Part 2 Diary of An Analyst

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Diary of An Analyst Part 2

Sunday 9-13-09
“I know firsthand the difference that robust and responsive government makes in the lives of a country's
citizens.” Excerpt from Daniel Bradford’s campaign website

Small world. Ran into assistant County Attorney Daniel Bradford

handing out campaign material inside the Carver Library.
“Bradford for Justice” says the card.

Wednesday 9-16-09
The gods at TWC sent me a late and incomplete reply to my
Public Information request. Who will hear my complaint?

Thursday 9-17-09
I’m stunned and speechless. The gods have acted again.

TWC has sent me notification that they have reopened both my

2001 and 2007 unemployment cases. One at the Commission
Appeal Level (2001) and the other to be heard by a hearing
officer (2007).

At my Travis County Judicial review, I argued that the Commission

had ‘super’ powers to open any unemployment case at anytime.
A god-like power that was not hindered by any time period. Their
AG lawyers claimed this was not true. The AG put their argument
in a purdy yellow booklet. I only cited the related law. Case
closed. I lost.

Monday 9-21-09
TWC open records sent me missing pages 14 and 16 from the
TWC replenishment transcript. Communications that initiated
these actions are missing. Why had they started working
feverishly on replenishment?
Tuesday 9-22-09
TWC met at 9:00 am. This is the first meeting after their letter
telling me they would make a decision on my reopened 2001
case. I decided not to attend meeting. I would wait for decision
on case.

Wednesday 9-23-09
I went to Bible study at my church. The pastor called Esther a
“prostitute.” I was reminded of the way the Austin Police
Department treated me. What does a woman have to do?

Thursday 9-24-09
Called TWC to see what Commission’s decision was in my 2001
case. The employee I spoke with claimed TWC was served with a
lawsuit. Therefore, they voided the rehearing of my 2001. Sued
by whom? What does that have to do with me and TWC making a
decision in this case? Nobody has told me anything about any

Employee claims TWC sent me a decision. I haven’t received it


Friday 9-25-09
Went to my PO Box at about 7:45 am. No letter from TWC
verifying what employee told me. No mail at all.

Called Travis County DA’s office several times to see if they were
suing TWC on my behalf. Played phone tag all day. Day ended
with no info.

Saturday 9-26-09
Didn’t go to PO Box because of UT game traffic is usually hell.

Analyzing the three alleged plots that were recently revealed.

Two of them worked at Diners. Cashier and Cook. I saw videos of
both Diners. The one most likely to work at a Diner owned a food
cart. What did he do before he bought the cart? Oh well, the
general common denominator right now is they were all in the
food prep, service and delivery business. Food.

Zazi allegedly was referring to the readiness of the attack by

texting, “The wedding cake is ready.” What other references and
conversations did he have about food and food preparation? Were
the food carts the planned delivery method for his “wedding
cake”? Was checking on his NY cart a cover story to come to NY
for plot? Why did he move to Colorado?

These are the questions I have.

Sunday 9-27-09
‘Nevermind,’ say the gods at TWC.
Went to PO Box. Letter from TWC corroborating what employee
told me: Rehearing voided because TWC was served lawsuit
before the Commission could make a decision. Called TWC and
left message. I deserve more information than was provided in
this short letter.

Posted copy of TWC’s 9-24-09 letter at about on scribd. Updated

Replenishment transcript by adding pages 14, 16. Started
publishing my diary again.

I think I’m going to throw up.

Monday 9-28-09
I didn’t throw up.
Called and spoke with TWC Director, Commission Appeals. He
said the lawsuit is my request for judicial review from 2008.
Travis County closed that March 2008 because they claimed they
lacked jurisdiction. I told the Director that the chronology was off
because TWC reopened case after Travis County case closed.

I called him back and continued chronology. Letter 9-9-09.

Meeting of Commission 9-22-09. TWC letter dated 9-23-09.
Wasn’t I on one of the dockets decided at 9-22-09 meeting?
Agenda shows two dockets of UI cases heard on 9-22-09 by
commission with Director, Commission Appeals present.
Commission Agenda for 9-22-09

Tuesday 9-29-09
Bad & ridiculous experience at the Travis County DA’s office.
Courtesy means not sending law enforcement to question
someone just because they put their first initial in the log book.
Courtesy means promptly returning phone calls. For there to be
true justice in Travis County, it must be available to all. One way
justice is injustice.

