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an effect web agency white paper

the role of the web in

integrated marketing
four components marketing
directors should include for
a successful web strategy

a results-driven web agency

table of contents (links)

Executive Summary................................................................................................... 3
Defining Goals and Measuring ROI...................................................................8-9
Design and Implementation............................................................................12-15
Attracting the Target Audience..................................................................... 16-18
Ongoing Strategy for Growth.........................................................................19-21
Concluding Summary..............................................................................................22

2 the role of the web in integrated marketing

executive summary
This white paper is for the marketing executives who want to lead their organizations to
greater brand awareness, better prospect interactions, and increased sales by leveraging
the full power of the web. As the lines between media continue to blur, effectively reaching
potential customers requires a comprehensive, tactical web strategy. When blended together,
tools such as a corporate website, blog, social media, search marketing, mobile applications,
and video help organizations connect with their audience in meaningful, interactive ways.
Web strategy needs to collaborate seamlessly with traditional marketing efforts to form
a unified message and appearance. A holistic web strategy not only reaches the target
audience in an efficient and cost-effective manner, but also provides the best channel to track
results, measure ROI, and make adjustments.

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Integrated marketing strategies have become a necessity for marketers as consumers
continue to abandon mass marketing vehicles in favor of more niche, web-based channels.

Integrated marketing starts with selecting the communication channels (advertising, sales,
public relations, social media, etc.) that would be best suited to reach the target audience
with the message.

To be effective, all of the communication tactics that are employed should be based upon the
same communication hub. This allows for the message to be harmonized under the same
concept with a unified voice. The impact of this cohesive message on the target audience is
more powerful than if any of the tactics were used in isolation.

Because the web is now central to most consumers’ (both B2C and B2B) search for product
and service information, its critical that a solid web strategy become the foundation for
integrated marketing campaigns.

It may be helpful to think of a

integrated marketing strategy
like the wheel of bicycle. Each
communication channel acts as a
spoke within the wheel. At the axis
is an organization’s online strategy,
which is fundamental in making
the wheel turn. The spokes cannot
turn the wheel alone. Rather, they
provide supplemental support to
make the axis turn more easily. The
spokes and axis must work in unison
in order for the wheel to spin as it
should. If the axis is not strong then
the wheel could break, rendering the
spokes useless.

4 the role of the web in integrated marketing

David Card, a leading expert on marketing and
consumer behavior of Forrester Research also
“Marketing leaders
acknowledges the need for marketers to put
a strong emphasis on the web as it applies to must work with their
integrated marketing. Card said, “Marketing teams, agencies,
leaders must work with their teams, agencies, and media partners
and media partners to update their vision of
integrated marketing in order to counter the
to update their
effects of the meltdown and to harness social vision of integrated
media. Tomorrow’s integrated marketing: marketing in order to
counter the effects
■■ Is multichannel
of the meltdown and
■■ Uses branded content to harness social
■■ Employs social media media.”
■■ Creates a feedback loop that ideally will
enable on-the-fly message and media David Card,
tuning 1 Forrester Research

The following four core components are

a critical part of establishing a comprehensive web strategy, as a part of an integrated
marketing approach:

■■ Defining goals and measuring ROI

■■ Design and implementation

■■ Attracting the target audience

■■ Executing a plan to continually evolve the ongoing strategy to achieve growth

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integrated marketing in action
A great example of a brand that has found the most successful integrated marketing efforts
are a result of a strong web strategy is Glacéau Vitaminwater, a leader in the enhanced water
market. Their target audience is comprised of youth, teens, and adults who are interested in
healthy drink options. The majority of the audience tend to either be athletes themselves or
sports fans.

Vitaminwater employed traditional marketing vehicles such as print and TV advertising but
the real thrust of their campaign targeted online channels.

At the foundation of their strategy was their website which was created to be more than
just a collection of pages with static content. It was intentionally designed to create an
engaging experience for visitors. Users could interact with Vitaminwater’s various flavors,
read the story behind each flavor, and learn about its nutritional benefits. Visitors could also
participate in current promotions and contests.

