How To Make Calcium Using Egg Shells

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

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(ow to Make )alcium using #gg *hells

+y +ee ,ilder

#ggshells present healthy, balanced calcium due to trace amounts of other minerals contained in it. #ggshell calcium is probably the best natural source of calcium, and it is easier for your body to digest and absorb. -utch researchers have reported recently a highly positive effect of eggshell calcium .with added magnesium and vitamin -/ on bone mineral density in a scientific study .double blind, placebo0controlled/. 1aboratory test and measures of bone density were carefully made in these studies. The eggshell supplemented group had measurable increases in bone density in their hip bones, after one year.

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The ideal bone0building combination of eggshell calcium and vitamin -2 was also well documented in 3apanese studies. %esearchers at the 3apan ,omen4s $niversity, Tokyo studied a combination of vitamin -2 and eggshell powder in animals with osteoporosis. Not only was the eggshell powder with vitamin -2 able to improve bone mineral density, but it did it without significantly increasing blood calcium levels.

%#)#NT -!*)$**!&N* byD 1ucas 0 (i Madeleine, ! would personally be very cautious with a product like MM*, %ead more... byD *arah 0 3ust wanted to share my findings on ctivated )harcoal.. !Gve been %ead more... byD *cott ,heeler 0 Thanks Madeleine. " endorsed or not, certainly sounds like the statistics %ead more... byD *cott ,heeler 0 1ucy, !Gve only ever used activated charcoal externally, as an air %ead more... byD Madeleine 0 %eD autism .3asonGs post/. 5ouTube Herry %ivera @ MM* autism 0 she has %ead more... byD 1ucy 0 (i *cott, (ave you ever used activated %ead more... byD *cott ,heeler 0 pply raw honey to the shingles rash, at least > times per day, or enough %ead more... byD *lav 0 (i *cott and everyone else involved on this site. ! would like to find out %ead more... byD *cott ,heeler 0 !f the inflammation is due to #MF exposure then obviously eliminating the %ead more... byD 3ason 0 (ello *cott, ! have a

5ou can use any kind of egg .chicken, goose, duck/, but it is best to use organic or certified organic eggs from free0range birds. !f the bird does not get proper nutrients the eggshells won4t contain the nutrients we need.

(ow much to take6

&ne whole medium sized eggshell makes about one teaspoon of powder, which yields about 789 0 :99 mgs of elemental; calcium plus other microelements, i.e. magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sulphur, silicon, zinc, etc. There are <7 elements in total. The composition of an eggshell is very similar to that of our bones and teeth.

;#lemental amounts are the amounts absorbable.

Most people re=uire a minimum of >99 mgs per day of calcium, in addition to calcium from other food sources, so you would take ?@< teaspoon of the powder per day. lso take >99 mgs of magnesium citrate at the same time. )alcium and magnesium need to be taken in at least e=ual amounts, and some people re=uire more magnesium than calcium depending upon how much they obtain from their diet.

!f you are getting muscle cramps take extra magnesium .about ?89 mgs/. !f that doesn4t alleviate the cramps within an hour take another ?89 mgs, and so on. !f you get unusual Aoint pain and you do not have arthritis, take an additional ?89 mgs of calcium. -o not take more than 899 mgs of calcium at one time because your body cannot handle it. !f you need more than >99 mgs per day split up the doses during the day.

!t is best to take calcium and magnesium with foods to help absorb them.

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells
friend who maybe developing carpal tunnel, %ead more...

-on4t forget that vitamin - is very important for absorbing minerals, so take cod liver oil in the winter and get into the sun in the summerE !n addition, all of the trace minerals, sodium and chloride are important for mineral absorption and to keep minerals balanced so do take a lemon Auice and ocean sea salt drink every day .the Auice of ?@< lemon and ?@> teaspoon of ocean sea salt mixed into I ounces of filtered water I times a dayJ 2 with meals to aid digestion/.

How to Make Powdered Eggshells:

?. ,ash empty eggshells in warm water until all of the egg white is removed, but do not remove the membrane because it contains important nutrients for the Aoints which helps arthritis. <. 1ay broken pieces out on paper towels and allow them to air dry thoroughly. 2. +reak the eggshells up into small pieces, and grind them to into a fine powder in a food processor, blender, coffee grinder, or a nut mill, or put them in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin to grind them. Clease note that some blenders will not grind the eggshell into a fine enough powder. coffee grinder works the best.

>. *tore powdered eggshells in a covered glass Aar or container. Heep it in a dry place, like the kitchen cupboard. How to take eggshell calcium (this forms calcium citrate) takes 3 hours:

?. Cut ?@< teaspoon of powdered eggshell into a small dish .approximately > ?@< to 8 ?@< inches across/ ?@< teaspoon e=uals approximately >99 mgs of elemental calcium. <. dd the Auice of ?@< a lemon .freshly s=ueezed/, and mix well it will start to bubble and foam, which is what is supposed to happen. 2. 1eave it at room temperature for I hours the longer you leave it the less gritty it will be, but do not leave it longer than ?< hours. >. !t can be taken by the spoonfuls, followed by mouthfuls of water to wash it down. !t is not sour tasting. !n fact the taste is =uite pleasant. 8. lso take >99 mgs of magnesium citrate at the same time.

Other Eggshell Recipes here are some other ways to make eggshell calcium citrateD

# 1 emo! Eggshell:

?. Clace one whole, clean, uncooked egg into a clean, wide0mouth Aar and cover it with freshly s=ueezed lemon Auice. <. )over the Aar loosely and place it in the refrigerator. 2. >. few times a day, gently agitate the Aar the mixture will bubble. fter >: hours, when the bubbling stops, carefully remove the egg.

8. The recipe says to take ?@< teaspoon of this mixture daily, but with the added lemon ?@< teaspoon would not e=ual >99 mgs of calcium, so it is hard to Audge how much of the mixture to take in order to get enough calcium. # " emo! Eggshell:

?. Fill a wide mouth Aar with 2 clean, whole, uncracked eggs. <. )over the eggs with freshly s=ueezed lemon Auice it important that the lemons are very fresh or this mixture will not work right. 2. )love the Aar tightly and place it in the refrigerator. 5ou should start to see bubbles forming on the eggshells. That means the eggshells are being dissolved into the lemon Auice. The mixture will gradually turn white. >. Bently agitate the Aar a few minutes about 2 times a day. 8. s soon as the bubbling stops it is ready to take. !t should not take any longer than 2I0>: hours. !f you leave the mixture longer it will tend to get thick and the eggs will

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

begin to absorb more of the lemon Auice, or the eggs may split and leak into the mixture. &ccasionally this mixture doesn4t work when the lemons are not fresh enough. I. )arefully remove the eggs without breaking the membrane, and use them as you would normally, i.e. in your raw egg drink. There will not be any shell left on the egg because it has been totally dissolved into the lemon Auice, which is calcium citrate. 7. Clace a tight lid on the mixture that remains after the eggs have been removed, and shake it well. :. Take no more than one teaspoon per day initially because it can be very powerful. *tart slowly. The amount may be gradually increased over time. +ee4s noteD The amount of this mixture to take is not easy to figure out. &ne eggshell .size is not stated/ yields approximately ?,:99 mgs of elemental calcium .amount that will be absorbed/. Therefore 2 eggs would contain 8,>99 mgs, divided by >99 mgs K approximately ?2.8 doses.

bout the uthor...

