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Highest of the Lower Worlds

Rapture Events Boston

Welcome Welcome
Welcome all. Thank you for being attentive and thank you for supporting Rapture Events Boston in your own way. We had a Great month and a great event at our Lock and Key Affair. Wed like to thank the Young Professionals Network of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts, Future Boston, DJ Bobby Bangers, Aldo Velaj of VLORA Restaurant and his staff and all of the supporters and teams that came through. It was fine time. More opportunities have opened up for us and we plan to make the most of them. Any future partners or organizations interested in hiring Rapture Events Boston please contact us via email at If you were interested in finding something to do, reach out to VCR who has a wealth of information surrounding community and entertainment events. This month we celebrated the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, which can boast 30 years of service to the community. The Young Peoples Project led by Bob Moses family honored Klare Shaw and Angela Davis for years of community service and activism that is In line with their mission. Wynton Marsalis gave a performance lecture on the history of jazz at Harvard and local emcees have been performing from Revere and Harvard to Fenway and Dorchester to enrich the Hip Hop scene here. Stay tuned as for more lively events from Rapture Events Boston as spring approaches. #StayThirstyMyFriend.Edrigo

Future Boston Accelerator Program

Rapture Events Boston was accepted in the 2013-2014 class of the Future Bostons Accelerator program. We were taught how to manage our business accounts, write our business plan, network and various learn new ways to ask for loans and investor dollars. We attended many of the Future Boston and Karmaloop informal discussions and sat in sessions two Saturdays a month for 6 months learning how to mature and grow our business. We and our classmates pitched our business to several judges including Greg Sloe, founder of Karmaloop this past Saturday, January 25, 2014. All of our classmates did a wonderful job and the good brothers at Soleful Lounge won a contest for the best pitch! The number of businesses and great ideas we heard was awe inspiring and I wish every single one of them great success. The amazing leadership of Malia Lazu and the many speakers and presenters we encountered- from the inventor of ProTools, Bill Warner, to the leader of Karmaloops division Plndr, Leandrew Robinson- was eye opening and telling to what it takes to be a 1

success in the world of business. I strongly recommend new Boston based businesses that may need some direction and a nice network of creative up and comers to reach out to Future Boston and Malia Lazu to apply and take your business to the next level. Salute. E. Hegeman

(from Rebelle Diaries) had the crowd at complete attention. She also performed "Sunday Morning" alongside Amandi Music as well as "Stop It" (her first single from Married to the Music). She closed the night with "Beantown S&%+ and Ammo" thanking the crowd for coming out and supporting her. At the end of the night Boston was treated to a great night of Hip Hop showcasing some of the future names that'll shape the city for years to come. See Dutch Rebelle perform "Beantown Ish/Ammo" LIVE 4U -DJ Daz

Dutch Rebelle at the Middle East

Its rare for me to be excited about a local 617 Hip Hop show but I knew I was going to be in for a treat with artists like Sean Hines, Michael Christmas and DJ Tournament and so many more in the building. The diverse audience came out to cheer on their favorites restoring the faith that Boston Hip Hop indeed does get supported with care. When I walked in I saw a packed house indeed with figures like DJ Real P, Natural, Amandi Music, and Brook among many others. All of the different sub scenes that supported their leading artist made the crowd a nice blend of cultures and comedy. People were ready to get open as the performers took to the stage. With all these factors in place the stage was set for the headliner to wrap the show up. Enter in Dutch Rebelle the lady who has taken not only Massachusetts by storm but she has restored the impact that a solo female emcee can make since the days of Rah Digga, Bahamadia, Lauryn Hill and more. When she took the stage her presence, lyrics and energy became evident. Running through her best known hits as well as some new ones

Remember the Times: 1990s Throwback Party

Rapture Events Boston upcoming event is a 1990s themed dance party, Remember the Time. Break out the Cross Colors, the TLC 2

outfits, the Jordans, high top fades, Wu Wear, Pelle Pelle, glitter, ray bans, Girbaud jeans, black lip liner with light colored lipstick, Blossom hats, 54-11 Reeboks and get ready to do the Wild Thing. Keeping it real though, Rapture Events is throwing a party thats going to be the bomb diggy. Were giving away gift certificates, theater tickets and prizes to the best outfits, dance routines and individual dancers. For information on the event text the word Rapture to 55469 for more information and to see our ditigal text website. Bring your peeps. - Hegboned

Remember the Time

Verbalizations January 29, 2013

VCRs Verbalization was charged on Wednesday night January 29th. The headlining act Jha D did a wonderful job with her pieces topics ranging from homelessness/ displacement, to black power, self discovery, identity, GLBT issues to her own sensuality and lustful thoughts. It was a good spread. I liked how she spoke in between her pieces to take questions, elaborate on the inspiration for her pieces and to lace anecdotes of her life in high school, her mothers protective yet sweet character and how she came into her own understanding of who she was as a black, female, lesbian poet. She did a great job. Other performers and attendees that night were Crystal Beck, Lucci, FuBlac, Crystal Beck, Toni Rose, Matthew Jerel of Hike for Life,

Photographer Morell Genes, Michelle BFit Cook, Dana D. Ruff of If you can feel it You can speak it, and Sublime among others. I came in as Ahlycea Faye was performing her piece on homelessness and the apathy that people have towards our fellow man. I dug it. All of the following performers were sharp, the energy was positive and VCR was on, cracking jokes and getting the crowd involved. Jha D's performance was right on time. Her strongest piece (all were strong); rather her most impactful piece was called Spare Change. The poem was recited by a chorus of other people in the room in unison with Jha. This made the poem stand out, created an echo effect in the room and came across as a performance more than a written piece simply recited. The purpose of this piece is to create awareness around reasons that many of Bostons (and the countrys, possibly worlds) homeless are in the position that they are in. The reasons vary, but we as citizens, and brothers should spare change, spare prayer, give consideration to anothers situation. I feel her message and am proud to vouch for her conviction. She puts her actions behind her words. The poetess and host gave her time to our Month of Service Volunteer drive making and distributing food to the homeless through the organization Pro Labore Dei. I had a good time and was thoroughly entertained and got to know the talented wordsmith and host, Jha D a bit better. Support her and her movement and work. Join the If you can feel it you can speak it facebook group or come to observe their pieces at noon, February 8, 2014 in front of the Macys downtown at the intersection of Washington St and Summer St to catch their flash mob performance of Spare Change.


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