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The *Lord is King

An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book o !badiah

Philip Smith
The translated Bible text has been through Advanced Checking. Words in boxes are from the Bible. A word list at the end explains words with a *star by them.

About the book of Obadiah

This is the shortest book in the * ld Testament. badiah means !the servant of *"ahweh#. r it means !the person who gives honour to *"ahweh#. There are many people with this name in the * ld Testament. This badiah is not the same as the other ones.

The date depends on the answers to two problems. a$ %erses &'( are like )eremiah *(+,'--. There are three ideas about why they are similar. i$ )eremiah repeated what badiah wrote. .f this is true/ then )erusalem0s *destruction 1 badiah verse &&$ is the same as in - Chronicles -&+&2. There/ the writer describes how the *3hilistines and the *Arabs attacked *)udah. They entered it with their army. They carried off all the possessions in the king#s palace. They also took his sons and his wives. This happened in 4*5 *B.C. But the events in badiah verses &&'&* are more terrible than what happened then. .n - Chronicles -&/ the writer does not mention the people that lived in *6dom. The writer in - 7ings does not say anything about the event either. ii$ badiah used the text of )eremiah *(+,'--. .n both badiah verse & and )eremiah *(+&*/ someone sends a message that the nations should attack !her#. 8owever/ in )eremiah the word !her# refers to Bo9rah 1a town$. But in badiah it refers to *6dom 1a country.$ :aybe badiah used the verse from )eremiah and he did not change the grammar. ;sually people used a female form of a *verb to describe people in a country. They did not use it to describe the country itself. Armies *captured )erusalem in <42 *B.C. .f badiah used )eremiah0s text/ then verse && would mean that time. The *people that lived in *6dom behaved like that then. .n 3salm &5,+,/ the writer talks about this. !*=ord/ remember what *6dom0s *people did. They cried out on the day when )erusalem fell. >Tear it down? Tear it down to the ground?@ # iii$ Both writers repeated an earlier *prophecy. This is possible but we cannot prove it. .f they did it/ then again badiah meant )erusalem0s *capture in <42 *B.C.

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b$ We must make a decision. Are the *verbs in verses - and 2'&A in the past tenseB r are they in the *prophetic perfectB 1This means when people used the past tense to describe future events. *3rophets did this because they were so sure that the events would happen. A well'known example of this is when .saiah describes )esus0 *suffering in .saiah chapter <5.$ We know that the *Arabs did not *capture *6dom until the < th century *B.C. The *Cabateans *captured it again in the 5rd century *B.C. Do it is likely that badiah used the *prophetic perfect. .f so/ he wrote his book soon after *.srael0s enemies had *captured )erusalem in <42 *B.C. Euring that period he would be the only *prophet who *prophesied in *)udah.