If Travis County feels someone needs to be questioned for putting

their first initial in their log book, why doesn’t TWC need to be
questioned for changing the dates of timely appeals? Why wasn’t
TWC questioned for concealing, destroying and altering the
records under their care? For altering government records?

The example of Travis County’s reluctance to investigate the

criminal acts of the Texas Workforce Commission is the way it is
in this county. It is not justice for TWC to commit criminal acts
against me and not be charged. However, TWC can bring cases
of alleged fraud to Travis County and the claimants are charged
and turned into debt slaves because they have no lawyers.
Violates 14th amendment.

Wednesday 9-30-09
Gov Perry is at it again. He just reconstituted the Texas Forensics
Science Commission. They were looking into the execution of
Todd Willingham.
Assistant County Attorney Daniel Bradford violated polices of the
Austin Public library when he handed out his campaign materials
on 9-13-09. Solicitation is not allowed inside the library. Neither
is distribution of his materials without “prior approval from the
librarian in charge.” An APL librarian would not have given
permission because solicitation is a prohibited activity inside the

Friday 10-2-09
Saw movie: “American Violet” at the NAACP state convention.
True story of a Texas city where cases were created against a
selected group of residents. One woman fought back instead of
letting her reputation be sullied without a fight.

Sunday 10-4-09
Published copy of Dr. Craig Beyler’s report on scribd. He analyzed
the methods used in the arson case against the late Todd
Willingham and found them lacking. Maybe Beyler’s testimony
won’t be heard, but his report can be read.

Friday 10-16-09
Sent email with handouts for 9:00 a.m. meeting to Asst DA
Beverly Mathews.

9:00 a.m.-Met with Asst DA Beverly Mathews and investigator

Mary Chin regarding her 9-10-09 letter opting not to prosecute
Texas Workforce Commission. Mathews said she did not get any
email from me. After meeting, sent follow-up info to Asst DA

Assistant County Attorney Daniel Bradford claimed not to have

any information responsive to my 10-2-09 info request. Truth is
he did not use due diligence. Again. This was his last day to deny

Monday 10-19-09
Asst CA Bradford revealed that he was looking under name Sara
Hawkins for my PIA request. ???? That’s his mistake. Now, that he
is looking under correct name he has declared it a new request
and sent it to the AG for decision. I told him his 10 days were up
Friday 10-16.

Wednesday 10-21-09
Complained to County Attorney Escamilla about the lack of due
diligence on the part of Bradford. Received email from Bradford
with his letter to AG’s office attached requesting to withhold info
from me. As usual, no response from Escamilla. Bradford has
screwed up TWC case, PIA request and his campaign by lack of
due diligence.

Follow-up email on 10-16-09 meeting to DA Lehmberg and Asst

DA Mathews. PIA request to DA Lehmberg.

Tuesday 10-27-09
Today Majic is leaving for a couple of days to attend a funeral. He
tells me not to look at him as he makes his final preparations.
What is wrong with him?
Wednesday 10-28-09
Went to rally against death penalty at state capitol. Chants
included “Hey Perry you can’t hide. We charge you with
homicide.” It was very sad. Rally started at 5:30 pm. The
mother of the man set to be executed at 6 p.m. was in

Throughout October I posted on the Dallas Morning News and

other websites on the case of Todd Willingham and the shakeup
of the Forensic Science Commission. Brought up 2-5-08 meeting
of TWC whenever possible to show Perry’s hold on Commissions
in Texas.

Saturday 10-31-09
As of today, any type of relationship with “Magic” is officially over.
No friendship. No hugs or kisses. No Nothing. After 16 years of
predictable normalcy, he did a 180. He’s acting nasty, irrational,
and tells one lie after another. Was he always lying to me? He
does it so easily. He scares me for the first time. I can’t hang
with his new Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde switch. Starting today, I will
keep my door locked. Walking on eggshells is just not my style. I
will just avoid. What is going on with him?

Tuesday 11-3-09
Saw a certified slip from Dept of Treasury-IRS for Majic. Is IRS
telling him he owes money? Is that why he is acting like an ass?