A key contributing factor to growing

their market share with their
audience was an aggressive focus on
social networking giant, Facebook.
Most of Vitaminwater’s advertising
drove their audience to their
Facebook fan page. They choose to
use Facebook as a landing page over
their own homepage because their
marketing team recognized not only
how heavily trafficked the site was
by their target customers, but also
the potential of the social medium to
drive their campaign viral.

6 the role of the web in integrated marketing

By channeling their target audience to Facebook, the marketing team was able to establish
a permission-based presence in the daily lives of their targets. This created a connection on
a very personal level which wouldn’t have been possible through traditional media or even
through the corporate website.

Vitaminwater turned their audience into brand advocates by making their fan page a cool,
fun place to be. They offered Facebook exclusive content, posted insider videos and photos,
asked for input and feedback via custom apps, and encouraged participation and expression
from their 944,000+ fans.

To further strengthen their brand, Vitaminwater used cohesive design, visuals, message, and
voice consistently across all of their media channels.

1. “Media Meltdown Creates New Mandate for Integrated Marketing,” Forrester Blog. August 2009.

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defining goals and measuring roi

establishing smart goals

For marketing managers measuring return on investment (ROI) for their various marketing
efforts is a big part of the their job. With the right web partner providing effective tools and
analysis, measuring ROI with web-based marketing efforts is easy compared to traditional
channels where audience interaction is much more obscure.

The first step toward measuring results is setting goals. According to search marketing
expert Carrie Hill, “The most successful online marketing campaigns use an idea and a goal
and leverage that idea and goal as much as they can before it’s exhausted.” 1

Effective goals need to be SMART Goals - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and
Time-Bound. Solid examples of SMART web goals include: “Increase traffic by 60% in six
months” or “Add 1500 new subscribers to the newsletter over the next year” or “Connect
with 10 people per week on Facebook.”

Defining web goals is a job best

completed before designing a
website or other web based
marketing tool. Setting goals as an
after thought can lead to extended
development time, additional
incurred cost, and poor performance.
Also by proactively establishing
goals, web designers can tailor the
site structure in a way that will best
help achieve the goals set forth.

1. “Going the Distance -- Integration of Your Marketing Efforts”, Sept. 2009.

8 the role of the web in integrated marketing

Planning how to reach these goals is surprisingly simple by breaking the down the goal into
more easy-to-understand steps. Let’s use XYZ company who sells printing press machinery
as an example.

Establish a SMART goal

■■ Increase web-based revenue by 20% ($20 million) in 12 months.

Knowing the average annual customer purchase amount, determine how

many customers are needed to make up the increase in revenue.

■■ $500,000 average annual purchase x Y customers = $20 million.

■■ 40 customers are needed

Using historical business data, the average rate of converting a perspective

into a client can be determined. Let’s say for this example the conversation
rate is 30%.

■■ 30% conversion rate x Y number of perspective customers = 40


■■ 133 perspective customers are needed

Knowing on average that 2% of website visitors will convert into perspective

customers, determine the number of web visitors needed.

■■ 2% x Y number of web visitors = 133 perspective customers

■■ 6550 web visitors needed annually or 554 web visitors per month

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measuring effectiveness
Determining ROI and overall effectiveness of online efforts involves analyzing both
quantitative and qualitative data in order to clearly see the bigger picture. Tracking and
measuring results also helps marketing managers to make informed adjustments about
future marketing efforts.

For example, tracking how many visitors

reach a goal page on a website can
help determine how effective the visual
presentation is at guiding users toward the
goal page. Another trackable metric is how
many people reach a specialized landing
page that was inserted in an advertisement.
This helps determine specific ROI on that
ad. Tracking can even be as specific as
determining which search engine keywords
bring people to a site, as well as which
keyword deliver visitors who make a quality
interaction with the site and contribute to
goal conversions.