This name has its origins from 6sau/ )acob#s brother. These two were not good friends. They struggled with each other in the womb. 1The womb means the part of the body where a baby grows before birth.$ The writer of 8ebrews &-+&2'&, says+ !6sau was not *spiritual. 1This means that he did not have a relationship with Fod.$ 8e gave his rights as the oldest son to )acob. 8e exchanged them for one meal. Afterwards he wanted to *inherit his rights. But his father refused to give them to him. 8e could not change what he had done. 8e tried to do so and he was weeping.# *6dom0s *people lived in Deir. This is an area of mountains south and east of the Eead Dea. Two important trade routes went through it. Because its *people controlled these roads/ they got a lot of money. But other people also attacked it. .ts two chief cities were Bo9rah and *Dela. *Dela is near the famous city of 3etra. 3eople cut this city out of red rock. .t is still possible to see part of it today. After *.srael0s *people had left 6gypt/ they wanted to go through *6dom. But *6dom0s *people did not allow *.srael0s people to go through 1Cumbers -A+&*'-&$. Daul attacked *6dom and he defeated its army 1& Damuel &*+*,$. Eavid killed many of *6dom0s *people. 8e made its other people his slaves 1- Damuel 4+&5'&*$. Dolomon built his ships at a port called 69ion'geber in *6dom. !8adad/ the king of *6dom/ was an evil enemy of *.srael. 8e caused great *suffering.# 1Dee & 7ings &&+--.$ *6dom attacked *)udah at the time of 7ing )ehoshaphat 1- Chronicles -A$. !Euring the rule of )ehoram/ *6dom0s *people opposed the authority of *)udah0s rulers. *6dom became a *kingdom that other countries did not control.# 1Dee - Chronicles -&+4.$ =ater 7ing Ama9iah *captured *6dom again and he killed -A AAA of *6dom0s *people 1- Chronicles -<+&&'&-$. When Aha9 was king of *)udah/ *6dom0s soldiers attacked it. They *captured many people. Cow *6dom was completely free 1- Chronicles -4+&,$. Grom ,5* *BC *Assyria0s rulers controlled *6dom and then *Babylon controlled *6dom. Then the power of *6dom#s *people became weaker. *Arabs controlled *6dom and then the *Cabateans controlled it. :any of *6dom0s *people moved to southern *)udah. 3eople then called this area .dumea. 1This is where the *Arabs and many of *6dom0s *people lived.$ The kings called 8erod came from this country. They were *.srael0s kings at the time of the *Cew Testament. They did not behave in a good way about *spiritual truth. 1.n this way they were like 6sau.$ We can see this from their reaction to )esus. The *prophets said many times that *6dom0s *people were doing wrong. 8ere are some examples of this. !:y sword descends in *Hudgement upon *6dom# 1.saiah 5*+,$. !"ou *people of *6dom/ he will punish the bad things that you have done. 8e will show your evil actions to everyone# 1=amentations *+--$. !. will punish *6dom for the inHuries that it has done to other nations# 169ekiel -<+&-'&*$. !*6dom will be a desert# 1)oel 5+&($. !Who is this that is coming from *6domB A person that steps on *grapes has red on his clothes. But why are your clothes red like thatB . walked upon the nations angrily with heavy steps# 1.saiah 25+&'2$. 8ere *6dom means the *people. And it means their ideas that are against Fod. The *:essiah will destroy them/ and this will be part of his success. .n :alachi &+-'</ the writer looks back to *6dom0s *destruction. !. have loved )acob but . have hated 6sau. . have changed his mountains into a desert.#

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The message of the book

The writer gave a message of hope to Fod#s *people. 8e told them that they would see Fod#s *Hudgement. Fod ruined *6dom. *6dom0s *people had laughed when other nations ruined *)udah. *6dom0s *people thought that they were greater than the other nations. They thought that other nations would not ruin them. They forgot that *.srael#s *people#s Fod had power over all. When Fod carried out his *Hudgement of the nations/ then *.srael0s *people would see Fod#s *Hustice. Then he would give back to *)udah0s *people what other nations had taken from them. Fod did not leave his *people alone when other nations defeated them. 8e continued to support them because of his promise to them. Fod wanted to help his *people because he was the king over the nations. 8e was not only the king over *.srael. 8e controls events. 8e uses people to carry out his plans for good and also his plans for punishment. *6dom and *Babylon no longer exist. *.srael0s *people do exist. *.srael0s 1)acob0s$ *people went through *suffering. This was one way that Fod was preparing them. Then Fod brought them back to what they were. *6dom0s 16sau0s$ *people thought that they were better or more important than other nations. They did not do what Fod said. This led to *destruction. Today there are many powerful enemies of Fod. badiah said that Fod would still support his *people. 8e would allow them to have freedom. 8e said that one day !the *kingdom would be the *=ord#s#. !8e hoped that Fod would bring back his own *people. This meant something greater than pride in his country. .n his *people0s success he sees the beginning of Fod0s *kingdom.# 1). A. Thompson$

Plan of the book

The book is in two parts.

Part one: *Prophecy against *Edom, verses ! "

%erse & Title and message %erses -'* Girst *prophecy+ *3ride brings *destruction. %erses <', Decond *prophecy+ 3eople steal things. They are not loyal. %erses 4'( Third *prophecy+ The day of *)udgement %erses &A'&* Ieasons for Fod#s *Hudgement of *6dom They did nothing to help *)udah. They laughed at *)udah#s *destruction.

Part t#o: *$srael and the nations, verses %!&

%erses &<'&4 The situation will completely change. %erses &('-& The *kingdom will come. The book is in two parts but it has one message. %erse &< links the two parts. .n that verse/ badiah warns people. 8e says/ !The day of the *=ord is near for all nations.# The !day of the *=ord# is a special time when Fod will punish the nations. 8e warns *6dom0s *people that they will not escape. !3eople will do to you what you have done to other people.# badiah repeats the word !day# in verses 4/ &&/ &-/ &5 and &<. Fod !cuts down# *6dom in verse (. *6dom0s army !cuts down# *)udah in verse &*. *"ahweh speaks in verses &/ * and 4. And he acts in verses &< and -&. Crime and punishment go together/ as badiah says in verse &<. 3roud people will become humble. Dome people are glad that people steal. But then they will realise that people steal from them.

