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Update via St.

Germain - 1/4/2014

Message from St. Germain

"Beloved Ones, it is I, St. Germain, with a message for all the masters and Heart Guides who have followed our messages so carefully, and kept the faith even when the information sometimes seemed outrageously conflicting. It was, admittedly.! "e were not trying to "#erk you around." "e were using your good graces to transmit the crucial messages which were necessary in setting the trap so that we could catch the ones who were deli$erately using their positions of power to take advantage. %heir scheme & which was cooked up $y some of the leaders of the '. S. (ongress, and included an international cartel of $ankers and politicians & was designed to $uy up so much of the pot of gold which was intended for everyone that there would $e little left for those who would come after. Had they succeeded in their plan to dominate the revaluation proceeds and corral all the $enefits for themselves, they would have forced a smaller payout for those who were left, and they would have there$y maintained their power over the glo$al financial systems. %hey had earmarked the funds to pay for another war, which would have evolved into "orld "ar III. %hey were looking forward to massive warfare, since it is so profita$le for those who fund $oth sides of every conflict. %heir plan was to support all the warmongering dictators in power now, spreading propaganda to entice the '.S. military to #oin the charge $y invading the Sudan and every other place their might $e civil foment. %heir unlimited resources would have made it all possi$le. )ou can see now why we had to spend the time preparing for the e*changes, and then reviewing what has followed. %he preparation was massive and long&term. )ou have all heard a$out the concerns a$out the technology which can track personal and $usiness interactions like phone calls and investments. %hese programs, which were so unpopular with wealthy (ongressional +ark Hats, have $een the key to catching the ones who made every effort to use ma*imum leverage to increase the value of their purchases of the dinar and other suppressed currencies. Greed $lossomed to heights never $efore seen on ,lanet -arth. %he %hirteen .amilies and their associates used tactics like putting purchases in the names of family mem$ers, $usiness associates, dead people, fictitious people, and even pets to avoid detection and to e*ceed the allowed amount which they had agreed upon themselves. Our technology has $een very effective. "e have found massive num$ers of infractions of the recent laws which had $een passed for this very purpose & to stop the a$use of power you have all suffered under for centuries. It will soon $e revealed to the entire world #ust how this glo$al net has trapped thousands of the most destructive and controlling +ark Hats. -vidence of their evildoing will stun the population which accepted that $eing rich was somehow a special category which was $estowed on the deserving. %heir actions had everything to do with gra$$ing power and wealth, $ut it was done with such deli$erate cruelty and disregard for the welfare of

others that it will $e truly shocking when it is revealed how personal and how purposeful their cruelty was, and how utterly pervasive it has $een. "e are looking forward with such e*hilaration and gladness to the time when all this will $e a thing of the past, when genuinely humane governance $ecomes the way of life in every corner of the glo$e. "e have worked long and hard, in complete cooperation with ,rime (reator and all the /rchangels and /scended 0asters who have devoted themselves to $ringing humankind out of the darkness and into the 1ew Golden /ge. )ou, +ear Ones, are among those who have worked to $ring this a$out, and you continue to create the energy which will lift all into the higher dimensions. %his is not the work of a few chosen people & not at all. "e each have volunteered to do these sacred tasks for the good of our fellow humans. -ven as we reside in the higher realms $etween lives on -arth, we feel the familiar attachment to $eing in a $ody, feeling the intense energies on the -arth plane, especially the feel of the $ree2e on your face, the satisfying feeling of tiredness at the end of a day of physical e*ertion, the water of a clear lake on your skin, the delicious perfume of springtime flowers in $loom..."e have a special attachment to 0other -arth as much as you do. )ou are on the edge of your chairs wondering what the future will $ring, whether you will $e a$le to distri$ute the wealth you were hoping to have $y now. )es, I tell you, it is happening3 it is still happening. %he days of a$undance and freedom from want are literally roaring down the track, $ringing unimagina$le en#oyment. )ou have not e*perienced genuine freedom from fear for many eons. It will truly $e a new day. %oday is 4an. 5, the day the glo$al reset was to $e announced in the 'nited States. %he first announcement was to have $een the appearance of the 677 num$ers which would tell all the investors in +inarland that the currency e*change was to $egin, with instructions a$out what $anks would $e availa$le for each person8s initial e*change. It did not happen $ecause the $anks refused to release the num$ers. %hey went on strike, $anding together & the 9 most powerful $anks in the '.S. & to create what they thought was an invinci$le force. %heir cause was to force the hand of those who had given them the lucrative positions in the first place, to demand a larger spread the profit $etween what they pay out and what they are paid!. %hey literally $it the hand that fed them. In their arrogance of power, they presumed they could e*tort even more enormous profits $y sheer $elligerence and might, even though it was a clear violation of their previous agreements. %hey $elieved they were indispensa$le to the process, that we could not possi$ly do it without them. Of course they are wrong. Since we were well aware of the character of the $anksters we were dealing with, we had anticipated this move. Our ,lan B was to use local and regional $anks, which serve the community in a far more personal way than the huge monolithic financial institutions, and of course is more in alignment with our intentions. %he choice to use the $ig 9 was

