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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

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Technical Specification BI <Name of the Specification>

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Last Re!ision Date Date Create( Date )rinte(

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www.SAPBWCon !"

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Document Information
B! ine Area #AP/C$ ID %S Definition %or" ID SAP BW &er ion #lo+al / ,ocal SAP 'etWea(er BW ).*

#ppro!e( * Wor- trea" Tea" ,ead De(elop"ent Tea" ,ead Name Role Signature Date

Document +istor*
Version ../ ... ..0 ..* Reason for change Date

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Ta le of Contents

.. #1'1$A, I'%O$2ATIO'............................................................................................3 0. D1SC$IPTIO' A'D P4$POS1...................................................................................5 *. T1C6'ICA, D1SI#' O&1$&I1W...............................................................................5

*.. A !"ption............................................................................................................................ 5 *.0 De ign Sol!tion 7 O(er(iew....................................................................................................8 *.* Data %low Diagra"................................................................................................................ 8 *.3 Data $e9!ire"ent..................................................................................................................8

3. ISS41S..........................................................................................................................) 5. T1C6'ICA, SO,4TIO'...............................................................................................) 8. BI OB:1CT D1TAI, D1SI#' ;DATA %,OW D1SI#'<.................................................=

8.. InfoO+>ect ;Characteri tic ? @eA %ig!re< Detail Specification...............................................= 8.0 Data o!rce/1Btractor Detail Specification..............................................................................= 8.0 DSO/ODS Detail Specification..............................................................................................0 8.* InfoC!+e Detail Specification................................................................................................) 8.3 2!ltiPro(ider Detailed Specification.....................................................................................00 8.5 $eporting $e9!ire"ent ......................................................................................................03

). WO$@BOO@ D1SI#'................................................................................................0= =. 1$$O$ 21SSA#1S .................................................................................................0C C. S1C4$ITD $1E4I$121'TS/ A4T6O$IFATIO' D1TAI,S....................................*/ ./. ADDITIO'A, I'%O$2ATIO' A'D ATTAC621'TS...............................................*/ ... 4'IT T1ST P,A'......................................................................................................*/

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

/0 General Information
1unctional Design Spec IDG Report TitleG Implement0 )hase %essage ClassG De!elop0 ClassG %o(uleG Report )aper Si2e Report 3ser43ser 5roupG )repare( B* )hone Num er: 6mail #((ress: Business41unctional #nal*stG )hone Num er: 6mail #((ress: 1unctional #rea 3ser ContactG )rimar*: )hone Num er: 6mail #((ress: Secon(ar*G )hone Num er: 6mail #((ress: Report IDG

Contact Details:
)rep DateG

Report Run 1re7uenc* )riorit*G 68pecte( !olumeG Data Refresh 1re7uenc*

Languages Comple8it*G

Transport Information

Change Re7uest 9

Tas: 9

& ;ect I(entifier <)rogram ID= La*out Set ID= etc>

& ;ect T*pe <)rogram= Transaction= La*out Set>

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

,0 Description and Purpose

T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL'
< Description of the BI report/analytical application such as its purpose, how, when, why, where, who, as appropriate. Provide additional information about the design of the application not covered in the other descriptions. >

6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

-0 Technical Design Overview -0/ Assumption

T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL' < The technical de igner ho!ld detail here all the proced!re or config!ration affecting the report that the de(eloper can ta-e for granted. Other a !"ption that the de igner fore ee will +etter foc! the cope of the enhance"ent ho!ld al o +e incl!ded here. Thi i a (erA i"portant part of the pecification a it en !re that no !nnece arA de(elop"ent wor- i !nderta-en. It i nor"al for a !"ption to +e tho!ght !p at the technical de(elop"ent tage a well a the f!nctional pecification tage a de(elop"ent and te ting "aA throw !p "ore o+ c!re cenario than tho!ght o!t at a +! ine le(el. The e ho!ld +e di c! ed d!ring the de(elop"ent tage and added to the pec when agreed. 1Ba"ple a !"ption G .< 0< *< 3< 5< 8< )< All weight in the SAP A te" will +e in -ilogra" The ! er7eBit will onlA +e a(aila+le to the Spani h ! er Deli(erie will ha(e a "aBi"!" of 5 line ite" The login lang!age will +e Spani h OnlA Billing doc!"ent with Deli(erA doc!"ent ;SD Preceding doc!"ent categorA H:I< a their preceding referenced doc!"ent will +e eBtracted The le eeI price will ne(er +e "ore than ) character long 1tc.> 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

-0, Design Solution - Overview

Provide a brief textual overview of the technical solution, noting data targets, sources of data, degree of customi ation, etc. Business !ustification and re"uirements need not be addressed here, as these are more appropriately covered in the B# $unctional %pecification document.

