synchronization Overview
Test System Synchronization Overview
Typi cal test systems i ncl ude an external control l er wi th a GPI B connecti on to the test set, an RF (and possi bl e AF)
connecti on between the test set and a mobi l e stati on under test, and a seri al connecti on between the mobi l e stati on and
the external control l er.
Synchroni zi ng an external control l er wi th the test set and a mobi l e stati on under test ensures that no devi ce does
somethi ng before i t i s supposed to, whi ch can cause errors, or does somethi ng wel l after i t coul d have, whi ch wastes ti me.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test System Synchronization Overview
Figure13. Test System
External Controller
Mobile Station
RS 232
I/O Control
Test Set
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test System Synchronization Overview
Sequential versus overlapped commands
The test set uses both sequenti al and overl apped commands:
Sequenti al commands must fi ni sh executi ng before the next command starts to execute.
Overl apped commands do not fi ni sh executi ng before the next command starts to execute.
Overl apped commands are more di ffi cul t to synchroni ze because an overl apped operati on that started several commands
earl i er may sti l l be executi ng as subsequent commands are bei ng parsed out from the i nput buffer and executed. Thi s can
present a probl em unl ess the external control l er i s properl y synchroni zed to the test sets executi on of commands.
Overl apped commands al l ow the test set to use i ts i nternal resources as effi ci entl y as possi bl e.
Methods for synchronization
The test sets GPI B command set supports the fol l owi ng methods to achi eve synchroni zati on for overl apped commands. I n
some cases, combi nati ons of these methods wi l l provi de the best resul ts:
Methods one and two do not requi re the external control l er to query the test set, nor to perform any branchi ng or
deci si on-maki ng associ ated wi th i nformati on acqui red from the test set.
Methods three through si x rel y on responses from the test set to an external control l er, i ndi cati ng that some event has
occurred. The external control l er can then make deci si ons based on these responses to control the fl ow of commands to
the test set and other devi ces i n the test system.
1. Force the test set to execute overl apped commands sequenti al l y.
2. Force the test set to wai t unti l an overl apped command i s done executi ng before executi ng any more commands.
3. Query the test set to determi ne when a command has fi ni shed executi ng.
4. Query the test set to determi ne when al l commands sent to i t have at l east begun executi ng.
5. Query the test set to determi ne the current cal l or data connecti on processi ng state.
6. Program the test set to generate a servi ce request when an operati on has compl eted or the test set i s i n a certai n state.
Commands used for synchronization:
CALL:STATus on page 206
Thi s command queri es the test sets current cal l pr ocessi ng state. Thi s command supports synchroni zati on
method fi ve. See Cal l Processi ng State Synchroni zati on on page 1.
CALL:STATus on page 206
Thi s command determi nes the connected/i dl e state of a cal l . A feature cal l ed the change detector provi des
the user wi th a way to hol d off the response to thi s query unti l a cal l processi ng state tr ansi ti on has taken
pl ace. See Connected/I dl e Quer y on page 2. Thi s command supports synchroni zati on method fi ve.
:DONE? and :OPC?
These speci al i zed commands can be appended to cal l pr ocessi ng overl apped commands to support
synchroni zati on method three. See Cal l Processi ng Subsystem Overl apped Command Synchroni zati on
Commands on page 446.
Thi s speci al i zed command can be appended to cal l pr ocessi ng over l apped commands to suppor t
synchroni zati on method two.
See Cal l Processi ng Subsystem Overl apped Command Synchroni zati on Commands on page 446.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test System Synchronization Overview
Thi s speci al i zed command can be appended to cal l pr ocessi ng over l apped commands to suppor t
synchroni zati on method one.
See Cal l Processi ng Subsystem Overl apped Command Synchroni zati on Commands on page 446.
I NI Ti ate:DONE? on page 265
Thi s speci al i zed command causes the test set to r etur n a mnemoni c i ndi cati ng i f a measur ement i s done. I f
not, the returned mnemoni c wi l l i ndi cate i f the measurement i s sti l l executi ng. Thi s command supports
synchroni zati on method three.
See I NI Ti ate:DONE? on page 265.
STATUS:<regi ster>
Status bi ts i n the regi ster are pr ovi ded to i ndi cate the test sets cal l pr ocessi ng state. These bi ts support
synchroni zati on methods fi ve and si x.
Status bi ts i n the STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 334 are pr ovi ded to
i ndi cate when a measurement i s ready to be fetched. These bi ts support synchroni zati on method three and
si x.
Many other status bi ts are pr ovi ded i n the GPI B status subsystem that are useful for synchroni zati on. See
STATus Subsystem on page 316.
SYSTem:SYNChroni zed on page 405
Thi s speci al i zed command puts a 1 i n the test sets output queue, the test set r esponds to the query by
sendi ng a 1 to the external control l er i ndi cati ng that al l pr i or sequenti al commands have compl eted, and al l
pr i or over l apped commands have at l east begun executi on. The condi ti on bi t i s set then cl eared. See
STATus:OPERati on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 325. Thi s command supports synchroni zati on four
and si x.
*OPC and *OPC? on page 410, and *WAI on page 411 (not r ecommended)
Note: These commands l ook at al l of the test sets operati ons col l ecti vel y. Because mul ti pl e processes are
l i kel y to be executi ng at the same ti me, i t i s r ecommended that the other commands above be used i nstead.
Related Topics
Cal l Processi ng State Synchroni zati on on page 1
Measurement Event Synchroni zati on on page 164
Cal l Processi ng Event Synchroni zati on on page 445
SYSTem:SYNChroni zed on page 405
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Measurement Event Synchronization
Measurement Event Synchronization
Measurement event synchroni zati on saves ti me by control l i ng the communi cati on between the control l er, the
test set, and the mobi l e stati on, so that no devi ce does somethi ng before i t i s supposed to (whi ch can cause
errors or do somethi ng wel l after i t coul d have). Because some measurements can run concurrentl y, i t i s
necessary that the control pr ogram know when i ndi vi dual measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
Measurement event synchroni zati on i s accompl i shed usi ng the I NI Ti ate subsystems command
I NI Ti ate:DONE? or the STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady status regi sters.
The I NI Ti ate:DONE? query returns a stri ng that i ndi cates what, i f any, measurements ar e ready to be
fetched. Thi s query shoul d be used i nsi de a l oop, checki ng each measurement that was i ni ti ated. See
I NI Ti ate on page 263 for more detai l s about thi s quer y.
The I NI Ti ate:DONE? query returns at l east one of the fol l owi ng i ndi cators for each pass through the l oop:
"CPOW" - The channel power measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
"DAP - The di gi tal average power measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
"WQU" - The waveform qual i ty measurement resul ts are avai l abl e
"WAI T" - There are one or more measurements whi ch are i n the measur i ng state whi ch are not excl uded
fr om the query. See I NI Ti ate:DONE:FLAG:<measurement mnemoni c> on page 266. When WAI T i s
returned at l east one measur ement i s not ready to be fetched yet.
"NONE" - There are no measurements curr entl y i n the measuri ng state. Thi s assumes no measurements
have been excl uded. See I NI Ti ate:DONE:FLAG:<measurement mnemoni c> on page 266. Thi s woul d
i ndi cate that al l measurements resul ts are avai l abl e or none have been i ni ti ated.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Measurement Event Synchronization
Programming Example
The fol l owi ng exampl e assumes that the mobi l e i s tr ansmi tti ng on a di gi tal traffi c channel and no
measurements other than di gi tal TX power (DTXP) and di gi tal modul ati on accuracy (MACC) are bei ng
tr i gger ed. See Transi ti on Fi l ters on page 140.
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:DAPower:CONTinuous OFF !Sets digital average power
20 !trigger mode to single.
30 OUTPUT 714;SETUP:WQUality:CONTinuous OFF !Sets wavrform quality
40 !trigger mode to single.
50 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:DAPower;WQUality !Begin digital average power and
60 !waveform quality measurements.
80 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:DONE? !Queries the test set for measurements
90 !that are done
100 ENTER 714;Meas_done$ !String value representing DONE measurements,
110 ! NONE if no measurements are done.
120 SELECT Meas_done$ !This variable will be set to WAIT until measurements
130 !are DONE.
140 CASE DAP !Characters must be upper case.
150 OUTPUT 714;FETCH:DAPower? !If this case is selected,
160 !digital average power is FETCHed.
170 ENTER 714;Integrity,Dapower_meas
180 PRINT Digital Average Power is ;Dapower_meas
190 CASE WQU !Characters must be uppercase.
200 OUTPUT 714;FETCH:WQUality:RHO? !If this case is selected,
210 !the rho measurement is FETCHed.
220 ENTER 714;rho_meas
230 PRINT Rho is ;rho_meas
250 UNTIL Meas_done$=NONE !When all triggered measurements have completed,
260 !the INITiate:DONE? query returns NONE.
270 END
Operating Considerations
Onl y one i ndi cator i s returned per query.
To ensure that when a measurement compl etes i t wi l l remai n i n a state that qual i fi es i t as DONE, use the
SETup subsystem to set al l acti ve measurements to si ngl e (CONTi nous:OFF) tri gger mode.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Measurement Event Synchronization
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
GPIB Commands
GPIB Commands
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Diagram Conventions
Diagram Conventions
Diagram Description
Statement el ements are connected by l i nes. Each l i ne can be fol l owed i n onl y one di recti on, as i ndi cated by the
arrow at the end of the l i ne. Any combi nati on of statement el ements that can be generated by starti ng at the
Root Element and fol l owi ng the l i ne the direction of the arrow i s syntacti cal l y cor r ect. The drawi ngs show
the pr oper use of spaces. Where spaces are requi red they are i ndi cated by <sp>, otherwi se no spaces are
al l owed between statement el ements.
<sp><num value>[V|MV]
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>[HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]
Root Element
El ement
requi red.
Commands encl osed i n square
brackets, [ ], are opti onal .
Ver ti cal bar, | ,
separates choi ces.
Bol d i ndi cates
defaul t setti ng.
Bl ue i ndi cates a hypertext
l i nk to the commands
descri pti on tabl e.
See Compl ex Command
Descri pti on bel ow.
<sp><num value>[V|MV]
See I denti fi er Descri pti on
bel ow.
SETup:<measurement> :CONTinuous <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Diagram Conventions
Complex Command Description
A compl ex command sets the state of the parameter to ON, and i s used to set a val ue for that parameter. These
parameters; ampl i tude, frequency, gai n, number, ti me, and val ue can be used as a compl ex command. Refer to
the speci fi c command for the par ameter that appl i es.
Identifier Description
Some test appl i cati ons are abl e to test more than one radi o format. There may be commands/queri es that are
shared by more than one radi o format i n the some of these test appl i cati ons. I denti fi er s are used to speci fy the
radi o format for the command/query. The command/query i s sent to the acti ve radi o format i f you dont use an
i denti fi er. An i denti fi er must be used when sendi ng commands to the i nacti ve radi o format.
Developing Code
I t i s r ecommended that you set the Test Sets operati ng envi ronment to debug. To set the Test Set debug mode
to "ON" use the fol l owi ng syntax:
Ampl i tude (l i near) V
Frequency Hz
Power (l ogari thmi c) dBm
Ti me s
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
ABORt Subsystem
ABORt Subsystem
The ABORt command causes a measurement cycl e i n pr ogress to stop. I f the measurement i s not bei ng
conti nuousl y armed (tri gger arm set to si ngl e) , the measur ement wi l l remai n i n the i dl e state after thi s event.
I f the measurement i s bei ng conti nuousl y armed (tri gger arm set to conti nuous), a new measurement cycl e
wi l l begi n after ABORt. I f an ABORt command i s i ssued from any measurement state other than measuri ng,
the command i s i gnor ed.
Other Commands that Execute an ABORt Action
I NI Ti ate:<meas> wi l l execute an ABORt:<meas> as part of the I NI Ti ate:<meas> command.
READ:<meas>? wi l l execute an ABORt:<meas> acti on that aborts just one tri gger sequence and then
combi nes the I NI Ti ate and FETCh? commands.
Syntax Diagram and Command Descriptions
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Stops al l measurements that are acti ve.
I f the tri gger arm i s set to si ngl e, the measurements wi l l go to the i dl e state.
I f the tri gger arm i s set to conti nuous, the measurements wi l l re-arm and i ni ti ate agai n.
Setti ng Range
AFANal yzer - Audi o Frequency measurements
WACLeakage - Adjacent Channel l eakage
WCPower - Channel Power measurement
WBERror - Loopback Bi t Error Rati o measurement
WTPower - Thermal Power measurement
WWQual i ty - Waveform Qual i ty measurement
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"ABORT:ALL" !Aborts all active measurements in progress.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Stops the sel ected measurement i f i t i s acti ve.
I f the tri gger arm i s set to si ngl e, the measurements wi l l go to the i dl e state.
I f the tri gger arm i s set to conti nuous the measurements wi l l re-arm and i ni ti ate agai n.
Setti ng Range
AFANal yzer - Audi o Frequency measurements
WACLeakage - Adjacent Channel l eakage
WCPower - Channel Power measurement
WBERror - Loopback Bi t Error Rati o measurement
WTPower - Thermal Power measurement
WWQual i ty - Waveform Qual i ty measurement
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"ABORT:WWQUALITY" !Aborts the waveform quality measurements.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
AFGenerator Subsystem
AFGenerator Subsystem
The AFGenerator subsystem i s used to control the audi o source that i s avai l abl e at the Audi o Output
Syntax Diagram and Command Descriptions
AFGenerator on page 174
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
:FREQuency <sp><num value>[HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]
<sp><num value>[V|MV]
? (returns num value)
<sp><num value>[V|MV]
? (returns num value)
? (returns 1|0)
? (returns num value)
Complex Command
? (returns 1|0)
<sp>[AC|DC] :COUPling
? (returns AC|DC)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets the output of the audi o generator to be ac or dc coupl ed to the front-panel AUDI O OUT port.
Setti ng Range: AC or DC
Query Range: AC| DC
*RST setti ng DC
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;AFGENERATOR:COUPling AC !Sets the audio generator coupling to AC.
Functi on Sets/queri es the frequency of the audi o generator. The uni ts (HZ| KHZ| MHZ| GHZ) are opti onal .
I f no uni ts are speci fi ed, then uni ts defaul t to HZ.
Setti ng Range: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
Resol uti on:0 .1 HZ
Query Range: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
*RST setti ng 1 kHz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"AFGENERATOR:FREQUENCY 1000" !Sets the audio generator frequency to 1000 Hz.
Functi on Sets/queri es the audi o generator pul se state.
The pul se state must be on when the test sets audi o generator i s used for audi o sti mul ati on
duri ng a decoded audi o measurement.
When the state i s on, the audi o si gnal from the test set i s pul sed at a 10 Hz rate wi th a 50% duty
cycl e.
Setti ng Range: 0 | OFF | 1 | ON
Query Range: 0| 1
*RST setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"AFGENERATOR:PULSE ON" !Sets the audio generator pulse to ON.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets /queri es the ampl i tude of the audi o generator i n vol ts and turns the state to on. The uni ts
(V| mV) are opti onal . I f no uni ts ar e speci fi ed, then uni ts defaul t to V.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 9 V pk.
Resol uti on:
0.5 mV pk. <= 1 V pk. output
5 mV pk. > 1 V pk. output
Query Range: 0 to 9 V pk.
Resol uti on:
0.5 mV pk. <= 1 V pk. output
5 mV pk. > 1 V pk. output
*RST setti ng 0 V
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"AFGENERATOR:VOLTAGE 2.1" !Sets the state to on and the output
!voltage to 2.1 volts.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the ampl i tude for the audi o generator when the audi o generator state i s on. The
uni ts (V| mV) are opti onal . I f no uni ts are speci fi ed, then uni ts defaul t to V.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 9 V pk.
Resol uti on:
0.5 mV pk. <= 1 V pk. output
5 mV pk. > 1 V pk. output
Query Range: 0 to 9 V pk.
Resol uti on:
0.5 mV pk. <= 1 V pk. output
5 mV pk. > 1 V pk. output
*RST setti ng 0 V
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"AFGENERATOR:VOLTAGE:AMPLITUDE 1.414" !Sets the audio generator output
!voltage to 1.414 volts peak.
Functi on Sets/queri es the audi o generator state
Setti ng 0 | OFF | 1 | ON
Quer y 0| 1
*RST setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"AFGENERATOR:VOLTAGE:STATE ON" !Set the audio generator state to ON.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
CALibration Subsystem
CALibration Subsystem
There are two cal i brati ons that must be performed peri odi cal l y on the test set:
I /Q cal i brati on
Measur ement cal i br ati on
Calibration Procedures
I /Q cal i brati on
Thi s cal i brati on i s requi red i f the baseband generator or the vector output modul es are servi ced or
swapped. I Q cal i br ati on shoul d not be used as par t of fr equent (i .e. dai l y, weekl y or monthl y) test set
cal i brati on.
Measur ement cal i br ati on
Measurement cal i brati on takes about two mi nutes.
Duri ng thi s cal i brati on no power shoul d be appl i ed to the front panel .
Thi s cal i brati on generates cal i brati on data for channel power and waveform qual i ty measurements (see
Channel Power Measurement Descri pti on ).
Duri ng cal i brati on the i nternal temperature of the test set i s measured and cal i brati on data i s generated
for the measurements ampl i tude and frequency ranges.
An i ntegri ty bi t i s set true and i s returned wi th channel power measurement resul ts when the
measurement i s uncal i brated due to temperature dri ft. See I ntegr i ty I ndi cator .
Remotel y i ni ti ati ng any of the cal i brati on routi nes i s accompl i shed through the use of si ngl e quer y-onl y
header. The test set returns a numer i c val ue i ndi cati ng the outcome of the cal i brati on attempt.
Manual l y i ni ti ati ng the I Q cal i brati on routi nes requi res pressi ng the SYSTEM CONFI G key, then pressi ng
the 1 of 2 (More) key, then pr essi ng the Ser vi ce (F7) key. Manual l y i ni ti ati ng the measurement cal i brati ons i s
performed by sel ecti ng the measurement and pr essi ng the Calibrate Measurements softkey when measur i ng
channel power or waveform qual i ty.
Syntax Diagram and Command Descriptions
CALi brati on
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Starts the channel power cal i brati on routi ne. Thi s cal i brati on i s used for the channel power and
the adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurements.
I t i s i mportant that no power i s appl i ed to the RF I N/OUT connector duri ng cal i brati on.
Al though thi s command appears to be a query, i t performs an i mmedi ate acti on when sent: no
i nformati on i s returned.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALIBRATION:MEASUREMENTS?" !Starts the measurement calibration.
CALibration :MEASurements?
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
CALL Subsystem
CALL Subsystem
The CALL subsystem handl es al l setup, control , and query functi ons for cal l processi ng. Thi s i ncl udes mobi l e
stati on (MS) and Base Stati on (cel l ) functi ons.
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
CALL:AWGNoi se:POWer on page 181
CALL:CHANnel on page 184
CALL[:CELL]:CLPControl :UPLi nk on page 185
CALL[:CELL]:CONTrol :DOWNl i nk:FREQuency:AUTO on
page 186
CALL:DPCHannel on page 187
CALL:DTCHannel :DATA on page 189
CALL:FDDTest on page 190
CALL:MS:POWer on page 196
CALL:OCNSource on page 197
CALL[:CELL]:OPERati ng on page 199
CALL:PI CHannel on page 200
CALL[:CELL]:POWer on page 201
CALL[:CELL]:RFGenerator on page 204
CALL[:CELL]:SCODe on page 205
CALL:STATus on page 206
CALL:TOTal :POWer on page 215
CALL:UPLi nk on page 217
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
? (returns num value)
<sp><num value>[DBM]
? (returns num value)
<sp><num value>[DBM]
? (returns 1|0)
Complex Command
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the addi ti ve whi te gaussi an
noi se (AWGN) l evel and (2) turns the AWGN on/off state to on. The query form returns the
AWGN power l evel or NAN.
AWGN and cel l power (see CALL[:CELL]:POWer ) are absol ute power l evel s and make up the
total forward channel RF output power. Dependi ng on the cel l power setti ng, an AWGN l evel may
be wi thi n the range l i sted bel ow but cause an error message to be di spl ayed. Possi bl e causes are:
Sum of AWGN and cel l power causi ng total RF power l i mi ts to be exceeded (see
CALL:TOTal :POWer for the al l owabl e range of total RF power.)
Greater than 10 dB di fference between cel l power and AWGN.
Ampl i tude offset causi ng total RF power l i mi ts to be exceeded (see SYSTem:CORRecti on to
set or query the ampl i tude offset val ue).
Setti ng Range:
-170dBm/3.84 MHz to +37dBm/3.84 MHz, 9.91 E+37
(-120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -13 dBm/3.84 MHz actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
The actual power range i s defi ned by addi ng the val ue of the associ ated ampl i tude offset to
the range above. For exampl e, i f ampl i tude offset i s -3.5 dB, then the power range wi l l be
-123.5 dBm/3.84 MHz to -16.5 dBm/3.84 MHz.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
Query Range: -170 dBm/3.84 MHz to +35 dBm/3.84 MHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the AWGN power level to -30 dBM/3.84 MHz and turns the state on.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the addi ti ve whi te gaussi an noi se (AWGN) l evel .
AWGN and cel l power (see CALL[:CELL]:POWer ) are absol ute power l evel s and make up the
total forward channel RF output power. Dependi ng on the cel l power setti ng, an AWGN l evel may
be wi thi n the range l i sted bel ow but cause an error message to be di spl ayed. Possi bl e causes are:
Sum of AWGN and cel l power causi ng total RF power l i mi ts to be exceeded (see
CALL:TOTal :POWer for range of total RF power.)
Greater than 10 dB di fference between cel l power and AWGN.
Ampl i tude offset causi ng total RF power l i mi ts to be exceeded (see SYSTem:CORRecti on to
set or query the ampl i tude offset val ue).
Setti ng Range: -120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -15 dBm/3.84 MHz, NAN
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Query Range: -120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -15 dBm/3.84 MHz, NAN
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng NAN
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:AWGNOISE:POWER:AMPLITUDE -30" !Set the AWGN level to -30 dBM/3.84 MHz.
Functi on Sets/queri es the addi ti ve whi te gaussi an noi se (AWGN) state.
AWGN and cel l power (see CALL[:CELL]:POWer ) are absol ute power l evel s and make up the
total forward channel RF output power. Dependi ng on the cel l power setti ng, an AWGN l evel may
be wi thi n the range l i sted bel ow but cause an error message to be di spl ayed. Possi bl e causes are:
Sum of AWGN and cel l power causi ng total RF power l i mi ts to be exceeded (see
CALL:TOTal :POWer for range of total RF power.)
Greater than 10 dB di fference between cel l power and AWGN.
Ampl i tude offset causi ng total RF power l i mi ts to be exceeded (see SYSTem:CORRecti on to
set or query the ampl i tude offset val ue).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng OFF
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the downl i nk channel number (FDD DL UARFCN).
Setti ng Range:
4320 - 4495
4600 - 4825
9000 - 9425
9625 - 9975
10,525 - 10,875
Query Range:
4320 - 4495
4600 - 4825
9000 - 9425
9625 - 9975
10,525 - 10,875
*RST Setti ng 9700
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:CHANNEL?" !Queries the downlink channel number.
CALL <sp><num value>
?(returns num value
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets the upl i nk i nner l oop power control to step down power.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets the upl i nk i nner l oop power control to step up power.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
:CLPControl CALL
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es whether the user or the base stati on emul ator i s i n control of the RF generator s
downl i nk channel frequency setti ng. I f set to on (1), the base stati on emul ator i s i n control and
the frequency wi l l automati cal l y be set by the test set.
I f set to off (0), the downl i nk channel frequency i s di rectl y settabl e. Refer to
CALL[:CELL]:RFGenerator to set the downl i nk channel frequency.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (auto)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Enables manual frequency setting.
:AUTO CALL :CONTrol :DOWNlink <sp>1|ON|0|OFF :FREQuency
? (returns 1|0)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
:TYPe <sp>RMC12
? (returns RMC12)
? returns CODE6|CODE9|CODE10|CODE20|CODE29|
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the dedi cated physi cal control channel s 12.2 kbps reference measurement channel s
channel i zati on code.
The type of bearer servi ce bei ng carri ed by the WCDMA l i nk dri ves the confi gurati on of the
DTCH and DCCH l ogi cal channel s, the DCH Transport channel , and the DPCH physi cal
channel . The 8960 supports onl y symmetri cal channel s, and onl y one type of bearer servi ce at a
ti me (12.2 kbps RMC).
Setti ng Range:
CODE63| CODE70| CODE76| CODE87| CODE93| CODE112| CODE118
Query Range:
CODE63| CODE70| CODE76| CODE87| CODE93| CODE112| CODE118
*RST Setti ng CODE9
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:DPCHANNEL:SECONDARY:CCODE CODE3" !Sets the 12.2 RMCs channelization code.
Functi on Sets/queri es the dedi cated physi cal control channel s channel type. Onl y one channel type i s
supported at thi s ti me.
Setti ng Range: RMC12
Query Range: RMC12
*RST Setti ng RMC12
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the downl i nk dedi cated traffi c channel s data type.
Whi l e the DTCH Data i s set to ZERos a conti nuous seri es of 0s i s transmi tted on the DTCH.
Whi l e the DTCH Data i s set to ONES a conti nuous seri es of 1s i s transmi tted on the DTCH.
Whi l e the DTCH Data i s set to ei ther PRBS9 (CCI TT PN9) or PRBS 15 (CCI TT PN15) the
appropri ate pseudo-random bi t sequence i s transmi tted conti nuousl y on the DTCH.
Setti ng Range: PRBS9| PRBS15| ONES| ZERos
Query Range: PRBS9| PRBS15| ONES| ZER
*RST Setti ng PRBS15
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
? (returns PRBS9|PRBS15|ONES|ZER)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
CALL <sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
<sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
<sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
<sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>[DB]
? (returns num value)
:CLPControl :UPLink :MODE
? (returns DOWN|UDOW|UDOW10|UP)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the test mode power offset of the pri mary common control physi cal channel . Thi s
command sets the power offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the pri mary common control physi cal channel s test mode power offset. Thi s
command sets the power offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
<sp><hex string>
? (returns string)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the upl i nk i nner l oop power control mode.
When UP i s sel ected, the test set sends al l 0 (up) power control bi ts.
When DOWN i s sel ected, the test set sends al l 1 (down) power control bi ts.
When UDOWn i s sel ected, the test set sends al ternati ng up/down power control bi ts.
When UDOWn10 i s sel ected, the test set sends al ternati ng 10 up/down power control bi ts.
Setti ng Range: UP| DOWN| UDOWn| UDOWn10
Query Range:UP| DOWN| UDOW| UDOW10
*RST Setti ng UDOW
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the closed loop power control mode to alternating up, down bits.
Functi on Sets/queri es the pri mary common control physi cal channel s state i n test mode.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the test mode power offset of the common pi l ot channel . Thi s command sets the
power offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng -3.3 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the common pi l ot channel s test mode power offset. Thi s command sets the power
offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng -3.3 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the common pi l ot channel s state i n test mode.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the test mode power offset of the dedi cated physi cal channel . Thi s command sets
the power offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng -10.3 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the dedi cated physi cal channel s test mode power offset. Thi s command sets the
power offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng -10.3 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the dedi cated physi cal channel s state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the test mode power offset of the page i ndi cator channel . Thi s command sets the
power offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng -8.3 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the page i ndi cator channel s test mode power offset. Thi s command sets the power
offset l evel and turns on the power offset.
Setti ng Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: -20.00 dB to 0 dB
Resol uti on: 0.01
*RST Setti ng -8.3 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the page i ndi cator channel s state i n test mode.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the transport format combi nati on i ndi cator (TFCI ). The TFCI i s a hexadeci mal
stri ng of up to 12 characters. An error message i s di spl ayed i f the user attempts to enter more
characters than fi t i nto the stri ng.
Setti ng Range: 0x000 to 0x3FF
Query Range: 0x000 to 0x3FF
*RST Setti ng 0x000
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the UE (mobi l e stati on) target transmi tter power.
When operati ng i n FDD test mode, thi s setti ng sets the UE expected power i nto the test set when
usi ng automati c recei ver control . Thi s setti ng does not control the UE output power i n any way.
The user must set thi s val ue when maki ng measurements that do not provi de autorangi ng to
prevent an over range or an under range measurement si tuati on. See FDD Test Operati ng
Mode .
When Acti ve Cel l operati ng mode i s made avai l abl e (future test appl i cati on rel ease): I f the upl i nk
cl osed l oop power control i s i n the acti ve bi ts mode, the i nstrument wi l l measure the mobi l es
transmi t power and i t wi l l send the requi red transmi t power control bi t patterns to the mobi l e.
Thi s setti ng does not di rectl y set the transmi t power of the mobi l e, but i t wi l l dri ve the mobi l e
power to the setti ng i f cl osed l oop power i s acti ve. As i n FDD Test operati ng mode, thi s setti ng
has the secondary functi on of setti ng the test sets recei ver power l evel when the recei ver power
control state i s set to AUTO.
Query Range: -50 dBm to +24 dBm
*RST Setti ng 24 dBm
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
CALL :MS :POWer <sp><num value>[DBM]
?(returns num value)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Queri es the cal cul ated l evel of the UTRA FDD composi te orthogonal channel noi se si mul ator
The OCNS l evel i s a cal cul ated val ue used to bal ance the rel ati ve power l evel s of the fol l owi ng
channel s to sum to 100%:
Common Pi l ot Channel (CPI CH)
Pri mary Common Control Physi cal Channel (P-CCPCH
Synchroni zati on Channel (SCH)
Page I ndi cator Channel (PI CH)
Dedi cated Physi cal Channel (DPCH)
I f the contri buti on of OCNS i s cal cul ated to be -30 dB or l ess, the OCNS state i s turned off.
Query Range: 0 to -29 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:OCNSOURCE:LEVEL?" !Queries the calculated OCNS level.
:STATe? (returns 1||0)
:LEVel? (returns num value) :OCNSource
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the on/off state of the cal cul ated UTRA FDD composi te orthogonal channel noi se
si mul ator (OCNS).
The OCNS l evel i s a cal cul ated val ue used to bal ance the rel ati ve power l evel s of the fol l owi ng
channel s to sum to 100%:
Common Pi l ot Channel (CPI CH)
Pri mary Common Control Physi cal Channel (P-CCPCH
Synchroni zati on Channel (SCH)
Page I ndi cator Channel (PI CH)
Dedi cated Physi cal Channel (DPCH)
I f the contri buti on of OCNS i s cal cul ated to be -30 dB or l ess, the OCNS state i s turned off.
Setti ng Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the operati ng mode of the base stati on emul ator. I f a cal l i s i n progress duri ng a
change i n operati ng mode i t wi l l be dropped.
Setti ng Range: CALL*| CW| FDDTest| OFF* (*Not avai l abl e for thi s rel ease.)
Query Range: CALL*| CW| FDDT| OFF* (*Not avai l abl e for thi s rel ease.)
*RST Setti ng FDDTest
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
<sp> CALL*|CW|FDDTest|OFF*
? (returns CALL*|CW|FDDT|OFF*)
:CELL [:SELected]
* Not avai l abl e for thi s rel ease.
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Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the page i ndi cator channel s channel i zati on code.
Thi s setti ng cannot be changed whi l e i n acti ve cel l operati ng mode (when avai l abl e). Attempti ng
to change thi s setti ng whi l e i n thi s mode resul ts i n the fol l owi ng error message: "Command
Rejected Whi l e i n Acti ve Cel l Mode."
Setti ng Range: CODE14| CODE15| CODE16| CODE17
Query Range: CODE14| CODE15| CODE16| CODE17
*RST Setti ng CODE16
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the page i ndi cator channel data bei ng sent on the downl i nk. You can send ei ther al l
ones or al l zeros.
Setti ng Range: ZERos| ONES
Query Range: ZER| ONES
*RST Setti ng ZERos
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:PICHANNEL:DATA ONES !Sends all ones for the paging indicator channel data.
? (returns CODE14|CODE15|CODE16|CODE17)
? (returns ZER|ONES
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
<sp><num value>[DBM] :AMPLitude
? (returns num value)
CALL <sp><num value>[DBM]
?(returns num value)
<sp>1|ON|0|OFF :STATe
? (returns 1|0)
Complex Command
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the cel l power l evel and (2)
turns the cel l power on/off state to on. The query form returns the cel l power l evel (i ncl udi ng
compensati on for ampl i tude offset) or 9.91 E+37.
The opti onal [:SELected] keyword i n thi s command speci fi es that the cel l power l evel bei ng set or
queri ed appl i es to the current system type. The current system type can be changed usi ng the
CALL[:CELL]:SYSTem[:TYPE]? command.
Setti ng Range:
-170dBm/3.84 MHz to +37dBm/3.84 MHz, 9.91 E+37
(-120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -13 dBm/3.84 MHz actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
The actual power range i s defi ned by addi ng the val ue of the associ ated ampl i tude offset to
the range above. For exampl e, i f ampl i tude offset i s -3.5 dB, then the power range wi l l be
-123.5 dBm/3.84 MHz to -16.5 dBm/3.84 MHz.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
Query Range: Same as setti ng range.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the cell power state to ON and sets RF output power to -30 dBm.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the cel l power l evel (i ncl udi ng compensati on for ampl i tude offset).
The opti onal [:SELected] keyword i n thi s command speci fi es that the cel l power l evel bei ng set or
queri ed appl i es to the current system type. The current system type can be changed usi ng the
CALL[:CELL]:SYSTem[:TYPE]? command.
Setti ng Range:
-170dBm/3.84MHz to +37dBm/3.84MHz, 9.91 E+37
(-120 dBm/3.84MHz to -13 dBm/3.84MHz actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
The actual power range i s defi ned by addi ng the val ue of the associ ated Ampl i tude Offset to
the range i n the tabl e. For exampl e, i f ampl i tude offset i s -3.5 dB, then the power range wi l l be
-123.5 dBm/3.84 MHz to -16.5 dBm/3.84MHz.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
Query Range: Same as setti ng range.
Resol uti on: Same as setti ng range.
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the cell power level -30 dBm.
Functi on Sets/queri es the cel l power state.
The opti onal [:SELected] keyword i n thi s command speci fi es that the cel l power state bei ng set or
queri ed appl i es to the current system type. The current system type can be changed usi ng the
CALL[:CELL]:SYSTem[:TYPE]? command.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng ON
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:CELL:POWER:STATE OFF" !Turns off cell power.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the RF generator downl i nk channel frequency. I f no uni ts are speci fi ed the setti ng
defaul ts to Hz.
The test set wi l l tune to the frequency entered usi ng thi s command when the
CALL[:CELL]:CONTrol :DOWNl i nk:FREQuency:AUTO command i s set to manual .
Setti ng Range: 292 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Query Range: 292 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
*RST Setti ng 851 MHz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the downlink channel frequency to 450 MHz.
? (returns num value)
:FREQuency <sp><num value>[HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the pri mary scrambl i ng code.
The actual code number for the pri mary scrambl i ng code i s 16 ti mes the val ue of thi s setti ng. See
3GPP TS 25.213, "Spreadi ng and Modul ati on (FDD)" for a compl ete descri pti on of the
rel ati onshi p between thi s i ndex and the actual spreadi ng code number.
Thi s setti ng cannot be changed whi l e the acti ve cel l operati ng mode (when avai l abl e). Attempti ng
to change thi s setti ng whi l e i n thi s mode wi l l resul t i n the fol l owi ng error message: "Command
Rejected Whi l e i n Acti ve Cel l Mode."
Setti ng Range: 0 to 511
Quer y Range: 0 to 511
*RST Setti ng 1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:CELL:SCODE 10" !Sets the primary scrambling code to 10.
<sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
:AICHannel ? (returns num value)
(returns 1|0)
? (returns real)
? (returns num value)
(returns 1|0)
(returns 1|0)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
? (returns FDD|CW)
(returns 1|0)
? (returns real)
? (returns num value)
(returns 1|0)
? (returns num value)
(returns 1|0)
? (returns num value)
(returns 1|0)
? (returns num value)
(returns 1|0)
? (returns num value)
(returns 1|0)
:TOTal :POWer
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the status of the cal l . Status can be connected, i dl e, pagi ng, regi steri ng, rel easi ng, or
Onl y I DLE i s returned i n FDD Test operati ng mode.
*RST Setti ng I DLE
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:STATUS?" !Returns the current call processing state.
Functi on Queri es the current l evel of the acqui si ti on i ndi cator channel . Thi s setti ng i s not used i n FDD
Test operati ng mode.
Query Range: -20.00 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: (future rel ease wi th Acti ve Cel l operati ng mode)
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current state of the acqui si ti on i ndi cator channel . Thi s setti ng i s not used i n FDD
Test operati ng mode.
Query Range: 0| 1
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: (future rel ease wi th Acti ve Cel l operati ng mode)
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the current power l evel of the addi ti ve whi te Gaussi an noi se (AWGN) source.
AWGN power l evel i s set usi ng the CALL:AWGNoi se:POWer commands.
Query Range:
-170dBm/3.84 MHz to +37dBm/3.84 MHz, 9.91 E+37
(-120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -13 dBm/3.84 MHz actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
The actual power range i s defi ned by addi ng the val ue of the associ ated ampl i tude offset to
the range above. For exampl e, i f ampl i tude offset i s -3.5 dB, then the power range wi l l be
-123.5 dBm/3.84 MHz to -16.5 dBm/3.84 MHz.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the current AWGN power.
