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Proverbs Bible Study Commentary

More wise lessons

An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Old estament Boo! o" #roverbs (#roverbs 22$%& to #roverbs '%$'%)

Keith Simons
This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. Words in boxes are from the Bible.

About the Book of Proverbs

The Book of Proverbs has 6 main sections !olomon"s wise lessons #Proverbs $ $ to Proverbs % $&' The (roverbs #wise words' of !olomon #Proverbs $) $ to Proverbs ** $6' +) wise lessons #Proverbs ** $, to Proverbs *- +-' .ore of !olomon"s (roverbs #wise words' #Proverbs */ $ to Proverbs *% *,' The (u00les of Agur and 1emuel #Proverbs +) $ to Proverbs +$ %'

A (oem about a (erfect wife #Proverbs +$ $)2+$' This document contains the last four sections. The first two sections are available se(arately on our website3

4se these links to go to the start of each cha(ter
Proverbs *+ 5 Proverbs *- 5 Proverbs */ 5 Proverbs *6 5 Proverbs *, 5 Proverbs *& 5 Proverbs *% 5 Proverbs +) 5 Proverbs +$

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30 Wise Lessons
(Proverbs 22 !" to Proverbs 2# 3#$
v!" 1isten carefully to the 6Wise 1essons"7 1earn them well7 v!% 8emember them7 Be ready to re(eat them to other (eo(le7 v!& 9 am teaching you : yes3 you7 9 am teaching you so that you will trust ;od. v20 <ere are +) Wise 1essons. These lessons will teach wisdom and knowledge to you. v2! These lessons are true and certain. =ou will give good answers to those who sent you. The last ma>or section of the Book of Proverbs begins here. The section includes several different (arts. There are short (roverbs #wise words'? longer lessons? (u00les?

and a (oem. @erses $,2*$ Wise lessons are valuable. And they are im(ortant. We need to study these lessons. We should learn them. These lessons teach us how we should live. And they will teach us how to answer other (eo(le"s Auestions. There are +) wise lessons in Proverbs ** $, to Proverbs *- **. The number 6+)" was im(ortant to !olomon. 9t meant that there were many lessons. And they were great lessons. Bther ancient books from different nations also contain +) wise lessons. The (eo(le from these nations believed that their own books contained great lessons too. But the Bible is a s(ecial book. ;od (rovided the Bible to teach us how we should live. <e hel(ed the authors of the Bible to write the right things. And ;od guides us by the Bible today. v22 Co not cheat (oor (eo(le because they are (oor. Co not be cruel to them in the court. v23 ;od will defend them. ;od will attack those who attack (oor (eo(le. @erses ** 2 *+ ;od looks after (oor (eo(le. ;od does not think that (oor (eo(le are less im(ortant than rich (eo(le. ;od considers that a widow"s coin is more valuable than a rich man"s large gift. #.ark $* -$2--'. Bther (eo(le might not (rotect (oor (eo(le. But ;od will (rotect (oor (eo(le. <e made them3 and they belong to him. Desus said3 69 tell good news to the (oor (eo(le." #.atthew $$ /'. We too must care about (oor (eo(le. The first Christians were not wealthy. #$ Corinthians $ *6'. But they shared their money with (oor (eo(le #8omans $* $+'. And we too should hel( (oor (eo(le. v2# 9f a man has a bad tem(er3 then do not become his friend. 9f a man is angry3 then do not go with him. v2' =ou might learn his bad attitudes. <is anger could destroy you. @erses *- 2 */
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Anger causes many (roblems. Anger can cause fights and arguments. 9t can even cause wars. Avoid the com(any of (eo(le who have a bad tem(er. =ou will get into trouble. v2( When someone else receives a loan3 do not (romise to (ay the debt. v2" 9f you cannot (ay3 then you will lose everything. =ou will even lose the bed that you are lying on. @erses *6 2 *, We should be careful with money. .oney is ;od"s gift3 so we should use our money wisely. We should not risk our money on foolish schemes. We should not waste it on a bet. And we should not hel( >ealous (eo(le who demand our money. @erse *6 seems to describe a common (roblem at !olomon"s time. !ee Proverbs 6 $2/? Proverbs $$ $/ and Proverbs $, $&. Desus also mentioned that we should be careful to calculate the cost of our (lans #1uke $- *&2+)'. We should hel( (oor (eo(le with our money. But we should choose carefully whom we hel(. And we should decide carefully how to hel( them. !o we need to ask ;od to guide us. 9n verse *,3 the man is lying in bed because he is la0y. We need to work in order to look after money. We must not be la0y about our money. And we must not be la0y about other gifts that ;od (rovides. Desus told a story about this sub>ect 2 1uke $% $$2*,. v2% Co not move an ancient fence. Bbey the ancient agreement. @erse *& Perha(s your boundary is ancient. Perha(s your family agreed the boundary with your neighbour"s family3 many years ago. But (erha(s now3 you need more land. And your neighbour will not sell his land. =ou could >ust move your fence. =our neighbour might not even realise that the boundary has moved. And you will have the land that you desire. But before you act3 think first7 There was an ancient agreement. Perha(s3 before the agreement3 there were many arguments. Perha(s your family even fought your neighbour"s family. 9f you do not obey the agreement3 then these troubles might start again. An agreement is like a (romise. Everyone should res(ect an agreement. And you should res(ect your neighbour"s (ro(erty. 9f a neighbour does not want to sell his land3 then you cannot buy it. And you are a thief if you take his land without an agreement. !ee $ Fings *$. 9n ancient 9srael3 the 6land" had a s(ecial meaning. ;od owned the land #1eviticus */ *+'. Proverbs ** *& re(eats ;od"s command in Ceuteronomy $% $-. !o these ancient boundaries were not merely agreements between neighbours3 like our boundaries today. The ancient boundaries in 9srael were an agreement between the (eo(le and ;od. And anyone who moved a boundary was refusing to obey ;od"s law. v2& A skilled workman serves kings. <e will not serve ordinary (eo(le. @erse *% Fing !olomon built many great buildings. <is workmen built (alaces. And they built the magnificent Tem(le #house of ;od' in Derusalem. !olomon res(ected a skilled workman. <e knew that skills are im(ortant. <e knew that a skilled workman deserves honour. As the king3 !olomon selected the best workmen to work for him. We should learn skills. And we should learn them well. We should try to be ex(erts at our work. When we work well3 we honour ;od with our work. 69n every kind of work3 work hard7 =ou are working for ;od. =ou are not really working for men. And you will receive ;od"s reward3 because you are serving Christ." #Colossians + *+2*-'. Paul wrote this to a grou( of Christians who were slaves #see Colossians + **'.

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Proverbs )hapter 23
v! When a ruler invites you for a meal3 be careful7 Think3 before you eat7 v2 9f you might be greedy3 then hold your knife near your neck7 v3 Co not allow the ruler"s good food to tem(t you7 <is food is like a lie. @erses $2+ A ruler does not invite you so that you can taste his fine food. <e invites you because he wants to discuss serious matters with you. =ou should not think much about his food or his wine. But you must think about your words. =our advice must be good. =ou need to s(eak wise words. !olomon uses humour in verse *. Gormally you (lace your knife near your (late. But !olomon >okes that your knife should be near your neck. 9n your imagination3 hold your knife there to warn you. Then you will remember that your life is short. =ou will remember not to be greedy. And you will remember to advise the ruler wisely. !olomon continues his advice in verse +. Be careful if an im(ortant (erson invites you to a s(ecial meal. <e could want you to do something for him. Gehemiah * ex(lains this lesson. Gehemiah was the king"s servant. The king ex(ected Gehemiah to be ha((y in the royal service. But Gehemiah had received sad news. !o Gehemiah (rayed to ;od. And he s(oke carefully to the king. ;od answered Gehemiah"s (rayer. And the king gave to Gehemiah the things that Gehemiah reAuested. v# Co not work hard to become rich7 Be wise3 and sto(7 v' Co not even glance at money7 1ike a bird that flies away3 money can suddenly disa((ear. @erses -2/ The Book of Proverbs encourages us to work hard. But some (eo(le work too hard3 because they want to become wealthy. These (eo(le suffer because they use all their energy in their work. Their families suffer too. We ought to be sensible. We can lose our money Auickly. When we die3 we cannot take our money with us #1uke $* $62*$? $ Timothy 6 ,'. .any things matter more than money. 1ove is more im(ortant than money. Wisdom is more im(ortant than money. And ;od is more im(ortant than money or anything else. v( Co not eat a selfish man"s food7 Co not allow his good food to tem(t you7 v" <is thoughts and attitude are always about himself. <e says3 6Eat and drink7" But he does not really want you to take any of his food. v% This man will make you feel ill. When you s(eak with him3 you waste your time. @erses 62& !ome (eo(le (retend to be our friends. But they do not care about us. They might say the right words. They might invite us to their homes. But they do not want to share their (ossessions with us. 9nstead3 they want to kee( their things for themselves. This is not a good attitude. We should not co(y it. The first Christians were very generous. They shared their (ossessions #Acts - +*2+,'. They did this because they loved each other. We might not co(y their actions today. But we should still be generous. We should still invite (eo(le to our homes. And we should be glad to share our food with our guests #<ebrews $+ *'. v& Co not s(eak to a fool7 A fool will hate your wise words.
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@erse % !olomon uses the word 6fool" to describe an evil (erson. This (erson hates ;od. !o this (erson hates wisdom. This (erson does not want wise advice3 because that advice would tell him to sto( his evil behaviour. <e will not obey your wise words. !ee .atthew , 6. v!0 Co not move an ancient fence7 Co not steal a field from a child that has no father. v!! ;od will defend that child. ;od will o((ose you3 on behalf of that child. @erses $)2$$ As in Proverbs ** *&3 !olomon reminds us that the boundaries in 9srael mattered to ;od in a s(ecial way. But verses $)2$$ are also about a child that has no father. Perha(s the child"s father died. Gow the child has nobody who will (rotect the child"s (ro(erty. Perha(s nobody cares about that child. But ;od is like a father to that child. ;od will (rotect the child. ;od will not allow you to steal from that child. ;od defends the child who has no (arents. !ee Psalm $) $-. ;od cares for children. Desus said3 6Allow the little children to come to me7" #.ark $) $-' v!2 1earn instructions7 1isten to knowledge7 v!3 Teach your child to do the right things7 A smack might save him from death. v!# !mack him7 !ave his s(irit from death7 v!' .y son3 if you learn to be wise3 then 9 shall be glad. v!( 9 shall be glad when you s(eak the right words. @erses $*2$!ometimes you need to (unish a child with a smack. A smack will not kill your child. But a smack will teach him the right way to behave. And your child will learn how to live wisely. =our (unishment now may save your child from a much worse (unishment later in life. =ou could even save him from the evil behaviour that might cause his death. Perha(s you do not need to hurt your child in order to teach that child. The law in some countries may not allow you to hit your child. But you must teach your child. And you must sto( your child when that child"s behaviour is wrong. Then the child will learn to do the right things. @erses $/2$6 But you will be glad if your child learns to be wise. =ou will be es(ecially glad if you had to (unish your child. =ou must teach your child to be wise. =ou must teach the child to res(ect ;od. And if you do the right things3 your child will co(y your behaviour. And your child will also teach other (eo(le to be wise. v!" When evil men seem to be successful3 do not be >ealous. =ou should continue to trust ;od. v!% 9n the end3 your reward will be certain. =our ho(e will not be in vain. @erses $,2$& Perha(s you are >ealous because some evil (eo(le are wealthy. Br they are famous3 or im(ortant #Psalm ,+ +2/'. But you must desire the right things. !o do not be >ealous when you see evil (eo(le. 9nstead3 think about ;od. 8emember that ;od loves you. 8emember the things that ;od wants you to do. And ;od will reward you. v!& 1isten3 my son7 Be wise7 Cesire the right things7 v20 Avoid the com(any of those who s(end their time with too much food and drink. v2! Peo(le that love food and wine become (oor.
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They become slee(y3 so that they waste everything. @erses $%2*$ The father warns his son. The son must not be greedy for food. And he must not be a drunk. This is because greedy (eo(le and drunks become la0y. They want only to eat and to drink. They do not want to work. Their ex(ensive habits will waste all their money. This is how they become (oor. v22 1isten to your father7 <e gave your life to you. Co not hate your mother when she is old7 v23 Buy the truth3 and do not sell it at any (rice. ;et wisdom also. And get disci(line and understanding. v2# The father of a good man has great >oy. A wise son gives (leasure to his father. v2' 9f you are wise3 then your father and mother will be glad. 9f you are wise3 your mother will have great >oy. @erses **2*/ 9f the son loves his (arents3 then he should listen to them. <e should obey their instructions. And he should learn to be wise. Then his (arents will be glad. They will have great >oy3 because their son will be a wise man. !o3 the son should choose the best things in life. <e should not choose money or (ossessions. <e should choose the truth. And he should choose wisdom3 disci(line and understanding. These Aualities will cause the son to become a great man. A wise son is better than a rich son. A wise son is better than a famous son. And a wise son is much better than a foolish son. @erse ** reminds us about ;od"s command in Exodus *) $*. Children should res(ect their (arents. 9n verse *+3 we cannot buy and sell truth with money. But truth and wisdom cost much in effort to obtain. !o do wisdom and understanding. v2( .y son3 obey me with all your heart7 Co(y the way that 9 live. v2" A woman who sells sex is like a dee( hole. A married woman who tem(ts you is like a narrow well. v2% 1ike a robber3 this woman waits for you. !he causes men to do evil things. @erses *62*& The son must be careful about sex. !ome women sell sex. They are like a dee( hole that a hunter uses as a tra( for animals. And some married women tem(t other men. They are like a narrow well that a man cannot esca(e from #Deremiah +& 62&'. Wells and holes are dangerous whether they are dee( or narrow. And sex is dangerous3 unless you are with your husband or wife. !ex can cause many troubles. 9n verse *&3 a robber waits to attack. The wrong woman is as dangerous as a robber. The son might su((ose that the woman waits to greet him. Br he might su((ose that she loves him. But she does not obey ;od"s law. And she will cause him3 too3 to do evil things. v2& !ome (eo(le are sad and they cry. They argue and they com(lain. Their eyes are red and their bodies have bruises. v30 These things ha((ened because wine tem(ted them. They went to taste the wine. v3! Co not look at wine7 Co not say3 69t is (retty7 9t is red7"
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Co not swallow it7 v32 9n the end3 wine will hurt you. Wine is like a (oisonous snake3 which will bite you. v33 The alcohol will confuse your brain. =our eyes will see strange sights. v3# =ou will shake like a man who slee(s at sea. =ou will feel like a man who balances on a shi(. v3' =ou will say3 6The (eo(le hit me3 but they cannot hurt me. They whi( me3 but 9 feel nothing. 9 must awake3 because 9 need more alcohol." @erse *% The writer (oints out a grou( of (eo(le. They are sad. They argue. They cry. Perha(s we su((ose that a terrible event has ha((ened. @erse +) The writer tells us what is wrong. These (eo(le drank too much wine. Alcohol tem(ted them. This is terrible3 he argues. @erse +$ Wine may look attractive. But it causes many troubles. When a (erson begins to drink alcohol3 that (erson sometimes cannot sto(. This is an illness called 6alcoholism". 9f someone cannot control alcohol3 that (erson needs hel(. That (erson should learn not to drink alcohol again. Coctors might hel( them. A grou( called 6Alcoholics Anonymous" might hel(. And that (erson"s friends should ex(lain the (roblems that alcohol causes. Alcohol causes many illnesses. Alcohol can cause death. @erse +* The writer tells us about a drunk"s strange ex(eriences. 9f someone has an alcohol (roblem3 that (erson should obtain hel( early. That (erson should not wait until they suffer these strange ex(eriences. The writer seems to know these ex(eriences well. Perha(s the writer himself suffered this (roblem. Crunks may see strange things. !ome drunks imagine that they see snakes. A drunk might imagine that the snakes are attacking him. @erse ++ Alcohol confuses a drinker. A drinker cannot think sensible thoughts. Bften3 he thinks that he needs to drink more alcohol. 8eally3 he needs to sto(. @erse +When the drinker drinks too much alcohol3 he feels like someone on a shi(. The drinker cannot walk in a straight line. <e might shake. <e might fall. <e might be sick. @erse +/ Gow the drinker hurts himself. But he might not feel the (ain. The next day3 he might feel terrible (ains. These (ains are called a 6hangover". But the drunk does not learn from his error. <e will make the same mistake again3 many times. This is because alcohol confuses the brain. The drunk does not realise that he must refuse alcohol. <e thinks that he needs more alcohol. <e su((oses that alcohol will cure his (roblems. 8eally3 alcohol causes all his (roblems.

