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Proverbs Bible Study Commentary

Solomons wise lessons

An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Old estament Boo! o" #roverbs cha$ters % to &

Keith Simons
This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. Words in boxes are from the Bible.

About the Book of Proverbs

King Solomon ruled the nation of srael for !" years. #e brought $eace and wealth to the nation. Solomon%s workmen built $alaces& and the great tem$le 'house of (od in )erusalem*. The $eo$le of srael learned arts& sciences and music. When he was young& Solomon obeyed (od. #e asked (od for wisdom& and (od gave it to him '+ Kings ,-.& +/*. 0ther rulers& including the 1ueen of Sheba& visited Solomon '+ Kings +"-+2+,*. She asked him many 1uestions. #is answers showed great knowledge of many sub3ects. #e taught about $lants& animals and fish. Solomon became more and more famous. Solomon learned and wrote many $roverbs 'wise words*. #e collected ,""" $roverbs '+ Kings !-/.2,!*. The Book of 4roverbs contains many of these $roverbs. The Book of 4roverbs also contains other lessons about wisdom. And the Book of 4roverbs contains many $oems about wisdom. Solomon also wrote 5cclesiastes and the Song of Solomon in the Bible. The Bible also contains some other books about wisdom. These books are )ob& 5cclesiastes and )ames. And )esus taught lessons about wisdom in 6atthew cha$ters 7 to 8 and 9uke cha$ters ++ to +:.

Sections of the Book of Proverbs

The Book of 4roverbs has : main sections Solomon%s wise lessons '4roverbs +-+ to 4roverbs .-+;* The $roverbs 'wise words* of Solomon '4roverbs +"-+ to 4roverbs //-+:* ," wise lessons '4roverbs //-+8 to 4roverbs /!-,!* 6ore of Solomon%s $roverbs 'wise words* '4roverbs /7-+ to 4roverbs /.-/8* The $u<<les of Agur and 9emuel '4roverbs ,"-+ to 4roverbs ,+-.*

A $oem about a $erfect wife '4roverbs ,+-+"2,+* This document contains the first section& 4roverbs +-+ to 4roverbs .-+;. The other sections are available on our website.

Chapters in this part of the Book of Proverbs

=se these links to go to the start of each cha$ter.
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4roverbs + > 4roverbs / > 4roverbs , > 4roverbs ! > 4roverbs 7 > 4roverbs : > 4roverbs 8 > 4roverbs ; > 4roverbs .

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Solomons Wise Lessons

(Proverbs 1 1 to Proverbs ! 1"#

Proverbs chapter 1
v1 This book sets out Solomon%s $roverbs 'wise words*. Solomon was ?avid%s son& and the king of srael. #is $roverbs will hel$ you in many ways. v$ @ou will receive wisdom and disci$line. @ou will understand words of wisdom. v% @ou will be careful and wise. @our actions will be right and fair. v& f you are sim$le& then you will learn more. @oung $eo$le will learn knowledge& and learn to be careful. v' The wise $erson will become wiser. The intelligent $erson will be ready to acce$t advice. v( @ou will understand wise words and stories. @ou will understand even difficult words of wisdom. Aerse + Solomon wrote both $roverbs 'wise words* and songs. n all& he collected ,""" $roverbs '+ Kings !-/.2,!*. The Book of 4roverbs contains many of them. This book teaches us how we should live. t ex$lains the way of wisdom. t warns us about being foolish. Aerses /2, The wise $erson honours (od& and (od $rotects him. A foolish $erson refuses to obey (od. There are many dangers for such a $erson. The Book of 4roverbs ex$lains these dangers. Solomon tells us about four ty$es of $erson. 5ach will benefit from Solomon%s wise words. Aerse ! )he simple person Today& we should not call someone Bsim$le%. We might offend him. #e would think that we su$$osed him to be stu$id. n the Book of 4roverbs& a sim$le $erson is someone who is not wise. By the word Bsim$le%& Solomon means more than this. A sim$le $erson has not learned to be wise. So he is in danger. 5vil $eo$le can easily lead sim$le $eo$le to do evil actions. But nobody is really good. B5veryone does evil things. 5veryone fails when you use (od%s standards% 'Comans ,-/,*. We are all sim$le $eo$le by (od%s standards. (od wants the sim$le $erson to learn his wisdom. This begins when we invite (od into our lives. Then (od will hel$ us to become wise. We must grow in wisdom& and we must grow in our knowledge of (od. *oun+ people The Book of 4roverbs is $oetry. Some $oems are very short and other $oems are longer. The style of the $oems may seem unusual. Sometimes& one line has the same meaning as the next. Sometimes lines contrast with each other. n other $laces& the meaning develo$s from line to line. Watch out for these different styles. These $oems hel$ us to remember the $roverbs. The $eo$le believed that they should remember $roverbs 'wise words*. Dathers taught $roverbs to their sons. 6others taught them to their daughters. (randchildren learned them from their grand$arents. Children had to use their memories. The adults tested the children%s memories. n this way& children learned to be wise. n the future& when $roblems came& they would know the right thing to do.
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Dor the same reason& we should learn Bible verses today. We should teach them to our children. n this way& we shall learn true wisdom. 6any things in the world change. There are new inventions& for exam$le television. There are new illnesses& for exam$le A ?S. There are revolutions and new governments. Wisdom does not change. Solomon gave advice that is still good. #e wrote wise words and they are still wise today. Today%s young $eo$le will grow old. Wisdom that we teach them now will remain with them. Aerses 72: )he ,ise person A wise $erson loves wisdom. B#e loves (od%s law. #e is always thinking about it.% '4salm +-/*. #e always wants to learn more. #e is never too tired to think about wisdom. #e still makes mistakes. BShow a wise man how he is wrongE #e will love you for your correction.% '4roverbs .-;*. #e even wants you to teach him. BTeach a wise man and he will become still wiser.% '4roverbs .-.*. We can all learn more. We can all grow in knowledge. The Bible teaches us (od%s wisdom. )he intelli+ent person 9ike the wise $erson& the intelligent $erson wants to learn. #e will ask for advice. #e is trying to understand (od%s ways. As he studies& he will know more. #e will even understand difficult words of wisdom. v- Ces$ect (odE Knowledge begins with this lesson. Dools hate wisdom and disci$line. Aerse 8 When you learned 5nglish& you started with easy words. When you learn any sub3ect& you must start with easy lessons. The first lesson in wisdom is that we must res$ect (od. #e made everything. #e is greater than we are. We must give honour to him. A $erson who does not know (od may be clever. #e may have many skills. We can learn many things from him. Such a $erson lacks something im$ortant. #e has learnt many lessons. But he has missed the first lesson. Wisdom begins when a $erson res$ects (od. We should try to show a better way to this $erson. The o$$osite of a wise $erson is a fool. '@ou would offend a $erson& if you called him a fool.* A fool intends to do evil things. A sim$le $erson does evil things& because he does not know wisdom. But a fool does evil things& because he hates wisdom. We want to show (od%s way to such $eo$le. But this is difficult. )esus said& B?o not give valuable things to $igs% '6atthew 8-:*. Wisdom is valuable. Sometimes we must leave a fool to be foolish. A $ig does not a$$reciate things that are valuable to us. A fool does not a$$reciate the value of wisdom. We can learn from the mistakes of fools. We must not co$y their mistakes. A fool hates wisdom and disci$line. f we are wise& we shall love wisdom and disci$line. v" 6y son& listen to your fatherE ?o not forget your mother%s words. v! Wear them like a crown for your head or a chain for your neck. v1. 6y son& if evil men tem$t you& do not give in to themE v11 They might say& BCome with usE We shall attack an innocent man. v1$ We shall destroy him. We will be as cruel as hell to that man. v1% We shall take his riches. #is wealth will belong to us. v1& )oin usE We shall share everything.% v1' 6y son& do not listen to themE ?o not follow themE v1( They are 1uick to do wrong deeds. They do not hesitate to kill innocent men. v1- @ou cannot set a tra$ for birds whilst they watch you. v1" These thieves attack only themselves. v1! n the end& a thief will destroy himself. #is evil $lan will cause his own death.
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Aerses ;2. n Solomon%s time& both $arents educated their children. t is good when children can learn from both $arents. We should listen to wisdom. Wisdom is beautiful& and it is valuable. To $ossess it is like a crown on the head. 0r& it is like a gold chain round the neck. To obtain wisdom& we must study. And we need disci$line. We cannot become wise 1uickly. But wisdom will im$rove our lives. Some $eo$le imagine that they know a 1uicker way to im$rove their lives. Solomon warns about such $eo$le in verses +"2+.. They offer friendshi$ 'verse +!*. But their friendshi$ cannot last because their $lan is evil. They offer rich rewards 'verse +,*. But really they will suffer a terrible fate 'verse +.*. Wisdom is much better than any evil $lan. Aerses +"2+: )he thieves plan n Solomon%s story& a band of thieves have a cruel $lan. The thieves ask a young man to 3oin them. Together& they will attack someone else. They will steal from him& and murder him. The young man and the thieves soon will become wealthy. The young man does not realise the true $lot. Aerses +82+. The truth is this. The thieves also intend to kill the young man. This means that the thieves will kee$ all the money. Solomon%s story teaches us about evil behaviour. An evil life is not fun. t is dangerous. The evil $erson risks a terrible end. The young man in the story thought that he would become wealthy. n reality& he lost everything. Solomon warns us not to make the same mistake. v$. Wisdom is like a woman who calls aloud in the street. She shouts in the market $lace v$1 She calls at the city s1uare. She s$eaks at the city gate. v$$ B f you are sim$le& then change your waysE f you insult $eo$le& then you must sto$E f you are foolish& then you must learn the truthE v$% f you answer me& then shall teach my thoughts to you. v$& But you have refused my wisdom. Fobody listened to me. v$' @ou did not hear my advice. @ou did not change your life when corrected you. v$( @our $unishment will be severe& and shall laugh at you. v$- 5vil things will destroy you& like a sudden storm. Troubles will attack you& like a sudden wind. Troubles and $ain will overcome you. v$" BThen these $eo$le will call to me. n that day& shall not answer. They will search for me& but they will not find me. v$! They hated knowledge and did not res$ect (od. v%. They did not acce$t advice or correction. v%1 BAs a $lant has fruit& their evil behaviour will have an evil reward. v%$ f they are sim$le& they will wander and die. 9a<y attitudes will destroy a fool.
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v%% But the $erson who listens to wisdom is safe. #e can relax and he will not be afraid.% Aerses /"2/: )he ,oman called Wisdom n his second story& Solomon tells us about a woman. This woman%s name is Wisdom. The woman is u$set& and she is angry. This is why she shouts. #er children are not obeying her. They refuse her advice. She walks through the streets and she com$lains to everyone. She even goes to the city gate. n ancient times& 3udges were at the city gate. She wants to obtain a 3udgement against her children. They are sim$le& evil and foolish 'verse //*. They deserve $unishment 'verse /:*. Aerses /82,, She obtains 3udgement. Their $unishment is severe. This is because they refused wisdom. They did evil things. Fow they will suffer a terrible $unishment. Their $unishment is sudden& like a storm. t is $owerful& like the wind. 'Aerse /8* We are all like Wisdom%s children. We can learn to be wise. 0r we can refuse to listen to wise words. Wisdom begins when we res$ect (od 'verse 8*. f we res$ect (od& then (od will reward us. But if we do evil things& then we shall suffer a terrible $unishment. 5verybody does evil things. So we must turn to (od. We must be sincere. Then (od will forgive us and teach us his wisdom. #e sent )esus to take away our $unishment.