Functi on Queri es the current on/off state of the addi ti ve whi te Gaussi an noi se (AWGN) source.
AWGN power l evel on/off state i s set usi ng the CALL:AWGNoi se:POWer commands.
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the current l evel of the pri mary common control physi cal channel .
Query Range: -20.00 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current state of the pri mary common control physi cal channel .
Query Range: 0| 1
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current cel l power l evel .
Cel l power i s set usi ng the CALL[:CELL]:POWer commands.
Query Range:
-170dBm/3.84 MHz to +37dBm/3.84 MHz, 9.91 E+37
(-120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -13 dBm/3.84 MHz actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
The actual power range i s defi ned by addi ng the val ue of the associ ated ampl i tude offset to
the range above. For exampl e, i f ampl i tude offset i s -3.5 dB, then the power range wi l l be
-123.5 dBm/3.84 MHz to -16.5 dBm/3.84 MHz.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the current state of the cel l power setti ng.
Cel l power state i s set usi ng the CALL[:CELL]:POWer commands.
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (Off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current system type that the test set i s currentl y emul ati ng.
When the test set i s i n acti ve cel l operati ng mode (see CALL[:CELL]:OPERati ng ) the current
system type i s sel ected by the CALL[:CELL]:SYSTem command. (Acti ve cel l operati ng mode i s
not avai l abl e i n the i ni ti al W-CDMA test appl i cati on rel ease.)
When the test set i s i n any test mode oper ati ng mode (see CALL[:CELL]:OPERati ng ) or CW
operati ng mode, thi s command wi l l return the correspondi ng system type.
Query Range: FDD| CW
*RST Setti ng FDD
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current common pi l ot channel s power.
Query Range: -20.00 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the current state of the common pi l ot channel .
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current dedi cated physi cal channel s power.
Query Range: -20.00 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current state of the dedi cated physi cal channel .
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the orthogonal channel noi se source (OCNS) l evel for the sel ected system type.
The OCNS l evel i s set usi ng the CALL:OCNSource commands.
The opti onal [:SELected] keywor d i n thi s command speci fi es that the OCNS channel l evel bei ng
queri ed appl i es to the current system type.
Query Range: 0 to -20 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current on/off state of the orthogonal channel noi se si mul ator channel (OCNS).
The OCNS channel on/off state i s set usi ng the CALL:OCNSource commands.
The opti onal [:SELected] keywor d i n thi s command speci fi es that the OCNS channel state bei ng
queri ed appl i es to the current system type.
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current downl i nk page i ndi cator channel s power.
Query Range: -20.00 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the current state of the downl i nk page i ndi cator channel .
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the total RF power of the currentl y sel ected system type.
The total RF power i s equal to the sum of the cel l power setti ng (see CALL[:CELL]:POWer ) and
the AWGN setti ng (see CALL:AWGNoi se:POWer ).
Query Range:
-170dBm/3.84 MHz to +37dBm/3.84 MHz, 9.91 E+37
(-120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -13 dBm/3.84 MHz actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
The actual power range i s defi ned by addi ng the val ue of the associ ated ampl i tude offset to
the range above. For exampl e, i f ampl i tude offset i s -3.5 dB, then the power range wi l l be
-123.5 dBm/3.84 MHz to -16.5 dBm/3.84 MHz.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the current total RF power measurements state for the currentl y sel ected system type.
Thi s query wi l l return a 1 (on) i f the current cel l power (CALL[:CELL]:POWer ) power state i s
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Queri es the total RF power setti ngs for the current system type.
Total RF Power i s the sum of cel l power and AWGN power
Query Range:
-170 dBm/3.84 MHz to +37dBm/3.84 MHz, 9.91 E+37
(-120 dBm/3.84 MHz to -13 dBm/3.84 MHz actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
The actual power range i s defi ned by addi ng the val ue of the associ ated ampl i tude offset to
the range above. For exampl e, i f ampl i tude offset i s -3.5 dB, then the power range wi l l be
-123.5 dBm/3.84 MHz to -16.5 dBm/3.84 MHz.
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm/3.84 MHz
*RST Setti ng 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
? (returns num value)
? (returns 1|0)
:POWer :TOTal
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the total RF power state for the current system type.
The total RF power state i s 1 (on) i f ei ther cel l power or AWGN power i s on.
The return val ue for thi s query i s not necessari l y the total power state at the moment thi s
command i s processed by the test set. Thi s command may return a state that has been requested
of the test set, but that has been pended or del ayed for some reason. To query the power state of
the test set at the moment, use the CALL:STATus:TOTal :POWer:STATe? command.
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the upl i nk channel number (FDD UL UARFCN).
Setti ng Range:
4095 - 4270
4375 - 4600
8525 - 8950
9225 - 9925
Query Range:
4095 - 4270
4375 - 4600
8525 - 8950
9225 - 9925
*RST Setti ng 9300
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
CALL <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:UPLink :CHANnel
:SCODe <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the upl i nk dedi cated physi cal channel s scrambl i ng code.
Thi s setti ng cannot be changed whi l e the acti ve cel l operati ng mode. Attempti ng to change thi s
setti ng whi l e i n thi s mode wi l l resul t i n the fol l owi ng error message: "Command Rejected Whi l e
i n Acti ve Cel l Mode."
Setti ng Range: 0 to 38399
Query Range: 0 to 38399
*RST Setti ng 1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:CELL:SCODE 10" !Sets the uplink DPCH scrambling code to 10.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
DISPlay Subsystem
DISPlay Subsystem
The DI SPl ay subsystem i s used to confi gure the test sets di spl ay mode or di spl ay br i ghtness . Use of the
DI SPl ay subsystem i s not requi r ed to set or quer y any data or resul ts.
Display Backlight Dimming
The test sets di spl ay bri ghtness par ameter has two setti ngs at thi s ti me, hi gh and medi um. The l i fe of the
di spl ays backl i ght wi l l be maxi mi zed when bri ghtness i s set to medi um. The test set has an auto di mmi ng
featur e that wi l l l ower the di spl ay bri ghtness automati cal l y i f appr oxi matel y 10 mi nutes pass wi thout a key
bei ng pr essed on the test sets fr ont panel . The di spl ay wi l l return to the bri ghtness l evel shown i n the Di spl ay
Bri ghtness fi el d when the test set i s set to l ocal and any fr ont panel key i s pr essed. Ther e i s no other user
control for thi s feature.
Syntax Diagram and Command Descriptions
DI SPl ay
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
? (returns FAST|TRACK)
DISPlay :BRIGhtness
:CLEar :ERRor
? (returns 1|0)
<sp>1|ON|0|OFF :STATe
:OPERator :MESSage1 <sp> string (up to 30 characters)
(returns HIGH|MEDium)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the test sets di spl ay bri ghtness.
A di spl ay backl i ght di mmi ng feature l owers the di spl ay bri ghtness after approxi matel y 10
mi nutes wi thout any manual user i nteracti on wi th the test set. See Di spl ay Backl i ght Di mmi ng
on page 219.
Setti ng Range: MEDi um | HI GH
Query Range: MED | HI GH
setti ng
HI GH (thi s parameter i s not affected by any reset operati on and can onl y be changed by di rect
user access)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"DISPLAY:BRIGHTNESS MEDIUM" !Sets display brightness to medium.
Functi on Bl ocks maskabl e messages from appeari ng on the test set di spl ay screen but not from the
Message Log. Maskabl e messages are reported to the Message Log i n ei ther state. See Error
Messages on page 456.
Setti ng Range: On | Off
Query Range: On | Off
setti ng
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Prevents certain messages from appearing on the display.
Functi on Sets/queri es the test sets di spl ay mode.
See Di spl ay Mode (Tr ack/Fast) for a descri pti on of fast and track di spl ay modes.
Setti ng Range: FAST | TRACK
Query Range: FAST | TRAC
*RST setti ng TRACK
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"DISPLAY:MODE FAST" !Sets display mode to fast.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Cl ears the error message from the di spl ay screen but not from the Message Log.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"DISPLAY:WINDOW:ERROR:CLEAR" !Clears an error message from the display.
Functi on Al l ows the operator to enter up to four messages, each up to 30 characters i n l ength. These
messages wi l l be pri nted to the di spl ay when the command i s sent and DI SPl ay:MODE i s set to
Setti ng 1| 2 | 3| 4
1=uppermost fi el d, 4=l owermost fi el d
setti ng
Each message i s i ni ti al i zed to a nul l stri ng. Nothi ng wi l l be di spl ayed unti l one or more of the
four GPI B messages i s sent to the test set.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"DISP:OPER:MESS1Press F6 to stop test"
!Writes the message Press F6 to stop test" to the uppermost display field.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FETCh? Subsystem
FETCh? Subsystem
The FETCh? query i s a functi on that al l ows users to query resul ts from a measurement that was previ ousl y
I NI Ti ated or READ. I t does NOT begi n a measur ement. I f no measurement i s i n pr ogress i t wi l l return the
i ntegri ty and measurement val ues from the l ast measurement made, or return an i ntegri ty of No Resul t
Avai l abl e and resul ts of NAN. I f a measurement i s i n process, the query wi l l hang unti l the resul ts are
avai l abl e, or the measurement fai l s or ti mes out. The exact resul ts returned wi th a FETCh? wi l l depend on the
speci fi c measurement. A measurement may have a number of di fferent resul ts or combi nati on of resul ts for a
FETCh?. The FETCh? queri es are i ntended to be used to pr ovi de overl apped operati on access to measurement
resul ts fr om the test set. When used al ong wi th SETup and I NI Ti ate commands , FETCh? i s the pri mar y way
for the user to r etr i eve measur ement resul ts. I n or der to use the test sets concurrent test capabi l i ti es the
over l apped commands of I NI Ti ate and FETCh? must be used. Overl apped commands al l ow the user to send
commands and not wai t for compl eti on.
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
FETCh:AFANal yzer on page 224 (AF Anal yzer measurements)
FETCh:WACLeakage on page 233 (Adjacent Channel Leakage measurements)
FETCh:WBERror on page 236 (Loopback Bi t Error Rati o measurements)
FETCh:WCPower on page 239 (Channel Power measurements)
FETCh:WTPower on page 243 (Thermal Power measurements)
FETCh:WWQual i ty on page 247 (Waveform Qual i ty measurements)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FETCh :AFANalyzer
Avg Dist)
(returns Integrity,Avg Audio Level,Avg SINAD,
(returns Min Dist,Max Dist,
Avg Dist,Std Dev Dist)
(returns Avg Dist)
(returns Max Dist)
:MINimum? (returns Min Dist)
:SDEViation? (returns Std Dev Dist)
FETCh :AFANalyzer
(returns Min Freq,Max Freq,
Avg Freq,Std Dev Freq)
(returns Avg Freq)
(returns Max Freq)
:MINimum? (returns Min Freq)
:SDEViation? (returns Std Dev Freq)
(returns Intermediate Count)
(returns Integrity)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
FETCh :AFANalyzer
(returns Min SINAD,Max SINAD,
(returns Avg SINAD)
(returns Max SINAD)
:MINimum? (returns Min SINAD)
:SDEViation? (returns Std Dev SINAD)
:AFANalyzer ?
FETCh :AFANalyzer :AFANalyzer
(returns Min Audio Level,
Max Audio Level,Avg Audio Level,
(returns Avg Audio Level)
(returns Max Audio Level)
:MINimum? (returns Min Audio Level)
:SDEViation? (returns Std Dev Audio Level)
Std Dev Audio Level)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the AF anal yzer measurements.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, average audi o l evel , average
SI NAD, average di storti on.
Query Average anal og audi o l evel
Range: 0 to 20 vol ts, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: The l esser of 4 si gni fi cant di gi ts or 10 uV
Average SI NAD
Range:-99 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Average audi o di stor ti on
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01%
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns integrity, average audio level, average SINAD,and average audio distortion.
Functi on Queri es the average audi o di storti on measurement.
Query Average audi o di storti on
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01%
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the audi o di storti on measurements.
The measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum di storti on, maxi mum
di storti on, average di storti on, standard devi ati on di storti on.
Query Mi ni mum, maxi mum, and average audi o di storti on:
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01%
Standard devi ati on audi o di storti on:
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.001%
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns mininum, maximum, average, and standard deviation audio distortion.
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum audi o di storti on.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01%
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum audi o di storti on.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01%
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on audi o di storti on.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.001%
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the average audi o frequency measurement.
Query Average audi o frequency
Range: 0 to 99999 Hz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the audi o frequency measurements.
The measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum frequency, maxi mum
frequency, average frequency, standard devi ati on frequency.
Query Mi ni mum, maxi mum, and average audi o frequency:
Range: 0 to 99999 Hz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Standard devi ati on audi o frequency:
Range: 0 to 99999 Hz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 Hz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns mininum, maximum, average, and standard deviation audio frequency.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum audi o frequency.
Query Range: 0 to 99999 Hz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum audi o frequency.
Query Range: 0 to 99999 Hz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on audi o frequency.
Query Range: 0 to 99999 Hz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 Hz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the i ntermedi ate count of measurements compl eted i n a mul ti -measurement.
Quer y Range: 0 to 999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator for the l ast AF anal yzer measurement compl eted.
Zero i ndi cates a normal measurement. See I ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153 for i nformati on
about non-zero i ntegri ty resul ts.
Query Range: 1 through 16
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;FETCH:AFANalyzer:INTegrity?
!Query the inegrity indicator for the AF analyzer results.
Functi on Queri es the average SI NAD measurement.
Query Average SI NAD
Range:-99 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the SI NAD measurements.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum SI NAD, maxi mum SI NAD,
average SI NAD, and standard devi ati on SI NAD.
Query Mi ni mum, maxi mum, average SI NAD:
Range: -99 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Standard devi ati on SI NAD
Range: -99 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.001 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns mininum, maximum, average, and standard deviation SINAD.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum SI NAD measurements.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum SI NAD measurements.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on SI NAD measurements.
Query Range: 0 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.001 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the average audi o l evel measurement.
Query Range: 0 to 20 vol ts, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: the l esser of 4 si gni fi cant di gi ts or 10 uV
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the audi o l evel measurements.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum audi o l evel , maxi mum audi o
l evel , average audi o l evel , standard devi ati on audi o l evel .
Query Range: 0 to 20 V, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 4 si gni fi cant di gi ts
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation audio level.
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum audi o l evel measurement.
Query Range: 0 to 20 V, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 4 si gni fi cant di gi ts
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum audi o l evel measurement.
Query Range: 0 to 20 V, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 4 si gni fi cant di gi ts
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on audi o l evel measurement.
Query Range: 0 to 20 V, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 4 si gni fi cant di gi ts
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
FETCh :WACLeakage
(returns Intermediate Count)
(returns Integrity)
(returns average adjacent channel
leakage at the following offsets:
-5 MHz Offset, +5 MHz Offset,
-10 MHz Offset, +10 MHz Offset)
(returns Integrity,-5 MHz Offset ACL, +5 MHz
Offset ACL, -10 MHz Offset ACL, +10 MHz
Offset ACL)
(returns standard deviation
adjacent channel leakage at the
following offsets: -5 MHz
Offset, +5 MHz Offset, -10 MHz
Offset, +10 MHz Offset)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es a adjacent channel l eakage rati o (ACLR) measurement resul t.
Thi s query returns an i ntegri ty i ndi cator fol l owed by -5 MHz offset power rati o maxi mum, +5
MHz offset power rati o maxi mum, -10 MHz offset power rati o maxi mum, +10 MHz offset power
rati o maxi mum.
I f the mul ti -measurement state i s on, the resul t represents the average of a number of adjacent
channel l eakage measurements. Mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up
mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WACLEAKAGE:ALL?" !Returns integrity, ACLR measurements.
Functi on Queri es the average adjacent channel l eakage rati o at the fol l owi ng offsets: -5 MHz, +5 MHz, -10
MHz, +10 MHz.
To set the number of measurement to average, use the command
SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 295.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the average adjacent channel leakage ratio.
Functi on Queri es the i ntermedi ate count of measurements compl eted i n a mul ti -measurement.
To set up mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: 0 to 999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns the intermediate count of adjacent channel leakage ratio multi-measurements.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator for the l ast adjacent channel l eakage measurement
compl eted.
Zero i ndi cates a normal measurement. See I ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153 for i nformati on
about non-zero i ntegri ty resul ts.
Query Range: 0 through 23
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the integrity indicator for the adjacent channel leakage ratio results.
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of several adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurements at the
fol l owi ng offsets: -5 MHz, +5 MHz, -10 MHz, +10 MHz.
To set the number of measurement to compare, use the command
SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: 0 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.001 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the standard deviation of power for the adjacent channel leakage ratio
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Queri es a l oopback bi t error measurement resul t.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, bi t error rati o, bi t error
count, bi ts tested.
Query Range
I ntegri ty: 1 to 23
Bi t Error Rati o: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Bi t Error Count: 0 to 999999, 9.91 E+37
Bi ts Tested: 0 to 999999, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on
I ntegri ty: 1
Bi t Error Rati o: 0.0001 dB
Bi t Error Count: 1
Bi ts Tested: 1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
(returns Bit Error Count)
? (returns Integrity, Bit Error Ratio
Bit Error Count, Bits Tested)
(returns Bits Tested)
(returns Integrity)
(returns Intermediate Count)
(returns Integrity)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the number of bi ts tested.
Query Range: 0 to 999999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the bi t error count.
Query Range: 0 to 999999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the i ntermedi ate count of bi ts tested.
To set up the total number of bi ts to test, see SETup:WBERror:COUNt .
Query Range: 0 to 999999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator for the l ast l oopback bi t error measurement
compl eted.
Zero i ndi cates a normal measurement. See I ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153 for i nformati on
about non-zero i ntegri ty resul ts.
Query Range: 0 through 23
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the l oopback bi t error rati o measurement.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
FETCh :WCPower (returns Integrity Indicator, Average Channel
(returns Intermediate Count)
(returns Integrity)
FETCh :WCPower
(returns, minimum, maximum, average,
std. deviation average power)
(returns maximum channel power)
(returns average of results of
channel power measurements)
(returns maximum channel power)
(returns standard deviation channel
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es a channel power measurement resul t.
Thi s query returns an i ntegri ty i ndi cator fol l owed by the average channel power measurement
resul t.
I f the mul ti -measurement state i s on, the resul t represents the average of a number of channel
power measurements. Mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up
mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WCPOWER:ALL?" !Returns integrity, channel power measurement.
Functi on Queri es the i ntermedi ate count of measurements compl eted i n a mul ti -measurement.
To set up mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: 0 to 999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns the intermediate count of channel power multi-measurements.
Functi on Queri es the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator for the l ast channel power measurement compl eted.
Zero i ndi cates a normal measurement. See I ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153 for i nformati on
about non-zero i ntegri ty resul ts.
Query Range: 0 through 23
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the integrity indicator for the channel channel power results.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the average of the resul ts of several channel power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to average, use the command SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 304.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the average power for the channel power results.
Functi on Queri es the stati sti cal measurement resul ts for several channel power measurements.
To set the number of measurements to gather stati sti cs for, use the command
SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 304.
Resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum, maxi mum, average, and standard
devi ati on channel power.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the statistical measurement results for channel power measurement.
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum power of several channel power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to average, use the command SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 304..
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the inegrity indicator for the channel power results.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum power of several channel power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to compare, use the command SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 304.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the minimum channel power.
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of several channel power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to compare, use the command SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 304.
Query Range: 0 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.001 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the standard deviation of power for the channel power measurements.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
FETCh :WTPower (returns integrity, thermal power measurement
results (or average of results if
multi-measurement state is on)).
(returns intermediate count)
(returns integrity) :INTegrity?
FETCh :WTPower
(returns minimum, maximum, average,
std. deviation thermal power)
(returns maximum thermal power)
(returns average of results of
thermal power measurements)
(returns minimum thermal power)
(returns standard deviation thermal
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es a thermal power measurement resul t.
Thi s query returns an i ntegri ty i ndi cator fol l owed by a thermal power measurement resul t (i f
resul ts are avai l abl e).
I f the mul ti -measurement state i s on, the resul t represents the average of a number of thermal
power measurements. Mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up
mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WTPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WTPOWER:ALL?" !Returns integrity, thermal power.
Functi on Queri es the i ntermedi ate count of measurements compl eted i n a mul ti -measurement.
The mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up mul ti -measurements, see
Query Range: 0 to 999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator for the l ast thermal power measurement compl eted.
Zero i ndi cates a normal measurement. See I ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153 for i nformati on
about non-zero i ntegri ty resul ts.
Query Range: 1 through 16
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the inegrity indicator for the thermal power results.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the average of the resul ts of several thermal power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to average, use the command SETup:WTPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 309.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the thermal power for the thermal power results.
Functi on Queri es the stati sti cal measurement resul ts for several thermal power measurements.
To set the number of measurements to gather stati sti cs for, use the command
SETup:WTPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 309.
Resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum, maxi mum, average, and standard
devi ati on thermal power.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the statistical measurement results for thermal power measurement.
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum power of several thermal power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to average, use the command SETup:WTPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 309..
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the inegrity indicator for the thermal power results.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum power of several thermal power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to compare, use the command SETup:WTPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 309.
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the minimum thermal power.
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of several thermal power measurements. To set the number of
measurement to compare, use the command SETup:WTPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] on page 309.
Query Range: 0 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.001 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the standard deviation of power for the thermal power measurements.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
FETCh :WWQuality (returns Integrity, EVM maximum, Frequency
Error worst case, Origin Offset max, Phase
Error max, Magnitude Error max)
:AVERage? (returns average EVM)
? (returns maximum EVM)
:MINimum? (returns minimum EVM)
:SDEViation? (returns std. deviation EVM)
:ALL? (returns minimum, maximum, average,
and standard deviation EVM)
FETCh :WWQuality
(returns num value)
:ALL? (returns minimum, maximum, average,
standard deviation frequency error)
(returns num value)
:AVERage? (returns average freq. error)
:MAXimum? (returns maximum freq. error)
:MINimum? (returns minimum freq. error)
:SDEViation? (returns std. deviation freq. error)
? (returns worst case freq. error)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
FETCh :WWQuality :MERRor
:AVERage? (returns average mag. error)
:MINimum? (returns minimum mag. error)
:SDEViation? (returns std. deviation mag. error)
:ALL?(returns minimum, maximum, average,
standard deviation origin offset)
:AVERage? (returns average origin offset)
? (returns maximum origin offset)
:MINimum? (returns minimum origin offset)
:SDEViation? (returns origin offset)
:ALL?(returns minimum, maximum, average,
standard deviation magnitude error)
? (returns maximum magnitude error)
FETCh :WWQuality :PERRor
:AVERage? (returns average phase error)
:MINimum? (returns minimum phase error)
:SDEViation? (returns std. deviation phase error)
:ALL?(returns minimum, maximum, average,
standard deviation phase error)
? (returns maximum phase error)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the waveform qual i ty measurements.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, EVM maxi mum, frequency
error worst case, ori gi n offset maxi mum, phase error maxi mum, magni tude error maxi mum.
I f the mul ti -measurement state i s on, each resul t represents the average of a number of
waveform qual i ty measurements. Mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up
mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WWQual i ty:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query I ntegri ty
Range: 0 to 16
Resol uti on: 1
EVM Maxi mum
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Frequency Error worst case
Range-99.99 to 99.99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Ori gi n Offset Maxi mum
Range: -99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Phase Error Maxi mum
Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Magni tude Error Maxi mum
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns integrity, EVM maximum, frequency error worst case, origin offset maximum, phase error
!maximum, magnitude error maximum.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum EVM.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the EVM measurements.
Resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum, maxi mum, average, standard devi ati on
error vector magni tude.
Query Mi ni mum EVM
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Maxi mum EVM
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Average EVM
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Standard Devi ati on EVM
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:EVM:ALL?" !Returns all EVM measurement results.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the average EVM.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum EVM.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of resul ts for EVM measurements.
Query Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:EVM:SDEVIATION?" !Returns standard deviation EVM.
Functi on Queri es the worst case frequency error.
Query Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:FERROR:WORSt?" !Returns worst case frequency error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the frequency error measurements.
Resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum, maxi mum, average, standard devi ati on
frequency error.
Query Mi ni mum Frequency Error
Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Maxi mum Frequency Error
Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Average Frequency Error
Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Standard Devi ati on Frequency Error
Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns mininum, maximum, average, and standard deviation frequency error.
Functi on Queri es the average frequency error.
Query Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:FERROR:AVERAGE?" !Returns average frequency error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the average frequency error.
Query Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:FERROR:MAXIMUM?" !Returns maximum frequency error.
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum frequency error.
Query Range: -99 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:FERROR:MINIMUM?" !Returns minimum frequency error.
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of frequency error measurements.
Query Range: 0 to 99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:FERROR:SDEViation?" !Returns standard deviation frequency error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the i ntermedi ate count of measurements compl eted i n a mul ti -measurement.
Query Range: 0 to 999
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cator for the l ast waveform qual i ty measurement
compl eted.
Zero i ndi cates a normal measurement. See I ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153 for i nformati on
about non-zero i ntegri ty resul ts.
Query Range: 0 through 23
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Queries the integrity indicator for the channel channel power results.
Functi on Queri es the average magni tude error.
Query Range: 0 to 99%
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:MERRor:MAXIMUM?" !Returns maximum magnitude error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the magni tude error measurements.
Resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum, maxi mum, average, standard devi ati on
magni tude error.
Query Mi ni mum Magni tude Error
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Maxi mum Magni tude Error
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Average Magni tude Error
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Standard Devi ati on Magni tude Error
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns mininum, maximum, average, and standard deviation magnitude error.
Functi on Queri es the average magni tude error.
Quer y Range: 0 to 99%
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:MERRor:AVERAGE?" !Returns average magnitude error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum magni tude error.
Query Range: 0 to 99%
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:MERRor:MINIMUM?" !Returns minimum magnitude error.
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of magni tude error measurements.
Query Range: 0 to 99%
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:MERRor:SDEVIATION?" !Returns standard deviation magnitude error.
Functi on Queri es the average ori gi n offset .
Query Range:-99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:OOFFSET:MAXIMUM?" !Returns maximum origin offset.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the ori gi n offset measurements.
Resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum, maxi mum, average, standard devi ati on
ori gi n offset .
Query Mi ni mum Ori gi n Offset
Range: -99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Maxi mum Ori gi n Offset
Range: -99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Average Ori gi n Offset
Range: -99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Standard Devi ati on Ori gi n Offset
Range: 0 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns mininum, maximum, average, and standard deviation origin offset.
Functi on Queri es the average ori gi n offset .
Query Range: -99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:OOFFSET:AVERAGE?" !Returns average origin offset.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum ori gi n offset .
Query Range:-99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:OOFFSET:MINIMUM?" !Returns minimum origin offset.
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of resul ts for ori gi n offset measurements.
Query Range: 0 to 99 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:OOFFSET:SDEVIATION?" !Returns standard deviation origin offset.
Functi on Queri es the maxi mum phase error.
Query Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:PERROR:MAXIMUM?" !Returns maximum phase error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the phase error measurements.
Resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: mi ni mum, maxi mum, average, standard devi ati on
phase error.
Query Mi ni mum Phase Error
Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Maxi mum Phase Error
Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Average Phase Error
Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Standard Devi ati on Phase Error
Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns mininum, maximum, average, and standard deviation phase error.
Functi on Queri es the average phase error.
Query Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:PERROR:AVERAGE?" !Returns average phase error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Queri es the mi ni mum phase error.
Query Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:PERROR:MINIMUM?" !Returns minimum phase error.
Functi on Queri es the standard devi ati on of resul ts for phase error measurements.
Query Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WWQUALITY:PERROR:SDEVIATION?" !Returns standard deviation phase error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
INITiate Subsystem
INITiate Subsystem
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
INITiate Command Functions
The I NI Ti ate subsystem i s used to:
Start (acti vate) i ndi vi dual or mul ti pl e (concurrent) measurements.
Turn i ndi vi dual measurements off.
Determi ne the number of measurements curr entl y acti ve (I NI T:COUNT?).
Determi ne the names of the measurements currentl y acti ve (I NI T:ON?).
Determi ne whi ch measurements are fi ni shed (I NI T:DONE?).
What Happens When a Measurement is INITiated?
When a measur ement i s started usi ng I NI Ti ate commands, a new measurement cycl e i s started. I f the
sel ected measurement i s currentl y i n a measurement cycl e, i t i s aborted. I f a ti meout i s speci fi ed, the ti meout
peri od begi ns when a measurement i s i ni ti ated.
NOTE The I NI Ti ate subsystem i s der i ved fr om SCPI , but has some modi fi cati ons to make i t mor e
compati bl e wi th the manual oper ati on of the test set. Most notabl y, the choi ce of si ngl e or
conti nuous measur ement tri ggeri ng i s made usi ng the SETup subsystem.
INITiate Programming Examples (how INIT commands are used)
The I NI Ti ate command i s used to start measurements. I NI Ti ate commands al l ow mul ti pl e measurements to
be started wi thout wai ti ng for other measurement processes to compl ete. For exampl e, the fol l owi ng code
starts the Di gi tal Average Power and Waveform Qual i ty measurements, and then uses the I NI Ti ate:DONE?
command i n a l oop to quer y the status of these measurements, see Measurement Event Synchroni zati on on
page 164.
When the measurements are done, the FETCh command i s used to acqui r e the resul ts, and the resul ts are
entered i nto vari abl es i n the control l i ng appl i cati on. The pr ogram ends when the I NI Ti ate:DONE? command
returns the stri ng NONE" i ndi cati ng that al l i ni ti ated measurements have gone through the measur i ng state
see Measurement States on page 150.
I NI Ti ate on page 263
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
INITiate Subsystem
NOTE Tri gger ar mi ng for each measurement i s control l ed i n the SETup subsystem. The choi ces are
si ngl e or conti nuous. The best pr acti ce (duri ng remote operati on) i s to use si ngl e measurement
mode. Thi s si mpl i fi es the tasks of starti ng concurrent measurements, then usi ng the I NI T
subsystem commands to determi ne whi ch measurements are ready to be FETChed.
10 OUTPUT 714;SETup:ALL:CONTinuous:OFF ! selects single trigger mode.
20 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:WBERror;WCPower ! starts loopback BER and
30 !channel power measurements.
50 OUTPUT 714;INITiate:DONE? !query to find out if any measurements are done.
60 ENTER 714;Meas_complete$
70 SELECT Meas_complete$
80 CASE WBER !tests for the string WBER, indicating loopback BER measurement is done.
90 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WBERror? !Queries loopback BER results.
100 ENTER 714;Integrity,Ber,Ber_count,Bits_tested
110 CASE WCP !tests for the string WCP, indicating channel power measuremenet is done.
120 OUTPUT 714;FETCh:WCPow? !Queries the channel power results.
130 ENTER 714;Integrity,Avg_chan_pow
150 EXIT IF Meas_complete$=NONE
170 END
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
(returns comma-separated list of AFAN|WACL|WCP|WBER|
<sp>INCLude|EXCLude :WBERror
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
INITiate:<measurement mnemonic>[:ON]
Functi on These commands i ni ti ate (start) the fol l owi ng measurements:
AFANal yzer - Audi o Frequency Anal yzer measurements
WACLeakage - Adjacent Channel Leakage
WCPower - Channel Power measurement
WBERror - Loopback Bi t Error Rati o measurement
WTPower - Thermal Power measurement
WWQual i ty - Waveform Qual i ty measurement
Thi s command al so queri es the acti ve state usi ng the ON? keyword i n pl ace of a measurement
mnemoni c.
The I NI Ti ate command i s associ ated wi th the SETup SETup Subsystem on page 283 and the
FETCh? Subsystem on page 223.
One or more measurements can be i ni ti ated wi th the same program l i ne (see Concurrent
Measurements on page 144 and the Programmi ng Exampl e bel ow).
Thi s command i s al so used to acti vate a measurement. See I NI Ti ate Programmi ng Exampl es
(how I NI T commands are used) on page 261.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Initiates a channel power and a waveform quality measurement.
Functi on Queri es the measurements that are on. Returns a comma separated l i st of measurement
mnemoni cs.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
INITiate:<measurement mnemonic>:OFF
Functi on Deacti vates the sel ected measurement. See Measurement States on page 150.
Onl y one measurement can be deacti vated at a ti me. To stop one or more measurements and
l eave them i n the acti ve state, use ABORt on page 171.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"INITIATE:WCPOWER:OFF" !Deactivates the channel power measurement.
Functi on Queri es the number of measurements that have been i ni ti ated (are acti ve). See Measurement
States on page 150.
Quer y Range: 0 to 10
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es (one at a ti me) whi ch measurements, i f any, are fi ni shed or have ti med-out.
See Measurement Event Synchroni zati on on page 164 for how to use thi s command.
See Measurement States on page 150 to understand the test sets measurement states.
See I NI Ti ate:DONE:FLAG:<measurement mnemoni c> on page 266 for i ncl ude or excl ude
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Functi on Cl ears the done fl ag from al l measurements.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"INITIATE:DONE:CLEAR" !Clears the done flag.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
INITiate:DONE:FLAG:<measurement mnemonic>
Functi on Speci fi es that al l measurements are ei ther i ncl uded or excl uded when the I NI Ti tate:DONE?
query i s sent.
I f a measurement tri gger arm i s l eft i n conti nuous mode, the done fl ag for that measurement wi l l
toggl e between DONE and WAI T. The I NI Ti ate:DONE? query wi l l probabl y not be abl e to catch
the measurement at the i nstant i t i s done; therefore, the measurement wi l l never appear to be
done. I f a measurements tri ggeri ng must be conti nuousl y armed, you shoul d excl ude the
measurement usi ng I NI Ti ate:DONE:FLAG:<measurement mnemoni c> .
Use I NI Ti tate:DONE:FLAG:ALL EXCLude to excl ude al l measurements.
Once I NI Ti ate:DONE:FLAG has been set to EXCLude for a measurement, the user must send
the I NCLude command for that measurement i n order to query that measurement wi th the
I NI Ti ate:DONE? query. The test set wi l l not r eset any excl uded measur ement wi th any type of
Setti ng Range: I NCLude| EXCLude
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Includes all measurements in the INITIATE:DONE? query.
Functi on Speci fi es i f a measurement done fl ag i s consi dered (usi ng the I NCLude or EXCLude setti ngs)
when the I NI Ti tate:DONE? query i s sent.
I f more than one measurement i s acti ve, and one or more measurement tri gger arm states i s
conti nuous, the I NI Ti ate:DONE? query may not be effecti ve. The best sol uti on i s to change the
arm state of al l measurements to si ngl e usi ng the SETup[:ALL]:CONTi nuous command.
However, i f a measurement must be conti nuousl y tri ggered, you shoul d excl ude the measurement
usi ng the EXCLude setti ng provi ded by thi s command i f you want to use I NI Ti ate:DONE? to
query measurement done status.
The test set wi l l not reset any excl uded measurement to i ncl uded wi th any type of preset.
Setti ng Range: I NCLude| EXCLude
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Excludes the average power measurement from responding to the INITIATE:DONE? query.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
READ? Subsystem
READ? Subsystem
Syntax Diagram and Command Descriptions
The READ? command pr ovi des a sequenti al method to make measurements and retr i eve the resul ts. READ?
wi l l hang the GPI B bus unti l the measurement i s compl eted, or unti l the ti meout val ue has been exceeded.
Associ ated SETup commands (for each measurement) are used wi th the READ? command to retr i eve desi red
measurement resul ts i n a sequenti al manner.
Sendi ng a READ? command i s equi val ent to an I NI Ti ate/FETCh cycl e for a measurement. A READ? command
executes an abort acti on on that measurement fol l owed by an I NI Ti ate and a FETCH?.
READ? commands can be mi xed wi th FETCH? queri es i n order to make combi nati ons of sequenti al and
over l apped operati ons. One measurement can be i ssued a READ? command (sequenti al ), and the next
measur ement can be i ssued I NI Ti ate/FETCh? commands (over l apped), i f necessar y.
The advantage of usi ng the READ? commands to obtai n measurement resul ts, as opposed to the
I NI Ti ate/FETCh method i s:
I t i s si mpl er. Fewer commands are requi red to obtai n measurement resul ts.
Some di sadvantages of usi ng READ? over I NI Ti ate and FETCh are:
The test set does not pr ocess any addi ti onal GPI B commands unti l the requested measurement resul ts are
avai l abl e.
The sequenti al nature of the READ? command does not al l ow the user to make concurrent measurements.
Concurrent measurements requi re the overl apped commands I NI Ti ate, DONE? and FETCh? .
The READ? command does not pr ovi de measurement resul ts such as stati sti cs that are avai l abl e usi ng the
I NI Ti ate/FETCh method.
The READ? commands have pr e-defi ned measurement resul ts. I f addi ti onal resul ts are needed fr om a
measurement they may be obtai ned wi th a FETCh? query.
NOTE Tri gger ar mi ng for each measurement i s control l ed i n the SETup subsystem. Best practi ce duri ng
remote oper ati on i s to set tri gger arm to si ngl e (Conti nuous Off).
READ on page 269
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
READ? Subsystem
Program Example - READ:WTPower?
OUTPUT 714;READ:WTPower? !Starts a thermal power measurement. As soon as the
!measurement cycle has completed, the test set
!provides the thermal power measurement results to the
!controlling application.
