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List of Important Essays for CSS 1.

Baluchistan Crisis
01. Baluchistan as a province of pakistan
02. Independence of baluchistan (After august 1947

!. "istorical #ove#ents and $alat anne%ed in baluchistan 4. Baluchistan part in econo#& gro'th ((atural resources ). Autocrac& of *ribal lords (*ribal lords breed o'n ar#& and closing do'n
educatioonal institution etc.

+. Barriers for Baluchistan develop#ent (,a'adar port- .ega /ro0ects so on 7. 1era 2 Bugti 3onflict (Attack on ,as 4ines 5. /ersecution on 'o#en (1r. 6ha7ia case 9. Attacks on ,overn#ent bodies and Ar#& soldiers 10. .ission against (a'ab Bhugti and his death 11. Arise 'ave of Bo#b blasts 12. 8esponsibilit& of Baluchistan crisis 1!. ,ovt. Attention on the province 14. 1evelop#ent of Baluchistan 1). 3onclusion 2. Future of Democracy in Pakistan 1. 9hat is 1e#ocrac&:
02. I#portance of de#ocrac&

0!. "istor& of /akistan;s /olitics 04. *hreats of .artial la'

0). 3urrent barriers for de#ocratic govern#ent (Ar#& <nifor# etc

0+. 9orld co##itte advocates 1e#ocrac& in /akistan 07. /olitical influence (3urrent 3ircu#stances 05. I#age of /akistan;s /olitical 4eaders (Bena7ir and (a'a7 6harif 9. =uture of /akistan as a 1e#ocratic state 10. >pilo?ue

!. Talibani ation 1 9hat is *alibani7ation: 2 "istor& of *alibans ! 8easons to establish the# 4 (e' political needs 2 a blo'ing <6 threat of 50@s ) A and .ulla 2 A#ulgation of *aliban and Isla# + .u0ahid2e2A''al 2 <6 #edal 7 *aliban reign 5 <6 unilateralis# 2 And /olitics changed 9 (e' 9orld Brder 10 *he greater .iddle >ast 2 A <6 1esire 11 I#portance of Afghanistan 12 9C11 2 a created #&th: 1! <sa#a 2 <6 8oad2#ap 14 Isla# 2 a true enterpretation 1) >%tre#is# and Isla# 1+ Abstract 4. !omen Empo"erment
1. 9o#en
02. 6tatus of 'o#en 0!. 8ights of 'o#en 04. 1uties of 'o#en 0). "istor& of 'o#en e#po'er#ent 0+. 'o#en e#po'er#ent in Isla# 07. (o gender discri#ination 05. Benifits of 'o#en e#po'er#ent (offers a path'a& out of e%tre#e povert&

9. Issues and 3onflicts 10. 9o#en e#po'er#ent in /akistan 11. Barriers of 'o#en e#po'er#ent (biasing and cultural restrictions 12. 9orld co##ittee pro#otes 9o#en e#po'er#ent (.1,s D "u#an

1e#erits of 9o#en e#po'er#ent 14. 3onclusion.

). Terrorism #n$ The %ole &f Pakistan (1 *he issue (2 1ifference bet'een terroris# and freedo# fighters (! *erroris# brings une#plo&#ent (4 It brings political instabilit& () 4ack of invest#ent (+ 4ack of develop#ent and progress (7 /ro%i#it& of /akistan 'ith Afghanistan (5 3ordial relation of /akistan 'ith the .usli# countries (9 >thnic roots of *aliban are in /akistan (10 9ell organi7ed ar#& (11 *erroris# the proble# for the 'hole 'orld (12 *erroris# is due to the #assacre of innocents (1! *erroris# is due to socio econo#ic proble#s (14 It is due to #afia (1) It is due to brain 'ashing (1+ /akistan preferred negotiation over operation (17 /akistan pro#oted enlightened #oderation to co#bat brain 'ashing (15 6he 'orked in the develop#ent of tribal areas and Afghanistan (19 6he launched operation to cope 'ith #iscreants (20 6he provided logistic support for (A*B force and allies (21 3onclusion +. E'E%() C%ISIS I' P#*IST#'. 1. 9hat is energ& 2. "o' it is generated 22 >nerg& resources (3oal- oil- gas- 'aterfall- nuclear- solarbiogas- 'ind- #an po'er etc.. !. >lectricit& generation and its de#and in /akistan

4. 3auses of energ& crisis a. /o'er sectors failure (9apda- $>63 etc.. b. 4ack of 3apital for#ation c. Inefficient hu#an resources d. 3onflict of "&del po'er ($alabagh da# e. Inappropriate utili7ation of resources f. 8aise in oil prices g. /olitical influence ). >ffects of energ& crisis
a. =all of production

b. 9astage of ti#e c. <ne#plo&#ent d. Brain 1rain

e. =all of invest#ent f. >cono#ic crisis g. 6ocial proble#s

h. 3onstraint in the agricultural and industrial develop#ent +. 6trateg& to overco#e the energ& crisis a. 1a&2light saving b. 4oad sheddings c. 8educe the shortage of )000 .9 d. >nlight the *her#al >lectricit& resources e. 6olar energ& pro0ect (>lectro 3onsult