+ee ,ilder has a wealth of knowledge and experience both as a former sufferer of candida and convenor of the candida support group. *ince the ?L:9s when +ee could eat only a few types of foods and was so sensitive to yeasts she had to adminster herself an allergy shot every day, she has not only fully recovered but now is more robust than ever. +ee lives in )algary, lberta, )anada and continues to research natural health and nutrition. 5ou can find more articles and support at her websiteD (ealing Naturally by +ee

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?. Tara 3ul ?7th, <997 at ?D<7 pm

,ow, that sounds good. ,e have our own chookies but call me too chicken to try. ,orried about their poop giving me bad bugs. ctually ! worry about that too muchE hiMthanks for help me better to my proAect in science

<. laika ug :th, <997 at :D>9 pm 2. )hrsty *ep ??th, <997 at ??D<2 pm

Thanks for sharing that. My girlfriend told me about it this morning so ! did some resereach, she was not pulling my leg. i4ve Aus been to the bin and rescued the shells of the five eggs we had for lunch, they4re aiting out right now. ,ill have my calcium for dinner time. ,owEEEE Thank you, +eeE !4ve been crushing up my eggshells for my worm compost, and given the shells to my birds, and ! was contemplating taking the powdered shells for calcium but didn4t know if humans could absorb it. ! used the powdered shells on my tomato plants this summer after one tomato got blossom end rot, and it kept the rest of the crop from getting the rot, so ! know it4s a wonderful and natural source. Thank you for sharing your knowledgeEEE ll we need is given to us, we Aust need to find it. ! was reading about this eggshell calcium in a book by Mikhail Tombak, Ch.-. (e suggests boiling the eggshells for 8 minutes before drying them. This seems like a way to rid them of salmonella, but ! was wondering if some of the nutrients might be lost in boiling. 66 (i 1inda, -r. Mercola has a great article N#ggs Not a 1ikely *ource of *almonellaOJ<992@feb@8@eggsPsalmonella.htm (owever, ! do not think boiling eggshells for 8 minutes will damage any nutrients in them. The best in health, +ee

>. Him *ep ?>th, <997 at ?<D>8 pm

8. 1inda 3an 2rd, <99: at 2D9: am

I. +ee ,ilder 3an 2rd, <99: at ??D89 am

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

7. Haren 3an Ith, <99: at 7D9L am

(i +ea, Thanks for the info. This was Aust what ! have been looking for. ! want to make sure that ! understand one thing though. !f plop an entire egg 0 shell and all 0 into my smoothie, ! will not absorb the calium and other minerals because it did not soak in lemon Auice. !s that correct6 Thanks, Haren (i Haren, 5ou will still absorb the nutrients in an eggshell if you add it to a smoothie, but the eggshell will settle to the bottom and be very gritty. 5ou would have to dig it out of the bottom. !f you soak eggshells in lemon Auice it dissolves it better, but it will still be gritty and will not mix well in other li=uids. The grit settles to the bottom. !4ve experimented a lot with this and find it is much easier to soak eggshells in lemon Auice and not try to mix it with any fluidsJ Aust eat it off the spoon followed by mouthfuls of li=uid. fter the lemon Auice dissolves the eggshell it is =uite thick, so it can be rolled it up into little balls. !f you want a really good smoothie that is extremely nutritious try +ee4s %aw #gg -rink. !f you send me an email atD beeisbuzzing< ! will send you the recipe. My website is Aust getting set up so some of the recipes do not work yet. The best in health, +ee This is a great recipe to get more needed calcium. +ut i4d like to share another wonderful purpose it helps. The first time ! heard of this, it was actualy given to me for my baby boy. (e had a very bad enzema rash on his cheeks and around the lips. !t was suggested that you purchase organic eggs and boil them. .like it was mentioned/ fter they air dry, remove the membrane inside and grind into powder. This is for a baby so the measurments are very small, could be measured on the tip of a knife / and mix with a drop or two of s=ueezed lemon. This is a home remody. lways ask your pediatrician first. (i +ea, ! think that this is brilliant. ! have been putting my dried eggshells into the over on an foil dish, so that when ! bake something they are heated. ! crush the shells after a couple of baking sessions .they are softer/ and use them in my compost heap. -o you know if heating affects the calcium content6 (i 3enny, ,e know that overheating or overcooking foods does affect the nutrients available, by lowering them and@or destroying them, so ! believe the same would be true for eggshells. !4ve only used Nair driedO eggshells to make calcium for myself. My mother puts eggshells in her compost heap without drying or heating them. They broke down =uite easily so it wouldn4t be necessary to heat them. The best, +ee Breat infoE ! tried including crushed egg shells for dinner to our dog, and was wondering about how ! should be taking egg shells myself. !4ve been reading on a calcium tincture recipe and wanted to get more info. Thanks for the instructions. (i +ee, Thank you very much for this infoE ! Aust found an organic egg seller near ! live, so ! can4t wait to try this out. &ne =uestion, do you think vinegar .apple cider vinegar, for example/ may work as well6 &r does it have to be lemon Auice6 +eing the very curious type, ! looked up info about calcium and found that calcium, unlike many other nutrients, does not begin to decompose until it reaches I9? degrees )entigrade. (i 3enny,

:. +ee ,ilder 3an 7th, <99: at ?D9? am

L. na 3an ?>th, <99: at 7D<9 am

?9. 3enny Feb <2rd, <99: at >D9: pm

??. +ee ,ilder Feb <>th, <99: at LD?? am

?<. Mica Mar ?2th, <99: at :D87 pm

?2. Mina Mar ?7th, <99: at >D?2 am

?>. 3enny Mar ?Lth, <99: at 2D?9 pm

?8. +ee ,ilder

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

Mar ?Lth, <99: at ?9D<? pm

,ould you please provide a reference to the information about calcium since !4ve never heard of that. !t doesn4t make sense that the body wouldn4t absorb minerals like calcium without them being such a high temperature. Minerals are found in many foods, including meats and eggs, and they are essential to health. )alcium and other minerals mainly need acid in order to be absorbed, i.e. lemon, vinegar, etc. and even taking minerals with vitamin ) helps. The best in health, +ee (i +ee, ! shall try and find that reference again . !4m pretty stressed at the moment with commitments, so haven4t time at the moment, especially since ! only have dial up which is very, very slow. !t may be the chemical reactions rather than the heat which breaks calcium down in our bodies 0 !4m not up on that sort of thing. 1ove the Rnourishedmagazine4 site. ! only wish that ! had more time to read more stuff. C* !f you are keen, !4m sure that you could find the reference site 0 only the first paragraph of the paper was in #nglish .!t was a scientific paper on line/. (i +ee, ! have hens and organic eggs. !4d always saved the shells, dried them on the rack over my stove, then put them in plastic bag and crushed them up with my rolling pin to give back to the hens to aid in their nutrients. Today after ! gave the hens the crushed shells, ! thought they might aid me with my calcium intake as well, so after a little search !4m happy to have found your blog. ! have a salad every day for lunch which, among other things, consists of baby spinach greens, raisins, chopped walnuts and sliced almonds, and !4m wondering how crushed@powdered egg shell will work sprinkled on top of the salad 0 and how much per day. (appy *pringE 3ohanna -ear 3ohanna, ! recommend taking 299 mg of calcium twice a day, along with the same amount of magnesium citrateJ they need to be taken at the same time. 5our body can only handle a maximum of 899 mg at a time, and ?@< teaspoon of ground eggshell e=uals >99 mg of calcium, therefore you would add less than ?@< teaspoon to your foods twice a day. 5ou will find ground eggshell is somewhat gritty and dry if you do not mix it with lemon Auice. ll minerals re=uire acid and NgoodO fats, i.e. butter, olive oil, coconut oil, etc. in order to be absorbed and utilized in the body. salad is great since it contains vinegar and oilsE The best to you, +ee (i +ee, )ould we please have a list of all the allowed vegies on the diet6 lso was wondering how long people stay on the diet6 Thanks M.3. !s there a natural, Rhome made4 style of Magnesium available to take along with the eggshells6