BW Object Type Data Source Info Source

Technical Name


Syst em

BCT, Enhanced, Custom

ODS Object

InfoCube MultiProvider

-0- Data Flow Diagram

-0-0/0 Flow of Transactional Data Diagram the flow of transactional data from source to data target. Include such &ey components as 'xtractor, Data%ources, and Data (argets. )ighlight significant data transformations *user exit logic, transfer rules, update rules, etc.+ in the flow at the point where they occur, and supplement this with additional textual description below the diagram if necessary. -0-0,0 Flow of Master Data For any significant master data, provide an overview of the master data flow through diagrams and/or textual description. Include information such as primary source tables/files and highlights of significant data transformations *user exits, transfer routines, etc.+. #ithin the context of this section, ,significant master datarefers primarily to master data ob!ects with complex customi ation *multi.table extraction, transformation logic, etc.+, although %/P.delivered master data objects with complex extraction and/or transformation may occasionally be included as well.

-0? Data Re uirement

!"#"$" %e& Figures'%PIs
Key Fi ure !D 01 08 09 n Key Fi ure (otal credit postings (otal Debit Postings Balance Technical Name 023'DI( 0D'BI( 02:$;B<52 "nit 02433'526 02433'526 Basic 7 7 7 =01.08 CKF #KF Comments

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

!"#"(" )haracteristics
Characteristic Company Code Technical Name C!"#$C!%& Na$% &ttr% 6es &ttr 6es Te't 6es (ier 5o Comments

!"#"!" Time )haracteristics

Characteristic $iscal 6ear Technical Name 0$I%26'/3 Comments

-0?0?0 3nit Characteristics >?lobal %ettings: Import 4nit and 2urrency tables from 3/9
Characteristic 2urrency Technical Name 02433'526 Comments

?0 Issues
T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL': <Thi ection ho!ld +e ! ed li-e a log d!ring the creation of thi doc!"ent to o!tline anA o!t tanding i !e that need to +e re ol(ed prior to contin!ing with the de(elop"ent wor-. Prior to ign7off there ho!ld +e no i !e re"aining.> 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

Issue 9

Date Raise(

Issue Description

Issue Resolution

@0 Technical Solution
T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL': <Thi ection highlight the -eA de ign i !e . A erie of +!llet point cho en for the progra" and the "ain technical diffic!ltie . %or 1Ba"pleG What a !"ption are "ade in the technical pecification and what theA entail in technical ter" . Page B of -. !""ariJing the logic

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

@eA proce tep .

WhA a partic!lar f!nction "od!le wa cho en. WhA ! e "!ltiple elect rather than >! t one. WhA ! e a partic!lar -ind of logic for the "ain proce ing. What were the "a>or technical pro+le" with the de ign of the BI o+>ect 1tc. > 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

A0 *I O+,ect Detail Design -Data Flow Design. /"$ InfoO+,ect -)haracteristics 0 %e& Figure. Detail Specification
T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL': < In thi ectionK InfoO+>ect pecification and de ign need to +e "aintained in eBcel for"atK a pro(ided in the attach"ent. Special logic for data !pdating of 2a ter Data need to +e attached eparatelA. Detail pecification for 2a ter data InfoO+>ect load need to +e "aintained. %or e(erA 2a ter Data loadK a doc!"ent need to +e in erted here. > 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

