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Oracle End User Training

Accounts Payable

Oracle Accounts Payable

Table Of Contents Invoice and Payment Workbench Overview...............................................................................4 Reviewing Supplier Information..................................................................................................7 iew Invoice!................................................................................................................................"# Invoice $etail!..............................................................................................................................%& iew $i!tribution Information for an Invoice..........................................................................&& iew Invoice 'old!......................................................................................................................4( iew )ancelled Invoice!..............................................................................................................(& iew Payment!.............................................................................................................................#" iew Scheduled Payment!..........................................................................................................74 iew *ncumbrance......................................................................................................................+" Submit ,on-PO Payment Re.ui!ition.......................................................................................+7 iew Withheld /mount!..........................................................................................................."00 /ccount! Payable Report!........................................................................................................"0# /ppendi1 / 2 3eader4! 5uide.................................................................................................."4% /ppendi1 6 2 /ccount! Payable! 78/..................................................................................."(%

Page 2 of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

Typographic Convention in Oracle Applications Navigation Path (N) Navigator (M) Menu ar (") "yperlin# (T) Ta! (N) $u! Ta! ( ) utton (%) %con

(M) Menu Bar (I) Icon

(T) Tab

(B) Button

Page & of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

Invoice and Payment Wor benc! Overvie"

C!a#ter $

Page ' of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

%nvoice an( Pay)ent *or#!ench Overvie+

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to %nvoice an( Pay)ent *or#!ench Overvie+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

%nvoice an( Pay)ent *or#!ench Overvie+

Accounts Paya!le inclu(es t+o fully integrate( +or#!enches, the %nvoice *or#!ench an( the Pay)ent *or#!ench. /ou can perfor) )ost of your transactions in Paya!les using the %nvoice *or#!ench or the Pay)ent *or#!ench. /ou enter, a(0ust, an( revie+ invoices an( invoice !atches in the %nvoice *or#!ench. /ou create, a(0ust, an( revie+ pay)ents an( pay)ent !atches in the Pay)ents *or#!ench. /ou )ay !e restricte( in the +in(o+s, !uttons, an( actions you can access !ase( on the 1unction $ecurity i)ple)ente( !y your $yste) A()inistrator. 2se the %nvoice Overvie+ an( the Pay)ent Overvie+ +in(o+s to revie+ infor)ation fro) their respective +or#!enches. These +in(o+s also act as !ri(ges !et+een the t+o +or#!enches. 1or e3a)ple, fro) the %nvoices Overvie+, you can choose the Pay)ents !utton to navigate to the Pay)ents +in(o+. $o)e Paya!les +in(o+s have a custo)i4a!le fol(er that allo+s you to )ove, resi4e, an( hi(e fiel(s in the +in(o+. Paya!les +or#!enches let you fin( critical infor)ation in a fle3i!le +ay. 1or e3a)ple, in the %nvoice *or#!ench, you can fin( an invoice !ase( on supplier, purchase or(er nu)!er, status, or other criteria. Then, for that invoice, you can revie+ (istri!utions, sche(ule( pay)ents, pay)ents, hol(s, an( other (etaile( invoice infor)ation. All the +in(o+s you nee( are accessi!le fro) 0ust one for)5 you can 6uery an invoice then vie+ (etaile( pay)ent infor)ation +ithout having to fin( the invoice again. /ou can also #eep )ultiple +in(o+s open at one ti)e. /ou can use the 1in( %nvoices +in(o+ to 6uery recor(s !y fiel(, recor( status, or !y a range of values. 1or e3a)ple, you can use the 1in( %nvoices +in(o+ to 6uery all approve( invoices +ith a range of invoice (ates. %n the Pay)ent *or#!ench, you can fin( a pay)ent !ase( on supplier, chec# nu)!er, status or other criteria. Then, for that pay)ent, you can revie+ the invoice(s) infor)ation, supplier infor)ation an( other (etaile( pay)ent infor)ation.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

'evie"ing %u##lier Information

C!a#ter (

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Oracle Accounts Payable

8evie+ing $upplier %nfor)ation

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ $upplier %nfor)ation

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Oracle Accounts Payable

8evie+ $upplier %nfor)ation

%n this session, you +ill learn ho+ to revie+ $upplier %nfor)ation. y using supplier na)e as the search criteria, you can revie+ infor)ation pertaining to the supplier.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

8evie+ing $upplier %nfor)ation

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; $uppliers 1in( $uppliers 1. Navigate to 1in( $uppliers +in(o+ (N) ; $uppliers.

2. <nter the $upplier na)e or a portion of it in the =$upplier Na)e> fiel( an( select )ind ( ). Reminder: /ou can enter a partial supplier na)e follo+e( !y a ?. E*+ ,-W. This e3a)ple +ill fin( all suppliers that !egin +ith ='@*>.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

&. Oracle Paya!les (isplays all ven(ors that )atch your criteria. $elect the supplier ='@* $P<C%ABT%<$, %NC.> an( then select ( ) O/+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

'. $elect ( ) )ind to revie+ the supplier %nfor)ation.

Alternatively, the follo+ing (etails )ay !e entere( to revie+ the supplier infor)ation. )ield %u##lier 0ame %u##lier 0umber Alternate 0ame %u##lier Ty#e 0otes $upplier Na)e, $upplier Nu)!er can !e use( to retrieve the supplier infor)ation. Alternate na)e of the supplier can !e optionally use( to fin( the supplier infor)ation. This fiel( can !e use( to retrieve the list of suppliers pertaining to a particular type, +hose infor)ation is !eing vie+e(. <ither of Parent $upplier or the Parent Nu)!er can !e use( to restrict the search criteria for the suppliers. 8eporting Na)e is the criteria use( to retrieve the supplier infor)ation. Pay)ent Ter)s specific to a particular supplier can !e use( to fin( out the infor)ation of a particular supplier.

Parent %u##lier Parent 0umber 'e#orting 0ame Payment Terms

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Oracle Accounts Payable

)ield Income Ta* Ty#e

0otes %nco)e Ta3 Type of a supplier can !e entere( to restrict the search criteria an( vie+ the particular supplier infor)ation. $i)ilarly Pay Croup can !e optionally use( to list the suppliers an( thus vie+ the infor)ation.

Pay 1rou#

5. 8evie+ the $upplier infor)ation !y selecting each ta!.

Tab2 Button 1eneral Classification

3escri#tion Provi(es Parent supplier na)e, nu)!er an( custo)er nu)!er pertaining to that Parent supplier of the $upplier Provi(es the (etails li#e, type of supplier, e)ployee na)e an( his nu)!er, stan(ar( in(ustry co(e, an( type of o+nership of that supplier Provi(es (istri!ution set an( general le(ger account (etails (li#e lia!ility, prepay)ent an( future (ate( pay)ent infor)ation)


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Oracle Accounts Payable

Tab2 Button Control Payment

3escri#tion Provi(es invoice a)ount li)it, invoice )atch option, hol( (if any) an( pay)ent hol( reason (if on "ol() Provi(es pay)ent ter)s, pay group, pay)ent priority, currency (etails, ter) (ate !asis, pay (ate !asis, pay)ent )etho( an( (iscount (etails (if any) Provi(es infor)ation li#e allo+ +ithhol(ing ta3 an( +ithhol(ing ta3 group Clic# to revie+ the (etails li#e $ite Na)e, A((ress, Alternate Na)e an( A((ress, Pay only or !oth Pay an( Purchasing, Procure)ent Car(, Contact infor)ation, shipping net+or# location, an( co))unication )etho(

Wit!!olding Ta* %ites

The $ites ( ) (isplays the follo+ing infor)ation

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Oracle Accounts Payable

6. Co to (M) )ile an( select the Close 1or)

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Oracle Accounts Payable

4ie" Invoices
C!a#ter 5

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ %nvoices
%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ %nvoices

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ %nvoices
%n this session, you +ill learn ho+ to revie+ the %nvoices. /ou can revie+ %nvoices using 1in( %nvoices +in(o+.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ing %nvoices
Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; %nvoices ; %nvoices $creen na)e 1. Navigate to the 1in( %nvoices *in(o+ 60) Invoices 7 Invoices.

2. <nter the $upplier Na)e as EAPP<8$ONF an( $elect ( ) )ind+ 0ote8 To vie+ a Cre(it Me)o, select type ECre(it Me)oF fro) the BOD in the %nvoice 8egion.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Alternatively, the follo+ing (etails )ay !e entere( to retrieve invoices an( thus vie+ their (etails.

)ield %u##lier

0otes y entering the $upplier na)e, all the invoices pertaining to that supplier are liste( for revie+. 0umber, %ite an( the Ta*#ayer I3 of the supplier are auto)atically reflecte(. %nvoice can also !e 6uerie( !y entering the PO 0um fiel(.


%nvoices can !e foun( !y entering the 0umber, Ty#e an( Invoice Batc!+ Optionally, Pay 1rou#9 Payment Met!od9 Terms9 U%%1: Code9 Pro&ect9 Tas 9 E*#enditure Ty#e an( E*#enditure Org+ fro) the (rop (o+n list can !e chosen to restrict the list of invoices to !e vie+e(.

Invoice %tatus

Gepen(ing upon the %nvoice (etails selecte(, the %nvoice %tatus, +hether itFs !een Paid or Accounted can !e selecte(. <ven the %nvoice ;olds +ith their %tatus, 0ame an( 'eason can !e chosen to retrieve a particular invoice.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

4ouc!er Audit

Optionally, the Category, 0ame an( Doucher 0umbers )ay !e entere( to vie+ particular invoices.

&. 8evie+ the Invoices +in(o+.

Tab2 Button 1eneral


4ie" Payments

3escri#tion The Ceneral ta! provi(es infor)ation on A)ount Pai(, %nvoice $tatus, Approval $tatus, an( $u))ary (etails The "ol( ta! provi(es infor)ation a!out +hy the invoice +as put on hol( an( +ho put it on hol(. %t also provi(es (etails pertaining to Purchase Or(er, $hip)ent Huantity, 8eceipt an( 8eceipt Huantity 'efer to C!a#ter < = 4ie" Invoice ;olds Die+ Pay)ent Ta! provi(es infor)ation (etailing Pay)ent Metho(, Gocu)ent Na)e, Pay)ent Gate, Be(ger Gate, an( Pay)ent A)ount 'efer to C!a#ter > = 4ie" Invoice Payments

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Tab2 Button

%c!eduled Payments

Overvie" 3istribution

3escri#tion $che(ule( Pay)ents ta! provi(es Pay)ent (etails inclu(ing Gue Gate, Cross A)ount, Priority an( Pay)ent Metho(. %t provi(es an# Getails inclu(ing an# Na)e, Account Nu)!er. Giscount if any inclu(ing, Giscount Type, Gate an( Giscount A)ount. %t also su))ari4es %nvoice Getails inclu(ing %nvoice A)ount, Gate an( A)ount Pai( against the %nvoice 'efer to C!a#ter ? = 4ie" %c!eduled Payments This !utton provi(es a $u))ary of the selecte( %nvoice (etaile( infor)ation 'efer to C!a#ter , = Invoice 3etails This provi(es Account infor)ation an( the +ay the charge is (istri!ute( a)ong accounts 'efer to C!a#ter @ = 4ie" 3istributions

'. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Invoice 3etails
C!a#ter ,

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Oracle Accounts Payable

%nvoice Getails
%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ the (etails of an %nvoice.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

%nvoice Getails
%nvoice Overvie+ +in(o+ can !e use( to revie+ (etaile( invoice infor)ation of a particular invoice, such as invoice status, active hol(s, sche(ule( pay)ents, actual pay)ents etc.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ing %nvoice Getails

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; %nvoices ; %nvoices 1in( %nvoices 1. Navigate to the 1in( %nvoices +in(o+ 60) Invoices 7 Invoices+


<nter the %nvoice Nu)!er $(5. an( select ( ) )ind. 0ote8 <nter Partial %nvoice Nu)!er +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the Invoice 0umber fiel( to help e3pe(ite the search.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Alternatively, the follo+ing (etails )ay !e entere( to retrieve invoices an( thus vie+ their (etails.