?I. 3enny Mar <9th, <99: at :D9I pm

?7. 3ohanna Mar <<nd, <99: at >D>> am

?:. +ee ,ilder Mar <<nd, <99: at ?9D>? pm

?L. m.A. Mar <2rd, <99: at 2D92 pm

<9. Nancy Mar <>th, <99: at ID>8 pm <?. +ee ,ilder Mar <8th, <99: at ?9D8I pm

-ear M3, ! assume you mean the list of foods acceptable on the )andida -iet. There are handy lists of foods, and also supplements recommended on my 5ahoo )andida *upport Broup atD @candidasupport@ &nce you Aoin go to the Files .left0hand menu/ and you will find many FoldersJ look for the Folder N+/ )andida -iet, *hopping 1ists, and ll bout Foods.O *ee the Folder N+/ )andida *upplementsO too. The best in health, +ee (i Nancy, ! wish there was a way to make natural magnesium supplements but as far as ! know there isn4t. Take magnesium citrate tablets or capsules along with

<<. +ee ,ilder Mar <8th, <99: at ?9D8L pm

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

the eggshell calcium. ! recommend 299 mg each of calcium and magnesium two times a day, with meals. The best, +ee
<2. Him Mar <Ith, <99: at ??D2: am

To answer Nancy4s S about the magnesiumM.the source ! use for that is organic black strap molasses. &n *aturday ! took about a tablespoon of powdered organic eggshells, put it in a glass and covered it with apple cider vinegar. 5ou should see it danceEEE The shells go up, then down, then up againM..anywayMso when that stops, which it seemed like about a hour, ! strained out the remaining shell granules and put the vinegar in a Aar to keep in the fridge. Then ! boiled some water and made a tea with a teaspoon of the vinegar and a teaspoon of the molasses. !t4s really goodEE ! know it may not be perfectly balanced .calcium v. magnesium/, but it4s the best ! could do, and strangely enough ! had a burst of energy afterwards, which was totally unexpected. ! used to have anemia, and ! know that molasses is a great source of iron, too, and a lot of other trace minerals, so !4m sticking to this and !4ll see what happens. purportedly highly assimilated form of magnesium is Ceter Billham4s product Natural )alm. !t is a powder that when hot water is added, you see foaming similar to that when you are processing your eggshells into assimilable calcium. Tastes good, too. ? tsp of the powder K <98 mg of Mg. For those not interested in eating real food with their eggshells try the info on this site

<>. nna May Mar <7th, <99: at >D>? am

<8. Travis pr <nd, <99: at LD<8 am <I. #verett pr 2rd, <99: at <D?? am

Travis, you meant Nfor those interested,O right6 Thanks for the list of real food that provide magnesium. Cumpkin seeds and various nuts are the way to go. (i +ee, ! am confused, in the first instruction says to only take ?@< teaspoon and mix with ?@< lemon, leave at room temp no more than ?< hours 0 are you supposed to refrigerate. This is only one or two doses66 )ould ! mix more than ?@< teapoon eggshells at one time 0 how long could it be left in refrigerator, will it go bad or loose potency6 ! use a moter T pestle and cannot get a very fine texture does that matter as long as you disolve in lemon Auice6 (ow much would you give a ten pound dog, is it safe to give to them6 (i Bina, 5ou do not have to refrigerate it for the ?< hours it is working with the lemon Auice, but if it makes you feel better you can. !t works okay either way. 5es you can mix up more than ?@< teaspoon of eggshells at a time. The problem is that mixing it with lemon Auice changes the volume, so it is easier when you know you take ?@< of the total mixture twice a day. !f you keep track of the teaspoons mixed you can divide the mixture into proper amounts. The mixture can dry out if it is kept for longer periods of time, so when mixing up a few days at a time it needs to be covered and refrigerated. !t will not go bad or lose potency. The eggshell doesn4t totally dissolve into the lemon Auice. !t is still gritty so it will not mix with li=uids because it will settle to the bottom. ! suggest you experiment by making one ? teaspoon at first. 5es, it is safe to give to dogs. Cet stores sell bags of eggshell calcium for that purpose, but who knows what kind of eggs they use. For the dose check with a Cet store or your vet. The best, +ee Magnesium is used by plants to create chlorophyll in a similar way to iron being used by us to make red blood cells. ny green plants will therefore be good sources of magnesium. Food based supplements such as barley greens, wheat grass, spirulina and chlorella will all contain abundant magnesium. lmonds are another good source, as is molasses .also high in sodium for digestion and healthy adrenal glands/ and yeast .not so good if you4re a

<7. Bina pr Ith, <99: at ?D9? pm

<:. +ee ,ilder pr :th, <99: at ?<D?? am

<L. *arah 1uck pr :th, <99: at ?<D9> pm

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

candida type recovering from a high sugar or refined grain diet/. Maybe try mixing some wheat grass Auice in with your calcium and lemon Auice6
29. %ose May Lth, <99: at LD<9 am

+ee, Thank you very much for sharing the eggshell recipe, ! can4t wait to try it, however. ! went to the store to get magnesium citrate and now am confused on the magnesium end of it all. ! went to my local grocery store and the magnesium ! found is a saline laxative oral solution, and ! don4t think you meant that. ! could be wrong, !4ve been wrong many times before. ! decide to get it since it wasn4t very expensive and came home to do some homework on the internet on magnesium. ! can tell you now, after ! read everything ! could about magnesium ! am now even more confused than before. ! found magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, li=uid magnesium gluconate, magnesium supplements in a variety of dosages and even an article on Nano Carticle !onic Magnesium that swears is the best magnesium in the world because its already in an ionic form . @magnesium.htmUuni=ue /. *o, which magnesium am ! to take6 or does it matter6 Thank you for your help %ose (i %ose, There are many forms of magnesium but ! recommend magnesium citrate because NcitrateO is acid and all minerals re=uire acid in order to be absorbed. 5ou can get it in gelatin capsules, usually ?89 mg each. #nsure the label states the Nelemental amountO of magnesium, which is the amount absorbed. (ere in )anada ! buy Natural Factors brand. The best in health, +ee hEbee, thank you so much for that good info because i4ve got ideas from your article inorder for me to make our proAect in science.