ENTER 714;Integrity, Thermal_power !Enters the integity indicator and the
!thermal power measurement values into
!the controlling application.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
? (returns Integrity, Thermal Power)
? (returns Integrity, EVM maximum, Frequency
Error worst case, Origin Offset max, Phase
Error max, Magnitude Error max)
(returns Integrity, Average Channel Power) ?
(returns Integrity,-5 MHz Offset Power Ratio min, :WACLeakage
+5 MHz Offset Power Ratio max, -10 MHz Offset
Power min, +10 MHz Offset Power Ratio max)
(returns Integrity, Bit Error Ratio, Bit Error ?
Avg SINAD, Avg Dist, Avg Freq)
(returns Integrity, Avg Audio Level,
Count, Bits Tested, )
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on I ni ti ates and fetches an audi o frequency anal yzer measurement as a sequenti al operati on.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, average audi o l evel , average
SI NAD, average audi o di storti on.
Query I ntegri ty
Range: 0 to 23 see I ntegri ty I ndi cator
Resol uti on: 1
Average audi o l evel
Range: 0 to 20 vol ts, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: the l esser of 4 si gni fi cant di gi ts or 10 uV.
Average SI NAD
Range: -99.00 to 99.00 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Average audi o di stor ti on
Range: 0.00 to 99.00%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01%
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Functi on I ni ti ates and fetches an adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurement as a sequenti al operati on.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, -5 MHz mi ni mum offset
power rati o, +5 MHz maxi mum offset power rati o, -10 MHz mi ni mum offset power rati o,
+10 MHz maxi mum offset power rati o.
I f the measurement state of any offset i s set to OFF, the resul t for that offset wi l l be 9.91 E+37.
Query Range: -100 to 100 dBm
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on I ni ti ates and fetches a l oopback bi t error rati o measurement as a sequenti al operati on.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, bi t error rati o, bi t error
count, bi ts tested.
Query Range
I ntegri ty: 1 to 23
Bi t Error Rati o: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Bi t Error Count: 0 to 999999, 9.91 E+37
Bi ts Tested: 0 to 999999, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on
I ntegri ty: 1
Bi t Error Rati o: 0.0001 dB
Bi t Error Count: 1
Bi ts Tested: 1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Functi on I ni ti ates and fetches a channel power measurement as a sequenti al operati on.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, average channel power.
I f the mul ti -measurement state i s on, the resul t represents the average of a number of channel
power measurements. Mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up
mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WCPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on I ni ti ates and fetches a thermal power measurement as a sequenti al operati on.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, thermal transmi t power.
I f the mul ti -measurement state i s on, the resul t represents the average of a number of thermal
power measurements. Mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up
mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WTPower:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query Range: -99 to 99 dBm, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.01 dB
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on I ni ti ates and fetches the waveform qual i ty measurements as a sequenti al operati on.
Measurement resul ts are returned i n the fol l owi ng order: i ntegri ty, EVM maxi mum, frequency
error worst case, ori gi n offset maxi mum, phase error maxi mum, magni tude error maxi mum.
I f the mul ti -measurement state i s on, each resul t represents the average of a number of
waveform qual i ty measurements. Mul ti -measurement state, by defaul t, i s off. To set up
mul ti -measurements, see SETup:WWQual i ty:COUNt[:SNUMber] .
Query I ntegri ty
Range: 0 to 16
Resol uti on: 1
EVM Maxi mum
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Frequency Error worst case
Range-99.99 to 99.99 kHz, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Ori gi n Offset Maxi mum
Range: -99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Phase Error Maxi mum
Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Magni tude Error Maxi mum
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37
Resol uti on: 0.1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
RFANalyzer Subsystem
RFANalyzer Subsystem
The RFANal yzer command subsystem performs l ower-l evel functi ons that control the test set's measur i ng
recei ver. The measur i ng recei ver i ncl udes three separate si gnal paths:
Power detector
Demodul ati on
Refer to the Bl ock Di agram on page 486 for a descr i pti on of the si gnal paths.
The RFANal yzer commands al l ow manual setti ngs to the tune fr equency or expected power l evel to each of
these paths i f i t i s necessary to overri de automati c setti ngs.
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
RFANal yzer on page 275
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
:CONTrol :MEASurement :AUTO <sp>1|ON|0|OFF :FREQuency
(returns 1|0) ?
:POWer :AUTO <sp>1|ON|0|OFF :POWer
:UPLink :AUTO <sp>1|ON|0|OFF :FREQuency
(returns 1|0) ?
(returns 1|0) ?
RFANalyzer :CW :EXPected <sp> <num value>[DBM] :POWer
(returns num value) ?
RFANalyzer :MANual
(returns num value) ?
<sp><num value>[HZ|KHZ|
(returns num value) ?
<sp><num value>[HZ|KHZ|MHZ|
<sp><num value>[DBM]
? (returns num value)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Turns on/off the auto Meas Frequency feature whi ch determi nes the measurement
downconverter si gnal path frequency control mode. (See Bl ock Di agram .)
ON = automati c
OFF = manual
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"RFANalyzer:CONTrol:MEASurement:FREQuency:AUTO OFF"
!Enables manual control of the measurement signal path tune frequency.
Functi on Sets/queri es the test sets recei ver i nput power control mode.
ON = automati c
OFF = manual
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Enables manual control of the expected input power level.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the test sets demodul ati on si gnal path tune frequency control mode.
ON = automati c
OFF = manual .
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
demodulation signal path tune frequency.
Functi on Sets/queri es the expected CW recei ver i nput power. Thi s setti ng i s onl y used when the Operati ng
Mode i s set to CW. (See CALL[:CELL]:OPERati ng .)
Setti ng Range: -60 dBm to +53 dBm
Query Range: -60 dBm to +53 dBm
*RST setti ng +13 dBm
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the recei ver expected i nput power when the test sets recei ver i nput power control
mode i s set to manual . See Power Control (Except for CW Mode) .
The opti onal [:SELected] keyword i n thi s command speci fi es that the expected i nput power
setti ng bei ng queri ed appl i es to the current system type.
The test sets recei ver power control mode i s set by the RFANal yzer:CONTrol :POWer:AUTO
The test sets measuri ng recei ver wi l l consi der any ampl i tude offsets that are defi ned al ong wi th
thi s setti ng to cal cul ate i nput power range setti ngs.
Setti ng Range: Test appl i cati on and system type dependent (approxi matel y -25 to +43 dBm).
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm
Query Range: Test appl i cati on and system type dependent (approxi matel y -25 to +43 dBm).
*RST setti ng -75 dBm
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"RFANALYZER:MANUAL:POWER:SELECTED 24 DBM" !Sets the manual power control mode
expected input power level for the currently selected system type to 24 dBm.
Functi on Sets/queri es the sets the measurement and demod recei vers expected i nput power when UTRA
FDD i s the current system type and the recei ver i nput power control i s set to Manual . See Power
Control (Except for CW Mode) .
The test sets recei ver power control mode i s set by the RFANal yzer:CONTrol :POWer:AUTO
The test sets measuri ng recei ver wi l l consi der any ampl i tude offsets that are defi ned al ong wi th
thi s setti ng to cal cul ate i nput power range setti ngs.
Setti ng Range: -129 to +80 dBm (-79 dBm to +30 dBm actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
Resol uti on: 0.01 dBm
Query Range: -129 to +80 dBm (-79 dBm to +30 dBm actual hardware range wi th ampl i tude offset = 0)
*RST setti ng 0 dBm
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the manual power control mode expected input power level for the FDD system type to
!24 dBm.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the Meas Frequency of the test
sets measurement si gnal path, and (2) sel ects manual (auto off) tune mode for the test sets
measurement si gnal path. (See Bl ock Di agram .)
The query form of thi s command returns the tune frequency of the test sets measurement si gnal
The tune mode for the test sets measurement si gnal path can be returned to auto usi ng the
RFANal yzer:CONTrol :MEASurement:FREQuency:AUTO command.
Setti ng Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Query Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
*RST setti ng 896 MHz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Enables manual control of the measurement signal path tune frequency and sets the tune frequency
to 942.6 MHz.
Functi on Sets/queri es Meas Frequency, the measurement downconverter si gnal path frequency control
mode. (See Bl ock Di agram .)
Thi s setti ng i s appl i ed when manual mode i s sel ected (see
RFANal yzer:CONTrol :MEASurement:FREQuency:AUTO ).
Setti ng Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Query Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
*RST setti ng 896 MHz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the measurement signal path tune frequency to 942.6 MHz when manual control mode is used.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the tune frequency of the test
sets demodul ati on si gnal path, and (2) sel ects manual tune mode for the test sets demodul ati on
si gnal path.
The query form of thi s command returns the tune frequency of the test sets demodul ati on si gnal
The tune mode for the test sets demodul ati on path can be returned to auto usi ng the
RFANal yzer:CONTrol :UPLi nk:FREQuency:AUTO command.
Setti ng Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Query Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
*RST setti ng 896 MHz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Enables manual control of the demodulation signal path tune frequency and sets the tune frequency
!to 1955.030 MHz.
Functi on Sets/queri es the tune frequency of the test sets demodul ati on si gnal path.
Thi s setti ng i s appl i ed when manual mode i s sel ected (see
RFANal yzer:CONTrol :UPLi nk:FREQuency:AUTO ).
Setti ng Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Query Range: 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
*RST setti ng 896 MHz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the test sets demodulation signal path tune frequency to 942.6 MHz.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
RFGenerator Subsystem
RFGenerator Subsystem
The RFGener ator subsystem sel ects the RF gener ator output port on test sets equi pped wi th both the RF
I N/OUT port and the RF OUT ONLY port. I f the test set does not have the RF OUT ONLY por t, an er r or
message i s gener ated when attempti ng to swi tch output por ts.
The RF OUT ONLY port may not be used wi th some test appl i cati ons or l ab appl i cati ons. I n that case, a
message i s di spl ayed that tel l s you that the port coul d not be swi tched.
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
RFGenerator: OUTPut on page 282
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
RFGenerator: OUTPut
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the RF output port desti nati on: RF I N/OUT (I O) or RF OUT ONLY (OUT).
I f the correct hardware i s not i nstal l ed when tryi ng to change to the RF OUT ONLY port, the test
set di spl ays the fol l owi ng error: Hardware error; RFIO version does not support RF out
only selection.
The query form wi l l al ways return a val ue, regardl ess of the hardware versi on.
Setti ng Range: 292 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
Query Range: 292 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 0.1 Hz
*RST Setti ng 851 MHz
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Hardware: RF I nput/Output modul e wi th second RF output connector, modi fi ed front panel .
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the RF generators output destination to the RF Out Only port.
? (returns IO|OUT)
:OUTPut <sp>[IO|OUT]
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SETup Subsystem
SETup Subsystem
The SETup subsystem i s used to confi gure the test set for each measurement. Typi cal setti ngs i ncl ude:
Mul ti -Measurement Count, how many measurements wi l l be made each ti me a measurement i s i ni ti ated.
Tri gger Arm, determi nes i f a measurement wi l l make one measurement then return to i dl e (si ngl e), or
automati cal l y rearm on compl eti on of a measurement and repeat the pr ocess (conti nuous).
Tri gger Source, how a measur ement i s tr i ggered.
Tri gger Del ay, control s the del ay ti me between the tri gger and the start of sampl i ng.
Measurement Ti meout, l ength of ti me before a measurement ti mes out.
NOTE Tri gger ar mi ng for each measurement i s control l ed i n the SETup subsystem. The choi ces are
si ngl e or conti nuous. I n most cases, i t i s a best pr acti ce (duri ng remote oper ati on) to use si ngl e
measurement mode. Thi s si mpl i fi es the tasks of starti ng concurrent measurements, usi ng the
I NI T subsystem commands to determi ne whi ch measurements are ready to be fetched, then
usi ng the FETCh subsystem to obtai n resul ts. The command SETup:CONTi nuous:OFF sets al l
measurements to si ngl e tr i gger mode.
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
SETup:AFANal yzer on page 285
SETup:WACLeakage on page 294
SETup:WBERror on page 300
SETup:WCPower on page 303
SETup:WTPower on page 308
SETup:WWQual i ty on page 312
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the tri gger arm state for al l measurements. Determi nes whether al l measurements
wi l l make one measurement then stop (OFF (si ngl e)), or automati cal l y rearm upon compl eti on of
one measurement and repeat the process (ON (conti nuous)).
Thi s setti ng overri des previ ousl y set tri gger arm setti ngs for i ndi vi dual measurements.
Setti ng Range: ON, OFF
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETup:ALL:CONTinuous:OFF !Sets all measurements to single trigger mode.
:CONTinuous :OFF
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SETup :AFANalyzer :CONTinuous <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:NUMBer <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
:DEMPhasis :STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns1|0)
SETup :AFANalyzer :DETector <sp>RMS|PEAK
? (returns RMS|PEAK)
? (returns num value)
:RLEVel <sp><num value>[V|MV|UV]
?(returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
<sp><num value>[V|MV|UV]
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SETup Subsystem on page 283
SETup :AFANalyzer :FILTer <sp><num value>[HZ|
(returns NONE|TBP|CMES|BPAS50|
:FREQuency <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
? (returns num value)
:PEAK <sp><num value>[V|MV|UV]
? (returns num value)
SETup :AFANalyzer :SDIStortion <sp><num value>[HZ|
(returns 1|0
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the tri gger arm state for the AF anal yzer measurement. Determi nes whether
measurement wi l l make one measurement then stop (0| OFF (si ngl e)), or automati cal l y rearm
upon compl eti on of one measurement and repeat the process (1| ON (conti nuous)).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets measurement to single trigger mode.
Functi on Sets/queri es the number of AF anal yzer measurements to be made i n a mul ti -measurement
setup. Thi s command sets the count, and automati cal l y sets the mul ti -measurement STATe
command to 1 (on).
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng Off (10 when STATe = On)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Turns on multi-measurements and sets the number of measurements to 5.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the number of AF anal yzer measurements to be made when mul ti -measurement
state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Query Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the number of measurements to 5 when the multi-measurement state is set to ON.
Functi on Sets/queri es the mul ti -measurement state of the AF anal yzer measurement.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:AFANALYZER:COUNT:STATE ON !Turns on multi-measurements.
Functi on Sets/queri es whether 750 us de-emphasi s i s enabl ed.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the detector type for audi o l evel measurements.
Setti ng Range: RMS| PEAK
Query Range: RMS| PEAK
*RST setti ng RMS
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the expandors reference l evel and automati cal l y sets the expandor s state to ON.
Setti ng Range: 10 mV to 10 V
Resol uti on: 1 mV
Query Range: 10 mV to 10 V
*RST setti ng 1 V
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets expandor state to on and level to 5 V.
Functi on Sets/queri es the expandors reference l evel to be used when the expandors state i s set to ON.
Setti ng Range: 10 mV to 10 V
Resol uti on: 1 mV
Query Range: 10 mV to 10 V
*RST setti ng 1 V
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;SETUP:AFANALYZER:EXPANDOR:RLEVEL 5V !Sets expandor reference level to 5 V.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es whether the expandor i s enabl ed.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the fi l ter type for audi o measurements. Fi l ter choi ces are as fol l ows: 100 Hz tunabl e
bandpass fi l ter (TBP), C-message fi l ter (CMES), 50 Hz to 15 kHz bandpass fi l ter (BPAS50), 300
Hz to 15 kHz bandpass fi l ter (BPAS300).
Setti ng Range: NONE| TBPass| CMESsage| BPASs50| BPASs300
Query Range: NONE| TBP| CMES| BPAS50| BPAS300
*RST setti ng NONE
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Selects the 50 Hz to 15 kHz bandpass filter.
Functi on Sets/queri es the center frequency for the 100 Hz tunabl e bandpass fi l ter (TBPass).
Setti ng Range: 300.0 to 20000 Hz
Resol uti on: 0.1
Query Range: 300.0 to 20000 Hz
*RST setti ng 1000
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es whether the audi o frequency measurement i s enabl ed.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the expected peak vol tage for audi o measurements.
Setti ng Range: 0.001 to 20 Vpk
Resol uti on: 0.001
Query Range: 0.001 to 20 Vpk
*RST setti ng 20
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the fundamental frequency setti ng for the SI NAD/di storti on measurement.
Setti ng Range: 100.0 to 10000 Hz
Resol uti on: 0.1
Query Range: 100.0 to 10000 Hz
*RST setti ng 1000
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es whether the SI NAD/di storti on measurement i s enabl ed.
Setti ng Range: 1| 0N| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the AF anal yzer measurements ti meout setti ng and automati cal l y sets the ti meout
state to ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999 seconds
Resol uti on: 1 second
Query Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds, on
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets timeout state to ON and sets the timeout time to 5 seconds.
Functi on Sets/queri es the AF anal yzer measurements ti meout state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the AF anal yzer measurements ti meout setti ng to be used when the ti meout state i s
set to ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999 seconds
Resol uti on: 1 second
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SETup :WACLeakage
:CONTinuous <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:NUMBer <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns1|0)
:LOWer2 :STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns1|0)
SETup :WACLeakage
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
:TRIGger <sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS] :DELay
? (returns IMM|PROT|AUTO
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the tri gger arm state for the adjacent channel l eakage measurement. The tri gger
arm state determi nes whether the adjacent channel l eakage measurement wi l l be made once
then stop (0| OFF (si ngl e)), or automati cal l y re-arm upon compl eti on of one measurement and
repeat the process (1| ON (conti nuous)).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets measurement to single trigger mode.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the number of adjacent
channel l eakage measurements to be made i n a mul ti -measurement, and (2) sets the
mul ti -measurement STATe command to 1 (on).
The query form returns the number of adjacent channel l eakage mul ti -measurements to be made
when mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng Off (10 when STATe = On)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Turns on multi-measurements and sets the number of measurements to 5.
SETup :WACLeakage
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns1|0)
:UPPer2 :STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns1|0)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the number of adjacent channel l eakage measurements to be made when the
mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Query Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the number of adjacent channel leakage multi-measurements to 5.
Functi on Sets/queri es the adjacent channel l eakage mul ti -measurement state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WACLEAKAGE:COUNT:STATE ON" !Turns on adjacent channel leakage
Functi on Sets/queri es the 1st l ower adjacent channel s state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WACLEAKAGE:LOW1:STATE 0" !Turns off the lower 1st adjacent channel.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the 2nd l ower adjacent channel s state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WACLEAKAGE:LOW2:STATE 0" !Turns off the lower 2nd adjacent channel.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the adjacent channel l eakage
measurements ti meout (see Measur ement Ti meouts ) val ue, and (2) sets the adjacent channel
l eakage measurements ti meout STATe to 1 (on).
The query form returns the adjacent channel l eakage measurements ti meout val ue.
Setti ng Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resol uti on: 0.1 second
Query Range: 0.1 to 999.9
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds, on
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets timeout state to ON and sets the timeout time to 5 seconds.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the adjacent channel l eakage measurements ti meout (see Measurement Ti meouts
) state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the adjacent channel l eakage measurements ti meout (see Measurement Ti meouts
) setti ng to be used when the ti meout state i s set to ON.
Setti ng Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resol uti on: 0.1 second
Query Range: 0.1 to 999.9
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the adjacent channel l eakage measurements tri gger del ay setti ng.
Thi s setti ng can be used to del ay the measurement tri gger i n order to to start a measurement
duri ng a speci fi c ti mesl ot i n the frame. For exampl e, a 1.333 ms del ay woul d cause the tri gger to
wai t unti l after the fi rst two ti mesl ots have el apsed.
Setti ng Range: -10 to 10 mi l l i seconds
Resol uti on: 0.0001 mi l l i second
Query Range: -10 to 10 mi l l i seconds
*RST Setti ng 0 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the adjacent channel l eakage measurements tri gger source.
Setti ng Range: I MMedi ate| PROTocol | AUTO
Query Range: I MM| PROT| AUTO
*RST Setti ng AUTO
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the 1st upper adjacent channel s state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WACLEAKAGE:UPP1:STATE 0" !Turns off the upper 1st adjacent channel.
Functi on Sets/queri es the 2nd upper adjacent channel s state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WACLEAKAGE:UPP2:STATE 0" !Turns off the upper 2nd adjacent channel.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
SETup :WBERror
:CONTinuous <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
:COUNt <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the tri gger arm state for the l oopback bi t error rati o measurement. The tri gger arm
state determi nes whether the bi t error measurement wi l l be made once then stop (0| OFF
(si ngl e)), or automati cal l y re-arm upon compl eti on of one measurement and repeat the process
(1| ON (conti nuous)).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets measurement to single trigger mode.
Functi on Sets/queri es the number of bi ts to test i n the l oopback bi t error rati o test.
Setti ng Range: 1000 to 999000
Query Range: 1000 to 999000
*RST Setti ng 10000
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the l oopback bi t error rati o
measurements ti meout (see Measur ement Ti meouts ) val ue, and (2) sets the adjacent channel
l eakage measurements ti meout STATe to 1 (on).
The query form returns the l oopback bi t error rate measurements ti meout val ue.
Setti ng Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resol uti on: 0.1 second
Query Range: 0.1 to 999.9
*RST Setti ng 20 seconds, on
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets timeout state to ON and sets the timeout time to 5 seconds.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the l oopback bi t error rati o measurements ti meout state (see Measurement
Ti meouts ).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es l oopback bi t error rati o measurements ti meout setti ng to be used when the ti meout
state i s set to ON (see Measur ement Ti meouts ) .
Setti ng Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resol uti on: 0.1 second
Query Range: 0.1 to 999.9
*RST Setti ng 20 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
SETup :WCPower
:CONTinuous <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:NUMBer <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
SETup :WCPower
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
:TRIGger <sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS] :DELay
<sp>IMMediate|PROTocol|RF Rise|AUTO
? (returns IMM|PROT|RFR|AUTO
:TIME <sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the tri gger arm state for the channel power measurement. The tri gger arm state
determi nes whether the channel power measurement wi l l be made once then stop (0| OFF
(si ngl e)), or automati cal l y re-arm upon compl eti on of one measurement and repeat the process
(1| ON (conti nuous)).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets measurement to single trigger mode.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the number of channel power
measurements to be made i n a mul ti -measurement, and (2) sets the mul ti -measurement STATe
command to 1 (on).
The query form returns the number of channel power mul ti -measurements to be made when
mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Query Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng Off (10 when STATe = On)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Turns on multi-measurements and sets the number of measurements to 5.
Functi on Sets/queri es the number of channel power measurements to be made when the
mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Query Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the number of channel power multi-measurements to 5.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the channel power mul ti -measurement state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WCPOWER:COUNT:STATE ON" !Turns on channel power multi-measurements.
Functi on Sets/queri es the channel power measurement i nterval . 10 mi l l i seconds represents a ful l frame.
Setti ng Range: 0.1 to 10 mi l l i seconds
Resol uti on: 100 nanoseconds (mi ni mum)
Query Range: 0.01 to 10 mi l l i seconds
*RST Setti ng 0.6667 ms (one sl ot i nterval )
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets interval time to 10 milliseconds.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the channel power
measurements ti meout (see Measur ement Ti meouts ) val ue, and (2) sets the channel power
measurements ti meout STATe to 1 (on).
The query form returns the channel power measurements ti meout val ue.
Setti ng Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resol uti on: 0.1 second
Query Range: 0.1 to 999.9
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds, on
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets timeout state to ON and sets the timeout time to 5 seconds.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the channel power measurements ti meout (see Measur ement Ti meouts ) state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the channel power measurements ti meout (see Measurement Ti meouts ) setti ng to
be used when the ti meout state i s set to ON.
Setti ng Range: 0.1 to 999.9 seconds
Resol uti on: 0.1 second
Query Range: 0.1 to 999.9
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the channel power measurements tri gger del ay setti ng.
Thi s setti ng can be used to del ay the measurement tri gger i n order to start a measurement
duri ng a speci fi c ti mesl ot i n the frame. For exampl e, a 1.333 ms del ay woul d cause the tri gger to
wai t unti l after the fi rst two ti mesl ots have el apsed.
Setti ng Range: -10 to 10 mi l l i seconds
Resol uti on: 0.0001 mi l l i second
Query Range: -10 to 10 mi l l i seconds
*RST Setti ng 0 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the channel power measurements tri gger source.
Setti ng Range: I MMedi ate| PROTocol | RF Ri se| AUTO
Query Range: I MM| PROT| RFR| AUTO
*RST Setti ng AUTO
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
SETup :WTPower :CONTinuous <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:NUMBer <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns 1|0)
SETup :WTPower :TIMeout
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the tri gger arm state for the thermal power measurement. The tri gger arm state
determi nes whether the thermal power measurement wi l l be made once then stop (0| OFF
(si ngl e)), or automati cal l y rearm upon compl eti on of one measurement and repeat the process
(1| ON (conti nuous)).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets measurement to single trigger mode.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the number of thermal power
measurements to be made i n a mul ti -measurement, and (2) sets the mul ti -measurement STATe
command to 1 (on).
The query form returns the number of thermal power mul ti -measurements to be made when
mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng Off (10 when STATe = On)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Turns on multi-measurements and sets the number of measurements to 5.
Functi on Sets/queri es the number of thermal power measurements to be made when the
mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the number of measurements to 5 when the multi-measurement state is set to ON.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the mul ti -measurement state of the thermal power measurement.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WTPOWER:COUNT:STATE ON" !Turns on multi-measurements.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the thermal power
measurements ti meout val ue, and (2) sets the thermal power measurements ti meout STATe to 1
The query form returns the channel power measurements ti meout val ue.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999 seconds
Resol uti on: 1 second
Query Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds, on
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets timeout state to ON and sets the timeout time to 5 seconds.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the thermal power measurements ti meout state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the thermal power measurements ti meout setti ng to be used when the ti meout state
i s set to ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999 seconds
Resol uti on: 1 second
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
SETup :WWQuality :CONTinuous <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:NUMBer <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns 1|0)
SETup :WWQuality :TIMeout
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
<sp><num value>[S|MS|US|NS]
:TSLot <sp><num value>
? (returns num value)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the tri gger arm state for the waveform qual i ty measurement. The tri gger arm state
determi nes whether the waveform qual i ty measurement wi l l be made once then stop (0| OFF
(si ngl e)), or automati cal l y rearm upon compl eti on of one measurement and repeat the process
(1| ON (conti nuous)).
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets measurement to single trigger mode.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the number of waveform
qual i ty measurements to be made i n a mul ti -measurement, and (2) sets the mul ti -measurement
STATe command to 1 (on).
The query form returns the number of waveform qual i ty mul ti -measurements to be made when
mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng Off (10 when STATe = On)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Turns on multi-measurements and sets the number of measurements to 5.
Functi on Sets/queri es the number of waveform qual i ty measurements to be made when the
mul ti -measurement state i s ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the number of measurements to 5 when the multi-measurement state is set to ON.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the mul ti -measurement state of the waveform qual i ty measurement.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SETUP:WWQUALITY:COUNT:STATE ON" !Turns on multi-measurements.
Functi on The setti ng form of thi s command performs two functi ons: (1) sets the waveform qual i ty
measurements ti meout val ue, and (2) sets the waveform qual i ty measurements ti meout STATe
to 1 (on).
The query form returns the waveform qual i ty measurements ti meout val ue.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999 seconds
Resol uti on: 1 second
Query Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds, on
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets timeout state to ON and sets the timeout time to 5 seconds.
Functi on Sets/queri es the waveform qual i ty measurements ti meout state.
Setti ng Range: 1| ON| 0| OFF
Query Range: 1| 0
*RST Setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the waveform qual i ty measurements ti meout setti ng to be used when the ti meout
state i s set to ON.
Setti ng Range: 1 to 999 seconds
Resol uti on: 1 second
Quer y Range: 1 to 999
*RST Setti ng 10 seconds
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sel ects whi ch one of the 15 ti mesl ots found i n the frame to make measurements on. The
measurement i nterval i s defi ned to be 1 ti mesl ot l ong.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 16
Resol uti on: 1
Quer y Range: 0 to 14
*RST Setti ng 1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus Subsystem
STATus Subsystem
The STATus subsystem i s used to communi cate current test set status i nformati on to the control l i ng
appl i cati on pr ogram.
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
Status Register Bit Definitions
Status Byte Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 375
Standard Event Status Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 377
STATus:QUESti onabl e Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 351
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 352
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:CDMA Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 354
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:COMMon Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 362
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 356
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:AMPS Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 358
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:CDMA Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 360
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:COMMon Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 362
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:DI Gi tal 2000Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 364
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:WCDMa Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 372
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:FDD Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 368
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:TA2000 Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 355
STATus:QUESti onabl e:HARDware Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 374
STATus:OPERati on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 325
STATus:OPERati on:CALL Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 326
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:COMMon Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 327
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:DI Gi tal 2000 Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 331
STATus:OPERati on:KEYPressed Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 332
STATus:OPERati on: on page 318
STATus:PRESet on page 343
STATus:QUESti onabl e on page 344
Status Byte Regi ster on page 375
Standard Event Status Regi ster on page 376
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus Subsystem
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 334
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:AMPS Condi ti on Regi ster Bi t Assi gnment on page 336
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:CDMA Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 337
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:COMMon Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 339
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:<WCDMA | FDD> Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 341
Related Topics
Status Subsystem Over vi ew on page 122
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus :OPERation
<sp><num value> (writes to enable register)
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes to Negative
Transition Filter register)
<sp><num value> (writes to Positive
Transition Filter register)
? (reads Negative Transition Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition Filter register)
<sp><num value> (writes to enable
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes to nega-
tive transition register)
<sp><num value> (writes to
Positive Transition Filter
? (reads Negative Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition
Filter register)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads positive
Transition Filter
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus :OPERation:CALL:DIGital2000
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
STATus :OPERation:KEYPressed
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes to :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes to :PTRansition
? (reads Negative Transition
enable register)
Negative Transition Filter
Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition
Filter register)
Positive Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus :OPERation:NMRReady
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to positive transition
filter register)
? (reads negative
enable register)
to negative transition
filter register)
transition filter
? (reads positive
transition filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
STATus :OPERation:NMRReady:COMMon
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
:OPERation:NMRReady:DIGital2000 STATus
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
:OPERation:NMRReady:FDD STATus
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative Transition
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition
Filter register)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
:OPERation:NMRReady:TA2000 STATus
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation Register Bit Assignments
The OPERati on status regi ster set contai ns bi ts whi ch gi ve an i ndi cati on of condi ti ons that are part of the test
sets normal operati on.
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:EVENT?" !Queries the Operation Event Register.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:CONDITION?" !Queries the Operation Condition Register.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:ENABLE 1024" !Sets the Operation Enable Register for bit 10.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NTR 1024" !Sets the Operation Negative Transition
!Register for bit 10.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:PTR 512" !Sets the Operation Event Positive Transition
!Register for bit 9.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 SYSTem:SYNChroni zed Thi s condi ti on bi t i s pul sed" by the
SYSTem:SYNChroni zed command. Thi s wi l l al l ow
the status system to i ndi cate that the i nput buffer i s
synchroni zed to the poi nt where thi s command i s
parsed and that al l pri or sequenti al commands are
compl eted and al l pri or overl apped commands have
11 2048 Reserved for future use Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 CALL Summary Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL regi ster.
9 512 NMRReady (New Measurement
Resul t Ready) Summary
Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady regi ster.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
4 16 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
3 8 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
2 4 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
1 2 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:CALL Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:OPERati on:CALL regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate status of processes that occur duri ng
normal cal l processi ng operati ons.
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:CALL
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:EVENT? !Queries the Operation Call Event !Register.
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:CONDITION? !Queries the Operation Call Condition Register.
!Sets the Operation Call Enable Register for bit 2.
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:NTR 4 !Sets the Negative Transition Register for bit 2.
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:PTR 256 !Sets the Positive Transition Register for bit 8.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 TA2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:TA2000 regi ster.
8 256 CDMA Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:CDMA regi ster.
7 128 DI Gi tal 2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:DI Gi tal 2000 regi ster.
6 64 DI Gi tal 95 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:DI Gi tal 95 regi ster.
5 32 TA136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:TA136 regi ster.
4 16 DI Gi tal 136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:DI GI TAL136 regi ster.
3 8 AMPS Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:AMPS regi ster.
2 4 GSM Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:GSM regi ster.
1 2 COMMon Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:CALL:COMMon regi ster.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:CALL:COMMon Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:OPERati on:CALL:COMMon regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate status of processes that occur
duri ng normal cal l processi ng operati ons.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Data Summary Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:GSM:DATA regi ster.
13 8192 Cal l Control Status Access Probe Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l control
status access probe state.
12 4096 Cal l Control Status Set Up
Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l control
status set up request state.
11 2048 Cal l Control Status Rel easi ng Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l control
status rel easi ng state.
10 1024 Cal l Control Status Pagi ng Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l control
status pagi ng state.
9 512 Regi steri ng (BS i ni ti ated) Thi s bi t i s set to a 1 when the Base Stati on i ni ti ates
regi strati on.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 BS Ori gi nati ng Thi s bi t i s a 1 when:
Acti ve Cel l mode - the cal l processi ng state
l eaves the i dl e state
Test mode - the test set has noted a base stati on
ori gi nati on.
6 64 Cal l Control Status Changi ng Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l control
status changi ng state.
5 32 Cal l Control Status
Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l control
handover or handoff state.
4 16 Cal l Control Status Regi steri ng Thi s bi t wi l l be a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l
control status regi steri ng state.
3 8 Cal l Control Status i s Al erti ng Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l
al erti ng state (ri ngi ng).
2 4 Cal l Control Status i s Connected Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l
connected state.
1 2 Cal l Control Status i s I dl e Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l i dl e
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:CALL:COMMon
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:COMMON:EVENT? !Queries the Operation Call Common Event
!Condition Register.
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:COMMON:ENABLE 8 !Sets the Operation Call Common Enable
!Register for bit 3.
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:COMMON:NTR 8 !Sets the Negative Transition
!Register for bit 3.
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:COMMON:PTR 256 !Sets the Positive Transition
!Register for bit 8.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:CALL:COMMon:DATA Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:OPERati on:CALL:COMMon:DATA regi ster bi ts are used to i ndi cate status of pr ocesses that
occur duri ng normal data connecti on processi ng operati ons.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Starti ng Data Connecti on Thi s bi t i s a 1 when:
Acti ve Cel l mode - the data connecti on status
l eaves the i dl e state
Test mode - the test set has noted a base stati on
ori gi nati on.
6 64 Data Connecti on Status Changi ng Thi s bi t i s set to a 1 when the data connecti on
status change detector has been armed.
5 32 Data Connecti on Status Off Thi s bi t i s set to 1 when the test set i s i n the cal l
control status handover/handoff state.
4 16 Data Connecti on Status Data
Thi s bi t i s set to 1 when data connecti on status data
i s i n the connected state.
3 8 Data Connecti on Status
Transferri ng
Thi s bi t i s set to 1 when the data connecti on status
i s Transferri ng.
2 4 Data Connecti on Status Attached Thi s bi t i s set to 1 when the data connecti on status
i s Attached.
1 2 Data Connecti on Status I dl e Thi s bi t i s set to 1 when the data connecti on status
i s I dl e.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Examples STATus:OPERation:CALL:COMMon:DATA
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:CALL:COMMON:DATA:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Operation
!Call Common Data Event Register
!Call Common Data Condition
!Data Enable Register for bit 7
!Data Negative Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
!Data Positive Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:CALL:DIGital2000 Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:OPERati on:CALL:DI Gi tal 2000 regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate status of processes that occur
duri ng DI Gi tal 2000 cal l processi ng operati ons.
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:CALL
!Queries the Operation Call DIGital2000 Event Register.
!Queries the Operation Call DIGital2000Condition Register.
!Sets the Operation Call DIGital2000Enable Register for bit 1.
!Sets the DIGital2000 Negative Transition Register for bit 2.
!Sets the DIGital2000 Positive Transition Register for bit 8.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
4 16 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
3 8 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
2 4 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
1 2 F-SCH Synchroni zed. 1 i ndi cates that a 10.24 second sync frame boundary
has been encountered and a val i d TDSO FER
measurement can now be i ni ti ated.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:KEYPressed Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:OPERati on:KEYPressed regi ster bi ts i ndi cate when a softkey on the test sets fr ont panel has
been pr essed whi l e the test set i s i n remote operati ng mode.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 F12 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F12 softkey has
been pressed.
10 1024 F11 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F11 softkey has
been pressed.
9 512 F10 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F10 softkey has
been pressed.
8 256 F9 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F9 softkey has
been pressed.
7 128 F8 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F8 softkey has
been pressed.
6 64 F7 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F7 softkey has
been pressed.
5 32 F6 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F6 softkey has
been pressed.
4 16 F5 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F5 softkey has
been pressed.
3 8 F4 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F4 softkey has
been pressed.
2 4 F3 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F3 softkey has
been pressed.
1 2 F2 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F2 softkey has
been pressed.
0 1 F1 softkey Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test sets F1 softkey has
been pressed.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:KEYPressed
!Queries the Keypressed Event Register.
!Queries the Keypressed Condition Register.
!Sets Keypressed Enable register for bit 4.
!Sets the Keypressed Negative Transition Register for bit 1.
!Sets the Keypressed Positive Transition Register for bit 2
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:NMRReady Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady regi ster bi ts i ndi cate when a measurement has been compl eted and new
measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 TA2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:TA2000 regi ster.
8 256 CDMA Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:CDMA regi ster.
