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Ruth Obeys God And Finds Love

An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book o !uth

Hazel Rea and Chris Gladwell

The translated Bible text has been through Advanced Checking. Words in boxes are from the Bible. A word list at the end explains words with a *star by them.

The book of uth is a beautiful story. The events in it happened over !""" years ago. Because it is about ordinary people# this story can help us today. This story is about an ordinary family whose members suffered many losses but $od went on looking after them. Then he gave them new gifts to make them glad. We do not know who wrote uth. %erhaps it was a familiar story that a *scribe wrote down after &ing 'avid(s death. )n chapter * verses +,-..# there is a list of people who were born into uth(s family. This includes &ing 'avid. /e was a very great king# an *ancestor of 0esus.

Chapter 1
v1 There was a *famine in the country. )t happened in the days when the *1udges ruled the people. A man from Bethlehem in 0udah went to stay in the country called 2oab. /is wife and his two sons went with him. v2 The man(s name was 3limelech and his wife(s name was 4aomi. /is two sons( names were 2ahlon and &ilion. They were all *3phrathites. They went from Bethlehem in 0udah and they came to live in 2oab. 5erses +-. These verses introduce the story. The events happened in the time of the *1udges# before there was a king ruling )srael(s people. 0udah was an area in the south and west of )srael. 2oab was on the opposite side of the 'ead 6ea and was a separate state. Bethlehem was a large town. The local area usually produced plenty of food. Then there was a *famine 7a time when crops did not grow well and so there was not enough food8. 3limelech and his family wanted security. They left home to look for food elsewhere. They came to a country where the people did not *worship $od. 3limelech was from 3phrath. This probably meant that he belonged to one of the chief families in Bethlehem. 793phrath( is an old name for Bethlehem : see 2icah ;<..8 /e took his wife 4aomi and his two sons 2ahlon and &ilion. They planned to stay in 2oab only for a short time. The names in this story are important. 3limelech means 92y $od is king(. 4aomi means 9pleasant(. What had happened in 4aomi(s life did not match her name. )n uth +<."# 4aomi realised that. 2ahlon and &ilion seem to come from two other words. Those words mean to be sick and to become weak and die. These names show the sad events to come. v3 But 3limelech died. /e was 4aomi(s husband. 4aomi and her two sons remained. v4 The two sons married women from 2oab. The name of one was =rpah and the name of the second was uth. 4aomi(s family stayed there for about +" years. v5 Then 2ahlon and &ilion died also. The woman now remained without her children or her husband.
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5erse ! 3limelech died. We do not know his age or the cause of his death. 4aomi still had two sons who could provide for her. 5erses *-; The two sons married local girls# =rpah and uth. They were from 2oab. 7The name of their god was Chemosh : see . &ings .!<+!.8 After +" years# the girls became widows too. They had been married but they had no sons. 4aomi was now without any man from her family to look after her# and she was in a foreign country. v6 Then she heard in 2oab that the *>= ' had given his people help. /e was giving food to them. 6o# she started to go home from 2oab. /er sons( wives went with her. v7 6he left the place where she lived. 6he and her two sons( wives went on the road to return to the place called 0udah. 5erses ?-@ 4aomi heard that $od had helped his people. 4ews came from 0udah. $od had provided food there. 6he still trusted that he looked after his people. 6he wanted to go back home. =rpah and uth started the 1ourney with her. They loved her and they wanted to stay together. v8 Then 4aomi said to her two sons( wives# 9$oA return home to your own mothers. Bou gave kind love to me and to those that died. 6o ) hope that the *>= ' gives you his kind love. v9 ) hope that the *>= ' will give you rest in the home of a husband.( Then 4aomi kissed them. But they cried. 5erses ,-C But =rpah and uth were from 2oab. They were young and they could marry again. Their people would look after them. 4aomi was grateful for their kindness and she blessed them. This showed that she trusted $od. And she spoke about him. 6he prayed to him to look after uth and =rpah too. v10 They said to 4aomi# 94o# we will not go home. We will go with you to your people.( v11 But 4aomi said# 92y daughters# go home. Why are you coming with meD ) will not have more sons to become your husbands. v12 $o# my daughters# go home. ) am too old to have a husband. ) could say that there is hope for me. ) could say# E) will have a husband tonight and ) will have sons.F v13 But even so would you wait until they were menD Would you not have husbands until thenD 4o# my daughters. What the *>= ' has done is more bitter for me than for you. The *>= ' is against me.( v14 Then they cried aloud again. =rpah kissed her husband(s mother# but uth held on to 4aomi. 5erses +"-+* Both uth and =rpah still wanted to stay with 4aomi. But 4aomi wanted what was best for them. 6he could not give them new husbands. They needed to marry for security. 6o# 4aomi tried to persuade them to go back to their families in 2oab. At last# =rpah agreed# although it made her sad. v15 9>ook(# said 4aomi# 9your *sister-in-law is going back to her family and to her gods. $o back with her.( v16-17 But uth said# 'o not ask me to leave you or not to follow you. Where you go# ) will go. And where you stay# ) will stay. Bour people will be my people and your $od will be my $od. Where you die# ) will die. And there they will bury me. ) want the *>= ' to hurt me if anything except death makes us separate. v18 Then 4aomi knew that uth wanted to go with her. 6o# she did not argue any more. 5erses +;-+, uth understood the practical wisdom of 4aomi(s advice. /owever# her love for 4aomi and her wish to obey $od made her strong. 6he would be loyal to him and to 4aomi. 6he was ready to give up everything else. 9Where you go# ) will go. And where you stay# ) will stay. Bour people will be my people and your $od will be my $od(# she said. uth chose to belong to 4aomi(s people and to *worship 4aomi(s $od. The book now becomes uth(s story.