Detail Specification for 2a ter data InfoO+>ect ,oad G

/"( Datasource'12tractor Detail Specification

68tractor Summar*: In the ta+le +elowK li t all the eBtractor related to the data flow fro" the o!rce A te" to the DSO/C!+e in BW. The e ho!ld tApicallA +e tran actional data o!rce for the p!rpo e of thi doc!"ent a "a ter data related data o!rce for loading "a ter data o+>ect will alreadA +e pecified in the pre(io! ection 8... If howe(er the "a ter data data o!rce i to +e loaded directlA into a DSO/C!+eK then it i con idered part of the data flow and ho!ld +e li ted +elow. Page C of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Description ?eneral <edger: <eading <edger Balances

ec!nical "a#e 0$I;?<;10

Datasource ype (ransactional

Source Syste# '2D2<5(180/ '2@2<5(880/ '2P2<5(900

$C%&eneric%&enerated Business 2ontent *B2+

$C 'n!anced ()%"* 5o

5eneric Data Source Details: SpecifA the 1CC Data So!rce de ign here for generic data o!rce . ,ea(e +lan- or delete if none ! ed. ;$SO0<.

Name Settings
Application Co"ponent Data $econciliation Short De cription 2edi!" De cription ,ong De cription 68traction from DB Vie" &iew/Ta+le 1Btract Str!ct!re 68traction from S#) Duer* InfoSet 68traction from 1unction %o(ule %!nction 2od!le 1Btract Str!ct!re #eneric Delta Setting for thi Data So!rceG Delta 6na le( Delta$Specific 1iel(: %ield 'a"e Ti"e Sta"p ;4TC< Ti"e Sta"p ;,ocal< Calendar DaA '!"eric Pointer Settings: SafetA Inter(al 4pper ,i"it SafetA Inter(al ,ower ,i"it $eal7Ti"e 1na+led 'ew Stat! for Changed $ecord Additi(e Delta e.g. %I7#, De /'o


e.g. ,%'.

De /'o

De /'o L

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

%or all Data So!rce ;#eneric or enhanced B! ine Content<K plea e detail the C! to"er &iew etting +elow fro" $SA8. %or non7"odified B! ine Content data o!rce K Ao! can i"plA incl!de the official lin- to SAPI online doc!"entation. Data Source Description Direct #ccess Delta 3p(ate Data Source for Reconciliation 1iel( Short Te8t Name B1,'$ Acco!nting Doc. '!"+er .1IF5LFX 5eneral Le(ger: Line Items "ith Delta 68traction / supporte( <"ithout preaggregation> 'es4No 'es4No Selection L +i(e 1iel( In!ersion 1iel( &nl* Gno"n in Customer 68it

4$, for Standard Data So!rceG 1unction 6nhancement: Doc!"ent f!nction enhance"ent for each data o!rce here if anA. 6nhance 68traction Structure: Doc!"ent anA incl!de or append to the eBtraction tr!ct!re here for each data o!rce. Append 'a"e Data So!rce Component

Component T*pe

Data T*pe




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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

L& Coc:pit 6nhancements <LBH6>: %or logi tic eBtractor onlAK detail anA enhance"ent or field that are to +e added to the eBtractor here. Data Source 68tract Structure 3p(ate %o(e Ta le 2C1@1T 0,ISM/0MSC, 2C/02M/SC, 4n erialiJed &* 4pdate 1iel( B4@$S

Description Co"panA Code

P o


. . 0 * 3 5 8 )

BH Data Source Specification: SpecifA the BW Data So!rce etting here for c! to" Data So!rce . 4 e thi for" if needed for enhanced B! ine Content Data So!rce a well. De cription 1Bter @eA Con(. ,ower %or"at SS C!rren Sele Selection Option nal %ield $o!tine ca e Con(. cA / ction ,engt $o!tine 4nit h

Page // of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

/"( DSO'ODS Detail Specification

Technical Name

#eneral ,edger ;'ew<G Tran action %ig!re

TApe of DataSo!rce O+>ect SID #eneration !pon Acti(ation 4ni9!e data record Acti(ate Data A!to"aticallA Set E!alitA Stat! to HO@I A!to"aticallA 4pdate Data A!to"aticallA Partition ConditionG InfoArea Standard/ Write optimised / Direct update During Reporting/During Activation/Never Create SIDs es/No es/No es/No es/No /%I#,M1$P

Ge* 1iel(s
Info& ;ect Description Technical Name Data T*pe Length

Data 1iel(s
Info& ;ect Description Technical Name Data T*pe Length

Na!igation #ttri ute

Info& ;ect Description Technical Name Data T*pe Length

In(e8es ./.
Info& ;ect Description Technical Name Data T*pe Length

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification .,.