)ield %u##lier

3escri#tion y entering the $upplier na)e, all the invoices pertaining to that supplier are liste( for revie+. Nu)!er an( $ite of the supplier are auto)atically reflecte(. %nvoice can also !e 6uerie( !y entering the PO Nu) fiel(.


%nvoices can !e foun( !y entering the Nu)!er, an( Type. Optionally, Pay Croup, Pay)ent Metho(, Ter)s, Currency, Be(ger Co(e, Pro&ect, Tas#, <3pen(iture Type an( <3pen(iture Org. fro) the (rop (o+n list can !e chosen to restrict the list of invoices to !e vie+e(.

Invoice %tatus

Gepen(ing upon the %nvoice (etails selecte(, the %nvoice $tatus, +hether it has !een Pai( or Accounte( can !e selecte(. The %nvoice "ol(s +ith their $tatus, Na)e an( 8eason can !e chosen to retrieve a particular invoice. Optionally, the Category, Na)e an( Doucher Nu)!ers )ay !e entere( to vie+ particular invoices.

4ouc!er Audit

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Oracle Accounts Payable

&. 8evie+ %nvoices +in(o+ an( $elect ( ) Overvie+.

Note- %f your 6uery retrieve( )ore than one recor(, select the invoice !y clic#ing on the current recor( in(icator ne3t to it.

Tab2 Button 1eneral


4ie" Payments

%c!eduled Payments

3escri#tion The Ceneral ta! provi(es infor)ation on A)ount Pai(, %nvoice $tatus, Approval $tatus, an( $u))ary (etails The "ol( ta! provi(es infor)ation a!out +hy the invoice +as put on hol( an( +ho put it on hol(. %t also provi(es (etails pertaining to Purchase Or(er, $hip)ent Huantity, 8eceipt an( 8eceipt Huantity 'efer to C!a#ter < = 4ie" Invoice ;olds Die+ Pay)ent Ta! provi(es infor)ation (etailing Pay)ent Metho(, Gocu)ent Na)e, Pay)ent Gate, Be(ger Gate, an( Pay)ent A)ount 'efer to C!a#ter > = 4ie" Invoice Payments $che(ule( Pay)ents ta! provi(es Pay)ent (etails inclu(ing Gue Gate, Cross A)ount, Priority an( Pay)ent Metho(. %t provi(es an# Getails inclu(ing an# Na)e, Account Nu)!er. Giscount if any inclu(ing, Giscount Type, Gate an( Giscount A)ount. %t also su))ari4es %nvoice Getails inclu(ing %nvoice A)ount, Gate an( A)ount Pai( against the %nvoice 'efer to C!a#ter ? = 4ie" %c!eduled Payments

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Tab2 Button Overvie" 3istribution

3escri#tion This !utton provi(es a $u))ary of the selecte( %nvoice (etaile( infor)ation This provi(es Account infor)ation an( the +ay the charge is (istri!ute( a)ong accounts 'efer to C!a#ter @ = 4ie" 3istributions

'. 8evie+ the %nvoice Overvie+.

%nvoice Overvie+ provi(es the follo+ing (etails

$upplier Na)e, $upplier Nu)!er, %nvoice Nu)!er, PO Nu)!er, etc %nvoice $tatus, "ol(s, an( 8easons $che(ule( Pay)ent %nfor)ation Actual Pay)ent %nfor)ation

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Note- Move cursor to =pai( !y fiel(> an( the pay)ent overvie+ !utton +ill !e availa!le, select ( ) to see pay)ent infor)ation Alternatively, %nvoice Overvie+ can !e vie+e( (irectly !y Navigating to the 1in( %nvoices +in(o+ 60) Invoices 7 Invoice Overvie"+

<nter the %nvoice Nu)!er (AB<<. an( select ( ) )ind. 0ote8 <nter Partial %nvoice Nu)!er +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the Invoice 0umber fiel( to help e3pe(ite the search.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

5. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

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Oracle Accounts Payable

4ie" 3istribution Information for an Invoice

C!a#ter @

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ Gistri!ution %nfor)ation

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ (istri!ution infor)ation

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ Gistri!ution %nfor)ation

/ou can use the Gistri!utions +in(o+ to see the account(s) !eing charge( for a particular invoice an( the correspon(ing a)ount.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

8evie+ing the Gistri!ution %nfor)ation

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; %nvoices ; %nvoices 1in( %nvoices 1. Navigate to the %nvoices +in(o+ 60) Invoices 7 Invoices

2. <nter the %nvoice Nu)!er $(5. an( select ( ) 1in(. 0ote8 <nter Partial %nvoice Nu)!er +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the %nvoice Nu)!er fiel( to help e3pe(ite the search.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Alternatively, the follo+ing (etails )ay !e entere( to retrieve invoices an( thus vie+ their (etails.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

)ield %u##lier

3escri#tion y entering the $upplier na)e, all the invoices pertaining to that supplier are liste( for revie+. 0umber, %ite an( the Ta*#ayer I3 of the supplier are auto)atically reflecte(. %nvoice can also !e 6uerie( !y entering the PO 0um fiel(.


%nvoices can !e foun( !y entering the 0umber, Ty#e Optionally, Pay 1rou#9 Payment Met!od9 Terms9 :edger Code9 Pro&ect9 Tas 9 and E*#enditure Ty#e fro) the (rop (o+n list can !e chosen to restrict the list of invoices to !e vie+e(.

Invoice %tatus

Gepen(ing upon the %nvoice (etails selecte(, the %nvoice %tatus, +hether itFs !een Paid or Accounted can !e selecte(. <ven the %nvoice ;olds +ith their %tatus, 0ame an( 'eason can !e chosen to retrieve a particular invoice.

4ouc!er Audit

Optionally, the Category, 0ame an( Doucher 0umbers )ay !e entere( to vie+ particular invoices.

&. 8evie+ the %nvoice (etails an( select ( ) 3istributions.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Tab2 Button 1eneral


4ie" Payments

%c!eduled Payments

Overvie" 3istribution

3escri#tion The Ceneral ta! provi(es infor)ation on A)ount Pai(, %nvoice $tatus, Approval $tatus, an( $u))ary (etails The "ol( ta! provi(es infor)ation a!out +hy the invoice +as put on hol( an( +ho put it on hol(. %t also provi(es (etails pertaining to Purchase Or(er, $hip)ent Huantity, 8eceipt an( 8eceipt Huantity 'efer to C!a#ter < = 4ie" Invoice ;olds Die+ Pay)ent Ta! provi(es infor)ation (etailing Pay)ent Metho(, Gocu)ent Na)e, Pay)ent Gate, Be(ger Gate, an( Pay)ent A)ount 'efer to C!a#ter > = 4ie" Invoice Payments $che(ule( Pay)ents ta! provi(es Pay)ent (etails inclu(ing Gue Gate, Cross A)ount, Priority an( Pay)ent Metho(. %t provi(es an# Getails inclu(ing an# Na)e, Account Nu)!er. Giscount if any inclu(ing, Giscount Type, Gate an( Giscount A)ount. %t also su))ari4es %nvoice Getails inclu(ing %nvoice A)ount, Gate an( A)ount Pai( against the %nvoice 'efer to C!a#ter ? = 4ie" %c!eduled Payments This !utton provi(es a $u))ary of the selecte( %nvoice (etaile( infor)ation 'efer to C!a#ter , = Invoice 3etails This provi(es Account infor)ation an( the +ay the charge is (istri!ute( a)ong accounts

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Oracle Accounts Payable

'. 8evie+ the 3istribution (etails of %nvoice.

Note- 2se the scroll !ar to vie+ a((itional infor)ation such as PO nu)!er, <3pen(iture Type, etc.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

5. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

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Oracle Accounts Payable

4ie" Invoice ;olds

C!a#ter <

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ %nvoice "ol(s

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ the %nvoice "ol(s

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ %nvoice "ol(s

"ol(s that Paya!les applies or the $yste) applies auto)atically (insufficient fun(s), prevent pay)ent an(, in so)e cases, creation of accounting entries for an invoice. /ou can revie+ the "ol( (etails pertaining to an invoice !y selecting the "ol(s ta! in the %nvoices +in(o+.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ing %nvoice on "ol(

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; %nvoices ; %nvoices 1in( %nvoices 1. Navigate to the %nvoices +in(o+ (N) Invoices 7 Invoices

2. <nter the %nvoice Nu)!er $(5. an( select ( ) )ind. 0ote8 <nter Partial %nvoice Nu)!er +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the Invoice 0umber fiel( to help e3pe(ite the search.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

&. $elect the invoice to !e revie+e( an( select (T) ;olds to vie+ the ;old (etails.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Tab2 Button 1eneral ;olds

4ie" Payments

%c!eduled Payments

Overvie" 3istribution

3escri#tion The Ceneral ta! provi(es infor)ation on A)ount Pai(, %nvoice $tatus, Approval $tatus, an( $u))ary (etails The "ol( ta! provi(es infor)ation a!out +hy the invoice +as put on hol( an( +ho put it on hol(. %t also provi(es (etails pertaining to Purchase Or(er, $hip)ent Huantity, 8eceipt an( 8eceipt Huantity Die+ Pay)ent Ta! provi(es infor)ation (etailing Pay)ent Metho(, Gocu)ent Na)e, Pay)ent Gate, Be(ger Gate, an( Pay)ent A)ount 'efer to C!a#ter > = 4ie" Invoice Payments $che(ule( Pay)ents ta! provi(es Pay)ent (etails inclu(ing Gue Gate, Cross A)ount, Priority an( Pay)ent Metho(. %t provi(es an# Getails inclu(ing an# Na)e, Account Nu)!er. Giscount if any inclu(ing, Giscount Type, Gate an( Giscount A)ount. %t also su))ari4es %nvoice Getails inclu(ing %nvoice A)ount, Gate an( A)ount Pai( against the %nvoice 'efer to C!a#ter ? = 4ie" %c!eduled Payments This !utton provi(es a $u))ary of the selecte( %nvoice (etaile( infor)ation 'efer to C!a#ter , = Invoice 3etails This provi(es Account infor)ation an( the +ay the charge is (istri!ute( a)ong accounts 'efer to C!a#ter @ = 4ie" 3istributions

'. 8evie+ ;olds (etails.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

A +or#flo+ notification on hol(s place(, as !elo+, +ill !e sent to Account Managers to initiate appropriate action.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Account Managers have the a!ility to Approve, 8e0ect, 8eassign or 8e6uest )ore %nfor)ation Note- %f the hol( is place( !y the syste), Account Managers nee( to ta#e appropriate action such as u(get 8evisions for insufficient fun(s hol(s.

5. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

4ie" Cancelled Invoices

C!a#ter A

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ Cancelle( %nvoices

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ a cancelle( invoice

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ a Cancelle( %nvoice

%n this session you +ill learn ho+ to revie+ a Cancelle( %nvoice. All the (etails pertaining to the %nvoice, +hich is cancelle(, can !e vie+e(.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ing a Cancelle( %nvoice

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; %nvoices ; %nvoices 1in( %nvoices 1. Navigate to the 1in( %nvoices +in(o+ 60) Invoices 7 Invoices

2. $elect the Invoice Ty#e as E$tan(ar(F an( %tatus as ECancelle(F.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

&. $elect ( ) )ind+ '. $elect the Ecancelle(F invoice that you +oul( li#e to revie+.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Note- The invoice a)ount for cancelle( invoices is I<8O.