Tracking efforts with search marketing can be measured both as a website climbs in the
rankings and by observing the surge in traffic that occurs as a result. Determining how well
natural search engine traffic compares to pay-per-click results, social media, and offline
marketing can be viewed by measuring goal conversion ratios from these various traffic

Measuring social media effectiveness involves tracking how many followers, fans, or
connections an organization has. In addition its important to keep track of how many
engaged conversations are taking place, as well as how much of a website’s traffic is being
referred from social media sites. Another key indicator of social media success is to measure
how many people are subscribing to a blog. It is also possible to track sales back to their
lead source and compare those revenues with the resources expended to convert them to
determine ROI.

10 the role of the web in integrated marketing

Since not all social media interaction will translate directly to a sale, it’s also important to
measure the chatter or reputation of the brand online. Tools such as Google Alerts and
Backtype can search and monitor public perception regarding a company.

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design and implementation
Website design and implementation standards have come a long way in the last 10 years.
What had previously been a world of disjointed and cluttered information, is evolving to clean
and simple - even elegant. Modern designs are unique and polished, and are focused around
creating rich, engaging user experiences rather than page after page of static content.

By analyzing current trends and research it’s evident that consumers expectations have also
changed. Consumers are more demanding in terms of what type of content they want and
how they want it delivered. In order for marketers to meet the needs of consumers they
must reach out to them with a fluid, flexible, cross application effort.

Shantanu Narayen, Adobe Systems CEO, said, “We are moving into a new world where from
print and just a single screen, we are truly witnessing an era of interactive applications that
have to work within the browser, as well as outside the browser, across multiple devices. It’s
an exciting time for us.”

objective presentation
Websites have also become more user-friendly and easy to navigate. Professional designers
are intentional in creating objective presentations. An objective design successfully
channels web visitors down a specific path to reach the defined goals, as opposed to non-
objective design that would involve simply placing images and text on a page without much

concise message
Consumers have extremely short attention spans. They are constantly bombarded with
messages they don’t want and don’t have time for. To cut through this clutter web text needs
to be concise, meaningful, and easy-to-read. Since web users skim rather than read word-
for-word, it’s important to only give the user the information they need and avoid the fluffy
sales copy.

12 the role of the web in integrated marketing

According to Jakob Nielsen, leading web usability
expert, “On the average web page, users have “On the average
time to read at most 28% of the words during an
average visit; 20% is more likely.”
web page, users
have time to read
at most 28% of the
video & motion graphics words during an
Marketers no longer have to rely on the written average visit; 20%
word to convey their message. Complex or
detailed processes are often best expressed
is more likely.”
visually. It allows quick, precise communication
that generates true understanding. Web- Jakob Nielsen,
based video is a great way to connect potential
customers in a meaningful way with a company’s
Web usability expert
personality and story.

Having a video presentation on a company’s website is a win-win for both the company and
the target audience. It enables the company to differentiate themselves from the competition
and to powerfully convey their message in a cost-effective format. From the visitors’ point
of view, video can be entertaining and easier to understand than static graphics or print and
makes information more easily absorbed.

Whirpool does a great example of providing product features and benefits to their visitors in
short, enjoyable video segments.

Another example of how businesses can leverage video would be a distributor using an
interactive motion graphic presentation which would allow customers to see how the ordering
process works and to get quotes on the site. Sales people could use it when they are out on
a call or at a tradeshow.

The ways in which businesses can leverage video are endless. In addition, it’s clear that video
is a favorable format for information (and entertainment) with web users consuming videos
at a record rate.

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Online video usage has increased by 53%1 from
2008, while nearly 79%2 of the total U.S. Internet “Online video usage
audience has viewed online video.
has increased by
53% from 2008,
applications while nearly 79%
Dynamic functionality pieces like custom-built of the total U.S.
applications can help users find information Internet audience
easily and quickly. They can also add a level of
has viewed online
engagement and interactivity that can keep brands
top of mind. video.”

For example, a personal injury law firm may

implement a contact application on their website that would gather important information
about a visitor’s accident and then direct them to the appropriate contact method or to a
library article to learn more about their options.

