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Course Offerings

Course Offerings Course Descriptions Spanish Language Courses Course # Course Name OSHA #500 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for Construction OSHA #501 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for Genera !ndustr" OSHA #50# $pdate for Construction !ndustr" Outreach Trainers OSHA #50% $pdate for Genera !ndustr" Outreach Trainers OSHA #510 Occupationa Safet" and Hea th Standards for the Construction !ndustr" OSHA #511 Occupationa Safet" and Hea th Standards for Genera !ndustr" OSHA #5#1 OSHA Guide to !ndustria H"giene OSHA ##015 Ha&ardous 'ateria s OSHA ##0(5 'achiner" and 'achine Guarding Standards OSHA ##055 Cranes in Construction OSHA ####5 )espirator" *rotection OSHA ###55 *rincip es of +rgonomics ,former " OSHA ###50OSHA ###.( *ermit/)e0uired Confined Space +ntr" OSHA #%015 +1ca2ation3 Trenching and Soi 'echanics ,former " OSHA #%010OSHA #%045 + ectrica Standards OSHA #%115 5a *rotection ,former " OSHA #%110 5a Arrest S"stemsOSHA #50#4 Ca 6OSHA $pdate for Construction !ndustr" Outreach Trainers OSHA #50%4 Ca 6OSHA $pdate for Genera !ndustr" Trainers OSHA #5104 Ca 6OSHA Standards for the Construction !ndustr" OSHA #5114 Ca 6OSHA Standards for Genera !ndustr" OSHA #5(00 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for the 'aritime !ndustr" OSHA #5(0# 'aritime !ndustr" Trainer $pdate Course OSHA #5(10 Occupationa Safet" and Hea th Standards for the 'aritime !ndustr" OSHA #5.00 Disaster Site 7or8er Trainer Course OSHA #5.0# $pdate for Disaster Site 7or8er Trainer Course Ha&ards )ecognition and Standards for On/Shore Oi and Gas +1p oration OSHA #5910 and *roduction OSHA #.000 Co atera Dut" Course for Other 5edera Agencies OSHA #.010 Occupationa Safet" and Hea th Course for Other 5edera Agencies OSHA #:000 OSHA Training Guide ines for Safe *atient Hand ing OSHA #:005 *u; ic 7arehousing and Storage OSHA #:100 !ntroduction to 'achiner" and 'achine Safeguarding OSHA #:105 +2acuation and +mergenc" * anning OSHA #:110 Safe <o ting= *rincip es and *ractices OSHA #:115 Loc8out6Tagout OSHA #:1#0 !ntroduction to Com;usti; e Dust Ha&ards OSHA #:1#5 Seminar on Com;usti; e Dust Ha&ards OSHA #:#00 < ood;orne *athogens +1posure Contro for Hea thcare 5aci ities OSHA #:#05 Hea th Ha&ard A>areness OSHA #:#10 *andemic !nf uen&a *reparedness OSHA #:%00 $nderstanding OSHA?s *ermit/)e0uired Confined Space Standard OSHA #:(00 Noise Ha&ards in the Construction !ndustr"

OSHA #:(05 OSHA #:(10 OSHA #:(15 OSHA #:500 OSHA #:505 OSHA #:510 OSHA #:9(5

5a Ha&ard A>areness for the Construction !ndustr" 'anaging +1ca2ation Ha&ards Construction !ndustr" Ha&ards and *re2ention Strategies !ntroduction to Safet" and Hea th 'anagement !ntroduction to Accident !n2estigation !ntroduction to OSHA for Sma <usinesses )ecord8eeping )u e Seminar

OSHA-Authorized Online Outreach Training Providers OSHA has rescinded its @anuar" 1#3 #01#3 announcement regarding ne> " authori&ed on ine Outreach Training *rogram pro2iders and cance ed the 'arch #43 #0113 5edera )egister notice so iciting app ications for AOn ine OSHA Outreach Training *rogramsBA The agenc" is current " re2ising its process and criteria for re2ie>ing and appro2ing on ine Outreach Training *rogram pro2iders and >i pu; ish a 5edera )egister notice announcing a ne> so icitation in the near futureB The fo o>ing organi&ations >hich >ere OSHA/authori&ed on ine training pro2iders prior to @anuar" #01#3 ma" sti ;e a2ai a; e to pro2ide OSHA/ authori&ed on ine training= Construction 10-hour: Ad2anceOn ine C >>>Bad2anceon ineBcom3 CareerSafe C >>>Bcareersafeon ineBcom ,Douth-3 C ic8Safet" C >>>Bc ic8safet"Bcom ,a so inc udes )oad>a"3 Ca 6OSHA and Spanish-3 *ureSafet" C >>>B*uresafet"ondemandBcom3 )ed2ector C >>>Bred2ectorBcom3 Summit Training Source C http=6610%0Btraining>e;Bcom3 %.0Training C >>>B%.0trainingBcom3 Turner Construction C >>>Bturneruni2ersit"Bcom3 and $ni2ersit" of South 5 orida C >>>BusfoticenterBorgB Construction 30-hour: Ad2anceOn ine C >>>Bad2anceon ineBcom3 C ic8Safet" C >>>Bc ic8safet"Bcom3 *ureSafet" C >>>B*uresafet"ondemandBcom3 Summit Training Source C http=6610%0Btraining>e;Bcom3 %.0Training C >>>B%.0trainingBcom3 Turner Construction C >>>Bturneruni2ersit"Bcom3 and $ni2ersit" of South 5 orida C >>>BusfoticenterBorgB General Industr 10 hour= Ad2anceOn ine C >>>Bad2anceon ineBcom3 CareerSafe C >>>Bcareersafeon ineBcom ,Douth-3 C ic8Safet" C >>>Bc ic8safet"Bcom3 *ureSafet" C >>>B*uresafet"ondemandBcom3 Summit Training Source C http=6610%0Btraining>e;Bcom3 %.0Training C >>>B%.0trainingBcom3 and $ni2ersit" of South 5 orida C >>>BusfoticenterBorgB General Industr 30 hour= Summit Training Source C http=6610%0Btraining>e;Bcom3 %.0Training C >>>B%.0trainingBcom3 and $ni2ersit" of South 5 orida C >>>BusfoticenterBorgB

OSHA-Authorized online training !roviders are re0uired to pro2ide OSHA a ist of secondar" pro2iders of their programsB +ach secondar" pro2ider must prominent " indicate their affi iation >ith the OSHA/Authori&ed on ine training pro2ider on their >e;siteB !f "ou ha2e an" 0uestions a;out on ine training3 p ease send an e/mai B

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