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Proverbs )hapter 2#
v! Co not be >ealous of evil men. Co not try to meet them. v2 They make cruel (lans in their minds. And they discuss how to cause trouble. @erses $2* =ou should not >oin a grou( of evil (eo(le. Their secret (lans are cruel. And they (lot trouble with their conversations. =ou should not be >ealous of these (eo(le. =ou do not want to suffer their (unishment. v3 Wisdom is like someone who builds a house. And intelligence is like the (erson who establishes the house. v# Fnowledge is like the (erson who furnishes the house with rare and beautiful ob>ects. @erses +2The writer describes a fine house. Perha(s the house is really a (alace3 because the house has rare and beautiful ob>ects. This house can be like our lives. A house is safe if its builder was skilled. And our lives are safe3 if we are wise. And we should use our intelligence. And we should study to gain more intelligence. We need wisdom3 intelligence and knowledge. Then3 our lives will be good lives. v' A wise man is (owerful. A man who has knowledge is strong. v( Before you fight a war3 get advice7 To win the war3 you need many advisers. @erses /26 =ou can count the number of soldiers in an army. But the number of soldiers does not win the battle. =our soldiers may be strong and brave. But this does not win the battle. The army needs a wise commander. And the commander needs good advice. Bne adviser is not enough. The commander needs many advisers. =ou need advisers whenever you have a difficult (roblem. =ou cannot solve these (roblems yourself. =ou need other (eo(le to hel( you. Choose your advisers carefully7 =ou need wise advisers. v" A fool does not understand wisdom. When men gather at the court3 a fool can say nothing. @erse , 9n ancient 9srael3 the men from a city would meet at the city gate. They would discuss the city"s (roblems together. !ometimes they would act like >udges in a court. !ometimes they would decide whether to fight a war. All the men would gather. But the oldest men would s(eak first. The (eo(le thought that the oldest men would be the wisest men. Then the younger men would s(eak. But a 6fool" is someone who hates wisdom. <e does not even know the meaning of 6wisdom". !o the fool would not s(eak at the court. <e has no wisdom3 so he cannot advise. Gobody wants to hear his foolish words. v% When a man makes evil (lans3 (eo(le call him a 6(lotter". v& Hoolish (lots are evil. Peo(le hate the (erson who insults them. @erses &2%
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This man makes evil (lots. And the (eo(le hate him. They hate him because all his ideas are evil. Perha(s he wants to cause trouble. Br (erha(s he wants to benefit himself unfairly. v!0 9f troubles make you weak3 you are never strong. @erse $) We must learn to be strong3 even when we have troubles. We must learn to advise well3 even when (eo(le o((ose us. We must teach ;od"s message3 even if (eo(le hate us. v!! 9f someone is going to die3 then rescue him7 !ave him from death7 v!2 =ou cannot say3 69 did not know about this." ;od knows your thoughts. And you need ;od"s hel(3 because ;od guards your life. ;od is a >udge3 and he knows your actions. @erses $$2$* =ou should not (retend that you do not see someone else"s troubles. <el( that (erson7 Perha(s you can save him. ;od knows your actions. ;od will be your >udge. !ee E0ekiel ++ $2%. ;od told E0ekiel to warn the (eo(le about their evil actions. 9f E0ekiel warned the (eo(le3 then E0ekiel would save his own life. But ;od would still (unish the (eo(le if they continued their evil behaviour. But if E0ekiel did not warn the (eo(le3 ;od would (unish E0ekiel. ;od has given a message to us #Dohn + $6'. We must take this message to all the (eo(le in the world #.atthew *& $%2*)'. And ;od will hel( us to teach this message3 because ;od is always with us. v!3 .y son3 eat honey7 <oney is good3 and it is sweet. v!# Wisdom is like honey. Wisdom will make your s(irit strong. 9f you find wisdom3 you will receive your reward. =our ho(e will not be in vain. @erses $+2$<oney was a valuable food. Bther foods do not taste like honey. And honey is useful as a food and as a medicine. Wisdom is also s(ecial. Wisdom is (recious. !ometimes we must study hard to become wise. But wisdom is good. We all need wisdom. v!' Co not wait as a thief outside a good man"s house. Co not attack his home. v!( Even if a good man falls , times3 he will rise again. But trouble destroys a wicked man. @erses $/2$6 9n verse $/3 the writer uses humour. <e writes a lesson for thieves. Bf course3 the writer really thinks that thieves are evil. But he (retends that he is teaching thieves. <e advises the thieves not to steal from good men. 9f they try to steal from a good man3 they will fail. But even if the thieves succeed3 the good man will not suffer. 9f a good man falls3 he will rise again. 9f he falls again3 then he will rise again. This will ha((en many times3 because ;od (rotects a good man. When the thief attacks3 this is like a fall. !o ;od will (rotect the good man. The thief will be fighting against ;od. !o the thief cannot succeed. But the thief himself is a wicked man. 9n the end3 the thief will suffer for his evil actions. v!" Co not be glad when your enemy falls. Co not be ha((y when you see his troubles. v!% ;od will be angry with you3 instead of your enemy.
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@erses $,2$& When your enemy suffers3 (erha(s you are glad. But you should not be glad. 9nstead3 you should be cautious. Perha(s your enemy is suffering because ;od has (unished your enemy for his evil actions. But if your own actions are evil3 then ;od will (unish you3 too. We all must ask ;od to forgive our evil actions. 8emember that ;od is the >udge of everyone. v!& Co not worry about evil (eo(le. Co not be >ealous of wicked (eo(le. v20 An evil man has no ho(e for the future. A wicked (erson will die. @erses $%2*) Perha(s you are afraid of evil (eo(le. Br (erha(s you are >ealous of their money or im(ortance. Then3 remember what will ha((en to them. 9n the end they will die. ;od is a fair >udge. And he will (unish them for their evil behaviour. !o serve ;od7 And learn to avoid evil actions7 v2! 8es(ect ;od3 and res(ect the king3 my son. Co not o((ose them. v22 Both ;od and the king will suddenly destroy those that o((ose them. Both can cause great troubles. @erses *$2** ;od is like a king. ;od will (unish his enemies. =ou might esca(e from an angry king. But you cannot esca(e from ;od"s anger. !o do not be an enemy of ;od. ;od wants you to confess your evil actions. <e sent Desus to die for you. Desus is ;od"s son? and Desus suffered the (unishment for your evil behaviour. 9f you acce(t Desus into your life3 ;od will forgive you. And you will become a friend of ;od. Because we res(ect ;od3 we also res(ect our rulers #$ Peter * $,'. We (ray for kings and other rulers #$ Timothy * *'. And we should try to be good citi0ens. v23 <ere are some more Wise 1essons A >udge must be fair. v2# A >udge might say to a guilty man3 6=ou are innocent." But the (eo(le will curse that >udge. The nations will hate him. v2' <owever3 the >udge who (unishes the guilty man does well. ;od will be very kind to that >udge. @erses *+2*/ The +) Wise 1essons are com(lete. They are im(ortant lessons. But there is more wisdom that the writer wants to teach us. An unfair >udge is terrible. ;od will (unish that >udge. But a fair >udge makes the right decision. <e deserves honour. v2( An honest re(ly is like a kiss on the li(s. @erse *6 9f someone loves you3 then that (erson will be honest. =ou might not like your friend"s honest words. Those honest words might be bad news. =ou might even (refer someone who lies. But honest words are better than a kiss. =our enemy could kiss you. But honest words (rove that your friend really loves you. v2" Hirst3 work outside in the fields. Afterwards3 build your house. @erse *, This is good3 (ractical advice. =ou need to work in the fields to grow your cro(s. Without food3 you will die. 9f you still have energy3 afterwards you can build your house. But the (erson that builds his house first will have no food. We should carry out our most im(ortant work first.
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v2% Co not o((ose your neighbour in a court without a (ro(er reason. Co not lie about him. v2& Co not say3 69 will (unish that man for his behaviour. 9 will make him suffer because he was wrong." @erses *&2*% 9f you s(eak false evidence against your neighbour3 your attitudes are wrong. =ou should not be o((osing your neighbour without a (ro(er reason. 9f your neighbour is guilty3 then ;od will (unish your neighbour. ;od is the >udge. !o you should not (unish your neighbour if he has u(set you. 9nstead3 you should forgive your neighbour. !ee .atthew $& *$2** and .ark $$ */. v30 9 (assed the la0y man"s field. 9 (assed the garden that belongs to that unwise man. v3! Weeds were everywhere. The (lants were wild. Even the garden wall had fallen down. v32 9 thought about the things that 9 saw. 9 learned a lesson from that (lace. v33 9f you are la0y3 you may say3 68elax and slee(7 Hold your arms and rest7" v3# But such attitudes will make you (oor3 as Auickly as a thief attacks. =our losses will overcome you. @erses +)2+There ought to be cro(s in this field. But the la0y man did not sow any seed. There ought to be food in this garden. But the la0y man did not look after the food (lants. Gow the garden is wild. Gow there are only weeds. The writer does not tell us whether the la0y man died. But we know that the la0y man had no food. !o (erha(s the la0y man starved. !o the writer learned a lesson. <e learned that he must work hard. 8est is good. And slee( is good. But if we are la0y3 then we shall suffer.