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v19 The two women went to Bethlehem. When they arrived in Bethlehem# all the people in the town started to talk about them. The women asked# 9)s this really 4aomiD( v20 But 4aomi said to them# 9'o not call me 4aomi. Call me *2ara# because *The Almighty has made life very bitter for me. v21 ) went away full. The *>= ' has brought me back empty. 6o do not call me 4aomi. The *>= ' has spoken against me. *The Almighty has done bad things to me.( v22 6o 4aomi came home. uth# her son(s wife# came with her from the country called 2oab. They reached Bethlehem at the beginning of the *barley harvest. 5erses +C-.. uth and 4aomi travelled together. They arrived at Bethlehem when the men were beginning to harvest the *barley. The women from the town recognised 4aomi. They were surprised at how she appeared. 6he explained her circumstances. 6he thought that her name should now be 2ara. 2ara means 9bitter(. 6he was without a husband or sons. 6he had nothing. 6he thought that $od was against her. =nly uth# the young woman from 2oab# remained with her. But in all that she had suffered# 4aomi did not stop believing $od. 6he did not understand why her life was sad. 6he only knew that $od was in command.

Chapter 2
v1 3limelech had been 4aomi(s husband. BoaG was a relative of 3limelech. BoaG was an important man. v2 uth was from 2oab. 6he said to 4aomi# 9>et me go to the field where ) can *glean *grain. %erhaps someone will be kind to me.( 4aomi said to her# 9$o# my daughter.( v3 6o uth left and went to the field. There she *gleaned *grain behind the harvesters. 4ow she happened to come to the part of the field that belonged to BoaG. /e was a relative of 3limelech. v4 0ust then# BoaG came from Bethlehem. /e said to the harvesters# 9) pray that the *>= ' will be with you.( They said to BoaG# 9We pray that the *>= ' will do good things to you.( 5erse + This verse tells us about BoaG before he actually comes into the story. /e was a relative of 4aomi(s husband# 3limelech# and he was a rich and honourable man. )t is important for us to know the family connection. )n )srael# families owned the land. All the land was a gift from $od# so each family cared very much about their part of it. 3limelech had no son to take his responsibilities# but his family tried to help 4aomi and uth. 5erses .-! uth was younger than 4aomi was. 6o she offered to gather grain that the men had left. )t was usual to allow widows and foreigners to do this 7see >eviticus +C<C-+"8. This was called *gleaning. $od made this rule for his people. )t was a way for them to share his gifts with poor people. uth seems to have chosen BoaG(s field by chance. /owever# we know that $od makes good things happen. /e does this when we trust him. 5erse * 4ow uth was working in the field. BoaG# the master# arrived. /e said# 9) pray that the *>= ' will be with you.( The workers replied# 9We pray that the *>= ' will do good things to you.( /is words to his workers show that he is a good master. /e was using words that a priest would use to bless the people. The workers replied in the same way. $od was there# at their place of work. /is people can always be sure of this. v5 BoaG asked his servant# 9Who is that young womanD( The servant was the leader of the harvesters. v6 /e said# 9The young woman is from 2oab. 6he came back from the country called 2oab with 4aomi. v7 6he said# E>et me *glean by the *sheaves. >et me walk behind the harvesters.F 6he came at dawn and has been working until now. 6he only rested in the house for a short time.(