Info& ;ect Description Technical Name Data T*pe Length

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Tran for"ation De cription Target of Transformation: O+>ect TApeG 'a"e Source of Transformation: O+>ect TApe 'a"e $!le #ro!pG T$CS F%IM#,M./ 7N ODSO /%I#,MO./

Start $o!tineG OIn ert Ao!r Start $o!tine Code hereN 1iel(s
Source 1iel( %etho( < Direct #ssignment I D= Constant I C= Rea( %aster Data I %= Rea( from DataStore I RD= 1ormula I 1= Initial I I =Time Characteristics I T = Routine I R D Target Info& ;ect Con!ersion 68it )erform Con!ersion 68it <'4N>





1nd $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r 1nd $o!tine Code hereN

1iel( Routines:
O Write a a"ple code for each %ield $o!tine ! ed in the Tran for"ation N


%ield $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r %ield $o!tine Code hereN


%ield $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r %ield $o!tine Code hereN


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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification %ield $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r %ield $o!tine Code hereN

Data Transfer )rocess

Data Tran fer Proce ID DTP TApe BWD BWE BWP /%IM#,M./ / 1CDC,'T.0/ 7N /%I#,MO./ DTPM325B6AO.2D6%)A)*E5W@2=SI1 Standard /%IM#,M./ #eneral ,edgerG ,eading ,edger Balance Data So!rce 1CDC,'T.0//1CPC,'T*// %!ll/Delta

So!rce of DTP ;Technical 'a"e< De cription Data So!rce TApe So!rce SA te" 1Btraction 2odeG OnlA get delta once #et one re9!e t onlA $etrie(e !ntil no "ore new data Parallel 1Btraction ;D/'< Pac-age SiJe %ilter ConditionG

5/K/// 1iel( 1rom <or Varia le> /IMC4%E4 To <or Routine>

%i cal Aear/period %i cal //..0/.. Aear/period


Selection of Ge* 1iel(s for 6rror Stac:: Ge* 1iel( 1iel( Name

Long Description

DTP Data Target De cription Data Target TApe 1rror 6andlingG 2aBi"!" '!"+er of error per pac'o 4pdate witho!t 2a ter /%I#,MO./ #eneral ,edger ;'ew<G Tran action %ig!re DSO 4pdate &alid $ecord G 'o reporting ;$e9!e t $ed< !"" N# Page /@ of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification


Technical $e9!e t Stat! O(erall Stat! of $e9!e t Proce ing "odeG A!to"aticallA $epeat $ed $e9!e t in Proce Chain ;D/'< $e9!e t Stat! i et to HgreenI if warning occ!r Set O(erall Stat! A!to"aticallA Serial 1BtractionK I""ediate Parallel Proce ing 'o

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

/"! Info)u+e Detail Specification

The following te"plate ta-e into con ideration "o t of the po i+le etting a(aila+le with all tApe of C!+e . So"e field "aA not +e rele(ant to Ao!r InfoC!+e ;e.g. S!+tApe i not re9!ired for Standard InfoC!+e <.

Technical Name
/%I#,MC./ Settings TApe S!+TApe BWA Stat! InfoArea Partition Condition

#eneral ,edger ;'ew<G Tran action %ig!re

Standard InfoC!+e 'o BWA IndeB /%I#,M1$P /CA,2O'T6//%ISCP1$/'ot 4 ed %ro" To 2aB 'o. of Partition

Thi te"plate pro(ide eno!gh row for the "aBi"!" n!"+er of di"en ion . Delete the !n! ed di"en ion in thi doc!"ent when Ao! are done. Dimensions InfoO+>ect De cription Data TApe ,ength Data Pac-age /C6'#ID Change r!n '42C .3 ID /$1CO$DTP $ecord tApe '42C /. /$1E4ID $e9!e t ID C6A$ */ Ti"e


Di"en ion . $replace wit% Dimension&s name e'g' #rgani(ational )nits* Di"en ion 0 Di"en ion * Di"en ion 3 Page /B of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Di"en ion 5 Di"en ion 8 Di"en ion ) Di"en ion = Di"en ion C Di"en ion A Di"en ion B Di"en ion C Di"en ion D