2?. +ee ,ilder May ?9th, <99: at ?D<8 am

2<. haein grace ug <2rd, <99: at :D9? pm 22. dan ug <>th, <99: at ?D>I am

you can sterilize .sp6/ eggshells by putting them in the microwave. ! do it at the same time i microwave my eggs, and chomp down ?@< the eggshell afterwards. Cardon me though, ! have been Bod0blessed with the digestive system of a garbage disposal. -ear -an, The eggshells should never be microwaved. Microwaving anything, even water, kills foods so they are not alive anymore, and when microwaved substances are consumed they cause damage to the body. ! recommend you read about the dangers of microwaving and irradiation .both are radioactive processes/ 0 see if there are articles on this website, or do a search at or +ee -an, forgive me we have at least <9 spam comments every day. ! remember accidentally marking a comment as spam, realising when it was too late. -ohE ,e love controversial so please resubmit your comment. )ould ! eat the eag shell by itself after ! let it dry or Aust by itself before it dries, ! konw neither will taste good but !4m lazy and it4s faster6

2>. +ee ,ilder ug <>th, <99: at ??D87 am

28. The Nourisher ug <7th, <99: at :D2I am

2I. shawn ug 2?st, <99: at 2D8: pm 27. +ee ,ilder ug 2?st, <99: at ?9D<? pm

(i *hawn, 5es, you could eat the eggshell by itself, but it may be difficult to chew it and not have the shell cut into your mouth. Minerals re=uire acid in order to be absorbed, so that4s why lemon Auice is important. 5ou can take vitamin ) along with plain eggshells for acid. The best to you, +ee ,ilder +ee, ! looked up this article@blog in support of what ! was already doing, and to see if ! could improve upon what ! have been doing .eating eggshells/.

2:. dan *ep ?st, <99: at :D2? am

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

5our article is good but some of the points you are making are a bit off. 1ikeD NMicrowaving anything, even water , kills foods so they are not alive anymore.O *everal things here, first, you can4t kill water. *econd, the point of microwaving is to kill germs, bacteria etc. *almonilla poisoningEEEEEEEE is in eggsE *o you are risking your life otherwiseEEEEE Third, ! don4t think you understand what a microwave does but you are commenting on the effects. #xample. Nwhen microwaved substances are consumed they cause damage to the bodyO ! don4t understand your sentence , but if my guess is correct, you may be implying that microwaving causes radiation poisoning6 !t doesn4t To help you out a little, and ! am not an expert .and the expert scientist you mentioned seems off in left field/, is that microwaving causes friction between water molecules and raises it to <?< degrees F. )alcuim is fine until about I99 or so degrees. The other minerals aren4t effected either. nother point is the acid. 5our stomach has more than enough acid to digest this, more than lime Auice, vitamin c, .at least mine does/. *o anyway, +ee, you may have a NsetO way of doing things but ! think that you are too =uick to Audge when someone does something differently, and that there fails to be solid evidence behind what your offhand statements.
2L. *arah 1uck *ep ?st, <99: at ?9D<> am

*hawn, if you4re going to the effort of drying your eggs, why don4t you save them up and when you4ve got a stack of dried egg shells grind them in a coffee grinder to create a powder. 5ou can then mix the powder with some ascorbic acid .the acidic form of vitamin )/ and take a teaspoon each day or mix into some water. Cut your eggshells in a bowl and crush them using the bottom of a cup or glass to break them up enough to fit in the coffee grinder, it then takes a few seconds to whiz them in the grinder. (i -an, had to pipe up with my two cents worth on the microwave, salmonella and stomach acid issue. First off, if you choose free range eggs, your risk of salmonella is pretty low .i4d say close to zero/. +ecause of the crowded conditions that cage hens are kept in their risk of infection is =uite high .hence the liberal use of antibiotics with them/. *almonella used to be a problem with chicken meat but has now become a big problem with their eggs as well. lso, your stomach acid offers pretty good protection from nasty critters entering your body along with your food. lthough you seem blessed with great digestion, many people suffer a lack of stomach acid 0 in fact low stomach acid is the most common reason for reflux and other digestive problems attributed to excess stomach acid. nyone on medication for reflux is at a greater risk of food bourne infection and poor mineral absorption. The microwave issue is a contentious one. There have been several studies that have shown that microwaving vegetables reduces the antioxidant nutrients they contain. The other huge problem with microwaving foods is the plastic containers used which have the potential to leach +C and other toxins into food as it heats. !t is not reccomended that baby4s bottles are heated in the microwave for this very reason. has some good articles on the hazards of microwaving that you can check out if you4re interested. warm regards *arah

>9. *arah 1uck *ep ?st, <99: at ??D88 am

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

>?. nna May *ep ?st, <99: at ??D88 am

%e stomach acid. ccording to what ! read, low stomach acid is rampant. 89 years ago, a doctor said that stomach acid .()l/ was so valuable that antacids should be outlawed. (i *ara, The free range egg theory on no disease is like saying that your kid cannot get a cold because he is home schooled instead of in a classroom with << kids. Heep in mind that this disease will kill, not Aust make you miss a day or two of school. lso, all reptiles carry the disease. )heck outD<99:@9<@organic0free0ra.html &n the baby bottle don4t microwave a baby bottle because it will burn the baby. This is the original, the one, and only reason that nobody should microwave a baby bottle. There are other reasons not to microwave a baby bottle, but that occurred after the baby4s were being burned by their own guardians ignorance. .! have made stupid mistakes with my own kids but luckily not that one/ . thanks to everyone for sharing their wisdom. it4s nice to see how easy and inexpensive we can do things ourselves from natural resources. and so fulfilling to do this ourselvesE ps we live in a universe full of Rbacteria4 don4t be afraid of any of them, your body is much wiser than you are. remember, a little dirt doesn4t hurt. .pps i once had salmonella poisoning, but my body is so resilientMi marvel at it4s wondrous powers/ 1et us not get excited over salmonella in well0cared0for, free0range chickens. 5ou can tell by looking at them if they have something or not. ! always wash my chickens4 eggs before cooking them. ! have even consumed them raw. That washing is all you have to do. (ere4s a link to an interesting Mercola site about the safety of raw eggs, how to assess whether your egg is safe, and includes information on the fact that salmonella is generally a self limiting infection in the maAority of people. &nly if it enters the blood stream is it generally life threatening.<99<@??@?2@eggs0 part0two.aspx/. *almonella is able to penetrate egg shells and infect the egg contents 0 so in theory, washing the shell won4t protect you if the egg is infected. )ompare the difference in shell strength between a cage egg and a free range egg shell and you4ll understand why cage eggs are much more likely to be infected with salmonella. The egg industry itself acknowledges that salmonella is much more prevalent in layer flocks. -ear )aroline, ! agree with you that you shouldn4t be afraid of germs, bacteria, bugs, etc. ccording to the NBerm Theory of -iseaseO we can all NcatchO them ,with no =ualification as to the body4s condition@health status. The fact is not everyone NcatchesO them, even when most people around them are sick. *o, there must be some other factor, other than Aust Ncatching them.O !f we could all NcatchO them we would 11 have 11 of the bugs 11 of the time, including animcals, since they are everywhereE ,ouldn4t that have wiped out life on #arth eons ago6 (ealthy people do not get sick, except to clear out toxins, or because of stress, emotional upsets, etc. ,e can4t expect to be healthy if we do not follow Nature4s 1aw regarding health. -r. ,eston . Crice4s proved that in his book Nutrition and Chysical -egeneration. (e also proved that proper nutrition changes -N @genes, so even heredity doesn4t count. The best in health, +ee ,ilder Thanks for information. +ut regarding shell strength between cage eggs T