Tab2 Button 1eneral


4ie" Payments

%c!eduled Payments

Overvie" 3istribution

3escri#tion The Ceneral ta! provi(es infor)ation on A)ount Pai(, %nvoice $tatus, Approval $tatus, an( $u))ary (etails The "ol( ta! provi(es infor)ation a!out +hy the invoice +as put on hol( an( +ho put it on hol(. %t also provi(es (etails pertaining to Purchase Or(er, $hip)ent Huantity, 8eceipt an( 8eceipt Huantity 'efer to C!a#ter < = 4ie" Invoice ;olds Die+ Pay)ent Ta! provi(es infor)ation (etailing Pay)ent Metho(, Gocu)ent Na)e, Pay)ent Gate, Be(ger Gate, an( Pay)ent A)ount 'efer to C!a#ter > = 4ie" Invoice Payments $che(ule( Pay)ents ta! provi(es Pay)ent (etails inclu(ing Gue Gate, Cross A)ount, Priority an( Pay)ent Metho(. %t provi(es an# Getails inclu(ing an# Na)e, Account Nu)!er. Giscount if any inclu(ing, Giscount Type, Gate an( Giscount A)ount. %t also su))ari4es %nvoice Getails inclu(ing %nvoice A)ount, Gate an( A)ount Pai( against the %nvoice 'efer to C!a#ter ? = 4ie" %c!eduled Payments This !utton provi(es a $u))ary of the selecte( %nvoice (etaile( infor)ation 'efer to C!a#ter , = Invoice 3etails This provi(es Account infor)ation an( the +ay the charge is (istri!ute( a)ong accounts 'efer to C!a#ter @ = 4ie" 3istributions

5. 8evie+ the 3istributions +in(o+.

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Note- %f the invoice is cancelle(, the a)ount originally charge( to the Pro0ect for the invoice selecte( +ill !e reverse( fro) the Pro0ect.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

6. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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4ie" Payments
C!a#ter >

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Die+ Pay)ents
%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ %nvoice Pay)ents

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Die+ Pay)ents
%n this session, you +ill learn ho+ to revie+ %nvoice pay)ents. /ou can revie+ pay)ent (etails such as a)ount pai(, chec# nu)!er, pay)ent (ate, pay)ent )etho(, etc., for a chec# or for a $upplier.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ing Pay)ents
Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; %nvoices ; %nvoices 1in( %nvoices 1. Navigate to the %nvoices *in(o+ 60) Invoices 7 Invoices

2. <nter the %nvoice Nu)!er $(5. an( select ( ) )ind. 0ote8 <nter Partial %nvoice Nu)!er +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the %nvoice Nu)!er fiel( to help e3pe(ite the search.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Alternatively, the follo+ing (etails )ay !e entere( to retrieve invoices an( thus vie+ their (etails.

)ield %u##lier

0otes y entering the $upplier na)e, all the invoices pertaining to that supplier are liste( for revie+. 0umber, %ite an( the Ta*#ayer I3 of the supplier are auto)atically reflecte(. %nvoice can also !e 6uerie( !y entering the PO 0um fiel(.


%nvoices can !e foun( !y entering the 0umber, an( Ty#e Optionally, Pay 1rou#9 Payment Met!od9 Terms9 :edger Code9 Pro&ect9 Tas 9 and E*#enditure Ty#e fro) the (rop (o+n list can !e chosen to restrict the list of invoices to !e vie+e(.

Invoice %tatus

Gepen(ing upon the %nvoice (etails selecte(, the %nvoice %tatus, +hether itFs !een Paid or Accounted can !e selecte(. <ven the %nvoice ;olds +ith their %tatus, 0ame an( 'eason can !e chosen to retrieve a particular invoice.


Optionally, the Category, 0ame an( Doucher 0umbers )ay !e

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Oracle Accounts Payable


entere( to vie+ particular invoices.

&. $elect the Invoice to !e revie+e( an( $elect (T) 4ie" Payments.

Tab2 Button 1eneral


4ie" Payments

3escri#tion The Ceneral ta! provi(es infor)ation on A)ount Pai(, %nvoice $tatus, Approval $tatus, an( $u))ary (etails The "ol( ta! provi(es infor)ation a!out +hy the invoice +as put on hol( an( +ho put it on hol(. %t also provi(es (etails pertaining to Purchase Or(er, $hip)ent Huantity, 8eceipt an( 8eceipt Huantity 'efer to C!a#ter < = 4ie" Invoice ;olds Die+ Pay)ent Ta! provi(es infor)ation (etailing Pay)ent Metho(, Gocu)ent Na)e, Pay)ent Gate, Be(ger Gate, an( Pay)ent A)ount $che(ule( Pay)ents ta! provi(es Pay)ent (etails inclu(ing Gue Gate, Cross A)ount, Priority an( Pay)ent Metho(. %t provi(es an# Getails inclu(ing an# Na)e, Account Nu)!er. Giscount if any inclu(ing, Giscount Type, Gate an( Giscount A)ount. %t also su))ari4es %nvoice Getails inclu(ing %nvoice A)ount, Gate an( A)ount Pai( against the %nvoice 'efer to C!a#ter ? = 4ie" %c!eduled Payments

%c!eduled Payments

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Tab2 Button Overvie" 3istribution

3escri#tion This !utton provi(es a $u))ary of the selecte( %nvoice (etaile( infor)ation 'efer to C!a#ter , = Invoice 3etails This provi(es Account infor)ation an( the +ay the charge is (istri!ute( a)ong accounts 'efer to C!a#ter @ = 4ie" 3istributions

'. 8evie+ the Pay)ent (etails an( then select ( ) Payment Overvie" . Note- %f pay)ent has !een )a(e for the invoice you selecte(, the PA/M<NT OD<8D%<* !utton +ill !e availa!le for )ore infor)ation.

5. 8evie+ the Payment Overvie" (etails.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Pay)ent Overvie+ provi(es the follo+ing (etails

Pay)ent Nu)!er, Pay)ent Gate, $tatus, Cleare( A)ount, Cleare( Gate, etc $upplier %nfor)ation inclu(ing $upplier Na)e, Ta3payer %(, Nu)!er, $ite an( A((ress an# %nfor)ation li#e an# Na)e, Account, Pay)ent Metho( %nvoice Getails li#e %nvoice Nu)!er, A)ount Pai(, Be(ger Gate an( Gescription

$elect ( ) %nvoices Overvie+ to revie+ %nvoice (etails

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Alternatively, Pay)ent Overvie+ can !e (irectly revie+e( !y Navigating to the Pay)ents *in(o+ 60) Payments 7 Payments Overvie"

/ou can enter the $upplier Na)e or the chec# nu)!er an( select ( ) )ind. 0ote8 <nter Partial $upplier Na)e +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the Na)e fiel( in $upplier section to help e3pe(ite the search. <nter CE0. an( select ( ) )ind.

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$elect CE00I)E' ME3'A0O fro) the list of values (BOD) an( select ( ) )ind

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8evie+ the pay)ent (etails

6. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

4ie" %c!eduled Payments

C!a#ter ?

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Die+ $che(ule( Pay)ents

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ $che(ule( Pay)ents

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ $che(ule( Pay)ents

%n this session, you +ill learn ho+ to revie+ the $che(ule( Pay)ent (etails of a particular %nvoice. /ou can revie+ various pay)ent (etails li#e pay)ent a)ount, currency, pay)ent )etho(, invoice a)ount, etc.

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Die+ing $che(ule( Pay)ents

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; %nvoices ; %nvoices $creen na)e 1. Navigate to the %nvoices *in(o+ 60) Invoices 7 Invoices

2. <nter the %nvoice Nu)!er an( select ( ) )ind. 0ote8 <nter Partial %nvoice Nu)!er +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the %nvoice Nu)!er fiel( to help e3pe(ite the search. <nter 12&?

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&. $elect the %nvoice to !e revie+e( an( $elect (T) $che(ule( Pay)ents.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Tab2 Button 1eneral


4ie" Payments

%c!eduled Payments

Overvie" 3istribution

3escri#tion The Ceneral ta! provi(es infor)ation on A)ount Pai(, %nvoice $tatus, Approval $tatus, an( $u))ary (etails The "ol( ta! provi(es infor)ation a!out +hy the invoice +as put on hol( an( +ho put it on hol(. %t also provi(es (etails pertaining to Purchase Or(er, $hip)ent Huantity, 8eceipt an( 8eceipt Huantity 'efer to C!a#ter < = 4ie" Invoice ;olds Die+ Pay)ent Ta! provi(es infor)ation (etailing Pay)ent Metho(, Gocu)ent Na)e, Pay)ent Gate, Be(ger Gate, an( Pay)ent A)ount 'efer to C!a#ter > = 4ie" Invoice Payments $che(ule( Pay)ents ta! provi(es Pay)ent (etails inclu(ing Gue Gate, Cross A)ount, Priority an( Pay)ent Metho(. %t provi(es an# Getails inclu(ing an# Na)e, Account Nu)!er. Giscount if any inclu(ing, Giscount Type, Gate an( Giscount A)ount. %t also su))ari4es %nvoice Getails inclu(ing %nvoice A)ount, Gate an( A)ount Pai( against the %nvoice This !utton provi(es a $u))ary of the selecte( %nvoice (etaile( infor)ation 'efer to C!a#ter , = Invoice 3etails This provi(es Account infor)ation an( the +ay the charge is (istri!ute( a)ong accounts 'efer to C!a#ter @ = 4ie" 3istributions

'. 8evie+ the %c!eduled pay)ents.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

5. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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4ie" Encumbrance
C!a#ter $B

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Die+ <ncu)!rance
%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ encu)!rance (etails

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Die+ <ncu)!rance
/ou can revie+ the encu)!rance (etails of the %nvoices.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ing <ncu)!rance
Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; Accounting ; Die+ <ncu)!rance 1in( <ncu)!rance Bines 1. Navigate to the 4ie" Encumbrances *in(o+.

2. <nter the %nvoice Nu)!er an( select ( ) )ind. 0ote8 <nter Partial %nvoice Nu)!er +ith *il( Car( =?> as the suffi3 in the Invoice 0umber fiel( to help e3pe(ite the search. Enter $(5. Alternatively, you can enter the follo+ing para)eters to vie+ the <ncu)!rances.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

)ield Ty#e Period Account

0otes A specific Type can !e entere( to vie+ the <ncu)!rances pertaining to that Type. Perio( range can also !e entere( to retrieve all the <ncu)!rances that fall +ithin that Perio(. Account range can !e optionally entere( to vie+ the <ncu)!rances restricte( to that range.

&. 8evie+ the 4ie" Encumbrances +in(o+.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Note- $croll to the right to see )ore infor)ation relate( to the encu)!rance for the invoice selecte(. '. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm

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%ubmit 0on-PO Payment 'eDuisition

C!a#ter $$

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$u!)it Non@PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to $u!)it a Non@PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition

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Oracle Accounts Payable

$u!)it Non@PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition Overvie+

%n this session, you +ill learn a!out Non PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition. A Non PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition is a re6uest for )a#ing a pay)ent to a person or an organi4ation +ithout a purchase or(er. <3a)ple- Me)!erships, $tipen(, 8efun(s, etc,.

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$u!)itting Non@PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; Other ; 8e6uests ; 8un $u!)it a Ne+ 8e6uest 1. Navigate to %ubmit a 0e" 'eDuest +in(o+ 60) Ot!er 7 'eDuests 7 'un.

2. $elect $ingle re6uest option an( select ( ) O/+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

&. <nter E?2tpa?F in the na)e fiel( an( clic# ( ) )ind. $elect the E2TPA Non Po Chec# 8e6uest *or#flo+F.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

'. <nter the follo+ing para)eters an( select ( ) O/+ Parameter 4endor A <T %NC 0ote8 If various vendors need to be #aid 6sti#end)9 enter 4A'IOU% and email a s#reads!eet to AP Pro&ect 0umber A"ard E*#enditure Ty#e Amount 3escri#tion 0eed By 3ate Attac!ment 1AACMPTAA %f Crant Account Consu)a!les 5AA.AA (Gescription of pay)ent) 1:@J2B@2AA6 /es (%s there an invoice) 4alue

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Oracle Accounts Payable

0ote To Payables

Are you fa3ing, e)ailing, sen(ing any invoices or other attach)entsKK

5. $elect ( ) %ubmit+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

6. $elect ( ) 'efres! 3ata an( select ( ) 4ie" 3etails.

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7. 8evie+ the (etails of the report an( select ( ) O/+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Note- %nclu(e 8e6uest %G nu)!er on any paper+or# su!)itte( (e)ail, fa3, ca)pus )ail) to Accounts Paya!le. 9. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

:. Navigate to *or#list +in(o+ 60) Wor flo" 7 Wor list.