+. !ater Crisis
Intro$uction !ater ,ana-ement in Pakistan E canal irrigation s&ste# E rain is another i#portant source of 'ater suppl& E #angla da# E tarbela da#

E kalabagh da# !ater crisis solution for pakistan E need to increase the storage capacit& of da#s E no 'astage of 'ater E ne' da#s #ust be built E govern#ent #ust effectivel& tackle the proble# E good governence #ust be introduced E participation of all seg#ents of societ& in polic& #aking E politicians.....responsible attitude

.. Failure of Democracy in Pakistan

Causes of failure of $emocracy in Pakistan E (on2political culture E corruption E povert& E lo' literac& rate E poor rule of 0udiciar&

/. E$ucation
1. Intro$uction 2. Importance0 !. E$ucation system of Pakistan0 1. /ri#ar& schools 2. "igh schools !. 3olleges 4. <niversities 4. Different le1els of E$ucation ). Problems of e$ucation sector of Pakistan0 #. (eneral E 4o' literac& rate E 4o' ?ualit& of education

E 4ack of unifor#it& in the education s&ste# E 4ack of #oral 1irection E *hreat of cultural and social disintegration E =ault& curriculu# E 1ifference bet'een the education of /rivate sector and govern#ent sector +. Problems of Primary2Secon$ary E$ucation in Pakistan E <nh&gienic or Inhospitable 6chool >nviron#ents E <nskilled *eachers E 1ropouts E 6tudent *eacher 8atio E /hanto# 6chools E 4o' >nroll#ent 8ates E Inade?uate /h&sical and other =acilities 7. Problems of 3i-her E$ucation in Pakistan E Increasing cost of "igher education E =e' and inco#petent Fice2chancellors E <ninterested 4ecturers E A fe' good scholars E ">3 polic& of hiring facult& fro# abroad222proble#s for local scholars E >%a#ination s&ste#222AnnualC 6e#ester E Fiolence in universities 5. Post-ra$uate E$ucation problems E (o institutions E 3o#petent people shift to abroad for further studies E (o consu#ptions for /h1s 9. %eforms in the E$ucation sector. *hese refor#s are introduced E >ducation for all E Adult literac& E =ree education till ele#entar& level E *echnical education is introduced in institutions.

E *eacher training progra##es are being conducted. E ,ood relation bet'een student and teacherGno ph&sical punish#ent E Hualit& assurance E 8eva#ping of science education E /ublic private partnership 10. Forei-n Policy of Pakistan 1. Intro$uction0 E I#portance of foreign polic& for an& countr& E =oreign polic& of /akistan 2. &b4ecti1es0 E /reservation of political independence an integrit& of /akistan E 1efense222 .aintenance of po'erful and sophisticated defense E .usli# unit&222 strengthening brotherl& relations 'ith .usli# countries and
fostering unit& a#ong .usli#s

E >cono#ic 1evelop#ent E >#ancipation222 fro# colonialis#- i#perialis# and apartheid polic&. E .aintenance of International peace and securit&. !. Forei-n policy principles0 E 8espect for territorial integrit&- political independence and sovereignt& of

E (on2interference in the internal affairs of other countries. E (on aggression222 /eaceful settle#ent of disputes E =riendship to all #alice to none. E /eaceful co2e%istence. 4. 3istorical back-roun$ of Pakistan5s policy0 E >ra of neutralit& (1947219)! E >ra of alliances (19)4219+2 E >ra of bilateralis# (19+2219+9 E >ra of (on2 aligned #ove#ent (19+921951
>ra of revival of polic& (195121990 >ra of regionalis# (19902 9C11 =oreign polic& after 9C11. 7

4. Policy $ebate in Pakistan0 All these institutions and factors are #ainl& responsible for #aking foreign polic& of /akistan. E *roika222/resident- /ri#e #inister- 3hief of Ar#& staff. E =oreign officer and intelligence agencies. E /ublic pressure through political parties. 6. School of thou-ht in Pakistan E /ro2<s222 co#pletel& in favour of serving <6 interests. E 6e#i /ro2<6222 Balance approach 'ant to pursue foreign polic& 3hina E .usli# 6chool of thought. 222 Against <6 'ant Isla#ic bloc. 7. Present policy0 E /ro2<s polic&222 *alibanIs discarded 22 Bases of <6 on land22on international issues
favour of <s

E Against Isla#ic funda#entalis# E 9ar against terroris#. E .ain concerns ho' to be friend 'ith <62222to continue the benefits. E /akistanIs 3hina card222 3hina eternal friendship. E /akistan and 6audia222 6audi Arabia and <6 relations 'it&hs #an& stainsG
proble# for /akistan

E /akistan and .usli# 'orld222do not favouring .usli# countr&Is stance openl&. E /akistan and 8ussia222never friends. E /akistan and India222 Befriending 'ith India but India getting #ore favours as co#pared to /akistan222$ash#ir issue going in background . 5. Threats E Bad International i#age2228ogue state- nuclear proliferation. E Base of terroris# E (ational integrit& at stake222 difference of opinion a#ong different school
of thoughts.

E Independence at stake222 <s forces operating 'ithin the countr& E <62/ak friendship222never stable- <6 never a friend in need. E 3hina2/ak friendship #an& threats . 1a#aged i#age a#ong .usli# countries

considered 'illing association of ,reat 6atan.


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