*ore of Solomon+s Proverbs (,ise ,ords$

(Proverbs 2' ! to Proverbs 2& 2"$

Proverbs )hapter 2'

v! <ere are more of !olomon"s (roverbs #wise words'. The officials co(ied these (roverbs3 when <e0ekiah was the king of Dudah. @erse $ Fing <e0ekiah lived */) years after Fing !olomon. <e0ekiah was a good king. <e served ;od. <e0ekiah established again the tem(le #house of ;od in Derusalem'3 which !olomon built. Fing <e0ekiah"s officials found some more (roverbs #wise words'. !o they added these (roverbs to !olomon"s book. !olomon wrote these (roverbs #wise words'. Br (erha(s these (roverbs were (art of !olomon"s collection. The style of these (roverbs #wise words' is different from the style of the (roverbs in cha(ters $) to **. !ome of these later (roverbs are longer than the earlier (roverbs. And many of these (roverbs are in sub>ect grou(s. v2 .ysteries (rove that ;od is great. But a king is great if he understands a mystery. v3 The skies are high. The earth is dee(.
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And nobody can know the heart of a king. v# 8emove the dirt from the silver7 And the skilled workman will make a beautiful ob>ect. v' 8emove evil (eo(le from the government7 And the king will rule well. v( Co not try to be im(ortant. Co not sit with the great men. v" Then the king will say to you3 6Come here7 =ou are im(ortant7" But otherwise3 he will say3 6;o away7 Bther men are more im(ortant than you." @erse * .ysteries show one way that kings differ from ;od. We know that ;od is great. We see many mysteries that are the works of ;od. We see (lants and animals. But we do not know how ;od made them. We do not even know how our own bodies work. These things are mysteries to us. But they are the works of ;od. Because of such mysteries3 we realise that ;od is great. But a king is great if he understands mysteries. The king needs to realise if his (eo(le are unha((y. And he has to decide what he should do. The solution to the (roblem might be a mystery. The decision may be difficult. The king needs the best advisers. But if the king"s decision is right3 then he is a great king. @erse + We cannot see all the stars3 because the sky is too high. And we cannot know a king"s emotions or secret thoughts. 9n (ublic3 the king might seem bold. But in (rivate3 he might be afraid. @erses -2/ The workman cannot make a beautiful ob>ect with dirty silver. And the king cannot rule well if his government is evil. Paul taught us to (ray for kings and governments #$ Timothy * $2*'. @erses 62, This is similar to Desus" words in 1uke $- ,2$$. We should be humble. Then ;od will give honour to us. v% When you see something3 do not argue too Auickly. Perha(s you are wrong about your neighbour. Then you will be ashamed. v& 9nstead3 discuss the matter with your neighbour himself. Co not tell his secrets to other (eo(le. v!0 Btherwise3 someone may hear3 who can make you ashamed. And everyone will blame you. v!! The right words are like gold a((les on a silver tray. v!2 A wise man corrects someone who listens. The wise man"s words are beautiful and valuable3 like gold. v!3 Choose a man whom you can trust to deliver your message. <e will (lease you. <e is like cool snow during the harvest. v!# !ometimes there are clouds and winds3 but no rain falls. And sometimes a man (romises gifts3 but he gives nothing. v!' A (atient man can convince a ruler. A gentle word is like a hammer that can break a bone7 @erses &2$) 9f you are unha((y with someone3 you should discuss the matter with that (erson first. =ou should not gossi(. @erse $$

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We should always want to say the right words. The right words are beautiful3 like gold. The right words are valuable3 like silver. But the right words are also rare3 like silver or gold. Peo(le do not often say the right words. 9nstead3 they say the wrong words. Hor exam(le3 (eo(le s(eak their own ideas. Br they make evil (lans. Br they gossi(. Br they insult (eo(le. Br they lie3 or they argue. And these words are the wrong words. But the right words are wise. The right words teach us about ;od. The right words hel( us. They comfort us. 1et us s(eak the right words7 @erse $* .any (eo(le do not like correction. These (eo(le do not want to know that their actions are wrong. But when someone acce(ts correction3 that (erson is glad. That (erson is glad because he will not continue to do the wrong things. !o that (erson (raises the wise man. The wise (erson has taught a beautiful lesson to the other (erson. And the other (erson thinks that the lesson was valuable3 like gold. @erse $+ =ou can trust this man. <e does the things that he (romises. <e will deliver your letter. And you will be as ha((y as a man who finds snow on a hot day. As Christians3 we should do the things that we have (romised to do. Then other (eo(le will be able to trust us. And these (eo(le will learn from us that they can also trust ;od. @erse $!olomon lived in a dry country. <is (eo(le needed rain for their cro(s. !o the (eo(le were sad when the clouds did not bring rain. This man behaved like these clouds. <e did not do the things that he (romised. <is (romises seemed genuine. But he never gave the gifts that he (romised. <e should not have (romised these things. Desus said3 6 I=esJ means IyesJ. And InoJ means InoJ. Any other ideas are from the devil." #.atthew / +,. !ee also Dames / $*.' @erse $/ A (atient (erson can achieve great things. <is gentle words may not seem as im(ressive as other (eo(le"s words. But the (atient (erson will continue until he succeeds. And3 in the end3 his gentle words are very (owerful. !ee Dames / ,2$$. v!( 9f you eat too much honey3 then you will be sick. v!" 9f you visit your neighbour too often3 then he will hate you. @erses $62$, <oney is good. But too much honey will make you sick. Hriendshi( is good. And visits to your neighbour are good. But you must be careful. =our neighbour needs to meet other (eo(le. And your neighbour needs to do other things. 9f you visit your neighbour too often3 then you will u(set your neighbour. We must learn how to control our own behaviour. v!% !ome (eo(le use a whi(3 a sword3 or an arrow. Bther (eo(le lie about their neighbour. v!& !ome (eo(le have a bad tooth or a bad foot. Bther (eo(le trust a fool when they are in trouble. v20 !ome (eo(le will steal a coat on a cold day. Br3 they will (our acid on soa(. Bther (eo(le sing when someone is sad. @erse $& There are many cruel (eo(le who want to attack their neighbour. They could hurt their neighbour with a whi(. Br they might use a sword. But you can also hurt your neighbour if you lie about him. =ou might argue3 6.y lie is merely words. Words do not hurt." But your neighbour will suffer because of your evil words #Exodus *) $6'. @erse $%
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A bad tooth causes (ain. And it continues to cause (ain. A fool is an evil man who hates wisdom. =ou cannot trust this evil man. <e will not hel( you when you are in trouble. 9nstead3 he will cause you to suffer. <is advice will be evil. And his actions will be evil. !o you will continue to suffer. @erse *) These (eo(le are all cruel. 9f someone steals a coat on a cold day3 then that thief is very cruel. 9f someone (ours acid on soa(3 that (erson is cruel. <e s(oils the soa(. Gow3 nobody can use the soa(. A singer might not seem cruel. But this singer is cruel also. !omeone is sad. But this singer is ha((y. The singer does not think about the sad man. And the singer does not try to hel( the sad man. 9nstead3 the singer continues to sing. And this u(sets the sad man. !o the sad man becomes sadder. And the singer does not even realise that his actions are cruel. v2! 9f your enemy is hungry3 then give food to him. 9f your enemy needs a drink3 then give water to him. v22 <e will feel as if burning coal is on his head. But ;od will reward you. @erses *$2** Co not attack your enemy7 Co not fight him7 9nstead3 trust ;od7 ;od will (rotect you. Pray for your enemy7 1ove your enemy7 Desus taught this lesson in .atthew / -+2-&. While Desus was dying3 he (rayed for his enemies #1uke *+ +-'. And Desus forgave a criminal who insulted him #.ark $/ +* and 1uke *+ +%2-+'. =our enemy might be u(set when you hel( him. <e does not want to acce(t your kind gifts. <e might continue to insult you. But ;od sees that your actions are right. And ;od will reward you. v23 The wind brings rain. A secret whis(er brings an angry reaction. v2# Bne man lives on the corner of his roof. <is life is better than the man who lives with an arguing wife. v2' ;ood news from abroad is like a cool drink. Both comfort a tired (erson. @erse *+ Perha(s you do not want a friend to hear your words. !o you whis(er. =our friend might not hear your actual words. But he knows that you are whis(ering. !o your friend guesses that your words are not good. Br he guesses that you are gossi(ing. And he is angry. 9f you whis(er about another (erson3 someone else may re(eat your words to that (erson. Then you can ex(ect an angry reaction from that (erson. As the wind brings rain3 your whis(er will cause this angry reaction. @erse *9f your husband or wife always argues3 life is hard. This man has esca(ed. <e has gone to his roof3 to avoid the argument. We should try not to argue. Horgive other (eo(le"s errors7 1earn to be calm7 Co not be like this man"s wife who continues to argue. @erse */ We wait for news about our friends and relatives. They may be distant3 but we still care about them. And we are glad to hear their good news. We ourselves may have many troubles. But their good news comforts us. v2( .uddy water is more useful than the good man who su((orts a wicked man"s (lan. v2" Too much honey is not a good meal. And a man3 who tries to be great3 is not a great man. v2% A man who has no disci(line is like a city without walls.
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@erse *6 This is terrible. This good man is hel(ing a wicked man with an evil (lan. The good man is not trying to do evil things. But he has not realised that he must o((ose the (lan. <e has not realised the evil effects of the wicked man"s (lan. <e did not know that a wicked man"s (lans are always evil. =ou should not drink muddy water. 9t is not safe. But even muddy water is more useful than that good man. The good man ought to be useful. !o he ought to o((ose the evil (lan. @erse *, =ou might like honey. But you cannot eat only honey. !o you make a mistake if there is too much honey in your meal. This man also has made a mistake. <e wants to be a great man. !o he (retends that he is already a great man. But he is not a great man. 9nstead3 he is stu(id. This man ought to be humble. Then other (eo(le will decide whether the man is really great. @erse *& When !olomon"s workmen built a city3 they built strong walls round that city #$ Fings % $/2$%'. The walls were im(ortant defences. They (rotected the city from attack. We ought to learn disci(line. Cisci(line is like the city walls3 because disci(line makes us strong. We may have many (roblems. But we shall act wisely if we have disci(line.