><. dan *ep <nd, <99: at ?D>L am

>2. caroline *ep <nd, <99: at :D2: am

>>. nna May *ep <nd, <99: at LD29 am

>8. *arah *ep <nd, <99: at <D>: pm

>I. +ee ,ilder *ep <nd, <99: at ??D9> pm

>7. nna May

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

*ep 2rd, <99: at 2D<> am

free range egg shells, ! would like to note that as chickens get older, they seem to produce weaker shells. ! have some 2 year old hens, still laying .tho not every day like they used do/, and fairly often their eggshells are somewhat weak compared to when they were young. They are outdoors, have access to grit T calcium T good food T whatnot, but nevertheless some of the shells are weak. ! intend to go on a backyard chicken flock forum to in=uire further about this, and will let you know what more experienced chook0ers think. That is interesting to note that salmonella is generally self0limiting. ! had read somewhere that apple cider vinegar would do the same thing that you post the lemon Auice would do and ! was looking to see if ! could find that info on the web. ! was pleasantly surprised to find your article and all the responses that went with it. ! do have a huge lemon tree that was suppose to be a dwarf but ! do not have lemons all year long so ! wanted to try and use the )" instead. Now ! am wondering if using it for the same amounts and time that you use the lemon Auice will work if ! cannot find the exact recipe that ! was looking for. -ear +etty, !4ve made eggshell calcium using apple cider vinegar, and ! preferred the taste of lemon Auice instead. fter allowing the acid .lemon Auice or )"/ to work on the eggshell, it won4t mix in li=uids. !nstead it settles to the bottom and has to be dug out with a spoon. !t may be easier to take when mixed with a thick substance, like yogurt or mashed vegetables. ! found it easier to take it directly from a spoon, followed by swallows of water. !f you are okay with the taste of )" it will do the same thing as lemon Auice. 5ou use the same =uantities as lemon Auice. The best in health, +ee 3ust wondering if taking the crushed eggshell powder would help rid the body of any parasites6 ! thought ! read that somewhere.

>:. +etty nn *ep ?8th, <99: at ID?2 am

>L. +ee ,ilder *ep ?8th, <99: at ??D>2 pm

89. Melissa &ct ?9th, <99: at 2D99 pm 8?. 3an &ct ?:th, <99: at 8D>: am

3ust a note about the magnesiumD good form of magnesium to take along with the egg shells is Natural )alm by Ceter Billham4s !t is powdered and should be taken at night before bedtime. 2 tsp. mixed with hot water is I?8 mg magnesium citrate. 5ou can get it on the webpage of ! always get th original flavor but they do have in different flavors. (i, ! publish a magazine on local foods based in southeastern Massachusetts. ! am interested in re0printing your recipe for powered eggshells in my 3anuary !ssue. )an you please contact me with with any pertinent details. Thank you 1aurie Tara, ! have Aust what you need to cure your worries about bad germs. ,atch this short .< mins/ video on youtubeJ nepal Tara, C.*. To bring you back to earth after that illuminating video, watch this one too. .29 secs/ TfeatureKrelated !t is done on the ignorant .not knowing/ and done using fear. Florence Nightingale NThere are no specific diseases VgermsW only specific disease conditions.O note, that is my clarification in s=uare brackets. nepal. -ear +ee

8<. 1aurie Nov 29th, <99: at :D?? am

82. nepal roade Nov 29th, <99: at ??D8L pm

8>. nepal roade -ec ?st, <99: at ?<D?: am

88. Theresa

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

3an <nd, <99L at LD?7 am

!4m confused by this article because ! was always taught that egg shells are calcium carbonate .bone meal is calcium phosphate/ and in order for any mammal .not Aust humans/ to utilize and absorb calcium, phosphorous must be present and supplimented. That eating egg shells .calcium carbonate/ will actually drawn phosphorous out of human plasmaJ so if egg shells are used as the calcium source with magnesium added, you run the risk of phosphorous depletion in the body6 ! understand the research and relationship between NcalciumO and "it -, since calcium is very hard for the human body to utilize without it, but ! do not understand the use of Ncalcium carbonateO or egg shells, without the essential re=uirement for phosphorous to prevent long term adverse affects. ! look forward to your reply and helping me with this. Theresa (i fter graduating in nutrition i have always been confronted by people intent at increasing calcium consumption in their diets. ! always told them about the use of the egg shell as an important source of calcium in addition to milk and milk products for instance cheese. ! have however always been skeptical about the bioavailability of the calcium from eggshells but along with use of egg shells i advised use of lemon Auice too. +ut now i got this complex individual who will not eat any milk products and not even the milk. "egetables are not a maAor thing for her and the advice of egg shells is so foreign and strange to her too. ! would not advice calcium supplements directly also. ,hat do you guys think of calcium from the soft bones in the meat, fowl, and or fish that we eatXany clue about bone marrow calcium66 +one broth and marrow is excellent for calcium. 5ou4ll love this, by *ally FallonJ @broth.html could i use crushed egg shell as a substitute for sand for my bearded dragon

8I. Hato Ceterson 3an 2?st, <99L at ??D98 pm

87. )athy Mifsud Feb <nd, <99L at 2D?2 pm

8:. patricia Mar 8th, <99L at 7D9I am 8L. Nellie Cennella Mar ?9th, <99L at LD>8 am

! was wondering if you could crush egg shells an put them in gel capsuls for use. ,ould ! have to take lemon, vinigar or vitamin ) along with magnesium for best consumption6 (iE !4m wondering the same thing as Nellie, about the gel capsules. lso, since lemons are hard to get here .and )" is yuckyE/ could orange Auice be used, or cranberry, or even %ea1emon6 ! think orange and cranberry Auice are =uite acidicM (i +ee, ! am concerned about using essential oils such as oregano and clove internally for the treatment of candida. There are many warnings about it4s use including the risk of adulteration with potential toxins. ,hat are your thoughts6 re there particular brands which you know to be reliable6 (as anyone experienced constipation as a result of consuming egg shell calcium6 ! took it for about a week along with magnesium citrate0 but as you can guess became very constipated until ! stopped using the egg shells. ! have Aust been wondering if you could make an egg shell NbrothO Aust like you would with chicken bonesD shells, vinegar, waterXand Aust boil it for a while to get all the vitamins and minerals out of them. -oes anyone know if this would work6 5ou could Aust use dried oregano and cloves and decoct a tea out of them .mmm yumM.notE/ &therwise there are some commercially available anti candida capsules that do contain small amounts of the oils. ! would also be cautious taking large doses of any essential oil like that as they are pretty harsh on the kidneys. Hathy, yes this worksE nd its a great ideaE !4ve Aust been hearing how other

I9. !rene 1acoursiere Mar ??th, <99L at ??D9: am

I?. 3illaine Mar ?<th, <99L at <D88 pm

I<. 3illaine Mar ?<th, <99L at <D87 pm

I2. Hathy Mar ?>th, <99L at >D9L am

I>. 3ad Mar ?8th, <99L at LD9: am

I8. )athy Mifsud

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

Mar ?8th, <99L at >D92 pm

NT cooks are doing this. They save up their cleaned egg shells and add them to their stock pot with the vinegar and veg etc. ! haven4t tried it properly myself yet but it makes sence. C* The egg shells are saved and added to stock pot along with the bones, vinegar, veg etc. ! haven4t heard of anyone making actual stock Aust from egg shells. !t you try this, let us knowE !t would be more flavoursome to combine shells with other bones when making stock. from what ! gather, using vinegar will produce a chloride not a citrateM