Wednesday 11-4-09
Follow-up email on 10-16-09 meeting sent to DA Lehmberg and
asst DA Mathews.

Friday 11-6-09
8:30pm -Majic comes home still on his irrational streak. I won’t
elaborate. Much. Phone rings and he takes a message. He
doesn’t tell me it is for me. It was four temp job assignments a
company wants me to complete. When I don’t call them back,
they parcel the assignments away Saturday morning.

Monday 11-9-09
Went to Mathew’s office to see if she has received any of my
follow-ups. Nope. Nada. I’ve even sent copies to DA. She will
check with DA’s assistant.

Tuesday 11-10
Participated in public communication at the Travis County
Commissioners meeting. I finally worked in the phrase, ‘let my
people go!’ Spoke on how it seems to be ‘who you are’ in Travis
County. Tightened up comments for later letter to Mathews.

Worked on Friday Night Lights TV show. Great pay, great food,

and beautiful people. Networked.

Wrote another follow-up communication to Assistant District

Attorney Beverly Mathews (on scribd). Faxed it. Emailed
sanitized copies to County Commissioners. I hope she finally
acknowledges receipt of this information from me.
Wednesday 11-11
Went to see Michael Dell speak.
Response from one Travis County Commissioner to my 11-10

Thursday 11-12
Met with Austin Police Monitor’s office to hear results of
investigation into three APD employees. I filed my complaint in
August. Today, I am finally hearing results of investigation. Next
time, just send me a letter telling me that you have covered it up.

These three months have been a waste of time. PM’s office had
sent me two letters after investigation was complete. Neither
said anything that gave me a clue to whether I would receive
justice in Travis County. Turns out Louis Gonzales who was over
my 2005 complaint was involved in this investigation process.

Spoke at Citizen’s Review Panel which is the next step in the PM

process. My case won’t be forwarded to this body til December. I
spoke in support of citizens who were scheduled for today. I
suggested that Ott and Acevedo tweak PM office.
Met two new IA employees. I like police officers. I just don’t like
bad cops. There was a time when I was slated for a position in
law enforcement, until the problem at Treasury. As the song
Extreme Ways by Moby says, “Oh baby, Oh baby then it fell apart,
fell apart” I can’t believe I stood in line for Treasury’s treatment.

Sunday 11-15
I’ve given up men and taken up knitting. The Austin NAACP
president will speak at the Travis County Commissioners Meeting
on Tues 11-17. It’s simulcast on the internet.

Tuesday 11-17
This morning, Austin NAACP chapter President Nelson Linder
spoke to Travis County Commissioners about the Travis County
DA’s handling of the Sander Case.
I looked for the video and minutes, but due to some sort of error
at Travis County they are not available. I will call and ask that it
be fixed.

Austin Police employee Majic plans to hide behind my ‘record’ to

keep himself from getting into trouble for his bad actions for the
past three weeks. He feels he can do whatever to me because of
it. He has trumped up a case in Travis County for my
punishment. Today, he called me ‘nothing’ and a ‘zero’ and was

My ‘record’ is how I became the victim of catastrophic crime

because of the negligence of the State of Texas,Travis County,
City of Austin and APD. Crimes that have been allowed to be
committed against me by those such as Treasury, Texas
Workforce Commission, Majic, and other ‘customers’ in Travis
County without investigation or prosecution. Nothing has stopped
them so they continue. This is how they manage their scare
resources by denying justice and assistance to some.

It is a long way from arresting actor Matthew McConaughey for

dancing naked in his Austin home to allowing homeowners to
assault, extort, abuse, and exploit designated citizens in this city.
That the cover up of our cries for help have become our ‘record’ is
cruel and unusual punishment and violation of the 8th, 14th
amendment of the constitution. That is the model for this county
and state.

I’ve already posted a chart on Scribd based on my experiences

with APD.