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Proverbs )hapter 2(
v! !now should not fall in summer. 8ain should not fall during the harvest. And a fool should not receive honour. v2 A bird does not sto( as it flies. And the effects of an insult do not (ause. 9nstead3 the insult continues to cause trouble. @erse $ We all know the seasons in our own countries. We know when to ex(ect rain or snow. We know what should ha((en. And we know the reaction that an evil man deserves. A fool is an evil man who hates wisdom. And he does not deserve any honour. @erse * A flying bird does not (ause. 9t continues to fly. Btherwise3 it would fall. An insult is like the bird3 because an insult continues to cause trouble. Perha(s the insult was only one word. Perha(s you s(oke that word many months ago. But the insult u(set your friend. And he is still unha((y. =ou ought to go to your friend. Ask him to forgive you. Btherwise3 your stu(id insult will continue to cause trouble. v3 Whi( the horse7 Control the animal7 Punish the fool7 v# Co not answer a fool with foolish words7 =ou will become like him. v' Answer a fool with foolish words7 Btherwise3 he will think that he is wise. v( !omeone might cut off his own feet. Br he might cause himself an in>ury. Another (erson might send a fool with a message. v" 9f a man cannot walk3 his legs hang down. The man has legs3 but they do not hel( him. And when a fool s(eaks a (roverb #wise words'3 these words do not hel( the fool. v% !omeone might tie u( a stone in cloth. #Then3 he cannot attack when he needs to throw the stone.' Another (erson might give an honour to a fool. v& A drunk carries a thorn bush. #A thorn bush is a weed with shar( (oints3 which will cause the drunk to bleed.' And when a fool s(eaks a (roverb #wise words'3 these words cause (ain. v!0 Bne man shoots arrows everywhere7 And another man em(loys someone that he does not know. This man would even em(loy a fool. v!! A dog returns to the (lace where the dog was sick. And a fool re(eats his foolish behaviour. v!2 A man thinks that he is wise. Even a fool has more ho(e than that man7 These verses all describe a fool. !olomon uses the word 6fool" to describe someone who hates wisdom.
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@erse + When a horse (ulls a cart3 the driver whi(s the horse. This is because the driver needs to control the animal. A fool is an evil man. <e refuses to listen to wise advice. 9f you are a >udge3 then you must (unish this evil man. 4nless someone controls an evil (erson3 that (erson will continue his evil behaviour. @erses -2/ The fool is an evil man who hates your wise words. !olomon uses humour here3 because verse is the o((osite of verse /. But both verses are correct. @erse - The fool hates wisdom. !o his words are foolish. =ou do not want to be foolish. !o do not answer him with foolish words7 @erse / Co not answer a fool with sensible words7 Co not allow him to think that he is wise7 <e deserves only a stu(id answer. !o answer him with foolish words7 The truth is that this evil (erson will not obey good advice. <e does not care whether your words are sensible or foolish. <e will even use your own words against you. This man is very evil. Perha(s you should say nothing to him #.atthew *, $*2$-'. Br (erha(s ;od will hel( you to know the right words #.atthew $+ $$'. @erse 6 The (erson who causes his own in>ury is stu(id. But the (erson who sends a fool is also stu(id. A fool will not do the right things. Perha(s he will not deliver the message. Perha(s he will change the words. Perha(s he will deliver an enemy"s message instead. 9f you send a fool with your message3 then you will suffer. @erse , A fool might re(eat a (roverb #wise words'. But a fool is stu(id3 so he does not understand the (roverb. <e says the right words3 but he is still stu(id. 9f he understood the words3 the fool would sto( his silly behaviour. But he refuses to do this. !o his (roverb cannot hel( him. Even the devil can re(eat a Bible verse #.atthew - 6 and Psalm %$ $$2$*'. But the devil did not understand the verse. <e tried to use the verse to test Desus. But Desus told the devil that the devil was wrong #.atthew - ,'. @erse & !olomon"s father was Cavid. Cavid used a stone from a bag to kill his enemy3 ;oliath #$ !amuel $, -)'. But Cavid did not tie the stone to the bag. This action would be stu(id. This action would waste both the stone and the bag. And only a stu(id (erson gives honour to a fool. A fool is an evil (erson who hates wise words. A fool does not deserve any honours. The (erson who gave the honour wasted his time. @erse % This drunk carries a thorn bush. #A thorn bush is a weed with shar( (oints.' The drunk will hurt himself. And he might hurt other (eo(le. This fool s(eaks a (roverb #wise words'. But he is a fool. !o he is evil3 and he hates wise words. <e re(eats the (roverb as an evil scheme. <e wants (eo(le to think that he is wise. And he wants (eo(le to trust him. The fool will hurt (eo(le with his (roverb. @erse $) The man who shoots arrows everywhere is clearly dangerous. But the em(loyer might not seem to be dangerous. 9n fact3 this em(loyer is also dangerous. <e would even em(loy a fool. The fool is an evil man. <e might steal from his em(loyer. And the fool might cause many troubles. The em(loyer will suffer because of the fool"s evil schemes. @erse $$ =ou cannot cure a fool. A fool is an evil (erson. <e will re(eat his evil behaviour. This is terrible. =ou cannot change this man. Bnly ;od can sto( the fool"s evil behaviour. A fool is not like a sim(le (erson. A sim(le (erson is someone who has not learned to be wise. But you can teach a sim(le (erson to do the right things. @erse $*
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!olomon thinks that this man is even worse than a fool. #But (erha(s !olomon uses humour here.' This man imagines that he is wise. But he is not wise. <e thinks that his advice is good. But his advice is wrong. <e tries to hel( everyone. But really3 he causes (roblems for them. We must be very careful when we advise. We must study well. We must listen to other (eo(le. And then we shall not co(y this man"s errors. v!3 The la0y man says3 6There is a lion outside7 The lion is angry. And the lion is on the streets7" v!# A door o(ens. 9t moves3 but it never goes anywhere. The door is like a la0y man on his bed. <e might move. But he will not go anywhere. v!' When a la0y man has a meal3 he (uts his hand into the bowl. Then he is too la0y to lift his hand to his mouth. v!( A la0y man thinks that he is very wise. <e thinks that he is wiser than , intelligent men7 @erse $+ !olomon uses humour whenever he discusses a la0y man. The la0y man has his excuse. And (erha(s there is a lion. But we know that3 really3 this man is la0y. <e only wants an excuse not to work. @erse $This man is very la0y. <e is still in his bed. <e might turn. <e might even move. But he will not get u(. <e is too la0y. !o !olomon says3 this man is like a door. The door moves. But it is still in its doorway. The door never goes anywhere. @erse $/ Gow3 the la0y man has a meal. <e is la0y. But he knows how to take things. And la0y (eo(le often take things from other (eo(le. Hor exam(le3 a la0y (erson might ask for a gift. But the la0y (erson does not know how to en>oy these things. And he does not know how to use them. The la0y man takes the food. But he is too la0y to eat it. @erse $6 This la0y man is like the man in verse $*. Both men think that they are wise. But the la0y man thinks that he is the wisest of all men. The la0y man thinks this because he refuses to work. But he is not clever when he avoids a task. The la0y man may become (oor. <e may suffer for his attitude. <e might even starve. The la0y man ought to work. <e should learn a skill. Then (eo(le will res(ect him. Then he will deserve honour. v!" Co not gras( a dog"s ears7 And do not interru(t when other (eo(le argue7 v!% A mad man shoots burning arrows. v!& Another man lies. Then he says3 69 was >oking7" v20 Without fuel3 there is no fire. 9f nobody gossi(s3 there is no argument. v2! Wood starts a fire. A man who disagrees starts an argument. v22 When someone gossi(s3 his words are like a favourite food. The words3 like the food3 enter right into a man. v23 A chea( (ot might have a silky surface. And an evil man might s(eak well. @erse $, A dog is angry if you gras( its ears. 9t will bite you.
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!ome (eo(le are angry if someone interru(ts their argument. Perha(s that (erson wants to hel(. Perha(s he su((oses that he can hel( them to be calm. But when he interru(ts3 he will have to deal with their anger too. @erses $&2$% Everyone can see that this mad man is dangerous. But the other man is also dangerous. <is lie caused trouble. Then he claims that the lie was >ust a >oke. !o his humour caused trouble for everyone. @erse *) A fire will not burn without fuel. When someone gossi(s3 their words are like fuel. And an argument is like fire. !o3 if (eo(le do not gossi(3 they avoid arguments. We should learn to be careful with our words. !ee Dames +. @erse *$ =ou need wood to start a fire. A man who disagrees is like the wood. <e can start a terrible argument. But we cannot always agree with everyone. And we cannot avoid every argument. But we should think before we s(eak. 9f we say nothing3 we might avoid the argument. @erse ** This verse is the same as Proverbs $& &. !olomon uses humour here. When someone gossi(s3 their words are like a s(ecial food. Peo(le en>oy it when someone gossi(s. Hood enters the stomach. And when someone gossi(s3 their stories enter the mind. Peo(le remember the stories. And they re(eat the stories. !o they gossi( too. !oon many (eo(le will hear the stories3 even if the stories are not true. When someone gossi(s3 their words cause many (roblems. We should learn not to gossi(. @erse *+ =ou cannot believe everything that you see. !ome (ots seem silky on the outside. But they are >ust chea( (ots. =ou cannot believe everything that you hear. !ome evil men s(eak clever words. But they are still evil men. =ou must not trust them v2# A cruel man uses his clever words to hide his true thoughts. But there are evil ideas in his mind. v2' <is words may be beautiful3 but do not believe him7 9n his mind3 he has , evil (lans. v2( <is evil (lans might be secret. But soon everyone will discover that he is wicked. And the court will (unish him. @erses *-2*6 <ere is an evil man who s(eaks clever words. And some (eo(le think that his words are wonderful. They do not realise that his (lans are evil. They do not know his evil ideas. And if they trust him3 they will suffer. !oon everyone will know the man"s evil scheme. And a >udge will (unish that man. v2" Bne man digs a hole #because he wants to hurt someone else'. But that man will fall into his own hole. Another man rolls a stone. But that stone will roll back over him. v2% A man who lies hurts other (eo(le. <e hates them. Another man (retends that someone else is great. <e causes trouble. @erse *, These men wanted to cause trouble for other (eo(le. But in fact3 these men suffered because of their own cruel actions. Everything that went wrong in their lives was their own fault.

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9t is never good to hate other (eo(le. We should never try to cause trouble. 9f we do3 we shall cause trouble in our own lives. @erse *& Both men cause trouble because their words are not sincere. When the first man lies3 the (eo(le believe him. Then they do the wrong thing3 because of the lie. The second (erson (retends that someone else is great. <e does this because he wants a gift from that (erson. These words also cause trouble.

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Proverbs )hapter 2"

v! Co not become (roud about your (lans for tomorrow. =ou do not know what will ha((en tomorrow. v2 Co not (raise yourself7 1et someone else (raise you3 if you deserve it. v3 !tones are heavy. !and is heavy. But a fool"s anger causes more strain than a heavy weight. v# Anger is cruel. 9t is like a flood. But a >ealous (erson is in a worse state. @erse $ !ee Dames - $+2$, and 1uke $* $62*$. ;od controls your life. =ou could die tomorrow. !o trust ;od about the future. And be ready to meet ;od #Amos - $*'. @erse * Co not say that you are im(ortant7 Be humble7 Desus said3 69f someone wants to become great3 he should become a servant. And if someone wants to be your leader3 he should become a slave. 9 did not come as a king. 9 came as a servant. And 9 will die so that ;od will forgive many (eo(le." #.ark $) -+2-/' @erse + The anger of the fool #evil (erson' causes great strain. But a good (erson should not be angry. !ee E(hesians - +$. 9nstead3 a good (erson should forgive other (eo(le"s errors. #E(hesians - +*' @erse Anger is terrible. But3 like the flood3 the anger will soon end. The waters of a flood will soon go away. And an angry man will soon become calm again. But a >ealous (erson is in a worse state. This feeling will not end Auickly. 9nstead3 it will continue to cause trouble for a long time. !ee Ceuteronomy / *$. v' A friend"s word of correction is better than love that is secret. v( Co not trust the soft kisses of an enemy. But a good friend will tell you the truth. @erses /26 A word of correction might be un(leasant. =ou do not want your friend to see your error. And you may not want your friend to talk about such matters. But he warns you because you are wrong. <e s(eaks the truth to you because he wants to hel( you. <e does these things because he loves you. !ee also my note on Proverbs *- *6. But your enemy does not love you. Even his kiss has an evil reason. !ee .ark $- --2-6. v" When someone has eaten too much3 he will not even eat honey. But a hungry man thinks that even bitter foods taste good. v% A man away from home is like a mother bird away from her nest. v& A beautiful smell causes >oy. And a friend causes >oy3 if he advises well. v!0 Co not forget your friend7 Co not forget your father"s friend7 When you are in trouble3 do not go to your brother7 A near neighbour is better than a distant brother. v!! .y son3 be wise7 9 shall be glad if you are wise. And 9 shall be able to answer my enemy.
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@erse , Bur reactions de(end on our circumstances. A rich man cannot recognise the best foods. <e has eaten too much. !o he cannot even en>oy honey. But a very (oor man will not even see good food. <e is glad to have anything to eat. The rich man has a huge meal3 but he does not en>oy it. The (oor man has a tiny meal. But he is hungry and his meal tastes good. !ometimes a (oor (erson en>oys life more than a rich (erson. But both men can have a better life if the rich man is generous. @erse & A mother bird that wanders from her nest cannot look after her young birds. And a man who leaves his home cannot look after a family. That man may have no children. But if he has children3 he cannot teach them to be wise. !uch a man cannot establish a strong family. @erse % We like to smell flowers. We like to smell good food. And many other smells give >oy to us. These smells are beautiful. And we have great >oy when our friends hel( us. We are glad when their advice is good. @erse $) !ome young (eo(le will not ask older (eo(le to hel( them. But often3 a family friend is more willing to hel( than your own friends. =our father"s friend used to hel( your father3 and (erha(s your father"s friend would like to hel( you now. Blder (eo(le have (lenty of ex(erience3 and their advice is often wise. When you have troubles3 such (eo(le may be better hel(ers than even a brother. @erse $$ A father is res(onsible for his son"s good behaviour. 9f the boy develo(s well3 his character is (roof of the father"s success. v!2 When a wise man sees danger3 he stays in a safe (lace. But sim(le (eo(le do nothing3 so they suffer. v!3 9f a man (romises to (ay a foreigner"s debt3 then take his coat. 9f he (romises on behalf of a foreign woman3 then kee( his coat7 Btherwise3 he may never (ay. v!# A man shouts a greeting and wakes his neighbour very early in the morning. But his angry neighbour will consider that the man is a great nuisance. v!' A wife who argues sounds like constant rainfall. v!( =ou cannot sto( the wind. =ou cannot gras( oil in your hand. And you cannot sto( this wife"s constant arguments. v!" =ou use an iron tool to make another iron tool shar(er. !o one man im(roves another. @erse $* !ee Proverbs ** +. @erse $+ !ee Proverbs *) $6. @erse $!olomon uses humour here. This stu(id man will waken his neighbour. The man wanted to show how cheerful he was. But the neighbour will still be angry. We must think about the (robable results of our actions. And we should not waken our neighbours. @erses $/2$6 Wives should try not to u(set their husbands. !ome wives are always arguing. But a good wife is calm. !he gently teaches her husband when he is wrong. And she works hard3 so that he is content. !ee Proverbs +$ $)2+$.
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@erse $, Hriendshi( is good. Hriends should encourage each other. They should hel( each other. And they should teach each other about ;od. 9n the Bible3 Donathan and Cavid were s(ecial friends. !ee $ !amuel $& $2-? $% $26? *) $2-*? *+ $6. v!% The man that looks after a fruit tree will eat the fruit. The servant who looks after his master will receive his reward. v!& As water reflects a face3 so a man"s thoughts show his character. v20 Ceath and hell always claim more lives. And nothing can satisfy a man"s desire. v2! Test silver with heat7 Test gold with fire7 9f you (raise a man3 then you will test him. v22 =ou can strike a fool as hard as you strike grain. But he will still be a fool. @erse $& A good farmer deserves his harvest. And a good servant deserves a reward. <is master should (ay this servant well. @erse $% We see our own good and bad Aualities when we notice the same Aualities in other (eo(le. @erse *) Gothing satisfies a man"s desires. And nothing can satisfy death and hell. Bnly Desus can com(letely satisfy human desires #Dohn - $+2$-'. But as Christians3 we must learn to be content. !ee Phili((ians - $$2$+. @erse *$ =ou can find out whether gold is real in a fire. ;old does not burn. And silver does not burn. And you can test a man"s attitudes. !ome (eo(le are (roud if you (raise them. !ome (eo(le are foolish if you (raise them. And humble (eo(le will still be humble3 even if you (raise them. @erse ** =ou strike grain to make flour. A fool is an evil (erson who hates wisdom. A >udge might order a cruel (unishment for an evil (erson. But an evil (erson will learn nothing3 even if you strike him many times. After his (unishment3 that evil man will still be evil. <e will learn nothing from his (unishment. v23 1ook after your animals7 Be careful on your farm. v2# Wealth does not last. Even a king"s family can lose their land. v2' !tore the hay7 Gew grass will grow. ;ather grass from the hills. v2( The wool of shee( will be your clothing. The (rofit from your goats will (rovide the rent for your fields. v2" =ou will have (lenty of goat"s milk. The milk will feed you and your family. And the milk will (rovide for your servant girls. @erses *+2*,