II. )athy Mifsud Mar ?8th, <99L at >D?9 pm

I7. Aohn samuels Mar 29th, <99L at ??D2I am I:. alfrida pr ?8th, <99L at >D9? am

(i +ee, ! have read your blog about how to make calcium from egg shells and wonder when you find out these recipes and how it is happened that you place them not early that Auly <997, you could help many more people who had been suffered. (ow long you are taking this stuff and which one particularly and why6 !f there is one particularly good, then why you put so many of them or because there are different peoples innovations6 ! would like to have comprehensive answer thank you so much for helping people regards alfrida Mand another thing 0 ! remember from youth, that some old0timers put egg shells in with their ground coffee to brew their coffee. ,hat4s up with this66 ! know caffeine can work against calcium absorption. Maybe the shells in with the grinds counter0acts this66 )an calcium leach out into coffee during brewing T give our bodies some calcium6 -oes anyone have information about this6 Mahalo (i guys, greetings from the Chilippines. !4ve earlier read about the wonders of eggshell dissolved by lemon Auice being effective in breaking up kidney stones. ! have one measuring :mm x Imm. !4ve been reluctant to try it out but this page seems to confirm it4s a safe concoction. )an anyone confirm that this was effective6 ! hope Mr +ee ,ilder can enlighten me further. !4m so desperate for answers. !4ve tried cider vinegar, lemon Auice with extra virgin olive oil, raddish Auice, acalka tablets, sambong .local medicinal plant in capsules/, ceragem bed message and many others. fter almost < months, my latest )T *tonogram revealed the stone has not changed in size but has moved down in my left ureter. (ow can it be broken up6 +y the way, maybe it4s better if i share what ! readD PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ? dozen eggs 2 cups of fresh lemon Auice ,ash shell of eggs carefully as not to break them. Clace eggs in shells in a large bowl. 3uice lemons. Cour Auice through strainer and remove all pulp. Cour fresh lemon Auice .concentrated will not work/ over shelled eggs .-& N&T +%# H #BB*/. )over eggs with Auice and place in the fridge for about <02 days. ,hat will happen is the lemon Auice will break down the shell of the egg into a white li=uid. ,hat remains is the ?< whole eggs inside of a protective membrane. )arefully remove and discard the whole eggs with yolk and all. ll you want to keep is the lemon and shell li=uid mixture. -rink this mixture daily for at least ? week .?tbs 2 times per day for humans 0 ? teaspoon <x per day for cats and dogs/ 0 stones will break up and pass in urine. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ,hat do you think guys6 thanks for your generous attention. (i +ee, there are two different amounts of elemental calcium in this article.

IL. Tisha pr ?:th, <99L at ?9D<: am

79. rvin 5ana May Ith, <99L at <D8L am

7?. *teven May ?Lth, <99L at

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

?<D?2 am

&ne states 7890:99 mgs per eggshell the other .lemon Auice desolved/ ?:99 mgs per egg. ,hy the difference6 ! also am trying the apple cider vinegar method as it may be more convenient, at least ! think so right now D9/ ny advice on that6 Thank you. i want to know how to make egg shells,

7<. mohamed kadher May ?Lth, <99L at ?9D?> pm 72. "itamin -eficiency 3ul <nd, <99L at ID2> am 7>. balu *ep ?9th, <99L at :D88 pm

! think its much easier to drink a big glass of milk, that way you can ac=uire the necessary vitamin - as well as build stronger bones and increase bone density.

it is a good article where we can get necessary calcium at a cheaper,natural,homemade method. it is really a food for thought in many ways nother calcium adder0 crushed eggshell can also be added to Hombucha,$)( Precipes.htm, n advantage of this is that the sourness of the aged H0T will be neutralized by the calcium. !t is also a very good way of ensuring enough calcium in the diet of cats T dogs fed %aw food, T preventing urinary tract infections. Many calcium supplements are now being made which make use of eggshell as their main sparaI0 Mine have kept in the sealed Aar for a while, but with everything, fresh is best, so best to grind small amounts at a time, if possible. !nterested in a response to *teven4s =uestion of May ?Lth <o9LD N(i +ee, there are two different amounts of elemental calcium in this article. &ne states 7890:99 mgs per eggshell the otherM?:99 mgs per egg. ,hy the difference6O !f the ?:99 mg elemental calcium is the true amount, your advice is overdosing people who try your method. regards, ,ould it be as effective to mix the eggshell and have them with honey and ground cinnmon

78. nita *ep ??th, <99L at ?<D<I pm

7I. B. +arry &ct ??th, <99L at :D9: am

77. Tyaba Nov <nd, <99L at ?D92 am 7:. 3eff -ec ?Lth, <99L at ?D>L am

,hy the extra work to convert it to calcium citrate6 ,asn4t the whole point of the study that the powdered eggshell was effective6 !f you bonded the calcium to lemon, wouldn4t you lose the benefits of the other nutrients in the shell6 The reason ! ask is because the work@cost involved in grinding up the eggshells is reasonable and something ! could use as a supplement. +ut to have to do a little chemistry every day is a little much, and ! know there is no way ! could do that every day. (ello +ee, thank you so much for those precious infos. ! think there is one way to get magnesium naturally it is Nigari. Nadia My =uestion is if you are older and concerned about osteoperosis like ! am should ! take the egg mixture at a higher dose or will this work if you have osteoperosis. Thank you claire (i ! got this tip from one pf my clients 2 years ago. ! broke my leg 8 years ago and my hand > years ago. fter that ! had a historectomy. ! coul4nt walk and went for bone density. ! was then 27. ! had &steoperoses in my side of the body where ! broke my leg and osteopenie at the side where ! broke my hand. The -r. said ! must drink Fosomax. That nearly killed me. ! also have one kidney. ! started drinking my mixture of eggshell and lemon Auice. fter one year ! went back for my bone tests and it improved with >Y and the

7L. Nadia 3an ?st, <9?9 at <D<9 am

:9. )laire Trueit 3an <Ith, <9?9 at 2D?8 am

:?. candy Feb 2rd, <9?9 at ?9D>L pm

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

other stopped. !t did not get worse.