Structure Specific )ropert*

InfoO+>ect De cription Con tant Doc!"ent propertA Di plaA Selection E!erA 1Bec!tion %ilter &al!e

Na!igation #ttri ute

Info& ;ect Description Technical Name Data T*pe Length

Ge* 1igures
Info& ;ect Technical Data Length T*pe Cumulat Description Name T*pe i!e <'4N> C!"!lati(e /BA,A'C1 C4$$ /C A"o!nt D Balance #ggreg0 S!" 68cept0 #ggreg0 ,a t 3nit /C4$$ 1'CD

Ge* 1igure Structure specific propert*

Info& ;ect Description Decimal places Displa*

Page /C of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Tran for"ation De cription Target of Transformation: O+>ect TApeG 'a"e Source of Transformation: O+>ect TApe 'a"e $!le #ro!pG ODSO /%I#,MO./ 7N C4B1 /%I#,MC./ InfoC!+e DSO

Start $o!tineG OIn ert Ao!r Start $o!tine Code hereN 1iel(s
Source 1iel( %etho( < Direct #ssignment I D= Constant I C= Rea( %aster Data I %= Rea( from DataStore I RD= 1ormula I 1= Initial I I =Time Characteristics I T = Routine I R D Target Info& ;ect Con!ersion 68it )erform Con!ersion 68it <'4N>





1nd $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r 1nd $o!tine Code hereN

1iel( Routines:
O Write a a"ple code for each %ield $o!tine ! ed in the Tran for"ation N


%ield $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r %ield $o!tine Code hereN


%ield $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r %ield $o!tine Code hereN


Page /E of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification %ield $o!tineG OIn et Ao!r %ield $o!tine Code hereN

Data Transfer )rocess

Data Tran fer Proce ID DTP TApe BWD BWE BWP /%I#,MO./ 7N /%I#,MC./ DTPM3@P4$/'=AF1F=:1%6A.3'.*&D Standard /%I#,MO./ #eneral ,edger ;'ew<G Tran action %ig!re Data Store O+>ect BW %!ll/Delta

So!rce of DTP ;Technical 'a"e< De cription Data So!rce TApe So!rce SA te" 1Btraction 2odeG OnlA get delta once #et one re9!e t onlA $etrie(e !ntil no "ore new data Parallel 1Btraction ;D/'< Pac-age SiJe %ilter ConditionG

De 5/K/// 1iel( 1rom <or Varia le> /IMC4%E4 To <or Routine>

%i cal Aear/period %i cal //..0/.. Aear/period


Selection of Ge* 1iel(s for 6rror Stac:: Ge* 1iel( 1iel( Name

Long Description

DTP Data Target De cription Data Target TApe 1rror 6andlingG 2aBi"!" '!"+er of error per pac'o 4pdate witho!t 2a ter DataG /%I#,MC./ #eneral ,edger ;'ew<G Tran action %ig!re InfoC!+e 'o 4pdateK 'o $eporting !"" N#

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Technical $e9!e t Stat! O(erall Stat! of $e9!e t Proce ing "odeG A!to"aticallA $epeat $ed $e9!e t in Proce Chain ;D/'< $e9!e t Stat! i et to HgreenI if warning occ!r Set O(erall Stat! A!to"aticallA Serial 1BtractionK I""ediate Parallel Proce ing 'o

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

/"# 3ultiProvider Detailed Specification

Technical Name Description
Rele!ant Info)ro!i(ers De cription InfoPro(ider TApe C!+e/DSO/InfoO+>ect/6A+ridPro(ider/ InfoSet /Aggregation ,e(el

Technical 'a"e

Dimensions InfoO+>ect Data Pac-age /C6'#ID De cription Change r!n ID /$1CO$DTP $ecord tApe /$1E4ID $e9!e t ID /%ISCP1$ %i cal Dear / Period Data TApe '42C '42C C6A$ '42C ,ength .3 /. */ /) IdentifA 'A 'A 'A /%IAMDS..