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!olomon is describing a farm. <e warns the farmer to be res(onsible. 9f the farmer does not work3 he could lose his land. But if the farmer works hard3 his family will be content. The shee( and goats will grow well. And the farmer will make a (rofit from his animals. The farmer will also obtain clothes and milk from his animals. The farmer will receive a good income. The farmer will live well. And his family will live well. Even his servant girls will en>oy their lives3 because the farmer is res(onsible. These verses teach us several lessons Co not only aim to make money #verse *-'. ;od created the seasons of the year. !o (lan your work at the right time of year #verse */'. 4se wisely the things that ;od has created. Then ;od will su((ly the things that you need #verses *62*,'.

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Proverbs )hapter 2%
v! A wicked (erson runs away3 even if nobody is chasing him. But good (eo(le are as bold as lions. v2 A country of evil (eo(le has many rulers. But with one wise ruler3 a country has security. v3 A strong3 (oor man might cheat weak3 (oor (eo(le. <e is like a storm that destroys their cro(s. v# Peo(le that do not obey the law (raise wicked (eo(le. But (eo(le that obey the law o((ose wicked (eo(le. v' Evil (eo(le cannot understand the word 6fair". But (eo(le that res(ect ;od are always fair. @erse $ A wicked man has a bad conscience. And he does not trust ;od. !o a wicked man has no ho(e for the future. And he is afraid of many things. But the good man has a good conscience. <e trusts ;od. The good man is not afraid that he might lose his money. <e knows that ;od will (rovide. The good man is not even afraid of death. ;od will take the good man to heaven when the good man dies. !o the good man has courage. !ee Caniel + and .atthew 6 */2+-. @erse * An evil country has many rulers. This is because evil (eo(le hate each other. !o they o((ose each other and they fight for (ower. !uch a country is never at (eace. But a good country has one ruler. The (eo(le res(ect their ruler. And the ruler is fair. !o that country is a good (lace to live. @erse + !ometimes a (oor man becomes (owerful. But he might not use his (ower fairly. <e might be very cruel. <e does not remember that he is like the other (oor (eo(le. <e thinks that he is better than them. !o he cheats them. <e acts as if they are his slaves. @erse 9f you res(ect the law3 then you do not want evil (eo(le to succeed. =ou want to sto( their evil (lans. 9f their evil (lans succeed3 then everybody will suffer. And other (eo(le will not res(ect the law. Es(ecially3 the (olice should o((ose the (lans of wicked (eo(le. @erse / Evil (eo(le do not know how to be fair. They do not even see why someone should want to be fair. But if you res(ect ;od3 you will be fair with everybody. v( 9t is better to be honest and (oor3 than to be rich and evil. v" 9f you obey the law3 then you are a wise son. But if you are greedy3 you cause shame to your father. v% Bne man charges excess interest #money for a loan'. <e becomes wealthy. But his money will (ass to someone else. And that (erson will be generous to (oor (eo(le. v& ;od hates even the (rayers of a man who will not obey ;od"s law. v!0 9f a man (lots against good (eo(le3 he will suffer from his own evil scheme. But a good (erson will receive good things. v!! A rich man might think that he is wise. But a (oor man who is wise knows the truth about that rich man. v!2 When good (eo(le succeed3 everybody is glad. When wicked men become (owerful3 men will hide themselves.
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@erse 6 Perha(s you can become rich by an evil method. Perha(s you can get more money if you lie to (eo(le. Br (erha(s you have another evil scheme to increase your wealth. But your evil deeds will ruin your relationshi( with ;od. !ee 9saiah /% $2*. Peo(le can do many terrible things for money #$ Timothy 6 $)'. !o do not allow money to tem(t you. A (oor3 honest man is better than a rich3 evil man. @erse , .oney does not tem(t everybody. Hood and drink can tem(t some (eo(le. 9n the second line3 the son u(sets his father. This is because the son only wants to eat. This son is greedy. And he does not care about other things. <e does not even care about ;od"s law. @erse & This wealthy man is an evil man. <e lends money. But he does not charge fairly. !o he obtains a big income. And the (eo(le who are in debt will suffer. #!ee Exodus ** */.' But3 in the end3 the wealthy man will die. Perha(s his son will be generous. And (erha(s his son will care about (oor (eo(le. As we earn our money3 we should be fair. We should not cause other (eo(le to suffer. And we ourselves should be generous to (oor (eo(le. @erse % An evil man refuses to obey ;od"s law. And even his (rayers are evil. Perha(s he (rays that his evil (lans will succeed. Br (erha(s he (rays to an evil god. The true ;od hates these (rayers. !o ;od will not answer this man"s (rayers. @erse $) A man may have evil (lans against good (eo(le. But ;od cares about good (eo(le. ;od will not allow evil (lans to succeed. 9nstead3 the evil man will suffer from his own evil schemes. @erse $$ This rich man thinks that he is wise. <e thinks this because he is wealthy. !o he su((oses that he is wiser than other (eo(le. But the (oor man who is wise knows the truth about the rich man. This (oor man knows why the rich man is wealthy. This rich man is wealthy because he cheats (oor (eo(le. 9f the rich man were wise3 he would res(ect ;od. And he would res(ect ;od"s law. !o this rich man cannot be wise. !ome wise (eo(le are rich. But many wise (eo(le are (oor. And a (oor (erson who is wise is better than a rich fool. @erse $* We want good (eo(le to succeed. We want good (eo(le to be in the government. And we want our rulers to serve ;od. Then our country will be a good country. But if wicked (eo(le are the rulers3 then the country is a bad (lace. The law is not fair. Everybody suffers. !o we should (ray for our rulers #$ Timothy * *'. v!3 Co not (retend that you are innocent. =ou cannot succeed if you (retend this. 9nstead3 confess your evil actions. ;od will forgive you if you sto( your evil behaviour. v!# ;od is kind to (eo(le who res(ect him. But a man who refuses to change will suffer many troubles. @erse $+ This is a very im(ortant lesson. =ou must confess your evil deeds to ;od. =ou must invite ;od into your life. ;od will forgive you3 because of Desus. =ou cannot sto( your evil behaviour by your own efforts. But ;od will hel( you. Trust ;od now7 Co not delay7 @erse $9f you res(ect ;od3 then ;od will hel( you. And you will become wise #Proverbs $ ,'.
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But some (eo(le refuse to obey ;od"s message. They do not invite ;od into their lives. They continue their evil deeds. They do not want ;od to hel( them. The Book of Proverbs calls these (eo(le 6fools". ;od will be their >udge. And he will (unish them for their evil deeds. v!' A wicked man may rule over weak (eo(le. <e is like a cruel lion or an angry bear. v!( A cruel ruler lacks wisdom. But a ruler who refuses bribes #secret gifts' or unfair (rofits will have a long life. v!" A murderer must always run away from (eo(le. Gobody should assist him. @erse $/ 1ions and bears are strong animals. They attack. And they kill. A wicked ruler is like these animals. <e does not care about his (eo(le. <e only cares about himself. <e will attack his own (eo(le. <e will even kill his own (eo(le. And the (eo(le are weak3 so they cannot defend themselves. @erse $6 A ruler should not be cruel. <e should not attack his own (eo(le. 9f he does3 he is not wise. A ruler needs his (eo(le to (rotect him from his enemy. The ruler"s own (eo(le hate a cruel ruler. !o this cruel ruler is stu(id. A wise (erson is honest. <e does not cheat. <e does not steal money. <e is fair with everybody. And ;od will hel( that honest (erson. The honest (erson will have a good life. @erse $, A murderer has a bad conscience. !o he is afraid of (eo(le. At any time3 they could guess what he has done. A murderer knows that he deserves (unishment. <is actions are very evil. ;od"s law says3 6Co not murder7" #Ceuteronomy / $,'. !o do not hel( a murderer to esca(e. But ;od can forgive even a murderer. But the murderer must confess his evil deed. And he must humbly ask ;od to forgive him. !ee $ !amuel cha(ters $$ 2 $* and Psalm /$. v!% An honest man will be safe. An evil man will suddenly suffer. v!& A farmer who works hard will have (lenty of food. A la0y man"s imagination will only make him (oor. v20 9f you can trust a man3 that man deserves a rich reward. But a man who only wants money deserves a (unishment. v2! Always be fair7 But some (eo(le will obey an evil reAuest3 even if their reward is a mere sandwich. v22 A greedy man is eager to become rich. <e does not realise that his attitude will make him (oor. @erse $& The honest man is safe because ;od (rotects him. ;od sees the man"s honest behaviour. And ;od loves that man. But sometimes3 honest (eo(le suffer. !ee the Book of Dob in the Bible. ;od allowed the devil to test Dob. Dob"s friends thought that Dob suffered because of his evil deeds. But Dob was an honest man. ;od is a fair >udge. <e cared about Dob. ;od did not rescue Dob immediately. Dob was (atient #Dames / $$'. But in time3 ;od hel(ed Dob. And in time3 ;od will rescue everyone who loves ;od. But an evil man will suffer. This man might not suffer immediately. But ;od is a fair >udge. And in time3 ;od will (unish that man. And the (unishment will be sudden. !o the evil man must not delay. <e must invite ;od into his life now. ;od will forgive the evil man3 if the evil man humbly confesses his evil deeds to ;od. @erse $%
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Co not be la0y7 Co not continue to slee( when you should work7 =ou might (refer to imagine good things. =ou might not want to work. But your imagination cannot (rovide your food. !o you need to work. !ome church leaders imagine that their churches will achieve many things. They s(eak about their ideas. But they do not want to work. They do not want to teach ;od"s message. They do not care about (eo(le who are not Christians. Perha(s these church leaders do not even invite (eo(le to come to their churches. They only want to en>oy themselves. And they only want to imagine good things. !uch attitudes are not good. Church leaders need to work. They must not be la0y. Then their ideas might become reality. And many (eo(le will hear ;od"s message. !ee Dohn - +-2+& and .atthew *& $&2*). @erse *) =ou can trust the first man. !o (ay him well7 Christians should behave like this man. Bther (eo(le should be able to trust a Christian. But the second man only wants your money. <e wants the money3 but he does not care about the work. !o he is not careful. <e does not do the >ob well. And he does not deserve the money. 9nstead3 he deserves a (unishment. As Christians3 we should not love money #$ Timothy 6 $)'. And we should not love our (ossessions. We should love ;od. And we should love to do the right things. @erse *$ A good (erson is always fair. But some (eo(le do not care whether their actions are good or evil. They only want money. Br they only want a reward. And if someone rewards them3 they will do anything. They would even do evil things. A sandwich is not a big reward. But even such a small gift is enough to (ersuade some (eo(le to do an evil deed. @erse ** This man is greedy. <e does not want to share anything with other (eo(le. <e su((oses that this attitude will make him rich. But his scheme is stu(id. <e needs friends3 but he will lose his friends. They will hate his attitudes. And the greedy man will waste his own (ossessions. And ;od will (unish this man because the man is not generous. !o the greedy man"s scheme will fail. And he will become (oor. v23 9t is better to correct a man than to (retend that he is right. v2# A man steals from his (arents. <e says3 69 deserve this money7" <e is as bad as the worst thief. v2' The greedy man causes arguments. But the man that trusts in ;od will succeed. v2( 9f you trust yourself3 then you are a (roud fool. 9f you are wise in ;od"s ways3 then you will be safe. v2" 9f you are generous to (oor (eo(le3 then you will always have enough for yourself. But if you avoid (oor (eo(le3 then you will suffer many insults. v2% When wicked men become (owerful3 (eo(le must hide. When wicked (eo(le fail3 good (eo(le succeed. @erse *+ We all need to know the truth. We need to know when we are wrong. We need to acce(t words of correction. These words may not seem (leasant. We might feel terrible when we hear these words. We might (refer to hear that we are right. But a lie does not hel( us. @erse *This man ought to (rovide for his (arents. <e should look after them. !ee .ark , %2$+. 9nstead3 the man steals his (arents" money. And he imagines that he deserves the money. This is terrible. This man is a very evil son.
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Desus told a story about a similar sub>ect in 1uke $/ $$2*-. A young man took his father"s money. This son wasted all the money. But he returned to his father. And he confessed his evil deed to his father. The father forgave him. The father in the story is like ;od. And the son is like us. We all do evil things. But if we humbly confess our evil deeds3 ;od will forgive us. @erse */ 9f you love your own (ossessions3 you cause trouble. !o trust ;od7 <e will (rotect you. And he will (rovide for you. @erse *6 Co not trust yourself7 Trust ;od7 =ou will become wise if you trust ;od. And you will be safe3 because ;od will (rotect you. @erse *, ;od wants us to be generous. 9f we are generous3 then ;od will hel( us. !ee Psalm +, */2*6 and 1uke 6 +&. @erse *& !ee Proverbs *& $*.