to offer them the opportunity to either mend their ways and $egin serving the people of their country, or go to #ail. %hey have made it clear they have no intention to serve anyone $ut themselves. /nother round of arrests have $egun, $efore they had the chance to mo$ili2e their private militias to threaten our :ightworkers. "e will shortly make the decision a$out whether to use the structure of call centers and e*change centers connected with the Big .ive, minus their entire top level of management, which is a via$le option, or to revamp the process to retrain personnel and reposition the funds to make it possi$le to use the small $anks. "e have the Galactic technology to accomplish this in a matter of days, or at most a few weeks. "e are reluctant to e*tend the process much further $ecause of our awareness of the severe difficulties these delays have caused for our loyal :ightworkers, many who cannot continue their valua$le pro#ects without the funds. /t this moment, we are working on a mi* of strategies to allow the local $anks with currency trading charters to perform some of the services to accomplish the pay&outs as ;uickly as possi$le. "e do not wish to cause panic or a stampede if people should think the program is severely limited or #eopardi2ed in some way. "e assure you it is not. %his is really the $est of all possi$le outcomes, from the perspective of the future." Father God would li e to ma e a !omment" Greetings, Beloved 0asters, I wanted to intercede for a moment here to add my message to that of our dear Brother St. Germain. Here in the Higher +imensions, we are actually delighted with the outcome of this latest sting operation, which was designed and e*ecuted with a$solute $rilliance $y our ;uick&witted and ;uick&footed team of "hite Hats. It is wondrous indeed to see the scope of this 0aster ,lan $y which the entire face of $anking and finance will $e changed. +o not fret, +ear Ones, your dreams will $e fulfilled, and your hearts will swell with pride and admiration when you learn of the intricacies and intrigue $y which your people on the ground and in Higher +imensions were a$le to coordinate their efforts to put a stop to the greed and power&mongering. I can also tell you that our St. Germain8s efforts have also prevented the +ark Hats from $ringing their nefarious plan to completion & for it was their intention to use the ill&gotten gains to foment and then finance $oth sides of another "orld "ar. It shall not $e. Go in peace, and cele$rate this 1ew )ear $eginning with hearts filled with love and anticipation of all good things. I wish you peace, harmony, #oy, and much, much love. #damos" %hank you, .ather God, and of course I must add that this was a ,ro#ect of massive proportions which involved the intense cooperation and coordination of all the (ompany of Heaven & 0other<.ather God, the /scended 0asters, the Galactics, and a loyal and courageous team of :ightworkers on the ground, all under the watchful eye of ,rime (reator. "e have followed 'niversal :aw in every case, and we have won all the skirmishes. "

S% G-=0/I1

St. Germain8s Instructions for (urrency -*change and (ele$ration>

$ith %o& and gratitude' (anuar& )' 2014

? ,0, :os /ngeles, (/ %he time is nearly upon us, Beloved Ones. )ou will $e collecting the riches you so deserve, and you will make them availa$le to people and humanitarian pro#ects all over the world. Our efforts on your $ehalf have at last come to fruition. It has $een a long and twisted path, filled with cloak and dagger intrigue and encounters with the +ark Ones $efitting a Gothic novel, $ut we have prevailed, and all is well. It is now possi$le for all of you who have waited in good faith for your $lessings to proceed with the great dreams of your hearts. /s you move into the new day, you will find yourselves in the center of a #oyful cele$ration, the likes of which you have never e*perienced $efore. I do have some instructions for you a$out the methods you will use to e*change the currency you have all purchased. %his will $e especially relevant for those of you who have layaway programs still in effect. It is very important that you understand what I will tell you. %he laws which were put in place to entrap those who greedily took advantage of the first e*change program for the elite are still in place, and you will $e $ound $y those same laws. %his will not $e a pro$lem for you, since you are not the ones who re;uire policing3 however, you must know the procedures in order to e*ercise your $lessings to the greatest advantage for you and yours. %here will $e only one opportunity for you to trade your currency at the contract rate. %his means you will take all your currency at one time to the $ank of your choice. )ou are a$le to open multiple accounts. / multicurrency account may come in handy if you have layaway orders. It is recommended that you use a different account for each currency. %hese may $e checking vs. savings, or different accounts in your own name. /s long as they have different num$ers, you can keep the currency you trade separate for ta* purposes. Of course, we are working on those issues at present, so it is pro$a$le that ta*es on your trades will $e light, $ut it will ease your $ookkeeping to have separate accounts. 1ow, those of you who have lost the layaway options and have had delivery of some smaller amounts of currency will have an advantage. )ou will $e a$le to trade in any amount of that currency at the market rate, then take your proceeds to pay off any