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v8 6o BoaG said to uth# 9>isten to me# my daughter. 'o not go to another part of this field to *glean. 'o not go away from here. 6tay with my women servants. v9 >ook in the field where the harvesters are. *$lean where they are. ) will tell the men not to touch you. The men have filled 1ars with water. )f you want a drink# use those 1ars.( v10 Then uth fell on the ground and hid her face. 6he asked him# 9Why are you so kind to meD Why did you notice meD ) am a foreign woman.( v11 BoaG replied# 9They told me everything that you have done for your husband(s mother. When your husband died# you came away from your mother and father and from your own country. Bou came to people that you did not know before. v12 ) ask the *>= ' to be good to you for what you have done. ) pray that the *>= '# the $od of )srael# will pay you in full. That is because you came to him for protection.( v13 Then she said# 9Bou are so kind to me# my *lord# because you are giving me help. ) am only a servant girl# but you speak to me like a friend. ) am not even one of your own women servants.( 5erses ;-+! 5erse ; makes it clear that BoaG and uth had not met before. The chief worker told his master that uth had come to Bethlehem with 4aomi. And he told BoaG that she was from 2oab. 6he had asked him to allow her to 1oin the other women. And he did. 6he worked hard. 6o BoaG(s chief worker had obeyed $od(s law. The stranger had gathered food with the women from Bethlehem. )n verse ,# BoaG showed uth that he accepted her. /e gave her protection. And he offered her drink from the water 1ugs that his young men had brought. This was more than the law demanded. BoaG was very helpful to uth. /e was a generous master. And he was kind to those who depended on him. uth had not expected so much kindness. 6he was very grateful and humble. 6he fell on the ground to show that she respected him. /er first Huestion was# 9Why are you so kind to meD ) am a foreign woman.( /e had looked after her especially. BoaG showed uth that he accepted her. BoaG(s $od will accept her too. 6he has chosen to come and be one of $od(s people# so $od will surround her with his love. /e will keep uth safe. /e will be like a mother bird that provides shelter for her babies under her wings. v14 When it was time for a meal# BoaG said to her# 9Come with us. Take some of our bread. %ut it in the *vinegar.( 6o she sat by the harvesters. BoaG gave her some of the *barley# hot from the fire. 6he ate as much as she wanted. But some remained. v15 Then uth started to *glean again. BoaG told his men# 9>et her *glean under the *sheaves. 'o not stop her. v16 Bou can also pull out some *barley from the *sheaves. 'rop it where she can *glean it. And do not tell her that she must not.( 5erses +*-+? BoaG continued to offer uth more than $od(s law told him to do. /e was happy for uth to share food with him. And he allowed her to take grain from the whole field# not 1ust the edges. )t was a huge gift without limits. $od is a generous $od who loves us. And so he gives to us in the same way. v17 6o# uth *gleaned in the field until the evening. Then she *threshed what she had *gleaned. 6he had about ." litres of *barley *grain. v18 6he took the *grain and she went to the town. /er husband(s mother saw how much uth had *gleaned. Then she gave her husband(s mother the food that she had not eaten at the meal time. v19 /er husband(s mother asked her# 9Where did you *glean todayD Where did you workD $ood things should happen to the man who gave you help.( 6o she told her husband(s mother what she had done. 6he said# 9The name of the man that ) worked with today is BoaG.( v20 Then 4aomi said to her son(s wife# 9) pray that the *>= ' will do good things to himI /e has not stopped showing his kind love to the living and to the dead.( 4aomi also said to her# 9The man is a relative of ours. /e might *redeem us.( v21 Then uth# the woman from 2oab# said# 9BoaG also told me# E6tay near my servants until the end of the harvestF.( v22 4aomi said to uth# her son(s wife# 9)t is good if you stay with his young women. 'o not go to another field where someone may hurt you.( v23 6o uth stayed near BoaG(s young women. 6he *gleaned until the end of the *barley harvest and of the wheat harvest. 6he continued to live with her husband(s mother.