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Proverbs )hapter 2&

v! A man might refuse to change his behaviour3 even if many (eo(le try to correct him. A terrible trouble will suddenly ruin that man"s life. Go remedy can save him. v2 When good (eo(le succeed3 everybody is ha((y. When wicked (eo(le rule3 everybody suffers. v3 A man"s wisdom brings >oy to his father. But a man3 who loves to have sex3 wastes his money on women. v# When the king is fair3 his nation is safe. When a king acce(ts bribes #secret gifts'3 he destroys his nation. @erse $ We try to hel( (eo(le. But they will not always follow our advice. We can try to teach such (eo(le. And we can warn them. But we cannot change their behaviour. 9n the end3 they will lose their last chance. 9f they refuse to learn3 then ;od will (unish them. !ee Proverbs $ *-2++. @erse * We do not want wicked rulers. We should (ray that our rulers will be good rulers. Everyone will benefit if our rulers are good. @erse + A father is glad if his son grows to be wise. But some sons are foolish. They love (leasure. They love sex. And they slee( with many women. These sons waste their own money. They waste their own strength. Perha(s they even waste their fathers" money. !o their fathers are sad. !olomon"s son did not grow to be wise. This son3 called 8ehoboam3 was a foolish king. <e loved (leasure. <is selfish attitudes caused his country to s(lit in two. <is (eo(le suffered greatly because of him. @erse !olomon was a king. And he was also a >udge. <e believed that a ruler must be fair. <e taught his officials to refuse bribes #secret gifts'. 1ater <e0ekiah became king. <is officials found this good advice and they co(ied it #Proverbs */ $'. <e0ekiah was a good king who res(ected ;od. And this verse is still good advice today. Peo(le do many evil things because of bribes. v' A man may (raise his neighbour with words that are not sincere. !uch a man will cause trouble. v( An evil man will suffer because of his own evil actions. But a good man can sing. And he will be glad. @erse / The first man has an evil scheme. <e uses words that are not sincere to (raise his neighbour. !o this evil man (retends that his neighbour is a great man. The evil man wants the neighbour to trust him. Then the neighbour will give gifts to the evil man. Br (erha(s the evil man will steal from the neighbour. We are not sure about the meaning of the second line. Perha(s it means that the (ur(ose of such words is to cause trouble for the neighbour. Br (erha(s the meaning is that the evil man will cause trouble for himself3 as in verse 6. @erse 6 This evil man causes his own (roblems. But a good (erson has great >oy. !o he sings. v" ;ood (eo(le want fair laws that will hel( (oor (eo(le. But wicked men do not want this. v% 9nsults will cause a city"s inhabitants to be angry.
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But wise men will hel( the (eo(le to be calm. v& When a wise man o((oses a fool3 the fool might laugh. Br the fool might be angry. But the fool will not be calm. v!0 Cruel men hate an honest man. They want to kill him. v!! A fool can become very angry. But a wise man behaves well. @erse , 9f the law is fair3 (oor (eo(le will benefit. The law will (rotect them3 so that they will not starve. 9n England3 $/) years ago3 many good (eo(le worked hard to free slaves. These good (eo(le (ersuaded the government to make good laws. But many (eo(le o((osed these good laws. !elfish (eo(le will always o((ose good laws. These (eo(le do not care about (oor (eo(le. @erse & Peo(le hate insults. The inhabitants of this city will be very angry. They might even want to attack the (eo(le who insulted them. But this reaction is not always sensible. Wise men will hel( the city"s inhabitants to be calm. Then (eo(le can consider the situation carefully. And they will make a sensible decision. When we are angry3 we cannot always make sensible decisions. We should try to become calm. Then our decisions will be good decisions. @erse % By 6fool"3 !olomon means an evil man. This evil man does not like the wise man"s sensible words. The evil man hates the wise man. And the wise man"s calm words may u(set the evil man. !o the evil man"s reaction is foolish. Perha(s he insults the wise man. Br (erha(s the evil man is angry. But the evil man cannot be calm. @erse $) Cruel (eo(le o((ose honest (eo(le. Cruel (eo(le do not want anyone to be honest. The honest (erson could ruin their evil schemes. !o cruel (eo(le think that honest (eo(le are their enemies. @erse $$ A fool is an evil (erson. And he has many evil schemes. 9f you u(set this man3 he will be very angry. But a wise (erson should not be very angry. The evil (erson may try to u(set him. But the wise man kee(s calm. v!2 When a ruler listens to lies3 his officials become wicked. v!3 There are (oor (eo(le. And there are evil rulers. ;od allows them all to see the reality of the situation. v!# 9f a king is fair to (oor (eo(le3 his nation will always be safe. @erse $* A ruler needs good advisers who s(eak the truth. The ruler should not (refer officials who lie. 9f he does3 then the whole government will be evil. @erse $+ These (eo(le are (oor because their rulers are evil. ;od allows the (eo(le to know this. And ;od also allows the rulers to realise this. @erse $A king should care about his (oor (eo(le. <e should defend them. The king should not allow cruel (eo(le to cheat the (oor (eo(le. ;ood laws o((ose cruel (eo(le. ;ood laws defend (oor (eo(le.
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v!' A smack teaches wisdom. A mother must teach disci(line to her child. Btherwise3 the child"s behaviour will cause shame to her. v!( When wicked (eo(le succeed3 there is more evil behaviour. But3 in time3 this evil situation will end. v!" Correct your son7 Then he will bring relief to you. =ou will be glad3 because of your son. v!% Peo(le do evil things when they do not know ;od"s message. But ;od is (leased with the (erson who obeys ;od"s law. v!& =ou cannot teach your servant with mere words. <e can understand your words3 but he will not obey you. v20 Even a fool is better than a man who s(eaks without thought. v2! 9f you give s(ecial luxuries to your servant3 he will cause you trouble in the end. @erse $/ !ee Proverbs ** $/. This mother is u(set because her child is evil. !he should (unish her child. Then her child will learn good behaviour. Btherwise3 the child will continue to do evil things3 even when the child becomes old. @erse $6 Wicked (eo(le will not always succeed. 9n time3 ;od will (unish them. Then good (eo(le will rule the country. We see that some (eo(le are very evil. Perha(s there always seems to be some evil rulers. But3 in the end3 ;od will (unish evil (eo(le. Even the countries that we know in this world last only for a short time. But ;od"s rule in heaven never ends. !o he is always king. #Caniel - +'. ;od rules from heaven. 9n heaven3 nobody is evil. 9n heaven3 nobody suffers. 9n heaven3 there is no (ain. !ee 8evelation *$ -. @erse $, !ee verse $/. When your child learns to do the right things3 you will be glad. @erse $& 9f someone does evil things3 then tell ;od"s message to that (erson. Tell that (erson about Desus. Tell that (erson about ;od"s love. And tell that (erson that he must invite ;od into his life. !ome (eo(le will obey your advice. They will invite ;od into their lives. They will learn to do the right things. And they will serve ;od3 because they acce(ted ;od"s message. @erse $% !ometimes (eo(le cannot understand our words. They need to see our actions. This servant might be a child. !o the master must (unish his servant as a child. The servant"s (unishment should be fair. Then he will learn right behaviour. @erse *) Think before you s(eak7 Perha(s you need to obtain advice from wise (eo(le. .ake a good decision7 Then3 when you s(eak3 your words will be wise. @erse *$ This servant might be a child. Be sensible when you give gifts to your children. ;ive gifts that will hel( them. This verse is difficult to translate. Bther (ossible meanings are 9f you give your child only luxuries3 he will become a servant. And he will suffer in the end. 9f you give honour to your servant boy3 in the end he will become your son. v22 The man who has a bad tem(er is always ready to start arguments. <e will cause a lot of trouble. v23 A (roud man will become humble.
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But a humble man will receive honour. v2# 9n court3 even a thief"s friend becomes his enemy. The thief"s friend (romises to ;od to tell the truth. Then the thief"s friend does not dare to say anything. v2' 9f you are afraid of (eo(le3 then this fear will cause troubles for you. But the (erson that trusts ;od is safe. v2( .any (eo(le want >udges to hel( them. But only ;od deals fairly with everyone. v2" ;ood (eo(le hate evil (eo(le. Evil (eo(le hate good (eo(le. @erse ** Anger is dangerous. A bad tem(er causes many troubles. We should learn to stay calm. @erse *+ The (roud man wants to be a great man. But ;od will not allow such a man to become great. !ee Proverbs $6 $&. But ;od loves humble (eo(le. And ;od will give honour to them. !ee 1uke $ /$2/+. Desus was humble. Although Desus is ;od3 Desus became a man. And he lived like a servant. <e even died like a criminal. But ;od has given the greatest honour to Desus. And everyone will know that Desus is ;od. !ee Phili((ians * /2$$. @erse *The thief"s friend does not hel( the thief. When the thief is in court3 the thief wants his friend to lie. 9n court3 the friend (romises to ;od to tell the truth. The friend is not afraid of the court. But he is afraid of ;od. And this friend remembers that ;od will (unish (eo(le who lie. !o3 when the lawyers ask their Auestions3 the thief"s friend says nothing. @erse */ Peo(le will cause many troubles. There are many cruel (eo(le. But do not be a coward7 ;od will (rotect you. Trust in him. !ee Psalm %$. @erse *6 Perha(s you trust >udges. Perha(s you think that the court will hel( you. But there are some evil >udges. And even good >udges sometimes make wrong decisions. !o trust ;od. <e is fair with everyone. @erse *, ;ood (eo(le and evil (eo(le have nothing in common. Co not su((ose that evil (eo(le will su((ort you. 9f you do the right things3 then evil (eo(le will still hate you. And do not su((ort an evil man"s scheme. <is scheme will be cruel. Br his scheme will be evil. Br his scheme might even be terrible. 9t will not be a good scheme3 because the man himself is evil. 9nstead3 warn the evil man. <e must confess his evil deeds to ;od. And he must invite ;od into his life.

