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Home > Acts Implemented > Details of the Acts Implemented > The Industrial Employment A Industrial Employment ( tandin! "rders# $entral %ules, 1946


The Industrial Employment ( tandin! "rders# $entral %ules, 1946

THE I+D, T%IA- E&.-"/&E+T ( TA+DI+0 "%DE% # $E+T%A- %,-E 19461


umar *alia

Inexercise of the powers conferred by section 15, read with clause (b) ofsection 2 of the Industrial Employment (Standing rders) !ct, 1"#$ (2%of 1"#$), the &entral 'o(ernment is pleased to ma)e the followingrules, the same ha(ing been pre(iously published as re*uired bysub+section (1) of the said section 15, namely,
1. (1)



These rules may be called the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)

entral !ules" 1#$%.

al ( tandin! tral %ules,

'(&) They e(tend to all )nion territories" and shall also apply in any State(other than a )nion territory) to industrial establishments under thecontrol o* the entral +overnment or a !ail,ay administration or in ama-or port" mine or oil *ield..

&. In these rules" unless there is anything repugnant in the sub-ect or conte(t: (a) /Act/ means the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act" 1#$% (&0 o* 1#$%). (b) /1orm/ means a *orm set out in Schedule II appended to these !ules.

'&A. ln the Schedule to the Act" a*ter item 10" the *ollo,ing additional matters shall be inserted namely:3 410A. Additional matters to be provided in Standing Orders relating to all industrial establishments in coal mines:

An Appr 1ive 6ea ategor 9ise list attached :elhi +e In*rastru +uidelin Seurity ;otice in allotmen <ios= *o sale o* 1 7ublic ; ;ational Ordinan

(1) -edical aid in case of accident. (2) /ailway tra(el facilities. (0) -ethod of filling (acancies. (#) 1ransfers. (5) 2iability of manager of the establishment or mine. ($) Ser(ice certificate. (3) Exhibition and supply of standing orders4
4105. Additional matters to be provided in the standing orders relating to all industrial establishments"3


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Ser(ice/ecord+matters relating to ser(ice card, to)en tic)ets, certificationof ser(ice, change of residential address of wor)ers and record of age.

>eevan onveni On ?ine Shop An Online !egistra On ?ine :irector Employm

(2) &onfirmation. (0) !ge of retirement. (#) 1ransfer. (5) -edical aid in case of accidents. ($) -edical examination. (3) Secrecy. (5) Exclusi(e ser(ice467

-ast ,pdated 3 44 &ay,5414 $ontact for Help60rie2ance %edressal 7 8acancy 7 &essa!es7%TI Act 5449

All %i!hts %eser2ed :y 0o2ernment of +$T of Delhi, India'

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