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5erses +@-."a uth had gathered about ." litres of grain. 6he was able to take this to 4aomi# as well as what remained from her meal. Jirst 4aomi blessed the good man who had been kind to uth. Then she praised $od for the meeting of uth and BoaG. $od had remembered those who were dead# 3limelech and his sons. And he had remembered the widows who were still living. /is kindness continues for all time. By BoaG# $od will provide for them. 5erses ."b-.! BoaG was a member of 3limelech(s family 7see verse +8. /e would protect uth as she continued to find food in his fields. After the *barley harvest# it was the wheat harvest. All through the time of harvest# uth worked in the fields that belonged to BoaG.

Chapter 3
The harvest was now over. 4aomi made plans for the future. )f a man from )srael died without children# his brother or another relative used to marry the widow. That was the custom. Then the first son that she had would carry on the dead man(s name. And he would own his land. 76ee 'euteronomy .;<;-?.8 There was another custom also. )f someone had financial difficulties# a man from their family would buy their land. /e would then look after the land# so that it still belonged to the same family. This also meant that the person with financial difficulties would not have to become somebody(s slave. %eople called a man who carried out these duties a 9*redeemer(. 4aomi hopes that BoaG will accept the *redeemer(s duties. 6o 4aomi is not doing anything unusual. v1 4aomi# uth(s husband(s mother# said to her# 92y daughter# ) am looking for a home where you can rest and be happy. v2 4ow BoaG is a relative of ours. Bou have been with his young women. Tonight he will *winnow *barley at the *threshing floor. v3 4ow have a bath and make yourself smell nice. Then dress in your best clothes. $o down to the *threshing floor. emain hidden until he finishes eating and drinking. v4 4otice carefully the place where he lies down to sleep. Then go there and lift his skirt. And lie by his feet. /e will tell you what to do.( v5 9) will do everything that you have told me(# uth said to 4aomi. 5erses +-; After the men finished harvesting# the farmer had to *thresh the wheat and the *barley. /e stayed at his place of work all day and all night. /e would be very tired and hungry. uth had to wait until BoaG had finished eating and drinking. 6he had to be very Huiet and prepare herself like a bride in her best clothes. BoaG would understand why she had come to him. uth showed that she trusted 4aomi. And she obeyed her. v6 6o uth went to the *threshing floor. There she did everything that her husband(s mother had said. v7 BoaG ate and drank. /e began to feel very happy. /e went to sleep next to the heap of *grain. uth came in secret. 6he lifted his skirt and lay down by his feet. v8 At midnight# something made the man feel afraid. /e turned and discovered a woman lying by his feet. v9 9Who are youD( he asked. 9) am uth# your servant(# she replied. 9Cover me with the edge of your skirt because you are a *redeemer.( 5erses ?-C uth had chosen 4aomi(s $od and 4aomi(s country. /ere# she obeys the customs of 4aomi(s country. 6he showed courage and trust when she offered herself to BoaG. /e was surprised. But he was also grateful that this young woman was willing to become his wife. 6he asked him to spread his clothes over her. This was to show that she wanted him to marry her. /ere 9redeemer( means one of her husband(s family. v10 92y daughter# ) pray that the *>= ' will be good to you(# said BoaG. 9Bou are even more kind to me now than you were earlier. Bou have not run after young men# poor or rich. v11 4ow# my daughter# do not be afraid. ) will do everything that you have suggested. 3veryone in the town knows that you are a good woman. v12 )t is true that ) am a *redeemer. But there is a *redeemer closer to you than ) am. v13 6tay here for the night. )t may happen in the morning that he will *redeem you. )f so# that will be good. /e will *redeem you. But if he does not want to *redeem you# then ) will *redeem you. ) promise this# as the *>= ' livesI >ie down until morning.

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v14 6o uth lay by his feet until the morning. 6he got up before anyone might recognise the person next to him. BoaG said# 9'o not let anyone know that a woman came to the *threshing floor.( v15 /e also said# 9Bring me your *shawl. /old it in front of me.( When she did# he poured a lot of *barley into it. /e gave her help to pick it up. Then he went back to town. v16 uth came back to her husband(s mother. 4aomi said to uth# 9What happened# my daughterD( uth told her all that had happened with BoaG. v17 6he also said# 9/e gave me all this *barley. /e told me not to come back to my husband(s mother with empty hands.( v18 4aomi replied# 9Wait# my daughter. And see what happens. The man will make sure that he finishes everything today.( 5erses +"-+, We know already that BoaG was an honourable man. /e was kind to uth. And he kept her visit secret so that nobody would think bad things about her. /e also thought about how uth and 4aomi would need food now. They would need food now because the fields were empty. /e gave her another large Huantity of grain. /e was very generous. /owever# he could not marry uth yet. There was a man who was a closer relative to 3limelech(s family than BoaG. BoaG had to ask this man if he wanted to marry uth.