7 128 DI Gi tal 2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:DI Gi tal 2000
regi ster.
6 64 DI Gi tal 95 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:DI Gi tal 95 regi ster.
5 32 TA136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:TA136 regi ster.
4 16 DI GI TAL136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:DI GI TAL136
regi ster.
3 8 AMPS Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:AMPS regi ster.
2 4 GSM Summary bi t STATus:Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
OPERati on:NMRReady:GSM regi ster.
1 2 COMMON Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:COMMon regi ster.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:NMRReady
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:EVENT?" !Queries the New Measurement
!Results Ready Event Register.
!Results Ready
!Condition Register.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:ENABLE 16" !Sets New Measurement Results
!Ready Enable Regigter
!for bit 4.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:NTR 2" !Sets the New Measurement Results
!Ready Negative Transition
!Register for bit 1.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:PTR 4" !Sets the New Measurement
!Results Ready Positive
!Transition Register
!for bit 2
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:AMPS Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:AMPS regi ster bi ts i ndi cate when a measurement has been compl eted
and new measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:AMPS
!Results Ready AMPS Event Register.
!Results Ready AMPS Condition Register.
!Ready AMPS Enable Regigter for bit 3.
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:AMPS:NTR 2 !Sets the New Measurement Results
!Ready AMPS Negative Transition
!Register for bit 1.
!Results Ready AMPS Positive
!Transition Register for bit 2
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
4 16 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
3 8 FM New Measurement Resul t
Thi s i s a 1 i f the measurement has been compl eted
and has produced new resul ts.
2 4 FSTABi l i ty New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s i s a 1 i f the measurement has been compl eted
and has produced new resul ts.
1 2 ATXPower New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s i s a 1 i f the measurement has been compl eted
and has produced new resul ts.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:CDMA Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:CDMA regi ster bi ts i ndi cate when a measurement has been compl eted
and new measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 CTXSpuri ous New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
7 128 GPOWer New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
6 64 TROPower New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
5 32 CAPPower New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
4 16 CFERror New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:CDMA
!Results Ready CDMA Event Register.
!Results Ready CDMA
!Condition Register.
!Ready CDMA Enable Regigter
!for bit 3.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:CDMA:NTR 2" !Sets the New Measurement Results
!Ready CDMA Negative Transition
!Register for bit 1.
!Results Ready CDMA Positive
!Transition Register
!for bit 2
3 8 CPOWer New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
2 4 WQUal i ty New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
1 2 DAPower New Measurement
Resul t Ready
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset and
whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng States. See
Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on page 148.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:COMMon Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:COMMon regi ster bi ts i ndi cate when a measurement has been
compl eted and new measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
4 16 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
3 8 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
2 4 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
1 2 Audi o Anal yzer Thi s i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:COMMon Audi o
Anal yzer regi ster.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:COMMon
!Results Ready Common Event Register.
!Results Ready Common
!Condition Register.
!Ready Common Enable Register
!for bit 1.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:COMMON:NTR 2" !Sets the New Measurement Results
!Ready Common Negative Transition
!Register for bit 1.
!Results Ready Common Positive
!Transition Register
!for bit 1
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:<WCDMA | FDD> Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:OPERati on:NMRReady:FDD regi ster bi ts i ndi cate when a measurement has been compl eted and
new measurement resul ts are avai l abl e.
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 WBERror New Measurement Resul t Ready Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset
and whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng
States. See Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on
page 148.
4 16 WCPower New Measurement Resul t Ready Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset
and whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng
States. See Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on
page 148.
3 8 WWQual i ty New Measurement Resul t
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset
and whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng
States. See Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on
page 148.
2 4 WACLeakage New Measurement Resul t
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset
and whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng
States. See Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on
page 148.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Examples - STATus:OPERation:NMRReady:FDD
!Results Ready FDD Event Register.
!Measurement Results Ready FDD
!Condition Register.
!Ready FDD Enable Register
!for bit 3.
OUTPUT 714;"STATUS:OPERATION:NMRREADY:FDD:NTR 2" !Sets the New Measurement Results
!Ready FDD Negative Transition
!Register for bit 1.
!Results Ready FDD Positive
!Transition Register
!for bit 2
1 2 WTPower New Measurement Resul t Ready. Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset
and whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng
States. See Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on
page 148.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the measurement has been
compl eted and has produced new resul ts.
Thi s bi t i s a zero at power on, after a preset
and whi l e a measurement i s i n Measuri ng
States. See Tri ggeri ng of Measurements on
page 148.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Presets the status subsystem.
Presetti ng the status subsystem performs the fol l owi ng functi ons:
Al l enabl e regi sters are set to 0 (not enabl ed)
Al l Posi ti ve Transi ti on Regi sters (PTRs) are set to 1 (posi ti ve transi ti ons enabl ed).
Al l Negati ve Transi ti on Regi sters (NTRs) are set to 0 (negati ve transi ti ons di sabl ed).
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus :QUEStionable
<sp><num value> (writes to enable
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes to Nega-
tive Transition Filter register)
<sp><num value> (writes to Positive
Transition Filter register)
? (reads Negative Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition
Filter register)
STATus :QUEStionable:CALL
<sp><num value> (writes to enable
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes to Nega-
tive Transition Filter register)
<sp><num value> (writes to
Positive Transition Filter
? (reads Negative Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition
Filter register)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
STATus QUEStionable:CALL:TA2000
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus :QUEStionable:ERRors
<sp><num value> (writes to enable
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes to
Negative Transition Filter regis-
<sp><num value> (writes to
Positive Transition Filter
? (reads Negative Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition
Filter register)
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:AMPS
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:CDMA
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:COMMon
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:DIGital2000
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:DIGital95
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:FDD
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:TA2000
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
STATus QUEStionable:ERRors:WCDMa
<sp><num value> (writes to
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes :NTRansition
<sp><num value> (writes
to Positive Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Negative
enable register)
to Negative Transition
Filter register)
Transition Filter
? (reads Positive
Transition Filter
STATus :QUEStionable:HARDware
<sp><num value> (writes to enable
:CONDition? (reads condition register)
? (reads event register)
? (reads enable register)
<sp><num value> (writes to
Negative Transition Filter reg-
<sp><num value> (writes to
Positive Transition Filter
? (reads Negative Transition
Filter register)
? (reads Positive Transition
Filter register)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e regi ster contai ns bi ts whi ch gi ve an i ndi cati on that the data currentl y bei ng
acqui red or generated i s of questi onabl e qual i ty due to some condi ti on affecti ng the functi onal i ty associ ated
wi th that bi t.
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable Register Bit Assignments
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Questionable Event
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:CONDITION? !Queries and clears the Questionable Condition
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ENABLE 1024 !Sets the Questionable Enable Register
!for bit 10
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:NTRANSITION 2 !Sets the Questionable Negative
!Transition Filter Register for bit 1
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:PTRANSITION 2 !Sets the Questionable Positive
!Transition Filter Register for bit 1
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 QUESti onabl e:HARDware
Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:HARDware regi ster.
10 1024 QUESti onabl e:CALL summary Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL regi ster.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
4 16 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
3 8 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
2 4 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
1 2 QUESti onabl e:ERRors summary Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors regi ster.
0 1 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:CALL Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL regi sters wi l l contai n i nformati on about whi ch event(s) occurred duri ng cal l
pr ocessi ng that i ndi cate what cal l processi ng pr ocedure fai l ed
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 TA2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:TA2000 regi ster.
8 256 CDMA Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:CDMA regi ster.
7 128 DI Gi tal 2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:CALL:DI Gi tal 2000
regi ster.
6 64 DI Gi tal 95 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:CALL:DI Gi tal 95
regi ster.
5 32 TA136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:TA136 regi ster.
4 16 DI Gi tal 136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:DI Gi tal 136 regi ster.
3 8 AMPS Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:AMPS regi ster.
2 4 GSM Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:GSM regi ster.
1 2 COMMon Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:COMMon regi ster.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:CALL Condition Register Bit Assignment
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:CALL:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Call Event Register
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:CALL:CONDITION? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Call Condition Register
!Call Enable Register for bit 10
!Negative Transition Filter Register
!for bit 1
!Positive Transition Filter Register
!for bit 1
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:CALL:CDMA Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:CDMA regi sters wi l l contai n i nformati on about whi ch event(s) occurred
duri ng cal l processi ng that i ndi cate what cal l pr ocessi ng procedure fai l ed
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:CALL:CDMA Register Bit Assignment
!Queries and clears the Questionable Call CDMA Event Register
!Queries and clears the Questionable Call CDMA Condition Register
!Sets the Questionable Call CDMA Enable Register for bit 10
!Sets the Questionable Call CDMA Negative Transition Filter Register !for bit 1
!Sets the Questionable Call CDMA Positive Transition Filter Registerfor bit 1
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
4 16 Cal l drop ti mer ti med out. Thi s bi t i s a 1 after 250 consecuti ve bad frames are
counted i ndi cati ng that the reverse l i nk i s l ost
3 8 Servi ce connect compl eti on not
recei ved.
Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the test set has not recei ved a
message from the MS that i t has compl eted the
change to a new Servi ce Opti on or Radi o
Confi gurati on.
2 4 Ser vi ce Opti on or Radi o
Confi gurati on rejected by MS.
Thi s bi t i s a 1 when the MS recei ves a Servi ce Opti on
or a Radi o Confi gurati on that i t does not support.
1 2 Traffi c channel preambl e not
recei ved.
Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f no preambl e was recei ved from the
0 1 Extensi on Bi t. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:CALL:TA2000 Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:TA2000 regi sters wi l l contai n i nformati on about whi ch event(s) occurr ed
duri ng cal l processi ng that i ndi cate what cal l pr ocessi ng procedure fai l ed
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:CALL:TA2000 Register Bit Assignment
!Queries and clears the Questionable Call Event Register
!Queries and clears the Questionable Call Condition Register
!Sets the Questionable Call Enable Register for bit 10
!Sets the Questionable Call Negative Transition Filter Register for bit 1
!Sets the Questionable Call Positive Transition Filter Register for bit 1
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
4 16 MS reject order recei ved Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the Servi ce Opti on or Radi o
Confi gurati on change was rejected by the MS whi l e
3 8 Carri er not detected on new
Thi s bi t i s a 1 when no power i s detected by the test
set after a handoff or when maki ng a cal l .
2 4 Handoff compl eti on not recei ved Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the test set does not recei ve a
handoff compl eti on message from the MS.
1 2 Rel ease order not recei ved Thi s bi t i s a 1 i f the MS does not send the cal l rel ease
to the test set.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about test set
devi ce-speci fi c er r ors (posi ti ve err or numbers).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 TA2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:TA2000 regi ster.
8 256 CDMA Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:CDMA regi ster.
7 128 DI Gi tal 2000 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:DI Gi tal 2000
regi ster.
6 64 DI Gi tal 95 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:DI Gi tal 95 regi ster.
5 32 TA136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:TA136 regi ster.
4 16 DI Gi tal 136 Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:DI Gi tal 136
regi ster.
3 8 AMPS Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:AMPS regi ster.
2 4 GSM Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:GSM regi ster.
1 2 COMMon Summary bi t Thi s bi t i s the summary message bi t for the
STATus:QUESti onabl e:CALL:ERRors regi ster.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors Register Bit Assignments
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ERRORS:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Errors Event Register
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ERRORS:CONDITION? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Errors Condition Register
!Errors Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Negative Transition Filter Register
!for bit 1
!Positive Transition Filter Register
!for bit 1
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:AMPS Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:AMPS regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about AMPS
rel ated test set devi ce-speci fi c er ror s (posi ti ve er r or number s).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Messages Thi s bi t i s a 1 when a Maskabl e Message has
occurred. Maskabl e Messages are not di spl ayed on
the test set di spl ay.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to +799 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:AMPS Condition Register Bit Assignment
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ERRORS:AMPS:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Errors AMPS Event Register
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ERRORS:AMPS:CONDITION? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Errors AMPS Condition Register
!Errors AMPS Enable
!Register for bit 10
!AMPS Negative Transition
!Filter Register for bit 1
!AMPS Positive Tranasition
!Filter Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on i s be pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:CDMA Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:CDMA regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about CDMA
rel ated test set devi ce-speci fi c er ror s (posi ti ve er r or number s).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t wi l l be pul sed to a 1 and
i mmedi atel y back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to
+799 range occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve
Transi ti on Fi l ter and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
you may query the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch
of these errors occurred.
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:CDMA Condition Register Bit Assignment
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ERRORS:CDMA:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Errors CDMA Event Register
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ERRORS:CDMA:CONDITION? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Errors CDMA Condition Register
!Errors CDMA Enable
!Register for bit 10
!CDMA Negative Transition
!Filter Register for bit 1
!CDMA Positive Tranasition
!Filter Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:COMMon Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:COMMon regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about the
COMMon test set devi ce-speci fi c errors (posi ti ve error numbers).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to +799 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:COMMon Register Bit Assignments
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:ERRORS:COMMON:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Errors Common Event Register
!Questionable Errors
!Common Condition Register
!Errors Common Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Common Negative Transition
!Register for bit 1
!Common Positive Tranasition
!Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:DIGital2000Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:DI Gi tal 2000 regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about
DI Gi tal 2000 rel ated test set devi ce-speci fi c er ror s (posi ti ve er r or numbers).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to +799 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:DIGital2000 Condition Register Bit Assignment
!Questionable Errors
!DIGITAL2000 Event Register
!Qestionable Errors
!DIGITAL2000 Condition Register
!Errors DIGITAL2000 Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Errors DIGITAL2000 Negative
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
!Errors DIGITAL2000 Positive
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:DIGital95 Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:DI Gi tal 95 regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about
DI Gi tal 95 rel ated test set devi ce-speci fi c errors (posi ti ve error numbers).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to +799 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:DIGital95 Condition Register Bit Assignment
!Questionable Errors
!DIGITAL95 Event Register
!Qestionable Errors
!DIGITAL95 Condition Register
!Errors DIGITAL95 Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Errors DIGITAL95 Negative
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
!Errors DIGITAL95 Positive
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:FDD Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:FDD regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about FDD rel ated
test set devi ce-speci fi c err ors (posi ti ve err or number s).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to +799 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:FDD Condition Register Bit Assignment
!Questionable Errors
!FDD Event Register
!Qestionable Errors
!FDD Condition Register
!Errors FDD Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Errors FDD Negative
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
!Errors FDD Positive
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. Query the Event Regi ster to fi nd out i f one of
these errors occurred.
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:TA2000 Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:TA2000 regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about TA2000
rel ated test set devi ce-speci fi c er ror s (posi ti ve er r or number s).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to +799 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:TA2000 Condition Register Bit Assignment
!Questionable Errors
!TA2000 Event Register
!Qestionable Errors
!TA2000 Condition Register
!Errors TA2000 Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Errors TA2000 Negative
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
!Errors TA2000 Positive
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. Query the Event Regi ster to fi nd out i f one of
these errors occurred.
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:WCDMa Register Bit Assignments
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:ERRors:WCDMa regi ster bi ts wi l l be used to i ndi cate i nformati on about WCDMA
rel ated test set devi ce-speci fi c er ror s (posi ti ve er r or number s).
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 MUI Maskabl e Message.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
9 512 +900 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +900 to +999 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
8 256 +800 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +800 to +899 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
7 128 +700 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +700 to +799 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
6 64 +600 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +600 to +699 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
5 32 +500 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +500 to +599 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:ERRors:WCDMA Condition Register Bit Assignment
!Questionable Errors
!WCDMA Event Register
!Qestionable Errors
!WCDMA Condition Register
!Errors WCDMA Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Errors WCDMA Negative
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
!Errors WCDMA Positive
!Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
4 16 +400 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +400 to +499 range
occurs. Query the Event Regi ster to fi nd out i f one of
these errors occurred.
3 8 +300 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +300 to +399 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
2 4 +200 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +200 to +299 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
1 2 +100 Errors The condi ti on bi t i s pul sed to a 1 and i mmedi atel y
back to 0 i f an error i n the +100 to +199 range
occurs. After setti ng the Posi ti ve Transi ti on Fi l ter
and the Negati ve Transi ti on Fi l ter you can query
the Event Regi ster to fi nd out whi ch of these errors
0 1 Extensi on Bi t Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
STATus:QUEStionable:HARDware Condition Register Bit Assignment
The STATus:QUESti onabl e:HARDware regi ster bi ts gi ve an i ndi cati on that the data/si gnal s currentl y bei ng
acqui red or generated are of questi onabl e qual i ty.
Program Example - STATus:QUEStionable:HARDware Condition Register Bit Assignment
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:HARDWARE:EVENT? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Hardware Event Register
OUTPUT 714;STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:HARDWARE:CONDITION? !Queries and clears the Questionable
!Hardware Condition Register
!Hardware Enable
!Register for bit 10
!Hardware Negative Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
!Hardware Positive Transition Filter
!Register for bit 1
Condition Description
15 32768 Not Used. Defi ned by SCPI . Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
14 16384 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
13 8192 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t i s al ways 0.
12 4096 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
11 2048 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
10 1024 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
9 512 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
8 256 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
7 128 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
5 32 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
4 16 Power-up Sel f Test(s) Fai l ed Thi s bi t wi l l be a 1 i f the power-up sel f tests fai l ed.
3 8 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
2 4 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
1 2 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
0 1 Extensi on Bi t. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Status Byte Register
Status Byte Register
NOTE The Status Byte Regi ster can al so be read wi th a seri al pol l . For exampl e, the command
Status_byte = SPOLL(714) woul d perform a seri al pol l of the Status Byte Regi ster, returni ng
and rel easi ng RQS (bi t 6).
Status Byte Register Bit Assignments
Program Example - Status Byte Register Bit Assignments
OUTPUT 714;*STB? !Queries the Status Byte.
Label Description
7 128 STATus: OPERation Summari zes the STATus: OPERati on
Status Regi ster, whi ch fans out to the
NMRReady and CALL Status Registers.
6 64 RQS (SRQ TRUE?)/Master
Summary Status
RQS i s read by a seri al pol l (SPOLL)
Master Summary Status i s read by a *STB? query -
defi ned by IEEE 488.2
5 32 Standard Event Status Register Summari zes the Standard Event Status Regi ster
4 16 Message Available SCPI - Defined
3 8 STATus: QUESti onabl e
Status Regi ster
Summary Message comes from the
STATus: QUESti onabl e Status Regi ster,
whi ch fans out to the CALL and
HARDware Status Registers
2 4 Error/ Event Queue SCPI - Defined
1 2 Reserved
0 1 Reserved
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Standard Event Status Register
Standard Event Status Register
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Reads and clears the Std Event Status
Reads the Std Event Status Register
Enable Register
Writes to the Std Event Status Register
Enable Register
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Standard Event Status Register
Standard Event Status Register Bit Assignment
Condition Description
15 32768 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
14 16384 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
13 8192 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
12 4096 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
11 2048 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
10 1024 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
9 512 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
8 256 Reserved by I EEE. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
7 128 Power On Thi s bi t i s set to 1 i f the power suppl y has been turned
off and on si nce the l ast ti me thi s regi ster was read or
otherwi se cl eared. Defi ned i n "I EEE Std.
6 64 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
5 32 Command Error Thi s bi t i s set to 1 i f the test set detects an error whi l e
tryi ng to process a command. The fol l owi ng events
cause a command error:
An I EEE 488.2 syntax error. The test set recei ved
a message that di d not fol l ow the syntax defi ned
by the standard.
A semanti c error. For exampl e the test set recei ved
an i ncorrectl y spel l ed command.
The test set recei ved a group executi on tri gger
(GET) i nsi de a program message
4 16 Executi on Error Thi s bi t i s set to 1 i f the test set detects an error whi l e
tryi ng to execute a command. The fol l owi ng events
cause a executi on error:
A <PROGRAM DATA> el ement recei ved i n a
command i s outsi de the l egal range for the test set,
or i t i s i nconsi stent wi th the operati on of the test
The test set coul d not execute a val i d command
due to some test set hardware/fi rmware condi ti on.
3 8 Devi ce Dependent Error Thi s bi t i s set to 1 i f a test set operati on does not
execute properl y due to an i nternal condi ti on (such as,
overrange). Thi s bi t i ndi cates that the error was not a
command, query, or executi on error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Standard Event Status Register
Program Example - Standard Event Status Register
OUTPUT 714;*ESR? !Queries (reads) the Standard Event Status Register.
2 4 Query Error Thi s bi t i s set to 1 i f an error has occurred whi l e
tryi ng to read the test sets output queue. The
fol l owi ng events cause a query error:
An attempt i s made to read data from the output
queue when no data i s present or i s pendi ng.
Data i n the output queue has been l ost. An
exampl e of thi s woul d be an output queue overfl ow.
1 2 Reserved for future use. Thi s bi t wi l l al ways be 0.
0 1 Operati on Compl ete Thi s bi t i s set to 1 when the test set has compl eted al l
pendi ng operati ons and i s ready to accept new
commands. Thi s bi t i s onl y generated i n response to
the *OPC I EEE 488.2 common command.
Condition Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SYSTem Subsystem
SYSTem Subsystem
The SYSTem subsystem performs system l evel confi gurati on functi ons of the test set.
Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions
SYSTem:APPLi cati on on page 380
SYSTem:BEEPer on page 387
SYSTem:COMMuni cate on page 388
SYSTem:CONFi gure:I NFormati on:HARDware:VERBose? on page 392
SYSTem:CORRecti on on page 393
SYSTem:CURRent:TA on page 399
SYSTem:DATE on page 400
SYSTem:ERRor? on page 401
SYSTem:MEASurement:RESet on page 402
SYSTem:PRESet on page 403
SYSTem:ROSCi l l ator on page 404
SYSTem:SYNChroni zed on page 405
SYSTem:TI ME on page 406
SYSTem:TZONe on page 407
SYSTem:UTC on page 408
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
? (returns string[,string])
(returns string[,string])
?(returns string)
<sp><TA name>
<sp><TA name>
(returns num value)
:REVision? (returns string)
:COUNt? (returns num value)
<sp><TA name>,<revision>
SYSTem :APPLication
? (returns string[,string])
:COUNt? (returns num value)
<sp><TA name>
? (returns string)
<sp><TA name>,<revision>
? (returns string)
<sp><TA name>
(returns LIC|NLIC|
? (returns string)
:LICense?<sp><TA name>
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Query the test set for the name of the currentl y runni ng test appl i cati on.
Query Range: See SYSTem:APPLi cati on:CATal og[:NAME]? and nul l stri ng.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Query the test set for the currentl y runni ng test appl i cati on revi si on number.
Query Range: Any stri ng up to 20 characters i ncl udi ng nul l . A typi cal exampl e woul d be A.01.01 for a
l i censed versi on.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Query the test set for al l of the names of the test appl i cati ons stored on the hard dri ve.
Thi s query returns one or more stri ngs, each stri ng i s separated by a comma.
Query Range:
AMPS/136 Mobi l e Test
CDMA 2000 Mobi l e Test
GSM Mobi l e Test
GSM/GPRS Mobi l e Test
GSM_AMPS/136_GPRS Mobi l e
WCDMA Mobi l e Test
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Query the test set for the total number test appl i cati on names stored on the hard dri ve. Up to 30
test appl i cati ons can be stored.
Query Range: 0 through 30
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the test set for the names of al l formats that are avai l abl e i n a fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on.
A l i censed fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on must be sel ected to use thi s command.
Thi s query returns one or more stri ngs, each stri ng i s separated by a comma.
Query Range: A stri ng up to 25 characters, or the nul l stri ng.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Queri es the test set for the total number of formats avai l abl e i n a fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on. A
l i censed fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on must be sel ected to use thi s command.
Query Range: 0 to 3
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SYSTem:APPLication:CATalog:LICense? <test application name>,<revision>
SYSTem:APPLication:CATalog:REVision? <test application name>
Functi on Query the l i cense status for a sel ected revi si on.
The query must i ncl ude two stri ngs separated by a comma. The test appl i cati on name and
revi si on must be entered as they appear i n the test appl i cati on Setup menu, wi th the excepti on
that the stri ng i s not case sensi ti ve and can be entered i n any combi nati on of upper and l ower
case l etters.
The returned val ues are:
LI C i ndi cates thi s i s a l i censed test appl i cati on.
NLI C i ndi cates thi s i s not a l i censed test appl i cati on.
PART not al l test appl i cati ons that correspond to the fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on radi o
formats are l i censed.
UNKN i ndi cates that l i cense status i s unknown.
Query Range: LI C| NLI C| PART| UNKN
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Query the test set for al l revi si on numbers stored on the test sets hard dri ve for a speci fi c test
appl i cati on. You must speci fy a test appl i cati on.
The test appl i cati on name must be entered as i t appears i n the test appl i cati on Setup menu, wi th
the excepti on that the stri ng i s not case sensi ti ve and can be entered i n any combi nati on of upper
and l ower case l etters.
Query Range: One or more comma separated stri ngs or a nul l stri ng
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SYSTem:APPLication:CATalog:REVision:COUNt? <test application name>
Functi on Query the test set for the number of revi si ons present on the hard di sk for a speci fi ed test
appl i cati on. Up to 30 revi si ons can be stored for a test appl i cati on.
The test appl i cati on name must be entered as i t appears i n the test appl i cati on Setup menu, wi th
the excepti on that the stri ng i s not case sensi ti ve and can be entered i n any combi nati on of upper
and l ower case l etters.
Query Range: 0 through 30
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Swi tches formats i n a fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on. A l i censed fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on
must be sel ected to use thi s command.
Queri es the test set for the name of the currentl y acti ve format. Thi s stri ng i s not case sensi ti ve.
Setti ng Range:
I S-2000/I S-95/AMPS
Query Range: A stri ng up to 25 characters, or the nul l stri ng.
I S-2000/I S-95/AMPS
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SYSTem:APPLication:FORMat:LICense? <format name>
SYSTem:APPLication:SELect[:NAME] <test application name>
Functi on Queri es the test set for the l i cense status of the fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on.
The returned val ues are:
LI C i ndi cates thi s i s a l i censed test appl i cati on.
NLI C i ndi cates thi s i s not a l i censed test appl i cati on.
PART i ndi cates that onl y part of the test appl i cati on wi th mul ti pl e formats i s l i censed.
UNKN i ndi cates that l i cense status i s unknown.
Query Range: LI C| NLI C| PART| UNKN
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sel ects a test appl i cati on and reboots the test set. Thi s wi l l swi tch the test appl i cati on to the
revi si on al ready sel ected. There i s no need to re-sel ect the revi si on before swi tchi ng. The reboot
process takes about 1 mi nute.
Queri es the test set for the test appl i cati on that i s sel ected and wi l l run after the next reboot of
the test set.
The test appl i cati on name must be entered as i t appears i n the test appl i cati on Setup menu, wi th
the excepti on that the stri ng i s not case sensi ti ve and can be entered i n any combi nati on of upper
and l ower case l etters.
NOTE Sel ecti ng the correct name and the desi red revi si on of a test appl i cati on i s
i mportant. Thi s i nformati on shoul d be revi ewed before proceedi ng. The di recti ons
for how to determi ne test appl i cati on name and revi si on are found i n thi s
Setti ng Range: See SYSTem:APPLi cati on:CATal og[:NAME]? .
Query Range: See SYSTem:APPLi cati on:CATal og[:NAME]? and nul l stri ng.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
SYSTem:APPLication:SELect:REVision <test application name>,<revision>
Related Topics
Test Appl i cati on Swi tchi ng on page 506
Test Appl i cati on Revi si ons and Li censes on page 508
Test Appl i cati on Name on page 510
SYSTem:CURRent:TA on page 399
Functi on Sel ects a revi si on for parti cul ar test appl i cati on.
The revi si on does not need to be set i n order to swi tch test appl i cati ons. The onl y ti me you sel ect
revi si ons i s to change revi si ons.
Queri es the test set for the revi si on of a speci fi ed test appl i cati on.
The test appl i cati on name and revi si on must be entered as they appear i n the test appl i cati on
Setup menu, wi th the excepti on that the stri ng i s not case sensi ti ve and can be entered i n any
combi nati on of upper and l ower case l etters.
NOTE GSM Mobi l e Test; revi si ons before A.04.00 di d not have test appl i cati on swi tchi ng
and provi de no way to return to revi si ons that have swi tchi ng. Users wi l l need to
rel oad a revi si on that has test appl i cati on swi tchi ng fol l owi ng the downl oad
process for upgradi ng fi rmware.
Setti ng Range: A val i d test appl i cati on name and revi si on number for any l i censed test appl i cati on.
Query Range: A stri ng up to 20 characters, or the nul l stri ng.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the beeper state of the test set.
Setti ng 0| OFF | 1| ON
Quer y 0| 1
*RST Setti ng 1 (on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:BEEPER:STATE OFF" !Sets beeper state to off.
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
? (returns 1|0)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
SYSTem :COMMunicate
? (returns 1|0)
<sp><num value>
<sp><num value>
<sp><num value>
<sp><num value>
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the test sets GPI B address.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 30
Resol uti on: 1
Quer y Range: 0 to 30
Resol uti on: 1
setti ng
14 (thi s parameter i s not affected by any reset operati on and can onl y be changed by di rect user
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
Functi on Sets/queri es the test sets SCPI debugger state.
When the state i s on; enhanced error messages (generated from GPI B commands wi th syntax
errors) are shown the test set di spl ay.
The error message i s pri nted al ong wi th the syntax. <ERR> i s di spl ayed at the end of the
i ncorrect node. Non-pri ntabl e characters wi l l be repl aced wi th the $ symbol . See Error
Messages on page 456 for a l i st of the errors.
The debugger state shoul d be set to on onl y duri ng GPI B code devel opment. Test ti mes wi l l
i ncrease i f the debugger state i s l eft on.
Setti ng Range: 0| OFF | 1| ON
Quer y 0| 1
*RST setti ng 0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the test sets LAN I P address. The val ue of A i s used to determi ne the subnet mask,
see SYSTem:COMMuni cate:LAN[:SELF]:SMASk on page 391.
I f the LAN address i s changed the subnet mask shoul d be checked to i nsure that i t i s set to the
proper cl ass for that LAN address.
Setti ng Range: 15 characters formatted as fol l ows: A.B.C.D where A= 0 to 223 B,C,D = 0 to 255 (no
embedded spaces)
Query Range: 15 characters formatted as fol l ows: A.B.C.D where A= 0 to 223 B,C,D = 0 to 255 (no
embedded spaces)
setti ng (thi s parameter i s not affected by any reset operati on and can onl y be changed by di rect
user access)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets the LAN IP address.
Functi on Sets/queri es the LAN I P router/gateway address for the test set.
Setti ng Range: 15 characters formatted as fol l ows: A.B.C.D where A= 0 to 223 B,C,D = 0 to 255 (no
embedded spaces), bl ank fi el d
Query Range: 15 characters formatted as fol l ows: A.B.C.D where A,B,C,D = 0 to 255 (no embedded
spaces). bl ank fi el d
setti ng
bl ank fi el d, (thi s parameter i s not affected by any reset operati on)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Related Topics
Confi guri ng the Test Sets GPI B on page 504
Confi guri ng the Test Sets LAN on page 502
Functi on Sets/quer i es the subnet mask of the test set based on the LAN I P addr ess sel ected. The subnet
mask changes accordi ng to the val ue of A used for the LAN I P address.
I f A i s l ess than or equal to 127, the subnet mask i s
I f A i s greater than 127 and l ess or equal to 191, the subnet mask i s
I f A i s grater than 191, the subnet mask i s
I f the LAN address i s changed the subnet mask shoul d be checked to i nsure that i t i s set to the
proper cl ass for that LAN address.
Setti ng Range: 15 characters formatted as fol l ows: A.B.C.D where A,B,C,D are between = 0 to 255 (no
embedded spaces)
Query Range: 15 characters formatted as fol l ows: A.B.C.D where A,B,C,D are between = 0 to 255 (no
embedded spaces)
setti ng (thi s parameter i s not affected by any reset operati on and can onl y be changed by di rect
user access)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Related Topics
Hardware Confi gurati on Report on page 493
SYSTem:CURRent:TA on page 399
Obtai ni ng I denti fi cati on I nfor mati on (*I DN) on page 492
Functi on Query the manufacturer, model number, model number of the test appl i cati on runni ng, seri al
number, revi si on, board I D, and cal fi l e i nformati on. The i nformati on provi ded by the query
represents the confi gurati on that exi sted when the test set was powered up.
*RST Setti ng Resets have no effect on thi s i nformati on. The i nformati on i s gathered duri ng the power up cycl e.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
:INFormation :HARDware
SYSTem :CONFigure
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
:CORRection SYSTem
? (returns offsets)
? (returns offsets)
:STATe <sp>1|ON|0|OFF
Compl ex Command
? (returns1|0)
:SFRequency <sp><offsets>[GHZ|MHZ|KHZ|HZ]
? (returns num value)
? (returns num value)
:POINts? (returns num value)
Compl ex Command
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es up to 20 comma-separated ampl i tude offset val ues i n dB. Thi s command sets the
state to On.
See Ampl i tude Offset on page 47.
The uni ts, dB, are opti onal . I f no uni ts are speci fi ed then uni ts defaul t to dB.
Sendi ng a nul l l i st (no val ues) sets the state of al l offsets to Off.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 20 val ues between 100 to +100
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: 1 to 20 val ues between 100 to +100, and NAN (9.91E+37)
Resol uti on: 0.01
Setti ng
Offsets 1 through 20, are set to 0.00 dB, state i s set to Off
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:CORRECTION:SGAIN -2.55,-3.12,-3.68,-4.23,-4.74,-5.3"
!A complex command that sets up to 20 comma separated offsets
!and sets the state to On for the frequencies, offsets and
!RF IN/OUT Amplitude Offset State
!Sets the state for all frequencies and offsets to Off
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es up to 20 comma-separated frequency val ues i n MHz. Each frequency val ue
corresponds wi th a gai n setti ng. See SYSTem:CORRecti on:GAI N .
The uni ts, (GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz) are opti onal . I f no uni ts are speci fi ed, uni ts defaul t to Hz.
See Ampl i tude Offset on page 47.
Sendi ng a nul l l i st (no val ues) sets the state of al l frequenci es to Off.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 20 comma separated val ues rangi ng from 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 1 Hz
Query Range: 1 to 20 comma separated val ues rangi ng from 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz, and NAN
Resol uti on: 1 HZ
Setti ng
1. 800.00 MHz Off
2. 810.00 MHz Off
3. 820.00 MHz Off
4. 830.00 MHz Off
5. 840.00 MHz Off
6. 850.00 MHz Off
7. 860.00 MHz Off
8. 870.00 MHz Off
9. 880.00 MHz Off
10. 890.00 MHz Off
11. 900.00 MHz Off
12. 910.00 MHz Off
13. 920.00 MHz Off
14. 930.00 MHz Off
15. 940.00 MHz Off
16. 950.00 MHz Off
17. 960.00 MHz Off
18. 970.00 MHz Off
19. 980.00 MHz Off
20. 990.00 MHz Off
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets up to 20 comma separated frequencies
!Sets the state for all frequencies and offsets to Off
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the up to 20 comma separated offset gai n val ues i n uni ts of dB. Each gai n val ue
corresponds wi th a frequency setti ng. See SYSTem:CORRecti on:FREQuency .
See Ampl i tude Offset on page 47.
The uni ts, dB, are opti onal . I f no uni ts are speci fi ed, uni ts defaul t to dB.
Sendi ng a nul l l i st (no val ues) sets the state of al l offsets to Off.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 20 val ues between 100 to +100
Resol uti on: 0.01
Query Range: 1 to 20 val ues between 100 to +100, and NAN (9.91E+37)
Resol uti on: 0.01
Setti ng
Offsets 1 through 20, are set to 0.00 dB, state i s set to off
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:CORRECTION:GAIN -3.12,-3.68,-4.23"
!Sets up to 20 comma separated offset values.
!Sets the state for all frequencies and offsets to Off.
Functi on Query returns the number of offsets that are i n thei r On state when the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude
Offset State i s al so set to On.
See Ampl i tude Offset on page 47.
Query Range: 1 to 20, and NAN (9.91E+37)
Resol uti on: 1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Returns the number of frequencies and offsets with their state set to On.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es up to 20 comma separated frequency val ues i n MHz. Thi s command sets the state to
The uni ts (GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz) are opti onal . I f no uni ts are speci fi ed, uni ts defaul t to MHz.
See Ampl i tude Offset on page 47.
Sendi ng a nul l l i st (no val ues) sets the state of al l frequenci es to Off.
Setti ng Range: 0 to 20 comma separated val ues from 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz
Resol uti on: 1 Hz
Query Range: 1 to 20 comma separated val ues from 292.5 MHz to 2700 MHz, and NAN (9.91E+37)
Resol uti on: 1 HZ
Setti ng
1. 800.00 MHz Off
2. 810.00 MHz Off
3. 820.00 MHz Off
4. 830.00 MHz Off
5. 840.00 MHz Off
6. 850.00 MHz Off
7. 860.00 MHz Off
8. 870.00 MHz Off
9. 880.00 MHz Off
10. 890.00 MHz Off
11. 900.00 MHz Off
12. 910.00 MHz Off
13. 920.00 MHz Off
14. 930.00 MHz Off
15. 940.00 MHz Off
16. 950.00 MHz Off
17. 960.00 MHz Off
18. 970.00 MHz Off
19. 980.00 MHz Off
20. 990.00 MHz Off
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Sets up to 20 comma separated frequencies and sets the state to On for the frequency,
!offset, and RF IN/OUT Amplitude Offset State
!Sets the state for all frequencies and offsets to Off
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Functi on Sets/queri es the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset State. The state must be On before any of the
offsets are acti ve regardl ess of the state for any of the frequenci es or offsets.