Wednesday 11-18-09
I started having problems sending emails after I posted the TX
Workforce Commission minutes for their 2-5-08 meeting on
Scribd. Yahoo message came up starting that for my own
protection it wasn’t sending email. I reported it, but nada from

Thursday 11-19-09
Newsflash, I’m broke. I ran out of money in October. It does not
take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Travis County does
nothing about TWC blocking my benefits and altering my
employment record that I would be broke by now. I reported it to
county attorney’s office about April 14. They did nothing and
now I am broke and have no money to leave Majic. If
TWC/Treasury and others are never charged with any crimes here
in Travis County, there is no restitution for me and no justice. No
money and no safe place to go. It is predictable.

Friday 11-20
I like cops. I just don’t like bad cops.

Next week, I have to defend myself in Travis County court Monday

against Majic’s false claim. We were dating when that treasury
employee contacted me 7-28-09. That is the entry that started
my diary because Treasury retaliation was still in play after all
these years. I’m done if he wins.

I’m thinking of suing City of Austin and the police officers listed in
my Police monitor complaint for conspiring with the perp to
retaliate against the victim of the crime thru constructive eviction,
removal of property and cover up of the real crime. This allows
the perp to file a false eviction case against victim such as the
one filed by my extortionist and Majic. All illegal.

I may post my Police Monitor complaint today.

In August, FBI HR contacted me after I inquired about a job. I
didn’t know if I should mention it at the time. In part 1 of my
diary, I wrote about how I contacted the San Antonio office 8-5-09
looking for a job and was rebuffed. Remember that I am the still
unnamed discoverer of the manifesto of the Twitter terrorist? I
got a call about 7pm shortly thereafter and it was the HR guy
providing an email to send my resume.
Back to the first entry on Diary part 1

My calls to female Treasury employee always went to a blind voicemail. No

matter what time I called she never answered. Finally, she left message that
she was riding bus because of car trouble. Claimed she has since bought a
car. I’m familiar with bus schedule and know that she would have to ride 3
buses each way to reach treasury office. Many hours on the bus each day.
Buses 392, 1, and #7 plus she had to walk a long distance to bus stop.
Didn’t wash with me, but I couldn’t investigate the phone number or alleged
facts to poke holes.

Saturday 11-21
…and smoking marijuana.
A seasoned police officer was parked in front of my residence doing
something on his computer. I approached and gave him a copy of my APD
chart. I didn’t want it said that I didn’t give APD a chance to respond. He
said Matthew McConaughey was in his house dancing nude, playing bongos
and smoking marijuana. “Get it right,” he said. I checked and he was right.

I told him how I roll the dice each time hoping to find a good living situation
on Craigslist or others ways, but usually those folks are looking to exploit.
Basically stated, he said the situations described on my chart mean that I
am not getting along with someone-extortion, assault, etc. The best
thing to do is move.

Is there someone who gets along with persons committing those crimes
against them? I am expected to uproot without proper investigation,
vindication, or justice each time. They didn’t even make sure my extortionist
couldn’t place another false ad to lure the next victim to her abode. This put
a black mark on my ‘record’ and her slate is clean.

Notation-Sara just doesn’t get along.

APD has family violence protection team. The state definition of family
means any person living in the same household. All those situations on the
chart are with people who meet that definition. I didn’t name the APD
collaborative group. They named themselves and should go by the state
definition. They should not arrive at the scene and ask, “were you in an
intimate relationship?” A person needs only to meet the def of family
violence to get help from APD’s family violence protection team. Well, in a
perfect world.
I consider those kickbacks. How the lack of investigation coupled with the
missing or falsified report helps the perp cash in at JP court.

Monday 11-23

Everyone lost in court today. The biggest loser was justice as always is in
Travis County.

City of Austin/Travis County is running an inverted protective order scheme

per my chart (on scribd). Instead of the victim getting charges or a
protective order against the perp, the police erase the crime and tell the
homeowner perp to take the victim to jp court. No investigation. Perp pays
Travis County (kickback???) and is able to retaliate against the victim by
winning a judgment for fabricated rent (kickback).

APD employee “Majic” attempted to cash in big on this perk for APD
customers. He filed false documents in court and perjured himself. He
greedily sought a $1950 kickback but was only awarded $200. Family
violence really pays in Travis County.

A note to parents: If you drag your ‘delicate’ daughter to court to lie for you,
you may be a bad parent. If you haven’t ended her co-sleeping by age 18,
you may be more than a bad parent. If the witness you bring to court is
recently under CPS investigation for her illegal daycare, you may be just
plain stupid. Feds are smarter than cops.