1A. $elect the re6uire( notification an( select ( ) O#en+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Note- The Pro0ect Managers can 'eDuest more information, A##rove , 'e&ect or 'eassign this chec# re6uest.

Once the 8e6uest is approve( !y the Pro0ect Manager, Accounts Paya!le +ill receive a Notification to process your re6uest. Accounts Paya!le +ill contact the re6uester if any infor)ationL(ocu)entation is )issing.

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4ie" Wit!!eld Amounts

C!a#ter $(

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ *ithhel( A)ounts

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 8evie+ the *ithhel( A)ounts

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ *ithhel( A)ounts

%n this session, you +ill learn ho+ to revie+ the *ithhel( A)ounts. /ou can revie+ perio(@to@(ate, auto)atically +ithhel( a)ounts, an( not the a)ounts that you +ithhol( )anually.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Die+ing *ithhel( A)ounts

Oracle Accounts Paya!le N ; Pay)ents ; *ithhel( A)ounts Perio(@to@(ate *ithhel( A)ounts 1. Navigate to the 1in( Perio(@to@(ate *ithhel( A)ounts +in(o+ 60) Payments 7 Wit!!eld Amounts

2. Optionally enter any of the follo+ing as selection criteria an( select ( ) )ind.

)ield 0ame Ta* Code

3escri#tion The +ithhol(ing ta3 type co(e fro) the special calen(ar.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Period 0ame %u##lier 0ame2 %u##lier 0umber

The +ithhol(ing ta3 type perio( na)e. The supplier na)eLnu)!er for +hich you are vie+ing perio(@to@(ate +ithhel( a)ounts.

&. 8evie+ the Period-to-date Wit!!eld Amounts +in(o+.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

'. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm.

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Accounts Payable 'e#orts

C!a#ter $5

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Accounts Paya!le 8eports

%ection Ob&ectives
At the en( of this section, you shoul( !e a!le to 2n(erstan( the 2sage of Accounts Paya!le 8eports

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Co))on 8eport "ea(ings

8eport hea(ings at the top of each page provi(e you +ith general infor)ation a!out the contents of your report or listing, such as your set of !oo#s na)e, report title, (ate an( ti)e Paya!les runs your report, an( page nu)!er. %n a((ition, Paya!les prints the para)eters you specifie( +hen you su!)itte( the report re6uest. %f you left a para)eter !lan#, then the para)eter +ill appear at the top of the report +ithout a value. Accounting Period@ Accounting perio( in +hich you su!)itte( the re6uest. Batc!- Na)e of invoice !atch or pay)ent !atch. Paya!les (isplays NLA if you (o not use invoice !atches to enter invoices. Entered By- Na)e of the person +ho entere( the (ata. 3ocument 0umber- Pay)ent (ocu)ent nu)!er. 1or e3a)ple, chec# nu)!er. )unctional Amount- A)ount of the invoice or pay)ent e3presse( in your functional currency. Paya!les uses the e3change rate to convert the invoice or pay)ent a)ount into your functional currency. Income Ta* Ty#e- The inco)e ta3 type for an invoice (istri!ution. /ou can (efault an inco)e ta3 type fro) a supplier for each invoice (istri!ution. 1or 2.$. reporting, your inco)e ta3 type is also #no+n as your 1A:: type. Invoice Amount- A)ount of the invoice. Invoice Batc!@ %f you have ena!le( the Allo+ %nvoice atches Paya!les option, the na)e of the !atch in +hich the invoice +as entere(. Invoice Currency- Currency in +hich the invoice +as entere(. Invoice 0umber@ Nu)!er of an invoice, assigne( !y you (uring invoice entry. Invoice Ty#e- Type of invoice ($tan(ar(, Prepay)ent, Cre(it Me)o, Ge!it Me)o, *ithhol(ing Ta3, %nterest, an( <3pense 8eports). :ast Active 3ate- Bast (ate in +hich a (ocu)ent +as up(ate(. Gocu)ent entry or creation (ate, if it has not !een up(ate(. Payment Batc!- Pay)ent !atch in +hich the pay)ent +as create(. Payment Currency- Currency in +hich the pay)ent +as create(. Payment 3ate- Gate on pay)ent (ocu)ent. Payment 0umber- Gocu)ent nu)!er for the pay)ent. 1or e3a)ple, chec# nu)!er.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

PO 0umber- Nu)!er of the purchase or(er. PO 'elease- Purchase or(er release nu)!er. PO :ine- Purchase or(er line nu)!er. %ite- 0ame of supplier site. %ite 0ame- Na)e of supplier site. %u##lier Ban Account 0um- an# account nu)!er of your supplier. 2se( for electronic pay)ents to your supplier. %u##lier 0ame- $upplier na)e. 1or so)e re6uests you can leave this para)eter !lan# to su!)it the re6uest for all suppliers. %u##lier 0ame )rom2To8 <nter the alpha!etical range of suppliers that you +ant to su!)it the re6uest for Paya!les inclu(es all suppliers !et+een an( inclu(ing the suppliers you enter. %u##lier Ty#e- Type of supplier. /ou (efine supplier types in the Oracle Paya!les Boo#ups +in(o+, an( enter a supplier type for a supplier in the $uppliers +in(o+. %f you use recovera!le ta3, you can also (efine ta3 recovery rules !y supplier type. Ta* Code- Na)e of the ta3 co(e or ta3 group value. /ou (efine ta3 co(es in the Ta3 Co(es +in(o+ an( ta3 groups in the Ta3 Croups +in(o+.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Accounting an( 8econciliation 8eports

Paya!les provi(e the follo+ing accounting an( reconciliation reports Accounts Paya!le Trial alance 8eport Paya!les Account Analysis 8eport Perio( Close <3ceptions 8eport Poste( %nvoice 8egister Poste( Pay)ent 8egister 2naccounte( Transactions 8eport

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Accounts Paya!le Trial alance 8eport

2se the Accounts Paya!le Trial alance 8eport to verify that total accounts paya!le lia!ilities in Paya!les e6ual those in the general le(ger. To reconcile these !alances you can co)pare the cu)ulative total lia!ility provi(e( !y this report +ith the total lia!ility provi(e( !y your general le(ger. The Trial alance 8eport lists an( su!totals !y supplier an( lia!ility account all unpai( an( partially pai( invoices that Paya!les has transferre( to the general le(ger. These invoices represent your organi4ationFs outstan(ing accounts paya!le lia!ility. Therefore, to o!tain the )ost up@to@(ate trial !alance, you shoul( transfer your invoice an( pay)ent activity to the general le(ger !efore su!)itting this report. $ince this report presents your outstan(ing accounts paya!le lia!ility infor)ation, it is only vali( for an accrual set of !oo#s. %f you use future (ate( pay)ents, the 8elieve 1uture Gate( Pay)ent Bia!ility Paya!les option (eter)ines +hen this report consi(ers invoice lia!ility relieve( !y a future (ate( pay)ent. %f the option is set to *hen Pay)ent is %ssue(, then the invoice a)ounts pai( !y future (ate( pay)ents (o not appear in this report. %f the option is set to *hen Pay)ent Matures, then the invoice a)ounts continue to appear in this report until the pay)ent status is up(ate( to Negotia!le. %f the option is set to *hen Pay)ent Clears, then the invoice a)ounts continue to appear in this report until the pay)ent is cleare(. /ou can use this report to revie+ all negative supplier !alances. To (o this, choose No. for the $u))ari4e 8eport para)eter, an( /es for the Negative alances Only para)eter.

'e#ort %ubmission
/ou su!)it this report fro) the $u!)it 8e6uest +in(o+. %elected 'e#ort Parameters To revie+ infor)ation for para)eters use( in )ultiple reports, such as $et of oo#s Currency. As of 3ate+ Paya!les lists all unpai( or partially pai( invoices +ith accounting (ates on or !efore the As of Gate you enter. %u##lier 0ame+ %f you +ant to run the report for a particular supplier, enter the supplier. :iability Account+ %f you +ant to run the report for a particular lia!ility account, enter the account. %ummariEe 'e#ort+ Choose No to run the report in (etail. Choose /es to su))ari4e report output !y lia!ility account.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

0egative Balances Only+ Choose /es to inclu(e only negative supplier !alances on the report. Choose No to inclu(e all supplier !alances.

%elected 'e#ort ;eadings

Invoice 0umber+ The nu)!er of the invoice (ocu)ent. Invoice 3ate+ The (ate of the invoice (ocu)ent. Curr+ The transaction currency of the invoice. F)unctional CurrencyG Amount+ Total invoice a)ount for the lia!ility account, (isplaye( in your functional currency. %f the 8elieve 1uture Gate( Pay)ent Bia!ility Paya!les option is set to *hen Pay)ent Matures, then this report sho+s invoices inclu(e( in un)ature( future (ate( pay)ents. 1or those invoices this fiel( al+ays (isplays the full invoice a)ount irrespective of the lia!ility account. 'emaining F)unctional CurrencyG Amount+ The (ifference !et+een the invoice a)ount an( the su) of the poste( pay)ents for the invoice, e3presse( in your functional currency. A positive a)ount in(icates an outstan(ing accounts paya!le lia!ility in the general le(ger. This can result fro) nonpay)ent, partial pay)ent, or not creating a 0ournal entry for the pay)ent. A negative a)ount can result fro) transferring a pay)ent to your general le(ger +ithout transferring the invoice, or fro) recor(ing the invoice lia!ility in a future perio(. Invoice 3escri#tion+ Partial (escription of the invoice (istri!ution.

Payables Account Analysis 'e#ort

2se this report to revie+ an( analy4e accounting entries in Paya!les. /ou can use the report para)eters to li)it the report to 0ust the accounting infor)ation you +ant to revie+. This report is helpful +hen you reconcile your accounts +ith your general le(ger. 1or e3a)ple, you can reconcile the prepai( e3pense account !et+een Paya!les an( your general le(ger. /ou can su!)it this report in (etail an( co)pare it to an account analysis report in your general le(ger. The report sorts accounting (ata !y !alancing seg)ent first. *ithin each !alancing seg)ent group you can specify the or(er of the other account seg)ents !y using the Or(er y para)eters. *ithin each account, the (ata is sorte( !y the follo+ing Accounting (ate

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$upplier na)e Gocu)ent nu)!er Or(er of creation (line %G of the accounting entry line)

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Oracle Accounts Payable

PrereDuisite $u!)it the Paya!les Accounting Process to create accounting entries.

%elected Parameters Accounting Met!od8 Accounting )etho( that +as use( to create the accounts you +ant to see, either Accrual or Cash. Accounting Currency8 Paya!les (isplays the accounting currency !ase( on your choices for the Accounting Metho( an( 8eporting Bevel para)eters. )rom2To Account8 The inclusive account range for +hich you +ant to su!)it the report. All seg)ents are re6uire(. %f you enter a value for 1ro) Account, you )ust enter a value for To Account. )rom2To 3ate8 %nclusive accounting (ate range for the accounting entries in the report. 1: Transfer %tatus8 To li)it the report to a particular status, enter the status. The CB Transfer $tatus in(icates if accounting entries for the event have !een transferre( to the CB interface using the Paya!les Transfer to Ceneral Be(ger progra). All. %nclu(e accounting entries regar(less of Transfer to CB $tatus. Transferre(- Bi)it the report to accounting entries that +ere successfully transferre(. Not Transferre(- Bi)it the report to accounting entries for +hich the Paya!les Transfer to Ceneral Be(ger Process has not !een su!)itte(. Not Transferre( Gue to <rror- Bi)it the report to accounting entries that coul( not !e transferre( to the CB %nterface +hen the Paya!les Transfer to Ceneral Be(ger Process +as su!)itte( for the). 1or e3a)ple, an accounting entry +ill not !e transferre( if the account is no longer vali( in the general le(ger.