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-he Pu..les of A/ur and Lemuel

(Proverbs 30 ! to Proverbs 3! &$
These (assages are by Agur #Proverbs +)' and Fing 1emuel #Proverbs +$ $2%'. We do not know anything about these men. The Bible does not mention them elsewhere. But we learn some things about them from these (assages. And we learn many things about wisdom from their words. !olomon was not the only teacher of wisdom. The Bible mentions other wise men who lived at the same time as him #$ Fings - +)2+$'. .any (eo(le studied wisdom at this time.

Proverbs )hapter 30
v! These are the words of Agur #son of Dakeh'. Agur said ;od3 9 am tired. Bh ;od3 9 am tired and weak. v2 9 am so stu(id7 9 do not even know the things that a man should know. v3 9 have not studied wisdom. 9 know nothing about ;od. @erses $2+ Agur had been studying hard. <e had seen many wonderful things that he could not ex(lain. <e had tried to understand ;od. And he had tried to understand the world. But ;od is so great #$ Corinthians $ */'. And the world is too difficult to ex(lain #Dob +&'. Gow Agur was tired #Ecclesiastes $* $*'. 9n verses * and +3 Agur was using irony. That is3 he was using words in a s(ecial way. <e was not really a stu(id man who knew nothing. 9n fact3 he knew many things about ;od #verse -'. But his own knowledge seemed like nothing when he thought about ;od. Wisdom is so wonderful that Agur"s own thoughts seemed foolish. And the world is so com(lex that Agur felt stu(id. v# Perha(s someone went u( to heaven. And (erha(s he came down to earth. Perha(s he controls the winds3 as if the winds are in his hands. Perha(s he controls the seas3 as if the seas are in his coat. Perha(s he even established the north and the south. But 9 do not know him 9 do not know his name3 nor his son"s name. Tell me3 if you know him. @erse Agur wanted someone to teach him. <e so wanted to learn about ;od. Agur"s ideas in this verse are like ;od"s Auestions in Dob +&. Agur knew that somebody must have created the world. But he did not realise that ;od created the world. Agur knew that somebody must control the wind and the seas. But he did not realise that ;od controls these things. @erse - is an im(ortant verse. The verse shows that ;od guided the Bible writers #see * Timothy + $6'. @erse - is about Desus3 who is ;od"s son. But Agur knew nothing about Desus. Agur lived over $))) years before Desus was born. Gobody knew about Desus then. But Agur mentioned sub>ects that nobody knew before Desus. The (eo(le of Agur"s time did not know that Desus is ;od"s son. They did not even think that ;od had a son. #!ee Dohn $) +)2+6.' But Agur wanted to know about ;od"s son. And Desus is ;od"s son #Dohn + $6'. The (eo(le of Agur"s time believed that ;od was in heaven. They did not think that ;od would come to earth. But Agur thought that ;od would come to earth. And Desus came to earth to save us #Phili((ians * /2&'.
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Agur knew few things #verse *'. But ;od guided Agur3 so that Agur wrote great words in the Bible. v' ;od"s words are always (erfect. <e (rotects everyone that trusts him. v( Co not change what ;od has said. <e will correct you. And he will (rove that you are lying. @erses /26 Agur wanted someone to teach him. But Agur already knew some things. <e knew that ;od"s word is (erfect. And Agur was right. The Bible is (erfect. Agur also knew that we must teach the Bible accurately. This is also right. Agur knew that ;od will (unish our evil actions. This is also right. But Agur did not ex(lain some im(ortant (rinci(les. <e did not say that ;od loves us. <e did not say that ;od wants to forgive us. Agur was afraid of ;od3 because he did not know about ;od"s love. v" Bh3 ;od3 9 (ray for two things. Co not refuse me7 9 shall soon die. v% Protect me from all lies7 Co not make me rich or (oor7 ;ive me today"s bread3 only7 v& Btherwise3 9 might become rich. Then 9 would forget you. 9 would say3 6There is no ;od." Br 9 might become (oor. Then 9 might steal. And 9 might fail to res(ect ;od. @erses ,2% Agur had a s(ecial (rayer. But it was a strange (rayer. Agur had a (articular reason why he did not want to become rich. <e thought that he would forget ;od. But money does not cause (eo(le to forget ;od. .any rich (eo(le serve ;od. And they use their money wisely. They are generous and they hel( (oor (eo(le. There was also a (articular reason why Agur did not want to become (oor. <e thought that he might steal. But if someone is (oor3 this does not cause him to steal. .any (oor (eo(le serve ;od3 and they do not steal. These (eo(le need many things3 but they are still honest. And there are many rich (eo(le who are evil. !ome rich (eo(le even steal from (oor (eo(le. Whether you are rich or (oor3 you should still serve ;od. v!0 When you s(eak to a master3 do not insult his servant7 When the master insults you3 then you will suffer. @erse $) This is sensible advice. But (erha(s Agur was afraid. Agur did not mention that you could a(ologise. And Agur did not mention that the servant might forgive you. Agur also ex(lained his fears in verses $$2$-. Another translation of the second line is 6When the servant insults you3 then you will suffer." v!! !ome (eo(le insult their fathers. And they do not bless their mothers. v!2 !ome (eo(le think that they themselves are innocent. But they are guilty. v!3 !ome (eo(le are (roud. They think that other (eo(le are ho(eless. v!# And some (eo(le3 with their swords and knives3 are like animals that attack. They want to kill (oor (eo(le. They want to kill weak (eo(le. ;od (unishes all evil behaviour. @erse $$
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These (eo(le do not res(ect their (arents. !ee Ceuteronomy / $6 and Ceuteronomy *, $6. @erse $* Everyone has done evil things. We all must ask ;od to forgive us. !ee 8omans + %2$*. @erse $+ ;od o((oses (roud (eo(le. We should be humble. !ee Dames - 6. @erse $These (eo(le are murderers. !ee Ceuteronomy / $,. v!' A leech #animal' has a double tongue that constantly demands blood. There are + things that you can never satisfy. - things will never say3 69 have enough." These things are v!( hell? a woman who has no children? the soil? #The soil always wants rain.' fire. #Hire always tries to burn more things.' @erses $/2$6 A leech is a small animal that drinks blood. The leech bites a (erson. Then the leech holds that (erson"s skin. Then the leech drinks the (erson"s blood. The (erson cannot remove the leech while the leech drinks blood. !ome (eo(le behave like leeches. These (eo(le are always causing trouble. They desire many things. !o they try to obtain other (eo(le"s (ossessions. And3 like the leeches3 such (eo(le make constant demands. Agur used several lists in this cha(ter. The numbers at the start of each list are a ty(e of (oetry. These numbers are not im(ortant. This is a list of things that make constant demands3 like the leech <ell is never full. This is because hell is always claiming more lives. We must tell (eo(le about ;od. 9f they invite ;od into their lives3 ;od will (rotect them from hell"s (unishment. A woman who has no children always wants children. This is sad. But (erha(s she can ado(t a child. And (erha(s she would like to hel( with children"s activities at church. !he has no children3 but she can love other (eo(le"s children. And we can encourage her. The soil always needs more rain. !olomon lived in a dry country. Without rain3 there would be no harvest. Hire always tries to burn more things. =ou must control fire carefully. Btherwise3 it will burn your (ossessions and your home. v!" 9f a son insults his (arents3 he deserves to die. <is dead body does not deserve a (ro(er grave. @ultures and ravens #birds' will eat his body. @erse $, !ee also verse $$. Agur again warns that we must res(ect our (arents. The behaviour of a son who insults his (arents is terrible. Agur describes a terrible fate for that son. The son did not res(ect his (arents. And nobody will res(ect the son3 even after his death. Gobody will care enough even to bury his body. This fate would u(set everybody in 9srael. They thought that (ro(er graves were very im(ortant. v!% There are + wonderful things. There are - things that 9 cannot ex(lain. These things are v!& an eagle #bird' that moves in the sky?
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a snake that moves on a rock? a shi( that moves on the sea? and a man with a woman. v20 A woman has sex with a man who is not her husband. !he acts as if she has only eaten. 9nnocently3 she says3 69 did nothing wrong." @erses $&2$% Agur did not know how these things move. They move smoothly in (laces where it is difficult to move. And these things leave no trace as they move. !o Agur considered that they were great mysteries. <e did not know how a bird flies through the air. <e did not know how a snake could move without legs on a smooth rock. <e did not know how a shi( sails on the sea.

And he did not know how a man loves a woman. This is not like the other things in this list. But love between a man and a woman is also a strange mystery. @erse *) Agur heard what this woman said. But Agur knew what she had done. !he thought that it did not matter. But ;od also knew and he will (unish this woman. Peo(le often act as if their evil deeds are innocent. Bften they even manage to confuse their own minds. Their behaviour was evil. But they may actually think that they are innocent. ;od knows the truth about what we have done. v2! There are + things that u(set everyone. - things disturb everything. These things are v22 a slave who becomes the king? a greedy fool? v23 a hateful woman who marries? a servant girl who takes the (lace of the master"s wife. @erses *$2*+ Each (erson in this list has suddenly become (owerful. But they lack the skills that they need for their new situations. They may become (roud. Their characters do not match their new situations. These events may disturb us. We do not ex(ect such events to ha((en. The slave does not know how to lead anyone. <e has obeyed other (eo(le"s instructions for his whole life. But now he is the king3 and he must lead the entire nation. The fool is an evil man. <e does not deserve a good meal. But this fool eats (lenty. And he is still greedy. <e has no sense. <e is (roud. <e does not know when he should sto(. A hateful woman has >ust married a man. But after she marries3 she is still hateful. <er attitudes are wrong. !he is a bad wife for her husband. And she will be a (oor mother to her children. The master"s original wife deserves her husband"s love. But he does not care about her. This is very sad. We soon discover why her husband does not love her. The woman"s own servant girl has become the master"s new wife. The husband chooses his servant girl3 instead of his wife. This is terrible. The two women will hate each other. #Com(are ;enesis $6 $26.' v2# There are - ty(es of animals that are very small. But they are also very wise. These animals are v2' ants3 which are tiny insects. But they store food during the summer. v2( conies3 which are small animals. But they make their home between rocks.
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v2" locusts3 which are insects. They have no leader. But they advance like an army. v2% li0ards3 which are small animals. =ou can easily catch li0ards in your hand. But li0ards can even live in kings" (alaces. @erses *-2*& <ere are - ty(es of animals. Each is both small and wise. !o we can learn a lesson about wisdom from these animals. Ants store food for the winter. And we should (re(are for the future3 too. !ee Proverbs 6 62&. Conies are weak animals. But they still have a home. They live together in small grou(s. And they a((oint one animal as a guard to watch for the large birds that may attack the conies. We should look after our homes too. We need homes where we can bring u( our families in safety. 1ocusts march like an army but without a commander. 1ocusts work together. And we too should work with other (eo(le. !ee <ebrews $) */. 1i0ards are clever. They can even avoid the guards and live in (alaces. And we need to be clever3 too. !ee .atthew $) $6. v2& There are + things that are im(ressive. There are - things that are really (owerful. These things are v30 the lion3 called 6the king of animals". 1ions are afraid of nothing. v3! a mating cock #male bird'? a male goat? a king3 who has his army to (rotect him. @erses *%2+$ These animals are im(ressive because they are bold. A lion is very strong. 9t is bold. And everybody res(ects a lion. A mating cock #bird' might not be strong. But the cock is still bold3 because it wants to im(ress a female bird. A male goat will attack anything. But a goat is not a wise animal. A goat attacks even when it does not need to attack. And even when the danger is great3 the goat still attacks. The goat does not realise that it should try to esca(e7 A king"s words and actions are bold. But really3 a king is very weak. <e would not be bold if he did not have an army. Another man might have one or two guards to (rotect him. But a king needs a whole army. v32 Perha(s you have been (roud3 like a fool. Perha(s you have (lotted an evil (lan. Then (ut your hand on your mouth7 #That is3 be silent.' v33 9f you stir milk3 you get butter. 9f you hurt the nose3 you get blood. !o3 if you cause anger3 you get trouble. @erses +*2++ Agur advised this evil man to say nothing. .ere words cannot save an evil man from his (unishment. !o Agur told the evil man to (ut his hand on his mouth. #That is3 to be silent.' 9f the evil man s(oke3 he would cause more anger. Then the evil man would suffer even more trouble #verse ++'.