Tuesday 11-24
The FBI has asked Travis County assistant DA Beverly Mathews about my
Treasury/TWC case.

Thursday 11-26
APD employee Majic threatened a friend who came to help me with
trespassing charges. He refused me access to my personal items in storage.

Saturday 11-28
Returned from Thanksgiving getaway. Majic has tampered with my Kwikset
lock in my absence. Lock is dented and cover came off. Majic had power off
to my room.
Heard him dedicate “Superbad” by James Brown to his ‘partner’ David during
his KAZI radio broadcast this morning.

Sunday 11-29
Majic now know as Marion Nickerson did not go to church this morning.
When I left house to go somewhere, he immediately began trying to gain
entry to my room. I know this because I missed the bus and returned to the
house to find new dents on lock. I told him he owes me $25 for lock. He said
he would give me the pieces.

I called APD to report the vandalism of my lock. He retold his lies to the
officers. He claims that he filed charges against my friend who came by on
11-26 and has his license plate. He is unwelcome to return to house says
Nickerson. I told police this is abuse of his APD job. For the first time in 30
days, one of the officers told him he could not enter my room.

Monday 11-30
Assistant DA Bev Mathew is transferring to Child Abuse. She explained why
DA is not indicting TWC. I give her copy of APD chart and explain that it
because of no justice in Travis County.

I filed appeal. Nickerson did not harass me today for some unexplained
reason. Daughter’s mother is now staying at house.

Tuesday 12-1
At 10:22 am Nickerson returned home from APD. He made a beeline to my
room and told me he was going to have me arrested. He’s calling the police.
I asked for my phone from his locked storage unit and the internet so people
can contact me and me them. He refused.
If he wants me to leave, why is he doing everything to make it hard for me to
do that very thing? I walked out and did not return that day. Stayed with a

Wednesday 12-2
Talked to APD employee and she said APD employee Nickerson has denied
our relationship. I tell her it baffles me that he has been able to float that lie
for over 30 days. APD has around the clock detectives according to a 4-26-
09 Statesman story. How hard is it to check his phone calls and texts before
I moved in? It’s is not he said/she said if you do basic investigation.

Returned to house about 2:20 pm. About 2:50 pm, Someone with key
returned to house and turned off lights in my room, left house and drove

Thursday 12-3
Mail tampering. The reason I have not received most of my mail is that APD
employee Marion ‘Majic’ Nickerson has been intercepting it and tampering
with it. He told me that he was sending my mail back during one of his
tirades. Today, I emailed him and ask him to stop tampering with my mail.

I did get a letter from IRS telling me I owe them money. I was sorry to hear
of the fire adjacent to the IRS office last Friday.
Sunday 12-6-09
Wrote PM employee and asked for name of detective who investigated my
PM complaint.

Monday 12-7-09
3pm-still no response from PM office about name of detective. Sent another
request. Also asked for returned letter showing mail tampering by APD
employee Marion Nickerson.
Nickerson is friend of PM Brown and assistant PM Renita Sanders. Sanders
gave Nickerson her card when we attended ‘American Violet’ screening
during NAACP State Convention.

I realized PM’s office just messing with Austin citizens, while preparing for
presentation. Before the meeting Assistant PM Louis Gonzales orally told
me the name of the APD detective who investigated and two reviewers.
Refused to provide returned letter because part of file.

Tuesday 12-8-09
Assaulted by woman who identified herself as APD Nickerson’s ‘girlfriend.’
When I got to the house after 10pm, Nickerson had turned off power to my
room using breaker switches. I turned it back on. He turned it off.
Somewhere, Nickerson again lied and said there was no relationship between
us. I turned on oven. She turned it off. Nickerson began taking pictures of
me. He turned off TV because I was watching it. I got my camera to
document their harassment. She ordered me to leave. I refused. I looked
for my phone to call police. She followed me to my room. I found my phone
under seat in dining room. She called 911 before she assaulted me to have
them throw ME out. Misuse of 911? This is similar to Nickerson abuse of
police system to have me removed on 10-31 after his irrational behavior.