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Proverbs chapter $
v1 6y son& acce$t my wordsE #ide my commands inside yourselfE v$ @ou must listen to wisdom. @ou should desire to learn. v% Ask for knowledgeE Cry aloud to learn moreE v& 9ook for wisdom& as you would look for silverE Search for it& as you would search for goldE v' Then you will understand how to res$ect (od. Then you will really know (od. v( This is because wisdom is (od%s gift. (od%s words $rovide knowledge and wisdom. v- #e brings success to those who do right. #e $rotects honest $eo$le. v" #e guards good $eo$le. #e $rotects those who trust him. Aerses +2! )he search for ,isdom We must greatly desire wisdom. We must listen to it. We must desire it. We must ask 1uestions& so that we can learn more. We must hunt for wisdom& like someone who searches for gold. 4salm !/-+ is similar. B6y s$irit needs (od like a deer 'wild animal* needs the streams of water.% The animal searches for water. We also must search for wisdom. Also see )ob /;. A man digs dee$ into the earth. #e breaks through the rock. #e enters $laces that no animal has seen. #e finds gold and silver. #e discovers many things. #owever& he cannot find wisdom there. Wisdom is not in the dee$ sea. @ou cannot buy wisdom 2 not even with gold. BCes$ect (odE This is true wisdom. Cefuse to do evil thingsE This is true intelligence.% ')ob /;-/;* Aerses 72; )he re,ard of ,isdom f we res$ect (od& then we shall become wise. (od gives his wisdom to us. We are his $eo$le& and he guards us. #e defends us& and he $rotects us. 4salm /, com$ares (od to a man who owns shee$. The farmer looks after his shee$. #e $rovides their food and water. #e cares about them. n the same way& (od looks after us. When we are in danger& (od $rotects us. v! (od%s wisdom will teach you what is right. @ou will understand how to make good decisions. @ou will see what is fair. @ou will walk in good $aths. v1. Wisdom will enter your heart. Knowledge will be a $leasure for your mind. v11 Cight decisions will $rotect you. The things that you have learned will guard you. v1$ Wisdom will save you from evil men. Wisdom will save you from their evil words. v1% 5vil men leave the right road. They walk down dark $aths. v1& They love to do wrong things. They are glad to do evil things.
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v1' They choose the wrong $ath. Their way is wrong. Aerses .2+7 )he /ourney of life The Bible often com$ares life to a 3ourney. Abraham%s whole life was a 3ourney. #e travelled from =r to #aran& and then to Canaan. B#e searched for the city that (od built.% '#ebrews ++-+"* #e did not find this $lace on earth. BThese $eo$le wanted a better $lace& in heaven. (od is not ashamed to be called their (od. #e has $re$ared a city for them.% '#ebrews ++-+:* )esus com$ared life to a 3ourney. B5nter by the narrow gateE ?o not choose the wide gate or the easy roadE 6any $eo$le go that way. The easy road leads to death. 9ook for the small gate and the narrow road. 0nly a few $eo$le find it& but it leads to life.% '6atthew 8-+,2+!* The Book of 4roverbs also tells us about two ways. n verse +,& evil men walk in dark $aths. They hide from the light& because light would show u$ their evil behaviour. n verse +7& Solomon says that evil men choose the wrong $aths. t is easy to choose the wrong $ath in the darkE This wrong $ath is like their evil behaviour. Their behaviour is like a road that leads to death and hell 'verse +;*. f we follow (od%s wisdom& then our $aths are good 'verse .*. We are like travellers who choose the right way. We know where we are going. We act fairly. 0ur decisions are good. This is the right road for life%s 3ourney. t leads to heaven 'verse +.*. v1( Wisdom will also save you from wrong desires. Another man%s wife will not attract you. She tem$ts you to come to her. But she has left her husband. v1- When she married him& she made $romises. (od heard those $romises. v1" ?o not go into her houseE #er house leads to death. #er $aths lead to hell. v1! f you go to her& then you will not return. @ou will not go to heaven. Aerses +:2+. n these verses& a woman tries to tem$t a man. ?euteronomy 7 lists +" commands that (od gave. 0ne command was& B?o not have sex with someone elseGs wife or husband.% '?euteronomy 7-+;* The woman in the Book of 4roverbs refuses to follow this command. A man who goes to her is in danger. Solomon is teaching us about other wrong actions. Sometimes wrong actions are attractive. Sometimes evil thoughts tem$t us. Sometimes we might think that (od%s law is not fair. 4erha$s the man likes the woman. #owever& he must not go to her. We must not do wrong actions& when evil thoughts test us. The devil even tested )esus '6atthew !-+2++*. But )esus did nothing that was wrong against (od. (od gives his wisdom to us. #is Bible teaches us how we should live. f we turn from (od& this is like leaving your husband or wife. When you became a Christian& you $romised to follow (od. 5vil thoughts may still tem$t you. 0ther religions may tem$t you. Sex may tem$t you. ?o not break your $romise to (odE )esus said& B am the way. The only way to the father '(od* is through me.% ')ohn +!-:* 5ven Solomon& who wrote the Book of 4roverbs& turned away from (od in the end. #e had many wives. Some followed other religions. With his wives& Solomon $rayed to other gods. The Bible says that Solomon%s actions were evil. '+ Kings ++-+2+,* We should learn from Solomon%s mistake. (od gave great wisdom to Solomon. Solomon taught wisdom. #is Book of 4roverbs still teaches wisdom to us today. We must follow (od. We must desire (od%s wisdom. We must not be like Solomon when he turned from (od. v$. ?o right& and you will walk with good men. @ou will go along the right $aths. v$1 Those that do right will live in the land. They will remain there. The land will be theirs. v$$ 5vil $eo$le must leave the land. Their enemies will lead them away.
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Aerses /"2// )he land (od gave land to the nation of srael. #e warned them to follow his commands. f the nation turned away from (od& then they would lose their land. '?euteronomy /;* Solomon knew that (od had warned them. After Solomon& the $eo$le served false gods. Some kings were good& but most were evil. (od did not $unish that nation immediately. (od told the $eo$le to return to him. They did not return. After a war& they lost their land. As Christians& our land is not this world. We are only visitors& because we belong elsewhere. 0ur real home is in heaven '#ebrews ++-+,2+:*. We must follow (od. #e will lead us to heaven. #e has $re$ared a $lace for us in heaven ')ohn +!-+2!*.

