Certified Manager of Quality

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Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) Refresher Course Taught in a Live e!

inar "or#at Wanted to let you know - I passed the CMQ/OE test. Thanks for the course - I couldn't ha e !ade "t w"thout "t.# $ %on I passed& Thanks Tony# $ 'ean $lease for%ard to anyone %ho #ay !e interested& Than' you Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Certification ( CMQ/OE The Cert"f"ed Mana(er of Qual"ty/Or(an")at"onal E*cellence "s a profess"onal who leads and cha!p"ons process-"!pro e!ent "n"t"at" es+e erywhere fro! s!all ,us"nesses to !ult"nat"onal corporat"ons+that can ha e re("onal or (lo,al focus "n a ar"ety of ser "ce and "ndustr"al sett"n(s. - Cert"f"ed Mana(er of Qual"ty/Or(an")at"onal E*cellence fac"l"tates and leads tea! efforts to esta,l"sh and !on"tor custo!er/suppl"er relat"ons. supports strate("c plann"n( and deploy!ent "n"t"at" es. and helps de elop !easure!ent syste!s to deter!"ne or(an")at"onal "!pro e!ent. The Cert"f"ed Mana(er of Qual"ty/Or(an")at"onal E*cellence should ,e a,le to !ot" ate and e aluate staff. !ana(e pro/ects and hu!an resources. analy)e f"nanc"al s"tuat"ons. deter!"ne and e aluate r"sk and e!ploy knowled(e !ana(e!ent tools and techn"0ues "n resol "n( or(an")at"onal challen(es. If you are "nterested "n ,eco!"n( a Cert"f"ed Mana(er of Qual"ty/Or(an")at"onal E*cellence. the ne*t e*a! date "s )aturday* Octo!er +* +,-,. To help you pass the e*a! on the f"rst try. -1Q Olde Colony "s offer"n( a "rtual Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Refresher Course. Th"s Cert"f"ed Mana(er of Qual"ty/Or(an")at"onal E*cellence %efresher course "s presented "n a way that re"nforces current knowled(e. re-"ntroduces appl"cat"ons that !ay not ,e used e ery day. e*pla"ns the rat"onale for use and h"(hl"(hts sa!ple 0uest"ons. ,oth !ult"ple-cho"ce and constructed responses. Th"s course w"ll ,e presented ,y an e*per"enced l" e "nstructor. on-l"ne. "a the "nternet. 2e"n( an on-l"ne 3or "rtual4 course. you can con en"ently part"c"pate and "nteract "n the tra"n"n( fro! any locat"on "n the world that has ,road,and "nternet access. 5o dr" "n( "s necessary. The course "s ,e"n( offered ,y -1Q Olde Colony 1ect"on 6777 http8//www.as0oldecolony.or(/ Course )u##ary. 74 Instructor 9ead :4 Onl"ne 3 "rtual4 Course. thus "nstructor and students can ,e anywhere. as lon( as they ha e a co!puter w"th ,road,and access.

;4 2e("ns Monday* /uly -0* +,-,. and conducted for e"(hteen. 7.< hour sess"ons. Thus th"s course w"ll end ,efore the )aturday* Octo!er +* +,-, Exa# 1ate. =4 The course w"ll ,e Monday and Thursday. fro! <866 p.!. to >8;6 p.!. E.?.T. The t"!e per!"ts one to start the tra"n"n( sess"on r"(ht at the end of the work day fro! the"r desk. and the one and a half hour durat"on allows the student a,sor, the !ater"al w"thout ,e"n( o erwhel!ed. and (et ho!e at a reasona,le t"!e. <4 The CMQ @r"!er fro! the Qual"ty Counc"l of Ind"ana w"ll ,e the pr"!ary te*t for the course. @lease order "t d"rectly fro! the! http8//www.0ual"tycounc"l.co!/ and they w"ll sh"p "t d"rectly to you. ,ecause th"s co!plete course "s "rtual and there w"ll not ,e a central phys"cal locat"on to hand out hard tra"n"n( !ater"als. The pr"ce of the course takes "nto cons"derat"on that the student "s respons",le for the purchase of the @r"!er. >4 Throu(hout the course. the "nstructor w"ll send out handouts "n the for! of -do,e @?A f"les. B4 -1Q Olde Colony d"scounted !e!,er pr"ce "s C=D< and can ,e pa"d "a a !a/or cred"t card "a @ay@al. -1Q !e!,ers outs"de of the Olde Colony 1ect"on 6777 are also "n "ted to take ad anta(e of th"s d"scount.

Instructor 2"o8 2nthony 1eMarinis Tony holds 21 de(rees "n 2"olo(y and M"cro,"olo(y fro! @enn 1tate En" ers"ty and a M1 de(ree "n Total Qual"ty fro! The 5at"onal Fraduate 1chool. Tony "s currently e!ployed w"th 1ealed -"r Corp as a Qual"ty Mana(er. @re "ously he was w"th ?a ol. Inc.. as a Qual"ty 1yste!s Mana(er. the ?"rector of Qual"ty -ssurance at 1cott 9a,orator"es and 1r. M"cro,"olo("st at the 5at"onal Cancer Inst"tute. Ge "s a Cert"f"ed Mana(er of Qual"ty/Or(an")at"onal E*cellence . Cert"f"ed Qual"ty -ud"tor-2"o!ed"cal. Tony has o er 7< years e*per"ence us"n( Qual"ty Mana(e!ent techn"0ues and alue added aud"t"n(. "nclud"n( d"rect "n ol e!ent w"th A?- and I1O aud"ts. Aor re("strat"on or !ore "nfor!at"on. please contact ?e!etr"os Henet"s at 3IBD4 D:7-IB;= or ?e!etr"osJHenet"sKEnte(r"s.co!.
Demetrios G. Venetis ASQ CSSBB | Lean Sigma Black Belt and Facilitator Entegris, Inc. | 1 ! Concord "oad | Billerica, #A $1% 1 &SA | #ain !'%()*+(+,$$ | Direct !'%()*+(+,'! | #o-ile !'%(% 1(!'*) | Facsimile !'%()*+(+'*, Demetrios.Venetis/Entegris.com | 000.Entegris.com 123e materials integrit4 management com5an41

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