)irst2%econd2T!ird Order By- %f you +ant to or(er the report output !y account seg)ent, enter the seg)ent type. The report or(ers in the follo+ing or(er- 1) !alancing seg)ent 2) 1irst Or(er y seg)ent, &) $econ( Or(er y seg)ent, ') Thir( Or(er y seg)ent. The re)aining seg)ents in your account are then or(ere( fro) left to right. %ummariEe8 /es. $u))ari4e the report. *hen the report is su))ari4e(, the report su))ari4es !y account an( lists only the account (escription an( the !alance( accounting entry in the accounte( currency. No. Create the report in (etail.

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%elected 'e#ort ;eadings

*hen the report is su))ari4e(, the report hea(ings are li)ite( to Account an( GrLCr (Accounte( Curr). Accounting 3ate8 Accounting (ate of the transaction. To see an accounting (ate for a particular event. 3oc Class8 Gocu)ent class that inclu(es the accounting event- %nvoices or Pay)ents. :ine Ty#e8 Type of accounting entry line, such as AP Accrual, Charge, Bia!ility, etc. Transferred to 1:8 %n(icates if accounting entries for the event have !een transferre( successfully to the CB interface using the Paya!les Transfer to Ceneral Be(ger progra). /es or No. PO 0umber8 %f the accounting entry line is associate( +ith a purchase or(er, Paya!les (isplays the purchase or(er nu)!er. 3r2Cr 6Accounted Currency)8 Ge!it or cre(it a)ount, in the currency of the set of !oo#s for the accounting entry. 3r2Cr 6Entered Currency)8 Ge!it or cre(it a)ount, in the currency of the transaction.

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Perio( Close <3ceptions 8eport

$u!)it this report to revie+ a co)plete list of e3ceptions that are preventing you fro) closing a Paya!les accounting perio(. This report lists, for each organi4ation +ithin the set of !oo#s, the follo+ing e3ceptions Outstan(ing Pay)ent atches Accounting <ntries not Transferre( to Ceneral Be(ger 1uture Gate( Pay)ents 8e6uiring Maturity <vent an( Accounting 2naccounte( %nvoices 2naccounte( Pay)ents

'e#ort %ubmission To su!)it the Perio( Close <3ceptions 8eport1. %n the Control Paya!les Perio(s +in(o+ if you try to close a perio( that has e3ceptions, the perio( status cannot !e change(. Paya!les (isplays a )essage telling you this, an( ena!les the <3ceptions !utton. 2. Choose the <3ceptions !utton in the Control Paya!les Perio(s +in(o+. Paya!les opens a )essage +in(o+. 1ro) the +in(o+ you can choose the follo+ing !uttons 8evie+ $+eep (unaccounte( transactions to the ne3t perio()

&. Choose the 8evie+ !utton to su!)it the report. /ou can access the report output in the 8e6uests +in(o+, as usual.

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Poste( %nvoice 8egister

2se the Poste( %nvoice 8egister to revie+ accounting lines for invoices that have !een transferre( to your general le(ger. ecause it presents a)ounts that have !een charge( to lia!ility accounts, this report is vali( only for an accrual set of !oo#s. The Poste( %nvoice 8egister is pri)arily a reconciliation tool. 2se this report along +ith the Poste( Pay)ent 8egister an( the Accounts Paya!le Trial alance 8eport to reconcile !alances !et+een Paya!les an( your general le(ger. To )a#e their output easier to rea(, each of these reports can !e generate( for a single lia!ility account. 1or e3a)ple, if you are using Auto)atic Offsets an( the lia!ility for your invoices is allocate( across )ultiple !alancing seg)ents, then you can use the Bia!ility Account para)eter to li)it your reports to a single !alancing organi4ation. /ou can generate the report in su))ary or in (etail. *hen generate( in (etail, the report (isplays invoices charge( to lia!ility accounts an( the accounting infor)ation that has !een transferre( to the general le(ger. Also inclu(e( is the supplier an( a)ount infor)ation for each invoice liste(. Paya!les (isplay the total invoice a)ount in the invoice currency, an( the transferre( (istri!ution a)ount in !oth the invoice currency an( accounte( currency for easier reconciliation +ith your general le(ger. 0ote8 The poste( (istri!ution a)ount only inclu(es (istri!ution lines that have !een transferre( to general le(ger. *hen generate( in su))ary, the report lists totals for each lia!ility account an( (oes not inclu(e any invoice (etail. The report al+ays sorts first !y lia!ility account. %f the report is su!)itte( in (etail, it then sorts in the follo+ing or(erThe report sorts using the Or(er y para)eter, either Journal <ntry atch or <ntere( Currency. The (efault value is <ntere( Currency, an( you can change the para)eter value only if the report inclu(es 0ournal entry !atch na)es (the %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch para)eter is /es). The report then sorts !y supplier na)e, invoice nu)!er, an( invoice (ate. PrereDuisites $u!)it the Paya!les Accounting Process to create accounting entries for your invoices. Transfer your accounting entries to general le(ger !y su!)itting the Paya!les Transfer to Ceneral Be(ger progra). To ensure that the general le(ger infor)ation for the 0ournal entry !atches appears on this report, you )ust ena!le the %)port Journal 8eferences option for the Paya!les source in the Journal $ources +in(o+.

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'e#ort %ubmission /ou su!)it this report fro) the $u!)it 8e6uest +in(o+. %elected 'e#ort Parameters To revie+ infor)ation for para)eters use( in )ultiple reports, such as $et of oo#s Currency. 1ro)LTo Accounting Gate. %nclusive accounting (ate range for invoices in the report. Bia!ility Account. %f you +ant to su!)it the report for a single lia!ility account, then specify that account here. Beave this para)eter !lan# to su!)it the report for all lia!ility accounts. %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch. <nter /es if you +ant the report to inclu(e the na)es of all 0ournal entry !atches in +hich the invoice transactions +ere transferre(. Note that if you choose to inclu(e this infor)ation the report +ill ta#e longer to generate. Journal <ntry atch. %f you +ant to su!)it the report for a single invoice 0ournal entry !atch, then specify that !atch here. Beave this para)eter !lan# to su!)it this report for all invoice 0ournal entry !atches. Or(er y. This para)eter is use( to sort reports that are generate( in (etail. The (efault value is <ntere( Currency. /ou can select the Journal <ntry atch option only if you first enter /es for the %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch para)eter. <ntere( Currency. $ort the report !y1) Bia!ility account 2) %nvoice currency &) Journal entry !atch na)e (only if you enter /es for the %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch para)eter) Journal <ntry atch. $ort the report !y1) lia!ility account 2) Journal entry !atch na)e &) invoice currency %ummariEe 'e#ort+ /es. $u))ari4e the report !y lia!ility account an( (o not inclu(e invoice (etail.

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No. %nclu(e invoice (etail.

%elected 'e#ort ;eadings %nvoice A)ount. Total invoice a)ount. Poste( Gistri!ution A)ount @ <ntere(LAccounte( Currency. Total of the transferre( invoice (istri!utions in the invoice currency an( the accounte( currency.

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Poste( Pay)ent 8egister

2se the Poste( Pay)ent 8egister to revie+ accounting lines for pay)ents that have !een transferre( to general le(ger. ecause it presents a)ounts that have !een charge( to lia!ility accounts, this report is vali( only for an accrual set of !oo#s. /ou can su!)it the Poste( Pay)ent 8egister for one pay)ent 0ournal entry !atch or all pay)ent 0ournal entry !atches. The Poste( Pay)ent 8egister is pri)arily a reconciliation tool. 2se this report along +ith the Poste( %nvoice 8egister an( the Accounts Paya!le Trial alance 8eport to reconcile !alances !et+een Paya!les an( your general le(ger. To )a#e the output easier to rea(, each of these reports can !e generate( for a single lia!ility account. 1or e3a)ple, if you are using Auto)atic Offsets an( the lia!ility for your invoices is allocate( across )ultiple !alancing seg)ents, then you can use the Bia!ility Account para)eter to li)it your reports to a single !alancing organi4ation. /ou can generate the report in su))ary or in (etail. *hen generate( in (etail, the report (isplays pay)ents that relieve lia!ility accounts an( that have ha( their accounting infor)ation transferre( to the general le(ger. Also inclu(e( is the supplier an( a)ount infor)ation for each pay)ent liste(. Paya!les (isplays the pay)ent a)ount in the entere( currency an( the lia!ility a)ount relieve( in the accounte( currency. %n (etail )o(e, the report also (isplays the pay)ent (ocu)ent an( (is!urse)ent type for each !atch of pay)ents. %t provi(es a report total an( su!totals for each pay)ent (ocu)ent an( !an# account. *hen generate( in su))ary, the report lists totals for each lia!ility account an( (oes not inclu(e any pay)ent (etail. The report al+ays sorts first !y lia!ility account. %f the report is su!)itte( in (etail, it then sorts in the follo+ing or(erThe report sorts using the Or(er y para)eter, either Journal <ntry atch or an# Account. The (efault value is an# Account, an( you can change the para)eter value to Journal <ntry atch only if the report inclu(es 0ournal entry !atch na)es (the %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch para)eter is /es). The report then sorts !y pay)ent nu)!er, pay)ent (ate, an( supplier na)e. PrereDuisite To ensure that the general le(ger infor)ation for the 0ournal entry !atches appears on this report, you )ust ena!le the %)port Journal 8eferences option for the Paya!les source in the Journal $ources +in(o+. 'e#ort %ubmission /ou su!)it this report fro) the $u!)it 8e6uest +in(o+.

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%elected 'e#ort Parameters To revie+ infor)ation for para)eters use( in )ultiple reports, such as $et of oo#s Currency. 1ro)LTo Accounting Gate. %nclusive accounting (ate range for pay)ents in the report. an# Account Na)e. %f you +ant to li)it the report to pay)ents pai( fro) a single !an# account, enter the !an# account na)e. Bia!ility Account. <nter the lia!ility account for +hich you +ant to su!)it this report. Beave the fiel( !lan# to su!)it this report for all lia!ility accounts. %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch. <nter /es if you +ant the report to inclu(e the na)es of all 0ournal entry !atches in +hich the pay)ent transactions +ere transferre(. Note that if you choose to inclu(e this infor)ation the report +ill ta#e longer to generate. Journal <ntry atch. <nter the 0ournal entry !atch na)e for +hich you +ant to su!)it this report. Beave the fiel( !lan# to su!)it this report for all pay)ent 0ournal entry !atches. Or(er y. This para)eter is use( to sort reports that are generate( in (etail. The (efault value is an# Account. /ou can select the Journal <ntry atch option only if you first enter /es for the %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch para)eter. an# Account. $ort the report !y1) lia!ility account 2) !an# account &) 0ournal entry !atch na)e (only if you enter /es for the %nclu(e Journal <ntry atch para)eter.) ') pay)ent currency Journal <ntry atch. $ort the report !y1) lia!ility account 2) 0ournal entry !atch na)e &) !an# account ') pay)ent currency $u))ari4e 8eport.

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/es. Bist totals for each lia!ility account an( (o not inclu(e pay)ent (etail. No. %nclu(e pay)ent (etail. %elected 'e#ort ;eadings Pay)ent Nu)!er. Pay)ent (ocu)ent nu)!er. Pay)ent Gate. Gate of pay)ent. Pay)ent A)ount. A)ount of the pay)ent in the transaction currency. Bia!ility 8elieve(. The a)ount of lia!ility relieve( !y the pay)ent, (isplaye( in the accounte( currency.