She pushed me over back of couch and I hit my head. It still hurts. During
assault, she was on phone to police. Nickerson grabbed at my camera
because he didn’t want to be on tape. He was holding my camera cables he
had taken when police arrived. I told police I wanted to press charges but
was told to be quiet. One officer told me someone would be arrested, if he
had to return. He said he meant me. While police were present she talked
about how she was MHMR and would snap. She had snapped. Police
catered to Nickerson. After police left, I overheard woman say she did ‘it’
because she was mad.

This is family violence. Where is the Family Violence Protection Team? I

think these incidents show a pattern and practice of APD denying 14th, 8th and 4th
amendment rights and not keeping me safe. It is not one officer it is many officers
at APD. Then, PM complaints are not properly investigated. I believe APD is in
violation of 42 USC 14141 Police Misconduct Statute. Without Travis County
Attorneys Office denying protective orders and no prosecution of false police
reports, this inverted justice system would not work.

Wednesday 12-9
APD’s family violence team gets its funding from the DOJ.

Thursday 12-10
As I left house for court, MHMR told me not to go out front door.

In court, Nickerson lied to Judge Scott about home phone service. He

pretended there was none. Nickerson lied about my friend. He told judge he
was paid locksmith. Nickerson has been contacting those perps who have
committed crimes against me—uninvestigated ones like his.
Emailed police monitor cliff brown for original tampered letter
Saturday 12-12
Head still hurts from assault. Spent the entire day in bed. Didn’t eat til after
9:30 pm.

Tues 12-15
Uploaded post assault video to

No response from Cliff Brown. Emailed and asked for denial in writing.

Got mail at house for the first time in a long long time. One piece is a check
with “return to sender” and “new address-po box 49175 austin,tx.” I may
need my old PO Box back.

Wednesday 12-16
Bought phone so I could make and receive calls at house. Picked up Police
reports from APD that nickerson had returned. Reading them it is clear-I
need witness protection. Officers removed all traces of violence against me
from reports in the first week. Family violence-no.

Friday 12-18
My appeal was received by Travis County Court on 12-16-09 per letter
received today. Got a missed delivery form from mailman for a certified
letter from Nickerson. Per a HB 2824, I get to ask for a lawyer

Monday 12-21-09
Spent the day job hunting. Found a good temp agency. Saw MHMR at

Summary Judgment. Returned to house to find an orange sticker on my

door. Nickerson went to court today and after an ex parte discussion with
Judge j. David Phillips a Writ of Possession was issued. I followed all the rules
so that I could have the JP ruling overturned, but Philips and Nickerson found
a way around it. I have until Tuesday to vacate house. No notice. No due
process. Welcome to Travis County. Unless, they just put a 24 hour date on
notice for fun.
I started reading a book about careers at the FBI. The first narrative was
about a man who watched the TV program The FBI and decided to become
an agent. He did. That is my story, but mine has no happy ending. I’m
saddled with all these bad faith evictions, falsified police reports and
uninvestigated crimes against me.

Tuesday 12-22
Today is Nickerson’s Birthday. Spent the day trying to find out information
about the suspicious Writ of Possession issued by Judge J. David
Phillips. Corruption, I say. This is the extreme bias mentioned in my chart.
Filed appeal stating my side and a request for an attorney. I may upload
them to scribd.

Under color of law, judge Phillips blocked my due process in Travis County
with extreme bias for Nickerson. Texas Rules of civil procedure clearly state
that I remain at residence during appeal if I follow the rules 749a-755. I
followed them all. I appealed. Paid rent into the court registry and was in
possession of the room. No justice in Travis County. I told you so.

Order claimed that I was given notice. Not true. Missed delivery slip from
mailman received 12-18 stated that I could pick up letter starting 8:30 am on
12-21. That is the day of the missed hearing. I followed the Rules of Civil
Procedure to overturn decision and sue Nickerson for a bad faith eviction.
Philips secretary said I won’t even get the lawyer because case closed. No
due process. She said she would not set hearing for appeal because I must
file a bond.

I am reminded of a quote from the Bourne Deception “there has been

enough suspicious activity in Austin around Sara Black for the last five years
to make it abundantly clear to a deaf, dumb and blind man that she is
targeted for termination.”