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Proverbs chapter %
v1 6y son& do not forget my law. Kee$ my commands in your heart. v$ 6y commands will bring you long life. They will bring you wealth. Aerse + Cha$ter , begins& as usual& with advice for Solomon%s son. Solomon encourages his son to remember his commands. The son must remember the words. But he should also aim for a dee$er ex$erience. Wisdom should enter his heart. Wisdom should guide his thoughts. Wisdom should control his emotions and desires. Aerse / The son will benefit from wisdom. Solomon mentions health and wealth. Wisdom brings health& because wisdom teaches safe actions. A wise $erson eats good food and takes care of his body. Wisdom brings wealth& because the wise $erson is careful. The wise $erson works hard and he does not waste money. ?o not think that health and wealth show wisdom. A thief can become wealthy& because he steals. An evil $erson can take money from other $eo$le. Sometimes (od gives health and wealth to a $erson& but not always. BCemember (odE #e makes you able to get wealthH% '?euteronomy ;-+;* True health is not only the health of the body. @our relationshi$ with (od must also be healthy. n fact& your relationshi$ with (od is more im$ortant than your body. See 6atthew 7-/.2,". Solomon was very wealthy. But he knew that true wealth is not money. See 4roverbs ,-+!2+7. Wisdom is worth more than silver or gold. Wisdom is worth more than all our money. v% Fever let love and trust leave you. Wear them about your neck. Write them on your heart. v& @ou will win love and honour. (od and $eo$le will show you love and honour Aerses ,2! 9ove and trust should always be with us. As Solomon writes this& he is thinking about ?euteronomy :-82.. BTeach (od%s law to your children. Talk about (od%s law at homeE Talk about it& when you travelE Talk about it& when you lie downE Talk about it& when you wakeE Tie the words of (od%s law on your handsE Tie the words about your headE Write (od%s law at the side of your doors and gatesE% BWear them about your neck.% @ou cannot really wear love and trust. But you can show your love and trust to other $eo$le. 5verybody will know your attitudes when they see your behaviour. BWrite them on your heart.% @ou cannot really write Blove and trust% on your heart. But love and trust should direct your whole life& even in $rivate. 9ove and trust should direct your thoughts& $lans and attitudes. 9ove and trust should always be in your heart and mind. 9ove and trust should not be 3ust ideas. We must not remember them today& and then forget them tomorrow. They must be $art of our lives. They should guide every decision. v' Trust in (od with your whole heart. ?o not de$end on your own intelligenceE v( Wherever you go& think about (od. #e will clear the $ath for you to follow. Aerses 7 Aerses 7 and : are very im$ortant. t is a good idea to learn them. They will hel$ us if we worry about the future.
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BTrust in (od.% 4eo$le trust many things. Some trust money. Some trust governments. 0ther $eo$le trust luck or fate. @ou might trust your family or your church. Sometimes all these things will fail. But (od never fails. B(od is like a castle. We are safe with him& because he is strong. #e is always with us. #e $rotects us whenever there are troubles.% '4salm !:-+* B@our whole heart.% 4erha$s you trust (od sometimes& but not at other times. Some $eo$le become Christians& but do not trust (od with their whole hearts. (od is $art of their lives& but only $art. 6aybe they want (od at home& but not at work. (od wants our whole hearts. We should always desire his wisdom. #e wants us to live as Christians at work and at home. We must trust (od& even when our lives are difficult. (od encourages us to trust him in everything. B?o not de$end on your own intelligenceE% (od is wiser than we are. We may know many things& but (od knows everything. We must not be $roud. We must not imagine that we are wiser than (od. Aerse : The future is unknown to us. But (od knows the future. #e is able to lead us. #e can guide us. We should trust him& and not our own ideas. So we should $ray to (od about our lives. We should ask him to hel$ us and to guide us. BWherever you go& think about (od.% These words remind us that life is like a 3ourney. We shall have many ex$eriences. Some ex$eriences will be good. 0ther ex$eriences will be bad. Wherever we are& we should think about (od. We should remember (od%s $lace in our lives. f life is like a 3ourney& then we must follow (od. #e knows the right $ath. #is way is the right way. B#e will clear the $ath for you to follow.% Another translation is- B#e will show the right $ath to you.% We can trust (od to guide us. v- ?o not be $roud about your own wisdom. Ces$ect (od and refuse to do evil actions. v" This will bring health to your body. This will bring strength to your bones. Aerse 8 Wron+ types of ,isdom and intelli+ence There is a wrong ty$e of wisdom. Aerse 8 mentions Byour own wisdom%. There is also a wrong ty$e of intelligence. Aerse 7 mentions Byour own intelligence%. There is a difference between our own wisdom and (od%s wisdom. Also& there is a difference between our own intelligence and (od%s intelligence. (od is wiser than we are. And (od is more intelligent than any $erson is. See saiah 77-;2.. We must not be $roud. All true wisdom comes from (od. 0ur own ideas may be good. But they are never better than (od%s wisdom. (od teaches his wisdom to us. t is (od%s gift to us. ?o not confuse your own ideas with (od%s wisdomE Aerse ; Sometimes our wrong ideas cause illnesses. Dor exam$le& excess alcohol will make us ill. But (od%s wisdom does not hurt us. (od is kind to us and he hel$s us. #e cares about our bodies. #e also cares about our s$irits. Fobody will be ill in heaven 'Cevelation /+-!*. The wisdom that we need is (od%s wisdom. v! =se your wealth to give honour to (od. (ive him the first $art of your harvest. v1. Then your harvest will be vast. @our new wine will be $lentiful. Aerses .2+" n 6alachi ,-:2+/& 6alachi accuses the $eo$le. #e says that they have stolen from (od. This is because they have not given their gifts for (od%s work.
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The truth is that all our $ossessions belong to (od. #e made the world. So he made everything that we have. 0ur own lives belong to him. As Christians& we should be generous. We should give for (od%s work. We should also give to hel$ $oor $eo$le. 4eo$le may say& B f give& then shall not have enough for myself.% We should be sensible& but we must also trust (od. (od says& B do not need your animals. 5very animal in the forest is mine. own the cows on +""" hills.% '4salm 7"-.2+"* f we give our money for (od%s work& then (od will $rovide for us. )esus said& B f you give to (od& then he will give to you. #e will $rovide $lenty of food for you. f you are generous& then (od will be generous with you.% '9uke :-,;*. (od does not need our wealth. #owever& he chooses to work with us. We should be glad to give to (od. B(od loves a 3oyful giver.% '/ Corinthians .-8* As we give to other $eo$le& (od gives good things to us. BH will o$en heaven. will give good things to you. @ou will receive so many good things& that you cannot find s$ace for them.% '6alachi ,-+"* v11 6y son& do not be angry when (od teaches you. ?o not dislike it when he s$eaks strictly to you. v1$ (od s$eaks strictly to $eo$le whom he loves. #e is like a father. #e s$eaks strictly to his favourite son. Aerses ++2+/ 6any $eo$le do not want to learn how to behave well. They want to choose how they will live their lives. (od is our father. A father teaches his son. Sometimes& the father must correct or $unish his son. n the same way& (od corrects us. (od does not correct us because he is angry. (od corrects us because he loves us. A human father should not $unish his child because the father is angry. Cather& the father corrects the child because the father loves his child. f (od corrects us& then we should be glad. #is correction teaches us to do the right things. #is correction will save us from troubles. )esus s$oke about this in )ohn +7-+2;. #e com$ares (od to a gardener. We are like a vine 'fruit tree*. B f a branch has no fruit& (od cuts it shorter. #e does this so that the branch will have more fruit.% ')ohn +7-/* (od does not forget about us. #e watches us. #e sees our errors. n love& he corrects us. #e might correct us by some word that we read in the Bible. #e might use the advice of other $eo$le& for exam$le& a minister or friend. #e might even use someone who is not a Christian. B f you hear (od%s voice today& do not refuse himE% '#ebrews ,-+7* There is a different& ancient translation of verse +/. #ebrews +/-: co$ies this translation. t says& B(od $unishes everyone whom he receives as a son.% #ebrews +/-82++ ex$lains these words. (od corrects us& because we are his children. f he did not correct us& we should not be his children. We res$ect our natural fathers who correct us. n the same way& we must res$ect (od. Sometimes correction includes $unishment. B4unishment is not $leasant at the time. 4unishment seems $ainful. 9ater& however& it $roduces something good. We learn $eace& and we learn right actions.% '#ebrews +/-++* v1% Wisdom is like a woman. She makes the $erson who finds her ha$$y. She makes the $erson who learns her lessons ha$$y. v1& She is worth more than silver. She is even more valuable than gold. v1' She is more valuable than $recious stones. Fo valuable things com$are with Wisdom. v1( #er right hand gives long life. #er left hand gives wealth and honour. v1- #er ways are $leasant.
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#er $aths are beautiful. v1" f you gras$ her& she will give a good life to you. She brings ha$$iness to those who hug her. Aerses +,2+; n 4roverbs +-/"2,,& Solomon describes wisdom as a woman. This ha$$ens again in 4roverbs ,-+,2+;. There is a difference. n 4roverbs +& Wisdom is angry with evil $eo$le. They have refused her advice. n 4roverbs ,& we read about the $eo$le who love Wisdom. Wisdom brings good things to themI long life& wealth and honour 'verse +:*. When we walk with Wisdom& our life is $leasant and beautiful 'verse +8*. Aerses +!2+7 These verses com$are Wisdom to valuable ob3ects. She is worth more than $recious stones. #er value is more than silver or gold. @ou can $ut your money in a bank. The bank will $ay you an income. #owever& the bank is not as good as Wisdom. f you give your life to Wisdom& she will $ay more than any bank. Fo bank can make your life longer. But Wisdom can give a long life. Fo bank can $romise you a $lace in heaven. But wisdom can $romise this. Fo bank can make you right with (od. Wisdom can do this. Aerse +; The ha$$iness that wisdom brings is not 3ust an emotion. This is the same ha$$iness that )esus describes in 6atthew 7-,2+/. When (od forgives our evil actions& we receive his 3oy in our s$irits. Sometimes our lives will still be difficult. Sometimes& we shall be very sad. 5ven then& (od will comfort us. #e will look after us. Although we are sad& (od%s 3oy will still be in our hearts. And we will have good lives& because (od will hel$ us. ?avid wrote& B5ven when death is near& you '(od* are with me. So& am not afraid. @ou guide and comfort me% '4salm /,-!*. ?avid was not ha$$y when he was in danger. But he knew that (od%s 3oy was in his s$irit. So he was not afraid of the dangers that surrounded him. v1! (od created the world by his wisdom. #e created the heavens by his skill. v$. #is knowledge caused the rivers to flow. And the clouds dro$$ed gentle rain. Aerse +.2/" We all need wisdom. 5ven (od used his wisdom to make the world. This $aragra$h is similar to )ohn +-+2,. B n the beginning was the word. The word was with (od. The word was (od. #e was with (od in the beginning. (od made everything by his word. #e made nothing without the word.% )ohn ex$lains that Bthe word% means )esus. )esus was always with (od& because )esus is (od. v$1 6y son& hold firmly to wisdom and right decisions. ?o not let them esca$e from youE v$$ These things will bring you a long and beautiful life. They are like a $recious stone on a chain about your neck. v$% f you are wise& then your 3ourney will be safe. And your foot will not tri$. v$& When you lie down& you will not be afraid. @ou will slee$ in $eace. v$' ?o not fear sudden dangersE An evil man will lose everything. v$( But (od will $rotect you. #e will save you from dangers. Aerse // )rue beauty
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Aerse // reminds us of verse ,. Aerse , tells us to wear love about our necks. n many countries& women dis$lay their beautiful ob3ects. They wear gold& silver and $recious stones on chains about their necks. Aerse // encourages us. There are $lenty of beautiful things for us. Cight decisions& love and wisdom are all beautiful things. They are better than any $recious stone. (old and silver may be beautiful. Wisdom is more beautiful than any valuable ob3ects. Aerses /,2/: This is another $assage that com$ares life with a 3ourney. This $assage teaches us that (od will $rotect us. We have nothing to fear. 6any 4salms teach a similar lesson. See 4salm +/+& 4salm !:-+& and 4salm :/-/. Aerse /! gives us s$ecial comfort. We cannot $rotect ourselves at night. n the dark& there are many dangers. 6any $eo$le struggle to slee$. We should trust in (od. #e can kee$ us safe. #e can $rotect us. B@ou do not benefit if you wake early. @ou do not need to work at night for your food. (od gives slee$ to the $eo$le whom he loves.% '4salm +/8-/* v$- Be kind to those who deserve good things. ?o not refuse if you can hel$ them. v$" f you can hel$ your neighbour today& then hel$ himE ?o not wait until tomorrowE v$! @our neighbour trusts you. ?o not $lot against himE ?o not hurt himE v%. ?o not accuse an innocent man. #e is not guilty& and he has not hurt you. Aerses /82/; )esus said& B9ove your neighbour as much as you love yourselfE% '6ark +/-,+* n 9uke +"-,"2,8& )esus told the story of the (ood Samaritan '9uke +"-,"2,8*. A Samaritan was a $erson from a nation that the $eo$le from )erusalem disliked ')ohn !-.*. )esus told his story to ex$lain the word Bneighbour%. n the story& a Samaritan rescued a man from )erusalem. The Samaritan cared& because this man needed hel$. So& )esus argued& this other man was the Samaritan%s neighbour. We should do the same. We should care about everyone whom (od sends to us. )esus discussed this sub3ect again in 6atthew 7-!,2!;. B@ou have heard the words- J9ove your neighbour. #ate your enemy.K am telling you to love your enemies. 4ray for anyone who attacks you.% '6atthew 7-!,2!!* The $eo$le in )esus% time thought that they should hate their enemies. But the Bible does not tell us to hate our enemies. n fact& )esus said that we should love our enemies. )esus even $rayed for the $eo$le who killed him. BDather& forgive themE They do not know what they are doing.% '9uke /,-,!* v%1 ?o not be 3ealous of cruel menE ?o not behave like themE v%$ (od hates evil men. #onest men are friends of (od. Aerse ,+ 4eo$le like to follow a leader. They might co$y a film star. They might act like their teacher. They could behave like their ruler. We must be careful if we choose a model. f we co$y an evil $erson& then we shall become evil. 5ven a holy $erson makes mistakes and could lead us in the wrong way. Aerse ,/ (od has both friends and enemies. f we are evil& (od hates us as enemies. This is because he hates our evil actions. #owever& (od wants evil $eo$le to change their lives. (od has great love& even for his enemies. This is why he sent )esus. BCemember thisE J)esus came into the world to save evil $eo$le.K was the worstE% '+ Timothy +-+7. 4aul wrote this $assage.*

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#onest $eo$le are (od%s friends. We can all become honest. Dirst& we must trust in )esus. )esus% death takes away the $unishment for our evil actions. Then (od forgives us. #e makes us his friends. Fow we must learn more. (od will teach us. #e will use the Bible to teach us. #e will also use other $eo$le. We should live (od%s way. We should try to be honest. (od will hel$ us. Dormerly& we o$$osed (od. We were his enemies. But when we trusted (od& (od forgave us. We became (od%s friends. We are now (od%s own $eo$le. See 5$hesians ,-++2//. v%% (od curses the evil man%s house. #e is kind to the good man%s home. v%& (od insults those who insult other $eo$le. But (od is kind to humble $eo$le. v%' Wise $eo$le will receive honour. Dools will receive shame. Aerses ,,2,7 (od deals with different $eo$le differently. Aerse ,, (od will do good things for us if we obey him. #e is kind to us& and he is kind to our homes too. The word Bhome% shows that (od will hel$ our families also. Contrast this with the evil man. (od curses both the evil man& and those who live in the evil man%s house. The evil man%s family suffer& because of his evil actions. Since )esus died& this has changed. 5ach $erson must trust (od for himself or herself. BThen these words will become untrue- JThe fathers ate sour fruit& and the children have a sour taste in their mouthsEK nstead& everyone will die because of his own wrong actions. Whoever eats sour fruit will taste it for himself.% ')eremiah ,+-/.2,"* Aerse ,! The time for 3udgement is coming. (od will be our 3udge. We should serve (od& and we should be humble. We must not be $roud. When (od is our 3udge& he will show us kindness and love. Some $eo$le are $roud. They insult other $eo$le. They must turn from their evil behaviour. Then (od will forgive them. f they refuse (od%s love& (od will $unish them. (od loves us& although we do not deserve his love. #e offers his kindness to everyone. We must be humble to receive it. f we trust in ourselves& we cannot receive his love. Fobody will go to heaven because they deserve it. We have all done wrong things. We all deserve (od%s $unishment. This is why (od sent )esus. )esus did not deserve (od%s $unishment. )esus suffered the $unishment that we deserve. f we turn to (od& he will forgive us. #e saves us& because he is kind. This verse& 4roverbs ,-,!& is an im$ortant Bible verse. Both )ames and 4eter used this verse in their own books. See )ames !-: and + 4eter 7-:.