:<. candy Feb 2rd, <9?9 at ??D2> pm

The more ! read the more ! write. ,hat ! normally do isD when ! make breakfast. ! wash the eggs. Then brake the content in the pan. Take 2 eggs. ! then take the shells putt it in a glass cover it with lemon Auice. )over it with glad wrap. 1eave outside for a day. fter the day if the bubbles stopped ! then take the shells out rinse with little lemon Auice in a Aam Aar .every drop is sacret/ and chuck the shells away. Then put the rest of the mixture in the Aar and put the lid on. Cop the Aar in the refrigerator. #very morning first thing best absorbtion, shake the Aar and ! take a table0spoon of mixture. The same Aust before bedtime. nd that is it. ! had my results try it, it works. -on4t stress about the o d and all, it is not poison. #nAoy (ope the last time. woman needs ? litre of milk C#% - 5 to get enough calsium. !f you are well build and lactose intolerant. nd it must be full cream milk mmmM all those cals. nyway calsium is one of the most difficult minerals to absorb. !f your body is lucky then the ? 1itre of milk will provide the calsium you need. !f not, well then you atleast got the boob for free. g me again. ! have tried real lemons as well as store Auice in the bottles. ! normally buy a litre of Auice at a time. 2 #ggs will go for about 2 days. 5ou will see that shop eggs are not that good you only get a little bit of calsium. *o it all depends on the Auice and the eggs. ! have had Auice that does not do the trick. !f you are from *outh frica ,oolworths has a Auice that does not work. The best lemon Auice in the shop is )heckers house brand. nd the best eggs are free range. !f you brake the shell and it4s thin then you will know you are not going to get much from that egg. The mixture must taste like lemon Auice and you must have a at least half half split between the calsium and Auice then you know its cool. Bood luck The conversation about food, germs, microwaves, etc is very interesting. ! have to say that everyone has a point, but it seems it is based on someone else4s word. -octors are only practicing medicine, they have not perfected it. (aving said that, ! do find value in medical research. s well as word of mouth. +ut each person is different and has different needs. ,omen do not have the same re=uirements as men, then there are the smokers, drug@alcohol users, etc. *ubstances change the body4s composition, cells adapt to the substance. My extensive research. ! am grateful to the different opinions, to the work you have compiled, +ee. ! have been searching for natural alternatives to processed foods. The research has reminded me of the early lessons my grandmother and great grandmothers taught. Brandma use to soak egg shells over night, then crush the shells and feed them to the dogs, the water was poured over her plants. Now ! know why. *he use to also eat her hamburger meat raw, as she did other beef. +ut those were the days before nowM. ! am learning to use the common natural foods to gain better health. Thank you for the information. ! do appreciate it. +lessings abound. Ceace be with you. ! absolutely love all these posts.. awesome. has anyone tried to put the powder into gel capsules you can buy from health food shops. !t helps avoid the grit thing happening and you can take a dose of vit c for the acid needed. )heers *teph (i +ee, 1ove taking eggshell calcium. (owever ! Aust read an article saying not to eat egg since eggshells are coated with mineral oil since mineral oil reaches inside egg. *hould ! be concerned6 !s there any way that ! can safely wash away the mineral oil6 Thank you. (i +ee ! am interested in reading the articles you mentioned, by -utch researchers and people at the 3apan ,omen4s $niversity in Tokyo. ! Boogled for them

:2. candy Feb 2rd, <9?9 at ??D>< pm

:>. candy Feb 2rd, <9?9 at ??D8< pm

:8. )onnie * & pr ?9th, <9?9 at 8D?2 am

:I. *T#C( N!# pr ?Ith, <9?9 at >D>I pm

:7. ! 3un ?<th, <9?9 at ?D<2 pm

::. #dgardo 3ul ?9th, <9?9 at ?D>L am

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

unsuccessfully .too many different topics related egg0shells appear/ )ould you please post the references6 Many thanks in advance,
:L. #dgardo 3ul ?9th, <9?9 at ?D>L am

(i +ee ! am interested in reading the articles you mentioned, by -utch researchers and people at the 3apan ,omen4s $niversity in Tokyo. ! Boogled for them unsuccessfully .too many different topics related egg0shells appear/ )ould you please post the references6 Many thanks in advance, hiE ! was wondering if anyone used Aust eggshell pices .not grinded/ and covered with lemon in a Aar, instead of a whole egg6 -oes that work as well6 Thanks i did heard of this and they said it is very good for bronchial asthma also.i tried ? dose with 8 eggs ZAuice of fresh lemons,after ?8 days i mixed everything together and drained good thru a cheese cloth. after that i mixed with honey i was takeing ? shot glass three times a day until was gone. i do feel beter To clarify the chemistry as ! understand it, both vinegar and lemon Auice are acids that react with the calcium carbonate in egg shells. *imVply put, an acid consists of (Z .hydrogen ion/ and the conAugate base .acetate or citrate in this case/. The acid in vinegar is acetic acid, the acid in lemon Auice is citric acid. *o, the acid reacts with )alcium )arbonate, to yield calcium and carbonate. The (Z part of the acid pairs with carbonate and the other part of the acid pairs with the calcium to form )alcium cetate in the case of "inegar .acetic acid/ or )alcium )itrate in the case of lemon Auice .citric acid/. These will have different absorption properties, the specifics of which ! am not presently aware. 3ust wanted to clear up the confusion on the calcium chloride comment. (i +ee, i am very glad to have found your info on eggshells. ,ould Nreal lemonO pre0s=ueezed Auice be as effective as fresh6 i know it lacks and has been pasteurized for my NsafetyO but it is all i have right now. !m going to try this. to clean the outside of the shell,im going to use ?9Y (<9<. !m lucky,! can get really good free range eggs that i eat rawMand ! have N#"#% had a problem.,ill try the lemon Auice also. nyone who says that microwave ovens are safe needs to research this. They are - NB#%&$*.!ve seen photos of plants watered with microwaved water. !n ?9 days,the plant is dead E ! have boiled egg whites most mornings. For the past I months or so ! have been eating ?@> to ?@< of one of the egg4s shell and wondered if there was a nutritional benefit. 5ou seem to have answered my =uestion. ThanksE ! make eggshell powder as per directions in a book by -r. Citcairn, a homeopathic vet. fter the eggshells have been drying out ! put them in the oven for ?9 minutes. Then ! pulverize them into a powder. ,ould this eggshell preparation be suitable for a person as well6 lso, if all my meals include magnesium0rich foods, then would ! really need to take a magnesium supplement with the eggshell powder6 ! make eggshell powder as per directions in a book by -r. Citcairn, a homeopathic vet. fter the eggshells have been drying out ! put them in the oven for ?9 minutes. Then ! pulverize them into a powder. ,ould this eggshell preparation be suitable for a person as well6 lso, if all my meals include magnesium0rich foods, then would ! really need to take a magnesium supplement with the eggshell powder6 ,ith respect to eggshells in lemon Auice, there are two interesting =uestionsD ?. +rown egg makes the lemon Auice brown at the top. *hould this brown part

