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Good Luck, Eli

Delivering Elijah
August 2012

Good Luck, Eli

Table of Contents

Delivering Elijah August 2012 Jon Morgan created the group. Big Announcement Comments Ultrasound Collection Comments Listened to the Baby Sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa's House Comments Guessing What Comments The Name Game 8 I'm a Big Brother

Good Luck, Eli

August 2012 Jon Morgan created the group.

August 11, 2012 at 5:59pm

Big Announcement
Im happy to announce that our family of four will be expanding in late Winter. Our third baby will arrive sometime in February. August 11, 2012 at 6:02pm

Sarah Beth Drake Great for u We will have baby bodies again in the family since my son is due October 31 Susan Boyne- Volz Sarah your son I wouldnt think can have babies!!! Sarah Bulloch Congratulations Morgan Family!!! What great news, so happy for you:) Michelle Blodgett Davidson Congrats!

Good Luck, Eli

Ultrasound Collection

Good Luck, Eli

Darth Lou Holliday Gender? Theresa Morgan Too early to tell Jon Morgan Too early to tell Jon Morgan But he/she has their mothers eyes, lol Nancy Boyne Cool I take it a boy because Josh is withit am I right? Jon Morgan No, still too early to know for sure. Pam Morgan Congrats on the new baby

Good Luck, Eli

Listened to the Baby

Were expecting our third child in February 2013. Weve already been able to listen to the baby during the first check up, and all four of us were able to get an early glimpse during a ultrasound scheduled on the 15th week. August 19, 2012 at 10:34pm

Good Luck, Eli

Sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa's House

Yesterday your brother and sister returned home after spending three sleeps at your grandma and grandpa Morgans house. Were still sorting through all of the details, but during their time with Grandma they played at the water park inside Kensington Park, and visited the Impressions 5 museum in Lansing. Kayla and Josh are10 and 12, but the concept of spending the night at their grandparents house is still a relatively new one. I think its only been over the last couple of years that weve been gutsy enough to try it. First, there was the week when I attended a conference in Ann Arbor so they were only spending a day at a time by themselves with their grandparents, and then eventually we moved up to a couple nights, then a little longer until now I think theyre pretty comfortable with the idea. When I was a kid, it was always an exciting treat to spend the night at my grandma and grandpas house. I benefitted from having an older cousin who was already into spending the night there. I think that when you are a little bit older, you will benefit from the precedent that your siblings have set by spending ocassionally spending a few days on their own with their grandparents house each summer. One thing that I had when I was growing up as a kid which you wont have is an opportunity to spend a lot of time with your cousins, aunts, and uncles. For me, it seemed as though my extended family was deeply integrated into my life. When my mom, your grandmother morgan, went shopping she was often accompanied by my grandmother, when we went to church we saw our grandparents and cousins, and if I took a walk around the neighborhood it would have been hard to avoid seeing as at least one person who was related to me. When you are born, and brought home, you will be living in a place called Shepherd which is roughly 100 miles from both Hartland, where I grew up and where your relatives live, and Marlette, where your mom is from. So, you wont see your relatives very often except on birthdays, holidays, and those weekends when we are able to make the trip and visit them. And, then there are your more distant relatives who live farther up North or out of state. Weve always tried our best to see them every once in a while, too. Im hoping that as longer stay-overs become more commonplace that these will help to bridge the gap between the times when we naturally would see family (such as holidays) and the times when we can take the time off to make the trip. The best way to get one-on-one time with either your cousins or your grandparents is for you to stay with them on your own, much like I did when I was younger. This would also help us if there is a period of time when your relatives might be open to a having you stay with them, but your mom and I cant take the time off. I had lots of reasons why I liked to spend the night at my grandparents house: grapefruits with breakfast, sleeping in a different bed, dinner out, helping out with feeding the cows. Looking back, all of these types of experiences blend together into fond memories of the time I spent being with my grandma and grandpa.