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Proverbs chapter &

v1 6y sons& listen to your father%s instruction. As you listen to me& you will understand more. v$ 6y lessons are good. ?o not leave the things that teach you. v% was only a boy in my father%s house. was young& and my mother%s only child. v& 6y father taught me. #e said& BStudy my words dee$lyE Kee$ my commands& and so learn to live a good life. v' (et wisdomE 9earn to be wiseE ?o not forget my wordsE ?o not turn away from themE v( ?o not leave wisdom. 'Wisdom is like a woman.* She will $rotect you. 9ove herE She will watch over you. v- Wisdom is better than everything else& so get wisdomE 5ven if it costs you everything& learn to be wiseE v" (ive honour to wisdom. 'Wisdom is like a woman.* She will lift you higher. #ug her& and she will give honour to you. v! Wisdom%s gifts are like a beautiful crown.% Aerses +2. This $oem is not 3ust about Solomon%s family. t is about all families. t tells us that a father should teach his son. When he grows older& the son should teach his own children. Solomon%s family was srael%s royal family. n the $oem& the father does not teach about being a king. #e does not s$eak about wealth and money. #e does not ex$lain how to lead the nation. Dor this father& only one thing matters. #is son must learn wisdom. We can teach our children about many things. We must not forget to teach them wisdom. This is the most im$ortant lesson of all. Aerses +2/ The $oem begins with commands to listen. The father will teach a valuable lesson to his sons. Aerse , The advice did not begin with the father& who is writing the $oem. The father learned this lesson from his own father. The lesson is good& because it is ancient. (randfather followed this advice. And he saw that it was good advice. This is why he taught it to the boy%s father. The father has lived by this advice too. So now he teaches it to his own sons. The words of verse , s$eak about the father%s childhood. These words suggest a loving home. The father was grandmother%s only child& so he was close to her. (randfather taught his lessons with love to his little child. Aerse ! The grandfather began his lessons in the same way as the $oet. The grandfather also em$hasised that the lesson was im$ortant. Today& many $eo$le say that things are im$ortant. A salesman will say that his advice is im$ortant. This is because the salesman wants us to buy his $roducts. We can doubt salesmen and $oliticians. But we must not doubt (od%s word. The Book of 4roverbs re$eats its advice& because wisdom really is im$ortant. Aerses 72: At last& we hear the advice. This is the lesson that grandfather taught. We must learn to be wise. As in earlier cha$ters& he com$ares wisdom to a woman. Wisdom& like a woman& deserves our love. 9ike a woman& she will $rotect you& if you love her.
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Aerse 8 Wisdom is better than everything else. t is better than money. t is better than beauty. t is better than health. Wisdom is worth more than everything that you own. Cemember that these words come from srael%s royal family. They had great wealth. But wisdom is more im$ortant than wealth. Aerse ; As in verse :& the $oet com$ares wisdom to a woman. n verse :& the $oet tells us to love Wisdom. n verse ;& he tells us to hug her. We should get closer and closer to Wisdom. We shall benefit if we do so. Wisdom will lift us higher and give honour to us. 9ike a woman& Wisdom looks after those who love her. Aerse . At the end of this $oem& the royal family s$eaks about a crown. This crown is not a gold crown or a silver crown. t is a crown for a king& but a $oor $erson can wear a crown& too. Wisdom gives honour to us. This gift is like a beautiful crown. n the introduction to this $oem& we saw that it was about every family. This $oem was not 3ust about srael%s royal family. 5very family can teach wisdom. 5very $erson can trust (od and learn to be wise. We can all wear wisdom%s crown. )esus said& B(od will give honour to anyone who serves me.% ')ohn +/-/:* v1. 6y son& believe my wordsE They will bring you long life. v11 am guiding you in a wise way. am leading you along straight $aths. v1$ @ou will walk in safety. When you run& you will not fall. v1% #old on to my instructionsE 9earn them wellE (uard my instructions& and they will give you a long life. v1& ?o not choose the same $ath as wicked menE ?o not walk with evil menE v1' Kee$ off evil $athsE ?o not travel on themE Turn awayE (o elsewhereE v1( 5vil men cannot slee$ before they have done an evil action. They cannot slee$ before they have tri$$ed u$ someoneE v1- An evil man thinks that his evil ways are better than bread. An evil man thinks that cruelty is better than wine. This $assage returns to the idea that life is like a 3ourney. Aerse +" f we $lan our 3ourneys wisely& then we are safer. We can avoid many dangers. n the same way& if we are wise& then our lives will be safer. Aerse ++ We shall not walk alone. Wisdom will be our guide and our guard. Cemember that this whole book is about (od%s wisdomE (od $rotects us& when we live our lives in his way. )esus said& B?o not worry about clothes. 9ook at the flowers in the fields. The flowers do not work or make clothes. But even the wealthy king Solomon did not dress as well as the flowers. (od dresses the grasses in the field beautifully& although tomorrow they will burn in the fire. #e will $rovide your clothes also& although you hardly believe.% '6atthew :-/;2,"* )esus ex$lained that the same was true about food and drink. (od cares for us. #e will $rovide what we need for each day. #e will lead us to our home in heaven. Aerse +/ BThe $eo$le who trust in (od will become stronger. They will be so strong& that they will be like the eagle 'a large& strong bird*. They will run& but they will not become tired. They will walk& but they will not become weak.% ' saiah !"-,+*
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Aerse +, We must guard the good things that (od has given to us. Sometimes evil things might seem attractive. We might remember our behaviour before we knew (od. We might see an evil action and we might want to do the same. BStay awakeE 4rayE ?o not allow evil things to tem$t youE% )esus told this to his followers in 6ark +!-,;. 4aul wrote& BStand firm in freedom& because Christ has freed usE% '(alatians 7-+* Aerses +!2+7 Solomon em$hasises his words. We should not behave like evil $eo$le. We should not listen to their advice. Their advice is never wise. We must not do the same things that evil $eo$le do. Their behaviour is never wise. f we co$y their actions& then we are in great danger. Aerse +: As Solomon em$hasises the lesson& he uses humour. #e tells us to imagine the evil man. This man is a very evil man. So& he cannot even slee$ until he has done an evil action. At midnight he gets u$. #e has still not done his evil action. #e struggles to think an evil thought. The time is very late& but this man must act now. #e cannot even slee$ until he has com$leted his evil task. The story shows us that evil things are $owerful. 5vil things will control us& like dangerous drugs or alcohol. We can become like slaves& to our own evil actions. (od can set us free& but we must turn to him. Aerse +8 Solomon continues his 3oke. The evil man has woken. #e is eating a meal. We are looking at his food. We ex$ect to find bread or meat or vegetables. The evil man is eating none of these. This man does not want food. nstead& he chooses evil behaviour. #e does not think that food will make him strong. nstead& he thinks that his evil actions will make him strong. #e wants to do evil things& more than he desires his food. #e thinks that evil things are essential for his life. This evil man does not think that he needs milk or water or wine. #e su$$oses that he can manage without these things. #e does not want something to drink. nstead he thinks that cruelty is essential for his life. #e wants cruelty& more than he wants a drink. v1" The good man walks at early dawn. The light shines brighter and brighter as the day begins. v1! The evil man is like someone who walks at night& in the dee$est darkness. #e does not even know why he fell. Aerses +;2+. This is a beautiful short $oem. t contrasts a good man and an evil man. Sometimes $eo$le think that everyone is the same. Some $eo$le say that everyone is good. The Bible does not say this. The Bible says that we all have turned from (od. We must turn back to him. 0nly (od can make us good. The good man has a good life. #e does not yet know everything that (od wants to teach him. #e has not yet received all the gifts that (od will give to him. #is life is like a man who walks at dawn. At dawn& there is only a little light. But the light will soon become brighter. And soon the good man will know (od better. 4aul writes about this in + Corinthians +,-+/. BFow& we see an image in a $oor mirror. n heaven& we shall see clearly. Fow& only know a little. 0ne day& shall know com$letely& as (od knows me com$letely.% 4aul is writing about the time when he will see (od in heaven. The evil man has the o$$osite fate. #e is like a man who walks on a dark $ath. A 3ourney at midnight is dangerous. A traveller cannot see in the darkness. Without any lights& the traveller will tri$ and fall. n the same way& the evil man is in great danger. #e will suffer because of his evil behaviour. (od will $unish him.

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6any $eo$le& who are not Christians& want (od in their lives. They know that they are in danger. They are like someone who travels at night. Christians should s$eak to them. We should share what (od has given to us. (od will hel$ those who ask him. When these $eo$le first trust (od& they will know little about (od. n time& they will know more& as they live (od%s way. n heaven& they will know (od fully. A $ath becomes brighter as the day begins. And they will know more& as they trust (od more. v$. 6y son& listen to meE Study my wordsE v$1 ?o not forget my wordsE Cemember themE v$$ f you study my words& you will receive health and strength. v$% These lessons will $rotect your mind. They will save your life. v$& ?o not s$eak evil wordsE ?o not tell liesE v$' 9ook aheadE ?o not even glance at the evil things that surround youE v$( Choose the best lifeE Choose the best route for life%s 3ourney. v$- ?o not allow evil things to tem$t you away from the right $athE ?o not turn right or leftE Aerses /"2/8 Wise words are like medicine. They benefit every $art of our bodies. Aerses /"2// These verses show us the sub3ect of this $assage. 5ach cha$ter of 4roverbs +28 begins in a similar style. #ere the sub3ect is health. Wisdom is like a medicine& because wisdom im$roves our lives. =nlike a medicine& wisdom does not heal our bodies. Wisdom heals our s$irits. Wisdom leads us to (od. Aerse /, We should be careful about our thoughts. We should love good things and hate evil things. Aerse /! )ames ,-+2+/ ex$lains this verse. )ames com$ares our tongues to a fire. 0ur words can be $owerful. We can use words to say good things. But we can use words to say evil things& too. 0ur mouths can $raise (od& but they can curse other $eo$le. We must be careful about our words. Aerse /7 We look forward& when we follow (od. We should not look away from him. )esus warned about this in 9uke +8-,+2,/. B)esus said& J?o not begin the work& then look backE f you look back& you cannot serve (od.K % '9uke .-:/* Aerses /:2/8 Again& this com$ares life to a 3ourney. We will live Bthe best life% if we obey (od. This is like the best route for a 3ourney. f we serve (od& then we will hel$ other $eo$le. We will be like a $ostman who brings good news. B0n the mountains& the $ostman takes a good message. #e has good news about $eace and rescue. #e says to )erusalem& J(od is king.K % ' saiah 7/-8*

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Proverbs chapter '

Cha$ter 7 is a $oem. The $oem has two sub3ects+. A married woman tem$ts a man who is not her husband. /. 5vil things are like this woman& because sometimes these things attract us. But evil things offend (od. We must obey (od& and refuse to do evil things. Solomon discusses both sub3ects at the same time. This is similar to 4roverbs /-+:2+.. The actions of the woman show us how evil ideas can attract us. v1 6y son& listen to my wisdomE #ear my knowledgeE v$ Then you will know how to behave. @ou will know what to say. v% A married woman may tem$t you. #er li$s are sweet like honey. #er s$eech is attractive& as oil is smooth. v& #owever& soon her li$s will taste bitter. Soon she will cut you& as with a sword. v' She will cause your death. She will lead you to your grave. v( She does not think about the way of life. She does not know that she has wandered from (od%s ways. Aerses +2/ Solomon begins his lesson in the usual way. #e reminds us why we need wisdom and knowledge. With wisdom and knowledge& we can avoid danger. Aerse , A married woman attracts a young man. She seems so beautiful. When he kisses her& her li$s seem to taste like honey. When he listens to her& her words are so attractive. #e does not think about the woman%s husband. #e does not think about (od%s law. #e does not even think about the results of his actions. #e only thinks about her. Sometimes evil ideas attract us. These ideas might seem sweet and $leasant. Sometimes it seems easy to do the wrong thing& and it seems hard to do the right thing. We should not do evil things. We should say& BThis offends (od. t might hurt other $eo$le. t could $lace me in danger.% The devil offered bread to )esus when )esus was hungry. '6atthew !-+2!* )esus refused. #e said& B6an does not live by bread alone. A man must live by (od%s instructions.% '?euteronomy ;-,*. We also must refuse to do evil things. Aerse ! 5vil ideas may seem attractive& but they are really terrible. When the man kissed the woman& even her li$s tasted sweet. 9ater the taste in his mouth will be bitter. 9ater he will know the results of his actions. At first& the woman%s s$eech was attractive. 9ater she will be like a sword. She will attack him and hurt him. 5vil things are often like this. 5vil behaviour always causes $ain and trouble. The devil uses evil ideas to try to destroy us. Aerse 7 f our behaviour is evil& then the result& in the end& is death. Solomon%s son might die if he follows the married woman. Solomon does not say how his son could die. The woman%s angry husband may kill the young man. The woman herself might be a murderer. 0r the whole town might $unish the son for his evil actions. 0ccasionally& evil actions lead straight to death. =sually& the $rocess is slower& ste$ by ste$. 5very evil action brings death nearer& because our evil behaviour takes us away from (od. We can only receive true life& if we trust (od.
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When the Bible s$eaks about death& often this does not mean the death of our bodies. 0ften the Bible means the death of our s$irits. f your s$irit is dead& then you will go to hell. f your s$irit is alive& you will go to heaven. B)esus became alive again after he died& by the #oly S$irit. f the #oly S$irit lives in you& then your bodies will also live again.% 'Comans ;-++* The result of our evil actions is death. But (od brings life to our bodies and s$irits by his #oly S$irit. Aerse : Again& the verse com$ares life to a 3ourney. Sometimes a $erson& like this woman& refuses to hear (od%s law. The woman lives in the way that she chooses. She does not care about what is right or good. She lives by her emotions. She has forgotten (od. She does not know where her life will lead. She does not even know that her actions are wrong. We have heard (od%s law. We know what is wise. We must trust (od. We must not co$y $eo$le like this woman. v- Fow& my sons& listen to meE ?o not turn aside from my wordsE v" Choose a $ath that does not go near this woman%s houseE Kee$ away from her doorE v! ?o not waste the strength of your youthE ?o not give your best years to someone who is cruelE v1. ?o not let other $eo$le en3oy your wealthE ?o not work like a slave to make another man wealthyE Aerses 82; Solomon advises that his son should not even meet the married woman. Solomon%s son must be very careful. #e should not enter her house. #e should not even walk near her door. f the son walks near her door& then he might enter. f he enters& he might listen to her. #er s$eech is attractive 'verse ,*. She will tem$t him. f he listens to her& he might want to have sex with her. Solomon%s father& ?avid& had a similar ex$erience '/ Samuel ++2+/*. Drom a distance& he saw a beautiful woman. She was having a bath& naked. ?avid did not look away. f he had looked away& he would have avoided many troubles. nstead& ?avid watched the woman. #e sent a servant to call her. She was a married woman& but she came to ?avid. ?avid talked with her. They had sex. They even had a baby together. ?avid tried to hide his actions. #e even caused the woman%s husband to die in battle. Then ?avid married the woman. (od knew what ?avid had done. ?avid%s older sons fought ?avid& because of his evil deed. The baby& who was ?avid%s youngest son& died. (od did not kill ?avid for his evil deed. This was because ?avid turned to (od. ?avid asked (od to forgive him. #is $rayer is in 4salm 7+. 9ater& ?avid and the same woman had another son. This second son was Solomon& who wrote the Book of 4roverbs. Aerses .2+" A young man should not waste his strength with another man%s wife. #e should use his strength wisely. When he marries& $erha$s he will have his own family. We must all be careful with our strength. We should use our strength for good things& not for evil things. 0ur energy is $recious. 0ur time is valuable. v11 When you are old& then you will be sad. When your body is weak& then you will s$eak. v1$ B was very stu$id. hated disci$line. And refused correction. v1% did not obey my teachers. did not learn my lessons.
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v1& Suddenly suffered great shame. 6y wrong actions have ruined me in $ublic.% Aerses ++2+! These verses teach us the result& if we live for our desires. n the end our wrong desires will ruin us. They will bring us to des$air. Solomon warns his son. #e ex$lains what will ha$$en to a foolish son. The son will become an old man one day. Then the son will ask himself what his life achieved. #e will see that he achieved nothing. #e ruined his life& because he did not serve (od. nstead& the foolish son served his emotions and desires. #e wasted his energy on cruel $eo$le 'verse .*. #is strength brought wealth to another man%s home 'verse +"*. We should think about our lives. )esus s$oke about this in 6atthew 8-/!2/8. A wise man built a house on rock. When the storms came& the house was strong. A fool built his house on sand. When the storms came& the house fell down. We should be like the wise man in )esus% story. We should build our lives on a strong base. That base should be (od. When $roblems come& (od will $rotect us. And he will hel$ us. f we build a house on something weak& the house will fall down '6atthew 8-/:2/8*. n the same way& our lives need a strong base. 0ur emotions are not a strong base for our lives. f we trust our emotions& we shall become very weak. 9et us build our lives in (od%s way. 4aul wrote about sex in + Corinthians :-+/2/". #e said& B@our body does not belong to you. )esus bought your body& for a $rice.% '4aul means the $rice of )esus% death for us. We belong to (od.* BTherefore& use your body to give honour to (od.% '+ Corinthians :-+.b2/"* v1' @ou should drink water from your own ta$sE And you should be loyal to your wife. v1( ?o not have sex with another woman. And do not let your water $our into the streetE v1- @our wife& like your water& should be yours& only. ?o not share your water with other menE v1" 5n3oy your own waterE And en3oy your own wife alwaysE v1! She gives love and grace& like a deer 'a beautiful wild animal*. #er breasts always satisfy you. #er love always attracts you. v$. 6y son& do not get close to another man%s wife. ?o not allow her to tem$t you to do a wrong action. Aerses +72+8 #ere& Solomon talks about water. n dry countries& water is valuable. Clean water is very $recious. @ou should not waste water. t should not flow into the streets. t should not $our out& into the town. @our family and your animals should drink it. @ou should water your cro$s. =se it wiselyE Think about your own life in the same way. @ou should use your strength wisely. f you follow your emotions& you will waste your energy. @ou should have sex with your husband or wife& and not with anyone else. 0ur lives belong to (od. (od has shown us how we should live. #e will be kind to us when we obey his instructions. As your own ta$s belong to you 'verse +7*& so a husband and wife belong together. Aerses +;2/" 6arriage is (od%s gift. A husband and wife should give themselves to each other. They should en3oy their marriage. They should love each other. They attract each other& and this is good. v$1 (od sees everything that you do. #e watches all your actions. v$$ 5vil actions are like a tra$ for an evil man.
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#is own evil deeds are like an enemy who ties u$ the evil man. v$% An evil man will die& because he has no disci$line. #e wanders because he is a fool. Aerse /+ 4erha$s& like ?avid& we do some wrong things in secret '/ Samuel cha$ters ++ and +/*. A woman might tem$t a man. They might think that nobody knows. They are wrong because (od knows. #e sees our secret actions. #e knows everything that we do in $rivate. 9ike ?avid& if we have done wrong things& we should turn to (od. ?avid%s $rayer in 4salm 7+ will hel$ us to understand why we must ask (od to forgive us. Aerses //2/, The evil man is foolish. #e thinks that he is free. But his evil behaviour will make him into a slave. #e can hide his actions from other $eo$le. But he cannot hide from (od 'Fumbers ,/-/,*. This man%s evil behaviour will destroy him. This man should invite (od into his life. This man needs to ask (od to forgive him. (od will save the evil man& but only if the man trusts (od.