Another example is eBay Desktop developed with Adobe Air technology. Once downloaded,
the application allows users to experience enhanced browsing and bidding capabilities that
are not available in standard web browsers.

This tool helps eBay stay top of mind with their customers by allowing users to get real time
updates about bids and products, rather than continuously watching bidding activity on the
eBay website.

mobile devices
As wireless Internet has become more readily available and affordable, the amount of users
consuming content on mobile devices has also increased. According to the Pew Internet
Wireless Internet Usage Report,“Use of the internet on mobile devices has grown sharply
from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2009.”

14 the role of the web in integrated marketing

In addition the study also found that, “32% of all Americans have gone online with a mobile
device – meaning they have used a cell phone or other handheld device to check email,
access the internet for information, or send instant messages.”

When developing a comprehensive web strategy it’s important to research opportunities that
may exist for mobile applications and sites that can reach the growing mobile audience.

search engine friendliness

When employing a comprehensive web strategy, optimizing websites and social media tools
for search engine friendliness should be done before the project launch. By giving pages
a clear content focus, the site will be able to establish credibility and compete for priority
ranking in search engines more effectively than if search engine optimization considerations
were retro-fitted later.

1. “A2/M2 Three Screen Report,” Nielsen/NetRatings. Q1 2009.

2. “Hulu Continues Ascent in U.S. Online Video Market, Breaking Into Top 3 Properties by Videos Viewed for
First Time in March,” comScore Press Release. April 2009.

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attracting target audiences
The most well-designed, user-centric website can only bring value to a company when people
visit the site and complete an action. The more traffic a site gets from qualified visitors, the
more sales and relationship opportunities result.

natural search engine optimization

One of the most cost-effective ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to a site is
through the use of search engine optimization (SEO), since 70% to 80% of a site’s traffic
comes from search engines. Even with the ever-increasing role of the web in everyday life,
search is the second most dominate user activity, topped only by email. 49%1 of web users
employ search engines daily. Clearly, search engines retain tremendous power in reaching a
target audience.

In order for search marketing to be effective it’s important that a website appears on the
first page of an organic search result. Because 36%2 of search engine users believe that
companies whose websites are returned among the top results are the leaders in their field,
68% of search engine users click a link within the first page of results. Therefore, the higher
a site appears within the results the more credible the site become in the eyes of the user
and the greater chance a user will visit the site.

This heat map provided by Google

measures composite eye movement
from common search engine users. It
further illustrates that the majority of
users give attention primarily to the
top search results. Notice how greatly
the top few results dominate the
attention of the users.

16 the role of the web in integrated marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a very viable
marketing tactic to drive qualified
traffic to a site, especially in the
short term. Often a company will
utilize PPC in conjunction with SEO
until natural SEO efforts lead to
increased ranking for their site.
Studies have consistently shown
that 75%-80% more people click
on organic listings versus PPC ads.
But while many strategies tend to
decrease PPC usage over time, PPC is often useful when launching a new product or pushing
a time-sensitive promotion. Another way in which PPC can be helpful is in split testing
research of message and keyword strategies, which can shorten costly experimentation time
for any new business venture.

social media
Social media is an undoubtedly hot topic for marketers right now. The social media audience
is equal to 122 million people in the US, about 64%3 of the total Internet audience. Social
media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are becoming an integral part of the lives of target
customers. People engage in social media, not only for social interaction, but also with the
intent of receiving and sharing information about the products and services that impact their

Social media gives marketers the ability to connect with their customers in a way that was
not previously possible. It has removed boundaries and allows marketers to correspond
directly with their customers, in a format where customers feel comfortable and empowered.
The result is a mutually beneficial relationship that lets a customers’ opinions and voices
be heard, and gives marketers a platform to build exposure loyalty and advocacy for their

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Currently 88%4 of marketers are using some form of social media in their businesses, but up
to 72% are new to social media have only been doing so for a few months.