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2naccounte( Transactions 8eport

2se this report to i(entify an( revie+ all unaccounte( invoice an( pay)ent transactions an( see the reason that Paya!les cannot account for a transaction. Paya!les sorts the report !y transaction type (invoice or pay)ent), e3ception, supplier, transaction currency, an( transaction nu)!er. 8un this report after you have run the Paya!les Accounting Process. The report +ill then sho+ only transactions that ha( pro!le)s that prevente( accounting. /ou can then correct the pro!le)s an( resu!)it the accounting process. Note that this report (oes not inclu(e invoices that have no (istri!utions. PrereDuisites (8eco))en(e() Dali(ate invoices to re(uce the nu)!er of unvali(ate( invoices on the report. (8eco))en(e() %f you use future (ate( pay)ents, su!)it the 2p(ate Mature( 1uture Pay)ent $tatus Progra) to up(ate the status of any future (ate( pay)ents +ith a )aturity (ate on or !efore to(ayFs (ate. (8eco))en(e() $u!)it the Paya!les Accounting Process to re(uce the nu)!er of unaccounte( invoices on the report. 'e#ort %ubmission $u!)it this report fro) the $u!)it 8e6uest +in(o+. %elected 'e#ort Parameters
Note- %f

you (o not specify a value for the Perio( Na)e or 1ro)LTo Accounting Gate para)eters, then the report lists all unaccounte( entries, regar(less of (ate. Perio( Na)e. %f you +ant to run the report for a single perio(, enter the perio( na)e. %f you enter a value here, you cannot enter values in the 1ro)LTo Accounting Gate para)eters. 1ro)LTo Accounting Gate. %f you +ant to run the report for a particular (ate range, then enter !oth the first an( last (ates in the range. %f you enter values for a (ate range, then you cannot enter a value for Perio( Na)e. Gocu)ent Nu)!er. %f you +ant to run the report for a particular invoice or pay)ent nu)!er, then enter it here.

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%elected 'e#ort ;eadings The report has t+o sections- 2naccounte( %nvoices, an( 2naccounte( Pay)ents. All a)ounts are in the transaction currency. 2naccounte( %nvoices- This section of the report lists the supplier na)e, supplier nu)!er, invoice nu)!er, invoice (ate, invoice currency, invoice a)ount, purchase or(er nu)!er (if the invoice is on a purchase or(er )atching relate( hol(), an( the e3ception. 2naccounte( Pay)ents- This section of the report lists the supplier na)e, supplier nu)!er, pay)ent nu)!er, pay)ent (ate, pay)ent currency, pay)ent a)ount, an( e3ception. <3ception. The report (isplays one or )ore of the follo+ing e3ception con(itions for invoices an(Lor pay)entsGist Acct %nvali(. The account on the invoice (istri!ution is invali(. Gist Dariance. The su) of the invoice (istri!utions is not e6ual to the invoice a)ount. 1un(s Chec#. /ou are using !u(getary control an( Paya!les cannot chec# fun(s for an invoice. %nsufficient 1un(s. /ou are using !u(getary control an( you have insufficient fun(s availa!le in your !u(get for an invoice. No 8ate. /ou have not entere( an e3change rate for a foreign currency transaction. 2naccounte(. The Paya!les Accounting Process has not !een su!)itte( for the transaction. Other "ol( Na)es. This invoice has a hol( applie( to it that prevents accounting. /ou (efine hol(s using the %nvoice "ol(s an( 8elease Na)es +in(o+. %nvali(ate(. /ou have not su!)itte( %nvoice Dali(ation for the invoice. *ithhol(ing Ta3. The invoice (istri!ution has a +ithhol(ing ta3 group assigne( to it. Paya!les coul( not +ithhol( ta3 an( applie( a *ithhol(ing Ta3 hol( on this invoice. $everal con(itions cause this hol( inclu(ing- the +ithhol(ing ta3 group is inactive, a *ithhol(ing Ta3 type ta3 co(e +ithin a +ithhol(ing ta3 group is inactive, an account seg)ent assigne( to a *ithhol(ing Ta3 type ta3 co(e is invali(, a rate has not !een (efine( for a *ithhol(ing Ta3 type ta3 co(e, a perio( has not !een (efine( for a *ithhol(ing Ta3 type ta3 co(e, or a ta3 rate for a *ithhol(ing Ta3 type ta3 co(e has !een (efine( using an invali( (ate range.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Co))on 8eport Para)eters

The follo+ing are report para)eters co))on to )any Paya!les reportsAccounting Period - Accounting perio( for +hich you +ant to su!)it the re6uest. Batc! - Na)e of invoice for +hich you +ant to su!)it the re6uest. Paya!les (isplays NLA if you (o not use invoice !atches to enter invoices. Currency - Currency of the invoice or pay)ent. )unctional - Paya!les lists each a)ount converte( into the currency you use for your set of !oo#s@ Original- Paya!les lists each a)ount in the currency in +hich you entere( it. Entered By- Na)e of the person +ho entere( the (ata. )rom2To Payment 3ate- <nter the first an( last (ates in a range for +hich you +ant Paya!les to su!)it the re6uest. )rom2To 3ate- <nter the (ate range for +hich you +ant to su!)it the re6uest. )rom2To Invoice 3ate- <nter the first an( last invoice (ates in a range for +hich you +ant Paya!les to su!)it the re6uest. )rom2To Period- <nter the perio( range for +hich you +ant to su!)it the re6uest. )unctional Amount- A)ount of the invoice or pay)ent in your functional currency. /our functional currency is the currency you choose for your set of !oo#s. Paya!les uses the e3change rate to convert the invoice or pay)ent into your functional currency. Income Ta* Ty#e- The inco)e ta3 type for an invoice (istri!ution. 1or 2.$. reporting, your inco)e ta3 type is also #no+n as your 1A:: type. Invoice Amount- Original a)ount of the invoice. Invoice Batc!@ The na)e of the !atch in +hich the invoice +as entere(, if you have ena!le( the Allo+ %nvoice atches Paya!les option. Invoice 0umber@ Nu)!er of an invoice, assigne( !y you (uring invoice entry. Invoice Ty#e- Type of invoice ($tan(ar(, Prepay)ent, Cre(it Me)o, Ge!it Me)o, %nterest, Mi3e(, *ithhol(ing Ta3, an( <3pense 8eport). Minimum Invoice Amount- <nter the )ini)u) invoice a)ount you +ant to inclu(e in the report. The report +ill not inclu(e invoices !elo+ the )ini)u) invoice a)ount you enter here.

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Order By- $elect fro) the list of values the criteria !y +hich you +ant Paya!les to sort report output. 1or e3a)ple, if $upplier Na)e is an option an( you select it, Paya!les +ill sort the report alpha!etically !y supplier na)e. Payment Batc!- Pay)ent !atch in +hich the pay)ent +as create(. Payment 3ate- 3ate on pay)ent (ocu)ent. Payment 0umber- Gocu)ent nu)!er for the pay)ent. 1or e3a)ple, chec# nu)!er. 'e#orting Conte*t- %f you entere( $et of oo#s for the 8eporting Bevel, the (efault is the set of !oo#s associate( +ith your responsi!ility. %f you entere( Begal <ntity for the 8eporting Bevel, select a legal entity fro) the list of values. The profile option MO- Top 8eporting Bevel (eter)ines +hich legal entities appear in the list of values. %f this profile option is set to $et of oo#s, you can choose any legal entity that posts to your set of !oo#s. %f the profile option is set to Begal <ntity, you can choose only the legal entity associate( +ith the operating unit assigne( to your responsi!ility. %f you entere( Operating 2nit for the 8eporting Bevel para)eter, select an operating unit fro) the list of values. The profile option MO- Top 8eporting Bevel (eter)ines +hich operating units appear in the list of values. %f the profile option is set to $et of oo#s, you can choose any operating unit that posts to your set of !oo#s. %f the profile option is set to Begal <ntity, you can choose any operating unit +ithin the legal entity associate( +ith the operating unit assigne( to your responsi!ility. %f the profile is set to Operating 2nit, you can select only the operating unit assigne( to your responsi!ility. 0ote8 The profile option MO- Operating 2nit (eter)ines the operating unit for your responsi!ility. 'e#orting :evel- <nter the reporting level for the report. Choose $et of oo#s, Begal <ntity, or Operating 2nit. %f you use Multiple Organi4ation $upport, the (efault is Operating 2nit. %f you (o not use Multiple Organi4ation $upport, the (efault is $et of oo#s. 0ote8 The profile option MO- Top 8eporting Bevel (eter)ines the top reporting level for your responsi!ility. %et of Boo s Currency - Currency you +ant to use for the report output. %f Multiple 8eporting Currencies (M8C) functionality is ena!le(, an( if you are using your pri)ary responsi!ility, then you can su!)it the report for any reporting currency as +ell as your pri)ary currency. The list of values for this para)eter varies (epen(ing on the 8eporting Bevel an( 8eporting Conte3t para)eter values. %f your 8eporting Bevel is $et of oo#s, you can (isplay the report only in your set of !oo#s currency. %f the 8eporting Bevel is Begal <ntity or Operating 2nit, the availa!le values for this para)eter are the reporting currencies of the set of !oo#s associate( +ith the legal entity or operating unit selecte( in the 8eporting Conte3t para)eter.

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%ite- 0ame of supplier site. %u##lier 0ame- $upplier na)e. 1or so)e reports you can leave this fiel( !lan# to su!)it the re6uest for all suppliers. %u##lier 0umber )rom2To- <nter the range of supplier nu)!ers for +hich you +ant to su!)it the re6uest. Paya!les inclu(e all suppliers +ith nu)!ers !et+een an( inclu(ing the supplier nu)!ers you enter. %u##lier 0umber- $upplier nu)!er. %u##lier Ty#e- Ty#e of supplier. /ou (efine supplier types in the Oracle Paya!les Boo#ups +in(o+, an( enter a supplier type for a supplier in the $uppliers +in(o+.

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%nvoice 8egister
2se the %nvoice 8egister to revie+ (etaile( infor)ation a!out invoices. This report gives (etails a!out the original a)ount of the invoice, the a)ount re)aining for pay)ent on an invoice, etc.. 1. Navigate to the 1in( 8e6uests +in(o+. (N) Other ; 8e6uests ; 8un 2. $elect $ingle 8e6uest option an( then select ( ) OM.

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&. <nter the 8eport Na)e as =? invoice?> an( select ( ) 1in(. 0ote8 <nter Partial 8eport Na)e +ith *il( Car( =?> as the prefi3 an(Lor suffi3 in the 1in( fiel( to e3pe(ite the search.

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$elect %nvoice 8egister an( select ( ) OM.

'. <nter the Huery para)eters, e.g., E atchF as EBAA511A6F an( select ( ) OM.

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Alternatively, the follo+ing para)eters )ay !e entere( to restrict the (etails an( retrieve the 8eport.

)ield Entered By+ )rom2To Entered 3ate+ Accounting Period+ Cancelled Invoices Only+ Unvalidated Invoices Only+

3escri#tion 2se this to li)it the report to invoices entere( !y. <nter a (ate range for +hich you +ant to su!)it the re6uest. The accounting perio( for +hich you +ant invoice infor)ation. <nter /es if you +ant the report to inclu(e only cancelle( invoices. To inclu(e only invoices for +hich you have not yet su!)itte( %nvoice Dali(ation, then enter /es for this para)eter.

5. $elect ( ) $u!)it once the re6uisite para)eters are entere(.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

0ote8 /ou can specify the $che(ule an( your Co)pletion Options for this re6uest using the $che(ule an( Options +in(o+s.

6. $elect the re6uest fro) the list an( select ( ) Die+ Output to revie+ the report.

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7. 8evie+ the %nvoice 8egister.

9. Co to (M) )ile an( select Close )orm+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

Pay)ent 8egister
Overvie"8 2se the Pay)ent 8egister to revie+ pay)ents create( for each !an# account you use. The report lists each pay)ent that has a pay)ent (ate +ithin the range you specify, as +ell as the total pay)ent a)ount an( cleare( a)ount of all pay)ents. %t sorts an( su!totals !y !an#, !an# !ranch, an( !an# account. 1. Navigate to the 1in( 8e6uests +in(o+ (N) Other ; 8e6uests ; 8un 2. $elect $ingle 8e6uest option an( then select ( ) OM.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

&. <nter the 8eport Na)e as =?pay)ent?> an( select ( ) 1in(. 0ote8 <nter Partial 8eport Na)e +ith *il( Car( =?> as the prefi3 an(Lor suffi3 in the 1in( fiel( to e3pe(ite the search.

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$elect Payment 'egister an( select ( ) O/+

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Oracle Accounts Payable

5. <nter the follo+ing 6uery para)eters an( select ( ) OM.