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Proverbs )hapter 3!
v! These are the words of Fing 1emuel. This section is a difficult (u00le that his mother taught to him. v2 Bh3 my son7 .y own son7 =ou are the answer to my (rayers. @erses $2* 1emuel was not a king of 9srael. But his name means 6he belongs to ;od" in the <ebrew language. #<ebrew was the language of the (eo(le in 9srael.' 1emuel"s birth was the answer to his mother"s (rayers #verse *'. The (ro(het #holy man' !amuel was also born as the answer to his mother"s (rayers #$ !amuel $ $2$&'. !amuel became a very great (ro(het. And 1emuel"s mother wanted 1emuel to be a good king. !he wanted him to be fair. And she wanted him to rule well. !o she taught him this lesson. v3 Co not waste your strength with women7 Co not go with women who destroy kings7 @erse + .any women try to tem(t an im(ortant (erson like a king. !olomon himself loved many women. <e thought that these women would make him ha((y #Ecclesiastes * $2$$'. But !olomon did evil things because of these women #$ Fings $$ $2$+'. v# Bh3 1emuel3 you are the king7 Fings should not drink wine7 Fings should not want beer7 v' 9f kings drink alcohol3 then they will forget the law. Then suffering (eo(le will lose everything. v( ;ive beer to (eo(le who are dying7 ;ive wine to (eo(le in trouble7 v" 1et them drink7 Then they will forget that they are (oor. They will not remember that they are sad. @erses -2/ Fings must be careful about alcohol. 9n fact3 everybody needs to be careful about alcohol. Alcohol causes (eo(le to make stu(id mistakes. And alcohol confuses the brain. 9t causes many troubles. But a king is also res(onsible for other (eo(le. !o the king has a s(ecial reason to refuse alcohol. The king"s (eo(le need hel( when they are suffering. The king will be unable to (rotect them if he is a drunk. Church leaders too always need to be careful. !ee Dames + $. A church leader must not be a drunk #Titus $ ,'. And many church leaders have decided not to drink any alcohol. They decide this because they are res(onsible for other (eo(le. And these church leaders do not want to cause (roblems for weaker (eo(le #$ Corinthians & %2$+'. @erses 62, This is a strange (assage. 1emuel"s mother knew that a king should not drink alcohol. But she su((osed that (oor (eo(le should drink lots of beer and wine in order to forget their troubles. But she was wrong. Alcohol cannot cure the (roblems of (oor (eo(le. Their lives will not be better if they become drunks. 9n fact3 their lives will be worse. Poor (eo(le cannot afford wine and beer. They will become weaker if they drink alcohol. And they might be unable to do their work. These (eo(le are (oor now. But they will become (oorer. Bften rich (eo(le give stu(id advice to (oor (eo(le. The rich (eo(le are trying to hel(. But they are not (oor. !o they do not know the (roblems of (oor (eo(le.
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We need accurate knowledge to advise well. Bur ex(eriences are different from other (eo(le"s ex(eriences. !o we must study their (roblems well3 before we can advise. Btherwise3 we might cause even more (roblems. v% Cefend weak (eo(le7 Protect (oor (eo(le7 !(eak out on their behalf7 v& When you are their >udge3 be fair7 Cefend everyone who needs your hel(7 @erses &2% A king should care about (oor (eo(le. 9n fact3 everyone should care about (oor (eo(le. But a king has greater res(onsibility. Fing 1emuel was also a >udge. !o 1emuel"s mother advised him to hel( (oor (eo(le in the court. Perha(s (oor (eo(le cannot afford lawyers. Perha(s (oor (eo(le do not s(eak well. !o 1emuel should (rotect them3 because nobody else would hel( them. 9n Proverbs +)3 Agur did not understand some im(ortant sub>ects. <e did not realise that we need to confess our evil deeds to ;od. And he did not ex(lain that ;od forgives. 9n Proverbs +$ $2%3 1emuel"s mother did not realise some im(ortant sub>ects. !he did not realise that rich (eo(le should be generous. !he knew that 1emuel must (rotect (oor (eo(le. !he knew that the law must be fair. But she did not tell 1emuel to give any money or food to (oor (eo(le. !ee Proverbs +$ *).

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A Poem about a perfe)t ,ife

(Proverbs 3! !003!$
The Book of Proverbs ends with a s(ecial (oem. .en did the most im(ortant (ublic >obs when !olomon was alive. The officials were male #$ Fings - $2$%'. The soldiers and workmen were male #$ Fings % **2*+'. But women were im(ortant in their families. Women were im(ortant in their towns and villages. And women were even im(ortant in the (alaces #$ Fings $) $2$+? $ Fings % $6? $$ $%'. 9n fact3 !olomon even describes wisdom as a woman #Proverbs &'. !olomon does not write about a man called Wisdom. But he does write about a woman called Wisdom. !o someone wrote this (oem to describe the (erfect wife. Perha(s !olomon did not write this (oem. !olomon had many wives. And his wives caused trouble for him #$ Fings $$'. !o !olomon"s wives were not good wives. The (erfect wife in this (oem was an im(ortant (erson. Everybody res(ected her. The (eo(le even res(ected her husband because of her. Women should co(y this (erfect wife. And men can learn things from her3 too. The original language of this (oem is called <ebrew. This (oem has a s(ecial structure because the (oem uses the <ebrew al(habet. !o3 in <ebrew3 verse $) begins with the first letter of the al(habet. @erse $$ begins with the next letter. This structure continues until verse +$. @erse +$ begins with the last letter of the <ebrew al(habet. v!0 =ou must search hard to obtain a good wife. <er value is more than (recious stones. v!! <er husband always trusts her. <e has everything that he needs. @erse $) ;od wants men and women to marry #;enesis * $&'. 9t is good to marry #<ebrews $+ -'. But ;od may not want everyone to marry. Paul was not married #$ Corinthians , ,2&'. A husband and wife should look after each other. A husband should be glad if he has a good wife. A good wife will benefit her husband greatly. A man who has great wealth does not always have a good life. But a man who has a good wife will also have a good life. !o a good wife is better than great wealth. @erse $$ The husband can trust his wife. !he is careful. !he will not waste his (ossessions. <e will have everything that he needs. v!2 <is wife always brings good things to him. !he never hurts him3 during her entire life. v!3 !he selects wool and cloth. !he is eager to work with her hands. v!# !he is like a trading shi(. !he goes far to get good food. v!' !he gets u( early3 before sunrise. !he (rovides food for her family3 and for her servant girls. @erse $* This wife selects good things for her husband. @erses $+2$/ describe things that she obtains for him. !he always tries to hel( him. !he does not hurt him. !he does not waste his (ossessions. !he does not u(set him with arguments #Proverbs *$ %'. !he does not cause trouble. @erse $+ The wife makes clothes by hand. And she is ha((y to do this work.
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@erse $!he selects good food. But (erha(s there is no good food in the local sho(s. This woman does not want to use (oor Auality food. !o she travels until she finds the best foods. @erse $/ !he works hard3 even before dawn. !he does not only (rovide food for her husband. !he also (rovides food for her family. And she even (rovides for servant girls. Everyone in the house has good food3 because this wife works hard. Another translation of the second line is 6Before sunrise3 she (rovides food for her family. And she gives out work to her servant girls." This woman does not waste time. !he uses her time well. v!( !he chooses a field. !he buys it. With her own money3 she (lants fruit bushes. v!" !he works hard. <er arms are strong. v!% !he trades well. At night3 her light is on. v!& !he works with her hands. !he makes cloth for clothing. v20 !he is generous to (oor (eo(le. !he hel(s those who are weak. @erse $6 This woman is wise. !he (re(ares for the future. <er fruit bushes will not (rovide fruit this year. And (erha(s the bushes will not (rovide fruit for a few years. #Com(are 1eviticus $% *+2*/. ;od told the (eo(le not to eat fruit from a new tree for - years. This is good advice for farmers. =oung fruit trees are weak if you allow the fruit to develo( too soon.' But afterwards3 the family will en>oy the fruit for many years. @erse $, !he herself works with her hands. !he has servants #verse $/'3 but she is not la0y. !he works with them. !o she becomes strong and healthy. @erse $& This woman starts to work before dawn #verse $/'. And she continues to work late at night #verse $&'. !he buys and sells. @erse $% At this time3 there were no machines to make cloth. !o women would make cloth by hand. And clothes were (recious. This woman"s work was very valuable. @erse *) But this woman does not work so that her family will be wealthy. !he cares about everyone. !he earns money so that she can hel( (oor (eo(le. !he is kind and generous. !he looks after old (eo(le and ill (eo(le. !he wants to hel( everyone. v2! !he is not afraid of snow. All her family have good warm clothes. v22 !he makes covers for her bed. !he wears the finest clothing. v23 Everyone res(ects her husband. <e is a >udge3 and he sits with the wise men at the city gate. v2# <is wife makes clothes. And she sells them. !he makes belts for the merchants.
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@erse *$ !now does not often fall in 9srael. 9t is a warm country. But this woman is ready for cold weather. The whole family have warm clothes3 because this woman makes the clothes. @erse ** But this woman does not >ust make (ractical clothes. !he loves her work. !he is ha((y when she works. !o she makes good clothes. And she makes fine covers for the bed. @erse *+ This woman is humble. =ou might su((ose that she wants to be im(ortant. But she does not work for this reason. 9nstead3 she is ha((y to hel( her husband. <e is im(ortant because of her. <e does not worry about clothes or food. !he (rovides his food and clothes. !o he can do an im(ortant >ob. <e is a >udge. And he advises at the city gate. Gobody (ays the husband for his advice. But he can do his im(ortant work because his wife looks after him. @erse *This woman earns the money that her family needs. !he makes belts and clothes by hand. And she sells these things. v2' !he has strength and honour. !he is not afraid of the future. v2( !he s(eaks wisely. !he teaches well. v2" !he looks after her family. !he is not la0y. v2% <er children bless her. <er husband (raises her. v2& <e says3 6.any women are good. But you are the very best wife." @erse */ Gow the writer describes the woman"s character. This woman does not worry about the future. !he (re(ares carefully. Perha(s she saves her money. And she teaches her children to be wise #verses *62*,'. !o she is ready for future events. Even if the family suffer troubles3 she is ready. @erse *6 We know that this woman"s husband is a wise man #verse *+'. But the wife is also wise. !he teaches her children. And (erha(s she advises her friends. @erses *,2*& !ome (eo(le behave well in (ublic. But at home3 they do not behave well. But this woman does not care whether anyone sees her good works. <er own family see her in (rivate. And they know that she is a good (erson. !o they bless her. @erse *% Gow the husband s(eaks. <e realises that some other women are good like his wife. But he does not want to be with these other women. <is own wife is very s(ecial in his o(inion. <e loves her. <e a((reciates her work. <e thanks her. This husband does not want a younger woman. <e does not want a more beautiful woman. <e realises that some Aualities matter more than youth and beauty. And his wife has these s(ecial Aualities. v30 Women may lose their beauty and grace. !o (raise the woman who res(ects ;od7 v3! ;ive a good reward to her7 <er good work (roves that she deserves honour from everyone.
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@erse +) 9n this verse3 we discover why this woman is a great (erson. <er s(ecial Aualities are not beauty and grace. When she is older3 this woman might lose her beauty. And she might lose her grace. But she will still be a great (erson. And she will still be a great wife. This woman is great because she res(ects ;od. The first lesson in wisdom is that we must res(ect ;od #Proverbs $ ,'. Every woman needs to learn this lesson. And every man needs to learn this lesson too. This woman has learned this lesson well. !o this woman is really wise. And we can see that she is wise !he res(ects ;od. !he is not la0y. !he is not (roud. !he works hard. And she is glad to work. !he is generous to (oor (eo(le. <er husband can trust her. !he studies carefully. And she has learned to be wise. !he teaches. !he uses her money wisely. !he is loyal.

!he is skilled. And she has many skills. This woman has learned the lessons in the Book of Proverbs. !he is a model of a wise (erson. Every woman should be like this woman. And every man3 too3 can learn from her behaviour. 9f we learn to act like this woman3 then we shall be wise. @erse +$ We3 too3 know that this woman deserves honour. And we should all try to be like her.

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Book List
@arious writings and sermons by C.<. !(urgeon3 D. Wesley3 ;. Whitefield and other classic writers. Gotes on the Book of Proverbs 2 Dohn Wesley The Book of Proverbs by A.8. Hausset 2 in Commentary Critical and E()lanatory on the *hole Bible by Damieson3 Hausset and Brown Proverbs by !.!. Bu00ell 2 in he Bible +nowledge Commentary edited by Walvoord and Kuck Proverbs by ;.W. Thatcher and other articles 2 in he em)le Bible ,ictionary edited by Ewing L Thomson =oung"s Analytical Concordance !trong"s Exhaustive Concordance Analytical <ebrew and Chaldee 1exicon by B. Cavidson Bibles 2 G9@3 FD@3 TE@3 8!@3 .offatt3 Dewish translation #$%$,'3 occasional use of <ebrew text and other translations. Christ in all the !cri(tures 2 A... <odgkin

-heolo/i)al )he)ker 1orman 2illyer

2005, Wycliffe Associates (UK) This publication is written in EasyEn lish !e"el # (2$00 wor%s)& 'o"e(ber 2005 )isit our website* www&easyen lish&info

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