Good Luck, Eli

Im sure that youll have reasons of your own. (Your brother, Josh, said yesterday that he liked that he could eat tootsie rolls whenever he wants at his Grandma Boynes house, something that was missing from Grandma Morgans house) Im just hoping that you will be able to get to know your grandparents as well as possible. Im sure that they will be eager to meet you.

Nancy Boyne Hope you have fun Jon Morgan They did, they came back yesterday.

Good Luck, Eli

Guessing What
August 28, 2012 Probably the most burning question in everybodys mind right now is whether your are a boy or a girl. When your mom went in for an ultrasound, it was too early for the technician to tell so were waiting until the next one (in September) before we possibly get another chance to find out. And, your mom and I want to know. We kept your sisters sex a surprise until birth but tried to find out what your brother was early on. With your sister, the technician was so sure that they bet a months salarybut we still declined to know the answer. For Joshs ultrasound, the technician told us that she could have guessed, but would only have a 50/50 chance of being right. My friend, Louie, says that you are going to be a boy. I have been told that he is really good at predicting the sex of a baby before its born. He has a knack, he says. I think that its safe to say that whatever you are, girl or boy, once you are born you are going to be surrounded by a lot of people who love you. And,we will be praying that you are healthy.

Susan Boyne- Volz Dont care what sex you are.Just want you to be healthy!!!

Good Luck, Eli

The Name Game

We havent found a name for you yet. Granted, it will be a lot easier once weve learned whether you will be a girl or a boy. With Kayla, we had a list of final choices for either gender, and with Josh it was a little easier because he got the name that his sister didnt get. A lot of names have been bounced around, but here are a few of my thoughts. I suggested Chloe if you are a girl. Its short, and doesnt seem so common. Ive learned, though, that a lot can happen to a name in, say, ten years. When we picked the name Kayla for your older sister, I had never actually heard of it before. Now its not so commonplace, but every once in a while I do run into other Kaylas, and most of them are children (hah! It just shows that we started a trend). At least we didnt pick names like Jennifer or Hailey (I swear that right now there are about a 100 girls named Hailey attending the Shepherd Public Schools, and four of them live right here in our neighborhood). When I suggested the name, I explained to your mom that there was a main character from the show 24 named Chloe. She was a smart computer analyst. Someday when you are older, I might be able to explain to you what 24 is all about. Its possible that after you are born they will start making movies based on the show, so maybe Ill just take you to see one of them. I like names that are either short or can be shortened. Josh, for example, is a short version of Joshua. This allows me to call your brother by a more informal name most of the time, but then when he gets into trouble I will use his full name. I always thought that Kayla could be shortened to Kay, but I havent heard too many people do it. Her name is already pretty short, so I guess that would qualify as more of a nickname. I was watching a movie on Netflix called Darkness Falls (a horrible movie, by the way) which had a main character named Kyle. I heard the name, and thought that would be a great name for a boy. But, I slowly discounted it because I began to realize that whenever movies feature characters named Kyle, they are usually: Cursed with mutant or supernatural powers; Alone and misunderstood; Have mad scientist fathers who suddenly turn up missing

Still, it does have the virtue of being both (1) short; and (2) rarely used. Although I think this year your sister has a teacher at school with the first name Kyle. Luke would also be an interesting choice, but Im pretty sure your mom would veto it. Whether you are a girl or a boy, you will eventually learn that one of the main characters from the coolest series of science fiction movies ever is named Luke Skywalker. Well, he was actually only in the 10

