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WE at KASAPI (National Coalition of Indigenous Peoples in the Philppines) thank the donors who responded during our November-December 2013 Relief Operations in the Calamian Group of Islands. (See Attached Report). The length and breadth of the devastation on the islands calls for sustainable relief operations to include other islands until such time that affected families are able to get back on their feet again. Hence, we have decided to expand relief from the 13 Calamian Group of Islands to include seven (7) Buhid Mangyan communities of the nearby island of Mindoro and Sibuyan Islands. The next 6-12 months therefore focuses on the three major islands not reached by official aid relief. The Calamian Group of Islands is a major supplier of marine products to Hongkong, Taiwan, Manila, Lucena, Malabon, Mindoro, Cebu and other Visayan Islands. Its marine and terrestrial ecosystems is unrivaled in Southeast Asia largely due to Tagbanua traditional governance protecting it from large-scale and dynamite fishing.. A Tagbanua, through his lifetime, spends 10 of 12 months at sea. Even Anthropologists from the National Museum and Marine scientists from the University of Georgia attribute to Tagbanuas the richness of the areas biologicial diversity and its tropical lakes most unique in the world. Sibuyan Islands is the center of endemism and often called The Galapagos of Asia. It is home to Mangyan Tagabukids responsible for the protection of 30% of its primary forest cover including 34 exceptionally clean rivers that ring the island. Mindoro can produce metric tons of bananas. But in nine Buhid Mangyan villages alone, 82,519 banana trees have been mangled. Livelihood income derived from bananas are used to send children to school, for medicare expenses or to help fellow community members in dire need.! Because of the damage typhoon Yolanda caused, the affected communities in the three islands are having a hard time recovering from main source of living since boats, homes and agriculture are in severe state of disrepair. Even as we pursue sustainable relief operations, we need support to help them rebuild lives.


Community consultations and assessments with disaster victims have generated the following needs:

A. Relief Goods 1. SET A: 25 kilos rice per family with the following food items: 12 cans sardines (small), 2 kilos mongo, 2 kilos sugar, I kilo dried fish, ! kilo salt, 1 liter cooking oil, 5 packets of milk (each packet is 150 grams) 2. Set B: plastic pail with cover and medium plastic basin (batya). The pail with cover has the following: Four (4) pieces of womens underwear and two packets of hygiene napkins, 12 pieces of family bath soap, 5 bars of laundry soap, 5 pieces of toothbrush, 2 large tubes of toothpaste and 2 body towels. The plastic basin (batya) has the following: 1 medium rice pot (for a family of five), 1 caserol for viand cooking, 5 pairs of table spoons and forks, 5 plastic bowls, 5 plastic plates, 5 tumblers, 2 pans one for frying and one for stirring. All plastic items should not be brittle. B. Rehabilitation Needs I. Economic 1. Food security: replanting of banana trees, root crops and fruit trees and vegetable gardening 2. Farm implements and tools and construction of post-harvest facilities 3. Provision of three 50-seater pump-boats: engines, hull, shufting, rudders, propellers, steering wheels, etc; Fishing accessories, trainings on eco-tourism, revive sea-weed and mangrove farms (Coron Island), and multi-cropping and farming technology (Mindoro and Sibuyan)

II. Women and children 1. Feeding program and livelihood training 2. Post-traumatic stress intervention


III. Infrastructure 1. Repair of schools and clinics 2. Housing/shelter materials: GI sheets, plywoods, nails, etc IV. Health 1. Rehabilitation of irrigation and water source 2. Construction of toilets and latrines 3. Setting up waste disposal systems V. Environment 1. Establishment of Tree nurseries: Cashew, coconut ad other fruit bearing trees and mangrove rehabilitation back to back with trainings on disaster preparedness

Donations may be sent to: Account name: KASAPI, Inc. Account number: 0450-027557-030 Bank name: Development Bank of the Philippines Location: Philippine Heart Center Branch, East Avenue, Quezon City SWIFT Code: !! %&'('())

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