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Proverbs chapter (
v1 6y son& follow this advice when you make a mistake. 4erha$s you $romised to $ay a neighbour%s debt. @ou thought that your neighbour would return your money. v$ But your $lan failed. So your words became like a tra$ for an animal. v% Dollow my advice& and free yourselfE Since your neighbour can hurt you& be humbleE Ask your neighbour to free youE v& ?o not delayE ?o not waitE ?o not slee$E v' Dree yourselfE Cun& as a wild animal runs from its hunterE 5sca$e& as a bird flies from a tra$E Aerses +2/ n this $oem& Solomon com$ares our mistakes to a hunter%s tra$. When a hunter works& he may build tra$s. #e hides his tra$s so that animals will not see them. #e ho$es that the animals will fall into his tra$s. Then he can kill and eat the animals. n our lives& our mistakes can be like tra$s. 4erha$s we want to do the right thing. 4erha$s our $lans are good. But our best $lans could fail. Then& like a tra$& our $lans can destroy us. n verse +& Solomon%s son had good intentions. #e wanted to hel$ his neighbour. The son trusted the neighbour. The son tried to do the right thing& but the neighbour would not do the right thing. f his neighbour could not $ay& Solomon%s son $romised to $ay instead. Fow& his neighbour has failed to $ay. The lender ex$ects Solomon%s son to $ay. The son%s $lan failed and now he is in danger. Sometimes we $lace ourselves in danger. 0ur own choices can become like tra$s. 6any $eo$le suffer from alcohol or from dangerous drugs. 0riginally& they 3ust wanted to en3oy themselves. When they tried to sto$& they failed. Fow they must ask (od to hel$ them. They must remember that (od is greater than them. A doctor could also hel$ them. We all do wrong things against (od. This behaviour is also like a tra$. We cannot free ourselves. 4aul wrote& BWhen want to do good things& evil thoughts attract me. 6y s$irit loves (od%s law. But my body fights against my mind. am like someone in $rison. This is because evil behaviour controls my body.% 'Comans 8-/+2/,* But there is an answer to this $roblem. (od can free us. f we ask (od& then he will forgive us. And he will hel$ us to control our behaviour. #e will teach disci$line to us. 4aul continued& BThank2you& (od. (od frees me through )esus Christ.% 'Comans 8-/7* Aerse , Be humbleE The Bible warns us not to be $roud. )esus said& B f you are humble& like a little child& then you will be great in heaven.% '6atthew +;-8* )ames wrote& BBe humble. Then (od will give you honour.% ')ames !-+"* f Solomon%s son was $roud& he could not esca$e. #e is like an animal in a tra$. #e cannot free himself. #e must ask for freedom. #e must ask for hel$. We have all done wrong things& against (od. We must be humble. We must ask (od to forgive us. 0nly (od can do this. Aerse ! f we want freedom& then we must not be la<y. We must not delay until tomorrow. f we delay& then we might never take action. (od calls us to trust him now. ?o not be like King Agri$$a. 4aul s$oke to the king about )esus. Agri$$a answered& B@ou cannot $ersuade me so 1uickly to become a Christian.% #e was not ready to trust (od. 4erha$s he was never ready to trust (od. 'Acts /:-/;*

