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System Analysis and design

• 1.Introduction 3 Hrs
– Systems & computer based systems, types of information system
– System analysis & design
– Role, task & attribute of the system analyst

• 2. Approaches to system development 5 Hrs

• • SDLC
• • Explanation of the phases
• • Different models their advantages and disadvantages
• o Waterfall approach
• o Iterative approach
• o Extreme programming
• o RAD model
• o Unified process
• o Evolutionary software process model
• Incremental model
• Spiral model
• Concurrent development model
3. Analysis: investigating system requirements 4
• Activities of the analysis phase
• Fact finding methods
o Review existing reports, forms and procedure
o Conduct interviews
o Observe & document business processes
o Build prototypes
o Questionnaires
o Conduct jad sessions
• Validate the requirements
o Structured walkthroughs
4. Feasibility analysis 4 Hrs
Feasibility study and cost estimates
Cost benefit analysis
Identification of list of deliverables

5. Modeling system requirements 7 Hrs

Data flow diagrams logical and physical
Structured English
Decision tables
Decision trees
Entity relationship diagram
Data dictionary
6.Design 7 Hrs
• Design phase activities
• Develop system flowchart
• Structure chart
o Transaction analysis
o Transform analysis

Software design and documentation tools

Hipo chart
Warnier orr diagram
Designing databases
7. Designing input, output & user interface 4 Hrs
Input design
Output design
User interface design

8.Testing 6 Hrs
Strategic approach to software testing
Test series for conventional software
Test strategies for object-oriented software
Validation testing
System testing
9. Implementation & maintenance 2 Hrs
Activities of the implementation & support phase

10.Documentation 3 Hrs
Use of case tools,
Documentation-importance, types of documentation

“Analysis and Design of Information Systems”: Senn, TMH
System Analysis and Design: : Howryskiewycz, PHI
Syllabus for MCA First Year Semester – I (with effect from the academic year 2007-2008)
What is system
• A system is a group of elements working
together to achieve a common goal.
• These elements are related to each other
in the work that they carry out.
• They communicate with each other in
order to coordinate and control the
delivery of the total work of the system.
Further a system is often a part of larger
Need of learning systems concepts
• To identify the objective of the system -
what the system is aimed at achieving
• To identify the components of the system
• To identify what are the roles each
component is performing in helping the
overall system to achieve common goal
• To identify how these components
communicate with each other to work as a
• To relate the knowledge of this system to
a similar other system and thereby gain
knowledge of that system faster
• To identify the error in new systems much
Introduction to Software Systems
• Overview
• Requirements of a good systems analyst

• The software system development is different

from other types of system development, the
major factors which widen these differences are
as follows:
• The software is an intangible product . It is to
be conceived only conceptually until a very later
stage of system development i.e. Coding Stage.
• Almost every software system being developed
in the world is differ from its predecessors in
many aspects like business domain, technology
domain, and process of software development
• The technology evolutions are much faster in
software systems development area , which has
a major impact not only on number of new
software architectures evolving each year, but
also the underlying process of developing
Requirements of a Good System
• Skills required by a System Analyst are
listed in different categories as follows:
• Technical knowledge and skills.
• Business Knowledge and skills.
• People Knowledge and skills.
• Integrity and ethics.
Technical knowledge and skills
• Though the systems analyst is not required to
carry out programming, He needs technical
expertise to guide and monitor the programming
team on one side and to guide the user on
selecting appropriate technological alternatives
for the new software system on the other.
• Fundamental knowledge about the computer
hardware,software,operating systems, software
development phase is required, recent trends
and their comparisons.
• The system analyst should be well versed
with the software system development
techniques and tools
• In order to complete specific system
development activities, analyst need to
know the techniques of project planning ,
system design, coding and testing,
implementation and system support.
Business knowledge and skills
• System Analyst should understand the
business organization to be able to solve
business problem therefore he is required
to know, the user organization’s activities
and business processes, user
organization’s structure, management
styles and techniques of managing major
functions of the organization such as
Marketing, finance, manufacturing,etc.
• The System Analyst should have the knowledge
of the industry sector and of the commercial
characteristic of that industrial sector.
• Analyst should understand the specific company
as a user organization as a whole. The system
analyst should know the business strength (what
it can do better than its competitors?) , the
organizations current strategies and policies
• The specific information required is who are the
users, their designations, primary responsibilities
and role.
People knowledge and skills
• A good System Analyst should have very strong
people skills, since he works with people of
variety of profiles and his success at work
depends a lot upon them
• Analyst is required to be good at interpersonal
skills, and communication skills to motivate
people all over the project
• Analyst is required to be influential personal
working through various hierarchies of the user
organization and development team.
Integrity and ethics
• The system analyst refers to very vital
information sources while performing his
work. It is important that he follows the
user companies privacy policies and
procedures very strictly
Characteristics of System
As per the definition of System we have following characteristics
The system works to achieve a common Goal Eg. Goal of traffic
system is to facilitate road with high safety and speed to all the road
users equally in a fair manner.
The system has several components working together to contribute
their respective part to meet the overall objective of the system.
Together they all, the system is said to be working. Eg. Traffic
system has the vehicle driver signals, traffic police etc as element of
If any of the components is missing or not working as desired, it affects
the performance of the system as a whole. thus one can identify all
the necessary tasks that all the components together are required
to perform, so that entire system meet its goal.
• The system components communicate
with each other and you will be able to
identify what they communicate with each
other (DATA), when (EVENT), and what is
purpose of the communication , such as
co-ordinate the work or control the work

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