When the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset State i s On, the I nstrument Status Area wi l l i ndi cate
Offset" regardl ess of the state for any of the frequenci es or offsets.
Setti ng any of the frequency or offset states to On wi l l set the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset State
to On.
See Ampl i tude Offset on page 47.
Setti ng 0| OFF | 1| ON
Quer y 0| 1
Setti ng
0 (off)
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
!Amplitude Offset State to On
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Query the model number of the test appl i cati on runni ng. Pri ntabl e ASCI I characters up to a
15 char acter stri ng.
Query Range: ASCI I codes 32 - 126 deci mal excl udi ng comma and semi col on
*RST Setti ng non vol ati l e, read from the test sets hard di sk
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Functi on Query the name of the test appl i cati on runni ng. Pri ntabl e ASCI I characters up to a 25
character str i ng. Thi s command i s not recommended see SYSTem:APPLi cati on on page
Query Range: ASCI I codes 32 - 126 deci mal excl udi ng comma and semi col on
*RST Setti ng non vol ati l e, read from the test sets hard di sk
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Functi on Query the coordi nated codeware revi si on for the test appl i cati on runni ng. Pri ntabl e ASCI I
character s up to a 20 char acter stri ng. Thi s command i s not r ecommended see
SYSTem:APPLi cati on on page 380.
Query Range: ASCI I codes 32 - 126 deci mal excl udi ng comma and semi col on
*RST Setti ng non vol ati l e, read from the test sets hard di sk.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
:MODel? SYSTem :CURRent
:TA (returns string)
(returns string)
(returns string)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Related Topics
Functi on Sets/queri es the date.
Setti ng Range:
<year> 2000 to 2099
<month> 1 to 12 (the number 1 corresponds to January)
<day> 1 to the number of days i n the month speci fi ed by the <month> parameter
Query Range:
<year> 2000 to 2099
<month> 1 to 12 (the number 1 corresponds to January)
<day> 1 to the number of days i n the month speci fi ed by the <month> parameter
*RST Setti ng Thi s feature i s not affected by i nstrument preset
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:DATE 2001,9,27" !Sets the date to September 27,2001.
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:DATE? !Returns +2001,+9,+27 if the date has been set to September
? (returns <year>, <month>, <day>)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Queri es the contents of the Error/Event Queue. The Error/Event Queue may contai n one or more
messages wi th an error or event descri pti on.
Manual users may vi ew the Message Log from the SYSTEM CONFI G screen. The contents of the
Error/Event Queue and the Message l og may not match. Exampl e, manual user errors are not
di spl ayed wi th SYSTem:ERRor? they are vi ewed from the Message Log. See Error Messages on
page 456.
Query Error/Event Queue
Range: 0 to 100 messages up to 255 characters i n l ength
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:ERROR? !Queri es the contents of the Error/Event Queue
SYSTem :ERRor?
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets al l measurements to abort. I f conti nuous tri ggeri ng i s enabl ed, measurements wi l l
begi n a new measurement cycl e.
Setti ng These resul ts are set to thei r defaul t val ues when measurement reset occurs.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
:RESet :MEASurement
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Performs a ful l preset of the test set. Thi s i s the remote equi val ent of pressi ng the SHI FT Preset
keys on the front panel of the test set.
Al l parameters are set to thei r defaul t val ues. Al l measurements are aborted the tri gger arm i s
set to conti nuous. See Tri gger Arm (Si ngl e or Conti nuous) Descri pti on on page 150.
The *RST command wi l l set the tri gger arm to si ngl e.
Rel ated Topi cs See Ful l Preset on page 117 for detai l s about the *RST ful l preset.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:PRESET2" !Full preset, trigger arm set to continuous.
Functi on Performs a parti al preset. Thi s i s the recommended command for users when a parti al preset
i s needed duri ng remote operati on of the test set.
Any cal l i n process i s di sconnected and al l measurements are aborted and i nacti vated.
Measurement parameters are not changed.
A parti al preset wi l l not modi fy any measurement setti ngs i ncl udi ng tri gger arm.
Rel ated Topi cs See Parti al Preset for more detai l s.
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:PRESET3" !Partial preset when in remote operation.
(partial preset trigger arm no change)
( full preset trigger arm continuous)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Queri es the ti mebase source.
I f an external ti mebase i s used, i t must have these characteri sti cs:
an output l evel of 0 to +13 dBm
frequency of 10 MHz
Query Range:
I NT = i nternal source
EXT = external source
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Functi on Queri es the ti mebase to fi nd out i f i t i s l ocked or unl ocked. Returns 0 or 1.
Query Range:
0 = unl ocked
1 = l ocked
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
? (returns EXT|INT)
(returns 1|0)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the test set to see that al l pri or sequenti al commands have compl eted or that al l
pri or overl apped commands have started, i ndi cati ng that the i nput buffer i s synchroni zed.
Setti ng Bi t 12 of the status operati on condi ti on regi ster i s pul sed.
Query Range: 1
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
:SYNChronized? (returns num value)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Related Topics
Functi on Sets/queri es the l ocal ti me of day.
UTC ti me wi l l track changes made di rectl y to l ocal ti me setti ngs. Al so, i f new setti ngs are made
to UTC ti me, l ocal ti me wi l l track UCT ti me.
Changes to ti me zone wi l l cause changes to l ocal ti me, but wi l l not di rectl y affect UTC ti me.
Setti ng Range:
<hour> 0 to 23
<mi nute> 0 to 59
<second> 0 to 59
NOTE The resol uti on of l ocal ti me setti ng i s mi nutes. A number wi thi n the parameter
range must be entered for <second> but i t wi l l not affect the mi nute setti ng.
Query Range:
<hour> 0 to 23
<mi nute> 0 to 59
<second> 0 to 59
NOTE The resol uti on of the l ocal ti me setti ng i s mi nutes. The val ue returned for
<second> wi l l not provi de useful i nformati on.
*RST Setti ng Thi s feature i s not affected by i nstrument preset
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:TIME 7,30,0" !Sets local time to 7:30
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:TIME? !Returns +7,+30,+0" if local time has been set to 7:30.
SYSTem :TIME <sp><hour>,<minute>,<second>
? (returns <hour>, <minute>, <second>)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Related Topics
Functi on Sets/queri es the ti me zone.
Changes to ti me zone wi l l cause changes to l ocal ti me, but wi l l not di rectl y affect UTC ti me.
Setti ng Range:
<hour> -12 to +15
<mi nute> 0 to 59
Query Range:
<hour> -12 to +15
<mi nute> 0 to 59
*RST Setti ng Thi s feature i s not affected by i nstrument preset
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:TZONe 8,0" !Sets time zone to 8 hours and 0 minutes.
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:TZONe? !Returns +8,+0" if time zone has been set to 8 hours.
SYSTem :TZONe <sp><hour>,<minute>
? (returns <hour>, <minute>)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Di agram Conventi ons on page 168
Functi on Sets/queri es the Uni versal Coordi nated Ti me (UTC) ti me of day. (UTC i s al so known as UCT,
Zul u, and Greenwi ch Mean Ti me.)
Local ti me wi l l track UTC ti me setti ngs. Al so, i f new setti ngs are made to l ocal ti me, UTC ti me
wi l l track l ocal ti me.
Setti ng Range:
<hour> 0 to 23
<mi nute> 0 to 59
<second> 0 to 59
NOTE The resol uti on of the UTC ti me setti ng i s mi nutes. A number wi thi n the parameter
range must be entered for <second> but i t wi l l not affect the mi nute setti ng.
Query Range:
<hour> 0 to 23
<mi nute> 0 to 59
<second> 0 to 59
NOTE The resol uti on of the UTC ti me setti ng i s mi nutes. The val ue returned for
<second> wi l l not provi de useful i nformati on.
*RST Setti ng Thi s feature i s not affected by i nstrument preset
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.05.05 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:UTC:TIME 7,30,0" !Sets UCT time to 7:30
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:UTC:TIME? !Returns +7,+30,+0" if UTC time has been set to 7:30.
? (returns <year>, <month>, <day>)
? (returns <hour>, <minute>, <second>)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Related Topics
Functi on Sets/queri es the Uni versal Coordi nated Ti me (UTC) date. (UTC i s al so known as UCT, Zul u, and
Greenwi ch Mean Ti me.)
Setti ng Range:
<year> 2000 to 2099
<month> 1 to 12 (the number 1 corresponds to January)
<day> 1 to the number of days i n the month speci fi ed by the <month> parameter
Query Range:
<year> 2000 to 2099
<month> 1 to 12 (the number 1 corresponds to January)
<day> 1 to the number of days i n the month speci fi ed by the <month> parameter
*RST Setti ng Thi s feature i s not affected by i nstrument preset
Requi rements Test Appl i cati on Revi si on: A.02.00 and above
Programmi ng Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:UTC:DATE 2001,9,27" !Sets the UTC date to September 27,2001.
OUTPUT 714;"SYSTEM:UTC:DATE? !Returns +2001,+9,+27 if the UTC date has been set to
September 27,2001.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
The *CLS, cl ear status command, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.3. Thi s command wi l l al so cl ear and
cl ose the error message screen on the test sets di spl ay.
The *ESE, standard event status enabl e command, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.10.
The *ESE?, standard event status enabl e quer y, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.11.
The *ESR?, standard event status regi ster query, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992 ,10.12.
The *I DN?, i denti fi cati on quer y, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.14.*I DN? i s used to retri eve
i nformati on about the test set i n ASCI I format.
*I DN?, returns ASCI I codes 32 through 126 excl udi ng comma and semi col on i n four comma separated fi el ds.
Fi el d 1 returns the manufacturer, fi el d 2 r etur ns the i nstr ument model number, fi el d 3 r etur ns the ser i al
number, fi el d 4 returns 0.
The *OPC, operati on compl ete command, i s defi ned i n I EEE 488.2-1992, 10.18. *OPC causes the test set to
conti nuousl y sense the No Operati on Pendi ng fl ag. When the No Operati on Pendi ng fl ag becomes TRUE, the
OPC event bi t i n the standard event status regi ster (ESR) i s set to i ndi cate that the state of al l pendi ng
operati ons i s compl eted. The *OPC common command i s not recommended for use as an overl apped command.
The *OPC?, operati on compl ete query, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.19. The *OPC? query al l ows
synchroni zati on between the control l er and the test set usi ng ei ther the message avai l abl e (MAV) bi t i n the
status byte, or a read of the output OPC?. The *OPC? query does not effect the OPC event bi t i n the Standard
Event Status Regi ster (ESR). The *OPC? common command i s not recommended for use as an overl apped
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
The *OPT?, opti on i denti fi cati on quer y, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.20. Each opti on wi l l have a
uni que name, that name wi l l be retuned wi th the quer y.
The *RST, ful l pr eset command, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.32. *RST i s the r ecommended
command when perfor mi ng a ful l pr eset on the test set. A *RST restor es the majori ty of setti ngs to thei r
defaul t val ues.
*RST sets tri gger arm to si ngl e
PRESet2 sets tri gger arm to conti nuous
The *SRE, servi ce request enabl e command, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.34. The par ameter r ange
for thi s command i s 0 through 255.
The *SRE?, servi ce request enabl e query, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.35. Val ues returned by thi s
quer y range fr om 0 through 255.
The *STB?, read status byte quer y, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.36. Val ues returned by thi s query
range fr om 0 through 255.
The *WAI , wai t-to-conti nue command, i s defi ned i n I EEE Std 488.2-1992, 10.39. The *WAI command
pr events the test set fr om executi ng any further commands or queri es unti l al l pendi ng operati on fl ags ar e
fal se. The *WAI common command i s not r ecommended for use as an overl apped command.
See also
Obtai ni ng I denti fi cati on I nfor mati on (*I DN)
Preset Descri pti ons
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Manual Operation
Manual Operation
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Making Measurements on a Mobile in FDD Test Mode
Making Measurements on a Mobile in FDD Test Mode
FDD Test operati ng mode does not provi de cal l pr ocessi ng. Thi s requi r es you to match the test set and UE
(mobi l e stati on) test mode confi gur ati ons. You must manual l y set the UE to tr ansmi t a 12.2 kbps refer ence
measurement channel (RMC) on the upl i nk that wi l l be measured by the test set.
A. Synchronizing the UE to the test set.
1. Press the bl ue SHIFT key.
2. Pr ess the gr een PRESET key.
3. Connect the mobi l e stati on to the test set.
4. Press the Downlink Channel Codes (F2) key, and set the channel codes to match the mobi l e stati ons test
mode setti ngs.
5. Press the Cell Power (F7) key, and set the desi red l evel of the downl i nk si gnal .
6. Press the DL Channel (F10) key, and enter the downl i nk channel number.
7. Press the Uplink Channel (F11) key, and enter the upl i nk channel number.
8. Press the UL Scrambling (F12) key, and set the upl i nk scr ambl i ng code to match your mobi l e stati ons
upl i nk scrambl i ng code.
9. Set the mobi l e stati on to transmi t the upl i nk 12.2 kbps RMC.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Making Measurements on a Mobile in FDD Test Mode
B. Select measurements.
1. Press the Measurement selection key.
2. Hi ghl i ght a measurement and press the knob.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add measurements.
The gr ay boxes i ndi cate that
the measurement i s bei ng
made, but the r esul ts ar e not
bei ng di spl ayed.
These bl ack boxes i ndi cate
that adjacent channel l eakage
rati o measurement resul ts
are bei ng di spl ayed i n the
l ower measur ement wi ndow,
and that waveform qual i ty
measurement resul ts are
bei ng di spl ayed i n the upper
measurement wi ndow.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Making Measurements on a Mobile in FDD Test Mode
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
How Do I Change the Measurement Setup?
How Do I Change the Measurement Setup?
A. Select a measurement.
1. Press the Measurement selection key.
2. Hi ghl i ght a measurement to set up and press the knob.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
How Do I Change the Measurement Setup?
B. Set up the measurement.
1. Press the measurements setup key (F1).
2. Hi ghl i ght a parameter and pr ess the knob.
3. Enter a val ue or sel ecti on and pr ess the knob.
Note: For stati sti cal measur ement resul ts, change the Multi-Measurement Count parameter fr om Off to a
number >1.
4. Press the Close Menu (F6) key.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
How Do I Turn Off a Measurement?
How Do I Turn Off a Measurement?
1. Press the Measurement selection key.
2. Hi ghl i ght the measurement you want to turn off.
3. Press the Close Measurement (F4) key.
4. Press the Close Menu (F6) key.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
How Do I Configure the Test Set for My Test System?
How Do I Configure the Test Set for My Test System?
A. Configure instrument information and setup.
1. Press the SYSTEM CONFIG key.
2. Press the Instrument Setup (F1) key.
3. Adjust an i nstr ument setti ng and then press the Close Menu (F6) key.
B. Set amplitude offsets.
1. On the Confi gurati on Summary Screen, pr ess the RF IN/OUT Amptd Offset (F5) key.
2. On the RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset screen, press the RF IN/OUT Amptd Offset Setup (F2) key.
3. Enter the ampl i tude offset for the test fr equenci es you use.
4. Press the Close Menu (F6) key.
5. Press the Return (F6) key.
Appl i cati on
Revi si on
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
How Do I Configure the Test Set for My Test System?
C. Check the message log.
1. Press the Message Log (F7) key and vi ew the message l og.
2. Press the Return (F12) key.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
WCDMA Measurements Using FDD Test Operating Mode
WCDMA Measurements Using FDD Test Operating Mode
The fol l owi ng step-by-step pr ocedur es expl ai n how to perform speci fi c measurements avai l abl e on the
WCDMA Test Appl i cati on whi l e usi ng FDD Test oper ati ng mode.
FDD Test operati ng mode requi res manual synchroni zati on of the test set and the mobi l e stati on before the
mobi l e stati on can generate an upl i nk si gnal that can be measured i n the fol l owi ng pr ocedures. See Maki ng
Measurements on a Mobi l e i n FDD Test Mode .
Detai l ed descri pti ons for each measurement and the FDD Test operati ng mode are provi ded i n the Reference
i nformati on on the documentati on CD-ROM and at the Agi l ent 8960 support websi te
(www.agi l nd/8960support).
Setup parameters for each measurement are assumed to be set to their default (full preset) values unless
otherwise stated.
The fol l owi ng measurement procedures ar e provi ded:
Measuri ng Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o on page 423
Measuri ng Channel Power on page 424
Measuri ng Loopback Bi t Error Rati o on page 425
Measuri ng Thermal Power on page 426
Measuri ng Wavefor m Qual i ty on page 427
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
WCDMA Measurements Using FDD Test Operating Mode
Measuring Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
1. Confi gure the mobi l e stati on to generate a 12.2 kbps reference measurement channel (RMC) upl i nk si gnal
on the correct fr equency usi ng the test sets FDD Test oper ati ng mode.
2. Press the Measurement selection key.
3. Sel ect the Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio measurement.
4. Press the ACLR Setup (F1) key.
5. Set the measur ement parameters as needed for your measurement si tuati on, such as tur ni ng the
measurements on or off for the di fferent frequency offsets.
6. Press the Change View (F2) key to di spl ay the measurement resul ts i n ei ther graphi cal or numeri c format.
7. I f usi ng the graphi cal di spl ay, press Graph Limits (F5) to enter the pass/fai l measurement l i mi t for each of
the four fr equency offsets (shown i n the graphi cal measurements exampl e bel ow as the thi n l i nes above
each measurement).
Typi cal adjacent channel l eakage rati o resul ts usi ng graphi cal and numeri c format.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
WCDMA Measurements Using FDD Test Operating Mode
Measuring Channel Power
1. Confi gure the mobi l e stati on to generate a 12.2 kbps reference measurement channel (RMC) upl i nk si gnal
on the correct fr equency usi ng the test sets FDD Test oper ati ng mode.
2. Press the Measurement selection key.
3. Sel ect the Channel Power measurement.
4. Press the Channel Power Setup (F1) key.
5. Set the measur ement parameters as needed for your measurement si tuati on.
A typi cal channel power measurement resul t i s shown above.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
WCDMA Measurements Using FDD Test Operating Mode
Measuring Loopback Bit Error Ratio
1. Confi gure the mobi l e stati on to operate i n l oopback test mode 1 so that i t re-transmi ts the dedi cated tr affi c
channel (DTCH) data i t decoded from the test sets 12.2 kbps reference measurement channel downl i nk.
2. Press the Measurement selection key.
3. Sel ect the Loopback BER measurement.
4. Press the Bit Error Setup (F1) key.
5. Set the measur ement parameters as needed for your measurement si tuati on.
To see how l ow l evel s of cel l power i nto the mobi l e affect the bi t error rati o, press Cell Power (F7) and sl owl y
reduce the l evel . Wi th the l evel i nto the UE set to -106.70 dBm/3.84 MHz, the exampl e above i ndi cates a fai l ed
BER val ue (the 3GPP standard speci fi es a BER of no more than 0.1% at thi s i nput l evel ).
Observe how reduci ng the cel l power
to l ow l evel s causes the bi t error
rati o to i ncrease.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
WCDMA Measurements Using FDD Test Operating Mode
Measuring Thermal Power
1. Confi gure the mobi l e stati on to generate a 12.2 kbps reference measurement channel (RMC) upl i nk si gnal
usi ng the test sets FDD Test operati ng mode.
2. Press the Measurement selection key.
3. Sel ect the Thermal Power measurement.
4. Press the Thermal Power Setup (F1) key.
5. Set the measur ement parameters as needed for your measurement si tuati on.
A typi cal thermal power measurement resul t i s shown above.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
WCDMA Measurements Using FDD Test Operating Mode
Measuring Waveform Quality
1. Wi th the test set i n FDD Test oper ati ng mode, confi gur e the mobi l e stati on to gener ate a 12.2 kbps
reference measurement channel (RMC) upl i nk si gnal on the correct frequency whi l e synchr oni zed to the
test set.
2. Press the Measurement selection key.
3. Sel ect the Waveform Quality measurement.
4. Press the WWQ Setup (F1) key.
5. Set the measur ement parameters as needed for your measurement si tuati on.
Typi cal waveform qual i ty resul ts are shown above.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Front Panel Connectors
Front Panel Connectors
The i nput to the audi o anal yzer i s a fl oati ng i nput di ffer enti al ampl i fi er. Both the AUDI O I N Hi gh and AUDI O
I N Low BNC connectors shoul d be connected to pr ovi de noi se i mmuni ty. Refer to the techni cal speci fi cati ons
for more i nformati on.
Thi s BNC connector accesses to the test sets audi o generator. Refer to the techni cal speci fi cati ons for more
i nformati on.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Front Panel Connectors
Thi s RJ-45 connector pr ovi des fr ont panel access to the rear panel LAN connecti on. Thi s connector i s used for
downl oadi ng fi rmware upgr ades, or new test appl i cati ons i nto the test set. No other types of communi cati on
are possi bl e wi th the LAN port.
The the DATA connector on the fr ont panel i s connected i nter nal l y to the ETHERNET TO FRONT PANEL
connector on the rear panel . I n order to use the front panel DATA connector, connect the rear panel LAN
PORT, to the rear panel ETHERNET TO FRONT PANEL connector wi th the LAN jumper cabl e.
The LAN jumper cabl e, part number E5515-61160, i s suppl i ed wi th the test set.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Thi s Type-N connector i s the defaul t path for al l RF si gnal s out of the test set, and i s always used as the RF
i nput. Refer to the techni cal speci fi cati ons for more i nformati on. See al so RF OUT ONLY .
NOTE Thi s port i s usabl e onl y wi th the E1962B and E1963A test appl i cati ons.
Thi s Type-N connector i s an opti onal path for al l RF si gnal s out of the test set. Fr ont panel sel ecti on of thi s
por t i s pr ovi ded by the RF Output Port (F6) contr ol on the System Confi g scr een, and by the
RFGenerator:OUTPut[:DESTi nati on] I O/OUT command. The same ampl i tude offsets and output power
setti ngs are used for ei ther sel ected port (RF I N/OUT or RF OUT ONLY). Refer to the techni cal speci fi cati ons
for more i nformati on.
Related Topics
RFGenerator Subsystem (RF OUT ONLY control )
Ampl i tude Offset (RF ampl i tude offsets)
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Front Panel Connectors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Rear Panel Connectors
Rear Panel Connectors
MAX 12 V Pk
10 MHz REF
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Rear Panel Connectors
Four pi ns are functi onal on thi s connector:
I channel
Q channel
Not functi onal for thi s r el ease.
Not functi onal for thi s r el ease.
Not functi onal for thi s r el ease.
Not functi onal for thi s r el ease.
Thi s RJ-45 connector i s used wi th a separate LAN jumper cabl e to connect the front panel DATA connector to
the rear panel LAN PORT.
The the DATA connector on the fr ont panel i s connected i nter nal l y to the ETHERNET TO FRONT PANEL
connector on the r ear panel . I n order to use the front panel DATA connector the user must connect the rear
panel LAN PORT, to the rear panel ETHERNET TO FRONT PANEL connector wi th the LAN jumper cabl e.
The LAN jumper cabl e, part number E5515-61160, i s suppl i ed wi th the test set.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Rear Panel Connectors
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Thi s BNC connector l ets you use an external si gnal to frequency modul ate the test sets RF generator. I t has a
fi xed sensi ti vi ty of 20 KHz/vol t, and a fr equency range of 100Hz to 20 KHz.
The GPI B connector al l ows test set contr ol wi th compati bl e devi ces.
Thi s RJ-45 connector provi des connecti on for down l oadi ng fi rmware upgrades, or new test appl i cati ons i nto
the test set. No other types of communi cati on ar e possi bl e wi th the LAN por t.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
Not functi onal for thi s rel ease.
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Rear Panel Connectors
Thi s i s the ti mebase adjust cover, removi ng thi s screw al l ows access for ti mebase adjustment.
Not functi onal for thi s r el ease.
Thi s BNC connector al l ows for synchroni zati on of the test set to other equi pment and i s confi gured by setti ng
Fr ame Tr i gger Par ameters.
Thi s DB-15 connector al l ows the user to si mul taneousl y route the test sets di spl ay to another moni tor.
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Rear Panel Connectors
Thi s BNC connector accepts an external 10 MHz ti mebase si gnal . The nomi nal i nput i mpedance i s 50 ohm.
Thi s versi on of test set can onl y accept a 10 MHz ti mebase si gnal .
Thi s BNC connector provi des a 10 MHz ti mebase si gnal to external test equi pment. The accuracy of thi s si gnal
i s determi ned by the ti mebase used. The nomi nal output i mpedance i s 50 ohm wi th a typi cal l evel of 0.5 V rms.
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Remote/Local Mode
Remote/Local Mode
Remote Mode
When the test set i s oper ated r emotel y, al l of the keys on the fr ont panel of the test set ar e di sabl ed (except the
LOCAL key and the power swi tch). Duri ng remote operati on the test set i s control l ed by the Remote User
I nter face, (RUI ).
Any open menus are be cl osed, and any manual entri es are be aborted when the test set tr ansi ti ons fr om l ocal
mode to remote mode.
The remote annunci ator (R) wi l l appear i n the I nstrument Status Area of the test sets di spl ay i ndi cati ng that
the test set i s i n remote mode.
When the test set i s i n r emote mode pr ess the LOCAL key on the fr ont panel i n or der to gai n manual contr ol .
Local Mode
Duri ng l ocal mode al l front panel keys and the knob are enabl ed. Duri ng l ocal operati on the test set i s
control l ed by the Manual User I nter face, (MUI ).
The remote annunci ator (R) i s turned off when the test set i s oper ated i n l ocal mode.
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Printing Screens
Printing Screens
Printing and Saving Screen Images
The test sets l ocal area networ k (LAN) connecti on can be used to dump the curr entl y-di spl ayed screen i mage
i nto a personal computers web browser. The computer must ei ther be connected to an exi sti ng LAN or have a
LAN adapter i nstal l ed that can be connected di rectl y to the test set.
Computer Requirements for LAN Communications with the Test Set
The computer used to captur e screen i mages fr om the test set must meet the fol l owi ng requi rements:
10 Base-T, I EEE 802.3 compl i ant, ethernet network i nterface usi ng TCP/I P pr otocol and confi gured to run
i n hal f-dupl ex mode.
Wi ndows 95, 98, 2000 or NT 4.0 (Wi ndows 95, Wi ndows 98, Wi ndows 2000 and Wi ndows NT 4.0 are U.S.
regi stered trademarks of Mi crosoft Corporati on.)
Test Set to Computer Connections
The test sets LAN connecti on can be made at ei ther the rear-panel LAN PORT or at the fr ont-panel DATA
port. When usi ng the DATA port, be sure to have the factory suppl i ed jumper cabl e i nstal l ed between the
rear-panel LAN PORT and the ETHERNET TO FRONT PANEL port.
Connecti ons fr om the test set to the computer must be made usi ng the correct type of LAN cabl e:
I f the test set i s bei ng connected to the computer through an exi sti ng network, use a standard LAN cabl e.
I f the test set i s bei ng connected di rectl y to the computer s LAN adapter, use a crossover LAN cabl e (such as
the one shi pped wi th the test set or wi th an ol der test appl i cati on upgr ade ki t).
Capturing the Screen Image
1. Press the test sets SYSTEM CONFIG key to di spl ay the test sets LAN setti ngs, and recor d the LAN IP
Address for use l ater i n thi s pr ocedure.
2. Start a web browser appl i cati on on your computer.
3. Di spl ay the test set screen that you want to capture.
4. Enter the fol l owi ng addr ess/l ocati on i nto your web browser: http://<lan address>/display.htm
where <l an addr ess> i s the LAN I P address of the test set.
5. Wi thi n a few seconds, the test sets screen i mage appears i n your browser. I f the i mage does not appear on
your browser wi thi n 30 seconds, refer to Test Your LAN Connecti ons and Confi gurati on by Pi ngi ng the
Test Set bel ow.
6. To pri nt the i mage, sel ect File, Print.
7. To save the fi l e:
a. Sel ect File, or ri ght-cl i ck on the i mage, and sel ect Save As or Save Picture As.
b. Enter the desi red fi l e name and di r ectory path for savi ng the i mage as a GI F fi l e.
The i mage can now be retri eved from your di rectory and used as needed.
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Printing Screens
Test Your LAN Connections and Configuration by Pinging the Test Set
Perform this operation only if you were not successful in downloading the test set screen image into your
1. Di spl ay the Command Prompt wi ndow on your computer. Thi s i s typi cal l y done i n the Mi cr osoft Wi ndows
operati ng system by sel ecti ng Start -> Programs -> Command Prompts.
2. At the command pr ompt, enter the fol l owi ng command: ping <l an addr ess>. The <l an addr ess> i s the test
sets LAN I P address. (The command pr ompt does not have to be at the r oot (c:\) l evel befor e enter i ng the
Thi s exampl e shows what shoul d happen when you enter the pi ng command for a test set wi th the LAN I P
address of 111.22.333.44. The test set shoul d repl y back to the Command Prompt screen i ndi cati ng that
data was recei ved.
3. I f the message Request Timed Out i s di spl ayed i nstead of a r epl y fr om the test set, tr y enter i ng the
command agai n. I f the request ti mes out agai n, your LAN connecti ons are i ncorrect and/or your LAN
setti ngs for the two devi ces do not match.
Troubleshooting LAN Connections
I f your web br owser di d not di spl ay the test sets screen, or you coul d not pi ng your test set fr om your
browser, r efer to the fol l owi ng i nformati on to fi nd the cause and fi x the pr obl em.
Try Altering Connections I f you ar e usi ng the test sets fr ont panel DATA port, make sure the jumper
between the rear-panel LAN PORT and ETHERNET TO FRONT PANEL port i s i n pl ace; or try connecti ng
di rectl y to the rear-panel LAN PORT.
Try usi ng a di ffer ent type of LAN cabl e. I f you were usi ng a crossover cabl e, try usi ng a standard LAN
cabl e; i f usi ng a standard LAN cabl e, try usi ng a crossover cabl e. I f thi s doesnt fi x the pr obl em, be sure to
repl ace the cabl e wi th the type r ecommended i n Test Set to Computer Connecti ons above.
Reconfigure the Computer and Test Set LAN Settings I f the test sets i mage i s sti l l not di spl ayed on
your web browser, and the pi ng command sti l l i ndi cates that the test set i s not communi cati ng wi th the
computer, you need to veri fy that the LAN setti ngs for the computer and the test set ar e compati bl e. The
fol l owi ng secti ons provi de general gui del i nes i n getti ng the LAN setti ngs confi gured for both i nstruments to
communi cate wi th each other.
Entering this
should result in these
messages being
displayed to confirm
data exchange between
the test set and the
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Printing Screens
Perform the confi gurati on i n the fol l owi ng order:
1. Confi gure the computers LAN setti ngs.
2. Restart Wi ndows on the computer to start usi ng the new LAN confi gurati on.
3. Confi gure the test sets LAN setti ngs to work wi th the computers setti ngs. (I t i s i mpor tant that the
computer be confi gured and re-started before confi gur i ng the test sets LAN setti ngs.)
4. Turn the test set off and back on to make sur e i t fi nds the computers newl y-confi gured LAN card on power
LAN Setting Guidelines
I t i s hi ghl y recommended that the Subnet Mask be set to for the test set and the computer
when usi ng a di rect computer-to-test set connecti on.
The fi r st thr ee groups of number s for the LAN I P Addr ess of the test set and the computer must match.
Exampl e; i f the test sets LAN I P Addr ess i s set to, the computers LAN I P addr ess must
begi n wi th 130.29.189.
The number i n the fourth gr oup of di gi ts i n the computers and test sets LAN I P Addresses must NOT
match. Exampl e; i f the test set i s set to LAN I P Addr ess, set the computers LAN I P Addr ess
to (or, just so the l ast number i s not al so set to 33). The l ast
entry i n the I P Addr ess must not be >254 or 0.

Changing the LAN Setting on Your Computer Networ k confi gurati on pr ocedures vary between
operati ng systems. You may have to refer to your computer s hel p system, or your LAN adapter car ds
documentati on, for assi stance.
Perform the fol l owi ng steps to al ter the network setti ngs for most PCs usi ng a Mi crosoft Wi ndows oper ati ng
Access the Network Settings
1. Doubl e-cl i ck on the My Computer i con on the Wi ndows desk top.
2. Doubl e-cl i ck on the Control Panel i con.
3. Doubl e-cl i ck on the Network i con.
4. Sel ect the TCP/IP-> [your Ethernet network adapter] entr y fr om the l i st of components. Note: Do not sel ect
TCP/IP Dial-Up Adapter setti ngs i f pr esent.
5. Sel ect Properties to access the TCP/I P setti ngs scr een.
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Printing Screens
Figure14. Accessing Your Computers LAN Settings
Set the IP Address and Subnet Mask
1. Sel ect the IP Address tab on the TCP/I P Properti es screen.
2. Sel ect Specify an IP Address.
3. Enter the I P Addr ess for the computer. Remember, the l ast entry i n the I P Addr ess must not be >254 or 0.
4. Enter the Subnet Mask (
Sel ect the entry for
your Ethernet
network adapter,
sel ect Pr operti es to
l i st the TCP/I P
setti ngs for your
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Printing Screens
Figure15. Specifying the Computers IP Address and Subnet Mask
Remove Any Gateway Setting
1. Sel ect the Gateway tab.
2. I f present, remove any exi sti ng setti ng.
3. Cl i ck OK unti l you have cl osed the Network setti ngs wi ndow.
Figure16. Accessing the Gateway Setting
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Printing Screens
Restart Windows
Dependi ng on your LAN network adapter, your computer may or may not appl y the network confi gurati on
changes as they ar e made. I t i s i mpor t that you r estar t Wi ndows NOW to make sur e new LAN setti ngs ar e i n
effect when you tr y to connect to the test set.
Changing the LAN Settings on Your Test Set 1.Press the SYSTEM CONFIG key on the test set to di spl ay
the cur rent LAN setti ngs.
2. Pr ess the F1 (Instrument Setup) key.
NOTE Changi ng the LAN I P Address may al ter the Subnet Mask setti ng. Therefor e, change the LAN I P
Address fi rst, then change the Subnet Mask. Al so, The l ast entry i n the I P Address must not be
>254 or 0.
3. Turn the knob to hi ghl i ght the setti ng you want to change.
4. Press the knob to sel ect the setti ng.
5. Enter the new val ue usi ng the keypad, and press the knob to compl ete the setti ng.
6. Turn the test set off and back on to star t usi ng the new setti ngs.
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Instrument Status Area
Instrument Status Area
The I nstrument status area i s found on the bottom center of the test sets di spl ay.
Figure17. Status Area of the Test Set Display
Users ar e abl e to i ni ti ate more than one measurement at a ti me wi th the test set. The test sets di spl ay wi l l
show a maxi mum of 2 measurements. When 3 or more measurements are i ni ti ated, or the MEASUREMENT
screen i s not di spl ayed, the Background annunci ator remi nds you that measurements are acti ve but not
di spl ayed.
<Operating Mode> Status
The cal l pr ocessi ng status and the oper ati ng modes are di spl ayed i n thi s area. Thi s area may change
(dependi ng on the TA that i s acti ve) i n order to pr ovi de TA speci fi c i nformati on.
Thi s annunci ator i ndi cates that the bl ue SHI FT key has been pressed, and that the next key you press wi l l
per for m the shi fted functi on i ndi cated, al so i n bl ue.
Ext Ref
When a sui tabl e external ti me base i s connected to the rear panel 10MHz REF I N connector, thi s annunci ator
wi l l turn on.
Int Ref
When a sui tabl e exter nal ti me base i s not connected to the rear panel 10MHz REF I N connector, thi s
annunci ator wi l l turn on.
I ndi cates that the Ampl i tude Offset state i s set to On.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Instrument Status Area
Thi s annunci ator i ndi cates the state of four di fferent condi ti ons of the test set:
Remote annunci ator. R tur ns on when the test set i s operated remotel y.
Li sten annunci ator. L turns on when the test set i s l i steni ng to a command.
Tal k annunci ator. T turns on when the test set i s provi di ng i nfor mati on over GPI B.
SRQ annunci ator. S turns on when an SRQ i s acti ve.
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Call Processing Event Synchronization
Call Processing Event Synchronization
Usi ng the cal l pr ocessi ng subsystem over l apped command synchroni zati on commands, you can query the test
set to fi nd out when an overl apped command operati on i s done (:DONE?, :OPC?), force the test set to not
execute any more commands unti l an overl apped command operati on has compl eted (:WAI T), or si mpl y force
an overl apped command to behave as a sequenti al command (:SEQ).
Pending Operation Flags
Associ ated wi th each overl apped command, the test set mai ntai ns a bi nary i ndi cator known as a pendi ng
operati on fl ag. A pendi ng operati on fl ag i s set true when the operati on started by the overl apped command i s
executi ng, and i s set fal se when the operati on i s no l onger executi ng.
NOTE I n addi ti on to the cal l processi ng subsystem overl apped commands, the test set al so pr ovi des the
measurement-rel ated I NI Ti ate <measurement> overl apped commands.
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Call Processing Event Synchronization
Call Processing Subsystem Overlapped Command Synchronization Commands
Table7. Overlapped Commands
Command Purpose Of Command Example
:DONE? Returns a 0 i f the associ ated commands
pendi ng operati on fl ag i s true, or a 1 i f i t
i s fal se.