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5arlier& 4aul s$oke to a ruler called Delix. Delix said& B will s$eak to you at a convenient time.% Delix never trusted (od. #e waited. Although he s$oke again to 4aul& Delix never found the Bconvenient time% to trust in (od. 'Acts /!-/7* Aerse 7 We should act 1uickly& like an animal that runs to esca$e from a hunter. v( ?o not be la<yE Think about the antE 'Ants are insects. They live in large grou$s.* 9earn from the ant& and so be wiseE v- t has no king. t has no general and no ruler. v" Without any leadershi$& ants store food in summer. They also collect the harvest. Aerses :2; As Christians& we should work. We might have a 3ob. We might look after $eo$le& for exam$le our families. We might do (od%s work& $erha$s as a church leader. We might do various tasks. Whatever we do& we should not be la<y. Solomon writes about insects. Ants are a common ty$e of insect. Ants work together& in grou$s. They are wise because they store food. They do not waste their time. n / Thessalonians ,-+"& some Christians refused to work. The church gave food to them. 4aul told the church not to do this. B f a man will not work& then he shall not eat.% #e added& B?o not get too tired to do the right things.% '/ Thessalonians ,-+,* 4aul obeyed this lesson himself. ?aily& he s$oke about (od to the $eo$le. #owever& the church did not $rovide 4aul%s wages. 4aul deserved money& because he worked for (od. 4aul deserved money& but he did not acce$t money from the church. nstead& he decided to work. #e made tents. #e earned enough money for himself& and also for other Christian workers. #e worked very hard. 4aul did this& because )esus taught& B(od makes the giver even more glad than the $erson who receives.% 'Acts /"-,7* We also must work to hel$ other $eo$le. BBelief is good& only if you do good things. 4erha$s someone has no food and no clothes. @ou might tell him& J(o awayE ho$e that you will be warm. ho$e that you get a meal.K But then you do nothing to hel$. This is not good. Belief achieves nothing unless you hel$ $eo$le.% ')ames /-+!2+8* v! @ou are la<y. #ow long will you lie thereL v1. @ou say& B9et me have another slee$. 9et me have some more rest. 9et me relax.% v11 Then suddenly you awake. @ou find that you have become $oor. @ou have lost everything. t is as if a thief has stolen everything. Aerses .2++ Solomon em$hasises that we must not be la<y. When it is time to work& we must not slee$. n verse .& Solomon asks the slee$er how long he will slee$. n verse +"& we hear what the slee$er thinks. #e does not want to get u$. #owever& he must wake. t is time to work. t is as if a thief is at the door. The slee$er must act 1uickly. 0therwise& he is in great trouble. #e might lose everything. + Thessalonians 7 discusses this idea. #owever& the situation in + Thessalonians is different. The Bible says that& one day& )esus will return to this world. That day will come suddenly& like the arrival of a thief. Some $eo$le will not be ready. BWe must not slee$. We must stay awake. We must be ready. Slee$ers slee$ at night. ?runks drink alcohol at night. But we belong to the day.% '+ Thessalonians 7-:2;*. v1$ 9ook out for the evil manE 9ook out for the thiefE #is mouth is s$eaking false words. v1% 9ook out for his signalsE #e shuts his eyes. #e moves his feet. #e ta$s his fingers.
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v1& #e is $lotting evil $lans in his heart. #e starts arguments. v1' #is $unishment will be sudden. There will be no remedy for him. Aerses +/2+7 Sometimes& an evil $erson is easy to identify. At other times& we must be careful. / Thessalonians /-8 mentions a Bsecret% evil $ower. The evil man in verses +/2+7 is dangerous because his evil $lan is secret. #is signals are small& but these signals might hel$ us to identify him. 6atthew 8-+72/" ex$lains how to identify evil $eo$le. We must look for the results of these $eo$le%s actions. BA good tree cannot have bad fruit. A bad tree cannot have good fruit.% '6atthew 8-+;* f we see a $oisonous tree& its fruit is $oisonous. f we see a good tree 'for exam$le& an a$$le tree*& its fruit is good. Consider the actions of the man in 4roverbs :-+/2+7. n verse +/& he s$eaks false words. Such behaviour is not good. t warns us about the man%s true character. n verse +!& he starts arguments. This man%s behaviour is evil. We should not trust him. We cannot see that the man is $lotting an evil $lan in his heart 'verse +!*. #owever& we can already hear his arguments. And we can hear his false words. The results of his actions are wrong. #e is like the bad tree in 6atthew 8-+;. The man%s actions are evil& so his $lan will also be evil. v1( (od o$$oses : things. n fact he hates 8 things v1- $roud eyes a mouth that s$eaks lies hands that murder v1" a heart that makes evil $lans the feet of a $erson who rushes to do evil deeds v1! a witness who tells lies a man who starts arguments between brothers. Aerse +: Aerses +:2+. use a different style of $oetry. The $oet writes a list of things that (od o$$oses. This style is also in 4roverbs ," and in the Book of Amos. The numbers in these lists are not im$ortant. #owever& the sub3ects are im$ortant. #ere the $oet tells us that (od hates these evil actions. Aerse +8 B4roud eyes%. The $oet is describing someone who is $roud. #e mentions Beyes%& because we see other $eo$le with our eyes. The evil man thinks that he is greater than other $eo$le. 4erha$s he even thinks that he is greater than (od. (od o$$oses $roud $eo$le. (od wants us to be humble. B9ies% and Bmurder% are in the +" commands. (od gave this law to 6oses. See ?euteronomy !. Aerse +; Today we might say Bmind% instead of Bheart%. (od knows our thoughts. #e knows our secret $lans. Aerse +. Contrast this verse with 4salm +,,-+. B t is good when brothers live together calmly.% The evil man wants to start an argument& or even a war. BBrothers% does not only mean family members here. t can also mean neighbours and friends. t could even mean nations. 4eace is good 2 it is (od%s gift. Sometimes a war might be right& if& for exam$le& one side does a terribly evil deed. #owever& even in war& we must look after $eo$le and try to work for $eace. We should always $ray for $eace. v$. 6y son& kee$ my commandsE ?o not forget the things that your mother taught youE v$1 Always kee$ these words in your heartE
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Wear these words about your neckE v$$ When you walk& my words will guide you. When you slee$& they will $rotect you. When you wake& they will s$eak to you. v$% These commands are like a lam$. This lesson is like a light. Correction and disci$line are the way to live. v$& This lesson will $rotect you when a married woman tem$ts you. t will $rotect you from her attractive words. v$' ?o not allow her beauty to tem$t youE ?o not allow her $retty eyes to attract youE v$( A man may hire certain women for sex. These women will make him $oor. But if the man has sex with another man%s wife& it will cost him everything. n the end it will lead to his death. v$- ?o not light a fire against your bodyE t will burn your clothes. v$" ?o not walk on hot coalsE They will burn your feet. v$! The same ha$$ens if you slee$ with another man%s wife. f you even touch her& that man will $unish you. Aerses /"2/+ We should love wisdom. Wisdom should be in our hearts and in our minds. We cannot $hysically kee$ wisdom in our hearts. We might not $hysically carry wise words about our necks. But we can live in a wise manner. Aerse // 9ife is like a 3ourney. Wisdom will guide us each day. Wisdom will hel$ us to make the right decisions. At night when we slee$& our wise decisions will $rotect us. As we wake& we can think about wisdom. The relationshi$ between us and (od must be like this. (od will guide us to make good decisions every day. The Bible will teach us the right way. At night& (od watches over us. #e $rotects us. As we wake& we should think about (od%s word. Aerse /, This is similar to 4salm ++.-+"7. B(od%s word is like a lam$ for my feet. (od%s word is like a light for my $ath.% Aerse /! Solomon is writing about sex& but he is also writing about other evil actions. Sometimes an idea about an evil action attracts us. Sometimes we want to do evil things. But we should refuse to do evil things. Solomon has taught this lesson to us before. See 4roverbs /-+:2+.& and 4roverbs 7. #e will also ex$lain the same lesson in 4roverbs 8. #e re$eats the lesson because this is im$ortant. n 4roverbs :-/72/.& Solomon ex$lains about $unishment. A husband will $unish the man that slee$s with the husband%s wife. n the same way& our evil behaviour leads to $unishment. (od will always $unish our evil behaviour. There are $unishments in this world& for exam$le& $rison. The Bible teaches us about heaven and hell after we die. 5veryone has done evil things& so everyone must turn to (od. We all must trust (od& because only (od can forgive us. When )esus died& he suffered our $unishment. Aerse /: f a man has sex with a woman& she might use him for her advantage. She might ask for money. She might $ut him in danger. #e might even die. Aerses /82/;
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Dire is dangerous. t can burn you. =se fire carefullyE Sex is also dangerous. @ou should only have sex with your husband or wife. 0therwise& it is dangerous. Be carefulE 0ur evil actions are dangerous. These actions can send us to hell. 5sca$e from evil thingsE Trust in (odE v%. We can understand why a hungry thief steals food. v%1 #owever& if we catch him& he must $ay 8 times over. #e might lose all his money. v%$ The man& who slee$s with another man%s wife& has a worse fate. #e is making a wrong decision. #e is destroying himself. v%% #e will receive $ain and insults. #is shame lasts always. v%& The woman%s husband will be 3ealous and angry. #e will not forgive. v%' #e will refuse money. Fo gift can take away his anger. Aerses ,"2,+ This thief is hungry. #e has no food. #is family also have no food. So& this thief steals& because he needs food. We can sym$athise with him. #owever& the law will $unish him. The law does not forgive. The law does not ask if he needed food. #is $unishment is severe. Some $eo$le do wrong actions& because they hate (od. 0ther $eo$le sincerely want to do good things& but they still do evil things. 5veryone must trust in (od& because everyone does wrong actions. B f you obey one law& but not another& then you are still guilty. @our actions are against the whole law& not 3ust one $art.% ')ames /-+"2++* Aerses ,/2,7 The thief 'in verse ,"* suffered a severe $unishment. The man 'in verse ,/* will have a worse $unishment. This man had sex with another man%s wife. The husband will $unish him. There is a double $unishment for the man who had sex with the wife. #e receives $unishment because his actions were evil. #e also receives $unishment from the angry husband. The Bible says that (od can be angry. #e is angry about our evil behaviour. #e is angry when our actions are unfair. #e is angry with us& if we turn against him. A man%s anger may be terrible. (od%s anger is much worse. B(od%s anger comes from heaven. #e hates $eo$le%s wicked actions. 6en hide the truth when they do wrong things.% 'Comans +-+;* B(od%s anger is against the $eo$le who do not obey (od.% '5$hesians 7-:* (od is angry& but he also loves us. 6icah $rays this to (od- BThere is no other god like you. @ou forgive the evil things that your $eo$le have done. @ou are not always angry. @ou want to love us. @ou will care for us again. @ou will forgive our wrong actions. @ou will forgive com$letely. @ou will act as if you threw the records of our evil deeds into the sea.% '6icah 8-+;2+.*

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Proverbs chapters - to !
The last& and greatest& of Solomon%s lessons& begins here. Since cha$ter +& we have read the words that Solomon taught to his son. Fow& in cha$ters 82.& Solomon teaches his final lesson to his son. 'Solomon%s lessons end in cha$ter .. Drom cha$ter +"& the Book of 4roverbs lists short $roverbs 'wise words*.* n these cha$ters& Solomon writes three great $oems. The first great $oem is in cha$ter 8. This $oem is about a woman who tem$ts a sim$le man. This man behaves like a fool& because he trusts her. #e does not realise what will ha$$en to him. The second great $oem is in cha$ter ;. This $oem is a s$eech. The s$eaker is the woman called Wisdom. 5veryone should listen to her words. The final great $oem is cha$ter .. This $oem contrasts the woman called Wisdom& against another woman& called BThe Doolish Woman%. Both women invite the sim$le $eo$le to a meal. f you acce$t the right invitation& then you will live. f you acce$t the other invitation& then you will die.

Proverbs chapter v1 6y son& kee$ my words safelyE Cemember my commandsE v$ @ou will live if you obey my commands. 4rotect these instructions as carefully as you $rotect your eyesE v% Tie my words on your fingersE Kee$ my words in your heartE v& Wisdom is like your sister. These lessons are like your closest friend. v' Wisdom will $rotect you from another man%s wife. Wisdom will save you from the woman who tem$ts you. Aerses +2! 4reviously& Solomon told us to learn to be wise '4roverbs /-/*. Fow& he tells us to kee$ wisdom in our hearts. 4reviously& Solomon told us to acce$t wisdom '4roverbs /-+*. Fow he tells us that Wisdom is like our sister. '#e is com$aring wisdom to a woman.* Solomon%s lesson is a very $ersonal lesson. Wisdom must be close to us. Wisdom must become $art of us. Wisdom must be $art of our lives. Wisdom must guide every decision. Aerse 7 5s$ecially& wisdom will $rotect us when evil things attract us. As in earlier cha$ters& Solomon writes about sex. #owever& he is thinking about all ty$es of evil behaviour. #is story warns us about $eo$le who tem$t us with their evil ideas. n the story& a woman tem$ts a man to have sex. Solomon shows how one $erson can tem$t another $erson. #e also shows us the result if we do evil things. v( stood at my window. looked through the curtains. v- was watching the sim$le $eo$le. saw a young man. #e was a youth. And he had not learned to be wise. v" #e walked along the street. #e went near to the corner where a certain woman lived. #e was walking towards her house. v! The time was late. The day was ending. The night was beginning. The sky was becoming dark. Aerse :
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The story begins here. Solomon was watching the $eo$le. #e was watching& because he wanted to learn more. #e wanted to see other $eo$le%s mistakes. #e wanted to understand more. #e wanted to become wiser. Aerse 8 Solomon saw a young man who was Bsim$le%. 'See my note on 4roverbs +-!.* This young man had not learned to be wise. #e was in danger& because he was not wise. t was easy to tem$t him. #e did not think about what was right. Aerse ; We want to shout to the young man& BSto$E% #e walked along the wrong road. ?own that road& there was danger. #e a$$roached the $lace where the woman would tem$t him. The young man was sim$le. #e did not think about wisdom. 4erha$s his father never taught the young man. 4erha$s the young man never listened to his lessons. 6aybe he forgot about wisdom. #e made a terrible mistake. Aerse . The young man was in the wrong $lace& at the wrong time. 5ven when we are strong& we might think wrong thoughts. #owever& when we are weak& evil ideas can tem$t us more easily. Fight was beginning. The young man was looking for fun. #e did not trust in (od. #e was very weak. BBe carefulE @our enemy is the devil. #e walks about& like a lion. #e is looking for someone to kill and to eat.% '+ 4eter 7-;* We must stand firm and trust in (od. v1. Then& a woman came out. She met him. #er clothes were thin and they showed the sha$e of her body. She had a $lan. v11 'She is noisy and $roud. She never stays at home. v1$ She walks from the street to the city s1uare. She waits at every corner.* v1% She hugged the young man and she kissed him. She s$oke to him. #er face looked $roud and without shame. Aerse +" The young man was alone. 4erha$s he was lonely. #e was weak. #e wanted fun. Then& the woman came. She looked $retty. She looked sexy. 'That is& her clothes showed the sha$e of her body.* The young man liked her. #e needed an activity for that evening. The woman looked like the answer to his $roblem. Women should choose their clothes carefully. They want to look beautiful. n some countries& sexy clothes are fashionable. But& these clothes can tem$t men. These clothes can cause many $roblems. B@ou should be beautiful. #owever& you should not use clothes& haircuts or gold& to make you look beautiful. nstead& your s$irit should be beautiful. @ou should be gentle and 1uiet. (od considers these things valuable.% '+ 4eter ,-,2!* Aerse ++2+/ This woman went everywhereE The young man could not miss herE This is like any evil idea. f you try to do evil things& then you will do evil things. There is a woman like this in every town. She is in every street. And there are always evil things that we could do. Aerse +, The man and woman hugged. Then they kissed. This is like tem$ting an animal into a tra$. The animal might still esca$e. There is still ho$e. The animal must act 1uickly to esca$e. t must not delay. The man could still esca$e. #e could still run away from the woman. 5ach moment brought the man into more and more danger. Soon he would be unable to esca$e. v1& The woman said& B have $lenty of food at my home.
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have done the things that needed to do. v1' came out to meet you. searched for you. Fow have found you. v1( have made my bed with beautiful cottons. have use the best cloth from 5gy$t. v1- 6y bed smells of wonderful $erfumes 'attractive smells that a woman uses to attract a man*. v1" Come& and drink with meE #ave sex with me until morningE We will en3oy ourselves with love. v1! 6y husband is not at home. #e went on a long 3ourney. v$. #e took enough money. #e will not return until next month.% v$1 The woman $ersuaded the young man. She led him away. She tem$ted him with easy words. v$$ Suddenly& he followed her. #e was like a cow on the day when it will die. #e was like a deer 'animal* that walks into the hunter%s tra$. v$% An arrow shootsE #e was like a bird that enters a tra$. #e did not realise that his action would cause his death. Aerse +7 This was a lie. Aerse ++ told us& Bshe never stays at home%. The woman was looking for any man. To her& this man was not s$ecial. She 3ust wanted to have sex with him. She 3ust wanted to destroy him. Aerse +:2+8 The woman talked about her bed. Fow& we are sure that she was thinking about sex. She wanted to get the man into her bed. Surely the man realised her $lan. 4erha$s he hesitated. f so& he did not esca$e. nstead& he waited. #e let her s$eak. She s$oke& and tem$ted him more. Aerse +; Then the young man knew the truth. She invited him to stay for the night& in her bed. She $romised love& but really she wanted sex. Aerse +. The woman told the young man that he was safe. But& she had a husband. f the young man sle$t with the woman& then the husband would be angry. This is dangerous. f the young man were wise& he would esca$e now. #e should run away. #e must not delay. A right decision would save him. A wrong decision could kill him. Drom his window& Solomon watched them. #e heard the woman%s words. #e saw the man make his decision. Solomon ho$ed that the young man was wise. Solomon ho$ed that the young man would make the right decision. Aerse // The end came suddenly. As Solomon watched by the moon%s light& the young man turned. The woman started to walk away. Then the young man followed the woman. Together they walked into her house. Fobody could sto$ them. Fobody could save the young man. The way that the man followed the woman reminded Solomon of something. t reminded him of an animal that was soon to die. 9ike a bird in a tra$& the young man had lost everything. Wisdom would have saved him. Aerse /,
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Solomon saw no more. But then he says that the young man died. Solomon is ex$laining what might ha$$en to such a man in the end. Solomon%s message is clear. We should learn to be wise. Then we shall esca$e from danger. We must refuse to do evil things. 0therwise& we shall be in great danger. v$& Fow& my sons& listen to me. #ear my wordsE v$' ?o not allow your heart to follow this woman. ?o not wander into her $aths. v$( This woman has attacked many $eo$le. She has caused a whole crowd of $eo$le to die. v$- #er house is on the road to hell. She will lead you to your death. Aerse /! Solomon s$eaks to his Bsons% '$lural*. n verse +& he was s$eaking only to one son. The story was a $ersonal lesson& to a loved son. Fow& he s$eaks to us all. We all need to be wise. We all need to be careful. Aerse /7 Solomon is not writing about the actual woman whom he saw. #e is writing about women like her. But he is really thinking about evil ideas. These thoughts can s$oil your life. They will take you to death and hell 'verse /8*. 0bey (odE ?o not obey your evil thoughtsE Aerses /:2/8 n the story& the woman offered love& but instead she caused great danger. She offered fun and life& but she gave only death. 5vil ideas might seem attractive. But such thoughts are really lies. n reality& evil behaviour will only hurt us. 5vil behaviour has ruined the lives of many $eo$le. And evil behaviour continues to ruin lives today.

