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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY Office of the Sheriff

+""" 34chae, N. Can,4. B,v/ F-ench Ca5p0 CA #*!)2(#+'2 JE 22


Steve 3oo-e

CONTACT FOR THIS RELEASE: Deputy Dave B. Konecny Phone: !"#$ %&' (%)*+ Ce,,: !"#$ *#'(*!#"

Thu-./ay0 1anua-y )"0 !"2%

San Joaquin County Sheriff

7000 CANLIS BLVD FRENCH CAMP CA !"#$% Phone: (209) 468-4488 Fax: (209)-468-4496 For I&&e'iate Re(ea)e* On todays date, San Joaquin County Metro Drug Task Force served 5 search warrants. This was done with the assistance o the San Joaquin County Sheri s O ice, Stockton !o"ice De#art$ent, and Modesto !D. These Search %arrants were a cu"$ination o severa" $onths o "ong $ari&uana investigations. The "ocations o service were as o""ows' ()** +"ock o ,enice Circ"e and -(** +"ock o ,erce""i Street, in Stockton. (/5** +"ock o Do"o$ite Street and 5** +"ock o 0ew 1ng"and 2ve. in 3athro#, and. 4)** +"ock o Tradition %ay, Modesto. The ,erce""i Street, Do"o$ite Street, and 0ew 1ng"and 2ve. address were indoor $ari&uana grows. 2"" three residences had their e"ectrica" $eters +y5#assed. !671 esti$ates "osses over 84**,***.**. O icers sei9ed :)* $ari&uana #"ants and over (** #ounds o #rocessed $ari&uana. They a"so sei9ed si; irear$s and a s$a"" a$ount o $etha$#heta$ine. There was 8)5,***.** sei9ed at the residences. O icers arrested si; sus#ects as o""ows' 2t the 0ew 1ng"and residence, 2nthony <ay S20SO0, %=M, 4>, cu"tivation o $ari&uana, #ossession or sa"es $ari&uana, cri$ina" cons#iracy, irear$s charges, the t o uti"ities, and

resisting arrest. The sus#ect went to the attic u#on Swat entry, re used to co$e out or a "ong ti$e. 2t the ,enice Circ"e residence, Me"issa 2nn M2D<?D, %=F, 4>, Michae" 2nthony @2%A?0S, %=M, 45, Crysta" 3ee %1<01<, %=F, 4:, and Jose#h S20SO0, %=M, //. 2"" our sus#ects were charged with cu"tivation o $ari&uana, #ossession or sa"es $ari&uana, cri$ina" cons#iracy, irear$s charges and the t o uti"ities. 2t the Tradition %ay residence, Danie" 3ee M2D<?D, @=M, /*, was charged with cu"tivation o $ari&uana, #ossession or sa"es $ari&uana, cri$ina" cons#iracy, irear$s charges and the t o uti"ities. 1dward 6arcia M2D<?D, @=M, 5-, was charged with #ossession o $etha$#heta$ine and irear$s charges. Booking Photos unavailable at the time of this release.

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