60 ENTER 714;Process_done
70 UNTIL Process_done
90 END
The exampl e shown i s from the E1960A GSM test
appl i cati on. Commands the test set to perform a
traffi c channel handover and execute two setup
commands. After the two setup commands have
fi ni shed, the :DONE? command i s used to fi nd out i f
the handover i s fi ni shed
:SEQuenti al Forces an overl apped command to
execute i n a sequenti al manner. No
subsequent commands wi l l be executed
unti l the pendi ng operati on fl ag for thi s
operati on i s fal se.
The exampl e shown i s from the E1960A GSM test
appl i cati on. Commands the test set to perform a
traffi c channel handover and to not execute any
more commands unti l the pendi ng operati on fl ag
associ ated wi th the CALL:TCH command i s fal se.
:WAI T Forces the test set to wai t unti l the
associ ated commands pendi ng
operati on fl ag i s fal se before executi ng
any more commands.
60 END
The exampl e shown i s from the E1960A GSM test
appl i cati on. Commands the test set to perform a
traffi c channel handover and execute two setup
commands. After the two setup commands have
fi ni shed, the :WAI T command i s sent to prevent the
test set from executi ng the I NI Ti ate command unti l
the handover i s fi ni shed.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Call Processing Event Synchronization
Operating Considerations
When usi ng the cal l pr ocessi ng subsystem overl apped command synchr oni zati on commands, check the
condi ti ons that set the operati ons pendi ng operati on fl ag (POF) fal se to avoi d unexpected resul ts.
Call Processing Subsystem Overlapped Commands
Related Topics
Cal l Processi ng State Synchroni zati on on page 1
:OPCompl ete? Pl aces a 1 i n the test sets output queue
when the associ ated commands pendi ng
operati on fl ag goes fal se. Control l i ng
program hangs on thi s query unti l the 1
i s retri eved.
50 ENTER 714;Op_complete
70 END
The exampl e shown i s from the E1960A GSM test
appl i cati on. Commands the test set to perform a
traffi c channel handover and execute two setup
commands. After the two setup commands have
fi ni shed, the :OPC? command i s sent to hang
program executi on unti l a 1 i s put i n the test sets
output queue, sati sfyi ng the ENTER statement and
al l owi ng program executi on to conti nue wi th the
I NI Ti ate command.
Table8. Overlapped Commands
Call Processing Command Purpose Of
Pending Operation Flag (POF) is
false when
CALL:ORI Gi nate
See CALL:ORI Gi nate .
Performs a base
stati on cal l
ori gi nati on.
The cal l processi ng state l eaves
the I dl e state (when the
operati ng mode i s acti ve cel l ), or
The test set has noted thi s
parameter change (when the
operati ng mode i s test mode).
CALL:REGi ster Performs a
zone-based (forced)
regi strati on.
The mobi l e stati on has
responded to the regi strati on.
CALL:CONNected:ARM[:I MMedi ate]
See CALL:CONNected[:STATe] .
Arms the cal l
control status
change detector.
The cal l control status change
detector has been di sarmed.
See Connected/I dl e Query .
Table7. Overlapped Commands
Command Purpose Of Command Example
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Call Processing Event Synchronization
Test System Synchroni zati on Overvi ew on page 160
Measurement Event Synchroni zati on on page 164
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Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Troubleshooting
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Troubleshooting
Possible Setup Issues
Duri ng remote oper ati on of the adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurement, you shoul d confi gure the tri gger
arm to si ngl e. See SETup:WACLeakage .
I f the tr i gger arm i s not set to si ngl e, the measur ement may not return a resul t. When tri gger arm i s
conti nuous, the measurement rearms i tsel f and starts another measurement cycl e; possi bl y i nterrupti ng the
FETCh operati on duri ng remote use. See Measurement States .
The tri gger sour ce defaul ts to Auto for the adjacent channel l eakage rati o measur ement, and tri es to use
pr otocol tr i ggeri ng i f the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s synchroni zed to the test set. I mmedi ate tr i ggeri ng i s used i f
the mobi l e stati on i s not synchroni zed.
Measurement resul ts are not affected by any ampl i tude offsets that are entered.
Interpreting Integrity Indicator Values
Thi s measurement uses auto-r angi ng to automati cal l y set the expected l evel i nto the test set.
I f Over Range (5) i s returned, the measured si gnal exceeds the expected i nput l evel or exceeds the maxi mum
al l owed i nput power for the test set.
I f Under Range (6) i s returned, the measured si gnal i s bel ow the expected i nput l evel .
See I ntegri ty I ndi cator .
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
AFANalyzer Troubleshooting
AFANalyzer Troubleshooting
Possible Setup Issues
Duri ng remote operati on of the Audi o Anal yzer, you shoul d al ways set the Tri gger Arm to Si ngl e. The l ength of
ti me requi red to return a measurement over GPI B usi ng conti nuous tr i ggeri ng vari es, but i s al ways l onger
than when usi ng si ngl e tr i ggeri ng. Conti nuous tri ggeri ng can al so cause pr obl ems when the I NI Ti ate:DONE?
quer y i s used.
The Detector Type sel ected (peak or rms) al so sets how Audi o Level measurements are di spl ayed; as a peak
val ue or an rms val ue. When compari ng returned val ues over GPI B to your speci fi cati ons, be sure to take i nto
account the type of detector bei ng used.
The Expected Peak Vol tage i s al ways set i n V
, r egardl ess of the Detector Type sel ected, and cannot exceed
20 V
(14.1 V
For accurate measurements, al ways set al l Audi o Anal yzer setup par ameter s to thei r pr oper setti ngs for the
measurement bei ng made. The SI NAD and Di storti on measurements typi cal l y use di ffer ent setti ngs than the
Audi o Level measurement. See Audi o Anal yzer Measurement Descri pti on on page 33 and Audi o Anal yzer
Bl ock Di agram on page 35.
For very l ow l evel audi o si gnal s, use the 100 Hz BW BPF fi l ter to reduce the affects of noi se (see Audi o Level
Measurement Descri pti on on page 32).
For accurate Audi o Fr equency measurements where more than one si gnal may be pr esent, use the 100 Hz BW
BPF fi l ter to i sol ate the desi red si gnal (see Audi o Level Measurement Descri pti on on page 32).
Interpreting Integrity Indicator Values
See I ntegri ty I ndi cator on page 153.
I f over range (5) i s returned, the i nput l evel i s greater than 4.9 dB above the Expected Peak Ampl i tude val ue
or the maxi mum i nput l evel of 20 vol ts peak.
I f under range (6) i s returned, the i nput l evel i s l ower than 8 dB bel ow the Expected Peak Ampl i tude val ue.
I f the si gnal has both over range and under range condi ti ons, onl y the over range condi ti on (5) i s i ndi cated.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Channel Power Troubleshooting
Channel Power Troubleshooting
Possible Setup Issues
Duri ng remote operati on of the channel power measurement you shoul d confi gure the tri gger ar m to si ngl e.
See SETup:WCPower .
I f the tr i gger arm i s not set to si ngl e, the measur ement may not return a resul t. When tri gger arm i s
conti nuous, the measurement rearms i tsel f and starts another measurement cycl e; possi bl y i nterrupti ng the
FETCh operati on duri ng remote use. See Measurement States .
The tr i gger source defaul ts to Auto for the channel power measurement, and tri es to use pr otocol tr i ggeri ng i f
the mobi l e stati on (UE) i s synchroni zed to the test set. I mmedi ate tr i ggeri ng i s used i f the mobi l e stati on i s not
synchroni zed.
RF Ri se tri ggeri ng shoul d onl y be used when a burst i s sent, such as a PRACH burst.
Autorangi ng i s not avai l abl e for thi s measurement. The expected i nput l evel i s determi ned by ei ther the MS
Target Power setti ng, when automati c recei ver control i s used (defaul t), or by the Manual Power setti ng when
manual recei ver control i s sel ected. See Recei ver Control .
Measurement resul ts are affected by any ampl i tude offsets that are entered. See Ampl i tude Offset .
The channel power measurement val ue may be sl i ghtl y l ower than the ther mal power measurements val ue
(typi cal l y about 0.25 dB). Thi s i s because the channel power measurement i s band-l i mi ted, rejecti ng the
addi ti onal power that may be i n the upl i nk si gnal s si debands.
Interpreting Integrity Indicator Values
I f Over Range (5) i s returned, the measured si gnal exceeds the expected i nput l evel or exceeds the maxi mum
al l owed i nput power for the test set.
I f Under Range (6) i s returned, the measured si gnal i s bel ow the expected i nput l evel .
See I ntegri ty I ndi cator .
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Loopback Bit Error Ratio Troubleshooting
Loopback Bit Error Ratio Troubleshooting
Possible Setup Issues
Duri ng remote operati on of the l oopback bi t error rati o measurement, you shoul d confi gure the tri gger arm to
si ngl e. See SETup:WBERror and Tri ggeri ng of Measurements .
The mobi l e stati on (UE) must be confi gured i n l oopback mode 1, descri bed i n 3GPP TS 34.109. Thi s requi res
the mobi l e stati on to decode the dedi cated traffi c channel (DTCH) data fr om the downl i nk and resend i t i n the
upl i nk DTCH. When usi ng FDD Test operati ng mode, thi s requi res the operator to manual l y confi gure the
mobi l e stati on duri ng testi ng; no overhead messagi ng or si gnal i ng i s pr ovi ded to set up the mobi l e stati on i n
thi s operati ng mode.
Thi s measurement al ways uses protocol tr i ggeri ng. A measurement cannot be made unl ess the mobi l e stati on
(UE) i s synchr oni zed to the test sets downl i nk si gnal and i s tr ansmi tti ng a corr espondi ng upl i nk si gnal .
Measurement resul ts are affected by any ampl i tude offsets that are entered, si nce the l evel i nto the UE i s
al ter ed.
Interpreting Integrity Indicator Values
I f Measurement Timeout (2) i s returned, the test set i ni ti ated the measurement and attempted to post the
measur ement resul ts before the measur ement had compl eted. Thi s i s typi cal l y occurs when ei ther of the
fol l owi ng condi ti ons exi st:
The measurement ti meout val ue you entered for the measurement i s too smal l for the number of bi ts bei ng
used. I n thi s case, ei ther r educe the number of bi ts to test or i ncr ease the ti meout val ue.
The measurement di d not start due because i t coul d not al i gn the recei ved data wi th the transmi tted data.
Thi s happens i f any of the fol l owi ng condi ti ons occur:
The test set i s unabl e to synchroni ze to the upl i nk si gnal .
The UE i s not confi gur ed for the proper l oopback mode.
The UE i s not confi gur ed for the proper upl i nk tr anspor t for mat.
I f Synch Not Found (11) i s returned, the test set l ost synchroni zati on wi th the upl i nk for some per i od of ti me
duri ng the measurement.
I f Over Range (5) i s r etur ned, the si gnal exceeds the maxi mum al l owabl e l evel for the test set or i s above the
l evel expected by the test set.
I f Under Range (6) i s returned, the si gnal i s bel ow the mi ni mum al l owabl e l evel for the test set or i s bel ow the
l evel expected by the test set.
Related Topics
I ntegri ty I ndi cator
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Measurement Descri pti on
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Thermal Power Troubleshooting
Thermal Power Troubleshooting
Possible Setup Issues
Duri ng remote operati on of the thermal power measurement you shoul d confi gure the tri gger arm to si ngl e.
See SETup:WTPower .
I f the tr i gger arm i s not set to si ngl e, the measur ement may not return a resul t. When tri gger arm i s
conti nuous, the measurement rearms i tsel f and starts another measurement cycl e; possi bl y i nterrupti ng the
FETCh operati on duri ng remote use. See Measurement States .
The tri gger source i s al ways i mmedi ate for the thermal power measurement. No synchr oni zati on or external
si gnal s are requi red.
Measurement resul ts are affected by any RF I n/Out ampl i tude offsets that are entered. See Ampl i tude Offset
The ther mal power measurement val ue may be sl i ghtl y hi gher than the channel power measurements val ue
(typi cal l y about 0.25 dB). Thi s i s because the channel power measurement i s band-l i mi ted, rejecti ng the
addi ti onal power that may be i n the upl i nk si gnal s si debands.
Thi s i s a broadband, unfi l tered power measurement. Therefore, vi rtual l y any si gnal pr esent at the RF I N/OUT
connector wi l l affect thi s measurement. I f the measured l evel exceeds the channel power measurement by
more than 0.25 dBm, veri fy that the onl y si gnal pr esent i s the mobi l e stati ons (UE) upl i nk si gnal .
Interpreting Integrity Indicator Values
Thi s measurement uses autorangi ng to automati cal l y set the expected l evel i nto the test set.
I f Over Range (5) i s r etur ned, the si gnal exceeds the maxi mum al l owabl e l evel for the test set.
I f Under Range (6) i s returned, the measured si gnal i s bel ow -21 dBm. The ther mal power measurement i s
speci fi ed to oper ate accuratel y down to -10 dBm, and wi l l operate wi th degraded accuracy down to -20 dBm.
Use the channel power measur ement for measuri ng l ower l evel si gnal s.
See I ntegri ty I ndi cator .
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Waveform Quality Troubleshooting
Waveform Quality Troubleshooting
Possible Setup Issues
Duri ng remote operati on of the waveform qual i ty measurement you shoul d confi gure the tr i gger arm to si ngl e.
See Waveform Qual i ty Troubl eshooti ng .
I f the tr i gger arm i s not set to si ngl e, the measur ement may not return a resul t. When tri gger arm i s
conti nuous, the measurement rearms i tsel f and starts another measurement cycl e, possi bl y i nterr upti ng the
FETCh operati on duri ng remote use. See Measurement States .
The mobi l e stati on (UE) must be synchroni zed to the test set for thi s measurement to oper ate correctl y.
RF I n/Out Ampl i tude offsets entered do not affect these measurement resul ts unl ess the recei ved si gnal l evel
becomes too l ow to accuratel y detect rel ati ve I /Q modul ati on vector transi ti ons.
Interpreting Integrity Indicator Values
I f Over Range (5) i s returned, the measured si gnal exceeds the expected i nput l evel or exceeds the maxi mum
al l owed i nput power for the test set.
I f Under Range (6) i s returned, the measured si gnal i s bel ow the expected i nput l evel .
I f Cannot Correlate (17) i s r etur ned, the test set cannot demodul ate the si gnal fr om the mobi l e stati on (UE).
Make sure the upl i nk scrambl i ng code fr om the mobi l e stati on matches the UL Scrambl i ng setti ng on the test
set (see CALL:UPLi nk ).
See I ntegri ty I ndi cator .
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Error Messages
Error Messages
Error Message Descriptions
Reading Error Messages
Each error message that i s generated i s recorded i n ei ther the error/event queue or the message l og or both.
Error messages are shown i n a message wi ndow at the center of the test sets di spl ay.
When an err or message i s di spl ayed an audi o beep occur s, the beeper state of the test set can be set to on or
The error/event queue i s read remotel y usi ng the SYSTem:ERRor? quer y. The error/event queue i s abl e to hol d
100 messages. To read the enti re error/event queue use the fol l owi ng program.
10 DIM Err_msg$[255]
40 ENTER 714; Err_num,Err_msg$
50 PRINT Err_num,Err_msg$
60 UNTIL Err_num = 0
The message l og may be vi ewed on the test sets di spl ay by pr essi ng the SYSTEM CONFI G scr eens Message
Log key. The message l og can di spl ay up to 24 entri es over two pages.
Fi xed Ti mer Messages on page 459
Manual User Error Messages on page 462
-400 through -499 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 464
-300 through -399 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 465
-200 through -299 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 467
-100 through -199 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 470
+100 through +199 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 474
+200 through +299 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 477
+300 through +399 Li nk Control Devi ce-Speci fi c Error on page 478
+400 through +499 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 479
+500 through +599 Test Appl i cati on Hardware Devi ce-Speci fi c Error on page 482
+600 through +699 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 483
+700 through +799 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 484
+800 through +899 Error Message Descri pti ons on page 485
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Error Messages
Er ror messages can be cl ear ed fr om the test sets di spl ay usi ng the DI SPl ay:WI NDow:ERRor:CLEar
command. Pr essi ng any functi onal fr ont panel key, i .e. the LOCAL key, wi l l cl ear an er ror message for the test
sets di spl ay.
Classes of Errors
Er ror messages are di vi ded i nto cl asses, each cl ass of err or i s handl ed di ffer entl y by the test set. The message
l og i s cl eared when the test set i s power cycl ed.
Measurement Integrity Indicators These messages occur as a resul t of a measurement, they i ndi cate the
val i di ty of the measurement. Measurement i ntegri ty i ndi cators are read wi th the FETCh command.
Non-Persistent Errors These messages are generated when a condi ti on occurs that i s i ncorrect, but has no
seri ous or l ong l asti ng effect on the test sets oper ati on. Exampl es coul d i ncl ude an out of range val ue to a
parameter, or an i nval i d GPI B mnemoni c. The message wi ndow i s cl eared when any fr ont panel key i s
pr essed.
Persistent Errors These errors are generated when a non-transi tory error condi ti on exi sts. Persi stent errors
occur when a hardware fai l ure i s found, or when damage or i njury to a person or the test set may occur.
The test set di spl ays these errors i n the error message wi ndow and as a pr ompt at the bottom of the di spl ay
screen wher e i t remai ns unti l the error condi ti on no l onger exi sts.
Fatal Errors When these er r ors occur no further oper ati on of the test set i s possi bl e wi thout cycl i ng the
power swi tch. Fatal errors are not saved i n the error message l og. The test set di spl ay wi l l provi de the user
wi th i nformati on about what to do next and some detai l s about what the test set was doi ng when the fatal
error occurr ed.
Maskable Messages These messages are i ntended to i nform the user of a condi ti on wi thi n the test set. They
are general l y meant to provi de i nformati on to the user. The user wi l l need to deci de i f thi s condi ti on i s
undesi rabl e and i f they want the message to appear.
Maskable Message Display State The Maskabl e Messages Di spl ay State found i n the I nstrument Setup menu gi ves
users a way to bl ock these messages and the associ ated beep from ever happeni ng. When the state i s Off these messages
and thei r associ ated beep wi l l be bl ocked. The Maskabl e Message Di spl ay State can be set manual l y or wi th the fol l owi ng
GPI B command:
OUTPUT 714;DISPLAY:MESSAGE:MASKABLE:STATE OFF !Prevents certain messages from appearing on the
Instrument Maskable Messages
I nstrument warni ng: Audi o Generator i nstrument has been cl osed.
I nstrument warni ng: Audi o Anal yzer i nstrument has been cl osed.
I nstrument warni ng: Anal og Audi o i nstrument has been cl osed.
Related Topics
SYSTem:ERRor? on page 401
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Error Message Log
Error Message Log
When an error message i s di spl ayed, i t i s al so l ogged i n the error message l og. Thi s l og i s onl y accessi bl e
manual l y; i t i s not avai l abl e through GPI B. The error message l og can be di spl ayed by pr essi ng the F7 menu
key from the SYSTEM CONFI G screen. Next Page and Previ ous Page control s ar e provi ded.
Al l errors and events that are generated are di spl ayed i n the error message l og. When the l og i s ful l a new
message i s sent to the l og and the ol dest message i s removed fr om the l og. The l og i s cl eared when the test set
powers up or when you press F10 (Cl ear Error Message Log).
Related Topics
Error Messages
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Fixed Timer Messages
Fixed Timer Messages
Thi s i s the l i st of fi xed ti mers wi th a bri ef expl anati on and thei r val ues. A ti mer expi ry message appears i n i ts
own wi ndow, on the test set di spl ay. The user has no access to these val ues and can not change them. None of
the fi xed ti mers are acti ve when operati ng mode i s Test Mode.
Timer Name Description Value
T100 RADI O-LI NK-TI MEOUT Detects the presence of the radi o l i nk by
detecti ng SACCH frames every 480 ms.
mul ti frames. That i s
1.92 seconds i f the
compl etel y absent.
T200 Data l i nk ti mer Used for re-transmi ssi on on the data l i nk.
The val ue vari es dependi ng on the message
155 ms for FACCH
T301 Al erti ng (ri ngi ng) ti mer Ti mer used to l i mi t the amount of ti me a
user has to answer a cal l .
20 seconds
T303 Mobi l i ty Management connecti on
ti mer
Ti me the network wai ts after sendi ng a CM
SERVI CE REQUEST unti l recei vi ng a
response. Thi s occurs before i ni ti ati ng cal l
cl eari ng procedures towards the MS.
10 seconds
T305 Rel ease ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after transmi tti ng a
DI SCONNECT message unti l recei vi ng a
RELEASE message.
10 seconds
T306 I n-band tones rel ease ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after transmi tti ng a
DI SCONNECT message whi l e i n-band
tones/announcements are provi ded, unti l
recei vi ng a RELEASE message.
10 seconds
T308 Rel ease ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after sendi ng a
RELEASE message unti l recei vi ng a
occurs before re-transmi tti ng the RELEASE
or rel easi ng the Mobi l i ty Management
connecti on.
10 seconds
T310 Cal l proceedi ng ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after recei vi ng a
CALL CONFI RMED message unti l
recei vi ng a ALERTI NG, CONNECT, or
DI SCONNECT message before i ni ti ati ng
cl eari ng procedures towards the MS.
10 seconds
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Fixed Timer Messages
T313 Connect acknowl edge ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after transmi tti ng a
CONNECT message unti l recei vi ng the
before performi ng cl eari ng procedures wi th
the MS.
10 seconds
T323 Modi fy compl ete ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after sendi ng a
MODI FY message duri ng cal l mode
changes, unti l recei vi ng a MODI FY
before i ni ti ati ng cal l cl eari ng procedures.
10 seconds
T3101 I mmedi ate assi gnment ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after sendi ng the
message unti l the mai n si gnal l i ng l i nk i s
establ i shed before rel easi ng the newl y
al l ocated channel s.
1 second
T3103 Handover ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after transmi tti ng a
HANDOVER COMMAND message unti l
recei vi ng HANDOVER COMPLETE or
re-establ i shes the cal l before the ol d
channel s are rel eased. I f the ti mer expi res
and the network has not recei ved a correctl y
decoded L2 (format A or B) or TCH frame,
then the newl y al l ocated channel s are
rel eased.
2 seconds
T3105 Physi cal i nformati on repeti ti on ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after sendi ng the
PHYSI CAL I NFORMATI ON message unti l
recei vi ng a correctl y decoded L2 (format A
or B) or TCH frame. Thi s occur before
re-transmi tti ng the PHYSI CAL
I NFORMATI ON message or rel easi ng the
newl y al l ocated channel s.
50 ms
T3107 Channel assi gnment ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after transmi tti ng
unti l recei vi ng the ASSESSMENT
FAI LURE message or the MS re-establ i shes
the cal l before rel easi ng the ol d and the new
channel s.
3 seconds
T3109 Si gnal l i ng di sconnecti on ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after sendi ng the
CHANNEL RELEASE message before
di sconnecti ng the si gnal l i ng l i nk.
5 seconds
T3111 Channel deacti vati on after
di sconnecti on ti mer
Ti me the network wai ts after di sconnecti ng
the si gnal l i ng l i nk before deacti vati ng the
channel .
500 ms
Timer Name Description Value
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Fixed Timer Messages
T3113 Pagi ng ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after transmi tti ng
the PAGI NG REQUEST message unti l
recei vi ng the PAGI NG RESPONSE
message. Thi s occurs before re-transmi tti ng
the PAGI NG REQUEST (i f the maxi mum
number of re-transmi ssi ons have not been
5 seconds
T3212 Locati on update ti mer The l ocati on update ti mer i s set to zero,
peri odi c l ocati on update by the MS are
di sabl ed. I f the MS camps to the BCH and
decodes a new MCC or MNC from the one i t
l ast camped on, i t shoul d perform a l ocati on
zero = i nfi ni te ti me
T3250 TMSI real l ocati on ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after sendi ng the
COMPLETE. Thi s occurs before aborti ng
the procedure and rel easi ng the Radi o
Resource connecti on.
5 seconds
T3260 Authenti cati on response ti mer Ti me the network wai ts after an
Thi s occurs before aborti ng the procedure
and rel easi ng the Radi o Resource
connecti on.
5 seconds
Timer Name Description Value
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Manual User Error Messages
Manual User Error Messages
These messages are i ntended to be di spl ayed on the manual user i nterface onl y, and are not entered i nto the
Error/Event Queue.
Error Message Description
The functi on you requested i s not yet avai l abl e. The test set does not have thi s capabi l i ty.
I Q Cal i brati on compl eted successful l y for modul ator <N> <N> i s the I Q modul ator number that you are
attempti ng to cal i brate, <N> i s 1 or 2.
I Q Cal i brati on fai l ed for modul ator <N> <N> i s the I Q modul ator number that you are
attempti ng to cal i brate, <N> i s 1 or 2.
The functi on you requested i s not avai l abl e i n thi s TA. Thi s functi on i s used i n another Test Appl i cati on.
I Q Cal i brati on for modul ator 1 i n progress (10 mi nutes). Cal l
processi ng di sabl ed.
Thi s error i s cl eared by ei ther the; I Q Cal i brati on
compl eted successful l y for modul ator <N>, or I Q
Cal i brati on fai l ed for modul ator <N>.
I Q Cal i brati on for modul ator 2 i n progress (6 mi nutes). Cal l
processi ng di sabl ed.
Thi s error i s cl eared by ei ther the; I Q Cal i brati on
compl eted successful l y for modul ator <N>, or I Q
Cal i brati on fai l ed for modul ator <N>.
I nstrument warni ng: Audi o generator i nstrument has been
cl osed.
The audi o generator i nstrument was cl osed
automati cal l y by the test set.
Measurement warni ng: Audi o Anal yzer i nstrument has been
cl osed.
The audi o anal yzer i nstrument was cl osed
automati cal l y by the test set.
Measurement warni ng: Anal og audi o measurement has been
cl osed.
Anal og audi o measurements have been cl osed by
the test set.
Protocol warni ng: Setti ng change has termi nated the l i nk
wi th the DUT
Some setti ng change has caused the cal l to
di sconnect.
Warni ng; Cal l processi ng di sabl ed The cal l processi ng functi ons are not acti ve
because the test set i s performi ng cal i brati on
operati ons.
I Q fi rst modul ator cal i brati on X% I Q modul ator cal i brati on i n progress, X represents
the percent compl ete.
I Q second modul ator cal i brati on X% I Q modul ator cal i brati on i n progress, X represents
the percent compl ete.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Manual User Error Messages
WCDMA and FDD Manual User Messages
Error Message Description
Channel power cal i brati on compl eted successful l y. The cal i brati on procedure for the channel power and
adjacent channel l eakage rati o (ACLR) measurements
compl eted wi thout probl ems.
Channel power cal i brati on fai l ed due to temperature
dri ft. Wai t for temperature to stabi l i ze.
The temperature i n the test set was changi ng duri ng
cal i brati on, causi ng the cal i brati on to fai l .
Channel power cal i brati on fai l ed due to oven out of
I ndi cates an i nternal probl em duri ng measurement
cal i brati on.
Channel power cal i brati on fai l ed due to l oopback swi tch
probl em.
I ndi cates an i nternal probl em duri ng measurement
cal i brati on.
Channel power cal i brati on fai l ed due to under range
condi ti on.
I ndi cates an i nternal probl em duri ng measurement
cal i brati on.
Channel power cal i brati on fai l ed due to over range
condi ti on.
I ndi cates an i nternal probl em duri ng measurement
cal i brati on.
Channel power cal i brati on fai l ed due to correl ati on
probl em.
I ndi cates an i nternal probl em duri ng measurement
cal i brati on.
Channel power cal i brati on fai l ed. The measurement cal i brati on procedure fai l ed for an
unspeci fi ed reason.
Channel power cal i brati on i n progress. Do not appl y RF
power duri ng cal i brati on
Tel l s you to not appl y power duri ng measurement
cal i brati on.
Channel power cal i brati on <x>%. Progress i ndi cator for the measurement cal i brati on routi ne.
FDD measurement warni ng; Thermal Power
measurement has been cl osed.
I ndi cates that a measurement has been i nacti vated because
of a resource confl i ct. Thi s message i s typi cal l y generated
when thermal power measurements are i ni ti ated.
FDD measurement warni ng; Adjacent Channel Leakage
Rati o measurement has been cl osed.
I ndi cates that a measurement has been i nacti vated because
of a resource confl i ct. Thi s message i s typi cal l y generated
when adjacent channel l eakage rati o measurements are
i ni ti ated.
FDD measurement warni ng; Waveform Qual i ty
measurement has been cl osed.
I ndi cates that a measurement has been i nacti vated because
of a resource confl i ct. Thi s message i s typi cal l y generated
when waveform qual i ty measurements are i ni ti ated.
FDD measurement warni ng; Average Power
measurement has been cl osed.
I ndi cates that a measurement has been i nacti vated because
of a resource confl i ct. Thi s message i s typi cal l y generated
when average power measurements are i ni ti ated.
FDD measurement warni ng; Loopback Bi t Error Rati o
measurement has been cl osed.
I ndi cates that a measurement has been i nacti vated because
of a resource confl i ct. Thi s message i s typi cal l y generated
when l oopback bi t error rati o measurements are i ni ti ated.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-400 through -499 Error Message Descriptions
-400 through -499 Error Message Descriptions
A Query error i s generated ei ther when data i n the i nstruments GPI B output queue has been l ost, or when an
attempt i s bei ng made to read data from the output queue when no output i s pr esent or pendi ng.
Error Message Description
-400 Query error Thi s event bi t (Bi t 2) i ndi cates that an attempt to read
data from the Output Queues when no output i s
present or pendi ng, to data i n the Output Queue has
been l ost see I EEE488.2,
-410 Query I NTERRUPTED I ndi cates the test set has been i nterrupted by a new
program message before i t fi ni shes sendi ng a
-420 Query UNTERMI NATED I ndi cates an i ncompl ete Query i n the program see
I EEE 488.2,
-430 Query DEADLOCKED I ndi cates that the I nput Buffer and Output Queue are
ful l see I EEE 488.2,
-440 Query UNTERMI NATED after i ndefi ni te response I ndi cates that a query was recei ved i n the same
program message after a query requesti ng an
i ndefi ni te response was executed see I EEE 488.2,
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-300 through -399 Error Message Descriptions
-300 through -399 Error Message Descriptions
November 14, 2001
A devi ce-speci fi c er ror i ndi cates that the i nstr ument has detected an err or that occur r ed because some
operati ons di d not pr operl y compl ete, possi bl y due to an abnor mal hardware or fi rmware condi ti on. For
exampl e, an attempt by the user to set an out of range val ue wi l l generate a devi ce speci fi c error. When one of
these er r ors i s gener ated, the devi ce speci fi c er r or bi t i n the event status r egi ster i s set.
Error Message Description
-300 Devi ce speci fi c error Thi s event bi t (Bi t 3) i ndi cates that a devi ce operati on
di d not properl y compl ete due to some condi ti on, such
as overrange see I EEE 488.2,
-311 Memory error I ndi cates some physi cal faul t i n the devi ces memory,
such as a pari ty error.
-312 PUD memory l ost I ndi cates protected user data saved by the *PUD
command has been l ost, see I EEE 488.2, 10.27.
-313 Cal i brati on memory l ost I ndi cates that nonvol ati l e cal i brati on data used by the
*CAL? command has been l ost, see I EEE 488.2, 10.2.
-314 Save/recal l memory l ost I ndi cates that the nonvol ati l e data saved by the *SAV
command has been l ost, see I EEE 488.2, 10.33.
-315 Confi gurati on memory l ost I ndi cates that nonvol ati l e confi gurati on data saved by
the devi ce has been l ost.
-320 Storage faul t I ndi cates that the fi rmware detected a faul t when
usi ng data storage. Thi s i s not an i ndi cati on of physi cal
damage or fai l ure of any mass storage el ement.
-321 Out of memory An i nternal operati on needed more memory than was
avai l abl e
-330 Sel f test fai l ed I ndi cates a probl em wi th the devi ce that i s not covered
by a speci fi c error message. The devi ce may requi re
servi ce.
-340 Cal i brati on fai l ed I ndi cates a probl em duri ng cal i brati on of the devi ce
that i s not covered by a speci fi c error.
-350 Queue overfl ow I ndi cates that there i s no room i n the queue and an
error occurred but was not recorded. Thi s code i s
entered i nto the queue i n l i eu of the code that caused
the error.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-300 through -399 Error Message Descriptions
-360 Communi cati on error Thi s i s the generi c communi cati on error for devi ces
that cannot detect the more speci fi c errors descri bed
for error -361 through -363.
-361 Pari ty error i n program message Pari ty bi t not correct when data recei ved for exampl e,
on a seri al port.
-362 Frami ng error i n program message A stop bi t was not detected when data was recei ved for
exampl e, on a seri al port (for exampl e, a baud rate
mi smatch).
-363 I nput buffer overrun Software or hardware i nput buffer on seri al port
overfl ows wi th data caused by i mproper or nonexi stent
paci ng.
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-200 through -299 Error Message Descriptions
-200 through -299 Error Message Descriptions
These errors ar e generated when somethi ng occurs that i s i ncorr ect i n the current state of the i nstrument.
These errors may be generated by a user acti on fr om ei ther the remote or the manual user i nterface.
Error Message Description
-200 Executi on error Thi s event bi t (Bi t 4) i ndi cates a PROGRAM DATA
el ement fol l owi ng a header was outsi de the l egal i nput
range or otherwi se i nconsi stent wi th the devi ces
capabi l i ti es, see I EEE 488.2,
-203 Command protected I ndi cates that a l egal password-protected program
command or query coul d not be executed because the
command was di sabl ed.
-220 Parameter error I ndi cates that a program data el ement rel ated error
-221 Setti ng confl i ct I ndi cates that a l egal program data el ement was
parsed but coul d not be executed due to the current
devi ce state.
-222 Data out of range I ndi cates that a l egal program data el ement was
parsed but coul d not be executed because the
i nterpreted val ue was outsi de the l egal range defi ned
by the devi ces
-223 Too much data I ndi cates that a l egal program data el ement of bl ock,
expressi on, or stri ng type was recei ved that contai ned
more data than the devi ce coul d handl e due to memory
or rel ated devi ce-speci fi c requi rements.
-224 I l l egal parameter val ue I ndi cates that the val ue sel ected was not part of the
l i st of val ues gi ven.
-225 Out of memory The devi ce has i nsuffi ci ent memory to perform the
r equested operati on.
-226 Li sts not the same l ength Attempted to use LI ST structure havi ng i ndi vi dual
LI STs of unequal l engths.
-230 Data corrupt or stal e I ndi cates i nval i d data, a new readi ng started but not
compl eted si nce the l ast access.
-231 Data questi onabl e I ndi cates that measurement accuracy i s suspect.
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-200 through -299 Error Message Descriptions
-233 I nval i d versi on I ndi cates that a l egal program data el ement was
parsed but coul d not be executed because the versi on of
the data i s i ncorrect to the devi ce. For exampl e, a not
supported fi l e versi on, a not supported i nstrument
versi on.
-240 Hardware error I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because of a hardware probl em i n the
devi ce.
-241 Hardware mi ssi ng I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because of mi ssi ng devi ce hardware.
For exampl e, an opti on was not i nstal l ed.
-250 Mass storage error I ndi cates that a mass storage error occurred. The
devi ce cannot detect the more speci fi c errors descri bed
for errors -251 through -259.
-251 Mi ssi ng mass storage I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because of mi ssi ng mass storage.
-252 Mi ssi ng medi a I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because of mi ssi ng medi a. For
exampl e, no di sk.
-253 Corrupt medi a I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because of corrupt medi a. For exampl e,
bad di sk or wrong format.
-254 Medi a ful l I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because the medi a i s ful l . For exampl e,
there i s no room l eft on the di sk.
-255 Di rectory ful l I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because the medi a di rectory was ful l .
-256 Fi l e name not found I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because the fi l e name was not found on
the medi a.
-257 Fi l e name error I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because the fi l e name on the devi ce
medi a was i n error. For exampl e, an attempt was made
to read or copy a nonexi stent fi l e.
-258 Medi a protected I ndi cates that a l egal program command or query coul d
not be executed because the medi a was protected. For
exampl e, the wri te-protect swi tch on a memory card
was set.
-270 Macro error I ndi cates that a macro rel ated executi on error
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-200 through -299 Error Message Descriptions
-271 Macro syntax error I ndi cates that a syntacti cal l y l egal macro program
data sequence, accordi ng to I EEE 488.2, 10.7.2, coul d
not be executed due to a syntax error wi thi n the macro
defi ni ti on.
-272 Macro executi on error I ndi cates that a syntacti cal l y l egal macro program
data sequence coul d not be executed due to some error
i n the macro defi ni ti on, see I EEE 488.2,
-273 I l l egal macro l abel I ndi cates that the macro l abel was not accepted, i t di d
not agree wi th the defi ni ti on i n I EEE 488.2, 10.7.3
-274 Macro parameter error I ndi cates that the macro defi ni ti on i mproperl y used a
macro parameter pl acehol der, see I EEE 4882, 10.7.3.