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Proverbs chapter "

v1 The woman& who is called Wisdom& calls out. The woman& who is called ntelligence& is shouting. v$ She shouts from the hills by the road. She stands at the cross2roads. v% She is at the city gate. She shouts at the entrance to the city. Aerse + This is the second of Solomon%s three great $oems. Wisdom& like a woman& gives a s$eech to all the $eo$le. n verse +& there are not two women. Wisdom is one woman& but she has two names. #er names are Wisdom and ntelligence. This is because wisdom is the same thing as intelligence. Cight decisions and accurate knowledge are also the same thing as wisdom. All these things will be ours when we trust in (od. They do not come immediately. We need to learn to be wise. This is a slow $rocess. 5ach day& we should learn new lessons. (od teaches us in different ways. Sometimes he teaches us from the Bible. Sometimes he uses other $eo$le to teach us. Sometimes he uses nature or other methods to teach us. f we are teachers& then we must be $atient. t takes many years to learn law or medicine. n the same way& many $eo$le are slow to learn wisdom. 5ven for true Christians& some lessons can take years to learn. A church leader is a ty$e of teacher. #e teaches the $eo$le that he serves. 0ften& he must re$eat the same lessons several times. The teacher must try to be a model for his $eo$le. #e cares for them. #e tries to advise them about the Bible. #e $rays for them. The teacher himself also needs to learn more. #e knows that he is not $erfect. Aerses /2, The evil woman 'in 4roverbs 8-+/* went everywhere. Wisdom is also everywhere. Wherever $eo$le are& Wisdom is there. 'Wisdom is like a woman.* She is waiting to advise them. She wants to hel$ them. She will guide them to make right decisions. She will show them good ways. She will hel$ them to trust in (od. 6any $eo$le do not listen to Wisdom. They do not want her advice. She still calls out& because her message is im$ortant to everyone. v& B am calling to you& men. am shouting to everybody. v' f you are sim$le& then learn to be wise. f you are foolish& then learn to be intelligent. v( 9isten to meE 6y words are good. 6y words are right. v- am telling the truth to you. hate evil words. v" All my words are fair. do not say anything that is wrong. v! The wise $erson knows that all my words are right. The intelligent $erson knows that my words are $erfect. v1. 6y lessons are better than silver. 6y knowledge is better than gold. v11 Wisdom is more valuable than $recious stones. Fo valuable things com$are with her.%
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Aerse ! This is a message to everyone. Wisdom 'the woman* s$eaks to the $eo$le in every nation. @ou may be rich or $oor. @ou may be a ruler& or an ordinary $erson. @ou may be a man or a woman. @ou may be young or old. 5veryone needs to be wise. Aerse 7 Solomon uses s$ecial meanings for the words Bsim$le% and Bfoolish%. The Bfool% is $roud and la<y. #e does not want to serve (od. #e hates wisdom. #e $refers to do evil things. f you try to teach a fool& he will hate you. #e will only learn if (od changes him. The Bsim$le% $erson does not know what is right or wrong. #e has not learned to be wise. #e chooses to do evil things& because Beverybody does it%. But you can teach a sim$le $erson. A sim$le $erson can learn to be wise. Aerses :2. The woman called Wisdom s$eaks good words. #er words are always true 'verse :*. They are fair 'verse 8*. She does not s$eak wrong words 'verse 8*. 5verything that she says is $erfect 'verse .*. (od is like this. #e uses the Bible to teach us. The Bible is the word of (od. The Bible is always true '4salm ++.-;.*. The Bible is fair '4salm ++.-87*. The Bible is never wrong '4salm ++.-:;*. t is $erfect '4salm ++.-+,82+,;*. Aerses +"2++ 6oney is not really valuable. Silver and gold are beautiful& but they cannot give a good life to you. Wisdom is valuable. Wisdom is better than money& silver or gold. The Bible is also better than these things. B love (od%s commands more than the $urest gold.% '4salm ++.-+/8* Aerses +"2++ are similar to 4roverbs ,-+!2+7. n 4roverbs ,& Solomon is s$eaking to his son about the woman called Wisdom. BShe is worth more than silver. She is even more valuable than gold. She is more valuable than $recious stones. Fo valuable things com$are with her.% Fow& in verses +"2++& Wisdom herself agrees that this is true. v1$ B am Wisdom. am skilful. have knowledge. make the right decisions. v1% To res$ect (od is to hate evil things. hate $roud and greedy $eo$le. hate lies. And hate evil deeds. v1& 6y advice is good. 6y decisions are right. am intelligent. have $ower. v1' Kings rule by my wisdom. Culers make fair laws by my wisdom. v1( 4rinces govern by my wisdom. 5very good leader has my wisdom. v1- love the $eo$le who love me. 5veryone that looks for me can find me. v1" 6y gifts are wealth and honour. And my wealth will last& because it is good. v1! The results of my work are better than fine gold. The reward that give is better than fine silver. v$. 6y actions are fair and right. v$1 give wealth to those who love me. fill their rooms with valuable things.% Aerse +/ f you are wise& then you will also be skilful. @our wisdom will hel$ you to make the right decisions. Aerse +, The first lesson in wisdom is that we must res$ect (od.
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Wisdom hates these things 5vil deeds. When we serve (od& we should not do evil actions. (od will teach us to do the right things. f we do wrong things& then we must ask (od to forgive us. 4roud $eo$le. A $roud $erson trusts in himself. #e will not listen to (od. #e will not listen to other $eo$le. (reedy $eo$le. (od wants us to be generous. 9ies. (od loves the truth. Aerses +72+: Solomon& who wrote the Book of 4roverbs& was a king. #e knew that he was res$onsible for many $eo$le. When he was young& he wanted to be a good king. #e studied wisdom so that he would rule wisely. All rulers and leaders can learn from him. A king should not use his $ower to steal money from other $eo$le. #is $eo$le should not suffer so that he can have fun. #e should care about the $eo$le. #e should rule them fairly. #is laws should be fair. #e should use his $ower carefully. 5veryone who has res$onsibility for other $eo$le should think about this. 5m$loyers& rulers and 3udges need (od%s wisdom. Church leaders also need (od%s wisdom. Aerses +;2+. The best wealth is not money or gold. Cich $eo$le can lose their money. But wisdom is not like money. When we learn wisdom& it will benefit our whole lives. Aerse /+ The woman called Wisdom is generous. She gives true wealth. We can love many things. Some $eo$le love wine. But too much wine will kill them. Some $eo$le love money. But they can lose everything in a single day. f we love wisdom& then (od will look after us. #e cares about us. )esus said& B9ove (od& with all your heart& s$irit and mindE This is the first and greatest law.% '6atthew //-,82,;* v$$ (od used his wisdom when he started his work. This was before ancient times. v$% 6y name is WisdomE existed from the beginning. existed even before (od created the world. v$& was born before he made the seas. was there before the waters flowed. v$' 6y birth was before (od made the mountains. was born before he made the hills. v$( was there& before the earth& or the soil& or the fields. v$- was there when (od made the heavens when he drew the hori<ons u$on the seas v$" when he $ut the clouds in the sky when he made the dee$ waters v$! when he chose the limits of the sea '#e made a law that the waters would not flood the earth.* when he set the earth firmly in $lace. v%. When he did all this& was his worker. worked at his side. ?ay after day& was glad to be with him. v%1 was glad when saw his world. 4eo$le were my delight.% The woman called Wisdom continues her s$eech. She ex$lains how (od made the world. Aerse //
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We all need wisdom. 5ven (od used his wisdom to make the world. n the beginning& before ancient times& wisdom was there. Aerse /, Wisdom is like (od%s word. (od%s word existed in the beginning. And (od%s word created the world& when (od the Dather gave his command. ')ohn +-+* The Bword% is another name for )esus. )esus always existed with (od in heaven. )esus is the Son of (od. There is only one (od& but )esus is (od. This is difficult to understand. We cannot understand everything about (od. We must trust (od about the things that we do not understand. Aerse /!2/. The $oem described how (od made the world. (od worked carefully. #e loves $eo$le. So he $re$ared a beautiful home for us. Com$are this with (enesis +. The $oem talks about the Bbirth% of wisdom. This is $oetry. The $oet is not saying that one day& wisdom was born. #e does not think that before this& there was no wisdom. (od was wise& even before ancient times. (od was wise& even before he made the world. (od has always been wise. Aerses ,"2,+ (od worked with Wisdom. 'Solomon continues to com$are wisdom with a woman.* Together& (od and Wisdom were glad to see the world. Together& they were ha$$y about (od%s work. 5s$ecially& they were glad to see the $eo$le. (od made $eo$le to be in his image '(enesis +-/:*. This means that $eo$le should behave like him. 4eo$le should use wisdom. When $eo$le make things& they should be wise. When they lead other $eo$le& they should be wise. These verses are also sad. They describe what (od wanted. (od%s $lan was that he would live with us. But the $eo$le refused (od%s love '(enesis ,-.2+,*. They refused wisdom. )esus died to bring us back to (od. We should trust in (od. We should greatly desire (od%s wisdom. v%$ B6y sons& listen to me. am called Wisdom. will bless you if you kee$ my commands. v%% 9isten to my lesson& and be wiseE ?o not refuse my wisdomE v%& make the man ha$$y who hears me. ?aily& he watches at my door and waits for me. v%' The $erson who finds me finds life. (od will be kind to him. v%( #owever& the $erson who does not find me hurts himself. f you hate me& then you love death.% Aerse ,/ The woman& Wisdom& asks us to listen to her. She will bless us. She will teach us to be wise. We must not refuse her advice. Aerses ,!2,7 f a man listens to wisdom& then he will benefit. This man does not 3ust listen to one lesson& and then walk away. 5very day& he wants more wisdom. #e is like a child who is waiting at his mother%s door. The child waits for mother to wake& so that she will teach himE We should always want to learn more wisdom. (od will be kind to us& if we do this. Aerse ,: f a man refuses wisdom& then he will suffer. #is $unishment is severe. A man who hates wisdom will die.