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v The *vision of badiah. The *=ord of all says this about *6dom. We have heard a message from the *=ord. 8e sent someone with a message to the nations. 8e said/ !Fet ready? =et us go to war against its *people.# The word !vision# refers to special words that Fod uses. 8e uses them to speak to people. .t means that here badiah will speak the words of Fod. The *prophecy is about a terrible event that would happen to *6dom. badiah repeats what )eremiah said in his *prophecy 1)eremiah *(+&*$. The nations that were once friends with *6dom0s *people would attack their country. badiah received a message about *6dom. At the same time/ he heard that this attack would happen. v& . will make you low in position among the nations. 6veryone will think that you have no value. v' "our *pride has made you believe something. But that thing is not true. "ou live in *Dela. "ou live there in the hiding place in the rock. 1A hiding place is where people hide themselves. They go there so that other people cannot see them.$ "our home is high in the mountains. "ou say to yourself/ !Cobody can ever pull me down.# v" "ou fly very high like an eagle 1a big strong bird with large wings$. "our nest seems to be above the stars/ but . will pull you down. Fod is going to make *6dom small in si9e and in value. The *people thought that they were better than other people. They thought that armies could not attack their home. An eagle is a big strong bird with large wings. As an eagle flies high/ so *6dom0s *people were high above their enemies. They were high above them as the stars are high in the sky. *Dela 1verse 5$ was the chief city of *6dom0s *people. They had cut the city out of rock. .t was high up in the rock/ so they could hide themselves there. They believed that nobody could *capture it. They forgot that Fod was above them. 8e could easily pull them down. As we read in 3roverbs &2+&4/ !*3ride leads to *destruction.# 3eople wanted to be like Fod. As a result/ they did not obey Fod. This was the first wrong thing that they did. :any people today think that they are better than other people. Because of this/ they think that they are safe. They forget the greatness of Fod. v% =et us suppose that thieves came to you. 3erhaps they came during the night. They would steal only as much as they wanted. 1What terrible events will come to you?$ 3erhaps people that pick *grapes came to you. They would leave a few *grapes. v( =ook how people have taken things from 6sau. They have stolen all the valuable possessions that he hid. v) "our friends have not been loyal to you. They have made you leave your country. There are *people that were at peace with you. But now they have ruined you. The friends that ate with you have made a plan. By that plan/ they want to *capture you. 8ow foolish you were to trust them? 8ere the writer imagines that thieves have attacked *6dom0s *people. These *people would know what would happen after that. Thieves that picked *grapes would leave some for the foreigners and poor people 1Eeuteronomy -*+-&$. But the *prophet interrupts his *prophecy with a cry of great fear. Then he declares that other people will completely destroy *6dom. Cobody and nothing will remain there.