-275 Macro defi ni ti on too l ong I ndi cates that a syntacti cal l y l egal macro program
data sequence coul d not be executed because the stri ng
of bl ock contents were too l ong for the devi ce to handl e,
I EEE 488.2,
-276 Macro recursi on error I ndi cates that a syntacti cal l y l egal macro program
data sequence count not be executed because i t woul d
be recursi ve, see I EEE 488.2,
-277 Macro redefi ni ti on not al l owed I ndi cates that redefi ni ng an exi sti ng macro l abel , see
I EEE 488.2,
-278 Macro header not found I ndi cates that a l egal macro l abel i n the *GMS?, see
I EEE 488.2, 10.13, coul d not be executed because the
header was not previ ousl y defi ned.
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-100 through -199 Error Message Descriptions
-100 through -199 Error Message Descriptions
A command er ror i ndi cates that the test sets GPI B parser has detected an I EEE 488.2 syntax error.
When one of these er ror s i s gener ated, the command er ror bi t i n the event status r egi ster i s set.
Error Message Description
-100 Command error Thi s event bi t (Bi t 5) i ndi cates a syntax error, or a
semanti c error, or a GET command was entered, see
I EEE 488.2,
-101 I nval i d character I ndi cates a syntacti c el ements contai ns a character
whi ch i s i nval i d for that type.
-102 Syntax error I ndi cates that an unrecogni zed command or data type
was encountered. For exampl e, a stri ng was recei ved
when the devi ce does not accept stri ngs.
-103 I nval i d separator The parser was expecti ng a separator and encountered
an i l l egal character. For exampl e, the semi col on was
omi tted after a program message uni t.
-104 Data type error The parser recogni zed a data el ement di fferent than
one al l owed. For exampl e, numeri c or stri ng data was
expected but bl ock data was encountered.
-105 Get not al l owed I ndi cates a Group Execute Tri gger was recei ved wi thi n
a program message. Correct the program so that the
GET does not occur wi thi n the program code.
-108 Parameter not al l owed I ndi cates that more parameters were recei ved than
expected for the header. For exampl e, *ESE common
command onl y accepts one parameter, so *ESE 0,1 i s
not al l owed.
-109 Mi ssi ng parameter I ndi cates that l ess parameters were recei ved than
requi red for the header. For exampl e, *ESE requi res
one par ameter, *ESE i s not al l owed.
-110 Command header error I ndi cates an error was detected i n the header. Thi s
error i s used when the devi ce cannot detect the more
speci fi c errors -111 through -119.
-111 Header separator error I ndi cates that a character that i s not a l egal header
separator was encountered whi l e parsi ng the header.
-112 Program mnemoni c too l ong I ndi cates that the header contai ns more that twel ve
characters, see I EEE 488.2,
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-100 through -199 Error Message Descriptions
-113 Undefi ned header I ndi cates the header i s syntacti cal l y correct, but i t i s
undefi ned for thi s speci fi c devi ce. For exampl e, *XYZ i s
not defi ned for any devi ce.
-114 Header suffi x out of range I ndi cates the val ue of a header suffi x attached to a
program mnemoni c makes the header i nval i d.
-120 Numeri c data error Thi s error, as wel l as errors -121 through -129, are
generated when parsi ng a data el ement whi ch appears
to be numeri c, i ncl udi ng non-deci mal numeri c types.
Thi s parti cul ar error i s used i f the devi ce cannot detect
a more speci fi c error.
-121 I nval i d character i n number I ndi cates an i nval i d character for the data type bei ng
parsed was encountered. For exampl e, an al pha i n a
deci mal numeri c or a 9 i n octal data.
-123 Exponent too l arge I ndi cates the magni tude of an exponent was greater
than 32000, see I EEE 488.2,
-124 Too many di gi ts I ndi cates the manti ssa of a deci mal numeri c data
el ement contai ned more than 255 di gi ts excl udi ng
l eadi ng zeros, see I EEE 488.2,
-128 Numeri c data not al l owed I ndi cates that a l egal numeri c data el ement was
recei ved, but the devi ce does not accept one i n thi s
posi ti on for the header.
-130 Suffi x error Thi s error, as wel l as errors -131 through -139, are
generated when parsi ng a suffi x. Thi s parti cul ar error
message i s used i f the devi ce cannot detect a more
speci fi c error.
-131 I nval i d suffi x I ndi cates the suffi x does not fol l ow the syntax
descri bed i n I EEE 488.2,, or the suffi x i s
i nappropri ate for thi s devi ce.
-134 Suffi x too l ong I ndi cates the suffi x contai n more than 12 characters,
see I EEE 488.2,
-138 Suffi x not al l owed I ndi cates that a suffi x was encountered after a
numeri c el ement that does not al l ow suffi xes.
-140 Character data error Thi s error, as wel l as errors -141 through -149, are
generated when parsi ng a character data el ement.
Thi s parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce
cannot detect a more speci fi c error.
-141 I nval i d character data I ndi cates that the character data el ement contai ns an
i nval i d character or the parti cul ar el ement recei ved i s
not val i d for the header.
-144 Character data too l ong I ndi cates the character data el ement contai ns more
than twel ve characters, see I EEE 488.2,
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-100 through -199 Error Message Descriptions
-148 Character not al l owed I ndi cates a l egal character data el ement was
encountered where prohi bi ted by the devi ce.
-150 Stri ng data error Thi s error, as wel l as errors -151 through -159, are
generated when parsi ng a stri ng data el ement. Thi s
parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce cannot
detect a more speci fi c error.
-151 I nval i d stri ng data I ndi cates that a stri ng data el ement was expected, but
was i nval i d, see I EEE 488.2, For exampl e, an
END message was recei ved before the termi nal quote
-158 Stri ng data not al l owed I ndi cates that a stri ng data el ement was encountered
but was not al l owed by the devi ce at thi s poi nt i n
parsi ng.
-160 Bl ock data error Thi s error, as wel l as errors -161 through -169, are
generated when parsi ng a bl ock data el ement. Thi s
parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce cannot
detect a more speci fi c error.
-161 I nval i d bl ock data I ndi cates a bl ock data el ement was expected, but was
i nval i d, see I EEE 488.2, For exampl e, and
END message was recei ved before the end l ength was
sati sfi ed.
-168 Bl ock data not al l owed I ndi cates a l egal bl ock data el ement was encountered,
but not al l owed by the devi ce at thi s poi nt i n parsi ng.
-170 Expressi on error Thi s error, as wel l as errors -171 through -179, are
generated when parsi ng an expressi on data el ement.
Thi s parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce
cannot detect a more speci fi c error.
-171 I nval i d expressi on I ndi cates the expressi on data el ement was i nval i d, see
I EEE 488.2, For exampl e, unmatched
parentheses or an i l l egal character.
-178 Expressi on data not al l owed I ndi cates a l egal expressi on data was encountered, but
was not al l owed by the devi ce at thi s poi nt i n parsi ng.
-180 Macro error Thi s error, as wel l as error -181 through -189, are
generated when defi ni ng a macro or executi on a macro.
Thi s parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce
cannot detect a more speci fi c error.
-181 I nval i d output macro defi ni ti on I ndi cates that a macro parameter pl ace hol der was
encountered outsi de of a macro defi ni ti on.
-183 I nval i d i nsi de macro defi ni ti on I ndi cates that the program message uni t sequence,
sent wi th a *DDT or a *DMC command, i s
syntacti cal l y i nval i d, see I EEE 488.2,
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
-100 through -199 Error Message Descriptions
-184 Macro parameter error I ndi cates that a command i nsi de the macro defi ni ti on
had the wrong number or type of parameters.
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+100 through +199 Error Message Descriptions
+100 through +199 Error Message Descriptions
A devi ce-speci fi c er ror i ndi cates that the i nstr ument has detected an err or that occur r ed because some
operati ons di d not pr operl y compl ete, possi bl y due to an abnor mal hardware or fi rmware condi ti on. For
exampl e, an attempt by the user to set an out of range val ue wi l l generate a devi ce speci fi c error.
These ar e general er r or s gener ated by the cor e i nstr ument. When one of these er r or s i s gener ated, the +100
errors bi t i n the questi onabl e er r or status r egi ster i s set.
Error Message Description
+101 Assert; Cycl e power. Assert message<message1> <message1> wi l l appear as:
I f the DSP generated the assert:
;P:DSP T:<task I D> E:<error code> C:<error
cl assi f.> F1:<fl ag 1> F2:<fl ag 2>
I f the Protocol processor generated the assert:
;P:Protocol T:<task I D> L:<l i ne number> F:<fi l e
I f the Host processor generated the assert:
;P:Host T:<task I D> L:<l i ne number> F:<fi l e
+102 Excepti on; Cycl e power. Excepti on
<message2> wi l l appear as: T:<task I D> or V:<vector
number> or PC:<program counter> or DA:<data adrs
reg val ue>.
Vector number, program counter and data address
regi ster val ues are hexadeci mal format.
+103 Fai l ure; No measurements or setti ngs can be made I ndi cates none of the VI s are operati onal because a
seri ous probl em exi sts.
+104 Fai l ure; No settl i ng operati ons wi l l take pl ace I ndi cates none of the VI s are operati onal because a
seri ous probl em exi sts.
+105 Fai l ure; No measurements or setti ng can be made
for the functi on sel ected
I ndi cates none of the VI s are operati onal because a
seri ous probl em exi sts.
+110 I nput paci ng; I nternal communi cati on queue
overfl ow l i kel y
I ndi cates that GPI B commands are too fast for the
devi ce i nput queue and shoul d be sl owed.
+111 I nput paci ng; I nternal communi cati on queue
overfl ow i mmi nent. Paci ng i ncreased
I ndi cates that GPI B commands were too fast and the
devi ce i nput queue has not kept pace.
+112 I nternal error; Protocol error <message3> <message3> i s an ei ght di gi t hexadeci mal number that
i s the error code reported by protocol .
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+100 through +199 Error Message Descriptions
+113 I nternal error; <VI NAME> forced i nacti ve I ndi cates that a VI i s i nacti vated when not executed.
<VI NAME> i ncl udes : I ntVmVI ,GprsBsEmul VI ,
GsmComBsEmul VI ,GSMFi xedVI , Mi scVI ,
GSMSacchMr i VI , I QSel fCal VI 1, I QSel fCal VI 2,
TA Revi si onVI , TdmaTaBsEmul VI .
+114 I nternal error; <VI NAME> not respondi ng I ndi cates that a VI has not been i nstanti ated or the
state i s not avai l abl e.
<VI NAME> i ncl udes : I ntVmVI ,GprsBsEmul VI ,
GsmComBsEmul VI , GSMFi xedVI , Mi scVI ,
GSMSacchMr i VI , I QSel fCal VI 1, I QSel fCal VI 2,
TA Revi si onVI , TdmaTaBsEmul VI ,
RfHwAccessVI .
+115 I nternal error; <VI NAME> i nacti ve I ndi cates that a VI has been made i nacti ve.
<VI NAME> i ncl udes : I ntVmVI , GSMFi xedVI ,
Mi scVI , GSMSacchMri VI , I QSel fCal VI 1,
I QSel fCal VI 2, TA Revi si onVI .
+120 Warni ng; Recei ver over range due to requested
setti ngs
I ndi cates the total recei ved power (a combi nati on of
recei ved power and ampl i tude offset) i s above the
range of the test set.
+121 Warni ng; Recei ver under range due to requested
setti ngs
I ndi cates the total recei ved power (a combi nati on of
recei ved power and ampl i tude offset) i s bel ow the
range of the test set.
+122 Warni ng; Reference out of l ock I ndi cates the test sets i nternal reference i s out of l ock.
+123 Warni ng; Dupl i cate RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset
Frequency entry. Fi rst frequency entry i n RF I N/OUT
Ampl i tude Offset tabl e wi l l be used.
I ndi cates that an ampl i tude offset val ue for that
frequency has al ready been entered. The test set wi l l
use the ampl i tude offset val ue entered fi rst.
+124 Warni ng; Source over range due to requested
setti ngs
The setti ng sel ected for total transmi t power (a
combi nati on of cel l power, awgn power, ampl i tude
offset) i s above the test sets range.
+125 Warni ng; Source under range due to requested
setti ngs
The setti ng sel ected for total transmi t power (a
combi nati on of cel l power, awgn power, ampl i tude
offset) i s bel ow the test sets range.
+130 Confi gurati on error; Unabl e to swi tch to i ndi cated
Test Appl i cati on
The test appl i cati on sel ected i s not avai l abl e for thi s
test set.
+131 Confi gurati on error; Current Test Appl i cati on i s
not l i censed (Li cense = N). Sel ect another Test
Appl i cati on
The test appl i cati on sel ected i s not l i censed. Sel ect
another revi si on or test appl i cati on that i s l i censed
(Li cense = L).
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+100 through +199 Error Message Descriptions
+132 Confi gurati on error; Sel ected Test Appl i cati on
Format i s not avai l abl e.
I ndi cates that the fast swi tchi ng operati on wi l l not
acti vate a parti cul ar radi o format. Check the revi si on
number of the test appl i cati on associ ated wi th the
radi o format, does the revi si on correspond wi th what
the fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati on needs?
+133 Confi gurati on error; Sel ected Test Appl i cati on
Format i s not l i censed, (Li cense = N).
The radi o format sel ected i s not l i censed. Sel ect
another revi si on or obtai n a l i censed revi si on of the
test appl i cati on test appl i cati on that i s l i censed
(Li cense = L).
+134 Confi gurati on error; Unabl e to swi tch to sel ected
Test Appl i cati on Format
The Test Appl i cati on Format name used i s correct but
for some reason the test set can not swi tch to that
+142 Confi gurati on error; Functi onal i ty not avai l abl e An attempt has been made to access l ab appl i cati on
functi ons from a test appl i cati on.
+150 Cal i brati on operati on; Recal i brati ng due to present
I ndi cates that the test set i s recal i brati ng due to
hardware i naccuraci es based on temperature changes.
Any measurements that are runni ng wi l l be
temporari l y aborted and then restarted after the
recal i brati on i s compl ete.
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+200 through +299 Error Message Descriptions
+200 through +299 Error Message Descriptions
A devi ce-speci fi c er ror i ndi cates that the i nstr ument has detected an err or that occur r ed because some
operati ons di d not pr operl y compl ete, possi bl y due to an abnor mal hardware or fi rmware condi ti on. For
exampl e, an attempt by the user to set an out of range val ue wi l l generate a devi ce speci fi c error.
When one of these errors i s generated, the +200 errors bi t i n the questi onabl e error status regi ster i s set.
Table10. FDD Call Processing Errors
Error Message Description
+217 Performance not speci fi ed for UL/DL frequency offset
< 30 MHz
Performance i s not speci fi ed when the di fference i n
the upl i nk and downl i nk frequenci es i s l ess than
30 MHz.
+218 FDD Setti ngs Deferred: Cel l power and AWGN power
> 10 dB apart.
AWGN and Cel l Power setti ngs must be wi thi n 10 dB
of each other.
+221 FDD Test Mode Setti ngs Deferred: Sum of code channel
power l evel s > 0 dB
The sum of the code channel s cannot exceed 0 dB.
Reduce one or more channel l evel s.
+224 FDD Test Mode Setti ngs Deferred: One or more code
channel power l evel s > 30 dB bel ow total RF power
The power of at l east one code channel i s more than
30 dB bel ow the total RF power, exceedi ng the test
sets l i mi ts.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+300 through +399 Link Control Device-Specific Error
+300 through +399 Link Control Device-Specific Error
These errors ar e generated when a pr obl em occurs i n mai ntai ni ng the l i nk between the test set and a DUT.
These errors general l y occur when a message i s recei ved from the DUT that i s unexpected.
When one of these er ror s i s gener ated, the +300 errors bi t i n the questi onabl e er r or status regi ster i s set.
Refer to Standard Event Status Regi ster on page 376 for i nformati on on thi s regi ster.
No link control errors are currently defined for this test application.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+400 through +499 Error Message Descriptions
+400 through +499 Error Message Descriptions
These errors are generated when a probl em occurs i n one of the test sets hardware modul es that i s part of the
test sets cor e i nstrument.
When one of these er ror s i s gener ated, the +400 errors bi t i n the questi onabl e er r or status regi ster i s set.
Error Message Description
+400 Hardware fai l ure; Hardware i s not avai l abl e
+401 Hardware fai l ure; Protocol processor hardware i s not
respondi ng
+402 Hardware fai l ure; Demod recei ver hardware i s not
respondi ng
+403 Hardware fai l ure; Measurement recei ver hardware i s
not respondi ng
+404 Hardware fai l ure; RF source 1 hardware i s not
respondi ng
+405 Hardware fai l ure; RF source 1 di gi tal modul ati on
hardware i s not respondi ng
+406 Hardware fai l ure; RF source 1 l evel hardware i s not
respondi ng
+407 Hardware fai l ure; DSP demod control hardware i s not
respondi ng
+408 Hardware fai l ure; 2nd demod recei ver hardware i s not
respondi ng
+409 Hardware fai l ure; Base stati on emul ator tri gger
hardware i s not respondi ng
+410 Hardware fai l ure; Audi o source hardware i s not
respondi ng
+411 Hardware fai l ure; RF source 2 hardware i s not
respondi ng
+412 Hardware fai l ure; I nternal vol tmeter hardware i s not
respondi ng
+413 Hardware fai l ure; Fi xed ti mebase i nput i s not
respondi ng
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+400 through +499 Error Message Descriptions
+414 Hardware fai l ure; Fi xed external reference output i s
not respondi ng
+415 Hardware fai l ure; I nstrument reference i s not
respondi ng
+416 Hardware fai l ure; Bi t cl ock A i s not respondi ng
+417 Hardware fai l ure; RF source 2 frequency hardware i s
not respondi ng
+418 Hardware fai l ure; RF source 2 di gi tal modul ati on
hardware i s not respondi ng
+419 Hardware fai l ure; RF source 2 l evel hardware i s not
respondi ng
+420 Hardware fai l ure; RF source hoppi ng hardware i s not
respondi ng
+421 Hardware fai l ure; Di gi tal demod hoppi ng hardware i s
not respondi ng
+422 Hardware fai l ure; Mi sc VI hardware i s not respondi ng
+423 Hardware fai l ure; Unabl e to access networki ng
i nformati on
+424 Hardware fai l ure; Bi t cl ock B i s not respondi ng
+425 Hardware fai l ure; I nval i d EEPROM checksum
<EEPROM board I D>
See the l i st of EEPROM board I D names bel ow.
+426 Hardware fai l ure; Unabl e to wri te to EEPROM
<EEPROM board I D>
See the l i st of EEPROM board I D names bel ow.
+427 Hardware fai l ure; Unabl e to read from EEPROM
<EEPROM board I D>
See the l i st of EEPROM board I D names bel ow.
+428 Hardware fai l ure; Board not i denti fi ed <board I D> See the l i st of board I D names bel ow.
+429 Hardware fai l ure; Coul d not create board
i denti fi cati on <board I D>
See the l i st of board I D names bel ow.
+430 Hardware fai l ure; Control versi on not compati bl e wi th
FW <board I D>
See the l i st of board I D names bel ow.
+431 Hardware fai l ure; RF I O DAC cannot be cal i brated
due to present temperature
+432 Hardware fai l ure; RF hardware i s not respondi ng
+433 Hardware fai l ure; RF source FM hardware i s not
respondi ng
+434 Hardware fai l ure; Audi o source FM hardware i s not
respondi ng
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+400 through +499 Error Message Descriptions
<board ID> names
<EEPROM board ID> names
I nstrument Eepr om I D State| ;Atten 1 Eeprom I D State| ;Atten 2 Eepr om I D State| ;Audi o Eeprom I D
State| ;BaseBandGen 1 Eepr om I D State| ;BaseBandGen 2 Eepr om I D State| ;Demod DC Eeprom I D State|
;Di gi tal Mother Board Eeprom I D State| ;I Q Output 1 Eeprom I D State| ;I Q Output 2 Eeprom I D State| ;I VF
Meas Eepr om I D State| ; Jumper Boar d Eepr om I D State| ; Meas DC Eepr om I D State| ;RF Mother Boar d
Eepr om I D State| ;RF I nterface Eepr om I D State| ; Ref Mod Eepr om I D State| ;Si g Gen 1 Eepr om I D State|
; Si g Gen 2 Eepr om I D State| ;Ti me Ref Eepr om I D State| ;Di spl ay I nter face Eeprom I D State| ;Rear Panel
Eepr om I D State
+460 Hardware fai l ure; Hardware doesnt support
requested operati on
Thi s error occurs when a setti ng i s attempted that
i s not possi bl e wi th the test sets hardware. The
current fi rmware needs new hardware i n order to
+461 Hardware fai l ure; Li nk subsystem hardware i s not
respondi ng. Cal l processi ng functi onal i ty not operati onal .
Thi s error occurs any ti me the l i nk subsystem i s not
operati ng correctl y. The message i s persi stent to
warn the user that any cal l processi ng operati ons
wi l l not work.
+462 Hardware error; Hardware not supported; <board
I D><part_number>
Thi s error appears when an operati on was
attempted that requi res hardware that i s not
i nstal l ed i n the test set.
+463 Hardware error: RFI O versi on does not support
l oopback swi tchi ng.
+464 Hardware error: RFI O versi on does not support RF
out onl y sel ecti on.
Thi s error occurs when tryi ng to sel ect the RF OUT
ONLY port when the test set has the RF I /O modul e
that onl y has the RF I N/OUT port.
Error Message Description
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+500 through +599 Test Application Hardware Device-Specific Error
+500 through +599 Test Application Hardware Device-Specific Error
These errors ar e generated when a pr obl em occurs wi th a hardware modul e that i s requi r ed for a parti cul ar
test appl i cati on.
When one of these er ror s i s gener ated, the +500 errors bi t i n the questi onabl e er r or status regi ster i s set.
No hardware specific errors are currently defined for this test application.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+600 through +699 Error Message Descriptions
+600 through +699 Error Message Descriptions
These errors ar e generated when a pr obl em occurs that i s speci fi c to one of the test sets i nstr uments. These
err ors ar e par t of the test sets core. Note that these measurements may not be pr esent i n every test
appl i cati on and therefore, these errors may not be present i n every test appl i cati on. There i s no pl an at
pr esent to suppor t test appl i cati on speci fi c i nstr uments.
An i nstrument i n thi s context refers to the measurement-l i ke functi onal i ty such as the audi o generator and
not to the test set as a whol e.
When one of these er ror s i s gener ated, the +600 errors bi t i n the questi onabl e er r or status regi ster i s set.
Error Message Description
+601 I nstrument fai l ure; Audi o generator hardware i s not
respondi ng
I ndi cates a probl em occurs when attempti ng to
control the test sets audi o generator.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+700 through +799 Error Message Descriptions
+700 through +799 Error Message Descriptions
A devi ce-speci fi c er ror i ndi cates that the i nstr ument has detected an err or that occur r ed because some
operati ons di d not pr operl y compl ete, possi bl y due to an abnor mal hardware or fi rmware condi ti on. For
exampl e, an attempt by the user to set an out of range val ue wi l l generate a devi ce speci fi c error.
When one of these errors i s generated, the +700 errors bi t i n the questi onabl e error status regi ster i s set.
Table11. FDD System Measurement Errors
Error Message Description
+701 FDD measurement fai l ure; Thermal Power hardware i s
not respondi ng
A hardware fai l ure associ ated wi th thi s measurement
i s suspected. Rerun the measurement to veri fy thi s
+702 FDD measurement fai l ure; Adjacent Channel Leakage
Rati o hardware i s not respondi ng
A hardware fai l ure associ ated wi th thi s measurement
i s suspected. Rerun the measurement to veri fy thi s
+703 FDD measurement fai l ure; Waveform Qual i ty hardware
i s not respondi ng
A hardware fai l ure associ ated wi th thi s measurement
i s suspected. Rerun the measurement to veri fy thi s
+704 FDD measurement fai l ure; Average Power hardware i s
not respondi ng
A hardware fai l ure associ ated wi th thi s measurement
i s suspected. Rerun the measurement to veri fy thi s
+705 FDD measurement fai l ure; Loopback Bi t Error Rati o
hardware i s not respondi ng
A hardware fai l ure associ ated wi th thi s measurement
i s suspected. Rerun the measurement to veri fy thi s
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
+800 through +899 Error Message Descriptions
+800 through +899 Error Message Descriptions
These errors ar e generated when a pr obl em occurs that i s speci fi c to one of the test sets core measurements
(such as anal og audi o).
When one of these er ror s i s gener ated, the +800 errors bi t i n the questi onabl e er r or status regi ster i s set.
Error Message Description
+801 Measurement fai l ure; Anal og audi o hardware i s not
respondi ng
I ndi cates that a probl em occurs when attempti ng
to control the measurements hardware.
+802 Measurement fai l ure; Audi o anal yzer hardware i s not
respondi ng
I ndi cates that a probl em occurs when attempti ng
to control the measurements hardware.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Block Diagram
Block Diagram
RF Interface Module
I nput and output si gnal s ar e r outed thr ough the RF I nter face modul e. The RF I nter face modul e consi sts of:
A di recti onal bri dge for sampl i ng i ncomi ng power.
Hybr i d power spl i tters whi ch cr eate 4 bi di r ecti onal ports, (two recei ver ports and two source ports). The
di recti onal bri dge coupl es power to the Power Detector.
RF ampl i fi ers.
Vi deo gai n ci r cui ts
Fast and ther mal power detector s
Analog Digital
RF Source 2
Audio Section
Link Subsystem
Generator 2
Digital Signal
RF Source 1
Generator 1

Demodulated FM
RF Interface
Protocol Processor
Optional Link Subsystem
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Block Diagram
The RF I nterface modul e pr ovi des two i denti cal RF Source path connecti ons to the I n/Out port of the
i nstrument. There i s about 25 dB of i sol ati on between the two source paths. There i s about 35 dB of i sol ati on
between the source paths and ei ther recei ver path. The RFI O modul e has nomi nal l y 23 dB of i nserti on l oss i n
the source path. A temperature sensi ng ci rcui t faci l i tates compensati on for path l oss vari ati on wi th
temper atur e.
The source si gnal s can be l ooped back through the i nput si gnal path to cross-cal i brate the Measurement
Downconverter and the Power Detector.
The sampl ed i nput power fr om the di recti onal bri dge can be ampl i fi ed by as many as two 18 dB range
ampl i fi er s and then can be di r ected to the fast detector or the thermal detector. The i nput power to the fast
detector i s detected by a di ode detector that i s par t of a feedback l oop. The i nput to the ther mal detector i s
measured i n a bri dge usi ng a pai r of RMS thermal detectors i n a feedback l oop.
Signal Downconversion
The test sets downconversi on recei ver secti on has two downconversi on modul es; a Measurement
Downconversi on Modul e for maki ng measurements, and a Demodul ati on Downconversi on Modul e for
mai ntai ni ng the radi o l i nk.
Demodulation Downconverter Module The Demodul ati on Downconverter modul e i s used as part of the
demodul ati on recei ver that mai ntai ns the radi o l i nk.
Measurement Downconverter Module The Measurement Downconverter modul e provi des hi gh qual i ty
(wi de dynami c range, spuri ous fr ee) si gnal s to the Anal og To Di gi tal Converter modul es measur ement
sampl er i nput.
The Measurement Downconverter modul e i s desi gned for very hi gh performance oper ati on to ensure accurate
and repeatabl e measurement resul ts. The Measurement Downconverter modul e contai ns two downconversi on
stages, two l ocal osci l l ators, and a l ogari thmi c I F envel ope detector . Both fi rst and second LO synthesi zers are
tunabl e. The fi rst LO i s used when tuni ng to the RF i nput frequency, and the second LO i s used when setti ng
second I F frequency, whi ch i s fed to the measurement sampl er on the Anal og To Di gi tal Converter modul e.
Link Subsystem
The Li nk Subsystem mai ntai ns the radi o l i nk for al l CDMA formats. The Li nk Subsystem has two parts:
Protocol Processor
Opti onal Li nk Subsystem hardware
The Protocol Processor modul e i s responsi bl e for mai ntai ni ng the radi o l i nk between the test set and the
mobi l e stati on under test. The pri mar y tasks of the Protocol Processor modul e are:
Generating the protocol messaging necessary for the forward channel and sending that protocol stream to the test sets RF
source for transmission to the mobile station
Decoding the protocol messaging received from the mobile station under test on the reverse channel
Computing measurement results which are associated with data bits contained within the mobile stations messaging, such
as bit error ratio and frame error rate.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Block Diagram
The opti onal Li nk Subsystem hardware provi des addi ti onal si gnal i ng l i nk control for CDMA si gnal i ng
formats. These i ncl ude:
Layer 1 di gi tal si gnal pr ocessi ng
Provi di ng I /Q baseband si gnal s whi ch are sent to the I /Q modul ator i n the RF Source
Analog To Digital Converter Module
Fol l owi ng the Measurement Downconverter and Demodul ati on Downconverter I F 1 i s the Anal og to Di gi tal
Converter modul e. The purpose of the Anal og to Di gi tal Converter modul e i s to convert the downconverted
anal og si gnal s i nto di gi tal data streams whi ch can be processed by the Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng modul e.
I n order to mai ntai n the radi o l i nk of non-CDMA formats, the downconversi on path through the Demodul ati on
Downconverter modul e has a dedi cated A/D conver si on path.
To opti mi ze measurement throughput, the fast RF power detector al so has a si ngl e dedi cated A/D path. Thi s
al l ows power measurements, i n many cases, to be made concurrentl y wi th other measurements. The two
outputs from the Measurement Downconverter modul e and the Audi o I n si gnal share a si ngl e mul ti pl exed A/D
The outputs of the vari ous anal og to di gi tal converters on the Anal og to Di gi tal Converter modul e share a
common data bus wi th the Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng modul e.
Digital Signal Processing Module
The Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng (DSP) modul e i s responsi bl e for a vari ety of tasks wi thi n the over al l test set
archi tecture. These tasks are:
demodulating data from the radio under test (data received from the Demodulation Downconverter module) and sending
the demodulated data bits to the Protocol Processor module
for some systems, perform audio measurements using audio information sent to the DSP module from the Protocol
Processor module
execute a variety of signal processing algorithms to perform measurements on the radio system of the currently loaded
TA (data received from the power detector ADC, the measurement ADC and, in some cases, data received from the
Demodulation Downconverter ADC)
The DSP processor communi cates wi th the Host Processor and the Protocol Processor, as wel l as control l i ng
the confi gurati on and synchroni zati on of the Anal og To Di gi tal Converter modul e.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Block Diagram
Host Processor Module
The Host Processor modul e i s responsi bl e for a vari ety of tasks wi thi n the overal l test set archi tecture. These
tasks i ncl ude:
control of the manual user interface (MUI)
executing commands and processing data received from the LAN interface
executing commands and processing data received from the GPIB interface
controlling hard disk access
control of all RF and audio hardware modules
routing measurement results received form the Digital Signal Processing and Protocol Processor modules to the
appropriate output device (display, GPIB, LAN, serial, etc.)
Voltmeter The vol tmeter i s used to measure i nternal vol tages for i nstrument sel f-di agnosti cs.
Frequency Counter The Fr equency Counter i s used to measure external fr equenci es fr om the front panel
Audi o I N, Hi gh or Low BNC connectors, and to measure i nternal si gnal s for di agnosti cs. The external i nput
can recei ve a si gnal between 20 Hz and 50 MHz, wi th a l evel from 25 mV to 8 V rms.
Audio Section
Audio Analysis Path External l y appl i ed audi o si gnal s can be anal yzed through the test sets DSP modul e
for such character i sti cs as AC l evel , SI NAD, or di stor ti on.
The audi o si gnal to be anal yzed i s i nput to the test set usi ng the fr ont panel Audi o I N Hi gh/Low connectors.
The si gnal i s then routed to the Anal og To Di gi tal Converter modul es measurement sampl er for anal ysi s by
the DSP modul e.
The Audi o I n connector accepts si gnal s from 20 Hz to 15 KHz, at i nput l evel s from 10 mV to 20 V peak.
Audio 1 Path The Audi o 1 path pr ovi des anal og baseband si gnal s used for fr equency modul ati on of the test
sets RF sources. Up to four separate audi o sources may be summed together i n any combi nati on to pr ovi de the
composi te Audi o 1 output. These i ncl ude the external FM i nput, i nternal di rect di gi tal synthesi s (DDS,)
regenerated SAT, and audi o echo i nput.
The external FM i nput accepts an external l y suppl i ed audi o si gnal wi th a peak vol tage between 0.25 and 2 V
The i nternal DDS generates l ow di storti on audi o si gnal s from DC to 20 KHz wi th 0.1 Hz resol uti on. One to
four si gnal s may be generated and i nternal l y summed, wi th i ndependent l evel control of each wavefor m.
The SAT regenerati on ci rcui t outputs a si gnal whi ch i s phase-l ocked to a recei ved SAT si gnal . Thi s i s useful
for testi ng si tuati ons where the test set needs to emul ate a mobi l e stati on.
The audi o echo i nput i s used for r etr ansmi tti ng the recei ved audi o after a sel ectabl e ti me del ay, to check both
radi o transmi t and recei ve paths si mul taneousl y.
For most appl i cati ons, onl y one or two of these Audi o 1 path sources are enabl ed at any gi ven ti me.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Block Diagram
Audio 2 Path The Audi o 2 path provi des a secondary means for sendi ng anal og baseband si gnal s to the FM
modul ator. Audi o 2 contai ns onl y one source, a DDS si mi l ar to that used for Audi o 1.
Typi cal l y, the Audi o 2 path DDS i s used for cases where mul ti pl e si gnal s must be summed together wi th the
l owest possi bl e di storti on. Another potenti al use of Audi o 2 woul d be to obtai n hi gher output l evel s than Audi o
1 i s capabl e of (up to twi ce as much), assumi ng the two outputs are set to the same fr equency and phase, and
then summed together at the Baseband Generator modul e.
Audi o 2 i s rarel y used i n pr acti ce because the DDS used for Audi o 2 i s the same DDS that i s used for the front
panel audi o output.
Audio Out Path Any one of four i nputs may be coupl ed to the fr ont panel audi o output connector. These
i ncl ude a 4 channel DDS (shared wi th Audi o 2), recei ver di scri mi nator audi o from the Demodul ati on
Downconverter modul e, audi o echo from the Anal og To Di gi tal Converter modul e, and audi o vocoder.
The fr ont panel output i s capabl e of pr ovi di ng si gnal l evel s up to 9 V peak i nto > 600 ohm l oads, and up to 0.8
V peak i nto an 8 ohm l oad (e.g. speaker). The output l evel i s cal i brated for al l modes except di scri mi nator
audi o,
The di scri mi nator audi o has an uncal i brated vol ume control provi ded due to the hi gh tol erances i nvol ved.
Typi cal l y the DDS mode i s used to feed the MI C i nput of a radi o, or i t may si mpl y be used as a general purpose
l ow di stor ti on functi on generator.
Audi o echo can be sel ected to route the recei ved audi o to the fr ont panel audi o output connector.
RF Sources
The test set has up to two i denti cal RF sources. The RF sources are used to pr ovi de anal og or di gi tal l y
modul ated RF carri ers for use i n parametr i c testi ng of mobi l e stati ons encompassi ng a vari ety of cel l ul ar radi o
formats. I n general , the sources have a frequency range of 292 MHz to 2.7 GHz and an ampl i tude range of -10
dBm to -127 dBm.
The RF sources consi st of a Synthesi zed Si gnal Generator modul e fol l owed by a Vector Output modul e and an
RF Attenuator modul e. Baseband modul ati on i nformati on i s suppl i ed to the RF sources fr om a Baseband
Generator modul e preceded by an Audi o Secti on modul e.
Baseband Generators
The purpose of the Baseband Generator modul e i s to pr ovi de, for the modul ati on type curr entl y i n effect,
pr oper l y for matted baseband si gnal s to the modul ati on ci r cui ts on the RF Source modul es.
The Baseband Generator performs several functi ons rel ated to the generati on and pr ocessi ng of these
base-band modul ati on si gnal s. These ar e:
Transform data and clock signals from the Protocol Processor module into base-band analog I/Q modulation signals for
the I/Q modulator in the Vector Output module
Transform data from the Protocol Processor module into baseband FSK modulation for the FM modulator in the Signal
Generator module
Provide baseband FM path source selection, gain adjustment and summing node for analog FM signals from the Audio
module and internally generated baseband FSK signals which are output to the FM modulator in the Signal Generator
Transform burst and adjacent timeslot signals from the Protocol Processor module into baseband burst modulation signals
for the burst modulator in the Vector Output module
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Obtaining Identification Information (*IDN)
Obtaining Identification Information (*IDN)
Test set i nformati on i s returned fr om a *I DN? query. The *I DN? query provi des i nformati on about the
Manufacturer, Model Number, Seri al Number, and Fi rmware Revi si on. *I DN? i s defi ned i n I EEE Std.
488.2-1992, 10.14.
Test Set Information
*I DN? quer y returns i denti fi cati on i nformati on as a comma separated stri ng.
DIM A$[100]
OUTPUT 714;*IDN? !returns manufacturer,model number, serial number and 0
!separated by commas
ENTER 714;A$
PRINT A$ !prints, for example Agilent Technologies, 8960 Series 10 E5515B,
Agi l ent Technol ogi es i s the manufacturer.
Pri ntabl e ASCI I char acters excl udi ng comma and semi col on up to a 25-character stri ng.