Di"en ion . $replace wit% Dimension&s name e'g' #rgani(ational )nits* Di"en ion 0 Di"en ion * Di"en ion 3 Di"en ion 5 Di"en ion 8 Di"en ion ) Di"en ion = Page ,, of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Di"en ion C Di"en ion A Di"en ion B Di"en ion C Di"en ion D

Structure Specific )ropert*

InfoO+>ect De cription Con tant Doc!"ent propertA Di plaA Selection E!erA 1Bec!tion %ilter &al!e

Na!igation #ttri ute

Info& ;ect Description Technical Name Data T*pe Length

Ge* 1igures
Info& ;ect Technical Description Name C!"!lati(e Balance Data T*pe Length T*pe Cumulat i!e <'4N> #ggreg0 S!" 68cept0 #ggreg0 ,a t 3nit /C4$$ 1'CD Select <#ssign >

/BA,A'C1 C4$$ /C

A"o!nt D

Ge* 1igure Structure specific propert*

Info& ;ect Description Decimal places Displa*

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

/"4 Reporting Re uirements

Desire( La*out Design
T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL' <)lease attach file if a!aila le0 Belo" is an

e8ample em e((e( into "or(= ut *ou ma* also insert an e8cel file for larger reports> 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT
#/, Acco!nt Tr $c(+l 7 Do"e tic In(t 7 Trading #d 2achinerA ? 19!ip"t Acc!" Dpr 7 2 ? 1 Tr PA+l 7 Do"e tic Sale TaB A$ 7 State In(t 7 Initial ;Trd< Sale $e( Sale $e( 7 Ser(ice Co t of #d Sold 1Btraord 1Bp/Inc O(erall $e !lt :A' 0/./ //.//.0./// //.//.*5/)5 //.//.8//0/ //.//.)//0/ //.//0../// //.//0.8.// //.//*CC.)5 //.//3.//// //.//3.//./ //.//5///// //.//)/./// P /.// P /.// P 0K.5/.// 7P .)C..) P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// 7P .KC)/.=* P /.// %1B 0/./ P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// 2A$ 0/./ P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// O(erall $e !lt P /.// P /.// P 0K.5/.// 7P .)C..) P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// P /.// 7P .KC)/.=* P /.//

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Report Structure
T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL' <Plea e li t anA election criteria the ! er "aA ha(e for thi report. 'ote if the filter ho!ld +e Interacti(e in the fir t ta+le ;i.e. a election +A the ! er and if it i optional or "andatorA<. %or tatic and non7interacti(e filter li t the e in the econd ta+le Q#lo+al %ilter R. > 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

Order on Screen
1 8 9

Criteria (InfoObject Description*

2ompany 2ode 2alendar Bonth Profit 2enter ?roup

Interactive Selection Criteria InfoObject Mandatory + Default ( ec!nical or optional value "a#e*
02ABP;2AD' 02/<BA5() 0P3A$I(;2(3 Bandatory Aptional Aptional blan&

Selection ype (Single value, range, etc.*

Bultiple %election 3ange )ierarchy 5ode

-ariable ec!nical "a#e

0P;2A2D 0I;2<B() 0);P2(3

Criteria (InfoObject Description*

$iscal 6ear Cariant $iscal 6ear / Period 2ontrolling /rea

InfoObject ( ec!nical "a#e*

0$I%2C/35( 0$I%2P'3 02A;/3'/

Constant -alues

&lobal .ilters S/P%Custo#er '0I -ariable Description

2urrent $iscal 6ear/Period

-ariable1s ec!nical "a#e

Selection ype (Single value, range, etc.*

%ingle Calue %ingle Calue %ingle Calue /uthori ation



Reporting Data$)ro!i(er <Info)ro!i(er>: Technical Name /%I#,MC./ Description #eneral ,edger ;'ew<G Tran action %ig!re

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

ec!nical "a#e 0P3A$I(;2(3 Description Profit 2enter Description in 2uery %tandard / alternative Display /s :ey and (ext e3t -ie4 %hort Sort C!aracteristic 0P3A$I(;2(3 Sort by (ext Sort Direction /scending 5esult 5o4s /lways Display 6ierarc!y Display /ctive '3pand o Level 8

ec!nical "a#e 0$I%2P'3 D3:$B<52P D3:$B<52/ 0%/<'%

Description $iscal 6ear / Period Plan /ctual %ales for the Period Balance Cariance