Parameter )rom 3ate To 3ate 3is#lay su##lier Address

3etails A1@JAN@2AA' A1@J2B@2AA6 /es

6. Optionally, Pay)ent type )ay !e entere( to restrict the (etails an( retrieve the 8eport.

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Oracle Accounts Payable

6. $elect ( ) $u!)it once the re6uisite para)eters are entere(. 0ote8 /ou can specify the $che(ule an( your Co)pletion Options for this re6uest using the $che(ule an( Options +in(o+s.

Page 1&9 of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

7. $elect the re6uest fro) the list an( select ( ) Die+ Output to revie+ the report.

Page 1&: of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

9. 8evie+ the Pay)ent 8egister.

:. Co to (M) 1ile an( select Close 1or).

Page 1'A of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

Page 1'1 of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

A##endi* A = :eaderHs 1uide

Page 1'2 of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

Course Description Summary

This training course is (esigne( to e3plain an( (e)onstrate the functions re6uire( !y a user in Oracle Accounts Payables. %t provi(es infor)ation an( e3ercises to create, )o(ify an( )aintain invoices.

Recommended Prerequisites for Participants

*in(o+s NT Oracle Navigation 11i *or#ing Mno+le(ge on AP in the Begacy $yste)

2 hrs

Materials/Preparation for Instructor

8evie+ this Bea(er Cui(e. <nsure copy of Student Guide for each participant.

%n@1ocus Machine or other BCG 1lipchart, Mar#ers, *hite !oar(, *hite !oar( )a#ers

Page 1'& of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

I0T'O TO C:A%%

Self ! "ssistant s# if any# "genda


%nvoice an( Pay)ent *or#!ench Overvie+ 8evie+ing $upplier %nfor)ation Die+ %nvoices %nvoice Getails Die+ Gistri!ution %nfor)ation for an %nvoice Die+ %nvoice "ol(s Die+ Cancelle( %nvoices Die+ Pay)ents Die+ $che(ule( Pay)ents Die+ <ncu)!rance $u!)it Non@PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition Die+ *ithhel( A)ounts Accounts Paya!le 8eports


The $tu(ent Cui(e is +ritten to !e a reference tool that +ill refresh your )e)ory +hen youFre +or#ing +ith the Applications. %t is not necessary to 8<M<M <8 all of this. As +e go through each of the topics, ta#e notes to 0og your )e)ory later. %Fll give you page nu)!ers as +e progress. %f you are unsure +here in the )anual +e are, please as#.

Page 1'' of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable


O4E'4IEW O) COU'%E %UBCECT To(ay, +e plan to cover the re6uire( functions for a user in Accounts Paya!les. The responsi!ility re6uire( to perfor) these functions is =2TPA Paya!les %n6uiry> rea#s 8estroo)s Coffee N Den(ing Cell phones



Oracle Application login infor)ation has !een han(e( over to you alrea(y. The very first ti)e you login to Oracle Applications, you +ill !e as#e( you to change the pass+or(. Ge)o the login steps

Introduction Write on t!e W!ite board

Introduction to Accounts Payables <3plain Overvie+ of %nvoice an( Pay)ent *or#!ench

C!a#ter ( 0A4I1ATE 7 %UPP:IE'%

'evie" %u##lier Information Use8 I0 )I03 %UPP:IE' WI03OW8 '@*? %E:ECT %UPP:IE' A%8 K'@* $P<C%ABT%<$, %NC.> E*#lain8 A!out $upplier %nfor)ation an( 1in( $upplier *in(o+ A!out search criteria for fin(ing a supplier an( other para)eters to 6uery @ $upplier Na)e, $upplier Nu)!er, Alternate Na)e, $upplier Type, Parent $upplier, Parent Nu)!er, 8eporting Na)e, Pay)ent Ter)s, %nco)e Ta3 Type, Pay Croup 8evie+ing the supplier infor)ation using the (ifferent ta!s

1eneral8 Provi(es Parent supplier na)e, nu)!er an( custo)er nu)!er pertaining to that Parent supplier of the $upplier Classification8 Provi(es the (etails li#e, type of supplier, e)ployee na)e an( his nu)!er, stan(ar( in(ustry co(e, an( type of o+nership of that supplier Accounting8 Provi(es (istri!ution set an( general le(ger account (etails (li#e lia!ility, prepay)ent an( future (ate( pay)ent infor)ation) Control8 Provi(es invoice a)ount li)it, invoice )atch option, hol( (if any) an( pay)ent hol( reason (if on "ol() Payment8 Provi(es pay)ent ter)s, pay group, pay)ent priority, currency

Page 1'5 of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable (etails, (if any) ter) (ate !asis, pay (ate !asis, pay)ent )etho( an( (iscount (etails

Wit!!olding Ta*8 Provi(es infor)ation li#e allo+ +ithhol(ing ta3 an( +ithhol(ing ta3 group %ites8 Clic# to revie+ the (etails li#e $ite Na)e, A((ress, Alternate Na)e an( A((ress, Pay only or !oth Pay an( Purchasing, Procure)ent Car(, Contact infor)ation, shipping net+or# location, an( co))unication )etho( 3O :AB ;ave t!em do lab <3 1)%u##lier 0ame8 E1OBB<TT 2TPA OOM$TO8<F <O 2) %u##lier Ty#e8 <)ployee 4ie"ing Invoices 9 Invoices 3etails9 Invoice 3istribution Information L Invoice ;olds Use $) %UPP:IE' 0AME8 EADA/A, %NC.F E*#lain A!out search criteria for fin(ing invoices an( para)eters to 6uery @ $upplier Na)e, $upplier Nu)!er, %nvoice, %nvoice $tatus 8evie+ing the %nvoice infor)ation using the (ifferent ta!s

C!a#ter 59 ,9 @ L < 0A4I1ATE 7 I04OICE% 7 I04OICE%

1eneral8 Provi(es Parent supplier na)e, nu)!er an( custo)er nu)!er pertaining to that Parent supplier of the $upplier Classification8 Provi(es the (etails li#e, type of supplier, e)ployee na)e an( his nu)!er, stan(ar( in(ustry co(e, an( type of o+nership of that supplier Accounting8 Provi(es (istri!ution set an( general le(ger account (etails (li#e lia!ility, prepay)ent an( future (ate( pay)ent infor)ation) Control8 Provi(es invoice a)ount li)it, invoice )atch option, hol( (if any) an( pay)ent hol( reason (if on "ol() Payment8 Provi(es pay)ent ter)s, pay group, pay)ent priority, currency (etails, ter) (ate !asis, pay (ate !asis, pay)ent )etho( an( (iscount (etails (if any) Wit!!olding Ta*8 Provi(es infor)ation li#e allo+ +ithhol(ing ta3 an( +ithhol(ing ta3 group %ites8 Clic# to revie+ the (etails li#e $ite Na)e, A((ress, Alternate Na)e an( A((ress, Pay only or !oth Pay an( Purchasing, Procure)ent Car(, Contact infor)ation, shipping net+or# location, an( co))unication )etho( 8evie+ the invoices Overvie+ 8evie+ the (istri!ution (etails for the invoice 3O :AB 8evie+ invoice hol(s if any

;ave t!em do lab <O 1) Invoice M8 A655&16

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Oracle Accounts Payable

C!a#ter A 0avigate 7 Invoices 7 Invoices

4ie" Cancelled Invoices Use Invoice Ty#e8 $tan(ar( Invoice %tatus8 Cancelle( E*#lain A!out %nvoice Type N %nvoice $tatus $elect A) %nvoice Type- $tan(ar( ) %nvoice $tatus- Cancelle( $elect the cancelle( invoice that you +ant to vie+ 8evie+ing the %nvoice infor)ation using the (ifferent ta!s 1eneral8 Provi(es Parent supplier na)e, nu)!er an( custo)er nu)!er pertaining to that Parent supplier of the $upplier Classification8 Provi(es the (etails li#e, type of supplier, e)ployee na)e an( his nu)!er, stan(ar( in(ustry co(e, an( type of o+nership of that supplier Accounting8 Provi(es (istri!ution set an( general le(ger account (etails (li#e lia!ility, prepay)ent an( future (ate( pay)ent infor)ation) Control8 Provi(es invoice a)ount li)it, invoice )atch option, hol( (if any) an( pay)ent hol( reason (if on "ol() Payment8 Provi(es pay)ent ter)s, pay group, pay)ent priority, currency (etails, ter) (ate !asis, pay (ate !asis, pay)ent )etho( an( (iscount (etails (if any) Wit!!olding Ta*8 Provi(es infor)ation li#e allo+ +ithhol(ing ta3 an( +ithhol(ing ta3 group %ites8 Clic# to revie+ the (etails li#e $ite Na)e, A((ress, Alternate Na)e an( A((ress, Pay only or !oth Pay an( Purchasing, Procure)ent Car(, Contact infor)ation, shipping net+or# location, an( co))unication )etho( ;ave t!em do lab 1in( a cancelle( %nvoice to revie+ Invoice 4ie" Payments 6Met!od8 A) Use $) %u##lier name8 N1OBB<TT 2TPA OOM$TO8<F () Invoice M8 oo#store fe!A6 <3plain A!out search criteria for fin(ing invoices an( para)eters to 6uery @ $upplier Na)e, $upplier Nu)!er, %nvoice, %nvoice $tatus 8evie+ the Die+ Pay)ent !y selecting (T) Die+ Pay)ents

3O :AB C!a#ter > 0A4I1ATE 7 I04OICE% 7 I04OICE%

3O :AB

;ave t!em do lab 4ie" Payments for8

Page 1'7 of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable Invoice M8 $T%P<NG 2L7LA6 C!a#ter > 0A4I1ATE 7 PAOME0T% 7 PAOME0T O4E'4IEW Invoice 4ie" Payments 6Met!od8 B) Use $) 0umbers8 7AA1 E*#lain Pay)ents 8egion, $upplier <nter any of the Para)eters a) Nu)!ers or !) $upplier Na)e 8evie+ the Pay)ent Overvie+

3O :AB

;ave t!em do lab 4ie" Payments for8 1) 0umbers8 7A2:&

C!a#ter ? 0A4I1ATE 7 I04OICE% 7 I04OICE%

4ie" %c!eduled Payments Use $) %u##lier name8 N1OBB<TT 2TPA OOM$TO8<F N () Invoice M8 oo#store fe!A6 E*#lain A!out search criteria for fin(ing invoices an( para)eters to 6uery @ $upplier Na)e, $upplier Nu)!er, %nvoice, %nvoice $tatus 8evie+ the $che(ule( Pay)ents !y selecting (T) $che(ule( Pay)ents ;ave t!em do lab 4ie" %c!eduled Payments for8 %u##lier 0ame8 NAG8%AN AC2%BA8F 4ie" Encumbrances Use Invoice M8 AAA&619''& E*#lain A!out %nvoice P, Type, Perio(, Account 8evie+ encu)!rance (etails for the invoice ;ave t!em do lab 4ie" encumbrance details for8 Invoice M 8 A12691

3O :AB


3O :AB

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Oracle Accounts Payable

C!a#ter $$

$u!)it Non@PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition <3plain A Non PO Pay)ent 8e6uisition is a re6uest for )a#ing a pay)ent to a person or an organi4ation +ithout a purchase or(er. <3a)ple- Me)!erships, $tipen(, 8efun(s, etc,. Para)eters-

'eDuestor8 60) Ot!er 7 'eDuests 7 'un - %elect %ingle 'eDuest - %elect t!e NUTPA 0on PO C!ec 'eDuest Wor flo"H


A <T %NC Note- %f various ven(ors nee( to !e pai( (stipen(), enter DA8%O2$ an( e)ail a sprea(sheet to AP

Pro0ect Nu)!er A+ar( <3pen(iture Type A)ount Gescription Nee( y Gate Attach)ent Note To Paya!les

1AACMPTAA %f Crant Account Consu)a!les 5AA.AA (Gescription of pay)ent) 1:@J2B@2AA6 /es (%s there an invoice) Are you fa3ing, e)ailing, sen(ing any invoices or other attach)entsKK

-%ubmit t!e 'eDuest - 'efres! and 'evie" Out#ut

Notify- The re6uestor shoul( inclu(e 8e6uest %G nu)!er on any paper+or# su!)itte( (e)ail, fa3, ca)pus )ail) to Accounts Paya!le.