Good Luck, Eli

first three movies (which, as it turns out, are really the last three in the series) but when I was growing up he was the ultimate science fiction hero. Ive known a couple of people named Luke. For example, there is a computer technician who responses to our technical support questions at work, for example. One thing that happens when we are going through possible names is that we will exclude certain ones based on kids weve known or names that have already been used in the family. For example, there are already two Joseph Morgans. Bill, Earl, Russell, and Ruth are also already taken, as are David and Doug. There actually is another Jon (my cousins son, and for a while there I was getting his photo tags on Facebook), and a Hannah too. Our friends, the Hollidays, picked the name Noah and Athena for their youngest two; until I had met them I hadnt met anybody named Athena, and only a couple of people named Noah. These are cool names, but we cant use them. After I started to think about names for you, it suddenly dawned on me that Josh and Kayla are sequential if you listed them alphabetically. If we stayed with this pattern your name would need to start with either an I, or an L. This has lead me to the name Isaac as a possibility. Its short, and associated with a lot of smart or famous people (Isaac Asimov, for example), I dont think there is anybody in our family named Isaac, and it isnt that commonly used. I can only think of one person who named their son Isaac, and I only know about it because were friends on Facebook (we graduated from High School together). Your mom has also mentioned Isabella if you are a a girl. I think its short (and can be shortened to Bella, which is the name of the main character from Twilight, a book series which will have ended its run of movies just before you are born) and pretty. The only downside is that people might think that you are named after our county. Im not too worried about finding name, because I know that eventually it will come to us. One thing that Ive never encountered in my life is someone who doesnt have a name at all. and Im sure that you wont be the first.


Good Luck, Eli

I'm a Big Brother

Mary Smith Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Savanna Nouveau OMG!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Susan Boyne- Volz congratulations, Mommy, Daddy, Big sister, Big Brother!!!! I personally cant wait! Jenni Van Heck-Black CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Julie L. Spencer Oh my gosh!!!! Im so excited for you!!!! Congratulations!!! Christine Schultz Congratulations! Kris Bluestar Thats so great! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joan Henderson Congratulations! Mindy Brown Oh My God!!! How come you didnt tell us this week? Congrats to your whole family!! Sheila Cordero Congratulations Theresa!!! How Exciting!! Amanda Flowers Congratulations!!! Sheila Cordero Oh did you know Lindsays having a baby too? Hes coming in September. Babies in our HG family LOL !! Julie L. Spencer Waitare you still going to sit through the Twilight marathon on November 15-16th? You always come with me! And this is the last one! Janel Marie Congratulations everybody! You have 2 built in babysitters Theresa! Theresa Morgan Mindy Brown We wanted to wait until after the first doctors appt, then we had to tell the family, etc. Its been hard being mum for so long Theresa Morgan Sheila Cordero No I didnt! Awww!! Yeah for HG babies!! Jon Morgan Mum about being a new mum again..clever Theresa Morgan Julie L. Spencer Oh Im planning on it, if my body can handle it. It will 12

Good Luck, Eli

just require a few more bathroom trips LOL Mindy Brown Im just stunned! Im hoping for a girl!!! Sarah Beth Drake Congratulations Kate Farrell Congratulations!!! Im so happy for you! Rebekah Grippen Congratulations you guys! Ruth Remsing Congrats!!! Theresa Morgan Thanks everyone! Carrie Riley Congrats!!!!!! That is about the same time I am due Theresa Morgan Carrie Riley Thanks and Congrats to you as well! Christy Mikinka Congratulations!! Jennifer Cramer CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! We will have to have a little BLKHD baby party for you!!!! Megan Velasquez Congratulations!!! Melinda Ryckman Huzzey So excited I cant wait Kathy Hawkins Congratulations, how exciting! You have such nice kids you SHOULD have more! Ivy Warner Vogel CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Jacqueline Torres Monahan Yay!! Congratulations!! Sonya Harms-bowler congrats !!!!!! Nicole Clapp Is this a joke??? Im shocked.. Arianna Ruiz I cant wait to start shopping around for Hunger Games onsies lol Wendy Hutter Breen Congrats!!!! Amy Gauthier Congratulations! So happy and excited! Lori Rae Draper Linder YAY!!!! Congradulations you guys!!!! <3<3<3 Deb Priest Congratulations!!! Theresa Broderick congrats David Addante How exciting!! Congrats to you and your lovely family!! Brandi Cwik Sackmann Congrats! Lisa Noyes-Burhans Congrats Kim Hendrian Congrats !!! We are so happy for you guys !!! Emily J. Buckner OMG! NO WAY!!! CONGRATES! Adam Spunberg Hah! That is absolutely adorable. What a lovely family! Mechelle Moran Weidner-Hill Congrats! Kristena Connelly Congratulations!


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