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This will not happen to *.srael. *.srael0s *people will receive punishment/ but Fod will not completely destroy them. 8ere the *prophet is using the rhythm of a song for a funeral. This shows how terrible the punishment is. *6dom0s *people believed that their friends would help them. But in fact/ their friends turned against them. This is like what )udas did to )esus. 8e was a 0friend0 of )esus. But he was not loyal to )esus. .n verse 2 there is a reference to 6sau. This links with the use of his brother )acob0s name in verse &A. This verse shows how the nations should have behaved towards each other. Their *relationship should have been like the *relationship between brothers should be. %erses 2', are in the *prophetic perfect. badiah writes about these events as if they had already happened. This is because he was so certain that they would happen. v* The *=ord says this. n that day . will destroy the wise men of *6dom. . will also destroy the wise men in the mountains of 6sau. v+ . will make the soldiers of *Teman very afraid. . will kill every man in the mountains of 6sau. !That day# means the day of *Hudgement for *6dom. *6dom0s *people were a proud nation. They thought that they had greater wisdom than anyone else. 6lipha9/ who tried to advise )ob/ was from *Teman. 1We can read about this in the book called )ob.$ *6dom0s *people thought that their army was better than any other army. But Fod would destroy it. There would be a day of *)udgement for *6dom. Dimilarly/ there will be a final Eay of *)udgement for everyone. n that day/ Fod will destroy everything in which people trust. This includes their wealth/ their wisdom and their armies. And it includes help that they receive from other nations. !The mountains of 6sau# means the country called *6dom. v , Because you used force towards your brother )acob/ you will be deeply ashamed. . will completely destroy you. v "ou stood on the other side when strangers carried off his wealth. "ou were as bad as those foreigners that broke down the gates. They divided up )erusalem among themselves. This explains why Fod would punish *6dom0s *people. 8ere !)acob# means all of .srael#s people. .n Eeuteronomy -5+,/ Fod told *.srael0s *people not to hate a person from *6dom. 8owever/ *6dom0s *people hated *.srael0s *people. *6dom0s *people used force against them. They hurt *.srael0s *people and they killed them. *.srael0s *people remembered that *6dom#s *people had attacked )erusalem. 1=ook at 3salm &5,+,.$ )esus told the story of the Food Damaritan. A Damaritan was a person who lived in Damaria. Damaritans and *)ews were enemies. This Damaritan helped the *)ew when people from the *)ew0s own country did not help him 1=uke &A+5A'5<$. The priest and the =evite/ who were *)ews/ !went by on the other side#. They did not help the man in trouble. 1A =evite was a person from the family of =evi. The =evites helped the priests.$ *6dom0s *people were like the priest and the =evite. They did not help *.srael0s *people when these were in trouble.

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v & n that day/ your brother had a bad experience. But you should not then have considered him as worse than you. n that day/ when *)udah0s *people were destroyed/ you should not have laughed at them. n that day/ they had their trouble. But you should not then have said how great you were. v ' n that day/ my *people were suffering *disaster. But you should not then have entered their city. "ou should not have considered them as worse than you. "ou should not have sei9ed their wealth. v " "ou should not have stood at the place where the roads cross each other. "ou were waiting there in order to kill people. Those were the people that tried to escape. Cor should you have given to the enemy those that were still alive. 8ebrew is the language that the *)ews spoke. .n the 8ebrew Bible/ these verses are commands. That is/ !"ou should not consider them as worseJ# and so on. Actually they describe the events at the *capture of )erusalem. Do we have translated them here in the past tense. Because badiah has written the verses as commands/ these events seem more terrible. *6dom0s *people have been told not to do certain things. But in fact/ they have done them? Cotice how they have moved from thoughts to actions. Girst/ they !considered them worse# and they !laughed at them#. Then they !entered the city# and they !sei9ed their wealth#. When we do wrong/ the same thing happens. )esus said that anger was as bad as murder? Dome of *)udah0s *people tried to escape from their enemies. But *6dom0s *people tried to kill them. r they handed them over to those enemies. These were the worst crimes that *6dom0s *people did. Cotice the use of the word !day#. This can mean !a good or bad event in connection with some place or person#. This leads on to the next section. That section refers to the Eay of the *=ord. This is the final *Hudgement. Fod will decide then who is right or wrong. v % The day of the *=ord is near for all nations. 3eople will do to you what you have done. What you have done will happen to you. v ( As you drank on my holy hill/ so all the nations will drink in the same way. They will not stop. They will drink. And they will continue to drink. They will become as if they had never been born. v ) But some on :ount Kion will escape and it will be a holy place. The *people of )acob will possess what their family gave them. v * The family of )acob will be like a fire. The family of )oseph will be like a flame. They will destroy the family of 6sau as if it were stubble. 10Dtubble0 means plants0 short stems that remain in the ground after people have cut off the top part of the plant.$ Cobody in the family of 6sau will continue to live. ./ the *=ord/ have spoken. The day of the *=ord is when Fod punishes people. 8e does this because they have not obeyed his laws. This punishment may be an invasion 1when an enemy enters a country$. .t may be a natural *disaster 1a fire or when the earth shakes/ for example$. .t will come upon the *)ews and the Fentiles 1people that are not *)ews$. The final Eay of the *=ord is the =ast *)udgement/ when Christ comes again. Then Fod will punish those that oppose him. And he will save those that trust him. We cannot see in the Bible exactly when this day will come.

