Faculty Norms For Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering

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Post Assistant Professor Qualification BE / B Tech and ME / M Tech in relevant subject with First Class or equivalent either in BE / B Tech or ME / M. Tech Experience One ear Teachin! and/or "ndustr #referred. Freshers can also a##l Salary and Other benefits Pa Band $ %&'(()*+%(( , A-P $ '((( to .((( as a##licable ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..(( 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. &(( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e < 2% =ears4 Associate >ualification as above that Professor is for the #ost of Assistant Professor? as a##licable and Ph/ or equivalent? in a##ro#riate disci#line Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ student is hi!hl desirable. Mini9u9 of & ears e;#erience in teachin! and/or research and/or "ndustr of which at least 2 ears shall be #ost Ph/ is desirable. Pa Band $ *18(()'1(((, A-P)+((( ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. 1&( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4 Professor >ualifications as above Mini9u9 of %( ears teachin! Pa Band $ *18(()'1(((

that are for the #ost of Associate Professor? as a##licable. Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ students is hi!hl desirable

and/or research and/or industrial e;#erience of which at least & ears should be at the level of Associate Professor. or 9ini9u9 of %* ears e;#erience in teachin! and/ or 6esearch and/or "ndustr "n case of research e;#erience? !ood acade9ic record and boo@s/ shall be required as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee. "f the e;#erience in industr is considered? the sa9e shall be at 9ana!erial level equivalent to Associate Professor with active #artici#ation record in devisin! /desi!nin!? #lannin!? e;ecutin!? anal Ain!? qualit control? innovatin!? trainin!? technical boo@s / research #a#er #ublications / "P6 / #atents? etc. as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee.

8*((()Basic , %(((()A-P ,/.A.01234 ,56A 0%(34 ,6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. %((( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4


( POLYMER & RU ER !E"#$OLO%Y &'YES & P(%ME$!S !E"#$OLO%Y & %L)SS & "ER)M(" !E"#$OLO%Y & P#)RM)"EU!(")L !E"#$OLO%Y *
Post Assistant Professor Qualification BE / B Tech and ME / M Tech in relevant subject with First Class or equivalent either in BE / B Tech or ME / M. Tech Speciali+ation in any of follo,in- . Pol 9er B 6ubber Technolo! ?/ es B Pi!9ents Technolo! ? -lass B Cera9ic Experience One ear Teachin! and/or "ndustr #referred. Freshers can also a##l Salary and Other benefits Pa Band $ %&'(()*+%(( , A-P $ '((( to .((( as a##licable ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..(( 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be 8. ti9es of -ross :alar 4

Technolo! ? Phar9aceutical Technolo!

Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. &(( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e < 2% =ears4

Associate >ualification as above that Professor is for the #ost of Assistant Professor? as a##licable and Ph/ or equivalent? in a##ro#riate disci#line Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ student is hi!hl desirable.

Mini9u9 of & ears e;#erience in teachin! and/or research and/or "ndustr of which at least 2 ears shall be #ost Ph/ is desirable.

Pa Band $ *18(()'1(((, A-P)+((( ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. 1&( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4


>ualifications as above that are for the #ost of Associate Professor? as a##licable. Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ students is hi!hl desirable

Mini9u9 of %( ears teachin! and/or research and/or industrial e;#erience of which at least & ears should be at the level of Associate Professor. or 9ini9u9 of %* ears e;#erience in teachin! and/ or 6esearch and/or "ndustr "n case of research e;#erience? !ood acade9ic record and boo@s/ shall be required as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee. "f the e;#erience in industr is

Pa Band $ *18(()'1((( 8*((()Basic , %(((()A-P ,/.A.01234 ,56A 0%(34 ,6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. %((( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the

considered? the sa9e shall be at 9ana!erial level equivalent to Associate Professor with active #artici#ation record in devisin! /desi!nin!? #lannin!? e;ecutin!? anal Ain!? qualit control? innovatin!? trainin!? technical boo@s/research #a#er #ublications/"P6/#atents? etc. as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee.

Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4


Post Assistant Professor Qualification BE / B Tech and ME / M Tech in relevant subject with First Class or equivalent either in BE / B Tech or ME / M. Tech Candidates with BE/B. Tech. in Che9ical / Environ9ental En!ineerin! with First Class or equivalent and First Class or equivalent ME / M. Tech in Environ9ent En!ineerin! or Environ9ental :cience B Technolo! 4 9a also a##l Experience One ear Teachin! and/or "ndustr #referred. Freshers can also a##l Salary and Other benefits Pa Band $ %&'(()*+%(( , A-P $ '((( to .((( as a##licable ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..(( 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. &(( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e < 2% =ears4 Mini9u9 of & ears e;#erience in teachin! and/or research and/or "ndustr of which at least 2 ears shall be #ost Ph/ is desirable. Pa Band $ *18(()'1(((, A-P)+((( ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4

Associate >ualification as above that Professor is for the #ost of Assistant Professor? as a##licable and Ph/ or equivalent? in a##ro#riate disci#line Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ student is hi!hl desirable.

Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. 1&( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4 Professor >ualifications as above that are for the #ost of Associate Professor? as a##licable. Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ students is hi!hl desirable Mini9u9 of %( ears teachin! and/or research and/or industrial e;#erience of which at least & ears should be at the level of Associate Professor. or 9ini9u9 of %* ears e;#erience in teachin! and/ or 6esearch and/or "ndustr "n case of research e;#erience? !ood acade9ic record and boo@s/ shall be required as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee. "f the e;#erience in industr is considered? the sa9e shall be at 9ana!erial level equivalent to Associate Professor with active #artici#ation record in devisin! / desi!nin!? #lannin!? e;ecutin!? anal Ain!? qualit control? innovatin!? trainin!? technical boo@s / research #a#er #ublications / "P6 / #atents? etc. as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee. Pa Band $ *18(()'1((( 8*((()Basic , %(((()A-P ,/.A.01234 ,56A 0%(34 ,6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. %((( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4

Post Assistant Professor Qualification /or Science 0 Ph sics? Che9istr ? Mathe9atics 4 First class in B.:c. B M.:c. and Ph./. CCandidates with first Class in B.:c. B M.:c. with DET /:ET 9a also a##l E /or Mana-e0ent First Class or equivalent in Masters /e!ree in Business Ad9inistration or equivalent and 2 ears relevant E;#erience is desirable En!ineerin! !raduate 9a be !iven #reference Associate >ualification as above that Professor is for the #ost of Assistant Professor? as a##licable and Ph/ or equivalent? in a##ro#riate disci#lines. Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ student is hi!hl desirable. Experience Fresher and/or one ear Teachin! and/or "ndustr Salary and Other benefits Pa Band $ %&'(()*+%(( , A-P $ '((( to .((( as a##licable ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..(( 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. &(( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e < 2% =ears4 Mini9u9 of & ears e;#erience in teachin! and/or research and/or "ndustr of which at least 2 ears shall be #ost Ph/ is desirable. Pa Band $ *18(()'1(((, A-P)+((( ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. 1&( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers

u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4 Professor >ualifications as above that are for the #ost of Associate Professor? as a##licable. Post Ph/ #ublications and !uidin! Ph/ students is hi!hl desirable Mini9u9 of %( ears teachin! and/or research and/or industrial e;#erience of which at least & ears should be at the level of Associate Professor. or 9ini9u9 of %* ears e;#erience in teachin! and/ or 6esearch and/or "ndustr "n case of research e;#erience? !ood acade9ic record and boo@s/ shall be required as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee. "f the e;#erience in industr is considered? the sa9e shall be at 9ana!erial level equivalent to Associate Professor with active #artici#ation record in devisin! /desi!nin!? #lannin!? e;ecutin!? anal Ain!? qualit control? innovatin!? trainin!? technical boo@s / research #a#er #ublications / "P6 / #atents? etc. as dee9ed fit b the e;#ert 9e9bers in :election co99ittee. Min Two ear e;#erience as Assistant Fibrarian Pa Band $ *18(()'1((( 8*((()Basic , %(((()A-P ,/.A.01234 ,56A 0%(34 ,6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. %((( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4

Assistant Fibrarian

First class in B. Fib. :ci.? M. Fib. :ci. and Ph./.

Pa Band $ %&'(()*+%((, A-P)'((( ,/.A. 01234 ,56A 0%(34 , 6s..((.(( #er 9onth 0T.A.4 P.F. 7 28 3 0%2 3 fro9 E9#lo ee and %2 3 fro9 E9#lo er 4 Personal Accident Polic 0:u9 "nsured will be a##ro; 28 ti9es of -ross :alar 4 Medical 6ei9burse9ent $ 6s. &(( #er 9onth a!ainst sub9ission of bills

Mediclai9 Polic for the Facult and Fa9il 9e9bers u# to 2 Children 0 A!e< 2% ears4

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