Chapter 4
v1 BoaG went to the gate of the town. /e sat down there. Then the other *redeemer came past him. /e was the one that BoaG had talked about. BoaG said# 92y friend# come here and sit down.( 6o the man went over and sat down. v2 BoaG had found +" important men from the town. /e said to them# 96it down here( and they sat down. v3 BoaG said to the other *redeemer# 9=ur brother 3limelech had part of the field. 4aomi# who has returned from 2oab# wants to sell it. v4 ) thought that ) ought to tell you about it. ) suggest that you buy it. Buy it in front of all the people who are sitting here and in front of our people(s leaders. )f you will *redeem it# then *redeem it. But if you will not *redeem it then tell me. Then ) will know. There is nobody else to *redeem it except you first and me second.( 9Bes# ) will *redeem it(# the other man said. v5 BoaG said# 9=n the day that you buy the field from 4aomi you also buy it from uth. 6he is the woman from 2oab. 6he is the widow of the dead man. Bou must take her also to continue the dead man(s name on his land.( v6 The other *redeemer replied# 9) cannot *redeem it. )f ) did# ) might put my own land in danger. Bou *redeem it in my place. ) cannot do it.( 5erses +-? BoaG arranged a public meeting with this man. There were +" witnesses. They met at the city(s gate. 2en arranged matters there. And they decided what was fair there. )t was necessary for men who were not in the same family to witness the arrangements. We do not know this other man(s name. BoaG said that 4aomi had land to sell. BoaG had to offer the land to him first because he was a closer relative of 3limelech. The man was glad to buy the land# so that it would still belong to 3limelech(s relatives. /owever# BoaG said that he must also marry uth. And he must make her son the owner of the land. /e must be the one to give 3limelech an *heir. That *heir would have a right to 4aomi(s land. This changed everything. The man could not risk his own family(s future. /e would have to provide for uth(s child or children until they became adults. 6o# he would have less money to give to his other children. And perhaps# when he died# some of his own land would also belong to uth(s child. 6o again# there would be less land for his other children to own. Jor these reasons# this man gave BoaG his right to the land and to uth.

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v7 4ow this is how they finished selling or *redeeming anything in earlier times in )srael. A man took off his shoe and gave it to the other man. This was the proper way in )srael. v8 /e said to BoaG# 9Bou buy it.( And he took off his shoe. v9 Then BoaG said to the important men and to all the people# 9Today you saw what ) did. ) bought from 4aomi all that 3limelech# 2ahlon and &ilion had. v10 uth# the woman from 2oab# was the wife of 2ahlon. 6he also is now mine. This means that everyone will remember him. And they will remember where his land was. /is family will not forget him and the people from his village will not forget him. Bou have all seen this today.( v11 The most important people and everyone else said# 9We have seen it. We pray that the woman coming into your home will be like achel and >eah. These two women built up the house of )srael. We want you to be important in 3phrathah and famous in Bethlehem. v12 We pray that your family will be like the family of %ereG# the son of Tamar and 0udah. We pray that this will happen because of your child. We pray that the *>= ' will give you a child by this young woman.( 5erses @-+" The man took off his shoe. This was the custom to show that he agreed to give up his rights to the property. /e agreed to pass them to another man. BoaG took the shoe from him to make the arrangement final. Then BoaG said that he would take uth to be his wife. 5erses ++-+. The agreement was now legal. There were witnesses to it. The witnesses were happy with what had happened. They blessed BoaG. The witnesses prayed that uth would be like achel and >eah. And they prayed that she would be the mother of a great family. achel and >eah were the wives of 0acob# and they were important in the history of $od(s people. The +. family groups of )srael came from these two women. The witnesses also prayed that BoaG would do many good things. They prayed that he would be famous for all these good things. v13 6o BoaG took uth and she became his wife. /e had sex with her. Then she was going to have a baby. The *>= ' gave her a baby son. v14 The women said to 4aomi# 9The *>= ' is good. Today he has given you a *redeemer. We pray that his name will be famous in all )sraelI v15 /e will give you a new life. /e will give you help when you become old. Bour son(s wife loves you. 6he is better to you than @ sons. 6he is the boy(s mother.( v16 4aomi held the boy in her arms. 6he took great care of him. v17 The women that lived there said# 94aomi has had a son.( They called him =bed. /e was the father of 0esse. 0esse was the father of 'avid. 5erse +! uth and BoaG became husband and wife# and $od gave them a son. All through this story# we see $od giving good gifts to his people who are true to him. 5erses +*-+@ 4ow 4aomi had a child to make her happy# too. /er friends praised $od for the baby. And they prayed that the baby would have a good life. 4aomi had returned to Bethlehem feeling bitter and empty. 4ow she again had a child to look after. 6he was hopeful for the future. 3veryone shared her 1oy. /er name was still 4aomi. 7They did not call her 2araI8 The baby(s name was =bed# which means 9servant(. >ike BoaG and uth# he served $od. v18-22 This is the *family tree of %ereG< %ereG was the father of /eGron. /eGron was the father of am. am was the father of Amminadab. Amminadab was the father of 4ahshon. 4ahshon was the father of 6almon. 6almon was the father of BoaG. BoaG was the father of =bed. =bed was the father of 0esse. 0esse was the father of 'avid.