3O :AB

Use 'eDuestor Den(or Pro0ect Nu)!er A+ar( <3pen(iture Type Me)!ership Gues A(an 8e(on 1AAP8<$A1

Page 1': of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

A)ount Gescription Nee( y Gate Attach)ent Note To Paya!les

&AA.AA Me)!ership Gues for the year 2AA6@A7 &1@Aug@2AA6 No 1or+ar(ing the Gues Pay 8e6uest e)ail for reference

A##rover8 0avigate to Wor list Windo" 60) Wor flo"7 Wor list

Once the re6uester has su!)itte( the re6uest a notification +ill !e sent to the appropriate approver. $elect the re6uire( notification an( $elect ( ) Open Note- The Pro0ect Managers can 'eDuest more information, A##rove, 'e&ect or 'eassign this chec# re6uest. Once the 8e6uest is approve( !y the Pro0ect Manager, Accounts Paya!le +ill receive a Notification to process your re6uest. Accounts Paya!le +ill contact the re6uester if any infor)ationL(ocu)entation is )issing. 4ie" Wit!!eld Amount

C!a#ter $( C!a#ter $5

Tem#orarily 3ata 0ot Available Accounts Payable 'e#orts 1) <3plain Co))on report hea(ing an( para)eters Accounts Payable 'e#orts a) %nvoice 8egister

60) Ot!er 7 'eDuests 7 'un

U%E8 <nter Partial 8eport Na)e +ith *il( Car( =?> as the prefi3 an(Lor suffi3 in the 1in( fiel( to e3pe(ite the search an( $elect E%nvoice 8egister.F Alternatively, the follo+ing para)eters )ay !e entere( to restrict the (etails an( retrieve the 8eport. )ield Entered By+ )rom2To Entered 3ate+ 3escri#tion 2se this to li)it the report to invoices entere( !y. <nter a (ate range for +hich you +ant to su!)it the re6uest. The accounting perio( for +hich you +ant invoice

Accounting Period+

Page 15A of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable

infor)ation. Cancelled Invoices Only+ <nter /es if you +ant the report to inclu(e only cancelle( invoices. To inclu(e only invoices for +hich you have not yet su!)itte( %nvoice Dali(ation, then enter /es for this para)eter.

Invalidated Invoices Only+

3O :AB

8evie+ the %nvoice 8egister 8eport

;ave t!em do lab 8un the sa)e report Accounts Payable 'e#orts

C!a#ter $5 60) Ot!er 7 'eDuests 7 'un

b) Payment 'egister U%E8 <nter Partial 8eport Na)e +ith *il( Car( =?> as the prefi3 an(Lor suffi3 in the 1in( fiel( to e3pe(ite the search an( $elect EPay)ent 8egister.F Alternatively, the follo+ing para)eters )ay !e entere( to restrict the (etails an( retrieve the 8eport. Parameter )rom 3ate To 3ate 3is#lay su##lier Address 3etails A1@JAN@2AA' A1@J2B@2AA6 /es

8evie+ the Pay)ent 8egister 8eport

3O :AB

;ave t!em do lab 1) $elect the 8e6uire( 8eport 2) <nter the follo+ing Para)eter Parameter )rom 3ate To 3ate 3is#lay su##lier Address 3etails A1@JAN@2AA6 A1@J2B@2AA6 /es

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Oracle Accounts Payable

A##endi* B = Accounts Payables $!"

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Oracle Accounts Payable

1re6uently As#e( Huestions an( Ans+ers 1. *hat is Oracle Accounts Paya!les (AP)K This is an Oracle pro(uct for e3pen(iture )anage)ent application that strea)lines the procure@ to@pay process +hile provi(ing strong financial controls an( strategic financial infor)ation. 2. %s the application fiel(sL values case sensitiveK Bogin is not case sensitive, account seg)ents are case sensitive. &. %s the login secure(K /es. Oracle has tightly ena!le( security features using userna)e, pass+or( an( responsi!ility !ase( restrictions. '. *ho creates roles an( responsi!ilityK %s it our supervisorK No. %t +ill !e create( !y the Oracle syste) a()inistrator upon confir)ation !y the supervisor. 5. *here can +e print the reportsK The printers configure( in Oracle can !e selecte( to print5 re6uire( printers can !e a((e( for access purposes !y the syste) a()inistrator. 6. "o+ to login to Oracle e@ usiness $uiteK Open %nternet <3plorer ; Type 28B ; Type 2serna)eL Pass+or( ; $elect Bogin 7. % a) getting page not (isplaye( error, +hat shoul( % (oK Please chec# if you have access to Oracle e@ usiness $uite. Ma#e sure your co)puter is connecte( to your organi4ationFs net+or#. 9. The syste) is (isplaying a !lan# pageL page not foun(K /our co)puter )ight not have J%nitiator, +hich is a pre@re6uisite to run Oracle e@ usiness $uite. Tal# to your syste) a()inistrator for help. :. *hat is J%nitiatorK The <@ usiness $uite 8elease 11i has t+o interfaces- a +e!@!ase( )o(el for )o(ules li#e $elf $ervice "8 ($$"8), iProcure)ent, an( an Oracle 1or)s@!ase( )o(el for our professional services )o(ules li#e 1inancials. Oracle 1or)s are Java@!ase( an( re6uire a Java Dirtual Machine (JDM) to run. Oracle J%nitiator is OracleQs license( version of $unQs JDM, an( the <@ usiness $uite 1or)s@!ase( )o(ules are certifie( to run +ith OracleQs J%nitiator. 1A. *hy, % a) not a!le to see so)e of the features )y colleague can vie+K Oracle <@ usiness $uite is tailore( for every in(ivi(ualFs use. The per)issions are categori4e( !ase( on your 0o!@responsi!ility. 11. Goes Oracle support 1e(eral CrantsK /es. Oracle (oes support fe(eral grants using Oracle Pro0ects N Crants 12. % have )ultiple ro+s returne( for )y 6uery (search), ho+ to select oneK Move cursor to the cell you +ish to vie+, select the specific ro+, it +ill get highlighte( to confir) selection 1&. *hat is Chart of AccountsK

Page 15& of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable A Chart of Accounts (COA) (efines +hat seg)ents each account for the organi4ation consists of. The COA consists of things li#e (efining the accounting structure (the accounting structure is a fra)e+or# or )o(el that you +ill use to )aintain your accounts), Account co(e co)!inations etc 1'. *hat is a Dalue $etK Dalue $ets act as vali(ations for the values entere( !y users. *hen the users enter the values in any of the fiel(s (on any for)), if there is a value set attache( to this fiel(, the values entere( !y user are vali(ate( against the value set. 15. *hat (oes Bist of Dalues (BOD) )eanK BOD is a fiel( that populates (ata that re6uires to !e selecte( !y the user. 2ser cannot enter (ata using this fiel(. 16. *hat is the (ifference !et+een fiel( an( a fle3 fiel(K A fiel( is a position on a for) that one uses to enter, vie+, up(ate, or (elete infor)ation. A fiel( pro)pt (escri!es each fiel( !y telling +hat #in( of infor)ation appears in the fiel(, or alternatively, +hat #in( of infor)ation shoul( !e entere( in the fiel(. A fle3fiel( is an Oracle Applications fiel( )a(e up of seg)ents. <ach seg)ent has an assigne( na)e an( a set of vali( values. Oracle Applications uses fle3fiel(s to capture infor)ation a!out your organi4ation. There are t+o types of fle3fiel(s- #ey fle3fiel(s an( (escriptive fle3fiel(s. 17. *hat is a Mey 1le3 1iel(K %t (efines the account structure. 19. *hat is (escriptive 1le3 1iel(K 1iel( that is use( to (efine a((itional infor)ation not provi(e( !y Oracle 1:. *hat is a =+il( car(> characterK A +il( car( =?> is a character that is use( to retrieve infor)ation pertaining to a fiel( in Oracle 2A. %f % a) not sure of the entire fiel( value, ho+ can % 6ueryK One can 6uery Oracle e@ usiness suite =6uery fiel(s> using +il( car( character an( a partial value. This retrieves the entire list re6ueste(. 21. *ho is a supplierK The supplier supplies you +ith )aterial Lservices for +hich you have to pay hi). 22. Can you create )ore than one contact a((ress an( contacts for the sa)e supplierK /es, for every supplier, you can create )ore than one nu)!er of sites +ith (ifferent a((resses an( contacts. 1or e3a)ple, for a single supplier you can !uy fro) several (ifferent sites an( sen( pay)ents optionally to only one site. 2&. *hat is a supplier siteK $upplier sites are (ifferent officesLlocations of the supplier, each catering to (ifferent !usiness activity. 2'. *hat are the functions that % can perfor) for a supplier siteK /ou can enter invoices an( you can create purchase or(ers for the site 25. Can +e have )ore than one pay site for a supplierK /es, the sa)e supplier can have one or )ore pay site a)ong the supplier sites. 26. *hich report +oul( you use to revie+ suppliers, supplier sites, an( supplier site contact infor)ationK

Page 15' of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable $uppliers 8eport e3plains +oul( you use to revie+ suppliers, supplier sites, an( supplier site contact infor)ation

27. Can +e a(0ust or revie+ invoices in oracle paya!lesK Oracle Paya!les inclu(es a fully integrate( +or#!ench calle( invoice +or#!ench in +hich +e can a(0ust or revie+ invoices in oracle paya!les. 29. *hat tas#s can !e perfor)e( in invoice +or#!enchK <nter an invoice, )o(ify an invoice, approve an invoice, an( )o(ify invoice (istri!utions 2:. *hat are the invoice types in oracle paya!lesK a) Prepay)ent- A type of invoice you enter to pay an a(vance pay)ent for e3penses to a supplier or e)ployee. !) Huic#)atch- An invoice you enter for )atching to a purchase or(er c) *ithhol(ing ta3- An invoice you enter to re)it ta3es +ithhel( to appropriate ta3 authority. () Mi3e(- Any invoice for +hich you can person !oth positive an( negative )atching to purchase or(ers an( to other invoices &A. Can oracle paya!les auto)atically create invoices to pay interest for over(ue invoicesK /es, !y ena!ling auto)atic interest calculation for a supplier. &1. "o+ (o you su!)it approval for the invoicesK %t is (one in one of the three +ays a. Online !y using actions +in(o+ of the invoice +or#!ench !. Online !y using approve !utton in the invoice !atches +in(o+ c. atch !y su!)itting the paya!les approval progra) fro) the su!)it re6uest +in(o+. a. $elect the invoice !. Clic# the actions !utton c. $elect the create accounting &&. Can +e apply hol( on any of the invoicesK a. /es, you can prevent pay)ent an( optionally prevent accounting !y )anually applying one or )ore hol(s to it. !. /ou can also prevent pay)ent of supplier invoices !y placing a hol( on the supplier or the supplier site instea( of each in(ivi(ual invoice. &'. *hat are the types of hol(s in Oracle Paya!lesK a. %nvoice hol( !. $che(ule( pay)ent hol( c. $upplier hol( &5. *hat (o +e (o to reverse the hol( processK %f +e have an invoice that the syste) has put on hol( !ecause of an account hol( reason, +e nee( to resu!)it the approval after correcting the pro!le). &2. "o+ can +e create an accounting entry for an invoice fro) relate( actions +in(o+K

Page 155 of 156

Oracle Accounts Payable &6. Can +e cancel the invoicesK /es, One can cancel unpai( invoices, an( unapprove( or an approve( invoice that (oes not have any effective pay)ents or accounting hol(s.

&7. "o+ to enter stan(ar( invoice hea(er infor)ationK a. %n the invoice +in(o+, select stan(ar( as the invoice type !. <nter the supplier or supplier nu)!er c. $elect the supplier site to +hich you +ill sen( pay)ent of invoice (. <nter the invoice (ate e. <nter the invoice nu)!er &9. Goes Account Paya!les have its o+n set of Mey fle3fiel(sK No, Accounts Paya!le (oes not have its o+n set of Mey 1le3fiel(s !ut it incorporates +ith CB set of Mey 1le3fiel(s.

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