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3eople will do to *6dom0s *people what *6dom0s *people did to other people. *6dom0s *people drank with pleasure when their enemies *captured the !holy hill#. 1This is another name for )erusalem. .n verse &, :ount Kion is also another name for )erusalem.$ Cow *6dom0s *people and the other nations will suffer punishment by Fod. And they will suffer his anger. .n the end it will be as if they had never been born. :ount Kion 1)erusalem$ will be a place where some will escape. These will be the people that trust Fod. )oel was a *prophet who lived after badiah. .n )oel -+5he repeated these words. !Fod will rescue everyone that calls the *=ord0s name for help. Because >on :ount Kion and in )erusalem some will escape@. The *=ord has said this. Those that Fod calls will live.# :ount Kion would be a holy place and it would be a safe place. This is because Fod would be there. .t would be a mountain where there was *blessing. .t would be very different from the mountain where 6sau#s *pride was. *.srael0s *people would again possess the land that Fod had promised to them. This happened when 69ra led them back to )erusalem from the foreign country called *Babylon. 1The king of *Babylon sent him to help the *)ews make their home in )erusalem.$ They built again the place where they praised Fod. The names !)acob# and !)oseph# mean all the &- families of the sons of )acob. Those families will be the agents of Fod#s anger. Fod will use them to ruin *6dom. 10Gire0 and 0flame0 here mean Fod0s anger.$ Dome of *.srael0s *people had escaped from )erusalem. And they were still alive. *6dom0s *people tried to kill them. But in the end/ none of *6dom0s own *people would remain alive. The message for the modern reader is clear. When )esus comes again/ Fod will kill his enemies. *6dom0s *people are an example of Fod0s enemies. But he will rescue those that call him for help. 8e will keep them safe for ever. They will enHoy all the *blessings that Fod has promised them. )esus Christ has drunk from the 0cup0 of Fod#s anger. 8e did this for them. )esus said/ !Can you drink the cup of *suffering that . must drinkB# 1:ark &A+54$. !Christ#s death >Hoined in one body all the separated *people of Fod@ 1)ohn &&+<-$. The >*.srael of Fod@ 1Falatians 2+&2$ will stand complete.# 1E. W. B. Iobinson$ v + 3eople from southern *)udah will live in 6sau0s mountains. 3eople from the plains will own the country of the *3hilistines. They will live in the fields of 6phraim and Damaria. The *people in the family of BenHamin will own Filead. v&, The group of *.sraelites in Canaan had to leave their own country. They will own the land as far as Karephath. The people in Depharad that came from )erusalem had to leave their own country. They will own the towns of southern *)udah. v& 3eople that free other people will go from :ount Kion. They will go to rule :ount 6sau. The *=ord himself will be the king. These verses are not written in poetry. They explain how much land *.srael will own. Douthern *)udah is the Cegev. This is the desert south of Beersheba. The people from there will live in *6dom. The people from the plains will live in the *3hilistines0 country. This is the Dhephelah. .t is the low land west of 8ebron towards the sea. 1The *3hilistines had often helped *6dom to oppose *.srael.$ 3eople from the plains will also live in 6phraim. 16phraim is the country of the family of )oseph0s second son.$ And they will live in the central part of the *3hilistines0 country and Damaria. 1Damaria was the chief city of the northern *kingdom of *.srael.$ The family of BenHamin 1)acob0s youngest son$ will completely control Filead. 1This is the land to the east of the river )ordan.$ %erse -A is very difficult to understand. We can translate the word !group# as !8alah#. This is a place in *Assyria. Those people that had to leave their own country went there in ,-- *B.C. We could then translate the first part of verse -A in this way. !The *people from 8alah that had to leave their own country/ will return. 1.n the beginning they lived in *.srael/ the northern *kingdom.$ They will overcome 3hoenicia as far north as Karephath.# 1Karephath was a small town in 3hoenicia. .t was between the towns called Tyre and Didon. 3hoenicia was the country to the north'west of *.srael.$ Therefore when they return they will have more land. The second part of verse -A refers to the *)ews. Their enemies removed them from their own country in <42 *B.C. We are not sure what Depharad means. Dome people think that it is Dardis in Asia :inor. 3erhaps some of the second group went there. When they return they will own southern *)udah/ the area called the Cegev. The *kingdoms of *.srael and *)udah will unite to rule the country. 3eople will free )erusalem 1:ount Kion$ and they will rule over :ount 6sau. :ount 6sau is like all the nations that oppose Fod. The *=ord 1*"ahweh$ will be the king.