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5erses +,-.. %ereG was the son of 0udah by his *daughter-in-law Tamar# who was also a widow. 76ee $enesis chapter !,.8 0udah(s family gained $od(s promise in $enesis *C<,-+". Jrom this family came BoaG and# later# great &ing 'avid. 0esus# the greatest of all kings# came from Bethlehem from the same family. 0esus was the son of 2ary. >ike uth# she obeyed $od and always trusted him. There is no special book in the Bible about 2ary# but $od has given us this lovely book about uth. )n this book# we read about ordinary people. They are living as members of $od(s family because they respect and obey him. )t gives us a pattern for our own lives.

Word List
ancestor K any person from the past from whom the families of your father or your mother have come. bar e! K a type of grain. dau"hter-in- a# K son(s wife. $phrathites K people that lived in Bethlehem. %a&i ! tree K a list of your parents# grandparents and so on. %a&ine K time when food plants do not grow. " ean K get what other people leave. "rain K the seeds of *barley and wheat. heir K the person who receives land or money after his father or family member dies. 'ud"es K leaders of )srael who tried to govern as $od directed them. ord K one who rules or is a master. L()* K a special name for $od that his people use. +ara K a word that means 9bitter(. ,e# -esta&ent K the second part of the Bible. The writers wrote it after 0esus had lived on the earth. redee& K to pay another person(s debts and to protect them when they cannot help themselves. )n the *4ew Testament# we learn that 0esus redeems his people 7see $alatians !<+!-+* and + %eter +<+,8. /e pays the price for what they have done wrong. scribe K a man who writes as his work. %eople pay him to write letters and records. sha# K a sHuare of clothA women wear it over their shoulders. shea%.sheaves K some plants of wheat or *barley tied together. sister-in- a# K here it means the wife of your husband(s brother. -he / &i"ht! K a name for $od# someone more powerful than anyone else. thresh K to beat the *barley and wheat so that the grains fall out. vine"ar K what wine becomes if we leave it open to the air. #inno# K after *threshing# you winnow to make the *grain separate from the rest of the plant. #orship K to love and thank someone 7$od8 more than we love anyone else.

0oo1 List
'avid Atkinson K The Wings of efuge K )nter-5arsity %ress The following works are listed in 'avid Atkinson(s book as sources< $. A. Cooke K uth W. 3ichrodt K Theology of the =. T. C. J. &eil and J. 'eliGch K Biblical Commentary on the =. T. $. A. &night K uth and 0onah '. A. >eggett K The >evirate and $oel )nstitutions and the =. T. A. 3. Cundall and >. 2orris K 0udges and uth /. /. owley K The 2arriage of uth
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oland de 5aux K Ancient )srael Bibles K A5# 5# 65# 43B# The 0erusalem Bible
1997-2004, Wycliffe Associates (UK) This publicatio is !"itte i #asy# $lish %e&el ' (2(00 !o")s)* +uly 2004 ,isit ou" !ebsite- !!!*easye $lish*i fo

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