Page 1-appeal

Possession-page-1?secret_password=3l70r0y29gyy43dvyk9 Page 2-
Dec ember 23

Nickerson erased the record of the December 8 assaults. He gained access

to my video camera and erased the videotape. Just like the police omitted
Nickerson’s violence against me from the police reports. Nickerson returned the
favor. Portions of that video can still be found on

December 27,

I have again been left in a dangerous situation by the city of Austin and their Family
Violence Protection team partners.

Sent claim to city of Austin asking for $6,382,000 for their pattern and practice of
falsifying police reports in favor of their customers, cruel and usual punishment,
willful failure to keep me from harm, having a police monitor system that covers up
police wrongdoing and treats complainant as adversary, violation of 42 USC 14141,
etc. See for yourself

January 10

I saw Nickerson at the grocery store. I asked him to let me have my winter clothes
which he has withheld. He ignored me. We have had record cold here in Austin
with temperatures the low teens. Last week, my church also asked him to give me
my things. He also kept the spiral sliced ham which I had donated for a Christmas
dinner for the needy. He has my email and has not contacted to allow me to pick
up my things.

January 11

6:50 am-Called 311 to see if detective had been assigned to December 8 assaults.
Online APD incident database does not show any assignment. I was asked about
my involvement in incident. I said I was victim of assault and the perp called police.
Then, I was asked what address I was calling from to see if it fell under jurisdiction
of APD. I refused to provide this information. Why would I be asked for my
address? I feel very extremely unsafe letting APD know where I am.

January 17

Called a Domestic violence shelter. Told it would be unsafe for other residents
because Nickerson worked for APD and could find me.
MLK Holiday Monday January 18
There is a voicemail from an APD Lt. in Special investigations. I ask her to
look up case and tell my why it is in Special Investigations. Is it there for one
incident or for the full load of falsifications by those APD officers? Det for 10-
31 incidents told me it was in Special Investigations. I told Lt incident
reports falsified and threatened with arrest. Lt asked me, “What do you
hope to gain?” This is the same exact question APD victim services asked
me in December. I asked LT if this is a question from training. She did not
answer this question. She agreed to find who had case.

January 19, 2010

Connecting the dots. Watch the video of a recent incident with the APD.
APD calls it a civil matter between the gun show owner and the grocery
store when they were heavily involved. The Gun show owner calls it a
violation of the Constitution. I’ve heard it said that APD did these actions
under color of law. Remember, APD falsified reports to make the situation
between me and Nickerson look like a civil matter and me the suspect.
Nothing is what it seems.

January 20, 2010

Received call from APD Special investigation detective. His supervisor

passed him my phone number. He has had my case for the past several
weeks but has been unable to locate me. I find that very troubling. The APD
victim services person he spoke with has my email so I do not understand
why this DETECTIVE does not have it. He stated that it is only an inquiry not
an investigation. According to the (falsified) police reports, he does not see
where I claimed any “assaultive” behavior from Nickerson. I told him the
police officers falsified the police reports and removed the violence. He has
combed thru the police reports and didn’t find anything. I pointed him to the
fact that Officer Aguilar Lopez even covered up that Nickerson worked for
APD. I emailed him the video of the 12-8-09 incident where I again claimed
assault and asked file charges, but was denied. Again.

January 21, 2010 -No word from APD detective now that he has video.

January 22, 2010- Asked an unknown Austin FBI agent, why is there so
much corruption at APD? FBI is responsible for the investigation of 42 USC
14141 violations. My case is with APD Special investigations and a Det who
claims he was not been able to find me for the past several weeks. Set as an
inquiry not an investigation. It needs to be at Bravo level.

January 23, 2010-An investigation by an Austin lawyer finds APD side of

Texas Gunshow debacle untruthful and a ‘set up’ may have been involved in
reported arrest.

January 25-200 Protest at Austin Police Department HQ over alleged color

of law and U.S. Constitution violations related to the cancellation of the
Texas Gun show.

January 26-Received letter from City of Austin denying my claim for $6.3
Mill. It takes a city to cover up this corruption. A pebble was not even
overturned by city/Austin Police to find truth.

January 27-Still have not heard from the Police Monitor’s office about plans
for any further investigation of the Craigslist extortionist and APD actions.

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