Description in 2uery %tandard Plan Balance /ctual Balance %ales for the Period

Display /s (ext

e3t -ie4 Bedium <ength

Sort C!aracteristi c 0$I%2P'3

Sort by :ey

Sort Direction /scending /scending

5esult 5o4s /lways Display

6ierarc!y Display Inactive

'3pand o Level

1ree Characteristics <Drill$(o"n characteristics>

ec!nical "a#e 0?<;/22A45( 02A%(2'5('3 Description ?< /ccount 2ost 2enter Description in 2uery %tandard %tandard Display /s (ext and :ey (ext e3t -ie4 Bedium <ength Bedium <ength Sort C!aracteristi c Sort by :ey Sort Direction /scending 5esult 5o4s 5ever /lways 6ierarc!y Display Inactive '3pand o Level

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Calculate( Ge* 1igures
ec!nical "a#e

Balance Cariance

Calculation Logic
D3:$B<52P E D3:$B<52/

Restricte( Ge* 1igures

ec!nical "a#e D3:$B<52P Description
Plan Balance

5estriction Logic
0C(6P' = 80 *Plan+, 0C'3%IA5 = 0 *Plan//ctual Cersion+, 0B/</52'

ec!nical "a#e Description
Cariance F

Calculation Logic
G*D3:$B<52P E D3:$B<52/+ / D3:$B<52PH > 100

ec!nical "a#e Description
Plan Balance

5estriction Logic
0C(6P' = 80 *Plan+, 0B/</52'

Condition 2ondition 1 7ey .igure B/</52' Operator <( -alue I Deter#ine C!aracteristic /ssign#ent Individual 2haracteristics and char. 2ombinations C!aracteristic 0?<;/22A45( 02A%(2'5('3

'3ception Description /lert Level Operator -alues '3ception Defined On '3ception Defined On (in case of '3ception /ffects Data Cells '3ception /ffects C!aracteris

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

t4o structures* /ll %tructure 'lements tic Cells Balance 3ows

'xception 1

?ood 1 2ritical 1 Bad 1

'@ <( B(



'3ception Description 'xception 1

'3ception /ffects 'veryt!ing 7

Cell 5estrictions '3ception Only C!aracteristic /ffects 5esults



Customer Varia les

Doc!"ent anA c! to" (aria+le created for thi report. Do not doc!"ent tandard (aria+le . %or $eplace"ent Path K create a new ection +elow the ta+le clearlA referencing the (aria+le it
InfoObject Varia le Technical Name
D/B2 D2D$

-ariable Description
5ew CariableK

Processing by

-ariable 5epresents
%ingle Calue

Mandatory or optional
Bandatory Aptional

68it <'4N> if ' then ST6)

6 *1+ 5

Default (If so, at 4!at value8*

023B;23D;/( 02/<BA5()

Banual Input//uthori ation

+elong to.


Customer 68it Varia le Name


B0 5or6+oo6 Design
Doc!"ent the 9!erie ! ed for the wor-+oo- here along with infor"ation on their InfoPro(ider . &r(er Duer* Name Duer* Info)ro!i(er Info)ro!i(er Info#rea Page ,C of -.

<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

Technical Name . 0 * 3 Name Technical Name

C0 1rror 3essages
De cri+e the eBpected error "e age ;2onitor Screen< for different error condition d!ring data load . 6rror %essage Num er .. 0. *. 6rror %essage Te8t <B. characters> 6rror Con(itions

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<XXXXXX> BI Technical Specification

E0 Securit& Re uirements' Authori7ation Details

T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL' <Plea e de cri+e anA pecific ec!ritA re9!ire"ent > 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

/.0 Additional Information and attachments

Document Name4#ttachment 1ile location<If for common access> Comments

T6XT T& B6 R6%&V6D0 53ID#NC6 &NL' < AnA infor"ation the de igner +elie(e to +e of +enefit to the de(eloper ho!ld +e attached here. Other o+>ect nece arA for the correct r!nning of the enhance"ent ho!ld al o appear here. > 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

//0 8nit Test Plan

3S6R 53ID#NC6 <Detail Te t Plan ? re !lt ho!ld +e "aintained here> 6ND &1 53ID#NC6 T6XT

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