Recently SquareSpace, an online publishing software company leveraged Twitter to

generate buzz and interest about their brand. They enticed Twitter users to post about
them by offering Twitter users a chance to win one of 30 free iPhones by simply including
“#squarespace” in their posts. SquareSpace never anticipated their campaign would work
so well. In one month’s time they increased their Twitter following by more than 37,500
people. This resulted in “#squarespace” jumping into the top-trending Twitter topics. Even
more encouraging was the 80% increase in traffic to their website and a 21% increase in a
conversion goal - trial subscriptions. Social media helped them achieve these measurable
results and improve the intangibles of brand awareness and advocacy.

1. “Search Engine Use,” Pew Internet and American Life Project. August 2008.

2. “Blended Search Results Study,” iProspect. April 2008.

3. “Blended Search Results Study,” iProspect. April 2008.

4. “Social Media Marketing Report,” Michael A. Stelzner. March 2009.

18 the role of the web in integrated marketing

ongoing strategy for growth

proactive approach
The best marketers know that an integrated marketing approach with a strong web strategy
is an ongoing process of planning, implementing, testing, and modifying. The web is a rapidly
evolving tool and it’s important to be proactive when seeking out new technologies.

Here are some practical ways marketing directors can begin employing a proactive approach
to their web strategies.

■■ Review web analytics for a detailed picture of how many people are coming to the site,
where they are coming from, and what they are doing while they are on the website.
Solid website analytics programs include:

■■ Google Analytics
■■ StatsAdvisor

■■ Survey customers for their likes and dislikes about the website, as well as their
communication preferences.

■■ Invest in research and evaluating the websites of companies who are are successful at
web-based marketing.

■■ Keep up to date by reading insightful blogs or white papers on improving web strategy.
Must reads include:

■■ Mashable
■■ WebProNews
■■ MarketingSherpa
■■ Marketing Profs Daily Fix

■■ Partner with a web strategy agency

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web strategy partners
There are many options when it comes to partnering with a company to develop a web
strategy as a part of an overall marketing effort. They can be broken down into three basic

1. Standard Web Developer:

■■ Provide short-term solutions

■■ Geared towards completing development projects
■■ Build basic to mid-level websites
■■ Offer a la carte services such as basic SEO or web hosting
■■ Lack resources to develop all-encompassing web strategy
■■ Rely on customers to have their own plan
■■ Focus on budget, not ROI

2. Web Agency:

■■ Integrate web strategy with overall marketing program

■■ Develop a comprehensive web strategy, including all relevant ingredients such as SEO,
social media, pay-per-click, site development, custom applications for the web and
mobile devices, etc.
■■ Partner in understanding the client and their customers for long-term relationship to
deliver measurable results and ongoing growth
■■ Design and build mid-to-high-end sites
■■ Function as a specialized annex of customer’s organization
■■ Test, measure, and prove ROI
■■ Focus on achieving the desired results

20 the role of the web in integrated marketing

3. Boutique Agency:

■■ Serve Fortune 1000-type client with massive budgets (Coca-Cola, Nike, etc.)
■■ Implement super high-end graphics and functionality
■■ Update constantly with creativity and bleeding-edge innovation
■■ Experiment with new web tactics and tools to enhance brand and presence on the web
■■ Employ microsites and social media applications in ever-changing campaigns
■■ Start at $100,000 or more per campaign, plus ongoing upgrades and improvements

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concluding summary
Undoubtedly, the importance of the Internet will continue to grow into the foreseeable future.
Investing in a comprehensive web strategy is no longer optional. For mid-sized companies
that want to grow it is essential. There are great benefits that come from making the web
the foundation of an integrated marketing program. Consumers of all types now use the
web for as their primary source for information on the products and services they buy. And
with budgets being watched more closely than ever, the web offers the best opportunity to
focus outbound messages, generate meaningful interaction, track ROI, and make timely

For today’s marketing professional, effective web strategy is the most efficient tool for
building and maintaining awareness and leads.

22 the role of the web in integrated marketing

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