Model number exampl e: 8960 Seri es 10 E5515B
Pri ntabl e ASCI I char acters excl udi ng comma and semi col on up to a 10-character stri ng.
Seri al number exampl e: US00000123
Pri ntabl e ASCI I char acters excl udi ng comma and semi col on up to a 20-character stri ng.
Fi rmware revi si on exampl e: 0
NOTE The *I DN? query wi l l al ways i ndi cate that the fi rmware revi si on i s zero.
SYSTem:APPLi cati on[:CURRent]:REVi si on? i s the recommended way to query the fi rmware
revi si on.
Related Topics
Hardware Confi gurati on Report
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Hardware Configuration Report
Hardware Configuration Report
You can generate a l i st of the test sets hardware confi gurati on over the LAN or GPI B.
The LAN quer y i s the easi est and most di rect way to query the test sets hardware confi gurati on. Thi s method
uses your web br owser to di spl ay a for matted r epor t.
The GPI B quer y returns an unfor matted character stri ng that must be buffered and saved to an HTML fi l e to
pr ovi de formatted text.
LAN Query
1. Refer to the SYSTEM CONFI G screen to determi ne the LAN address.
2. Open a web browser and enter <LAN addr ess>/i confi g. For exampl e, i f your LAN addr ess i s,
you woul d enter: confi g
3. The web browser wi l l then di spl ay formatted text. A parti al l i st of the hardware confi gurati on i nformati on
i s shown bel ow:
GPIB Query
Use the fol l owi ng Basi c exampl e as a model to store the test sets confi gurati on as an HTML fi l e.
GPIB Example:
10 DIM Buf1$[20000],Buf2$[20000] ! This is the minimum space for the arrays
30 ENTER 714;Buf1$,Buf2$
40 CREATE HW.htm,1 ! Create an HTML file
50 ASSIGN @File TO HW.htm
60 OUTPUT @File;Buf1$,Buf2$
70 END
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Hardware Configuration Report
I n the future, the hardware confi gurati on report may i ncrease i n l ength. More space woul d then need to be
al l ocated for the ar rays.
Di spl ay the HTML fi l e usi ng a web browser or HTML text edi tor.
Related Topics
SYSTem:CONFi gure:I NFor mati on:HARDware:VERBose? on page 392
Obtai ni ng I denti fi cati on I nfor mati on (*I DN) on page 492
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
W-CDMA Revision Information
W-CDMA Revision Information
Thi s document descri bes the featur es that are i n the Agi l ent Technol ogi es E1963A WCDMA Mobi l e Test
Appl i cati on rel eases. Thi s document contai ns the ori gi nal features, as wel l as enhancements that have been
added over ti me.
Sel ect the appr opri ate l i nk bel ow to vi ew the requi red rel ease.
A.01. 00 rel ease - November 2001 (I ni ti al Test Appl i cati on Rel ease)
A.01. 00 release - November 2001 (Initial Test Application Release)
Call Processing
Thi s rel ease of the W-CDMA test appl i cati on does not provi de cal l pr ocessi ng. Ther efore, cal l pr ocessi ng
operati ons, such as base stati on ori gi nati on (pagi ng) and regi strati on, are not avai l abl e to establ i sh a
connecti on between the test set and the user equi pment (UE).
A frequency di vi si on dupl ex (FDD) test mode i s avai l abl e to provi de a downl i nk si gnal that a pr operl y
confi gured UE can synchroni ze to i n order to tr ansmi t a correspondi ng upl i nk si gnal . The test set can then
demodul ate the upl i nk si gnal and make waveform qual i ty and l oopback bi t error rati o measurements. See
FDD Test Operati ng Mode for a descr i pti on of thi s feature.
Transmitter Measurements
Thermal Power. Thi s i s an unfi l tered, broad-banded power measurement that uses a thermal detector to
measur e the total power of al l si gnal s present at the test sets RF I N/OUT connector down to -10 dBm.
Because of i ts hi gh accur acy, thi s i s the pr eferr ed power measurement for the Maximum Output Power test
(3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.2, v3.2.0) to veri fy that the UE i s transmi tti ng at the corr ect l evel when
tr ansmi tti ng at i ts hi ghest output l evel . See Thermal Power Measurement Descri pti on .
Channel Power. Thi s i s a fi l tered power measurement that can be used to measure hi gh l evel and l ow l evel
si gnal s wi thi n a 3.84 MHz bandwi dth. Thi s measurement i s used i n the Transmit Off Power test (3GPP TS
34.121, secti on 5.5.1, v3.2.0). I t can al so be used for cal i brati ng mobi l e TX power. These tests requi re
speci fi c power l evel s to be measur ed wi thi n the 3.84 MHz channel bandwi dth. See Channel Power
Measurement Descri pti on .
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o. Power i s measured wi thi n a 3.84 MHz bandwi dth at +/-5 MHz and +/-10
MHz offsets from the center fr equency. The measurement resul ts can be di spl ayed i n ei ther numer i c and
graphi cal formats. Thi s measurement i s defi ned i n 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.10, v3.2.0, Adjacent Channel
Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR), whi ch veri fi es that the mobi l e stati on i s not tr ansmi tti ng too much power
outsi de of i ts 3.84 MHz channel bandwi dth, whi ch coul d i nterfere wi th other frequency channel s. See
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o Measurement Descri pti on .
Waveform Qual i ty. Thi s measurement returns the composi te error vector magni tude (EVM), fr equency
error, ori gi n offset, phase error, and magni tude error of the recei ved si gnal . Thi s measurement i s used for
the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) test i n 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.13.1, and for the Frequency Error test
i n 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 5.3, v3.2.0. These measurements veri fy the accuracy of the tr ansmi tters
modul ati on ci rcui try and RF source. For thi s FDD test mode rel ease, thi s measurement can onl y be
performed on a 12.2 kbps reference measurement channel (RMC) that i s synchroni zed to the downl i nk
si gnal from the test set. See Wavefor m Qual i ty Measurement Descr i pti on .
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
W-CDMA Revision Information
Receiver Measurements
Loopback bi t error rati o (BER). Thi s measurement uses the UE i n l oopback mode 1 to test the sensi ti vi ty of
i ts recei ver. The recei ver sensi ti vi ty test i s descri bed i n 3GPP TS 34.121, secti on 6.2, v3.2.0, Reference
Sensitivity Level. When usi ng the test sets FDD Test operati ng mode, the user must confi gure the UE i n
the l oopback mode 1 to perfor m thi s measurement; no pr ovi si on i s made to send messages over the
downl i nk si gnal to the UE to confi gure i t. See Loopback Bi t Error Rati o Measurement Descri pti on .
Other Features
Base Station Emulation in FDD Test Operating Mode Base stati on emul ati on for thi s rel ease i s l i mi ted
to sendi ng a confi gur abl e downl i nk si gnal that the UE can synchroni ze to i n order to transmi t a corr espondi ng
upl i nk si gnal . The downl i nk does not send any commands to the UE to confi gure i t for testi ng. Al l control of
the UE must be pr ovi ded by the user.
Downl i nk si gnal parameters that can be confi gured i ncl ude the fol l owi ng setti ngs:
Downl i nk channel codes:
Pri mary Scrambl i ng Code
PI CH Channel i zati on Code
DPCH 12.2 RMC Channel i zati on Code
Downl i nk channel l evel s:
FDD Test CPI CH Level
FDD Test PI CH Level
FDD Test DPCH Level
Orthogonal Channel Noi se Si mul ator - OCNS i s automati cal l y turned on and off, and the l evel set, as the
downl i nk channel l evel s are changed. See Orthogonal Channel Noi se Si mul ator (OCNS) .
Addi ti ve Whi te Gaussi an Noi se (AWGN)
Downl i nk Transport Format Combi nati on I ndi cator (TFCI )
Downl i nk channel
Downl i nk DTCH data type
Downl i nk PI CH data pattern
Power control bi t patterns can al so be confi gured on the downl i nk. Thi s al l ows you to vary the val ue bei ng sent
for the upl i nk cl osed l oop power contr ol data, and to send step up and step down power control sequences.
CW Operating Mode CW operati ng mode provi des an unmodul ated RF generator si gnal wi th an adjustabl e l evel from
-10 dBm to -127 dBm.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Adjusting the Brightness of the Test Sets Display
Adjusting the Brightness of the Test Sets Display
Thi s par ameter al l ows you to adjust the br i ghtness of the test sets di spl ay. The test sets di spl ay screen has
two bri ghtness setti ngs:
medi um bri ghtness
hi gh bri ghtness
Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;DISPLAY:BRIGHTNESS MEDIUM ! sets screen brightness to medium.
Related Topics
DI SPl ay
Di spl ay Backl i ght Di mmi ng
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Display Mode (Track/Fast)
Display Mode (Track/Fast)
There are two di spl ay modes to sel ect fr om when operati ng the test set remotel y.
Di spl ay mode fast
Di spl ay mode track
Fast Mode
When operati ng remotel y, there i s often no need for the di spl ay to be updated as measurements are made.
Usi ng the fast di spl ay mode wi l l i ncr ease the speed of the test set when i t i s operated remotel y.
Fast mode i s desi gned for remote use onl y. The test set r etur ns to tr ack mode i f you change to manual
operati on.
No screen or menu i tems are vi si bl e (except error messages).
Er ror messages wi l l be di spl ayed i n thei r nor mal l ocati on.
Thi s i nstrument i s bei ng operated remotel y wi l l be di spl ayed at the bottom of the screen.
Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;DISPLAY:MODE FAST !Selects fast mode
Track Mode
The track di spl ay mode i s used to al l ow user s to see what the test set i s doi ng whi l e i t i s bei ng control l ed
remotel y. Tr ack mode i s the defaul t mode of the test set.
Any changes made r emotel y wi l l be updated on the scr een i f that scr een i s di spl ayed.
The error message wi ndow wi l l be di spl ayed as requi red when an error occurs.
Exampl e
OUTPUT 714;DISPLAY:MODE TRACK!Selects track mode
Writing Messages to the Display
The capabi l i ty to wri te up to four 30-character l i nes of text to the front panel di spl ay for operator messages i s
avai l abl e when the di spl ay i s i n Fast Mode . Thi s feature can be used to control the fl ow of software runni ng
on an external control l er by pr essi ng softkeys on the test sets front panel .
For exampl e, by di spl ayi ng a message that pr ompts the operator to pr ess a fr ont panel softkey and then
moni tor i ng that softkey thr ough status r egi ster bi ts, the pr ogr ammer can desi gn code that star ts
measur ements, stops measur ements, or br anches to a sel ected r outi ne or functi on wi thout the need for access
to the external computer s keyboar d.
The GPI B commands for wri ti ng messages to the di spl ay are found i n the DI SPl ay:OPERator:MESSage
tabl e.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Display Mode (Track/Fast)
The status bi t r egi ster GPI B commands and bi t defi ni ti ons for moni tor i ng the test sets sofkeys ar e found i n
the STATus:OPERati on:KEYPressed Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments tabl e.
Related Topics
DI SPl ay on page 220
STATus:OPERati on:KEYPressed Regi ster Bi t Assi gnments on page 332
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test Set Beeper
Test Set Beeper
Thi s parameter al l ows you to change the beeper state to on or off. A beep wi l l i ndi cate error condi ti ons caused
duri ng manual or remote operati on of the test set.
A 100 ms, 1.24 kHz audi bl e tone (beep) i s generated when an error message i s l ogged and the beeper state i s
set to on. I f two err ors ar e generated i n qui ck successi on, two beeps are gener ated to i ndi cate that mor e than
one error has been l ogged.
The beeper state can be manual l y set i n the I nstrument Setup wi ndow found i n the SYSTEM CONFI G screen.
Exampl e
Related Topics
SYSTem:BEEPer on page 387
Error Messages on page 456
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Timebase Description/Configuration
Timebase Description/Configuration
The ti me base source i s sel ected by the test set, ei ther an i nternal ti me base or an external source (i f a sui tabl e
si gnal i s detected) i s used as the reference osci l l ator. I f a 10 MHz +/- 100 ppm si gnal , that has an i nput l evel
fr om 0 to +13 dBm i s connected to the 10 MHz REF I N connector on the rear panel , the test set wi l l
automati cal l y sel ect the external ti mebase.
You can read the status wi ndow at the bottom of the test set di spl ay for the EXT REF i ndi cator, or quer y the
test set to veri fy i f i t i s usi ng an external ti me base or an i nternal ti me base. You may al so query the test set to
veri fy i f the ti me base i s l ocked. The reference osci l l ator functi onal i ty i s control l ed through the SYSTEM
Exampl e:
!(internal or external) timebase.
OUTPUT 714;SYSTEM:ROSCILLATOR:LOCKED? !returns 1 or 0 (locked or unlocked)
!condition for timebase
Related Topics
SYSTem:ROSCi l l ator
Rear Panel Connectors
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Configuring the Test Sets LAN
Configuring the Test Sets LAN
LAN IP Address
The LAN address i s a character stri ng wi th a maxi mum of 15 characters and a format of A, B, C, D, where A i s
between 0 and 223, and B, C, and D are between 0 and 255. No embedded spaces are al l owed. The address may
be manual l y set/vi ewed i n the system confi gurati on screen. The LAN addr ess can be set/queri ed usi ng the
SYSTem subsystem.
The LAN addr ess i s a non-vol ati l e parameter. The LAN address i s not affected by any reset operati on and can
onl y be changed by di rect access to the parameter i tsel f.
NOTE I f the LAN address i s set to a di fferent network cl ass, the subnet mask wi l l change to the defaul t
net mask for the new network cl ass.
For conveni ence the DATA port on the fr ont panel may be confi gured as a LAN port. When a RJ45 jumper
cabl e, (part number E5515-61160) i s connected from the LAN PORT on the rear panel , to the ETHERNET TO
FRONT PANEL por t al so on the r ear panel , the user has LAN access fr om the front panel of the test set.
Wi thout the RJ45 jumper cabl e, the test set connecti on to a LAN i s the rear-panel , LAN PORT connector.
LAN Default Gateway
The LAN router, (defaul t gateway), i s a character stri ng wi th a maxi mum of 15 char acters and a format of A,
B, C, D, where A i s between 0 and 223 , and B, C, and D are between 0 and 255, no embedded spaces are
al l owed. I f the defaul t gateway i s set to a for mat not al l owed wi th the LAN address or the subnet mask that
have been sel ected, the defaul t gateway wi l l be set to a nul l stri ng, i ndi cated by a bl ank fi el d on the test set
di spl ay. The address may be manual l y set/vi ewed i n the system confi gurati on screen. The LAN defaul t
gateway can be set/quer i ed usi ng the SYSTem subsystem.
The LAN defaul t gateway i s the address of a router that routes messages between networks and or subnets. I f
thi s val ue i s not speci fi ed, LAN communi cati ons wi l l be l i mi ted to the network and subnet speci fi ed by the
LAN I P address and the subnet mask. Your networ k admi ni strator wi l l know i f a defaul t gateway i s needed
and i f so, the address of the router. I f the defaul t gateway addr ess i s not needed by your network, i t may be
di sabl ed by enteri ng any of the fol l owi ng val ues: 0 (zero), (nul l stri ng),
The LAN defaul t gateway i s a non-vol ati l e par ameter. The LAN defaul t gateway i s not affected by any reset
operati on and can onl y be changed by di rect access to the parameter i tsel f.
LAN Subnet Mask
The LAN subnet mask addr ess i s a character stri ng wi th a maxi mum of 15 characters and a format of A, B, C,
D, wher e A , B, C, and D ar e between 0 and 255. No embedded spaces are al l owed. The addr ess may be
manual l y set/vi ewed i n the system confi gurati on screen. The LAN subnet mask addr ess can be set/queri ed
usi ng the SYSTem subsystem.
The subnet mask number combi ned wi th the I P addr ess i denti fi es whi ch network and subnet your computer i s
on. Contact your system admi ni str ator for the corr ect subnet mask for your network.
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Configuring the Test Sets LAN
The subnet mask determi nes the boundar i es between the subnet I D and the host I D.
The LAN subnet mask i s a non-vol ati l e parameter. The LAN subnet mask i s not affected by any reset
operati on and can onl y be changed by di rect access to the parameter i tsel f.
NOTE I f the LAN address i s set to a di fferent network cl ass, the subnet mask wi l l change to the defaul t
net mask for the new network cl ass.
The subnet mask number i s obtai ned fr om your network admi ni strator.
Related Topics
SYSTem:COMMuni cate
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Configuring the Test Sets GPIB
Configuring the Test Sets GPIB
The GPI B address i s an i nteger between 0 and 30. The test set comes wi th a defaul t addr ess of 14 and may be
set/queri ed usi ng the SYSTem subsystem or manual l y through the system confi gurati on screen by sel ecti ng
the par ameter and changi ng the number wi th the knob or the keypad.
The GPI B addr ess i s a non-vol ati l e parameter. The GPI B address i s not affected by any reset operati on and
can onl y be changed by di rect access to the parameter i tsel f.
Related Topics
SYSTem:COMMuni cate on page 388
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Configuring System Time and Date
Configuring System Time and Date
The test set provi des the fol l owi ng ti me and date setti ngs:
Ti me
Thi s fi el d provi des entry of the l ocal ti me i n hours and mi nutes.
The Universal Coordinated Time fi el d wi l l tr ack changes made to the Time fi el d.
Thi s fi el d provi des entry of the l ocal date.
Uni versal Coordi nated Ti me (UTC)
Al so known as Zul u, Greenwi ch Mean Ti me, or UCT, thi s fi el d pr ovi des entry of uni versal ti me i n hours and
mi nutes.
The Time fi el d wi l l tr ack changes made to the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) fi el d.
Uni versal Coordi nated Ti me (UTC) Date
Ti me Zone
The Time Zone fi el d provi des entry of a ti me offset to the uni versal coordi nated ti me (UTC). Based on each
new ti me zone setti ng and the curr ent UTC, a new l ocal ti me val ue i s cal cul ated and automati cal l y entered
i nto the Ti me fi el d.
These features are accessed by pressi ng the SYSTEM CONFIG hardkey fol l owed by the Instrument Setup (F1)
Related Topics
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test Application Switching
Test Application Switching
Di fferent radi o formats (such as GSM, AMPS, CDMA 2000 or TI A/EI A 136) can be tested when the opti onal
test appl i cati ons are purchased fr om Agi l ent Technol ogi es. The test set al l ows you to sel ect a di fferent test
appl i cati on and swi tch to i t, a reboot makes the test appl i cati on functi onal . The reboot wi l l happen
automati cal l y when the you tel l the test set to swi tch test appl i cati ons. Swi tchi ng to another test appl i cati on
takes about one mi nute.
Some radi o formats are combi ned as fast swi tchi ng test appl i cati ons. Swi tchi ng formats i n a fast swi tchi ng
test appl i cati on takes l ess than 2 seconds.
Test Application Switching GPIB Command
I n or der to swi tch to another test appl i cati on use thi s GPI B command:
Sendi ng thi s command causes the test set to reboot.
Test Application Revision and Licensing
Each test appl i cati on must have a val i d l i cense and revi si on to functi on. Li censed revi si ons of test appl i cati ons
are avai l abl e from Agi l ent Technol ogi es.
I t may take sever al seconds befor e r evi si on, model , and name i nformati on i s r etur ned.
Test Application Switching Programming Example
Thi s program exampl e shows you how to swi tch to the GSM test appl i cati on.
1. Query the l i st of test appl i cati on names to get exact spel l i ng of the GSM test appl i cati on. Thi s i s not
necessary i f you al ready know the exact name.
2. Query the test set to get a l i st of al l r evi si ons for GSM Mobi l e Test. Thi s i s not necessary i f you are not
changi ng r evi si ons.
3. Sel ect a r evi si on of GSM Mobi l e Test. Thi s i s requi red i f you are changi ng revi si ons.
4. Sel ect the GSM test appl i cati on. Thi s wi l l swi tch test appl i cati ons and cause the test set to reboot.
20 !Queries all of the test application names
30 ENTER 714;N$
40 PRINT The CATALOG names that are loaded are ;N$
60 !Queries all revisions of GSM MOBILE TEST
70 ENTER 714;Cat_rev$
80 PRINT The revisions for the GSM Mobile Test Application are ;Cat_rev$
100 !Selects a revision
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test Application Switching
120 !Switches the test application to GSM MOBILE TEST
130 END
Related Topics
Test Appl i cati on Revi si ons and Li censes on page 508
SYSTem:APPLi cati on on page 380
SYSTem:CURRent:TA on page 399
Test Appl i cati on Name on page 510
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test Application Revisions and Licenses
Test Application Revisions and Licenses
Di fferent r evi si ons of the test appl i cati ons i n your test set provi de di ffer ent capabi l i ti es. The sel ected test
appl i cati on revi si on i s l oaded after the next test appl i cati on swi tch or power cycl e of the test set. Once you
sel ect a revi si on the r evi si on does not change unl ess you sel ect another revi si on.
You can query the sel ected revi si on, al l avai l abl e revi si ons, and the total count of avai l abl e revi si ons for a
sel ected test appl i cati on. These queri es are hel pful when sel ecti ng revi si ons but are not usual l y necessary
when swi tchi ng test appl i cati ons.
NOTE The Agi l ent E1960A GSM mobi l e test appl i cati on revi si ons pr i or to A.04.00 do not support test
appl i cati on swi tchi ng. I f you sel ect a revi si on pri or to A.04.00 you wi l l not have a path to swi tch
back to l ater revi si ons.
I f you acci dental l y swi tch to a non-supported revi si on, use the fi rmware upgrade process to l oad
fi r mware wi th the corr ect revi si on.
Test Application Revision Queries and Commands
These are commands to query revi si on i nformati on or sel ect a revi si on.
To query a selected test appl i cati on revi si on (r unni ng or not) use thi s GPI B command:
To query the revi si on of the test appl i cati on currently running use thi s GPI B command:
To query all of the revi si ons avai l abl e for a test appl i cati on use thi s GPI B command:
To select a revi si on of a test appl i cati on use thi s GPI B command:
To query the number of revi si ons for a speci fi ed test appl i cati on:
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test Application Revisions and Licenses
Test Application License Status Query
The test appl i cati on l i cense status can be quer i ed for a parti cul ar test appl i cati on and revi si on usi ng the
fol l owi ng GPI B quer y:
Thi s query returns one of the fol l owi ng:
LI C - Thi s revi si on of test appl i cati on appears to have a LI Cense. The test appl i cati on may have been
devel oped before l i censi ng and therefore needs no l i cense.
NLI C - Thi s test appl i cati on does not appear to have a l i cense. Sel ecti ng a Not LI Censed revi si on wi l l
resul t i n an error +130.
PART - Some PART of the test appl i cati on does not appear to have a l i cense.
UNKN - Thi s test appl i cati on has UNKNown l i cense status.
NOTE I f you swi tch to a not l i censed r evi si on the test set wi l l r eboot to the SYSTEM CONFI G scr een.
You wi l l be unabl e to sel ect any other screen or make any measurements. Query or vi ew the Test
Appl i cati on Setup menu to determi ne the l i censed versi ons of test appl i cati ons avai l abl e.
Revi si on and l i cense i nformati on can be vi ewed and sel ected fr om the SYSTEM CONFI G screen, by sel ecti ng
the Test Appl i cati on Setup menu. Revi si ons are shown wi th thei r l i cense status. After the revi si on number i s a
l etter. That l etter i ndi cates the revi si on l i cense status; Li censed L, Not Li censed N, or Unknown U.
L- Thi s revi si on of test appl i cati on appears to have a Li cense. The test appl i cati on may have been
devel oped before l i censi ng and therefore needs no l i cense.
N - Thi s test appl i cati on does not appear to have a l i cense. Sel ecti ng a Not l i censed revi si on wi l l resul t i n
an err or +130.
P - Some Par t of the test appl i cati on does not appear to have a l i cense.
U - Thi s test appl i cati on has Unknown l i cense status.
Related Topics
Test Appl i cati on Swi tchi ng on page 506
SYSTem:APPLi cati on on page 380
S:\Hp8960\E1963A WCDMA\3.2 release\Reference Guide\Chapters\
Test Application Name
Test Application Name
The fol l owi ng quer i es gi ve you detai l s about the test appl i cati on name. To query or swi tch test appl i cati ons you
must use the test appl i cati on name as i t appear s i n the catal og (wi thout regard to case).
To query the name of the al l test appl i cati ons i nstal l ed i n the test set use thi s GPI B query.
To query the name of the sel ected test appl i cati on (runni ng or not) use thi s GPI B quer y.
To query the name of the currentl y runni ng test appl i cati on use thi s GPI B query.
To query the number of test appl i cati ons i nstal l ed i n the test set use thi s GPI B quer y.
The test appl i cati on names can al so be di spl ayed i n the Test Appl i cati on Setup menu on the test sets di spl ay.
Related Topics
SYSTem:APPLi cati on on page 380
Test Appl i cati on Swi tchi ng on page 506
Index 511
*I DN?, 492
+10MHz Offset, 233, 269
+10MHz Offset State, 295
+5MHz Offset, 233, 269
+5MHz Offset State, 295
100 Hz BW BPF (audi o anal yzer ),
100 Hz BW BPF Center
Frequency, 286
-10MHz Offset, 233, 269
-10MHz Offset State, 294
300 Hz to 15 kHz fi l ter (audi o
anal yzer), 290
50 Hz to 15 kHz fi l ter (audi o
anal yzer), 290
-5MHz Offset, 233, 269
-5MHz Offset State, 294
acti ve versus i nacti ve
measurements, 150
addr ess
GPI B, 504
LAN, 502
adjacent channel l eakage
i ntegr i ty, 230, 235
i ntermedi ate count, 229, 234
Adjacent Channel Leakage Rati o,
233, 269
adjacent channel l eakage r ati o
measurement descri pti on, 30
Ampl i tude, 174
ampl i tude offset
frequency, 393
RF I N/OUT port, 393
anal og audi o
measurement descri pti on, 33
Appl i cati on Sel ecti on, 380
Appl i cati on Setup, 380
Appl i cati on Swi tch, 380
Appl i cati on, Revi si on, Li cense,
ar i thmeti c mean, 152
ar mi ng tri ggeri ng, 150
Audi o Anal yzer
Audi o Frequency, 224, 269
Audi o Level , 225, 269
Di storti on, 224, 269
SI NAD, 225, 269
audi o anal yzer
measurements, 33
audi o di storti on
measurement descri pti on, 39
Audi o Frequency, 224, 269
Audi o Frequency State, 286
Audi o Gener ator, 174
AUDI O I N connector s, 33
Audi o Level , 225, 269
audi o l evel
measur ement descri pti on, 32
automati c (auto) tri gger sour ce,
aver agi ng measurements, 152
AWGN Power , 181
AWGN Power (dBm/1.23 MHz)
Curr ent Level , 207
Desi red Level , 181
Beeper State, 387
Bi t Error Count, 236
Bi t Error Rati o, 236
br i ghtness, screen, 221
Cal i br ate Measurements, 179
cal i brati on
average power measur ement,
channel power measurement,
I /Q, 178
Cel l Power, 201
Cel l Power (dBm/1.23 MHz)
Curr ent Level , 207
Cel l Power (dBm/3.84 MHz), 201
cel l scr ambl i ng code
pri mary, 205
upl i nk, 218
Channel Power, 239, 269
channel power
i ntegr i ty, 240
i ntermedi ate count, 240
measur ement descri pti on, 37
tr oubl eshooti ng, 452
channel power cal i br ati on, 178
channel power measurement
cal i brati on, 178
Channel Type, 187
Cl ear Message Log, 220
C-Message fi l ter (audi o anal yzer),
command er ror , 470
Comp. OCNS, 197
compound queri es, 158
concur rent measurements, 144
restri cti ons, 144
conti nuous tr i ggeri ng, 150
Coupl i ng, 174
Curr F-QPCH Level (Rel to Pi l ot),
Curr F-QPCH State, 207
cw mode oper ati ng mode, 57
data types
mi xed, probl ems wi th, 158
query r esponse, 158
Date (, 400
Date and Ti me, 379
debug feature, 169
Debug State, 388
De-Emphasi s State
Audi o Anal yzer, 285
de-emphasi s, sel ecti ng, 34
Defaul t Gateway, 388
defaul t setti ngs
ful l preset, 117
measur ement ti meouts, 146
parti al preset, 116
status preset, 118
del ay, tr i gger , 151
Detector Type
Audi o Anal yzer, 285
detector, audi o anal yzer, 33
devi ce speci fi c error, 465, 474,
477, 484
di gi tal average power
measurement cal i brati on,
Di spl ay Bri ghtness, 220
Di spl ay Mode, 220
di stori on measurment, enabl i ng,
Di storti on, 224, 269
di storti on
measur ement descri pti on, 39
DL Channel , 184
DL DTCH Data, 189
DL TFCI Pattern, 191
Downl i nk Channel Codes
Channel i zati on Code, 187
PI CH Channel i zati on Code, 200
Pri mar y Scrambl i ng Code, 205
downl i nk speech sour ce, control
of, 144
DPCH 12.2 RMC Channel i zati on
Code, 187
er ror message l og, how to access,
EVM, 247, 269
executi on err or , 467
Expandor Reference Level , 285
512 Index
expandor reference l evel , setti ng,
Expected CW Power, 275
Expected Peak Vol tage, 286
expected peak vol tage, audi o
anal yzer, 34
external tri gger source, 148
FDD Test CPI CH Level , 190
FDD Test DL Channel Level s
FDD Test CPI CH Level , 190
FDD Test DPCH Level , 190
FDD Test P-CCPCH/SCH Level ,
FDD Test DPCH Level , 190
FDD Test mode operati ng mode,
FDD Test P-CCPCH/SCH Level ,
FDD Test PI CH Level , 190
F-FCH/Traffi c
Current Level (dB), 207
Fi l ter Type
Audi o Anal yzer, 286
fi l ter s
audi o anal yzer, 290
fi l ter s, audi o anal yzer, 33
Format, 380
Format Swi tch, 380
F-Pagi ng
Current Level (dB), 207
F-Pi l ot
Current Level (dB), 207
Current Level (dB), 207
Frequency, 174
Frequency (MHz)
ampl i tude offset, 393
Frequency Error, 247, 269
Current Level (dB), 207
Current Level (dB), 207
FULL (pr eset) key, 343
ful l pr eset, 117
GPI B Addr ess, 388
GPI B address, 379, 504
hardware error, 479
I /Q cal i brati on, 178
i dl e measur ement state, 150
i mmedi ate tri gger source, 148
i nacti ve measur ement state, 150
i nstrument err or , 483
I nstrument I nfor mati on
Test Appl i cati on, 399
I nstrument Setup
Beeper State, 387
Defaul t Gateway, 388
GPI B Address, 388
LAN I P Addr ess, 388
Subnet Mask, 388
i ntegri ty
adjacent channel l eakage, 230,
channel power, 240
thermal power, 244
waveform qual i ty, 254
i ntegri ty i ndi cator , 153
programmi ng exampl e, 155
ti meout, 146
i ntermedi ate count
adjacent channel l eakage, 229,
channel power, 240
thermal power, 244
waveform qual i ty, 254
i nval i d measurement resul ts, 157
LAN addr ess, 379, 502
LAN I P Address, 388
l i nk control err or , 478
Loopback BER, 236
Loopback Bi t Error Rati o, 269
l oopback bi t err or rati o
tr oubl eshooti ng
, 453
Magni tude Error, 248, 269
Manual Power , 275
Maskabl e Message Di spl ay State,
maxi mum val ue, 152
measurement averagi ng, 152
measurement cycl e
, 148
measurement error, 485
Measurement Frequency, 275
Measurement Frequency
(manual ), 275
Measurement I nterval , 303
measurement pr ogr ess r epor t,
171, 402
measurement states
, 148
Measurement Ti meout
Adjacent Channel Leakage
Rati o, 294
Audi o Anal yzer, 286
Channel Power , 303
Loopback Bi t Err or Rati o, 300
Ther mal Power, 308
Waveform Qual i ty, 312
measurement tri ggeri ng, 148
acti ve versus i nacti ve, 150
adjacent channel l eakage rati o,
anal og audi o, 33
audi o di stor ti on, 39
audi o l evel , 32
cal i brati on, 38
channel power, 37
di storti on, 39
sequenti al , 267
SI NAD, 41
thermal power, 42
turni ng on or off, 261, 267
waveform qual i ty
EVM, 43
fr equency error, 43
magni tude error, 43
ori gi n offset, 43
phase er ror , 43
measuri ng (conti nuous)
measurement state, 150
measuri ng (si ngl e) measurement
state, 150
Message Log, 220, 401
message l og, how to access, 458
mi ni mum val ue, 152
mi xed data types, probl ems wi th,
MS Target Power , 196
Mul ti -Measurement Count
Adjacent Channel Leakage
Rati o, 294
Audi o Anal yzer, 285
Channel Power , 303
Loopback Bi t Err or Rati o, 300
Ther mal Power, 308
Waveform Qual i ty, 312
mul ti -measurements
count, 147
mul ti pl e quer i es usi ng semi col on
separ ator, 158
Index 513
NAN (Not a Number), 157
newl i nk genDTCTest, 52
ampl i tude offset, 393
Number of bi ts to test, 300
Current Level (dB), 207
Offset (dB)
ampl i tude offset, 393
offset frequency, 393
Oper ati ng Mode, 199
operati ng modes
cw mode, 57
FDD test mode, 52
Ori gi n Offset, 248, 269
page i ndi cator channel , 200
par ti al pr eset, 116
Phase Err or , 248, 269
Phone number, sent by the mobi l e,
PI CH, 200
PI CH Channel i zati on Code, 200
Power Control , 275
PRESET key, 343
preset states
ful l preset, 117
parti al preset, 116
status preset, 118
Pri mary Scrambl i ng Code, 205
programmi ng, debug feature, 169
progress report, measurement,
protocol tr i gger source, 148
Pul se, 174
qual i fi er, tri gger , 151
query er ror , 464
query response data types, 158
probl ems wi th mi xed data types,
Recei ver Control , 274, 281
Manual Power , 275
Measur ement Frequency, 275
Measur ement Frequency
(manual ), 275
Power Control , 275
Upl i nk Frequency, 275
Upl i nk Frequency (manual ),
recei ver control
automati c or manual control of,
response uni t message separator
(RMUS), 158
Rev, Li cense, 380
RF Gen Freq, 204
RF Gen Freq Ctrl , 186
RF I n/Out, 282
RF I N/OUT Ampl i tude Offset
State, 393
RF I N/OUT Amptd Offset, 393
RF I N/OUT Amptd Offset Setup,
RF Out Onl y, 282
RF OUT ONLY por t, 281
RF Output Port, 282
RF ri se tri gger sour ce, 148
RFGenerator output, 281
scrambl i ng code
pri mary, 205
upl i nk, 218
screen bri ghtness, 221
semi col on, use of i n compound
quer i es, 158
Send Step Down TPC Bi t Patter n,
Send Step Up TPC Bi t Patter n,
sequenti al measur ements, 261,
SI NAD, 225, 269
measur ement descri pti on, 41
SI NAD measurment, enabl i ng, 33
SI NAD/Di storti on Fundamental
Frequency, 286
SI NAD/Di storti on State, 286
si ngl e tri ggeri ng, 150
standard devi ati on, 152
star ti ng measurements, 261, 267
status preset, 118
Subnet Mask, 388
synchroni zati on
I NI T:DONE, 164
measur ement event, 164
SYSTem subsystem, 379
Test Appl i cati on (i nstrument
i nfor mati on), 399
test appl i cati on hardware error,
Thermal Power , 243, 269
thermal power
i ntegr i ty, 244
i ntermedi ate count, 244
measur ement descri pti on, 42
tr oubl eshooti ng, 454
Ti me (, 406
Ti me Sl ot, 312
Ti me Zone (, 407
Ti me, setti ng, 379
ti meouts, 146
Total RF Power (dBm/1.23 MHz),
Curr ent Level , 207
Traffi c
Curr ent Level (dB), 207
Tri gger Arm
Adjacent Channel Leakage
Rati o, 294
Audi o Anal yzer, 285
Channel Power , 303
Loopback Bi t Err or Rati o, 300
Ther mal Power, 308
Waveform Qual i ty, 312
tri gger ar m
, 148
Tri gger Del ay
Adjacent Channel Leakage
Rati o, 294
Channel Power , 303
tri gger del ay
, 148
Tri gger Source
Adjacent Channel Leakage
Rati o, 294
Channel Power , 303
tri gger source, 148
audi o anal yzer measurements,
tri gger sources, 148
tri ggeri ng
armi ng, 150
conti nuous, 150
del ay, 151
qual i fi er , 151
RF ri se tri gger source, 148
SETup command, 149
si ngl e, 150
tri ggeri ng measurements, 148
troubl eshooti ng
channel power, 452
l oopback bi t error rati o, 453
thermal power, 454
tunabl e bandpass fi l ter, 290
turni ng off measur ements, 261,
turni ng on measur ements, 261,
514 Index
UL CL Power Ctrl , 190
UL Scrambl i ng, 217
Uni versal Coordi nated Ti me
(UTC), 408
Uni versal Coordi nated Ti me
(UTC) Date, 408
Upl i nk Channel , 217
Upl i nk Frequency, 275
Upl i nk Frequency (manual ), 275
wai ti ng for tri gger measurement
state, 150
Waveform Qual i ty, 247
waveform qual i ty
i ntegr i ty, 254
i ntermedi ate count, 254
measurement descri pti on, 43

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