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Enrichment Seminar Project Proposal India Sullivan 1/31/14 Proposal After much consideration on many different movements and

social groups I have decided that I would li e to research !ollegiate !hoirs" I #elieve this research will not only offer an enrichment to my nowledge of collegiate choirs already$ #ut it will also allow me to #ecome a #etter informed student and leader in the %&!! !hoirs community" I have #een interested in choirs since my middle school years and have #een a part of every school choir I have had the opportunity to participate in" As a lifelong chorister$ my interest in choir did not waver once I came to %&! !harlotte in the fall of '(1(" I have since #ecome one of the leaders in the %niversity !horale offered at %&! !harlotte$ and have come to hold the position of Secretary/)reasurer in the %&!! !hoirs clu#" I now almost all there is to now already a#out %&!! !hoirs$ #ut when it comes to collegiate choirs around the nation$ the tides #egin to turn and I find myself at a loss" I feel that this would #e the ideal topic for me to research #ecause it is the ne*t logical step in my education of !ollegiate !hoirs" Around the glo#e are a handful of truly great choirs from %niversities with large music programs" +ur music program is not even the largest in our state$ therefore$ I #elieve to have limited nowledge on what a truly dedicated and energi,ed choir loo s li e" -rom listening to recordings of other %niversity choirs$ I now of a few of these famous choirs$ #ut I have never considered doing any sort of research on them$ nor have I ever attended any concerts of choirs which travel to !harlotte" )here are many opportunities to attend

collegiate choir performances every year$ and #y dedicating my study for this course to !ollegiate !hoirs$ I can #ecome a #etter leader in my own choir$ as well as a more informed participant in the chorister world" I e*pect this journey to #e one of adventure and enrichment" .istening to multiple choirs from around the world and evaluating their techni/ues when applied to composers from all over the world will #e something I would loo forward to greatly" I propose a menu of eight different activities and events which I can attend to #etter enrich my e*perience throughout this semester0

1 %&! !lef 2angers

'/3/14 at 40((

%&! !lef 2angers is an Accapella group which has /uite a following in the south" )his all men5s collegiate choir is an audition choir which is entirely run #y the students" )his is one of the most uni/ue choirs I will have the opportunity to see #ecause of the ways in which this group performs and practices" 1 %&!! Annual Invitational !ollegiate !onference '/14/14 all day

Although this event is hosted #y %&! !harlotte$ we have invited schools from all around !harlotte so that we may all come together under the direction of one of !ollegiate !hoir5s most respected !ollegiate conductors$ 6odney Eichen#erger" Professor Eichen#erger is currently retired #ut previously taught at -lorida State %niversity$ a highly respected !horal program amongst the !ollegiate !hoir community" Students will have the opportunity to wor directly under Eiche#erger for the last time as he is now 44 years in age and has decided to stop traveling for health reasons" 1 !apital %niversity !hapel !hoir 7from +hio8 '/''/14 at 30((

I am completely unaware of collegiate choirs outside of the south$ and I am luc y enough to have the opportunity to hear a !hoir from +hio" 9ifferent regions have different dialects as well as training techni/ues" Each school is uni/ue with the sound and tone of the !ollegiate !hoir it offers$ and I am loo ing forward to hearing a choir from +hio" 1 :ingate %niversity !oncert '/'3/14 at 303( pm

:hen I was loo ing for schools to attend for %niversity$ :ingate %niversity offered me a su#stantial scholarship to #ecome a music major in their !ollegiate !hoir" :ingate %niversity5s premier performance choir is directed #y 9r" ;enney Potter$ a well nown director amongst many &! high schools" 9r" Potter helped conduct the !harlotte !hildren5s !hoir !antare for several years prior to his engagement with :ingate" I #elieve seeing one of the most well nown &! !ollegiate !hoirs perform will #e informative and encouraging to my own choral studies" 1 <ander#ilt %niversity !hoir )our to !harlotte 3/1=3/>

<ander#ilt %niversity is located in &ashville$ )&$ and I am interested in hearing this school perform mainly #ecause I have never heard of this choir in all my years of #eing part of a choir" I loo forward to e*panding my nowledge of !ollegiate !hoirs$ and there is no #etter way to do so than #y e*periencing new choral sounds" 1 A!9A Southern 9ivision !onference in ?ac sonville -. 3/4=4/14

)he American !horal 9irectors Association holds a conference in several locations around the world$ and this year I have #een offered the opportunity to attend the Southern 9ivision5s conference" )his conference will #e the the largest collection of the finest !ollegiate !hoirs from around the country that I may ever have the good fortune to have access to" I have already paid for my tic et to this conference and plan on attending with mem#ers of my own

choir" )ogether$ we will learn from the creme=de=la=creme of collegiate choirs techni/ues and music which we can #ring #ac to %&! !harlotte to improve our own choirs" 1 @aylor %niversity !hoir )our to !harlotte 3/A at 303(

@aylor %niversity is a private @aptist school in :aco$ )e*as" By goal in attending this performance will #e to see if private christian colleges have a #etter grasp of sacred music than pu#lic %niversities" It is a long argued theory that christian universities tend to have a #etter grasp on traditional choral arrangements #ecause of their relation to !hristianity" 1 !heyney %niversity )our !oncert 3/13/14

!heyney %niversity is located in Pennsylvania$ and my main reason for #eing interested in attending their concert is primarily the distance in which they are traveling" Cenerally %niversity choirs do not travel this far unless they are either funded really well or are e*ceptional" I want to now what choirs from this region of the country sound li e so I may compare their sound to the sounds which I am more familiar with" 1 :inthrop !ollegiate !hoir !oncert 4/'3/14 at 30((pm

By #oyfriend attends :inthrop %niversity and is part of their performance choir" I have not yet heard their choir$ #ut considering they are practically our choral neigh#ors I would li e to see what they have to offer as far as a collegiate sound" )heir conductor is relatively new to the school$ and with new conductors #rings new techni/ues and potentially difficult transitions for the students$ however I am very interested in seeing how they perform as relatively new unit" 1 9avidson D9o Eou 2ear the People SingF 4/14/14

In my collegiate career as a singer$ I have wor ed side #y side with the 9avidson performing choir$ and I was less than impressed when sat #eside their choristers" It has #een two years since we wor ed with 9avidson and I am eager to hear what they will #ring to the classic

show Bisera#lesF$ one of my all=time favorite musicals" )his performance will offer a nice #it of diversity amongst all of the classical music I will #e listening to with the other performances" .istening to a !ollegiate !hoir in a setting which is outside of their normal parameters will #e very telling of the s ills which they wield"

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