L9. *usanne ug :th, <9?9 at <D>< am

L?. &livera *ep ?Ith, <9?9 at ?9D9? am

L<. )lint &ct ?7th, <9?9 at >D<2 pm

L2. rachel Nov Lth, <9?9 at 8D>> am

L>. Hevin in ustralia Nov <<nd, <9?9 at 2D?? pm

L8. *teven T Mayer -ec ?7th, <9?9 at ??D9: pm

LI. ellen -ec 29th, <9?9 at ?D?I am

L7. ellen -ec 29th, <9?9 at ?D?I am

L:. +er Mar ?Lth, <9?? at ?D>9 pm

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

be removed or used6 <. (ow to use the membrane6

LL. hafsah Mar <7th, <9?? at ??D>2 am

hi bee, thanks for helping me outE i knew that egg shells could be used and you have proved my theoryE thanks again, hafsah (ello, This has been an eye0opening readE fter many health problems, as well as weight issues ever since ! had my first child .<99>/ and ! can only lose this weight thru the Rmeal replacement4 shakes. ,e decided that we were going to change our lifestyle and way of eating especially 0 that is what started my many hours of .continuing/ research on food, nutrition and wellness. ! am Aust blown away that ! can make a bio0available source of calcium that can be created in my own home, that is cheap, easy and natural. +ecause of this one post, ! think you will find my comments all over your sites, +ee J0C ! am learning, we are taking small babysteps to change 0 it was our first week of shopping that has no processed food in it 0 though we are no where close to illiminating white flour, sugar etc. #specially with our financial constraints, as well as young children who are already picky enough as it is about their food, ! believe that this slow approach is the best for us, although our goal is very similar to all your own. Thank you for such great information, ! look forward to reading more from youE ,armest regards, ngela ! use the above egg shell recipe to supplement my dog4s raw diet with calcium. ! have always used only raw egg shells, but ! was wondering if it would be ok to use shells from boiled eggs .boiled ?? minutes/ or steamed eggs6 hello sir good afternoon. !ts nice to here about egg shells. +ut ! heard that egg shells absorbs carbon dioxide about ?9 times their weight is it true6 ,hat about using crushed eggshells in coffee grounds6 ! heard that it improves the flavor. ,ill you still get the calcium benefits6 (ow do ! clean them so ! don4t have to worry about salmonella6 ! heard that boiling for ?9 minutes would be ok, also heard that baking .at what temperature/ for ?9 is good too. ,ould it be possible to get any calicum by hardboiling the eggs and drinking the water6 -o you think any of the nutrients would leak out of the shells and into the water6 .like when boiling vegetables6/ ! started using my Negg waterO for tea. !t has no flavor whatsoever and ! was wondering if there were any health benefits. ! read an article about using eggshells to re0mineralize your teeth to fill cavities. 5ou basically take a whole eggshell in one day, then swish with comfrey from boiled roots@leaves to draw calcium to the teeth. )omfrey is also known as Nknit boneO and does miraculous things if used correctly. ! think taking phosphate is a good idea too, there4s an article by a chemist that phosphate also helps remineralize teeth while taking calcium supplements. They recommended +&!1!NB the eggshells for five minutes. ! did that and dried them in the oven at <89 degrees for about >8 minutes, Aust check until dry. The lemon Auice idea sounds great and will try that. ! keep seeing some say they -%!NH M!1H F&% ) 1)!$M, well !4ve also read that this is a "#%5 C&&% , 5 T& B#T ) 1)!$M, you get very little calcium from milk. Not to mention that commercial milk is Aust plain garbage unfit for any living thing. lso, ! would highly recommend B !N*T using )&MM#%)! 1 egg shells. Bo with &%B N!), free range chicken eggs. )ommercial eggs are bad for humans, period. ! also noted

?99. ngela Q Curposeful ,omanhood pr <<nd, <9?? at :D>7 pm

?9?. 3onda May <8th, <9?? at 7D2? am

?9<. parna 3un <nd, <9?? at 7D98 pm

?92. *andy 3ul >th, <9?? at LD82 pm

?9>. Michelle 3ul 8th, <9?? at LD8? pm

?98. -ave 3ul ?Ith, <9?? at 7D82 pm

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

there is now < companies ! found selling eggshell calcium with magnesium and vitamin -. *omewhere in all my googling around one thing ! read is that magnesium doesn4t help calcium absorption, you might want to check on that one too.
?9I. 3ohn the +aptist Kug <7th, <9?? at ?9D87 am

(elloE Thanks for the awesome article here. ! was curious to be sure i was understanding the proportions properly for the amount of lemon Auice with the eggshells. ! should take ?@< of a lemon and s=ueeze the Auice over ?@< a teaspoon of powdered eggs6 what if i wanted to do a larger portion, like 2 or four egg shells or let4s say 20> teaspoons of powdered eggshells would i then need 20> lemons6 (elloE Thanks for the awesome article here. ! was curious to be sure i was understanding the proportions properly for the amount of lemon Auice with the eggshells. ! should take ?@< of a lemon and s=ueeze the Auice over ?@< a teaspoon of powdered eggs6 what if i wanted to do a larger portion, like 2 or four egg shells or let4s say 20> teaspoons of powdered eggshells would i then need 20> lemons6 forgive my ignorance but i want to be sure i mix this properly. K- Thx and Bod bless you guysE (elloEthank you for the useful and interesting knowledge.! use to produce crab0shell powder to take the calcium0salts that are contained within it to use it as anticancer agent for a dear relative of mine that suffered from the disease.! made the powder using a cofee grinding device.! found in bibliography that in order for a particle to be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa ,its diameter must be within the range 899 nm to 89 nm.! suppose the fact that the egg0shell calcium manufactured the way you describe it, is absorbed by the organism then the coffee grinding device is producing particles within the range mentioned above.Clease confirm. lso the electric charge distribution and nature of it .positive@ negative/ of the produced particles may be help or impede the absorption.! need your opinionEBreetings ! want to know egg shell powder can be given to animals buffaloes,cows etc as a dietary feed supplement or not. rticle is the best one T i was searching same for about six months ! don4t think coffee grinders can grind to the small size you mentioned. ! used the small electric ones commonly sold and the eggshell was real gritty even as a fine powder. ! abandoned the egg shell idea for the reason that !4m I? and people in my age range don4t have good stomach acid plus ! have a real sensitive colon pouring NsandO into my colon that may not digest well seemed like a recipe for disaster. ! am using %ainbow 1ight4s food based calcium tablets instead, they get good reviews, aren4t gritty like my homemade eggshell powder, so its safer for me. The acid@lemon Auice idea is a much better idea in my opinion but ! don4t tolerate acidic solutions well, though some apple cider vinegar is ok for me, maybe !4ll soak my powder in some, but then you don4t know how much you are actually absorbingJ taking too much calcium is not a good idea, with the tablets at least ! know exactly how much !4m usingM.. (i +ee, !4m trying to build my bones@teeth@tooth enamel, !4m wondering whether the lemon Auice will not dissolve the tooth enamel. Cerhaps the egg shells in it prevent this6 ! know ! should stay away from acid foods 0 talking from experience 0 as it really dissolves my tooth enamel. Hind regards, (arm (i, ! was actually researching how to give our free range hens some calcium and came across this site. ! mentioned the lemon to my husband and so ! have an egg sitting in lemon Auice as ! type 0 sort of my scientific experiment. &ur chickens have Aust started laying and the egg shells are very thin. They

?97. 3ohn the +aptist Kug <7th, <9?? at ?9D8: am

?9:. *telyo Hritikos ug <Lth, <9?? at ?9D>? pm

?9L. CuAara M.M. *ep >th, <9?? at >D8? pm

??9. -ave *ep ?9th, <9?? at ??D8? am

???. (arm *ep ?Ith, <9?? at :D>: pm

??<. %ae *ep <2rd, <9?? at 7D>: am

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How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells

get oats only and have access to sand. They roam acres and eat grasses, flowers, bugs and all sort of things ! wouldn4t put in my mouth. ! am curious if anyone knows if when they start laying eggs 0 whether the shells get thicker over time6 ,e are raising organic eggs because our dogs are allergic to a wide range of things including )orn, lfalfa, one is allergic to +eef, )hicken, turkey, etc. .which typically eat corn and alfalfa/, Their protein source is fish but ! like giving them eggs scrambled with olive oil 0 they seem to really like it. &nce the hens actually produce better eggs, we will start giving them the eggs and using the shell for calcium. ! have to mention something pretty interesting 0 when we were purchasing Norganic 0 free rangeO eggs at the grocery store, ! believed they were exactly that. &nce ! opened the cardboard carton at home 0 on the inside there was a note that their Nfree rangeO chickens were free in the barn 0 hmmm, that seems like a bit of a lie on the package. *o if there4s say a thousand Aammed into a small barn, ! guess they would still consider that free range and healthy organic chickens. Needless to say, that was exactly what drove me to getting our own chickens because at [8.LL for ?< little eggs with that title, ! would rather know what ours eat and the fact that they are really roaming and eating grasses. ,e have four hens and ! am guessing we will have more eggs than we can consume. +efore all the salmonella scare, ! would have gladly given any extra eggs to neighbors, now to protect us ! am thinking ! will Aust put them in the compost pile.

(ow to Make )alcium using #gg *hells \ &ffthegridgirls4s ,eblog

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