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Proverbs chapter !
Solomon%s last& great lesson to his son is almost com$lete. 4erha$s Solomon $aused here. 6aybe he thought about whether he had taught enough. #is young son needed the full facts. The son needed to decide between wise behaviour and evil behaviour. #is decision would guide his entire life. n the future& the son would be king& like his father Solomon. Then& the son would become $owerful. Solomon wanted the son to choose wisdom. Solomon decided to add a final& great $oem. This $oem would ex$lain wisdom to his son& but it would also ex$lain the o$$osite of wisdom. Then& at last& the son would know enough. Then& the son could make his own decision. The son must choose whether he wanted to be wise. f not& the son would be a fool& and the whole nation would suffer. v1 The woman called Wisdom has built a s$lendid house. She has made 8 columns for her house. v$ She has $re$ared the food. She has $oured out the wine. #er table is ready for a meal. v% #er servants have left to fetch the guests. She declares her message from the highest $lace in the city. Aerse + The woman& called Wisdom& has worked hard. She has decided to invite guests. She has even built a s$ecial house to give them a s$ecial welcome. The house has 8 columns& so it is large. t is com$lete& and it is $erfect. The number 8 may refer to the 8 instructions in verses :2+/. Aerse / 5verything is ready. The woman& Wisdom& has made a great meal for her guests. #er guests will not remain hungry. Wisdom has $re$ared everything that they need. (od $rovides the things that we need. 4aul wrote& B6y (od will $rovide everything that you need. #e will do this from the riches that are in )esus.% '4hili$$ians !-+.* )esus said& B9ook at the birdsE They do not grow their own food. #owever& (od feeds them. @ou are more valuable than the birds.% '6atthew :-/:* The Bible com$ares heaven with an invitation to a meal. BThe S$irit and the bride say& JComeEK 9et everyone who hears re$eat& JComeEK f you need to drink& then comeE Take the free gift of the water of lifeE% 'Cevelation //-+8* BCome& if you need to drinkE Come to the waterE f you have no money& then still comeE Without any money& you can buy and you can eatE Buy wine and milkE @ou do not need money& because there is no cost.% ' saiah 77-+* Aerse , The servants of Wisdom 'the woman* go to fetch the guests. Wisdom herself has invited the guests. 5veryone can hear her message because everyone must choose whether to learn to be wise. n 9uke +!-+72/!& )esus told a story about a meal. A man invited all his friends to a great meal& but they all refused. The man was very angry. f his friends would not come& then other $eo$le must en3oy his great meal. #e invited $oor $eo$le and ill $eo$le. #e invited blind $eo$le. #e invited $eo$le who could not walk. 5verybody was welcome. )esus% story means that we should invite everyone to become Christians. f our friends refuse& we must invite other $eo$le. We can invite $oor $eo$le and ill $eo$le. We can invite $eo$le that we do not like. We can even invite our enemies. (od wants us to do this. n heaven& (od is $re$aring a great meal. (od%s house must be full of $eo$le. f our friends refuse& they will not be at (od%s great meal. 0ther $eo$le will take their $lace. v& B f you are sim$le& then come hereE% She says this to the unwise $eo$le. v' BCome& and eat my foodE ?rink the wine that have $ouredE v( 9eave your sim$le ways and live wiselyE%
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v- ?o not sto$ someone who is insulting other $eo$leE #e will only insult you. ?o not correct an evil manE #e will attack you. v" ?o not correct someone who is insulting other $eo$leE #e will hate you for your interru$tion. Show a wise man how he is wrongE #e will love you for your correction. v! Teach a wise man and he will become still wiser. Teach a good man and he will learn more. v1. Ces$ect (odE This is the first lesson in wisdom. Know (odE This is intelligence. v11 am Wisdom. f you learn from me& you will have a long life. v1$ f you are wise& then your wisdom will reward you. f you insult other $eo$le& then only you will suffer.% Aerse ! Wisdom& the woman& chooses her guests carefully. They are not the guests whom we might select. She does not choose only clever $eo$le& whose conversation will be good. She does not choose only famous $eo$le& so that other $eo$le will res$ect her. She does not even select wealthy $eo$le. Wisdom%s guests are Bsim$le% $eo$le. They are $eo$le who do not know about good and evil behaviour. They are $eo$le who do many wrong things. These $eo$le have not yet learned to be wise. Wisdom& the woman& wants to teach them. She wants to show the right way to them. She wants to lead them to (od. )esus said& BWhen you make a meal& do not invite your friendsE ?o not invite your brothers or your relativesE ?o not invite your rich neighboursE f you do& they might invite you back. @ou wanted to give a gift& but they will re$ay you. When you make a great meal& invite $oor $eo$leE nvite ill $eo$leE nvite blind $eo$leE nvite $eo$le who cannot walk. Then (od will be kind to you. These $eo$le cannot invite you back. nstead& (od will reward you in heaven.% '9uke +!-+/2+!* Aerse : A $erson must do two things to become a Christian #e must turn from evil behaviour. The woman called Wisdom& says& B9eave your sim$le ways& and liveE% #e must trust in (od. The woman called Wisdom says& B9ive wiselyE% 4eter ex$lained this in Acts ,-+.. BCefuse to do evil thingsE Turn to (odE f you do this& then (od will forgive you. #e will give a new life to you.% Aerse 8 Some $eo$le will never listen to you. They refuse to follow advice. They refuse all correction. Aerse ; 4erha$s& you think that you are wise. #ere is a test for you. A wise man loves the $erson who corrects him. A wise man learns from the $erson who sees his 'the wise man%s* errors. f you love such a $erson then you are really wise. Aerse . A Christian should always want to learn. The verse s$eaks about a Bwise man% and a Bgood man%. A Christian should want to be both Bwise% and Bgood%. At church& he should learn from the $reacher 'that is& the s$eaker*. At home& he should learn from his family. At work& he should learn to be fair and honest. When he is alone& he should $ray. #e should read the Bible and learn from (od. f he does this& he will become wiser. #e will learn more. #e will know (od more and more. Aerse +" A wise $erson is not always intelligent or clever. #e might know only a few things. 6aybe& he has only learnt his first lesson.

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This is the first lesson- BCes$ect (odE% (od must be first in our lives. (od is more im$ortant than our businesses. (od is more im$ortant than our friends. (od is even more im$ortant than our families. When we make a decision& we must first think about (od. We must ask whether our $lans are good or evil. We must decide whether our $lans give honour to (od. This is only the first lesson. But it is a great lesson. This lesson will teach us to be wise. f we res$ect (od& then evil ideas will not attract us. f we res$ect (od& then we shall try to be fair and honest with other $eo$le. f we res$ect (od& then money will not control our lives. f we res$ect (od& then we shall want to learn from (od. Aerse ++ Wisdom& like a woman& cares for us. She is like a mother. f a child does not listen to his mother& then he is in danger. f a child learns from his mother& her instructions will kee$ him safe. Aerse +/ Wisdom offers a real reward. Wisdom will benefit our whole lives. f you refuse to be wise& then you will suffer. The woman called Wisdom finishes her s$eech. This is her final s$eech in the Book of 4roverbs. The $oem is also a$$roaching its end. But then we see another woman. This second woman is also shouting out. She also has an invitation. She too offers a meal. f you are sim$le& then you might confuse this other woman with Wisdom. f you are sim$le& then you might make a terrible mistake. v1% Another woman shouts aloud. She is called BThe Doolish Woman%. She knows nothing. She has no disci$line. v1& She sits by the door of her house. She sits in the highest $lace in the city. v1' She calls to those who $ass her. She calls as they walk straight ahead. v1( B f you are sim$le& then come hereE% She says this to the unwise $eo$le. v1- BThe water that we steal& tastes good. The food that we eat in secret is wonderful.% v1" ?ead $eo$le are in her house. The man that she attracts does not know this. #e does not know that her $revious guests are in hell. Aerse +, The second woman is called BThe Doolish Woman%. 4eo$le who acce$t her invitation are foolish. This is why she has this name. Wisdom& the woman& says that knowledge is valuable '4roverbs ;-+"*. The Doolish Woman does not think so. She thinks that knowledge has no value. She knows nothing. Aerse +! The woman called Wisdom $re$ared a fine meal for her guests. Wisdom even built a s$lendid house for them. But the Doolish Woman is la<y. The Doolish Woman did none of these things. She does not even stand to invite her guests. She sits down. The messages of the two women both come from the highest $lace in the city. So everyone will hear both messages. Fobody will miss them. 5veryone will receive both invitations. We cannot acce$t both invitations. We must choose. 5ither we follow wisdom& or we are foolish. Aerse +7 The $eo$le walk straight ahead. Solomon com$ares life to a 3ourney. We should walk straight ahead. See 4roverbs !-/72/:. We must not allow evil things to attract us. The Doolish Woman calls to $eo$le. She wants to tem$t them away from the straight $ath. She wants to take them on the $ath to her house. She will lead them away from (od. n the end she will destroy them.
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Aerse +: We heard this invitation earlier& in verse !. The Doolish Woman gives the same words of invitation as the woman called Wisdom. The Doolish Woman also calls Bsim$le% $eo$le. 5vil $eo$le have decided already to be foolish. The sim$le $eo$le have not yet decided. The Doolish Woman tries to $ersuade them. She wants to tem$t them. Aerse +8 The Doolish Woman also offers a meal to her guests. #owever& her meal does not belong to her. She stole the water. She must eat in secret. BWater% reminds us of 4roverbs 7-+72+;. n that $assage& Bwater% refers to love and sex. So& the Doolish Woman offers sex. She Bstole% sex& so this is not sex between a husband and wife. This is the same invitation as 4roverbs 8-+;2/". This is why the meal is secret. So the meal also gives the idea of sex. The woman tem$ts the sim$le man with evil ideas. Solomon is thinking about all evil things& not 3ust sex. f we are foolish& then we shall choose to do evil things. f we refuse to be wise& then we also refuse to follow (od. 5vil actions might feel Bgood%. 5vil actions might feel Bwonderful%. These are only feelingsI they are not reality. The reality is that evil behaviour is always wrong. The reality is that evil behaviour will destroy us. The reality is that (od hates all evil things. Aerse +; B?eath is like a wage for the $erson who does evil things. But (od gives us life that will last always& through )esus.% 'Comans :-/,* ?eath and hell are the $unishments for our evil actions. So we must not do evil things. nstead& we should serve (od. And we should ask (od to forgive us. (od wants us to trust him. (od%s love is like a free gift. (od offers real life. We shall not die. We shall live always with him& in heaven. This is the best invitation. We must make our choice. We can be wise& or we can be foolish. 6ake the right decisionE (od wants us all to learn to be wise.

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)he sad story of Solomon and his son

The Book of 4roverbs hides a sad story. Solomon was a wise king for most of his life. When he became old& Solomon forgot his wisdom. #e had many wives. #is wives tem$ted him to serve false gods. #e did not remember (od& who gave wisdom to him. #e served false gods. The real (od was angry with Solomon '+ Kings ++-+2+"*. Solomon wrote 4roverbs +-+ to 4roverbs .-+; for his son. #e wanted his son to learn wisdom. Solomon tried to teach his son. Solomon%s son was called Cehoboam. Cehoboam became the king when Solomon died. Cehoboam never followed wisdom. When he became king& his first decision was to refuse wisdom. #e refused to obey the advice of Solomon%s wise advisers. nstead& he chose advisers who knew nothing '+ Kings +/-+2+.*. Cehoboam%s first decision was a terrible decision. 6ost of the $eo$le refused to serve Cehoboam. There was a revolution and a war. The nation s$lit in two. Solomon led a great nation. #is nation was always at $eace. #is son& Cehoboam& led a small nation. Cehoboam was always at war '+ Kings +!-,"*.

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Book List
Aarious writings and sermons by C.#. S$urgeon& ). Wesley& (. Whitefield and other classic writers. Fotes on the Book of 4roverbs 2 )ohn Wesley The Book of 4roverbs by A.C. Dausset 2 in Commentary Critical and E'$lanatory on the (hole Bible by )amieson& Dausset and Brown 4roverbs by S.S. Bu<<ell 2 in he Bible )nowledge Commentary edited by Walvoord and Muck 4roverbs by (.W. Thatcher and other articles 2 in he em$le Bible *ictionary edited by 5wing N Thomson @oung%s Analytical Concordance Strong%s 5xhaustive Concordance Analytical #ebrew and Chaldee 9exicon by B. ?avidson Bibles 2 F A& K)A& T5A& CSA& 6offatt& )ewish translation '+.+8*& occasional use of #ebrew text and other translations. Christ in all the Scri$tures 2 A.6. #odgkin

)heolo+ical checker 0orman 1illyer

2005, Wycliffe Associates (UK) This publication is written in EasyEn lish !e"el # (2$00 wor%s)& 'o"e(ber 2005 )isit our website* www&easyen lish&info

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