amount you have in layaway. %his will keep you within the current laws, since there is no limit to the amount you can trade in at the market rate. 4ust $e aware that it is the much higher contract rate which we hope you will use for the ma#ority of your currency. )ou see, you cannot trade a small amount of your layaway reserves at the market rate, and then collect the rest and take it to the $ank to e*change at the high rate. %hat would count as two contract rate trades, which is not permitted. )ou will need to work with the currency company where you purchased the layaways in order to collect your currency, or work out a satisfactory rate with them $efore you trade. %he most practical option will $e to purchase a small amount of dong, which you can do at any $ank you have an account with that has currency purchasing availa$le. )ou can also $uy it at any airport or currency e*change office where travelers $uy currency for their trips. )ou can then trade in that amount after the revaluation, at the market rate, and use those funds to send a certified check to pay off your layaway currencies. If you are short on cash and don8t have a way of purchasing the dong to cover your layaways, then call on your friends, neigh$ors and family mem$ers. Offer to pay them $ack ten&fold if they will give you a loan. %his way, you will all $enefit. %he time is very short. %hese preparations must $e made immediately. "e want all of you to have the ma*imum $enefits for your efforts, so do not hesitate if you still do not have any currency in hand. %he 677 num$ers will $e released as soon as all negotiations with the Big .ive $anks have $een completed, and more importantly, when we have given the smaller $anks a fair chance to take part in the currency trading. It is a #oyful time for us, to $e arranging this $enefit for the neigh$orhood $anks, and the credit unions which have the currency purchase option, as many have recently $een encouraged to do. /s you can imagine, it was our original intention to use those $anks which are run $y ,eople of the :ight. "e have no pro$lem identifying those individuals who are :ightworkers in their true identities. /s you know, not all $ankers are +ark Hats. "e have known for a long time which institutions we would prefer to work with3 it has $een our ,lan B or you might say, ,lan /B! since the $eginning. It was necessary to work with the $ig $anks in order to lay the foundation for the sting operation which was responsi$le for identifying thousands of those who would have happily hoarded all the wealth, leaving little for you in +inarland, as %ony calls it. By the way, our Beloved %ony %1% is our greatest asset and our strong advocate for the :ight, as you would know if you have read his personal posts with an open heart. He is not doing this work for personal gain or ego aggrandi2ement. It is shameful how many have a$used him on the Boards and slandered him $ehind his $ack. "ithout him, this program of $enefiting the :ightworkers while simultaneously entrapping the +ark Hats would not have $een possi$le. "e would hope that all those who have $rought negativity to the community will $e as

effusive with their apologies and praise as they were with their a$use once they are walking away with the profits and en#oying the glo$al $enefits %ony and his associates have helped to create. %heir sacrifices will $ecome known eventually, and he will $e known as a hero. "e em$race him, we love him, and we thank him with all our hearts. %here is not enough space in this letter, nor would they wish to $e pu$licly acknowledged at this time, $ut the Ground (rew that has made this entire endeavor successful is enormous, in num$ers and in the si2e of their hearts. Send them your gratitude and your $lessings, +ear Ones. "ithout their relentless dedication, it could not have $een done. 1ow, I send you my endless :ove and admiration & those of you who have shared the long #ourney of .aith, and who will now $ecome the source of great $enefits and enormous #oy for others as you go a$out spreading the wealth across the planet. It is #ust the $eginning, $ut it is a lovely and fitting $eginning, is it not@ %hose who have had .aith, who have $elieved that God can accomplish the impossi$le, and who have invested their hard&earned funds, in spite of the ridicule from naysayers who tried to discredit our pro#ect, will $e the first to share the wealth and the gratitude of their fellows. 0y heart sings with the #oy of it. "e also are grateful for the channels who have made it possi$le for us to disseminate this information to a wide audience of :ightworkers. I will not mention them $y name smile! $ut you know who they are. /s the energies lift all to higher dimensional awareness, you will all find it possi$le to tune in to the vi$rations that carry our thoughts. It will indeed $e a glorious day when you no longer have any need for telephones or social networks, $ecause you will all $e communicating telepathically. /nd now, +earest Brothers and Sisters of the Stars, $e ready to leave all dou$ts, all negative thoughts, all feelings of want or fear $ehind you. It is your $irthday, your anniversary, and your graduation day all rolled into one. "e will cele$rate with $rass $ands, dancing troupes and great good cheer, as ,lanet -arth8s vi$ration rises e*ponentially. -n#oy your a$ility to give gifts to all you meet who are in need> Share your love along with those gifts, for the truly uplifting encounter with +estiny which you have arranged for yourselves. / 1ew +ay $egins, and with it, the $irth of the 1ew Golden /ge. "e are re#oicing #ust out of your vision, $ut not $eyond your Aision. On the ships, the cele$rations are constant and increasing. %he vi$ration is rising throughout the 0ultiverse as we all #oin as One to cele$rate the triumph of ,lanet -arth, her people, and all the $eings of her great family of teeming life within and on the surface. It is not possi$le to e*press my unlimited #oy at this historic moment. I am yours always, your St. Germain, in service to /ll.

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