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.n fact the *.sraelites have never obtained all these lands. These verses may refer to how the good news about )esus will spread. They also refer to the time that the writer of Ievelation &&+&< describes. !The *kingdom of the world has become the *kingdom of our *=ord and his *:essiah. 8e will be the king for ever and ever.#

-inal notes
badiah is a difficult book to understand. 8owever/ the message is very important for today. .n this book/ we learn that Fod will completely defeat his enemies. Fod says to the *:essiah/ !Dit here on the right side of me. . will put your enemies under your feet.# 1Dee 8ebrews &+&5.$ 3unishment will come upon *6dom0s *people. .t is like the punishment that will come upon *Babylon0s *people. .n Ievelation &4+</ 2 the writer says/ !Fod remembers their wicked acts. Eo the same to them as they have done to you.# .n his book/ badiah also teaches that one day Fod will let his *people return. 8e will be the 7ing over all. There will be a new )erusalem. !The royal seat of Fod will be in the city. .t is also the royal seat of the =amb 1a name that )esus had$. Fod0s servants will serve him# 1Ievelation --+5$. Compare this with badiah verses &, L -&. f course/ badiah did not know all that we know. 8owever/ he explained all this in a manner that his readers could understand.

.ord /ist
Arabs M 3eople that lived in desert areas. These areas were to the south and east of .srael. Assyria M this is now northern .raN. .ts chief city was Cineveh. .ts armies *captured *.srael/ the northern kingdom. The Babylonians 1people from *Babylon$ defeated them in 2&- *B.C. 0121 M B.C. 2AA means the year that was 2AA years before )esus came to earth/ and so on. 0abylon M this was a large powerful country in southern .raN with culture and education. blessing M a good thing that Fod does for usO Fod#s protection. capture M take control of a place or a person. destruction M when people or Fod completely ruin something. disaster M when something very bad happens. Edom M the name that people gave to the *people that were from 6sau0s familyO the name of these *people0s country. grape M a small Huicy fruit that people use to make wine. inherit M to receive money or property because of the death of its previous owner. $srael M the nation that grew from )acob#s familyO the country where they lived/ the northern *kingdom. $sraelites M the *people of )acob0s family/ who lived in *.srael. 3e# M a person who is from the family of Abraham/ .saac and )acob. 3udah M the southern *kingdom/ to the south of *.srael. 4udgement M when someone decides whether something is right or wrongO or punishment because someone has not obeyed Fod0s law. 4ustice M when someone does what is fair and right. kingdom M a country or group of people that a king rules. /ord M a name for Fod. .t means !master#. 5essiah M a servant whom Fod has specially chosenO that is/ )esus. 6abateans M these were the family of the son of .shmael. They moved from place to place. Their chief city was 3etra/ which they cut out of red rock. 6e# Testament M the last part of the Bible. .n it/ we learn about )esus and the church. Old Testament M the first part of the Bible. .n it we learn about *.srael. And we learn about the preparations for )esus to come. people M a nation or persons living in a particular place or country. Philistines M people who lived in a country next to *.srael and *)udah. pride M when people feel that they are better or more important than other people.
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prophecy M a message from Fod. .t often refers to the future. prophesy M to speak a message from Fod. prophet M a person who speaks a message from Fod. prophetic M something that describes what will happen in the future. relationship M a connection or friendship between people. .t is often between people that are in the same family. 7ela M this word means 0rock0. 3eople built a city there/ &AAA feet above 3etra. spiritual M A spiritual person has a *relationship with Fod. This is because that person often prays and he or she often reads Fod#s message/ the Bible. suffering M when someone is sad or when they have pain in their body or mind. Teman M the name of 6sau#s grandsonO also a town in the north of *6dom. .ts people were very wise. verb M a word that shows an action/ event or state. vision M a dreamO sometimes a dream that comes to a person who is awakeO special words that Fod uses to speak to people. 8ere it means that here badiah will speak the words of Fod. #orship M when someone shows love or honour to Fod. #orshipper M someone who shows love or honour to Fod. 8ah#eh M Fod#s name in 8ebrew 1the language that people spoke in *.srael and *)udah$. .t means !. am# or !always alive#.

0ook /ist
Eavid Baker M badiah M Tyndale Commentaries 8. =. 6llison M :en Dpake from Fod M 3aternoster 3ress E. W. B. Iobinson M badiah M Cew Bible Commentary Ievised &(,A M .%3 Cew Bible Eictionary Bibles M Food Cews Bible/ Cew .nternational %ersion of the Bible
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